How to celebrate a silver wedding. Silver wedding: how many years of marriage, tradition and congratulations. Photo session of the "silver" couple

In the life of every person, a wedding is not so much frequent occurrence... It is generally accepted that getting married or getting married is worth once and for life. Wedding celebration stands out significantly from all other events family life... That is why in many countries it is customary to celebrate wedding anniversaries, thus returning to the last holiday. Glass and gold, velvet and steel, garnet and nickel - all these anniversaries have only one purpose: to remind themselves and those around them that today's spouses were once the bride and groom.

Solid experience: how many years is the silver wedding?

A silver wedding is a serious time. Not every married couple can live it together. To get through life path several years long, it is necessary not only to maintain love and respect, but also to learn to appreciate and protect each other. So what is a silver wedding? How many years do you need to spend together to celebrate this wonderful anniversary? And where was this date first celebrated?

Silver wedding: history and traditions

Celebrate 25 years married life first started by the French kings. In those days, the wedding day was not so much romantic event how much political. With the help of marriage, economic issues were resolved. This event also helped to reconcile the warring parties. In those times marriage unions were fixed by the church, and therefore there were no divorces in principle. Noted silver wedding, like the wedding ceremony itself, by the whole country! This day was public holiday... It was celebrated on a grand scale.

One of the main rituals of this day was washing with a silver jug. And you had to wash your soul mate. This tradition had many goals: first of all, it was believed that water from a silver jug ​​allows you to get rid of sorrows and sorrows. In addition, according to this tradition, such water washes away the burden of past years, rejuvenates spouses. But it was necessary not only to wash your soul mate. We did it three times. Some of the water was supposed to remain at the bottom of the silver vessel - according to tradition, it was poured out of the gate of the house. Evaporating, this water carried away all the problems, unpleasant memories... In return, happiness and joy returned to the family.

Another one important tradition- exchange of silver rings on the day when the silver wedding is celebrated. How many years life together already behind! This cannot be ignored, and therefore it is so important to observe this tradition. By the way, if the spouses are not yet married, this day is the best suited for a wedding! By the way, it's not a bad idea to invite the same people as witnesses to the wedding, who were witnesses at the wedding 25 years ago!

How to celebrate your silver wedding today?

Silver wedding ... How many years the spouses have already spent together ... It is worth celebrating this celebration on a grand scale! It is worth preparing for this day in advance. First of all, you need to make a guest list. Best of all, if their number is twenty-five people. It is important that the festive table has silverware, these can be devices made of precious metal, salt shakers and vases.

Why Silver? Because this metal is a symbol of special values, which can be considered as the 25 years spent together. The name of this date emphasizes the significance of this day. By the way, there is an opinion among the people that, as a couple spends a quarter of a century in marriage, so will all subsequent years.

What to give each other on a silver anniversary?

A silver wedding is not a silver wedding without gifts. How many years are already behind us! This means that the spouses know each other well. Accordingly, the issue of choosing gifts is not acute. However, if the holiday is just around the corner, and there are no ideas, you can use ready-made options... For example, pleasant surprise there will be gifts of silver. You can give your wife a silver necklace, which will pleasantly outline the neck and give its owner a special charm. For your husband, you can pick up an unusual signet.

An original gift there will be paired animals! There are a lot of options - for every taste and budget: you can buy a couple of horses, thoroughbred birds or even hamsters. These animals will remind you of an amazing holiday.

What to give to spouses celebrating the anniversary of their life together?

Do loved ones celebrate a date such as a silver wedding? How many years they spent together, you already know. One question remains to be resolved: what to present married couple? First of all, do not forget which date is being celebrated. Silver will be an excellent gift for a family. However, one should not be limited only to products made of this metal. A wonderful present will become Appliances, pieces of furniture are also suitable. A good gift would be antiques, such as watches, figurines.


A twenty-five year marriage is a real gem. Not a single anniversary, and especially a silver wedding, is complete without warm words. How many years have congratulations sounded for married couple... This day should not be an exception. You can congratulate a couple both in prose and in poetry. The main thing is that congratulations are sincere! Do not spare warm words for people who have lived together for 25 years!

How is silver wedding celebrated in other countries?

In the United States of America, this day is called the day of the silver coin. The 25th wedding anniversary is here for BBQ, beer and fun! Coins donated on this day are symbols of prosperity and prosperity. Pure silver, of course. These coins take their place in the wallet - the spouses wear them as a reliable talisman and exchange them 25 years later, at the golden wedding!

The inhabitants of Europe, through several centuries, carried the traditions of celebrating this romantic date. Here the silver wedding is celebrated magnificently. However, many European couples prefer to spend this day in the capital of love - Paris.

But in China, a silver wedding is not celebrated noisily. It is customary here to celebrate those anniversaries that are multiples of four. For example, four years, eight, twelve and sixteen years. The reason is that people here believe in magic power four-year cycle.

Now you know what a silver wedding is, how many years you need to spend in peace and harmony to celebrate this anniversary, and what you can give on this magical day!

Where and with whom to celebrate?

Silver wedding traditions

What to give a husband and wife?

The twenty-fifth anniversary of family life is called the Silver Wedding. This is the first wedding anniversary Who "got" to the precious metal. It is no coincidence that twenty-five years of married life are crowned with silver. To live together in wealth and in poverty, in sorrow and in joy, in illness and in health. Needless to say, not all couples are destined to celebrate the silver anniversary together. This anniversary means that the couple managed to save and preserve the silver of their love.

Like a porcelain wedding, this anniversary in different countries the world has the same name for a silver wedding.

Where and with whom to celebrate?

Like any wedding anniversary, the silver anniversary can be celebrated with success in a pacifying atmosphere home holiday, without unnecessary fuss. But to hide an event of such magnitude from family and friends is simply unfair. In the end, the heroes of the day deserve real holiday in his honor, and 25 years lived in love and harmony is the main confirmation of this.

The most the best option celebration will invite guests to a cozy restaurant or cafe. It is advisable to invite to the anniversary everyone who was at the wedding 25 years ago, but at least twenty-five people - this is a tradition. By the way, invitations for guests to the silver anniversary should also be sent out no less than 25 days before the holiday.

So that the family celebration takes place on the highest level, it is worth inviting a professional toastmaster and photographer. Photography silver jubilee- a separate item of the wedding program. Should you miss the opportunity when all your friends and relatives will gather?

Silver wedding traditions

This date has many of its own old traditions... The spouses should start the festive morning with a kiss, which means that their feelings are not only not extinguished, but are able to flare up with renewed vigor. Then follows the ritual of washing, when the husband and wife take water into a silver jug ​​and help each other to wash. Moreover, the washing itself takes place in three stages. The first ablution washes away the years gone by, and the spouses become a quarter of a century younger; the second one washes away all old sorrows and worries. And for the third time, the couple wash themselves, meeting the dawn and new life... After washing your face, a few drops of water should remain in the jug, which evaporate in the sun and take away all the old problems.

The most important ceremony of a silver wedding is the exchange of rings. In token of eternal love spouses wear to each other silver rings... This ritual was usually performed at noon in the presence of the parents of the "groom" and "bride". It is good if the sun is shining at this moment - this is considered a good omen for the spouses.

This ritual should be performed with the participation of friends who were witnesses at the wedding 25 years ago. For greater solemnity, the "bride" can wear her Wedding Dress, and the "groom" - to present a beautiful bridal bouquet... Previously, a priest was invited to this ceremony, who again married the "newlyweds", conducting the ceremony according to all the rules. So if the spouses did not get married, but are thinking about it, it is difficult to imagine more suitable occasion than a silver wedding. If you wish, you can also arrange a second wedding at the registry office, and then time will turn back.

Some married couples take off their gold rings that day so that whole year wear silver. In this case, the parents of the heroes of the day put the rings in a special box and give the “young” with parting words to preserve their happiness and these rings. Other couples choose to wear new silver rings over gold ones. And some prefer to wear new silver rings on the middle finger, next to gold ones.

And finally, the last ancient ritual of the silver jubilee was the evening tea-drinking of the “newlyweds”. After the guests leave, when festive table not yet cleaned, the wife treated her husband to fragrant tea, after which they started cleaning together.

What to give for a silver wedding

The best gift on this day, of course, is silver. In the end, the heroes of the day deserve expensive gifts: silverware, dishes, figurines and candlesticks made of silver. To emphasize family ties, it is customary to give birthday people not six cutlery, but a couple, for example, two silver spoons. A wonderful gift for a silver wedding are watches as a symbol of time, past and future. It is very symbolic to hand over a silver cup to the heroes of the day as a prize for a long married life.

The nobility of silver can best be conveyed by jewelry. If a man gives this gift, then both spouses need to hand it over. However, it is better to present the same paired rings, pendants, medallions or bracelets to the heroes of the day. By the way, they can be supplemented with a commemorative engraving in honor of the anniversary.

It is also customary to give white flowers for a silver wedding - roses, orchids, peonies or lilies. You can donate more original flowers, for example, antrinium, protea or craspedia.

Practical and quite appropriate gift any household appliances can be used for an anniversary, especially if they have a silvery sheen. An original gift for two can be a paid table in a restaurant, tickets to a theater or opera, or maybe a trip abroad. You can please the heroes of the day with a beautiful album for family photos.

Lovers symbolic gifts can solemnly present the heroes of the occasion with a silver medal for merits in building friendly family, however, there should also be two medals. Upon delivery, you can read a comic congratulatory telegram on behalf of the President of the country.

“Dear heroes of the day! On behalf of the entire people, I and my entourage congratulate you on twenty-five years of fruitful cooperation.

25 years ago, you created a solid unit of our society. You managed to harmoniously combine personal interests, the interests of the family and society: having received an unexpected increase in salary, you immediately invest it in the income of stores, which will then pay (maybe) taxes. I and my people thank you for implementing the demographic policy of the state, you helped to increase the population by as much as two people, and we hope that you will not ignore this issue in the future.

Therefore, dear (names of spouses), live in hope, love each other and pay taxes. And my friends and I will do everything to make your life and work easier with joyful surprises! Your legally elected President. "

What to give a husband and wife?

Silver wedding is a great opportunity to make each other nice gift... For such an important anniversary, you can present a silver souvenir or jewelry with engraving. You can also order paired silver bracelets from a jeweler.

Husband should give silver chain, cufflinks, ashtray or nice watch... People who have lived together for a quarter of a century are not prone to superstition. If your husband collects something, he will be pleased if you show interest in his hobby. Gifts may include collectible coins, rare editions of books, or a well-known musical instrument.

Wife can be presented with a silver box, beautiful mirror, a picture in a silver frame, a photo frame or a set of jewelry. The gift can be silver in color, such as a bedding set or a telephone.

How to celebrate a silver wedding?

First of all, there is an option with wedding dresses bride and groom. What could be nicer to feel like a newlywed again? Although the wedding theme can be fully supported by special accessories, for example, hair ornaments or boutonnieres made of fresh flowers. You can choose a hat with a white veil imitating a veil.

In any case, the outfit of the spouses must correspond to the name of the holiday. For the anniversary, the wife can wear a silver-gray dress, made of solid satin or embroidered with sparkling sequins. More festive look You can give a modest outfit by adding silver jewelry - a clutch bag or shoes. The husband will match the celebration in classic suit dark color, complemented by silver cufflinks.

What to cook for a silver wedding?

At this holiday, guests are treated to an anniversary loaf, which the spouses cut like the wedding cake... There should be a variety of cold appetizers and some unusual salads on the table. Julienne can be served as a hot snack. The main course can be chicken baked with paprika, or veal roll with meat filling. From alcoholic beverages it is better to give preference to red wine and champagne - a drink that no wedding can do without.

Do not forget about the decoration of the festive banquet. It is better to decorate the table with silver dishes and large white flowers. And to leave the best memories of the anniversary, you can order fireworks in honor of the heroes of the day.

As a dessert, guests can be offered a spectacular wedding cake with an airy creamy layer between the biscuits. It can be completely covered with silvery mastic or it can be snow-white with silvery ribbons. The cake can be originally served in the form of cupcakes on a multi-tiered stand, where there will be cakes below and a small cake on top, which will be cut at the end of the banquet.

A silver wedding isn't just a silver-colored wedding anniversary - it's only half the way to a golden wedding. So let all adversity and problems be left behind, and on the way to happiness you will find the most important thing - love, which becomes stronger every year!

The wedding died down, the last guests dispersed, the newlyweds were finally left alone with each other. The first days of the couple's life together imperceptibly flow into the first years, the first decades. and now 25 years of the wedding will come soon. What kind of wedding, what to give - all these questions have to be resolved both by the invited guests and by the heroes of the occasion themselves.

Wedding anniversaries

For young spouses, every day spent together is a holiday. But there are more than enough reasons to celebrate their life together. After all, almost every year you can celebrate a wedding anniversary.

  • In the first year from the date of the wedding, it is customary to celebrate a chintz, or gauze, wedding. The first year is considered to be the most difficult. Husband and wife are just getting used to each other, and everyday chores sometimes bring not only joy, but also unpleasant moments... Since chintz is a rather thin fabric, it has become a symbol of the first wedding anniversary.
  • After five years, you can celebrate wooden wedding... It is believed that the bond, which lasted as much as five years, is unsinkable and strong. For such a festival, it is customary to give various wooden objects - from simple spoons and bowls to exquisite jewelry boxes and jewelry.
  • A pink or pewter wedding is celebrated after ten years of marriage. Pink wedding- the first round anniversary, illuminated by tenderness and charm. At the celebration, it is customary to exchange pewter wedding rings, which symbolize flexibility and gentleness in the relationship of a couple.
  • After fifteen years family relations celebrate crystal wedding... Crystal is a symbol of the clarity and purity of the relationship between spouses. For such an anniversary, crystal objects are usually presented, and at the end of the feast, a crystal glass is broken for good luck.
  • Twenty years passed, and the day of the porcelain wedding came. porcelain is both more expensive and softer than crystal and glass. Therefore, so long-term relationship are, on the one hand, fragile, and on the other, invaluable and stable. On porcelain wedding give porcelain items - sets, dishes, figurines.
  • 25 years of the wedding. What kind of wedding, what to give, is largely determined by tradition.

The 25th anniversary of the celebration is called the Silver Wedding. The first precious metal is durable, like the relationship of the spouses after a quarter of a century.

Silver wedding is a sign of family stability

So, 25 years of the wedding. What kind of wedding, what to give, it is mainly the guests who decide. But traditions have long dictated their own rules. It is believed that silver is a fairly hard and durable metal. Year after year conjugal relationship become stronger and more proven.

Husband and wife have learned to understand each other at a glance, sometimes at a glance. Per long time the family experienced many anxieties and joys. Children managed to appear and grow up. And the celebration of the silver wedding becomes a well-deserved gift for the spouses for everything they experienced together.

How to celebrate 25 years of your wedding

Silver is not only precious but also very noble metal... The planet of silver is the Moon, which symbolizes wisdom and intuition. Relationships between spouses become just as wise and intuitive. After so many years, the 25th wedding anniversary must be celebrated. What kind of wedding, what to give, what kind of treats to cook and who to invite - the hostess is full of pre-holiday chores that are so reminiscent of the very first family celebration! you can celebrate at home, doing on your own. Or you can throw a feast uphill and invite guests to a fashionable restaurant. After all, a silver wedding happens once in a lifetime, and the memory of it should remain until the last days.

Traditions and customs

When celebrating a silver wedding, some traditions should not be forgotten.

25th wedding anniversary! What kind of wedding, what to give and how to organize the celebration so that everyone - both the heroes of the occasion and the guests - are satisfied, largely depends on the owners of the house.

  • According to custom, guests should be invited to the anniversary 25 days before the celebration.
  • There must be a lot of guests, at least 25 people.
  • On the day of the celebration, the spouses must exchange silver rings, which they will wear on right hand... Gold engagement rings are now kept in a box.

  • Great importance is attached to the weather on the day of the 25th wedding anniversary. It is believed that the sun and clear skies promise a bright and happy family future. Cloudy foreshadows some difficulties in the life of the spouses.
  • The festive table can be rich and varied. But an essential dish is a loaf, which the spouses should cut together, holding on to one knife. Well, of course, champagne should flow like a river that day.

Joint gift to spouses

Without generous gifts - what a wedding? What to give to spouses who have lived together for 25 years? Of course, silver, as well as all sorts of interior elements trimmed with silver.

  • A beautiful grandfather clock or a picture in a silver frame can be a luxurious present.
  • A silver service or a set of silverware will not be superfluous.
  • Symbol family happiness will become a silver horseshoe, subsequently attached above front door... The product will become a kind of amulet, bestowing well-being and escaping negative phenomena.

25 years of wedding ... What kind of wedding, what is presented in this case, depends on the imagination and capabilities of the guest. The main thing is that the gift should come from the heart and be presented with generosity and good thoughts.

Mutual gifts of wife and husband

Of course, a quarter of a century lived together is not complete without joint surprises spouses to each other. Often the husband asks the question: what to give his wife for 25 years? Which wedding will acquire great mystery - with advance romantic surprise or traditional gift? Of course, almost all people love surprises. But zealous housewives, which brides become after 25 years of marriage, also prefer practical gifts.

That's why the best gift from husband to wife can become and linens, and household appliances, and even furniture. Of course, do not forget about gifts for the soul. A romantic trip or a spa pass will be a pleasant surprise. Even the most picky lady will not be able to resist an admiring exclamation when her beloved husband gives a present that she did not expect.

And what to give a wife to her husband? What wedding is 25 years old? This is an unforgettable celebration, and the gift should also be memorable. For a man who is fond of ennobling his own home, great gift can become a toolbox. The presentations necessary for your favorite activity - a hobby will be pleasant. For example, fishing rods, spinning, set original hooks will become pleasant surprise for the avid angler.

Gifts for parents from children

And what can children give to parents? Surprise also depends on imagination and desire to please loved ones.

First of all, what kind of wedding is complete without flowers? 25 years! What to give to parents, except beautiful flower arrangements and lush bouquets? Of course, you can only get by with such a gift. But it will be doubly pleasant for spouses if there is an addition to the flowers, for example, an invitation to romantic dinner for two in a cozy restaurant. Naturally, a couple should go to such an event only together.

Also visit interesting performance or going to the cinema can also greatly improve your mood. More practical gift there will be beautiful bedding, and even an orthopedic mattress, on which it will be comfortable to rest. However, even the help of children in organizing the celebration will be a pleasant surprise for parents. The main thing is to think over everything in advance and give yourself up to the business with all zeal.

The organization of a silver wedding at home is usually undertaken by the children of the heroes of the day, so they need to stock up on a script and cool contests... A feast is a lot of hearty food, which all comes and goes on the table, without having time to end. Therefore, guests will not mind getting up from heated places several times in order to shake up and stretch a little.

How to have a silver wedding?

Not sure how to have a silver wedding. We offer a scenario that, despite its simplicity, will not let you or your guests get bored.


Almost any script, like this one, needs a leader. This person will be the "locomotive" of the whole holiday. When all the invitees are assembled, you can begin. A short introduction will help you distract yourself from your thoughts and feel the spirit of triumph.

Hello everybody! Thank you for taking the time to come, it's nice to see such a company assembled again. The reason for our meeting is a wedding, and not a simple one, but a silver one. (The names of the heroes of the day) went this way in25 years since the wedding holding hands tightly, respecting and supporting each other in everything, raised children who gave them grandchildren. Isn't this happiness? Let's start this holiday, but before that we promise to say as much as possible today. kind words to our "silver" newlyweds.

All sit in their places at the festive table. The first toast is naturally from children. Because they usually organize the anniversary and prepare the script for the 25 years of the parents' wedding, then after solemn words, they can act out a funny scene that will entertain everyone.

Wedding Anniversary Scene: A Magical Gift for 25 Years


  • lottery tickets,
  • small gifts at your discretion (pen, rubik's cube, set of screwdrivers),
  • the main prize is a silver bun (just paint a child's ball from a spray can, or give the children a task to make it using the papier-mâché technique).

At the entrance, each guest received lottery ticket... The heroes of the day also have a ticket with a special number and the main prize. The rest of the gifts can be handed out randomly. Grand Prize awarded at the very end of the drawing.

And so, we have one ticket and one gift left. Who will get it? Who has an unplayed ticket left? Oh, yes, these are the heroes of the occasion - our dear heroes of the day. Your prize is a magic silver bun. It is today that he will fulfill any of your wishes, one for two. You need to make it up together and rub the kolobok together 25 times.

After that, the block of congratulations and presentation of gifts begins.

Congratulations from the children

25 years ago you swore vows to each other,
It is not for us to judge whether the role of an exemplary spouse is fulfilled.
But we can say with complete confidence
That the role of parents is ideal is nothing to show you.
And you cope perfectly with the role of grandparents,
And if you have anxiety, it is in vain.

Mom and Dad, congratulations on your silver wedding. You have always been an example of a good family. Your ability to solve all problems together, to support each other is amazing. I would like to wish you that it will continue to be so, that you become an example for our children.

Portal offers you other congratulations on your silver wedding. After presenting the gifts, you can sit down at the festive table and have a snack. As you write your script for your silver wedding, be sure to include the contests that you start after the hottest is eaten.

Darts competition

The spouses ask questions about their life, for example, where did the wedding celebration take place? when was the first child born? when did you buy your first car? etc. Each question has its own number. Guests take turns throwing darts and answering the appropriate questions. They answered correctly - they received a mini-prize, incorrectly - they fulfill the wish of the "newlyweds". If the dart hits the question number that has already been answered, the one closest to it is asked.

Bottle competition

Such a competition should be included in the script for a silver wedding, if people are gathered, well knowledgeable friend arc to avoid awkward situations.

Since an empty container has already appeared on the table, I propose to play with a good old bottle.

Papers with words are laid out in a circle on the table. Those present take turns spinning the bottle, reading the word, and the presenter deciphers it:

  • Shop - kiss all guests.
  • Dough - kiss you the bride.
  • Coat - kiss everyone who has the letter "O" in the name.
  • Role - you will kiss all Ol's.
  • Plum - hug your neighbor to the left.
  • The grass is the kiss of the neighbor on the right.
  • Squirrel - hug all the girls.

Contest "Guess the song"

Organization of a silver wedding at home has an advantage - the script can include absolutely any competitions, even with chants. Guests are divided into teams, each gets a set of pieces of paper with words. it last words lines from famous songs. The players' task is to guess and sing at least one verse.


The words: will bring, went down, goes, tunic.


Someone came down from the hill
Probably my dear is coming
He is wearing a tunic protection
She will drive me crazy.

The words: vanity, house, umbrella, except.


Most importantly, the weather in the house
And everything else is vanity
There is me and you, and everything except
Easy to arrange with an umbrella

You should not tire the guests too much with contests. Remember to take turns giving the floor to all your friends and family. Spouses will be pleased to hear nice words from friends and family. At the end of the evening, the words should be said by the heroes of the day and thank all those present.

25 years of wedding - the first serious anniversary for any pair. Two people spent a quarter of a century together, retaining love and respect for each other. On this day, you just need to celebrate! Let's consider in more detail how you can congratulate the happy "young", and also consider detailed script silver wedding.

Such a special occasion requires a special celebration. Find the one that suits your taste and budget banqueting hall... Traditionally, designate a separate table for the heroes of the day. The wall behind the "young" can be decorated paper balls hanging on different heights... Cover each ball silver glitter(use spray paint or glue glitter onto hairspray).
On the table of the "newlyweds" there are lighted graceful candles, shimmering in silver, and in thin vases - irises on each side of the table. Iris is a symbolic flower of the 25th anniversary and at the same time means harmony and tranquility in the family.
Also in the hall you can arrange the so-called "photo-drying". On a string, lowered from the ceiling and weighted with sandbags, they hang, attached to clothespins, photographs of the “newlyweds”. Let it be the best moments of their life together, funny, touching, full of joy and love photos.

Silver wedding script

Guests arrive at the hall a little earlier. Everyone takes a glass of champagne and arranges a corridor through which " star couple". You can also put a vase with silver confetti on a tray, everyone comes up and takes a handful.

Leading:(to gentle music) Dear guests! Please testify! By old custom the wedding crown turns into a precious tiara! (The wife takes off the white veil, and the presenter puts a silver jewelry on her head to the solemn music).
Let two silver rings
They will sparkle with their unity.
For you, they mean
Hours of love that never ends.

Under Mendelssohn's waltz, the "young" are served silver rings on a white pillow. They are put on middle finger or replace the previous engagement with a nameless one.

Leading: I look at you and I know for sure
Love lives among people.
For a quarter of a century your marriage is strong,
And the closeness of souls is even stronger!
And your house is a pure house,
Open to relatives and friends!
You can be proud of
For wonderful grandchildren and children! "
I invite the children (names) of our anniversaries to the microphone.

Children (grandchildren) present gifts to parents, congratulate them.
Break, pleasant music sounds.

Leading: You have been collecting for years
By the silver star
You studied, you tried
To be together, hand in hand.
You scolded, you made up
It can be different, we know.
You have become wiser, you have become relatives.
Your love is fragrant.
And the minutes whirl in a whirlwind
And the rhythm calls us to the parquet.
Dance the waltz, heroes of the day!
The past years do not count!

The couple goes out onto the dance floor and perform a waltz to their favorite melody. All comers join them.

Table and dance break.

Leading: Sometimes it was difficult for you.
You conquered every peak
Those rocks that life has raised boringly.
Each of you is great now!
And today we will wash away the years
Stream of silver water
Takes away all adversity from life,
All patient labors.
Let's perform the oldest symbolic ritual of ablution. Please bring in a vessel made of silver.

Water is brought to the central table in a silvery dish. The rite consists in washing each other's hands in the supplied water, then wiping their hands with a towel.

Leading: Here comes the fast river
Took them years away.
We wish you a happy life
Also cherish each other,
At least another half century.
Close to a loved one.
So let's drink it all down
For these wise words!

Musical break.

Leading: Dear friends! According to the old wonderful tradition it's time to congratulate the family (surname of the spouses) on their birthday. Give a brilliant couple a wedding "Loaf" in their 25th wedding anniversary!

The guests are in a round dance, the heroes of the day are in the center and hold hands. The host leads a round dance and shows in the direction of travel, the guests pick it up.

Leading: For a ringing wedding
Honest people gathered,
And the bride is mischievous
He takes her husband's hand.
Lots of delicious jam
And from a life of pleasure
That's the width
Here is such a height.
So that goodness takes root in the house,
And health was strong
That's the width
Here is such a height.
Let the hut be full of prosperity,
Let the grandchildren be born there
That's the width
Here is such a height.
Your union attracted money,
To grow a wallet
That's the width
Here is such a height.
And when guests come to you,
Let them just carry the present
That's the width
Here is such a height.
Keeps you safe through the years
That lucky star
That's the width
Here is such a height.
Host: Let's raise our glasses,
Wine over the edge.
Pie - loaf
Give the youngsters! "

A festive loaf is brought out. The guests return to their places and drink to the heroes of the day.

Leading: Loaf, loaf,
Whom you want to choose!
Choose a larger piece
Yes, fulfill your desire! "

The cake is decorated with foil roses, each with a wrapped task. A couple cuts a loaf according to the number of roses and bypasses the guests. The one who accepts the piece is ready to complete the task. The presenter approaches this person with a microphone, the guest unfolds the card and does what he has written.

Quests (10 pcs.)

  1. - You only have two fingers, To break a match this very hour
    (break the match using only two fingers)
  2. - Here's a tongue twister,
    We bet you can handle it smartly ?!
    (tongue twister: A cloned crocodile was crowned at the carnival)
  3. - Kiss the neighbor (neighbor) on the right,
    Only to avoid deception.
  4. - Eat, try, without groaning,
    Three slices of lemon!
  5. - You squat down
    Or squeeze out 5 times.
  6. - Say a toast to all the guests,
    So that it becomes enviable for us!
  7. - Amuse us from the heart,
    Tell us a joke.
  8. - Show courage, friend,
    Tell a rhyme like this, all of a sudden!
  9. - The silent wedding guest is unbearable.
    Give us a ditty ditty!
  10. - We want to hear a common toast,
    Let each guest say something.

Leading: Let's raise our glasses to our cheerful guest artists!

Table and music break. Those who wish come to the dance floor. 3-4 songs are played.
Sounds medieval solemn music, she can hear the clatter of hooves and the clink of a sword.

Leading: What a stomp, what a din?
Guests are coming to us!
From far away, from behind the mountains
This is the knights patrol!
The armor on them burns with fire,
And the silver sword glitters!
Cross swords knights,
Let the vow sound here "

The knights cross swords to the music.

Leading: Happy couple!
Please step under the swords
The oath will illuminate you with rays!
You repeat the words after me,
Fasten your union forever!

Husband's vow
- Do you swear, today is the day of your 25th wedding anniversary, to continue to cherish your love, take care of your spouse, support her in everything and come to the rescue? (I swear)
“Do you swear to keep falling together and standing together on all the hills of life?” (I swear)
- Do you swear to remain an exemplary spouse, protector and true friend? (I swear)
- Do you swear to your friends, family and continue to share sorrows and joys in half? (I swear)

Oath wife
Do you swear to keep your feelings and care for your spouse as you did all these years? (I swear)
- Do you swear to forget trifles, to sweep the insult from the house with a broom? (I swear)
- Do you swear to bake cheesecakes more often, pour tea with love and softly make the bed? (I swear)
- Do you swear all your life (the name of the groom) to be reputed, to be gentle and patient? (I swear)

Leading:“Friends, I ask you to get up,
Fill your glasses.
Let in a wish for good
A three-fold hurray sounds! "

The guests rise from their seats and chant: “Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!".

1st knight: Once upon a time we fought a lot in battles,
They threw themselves into the fire for our ladies.
2nd knight: Your feast is too calm.
Now we will arrange a tournament!

Leading: Brave men and daredevils are invited to the center of the hall. Whoever passes three rounds of the competition will receive the coveted prize as a reward - a kiss from a beautiful "bride" and a glass of nectar!

1st round: Large silver balloons are hung up. Objective: To hit the ball with a dart. If there are a lot of knights or not enough balls, divide the guests into groups, whoever is the first to burst the ball in the group wins. The rest return to the table.
2nd round: Tell best compliment to the beautiful lady - the hero of the day. She selects 3 knights she likes.
Round 3: The remaining three are given out on the "daring horse" - chairs. The task is to saddle the "horse" and gallop to the table, where there are three shawls (yes, of course, silver ones). Grab the handkerchief, go back and do it first.

Leading: To the winner with triumphant fanfare beautiful lady gives his kiss.

The host also presents him with a bottle of alcohol as a prize.

1st knight: It was a glorious tournament!
Honest people for fun, silver pair for joy!
2nd knight: Let's raise our cups for the health and honor of the heroes of the day!
We wish you a friendly, sunny and sublime life!

The general light is dimmed, a spotlight is directed to the central table, imitating falling white lights or stars. Soft, pleasant music sounds.

Leading: The silver bell is ringing!
And precious stars are falling on you from the sky.
Each star is a moment of your life.
Minutes of well-being, good luck, success.
Each star promises you even more warmth,
Even more understanding, even more mutual support.
You smile at each other.
You have your own wonderful secret,
Your magic secret of success!
No wonder you are together, bound and entangled by these mystical ties!
Let the years fly over you as birds, you, holding hands, courageously and happily meet everyone new round life, go through it with dignity and grace.
We are glad today to share moments of joy with you, to join your love, to become at least a little like you ourselves.
Congratulations !!!

Guests light up sparklers, which during the whole holiday lay on the tables along with lighters. Anniversaries kiss.
The general lights and energetic holiday music are turned on.

Leading: Attention everyone! Another one has arrived special guest- anniversary cake!
The cake is taken out to the middle of the hall. Next to the cake is a silver bucket of melted chocolate and two tassels.
Host: There are many surprises today,
After all, your family has matured.
Take your brushes in your hands,
And with a bold stroke on the cake
Apply your initials,
Thereby completing its decor.
The couple decorate the cake and cut it into pieces, the guests go to the cake for pieces. Pause for tea.
Host: Thank you warmly for a lovely holiday!
For a kind climate and a joyful attitude!
Now the melody is even more varied
Let it sound like a new spring!
Soul to soul flies so anxiously
Soul with soul speaks quietly.
Let love still be without words
It burns with enthusiasm in your eyes.
Happy Silver Date!
Fly high together
On the wings of rich love!
Let it be cozy and drunk for you!
See you at the sparkling gold wedding!

Wedding props:

In order to decorate the celebration, you will need

  1. Silver confetti and a vase for him
  2. Silver colored cups (glasses)
  3. Bouquet for wife
  4. Silver diadem
  5. Silver rings on a white pillow
  6. Silver vase with water and towels
  7. Foil Rose Decorated Wedding Loaf
  8. Guest assignment notes
  9. Costumes medieval knights and swords with a silver sheen
  10. Silvery Balloons and darts
  11. Three chairs and three silver shawls
  12. Sparklers by number of guests and lighters