Wedding toast from your best friend. Beautiful toasts for the wedding. Cool wedding toast

Real friendship men are always distinguished by devotion, respect, goodwill. When the best friend marries, I want to wish him only the very best that exists in the world - that's just to find the right words. It is important to prepare in advance eloquent toasts to a friend for a wedding with sincere wishes. Take advantage of our selection of ready-made congratulatory lines.

wedding toast options

Wedding toast to friendship

My dear friend, (groom's name)! We have been friends since childhood, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since that time, different situations we ran into you. What is most remarkable: after each emergency, we became more devoted to each other, and our friendship became stronger. Now you are getting married, may your family life be as happy as you are on this significant day!

I am sincerely glad that you (nickname of the groom) tied your fate with a faithful partner (name of the bride), affectionate woman and dear lover. However, I want to raise a glass to make our friendship with you only stronger! Love, happiness, health and fidelity to you, dear newlyweds! I'll help you with the rest! Bitter to the bride and groom!

Toast about love

In our wide world there is such wonderful feeling like love. It is, as if, an all-consuming matter that can turn a dried shrub into a flowering tree. This feeling also appeared in you, my dear friend (nickname of the groom)! You just glow with happiness that this beautiful girl (name of the bride) reciprocated and married you.

Wedding toast about the happiness of the young

We are earthly people, and nothing human is alien to us, therefore the life of each of us consists of the same scenery: big and small trifles, some disagreements, and then reconciliations, sadness and great joys. All this is the successive days of our destinies, weekdays, in other words. However, these days can shine in a completely different light when love comes into our lives. She brings happiness behind her, from which one wants to change the whole world and illuminate it with this bright feeling.

My friend (nickname of the groom), now I want to drink for the happiness of your family: may it always live in your house! Gorko (last name of the groom, bride)!

Fairy tale wedding toast

Most children believe in a fairy tale, which should be the basis of their adulthood. They are firmly convinced that the frog princess is able to become an unearthly beauty, one has only to kiss her. However, when growing up comes, the fairy tale turns into a cruel reality, where the whole world is turned upside down. Under such conditions, the unearthly beauty becomes a vile toad, whom no altruist dares to continue to love.

To you, my best friend (nickname of the groom), I wish this never happened! May your beautiful wife (name of the bride) get prettier day by day, your carriage never turns into a pumpkin, but a castle, so that no one dares to cast a spell on misfortune! live in real fairy tale and everything will be fine! Bitter for the love of the newlyweds!

Wedding toast about love and hate

The laws of the world are based on the principles of mirror reflection: when we are sad, the world reflects the same picture. And when we are happy, the world also smiles back at us. Relations between two people are built in a similar way: you with love - to you as well, and if you are with hatred, then they will hate you too. In order not to live according to the laws of reflection, it is necessary to show wisdom, which consists in the ability to understand and be tolerant of each other.

With this toast, I wish this couple so much love that it does not give them the opportunity to offend their soul mate and be at least a little angry with her. Live in understanding, patience and a benevolent atmosphere. Bitter, for the love of dear newlyweds (name of the groom, bride)!

Friend toast about relationships

Often, family life some time after the wedding takes away the ability of partners to appreciate, love, and feel tenderness for each other. Relations become commonplace, indifference, love is replaced by habit. However, this is not always the case: some couples keep tender feelings throughout your life until your very last breath.

To my best friend, (nickname of the groom), I sincerely wish to build just such family relationships! Live in love and be worthy for each other as a wife and husband! Bitter, for dear newlyweds (surname of the groom, bride)!

Wedding toast to a friend about prophetic friendship

All my life, as far as I can remember, on any holidays I wished my friend to meet such a woman who would be faithful, loving, kind, beautiful, treat his friends well and always be glad to them. But you, my friend, have always been skeptical about these wishes. And now, to my crazy happiness, the day came when it all came true. Therefore, we will draw the appropriate conclusions and drink for benevolent friends who prophesy good life each other! Let them in your life, dear newlyweds (last name of the groom, bride), be as many as possible! Bitterly!

Wedding toast about the stages of life

Everything in life has its cycles of development. Thus, the youth of each of us resembles a beautiful early spring: life around is just beginning to blossom, waking up from the dormant winter. Then spring gives way to summer, which is associated with bright youth. This period awakens the desire to break into an endless journey to explore the world. After which comes Golden autumn in the life of each of us, when life path defined, the goals are ripe, and we know exactly what we want. Family life is undergoing the same changes.

If you are going to a wedding with friends, then you just need to prepare a beautiful toast. Sometimes it's hard to find the right words and compose touching speech on your own.. We have selected wedding toasts for every taste.

Original wedding toast from a friend

I propose to raise glasses for simple arithmetic. First, for addition. Thanks to the addition of two ordinary people It turned out such a wonderful couple, like our bride and groom. Secondly, for subtraction. This action allowed the newlyweds to "retire" from the lonely bachelor life. Thirdly, for division. It will help lovers to share all the sorrows and hardships for two, in order to quickly and easily cope with them. And, of course, for multiplication. May your love, joy and luck constantly multiply!

On this wonderful day, I want to offer a toast to the groom's shoulders. Let them, dear friend, have a bright head, capable of making smart conclusions and protecting your family from troubles and misunderstandings. I wish that all life's difficulties were on the shoulder. And let your shoulders become a reliable support for the family. For you and your beautiful wife!

A similar toast can be made at a wedding by both an ordinary guest and a witness.

Beautiful wedding toasts in prose from friends

Today your ship set off on a long ocean voyage called "Family Life". We wish you a fair wind. But if problems suddenly arise on your way, swim in a quiet and safe harbor of friendship, where we are waiting for you - yours. faithful friends. Know that you can always rely on us. We raise our glasses to you, dear friends!

Dear our friends! You can finally call each other husband and wife, and we are extremely happy for you. May there be a lot of room for smiles and entertainment in your life, and doors will always be closed for troubles and sorrows. Let little children appear in your house, as beautiful as mom and charming as dad. Live happily, enjoy every day and often invite relatives and friends to visit!

You can add your own words to these toasts, say how much you love and appreciate your friends. It's enough to be sincere. After all, the best toasts from girlfriends and friends are words that come from the heart.

Humorous wedding toast

The bachelor says to a friend:
- I will marry a beautiful, clever, economic and faithful!
But how do you deal with all of them? exclaimed the surprised friend.
Our fiancé is extremely lucky. His bride is smart, and beautiful, and economic, and faithful. I am sure that (name of the groom) will be able to cope with this. Let's drink to a lovely couple!

A cheerful wedding toast to a friend will cheer up the guests and bring warm smiles.

Wedding toast to friends in verse

Friends! We wish you happiness.
Let spring reign in the soul,
Bypass the misfortune
And beat in unison of the heart.
Soar like birds over problems.
And don't let life scare you.
Over the years, become only more devoted
And love more every day.
We wish that you, dancing,
We went through life without adversity.
And let the kids surprise you
Devoting all victories to you.

Wedding toasts from friends in verse are as popular as congratulations in prose.

Wedding toast to a friend in the form of a parable

According to an old parable, one noble lord had a charming wife, but he complained to a friend:
- How boring I am.
- Boring? - the friend was surprised. - You have a wonderful, calm and measured life!
In response, the signor invited his friend to stay and treated him all day with nothing but cakes. By evening, the guest began to complain:
- I can't eat sweets anymore. Is there any other food in the house?
And then the signor smiled at the guest and said:
“You see how quickly monotony gets boring.
So let's drink with you so that life (the name of the newlyweds) is bright, colorful and varied.

Two lovers decided to deceive the sage. They caught the butterfly and hid it in their palms. The guy and the girl came up with an idea: if the wise man guesses that they have a butterfly in their hands, they will ask if it is alive. If the wise man says that the butterfly is dead, they will let it go. If he says that he is alive, they will crush him. They came to the wise old man and asked:
- What are we hiding in our hands?
- Butterfly. - The old man answered.
- Is she alive or not?
The sage answered this question with ease:
- All in your hands.
Dear newlyweds, your love, happiness, joy and life are in your hands. Take care of them and manage them wisely!

A beautiful toast from friends, told like a parable, will surely be remembered by both guests and newlyweds.

When choosing a toast for a wedding, think carefully and rehearse the words, especially if you are invited by your best friend. After all, your congratulations and wishes are of great value to him. Portal is sure to say the most cherished and sincere words on such a significant day as a wedding, it is very important.

Wedding toasts should be especially beautiful and memorable. Quickly come up current congratulations it’s very difficult, it’s much easier to read a collection of the best wedding toasts compiled by professionals and choose the right cue that young people will definitely remember.

WITH legal marriage congratulations,
We wish you great happiness.
We are talking seriously now:
Let millions Red roses
Lie on everything big way,
What are you going to go through.
And let the fire Great love
Burning without fading!
Life is easier with love
Everyone knows about it.
Achieve harmony in life
Live to be a hundred years old.
Always respect each other
Love to you and advice!

One woman complained at confession that her married life it is unfortunate that she and her husband are indifferent to each other, often quarrel, are not sensitive and her husband is cheating on her. The priest asked her:
- Do you like flowers?
- Yes!
- What would you do if your beautiful houseplant began to wither?
- I would carefully water it, change the soil every six months, add fertilizer from time to time, put the flower where there is more light.
– This is how married life is: it is a flower that requires care, attention, affection, care, compliments, kisses. And a woman, remembering that a man loves with his eyes, should also be smart, attractive, combed, neatly dressed.
Let's drink to the wisdom of wives who strengthen, not destroy, marital love!

Dear children! May your marriage be happy! May your love be joyful! Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to be long, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! So, may your union be happy!

Wedding ring- an ancient emblem bequeathed to us by our ancestors. This is a symbol of fidelity: the heart of the husband belongs to the wife and vice versa. A wedding ring has no beginning and no end. The wedding ring is made of pure gold, which means that no dirt will stick to it. The ring is a symbol of love and eternal fidelity. Dear newlyweds! May your love be pure, tender and eternal! We will support our wish with a friendly clink of glasses!

Be healthy, live beautifully
Love each other, be happy!
Find in each other not only a spouse,
But the best, true friend!

Any house will become a palace,
Where a good wife reigns!
She is more precious than all riches,
More expensive than pearls and gold!
I drink, or rather, I vote with a glass
For the choice of the groom - for the young!

To live in love and harmony until silver wedding, the wife should have a golden character, and the husband - iron restraint. So let's drink for a reliable alloy of two metals, for the merging of the souls of the newlyweds!

Remember this moment forever
May she be sacred
Now you are not just a bride and groom,
From now on, you are husband and wife.
And let you pass any adversity,
Let the flame not go out in the blood.
We wish you health, we wish you happiness.
We wish you strong love!

We, parents, congratulate and bless our children. Together they build their happiness. Let them help each other in everything, create strong family and wait for this have a good day when their children will marry, start their own families. And now, dear guests, fill your glasses, let's drink for the young, for new family May faith, hope, love be with them all their lives! Bitterly!

Let our young people know
Wedding Secrets:
What is often empty in the houses
Storks bring children.
Or leave them in cabbage,
Sometimes they bring it right into the house,
So that neither despondency nor sadness
It didn't start in that house! Bitterly!

Do not separate the intertwined hands,
Do not separate mouth from mouth.
And the happiness of fidelity, love
May it grow stronger over the years.
Let the pain of separation pass you by
And friendship will not fade between you.
Do not separate the intertwined hands,
Do not separate mouth from mouth!
We drink for your happiness, fidelity and love!

I would like to wish the young:
In joy, separation or sorrow
Always remember the first hug
Forget about the last fight.

One of the culprits of today's celebration, the bride, is a dangerous person: she is an arsonist, and the groom agrees with me, since she has planted a flame in his heart. But I am sure that now she is bound by such a chain that cannot be broken. We drink to the health of the dear captive!

I see no reason now
To not drink for men.
I will also drink for women -
A new family is born!

Let it never go out
Happy life dawn!
May you always be happy!
And for today - Bitter!

On this significant day, I want to proclaim a toast to the bride's parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law. They raised a white swan, smart, beautiful, cheerful - it's a pleasure to see. No wonder our fellow so hunted for her.

We give you cabbage
So that the house is not empty.
We give you a bow
So that they do not know heavy torment.
We give you carrots
So that there is love in the house.
We give you a tomato
To pass your house of discord.
We give you a cucumber
To become soon the groom - the father.
We give grapes
So that your house is always rich.
Here's how much they gave.
Well, now it’s “Bitter!”

I notice one anatomical paradox in our newlywed... Don't be surprised! His heart is not on the left, but on the right - where his young charming wife sits. Let us wish that this phenomenon is preserved for their entire long happy life, that his heart is always drawn to his wife, and the wife’s heart is drawn to her husband, and that the union of these hearts is not subject to any storms, vicissitudes, temptations and bad weather. Let's drink to your well-being!

And I, friends, want to say that
That our heart is a home
A house with four walls.
In it all corners are friendly, warm,
There is a light of happiness in it!
How magnificent he is!
And the first corner is the life of love
The second is the restless babble of children,
And the third - relatives, colleagues and friends,
On the fourth day, grandparents were called.
With all my heart I wish
So that your corners are not empty!

Let it never go out
Happy life dawn!
May you always be sweet
And as today - "bitter"!
Bitterly! Let's drink to the young!

A famous writer said: "Happiness is when you are understood." It really is. Each of us wants to be understood by other people, because it is always very important to feel the support and respect of others. I want to wish our young people understanding and love for for many, many years! Good luck, dear ones!

Friends! I propose to drink for a kiss! After all, it was invented by a man, because he did not find any other way to close a woman's mouth. Bitterly!

Champagne is now running a river,
Now we have you - a husband, and you - a wife!
And let this moment be forever
And the bells are ringing in your honor!
Let's raise a toast to you and drink it all to the bottom!

One married couple lived to a fertile wedding - 70 years. And all these years the couple were affectionate and happy. When they were asked what is the secret of such a long-term family happiness, they have replyed:
- The whole secret is that all these seventy years we have had a single bed.
So let's drink to the eternal single marital bed!

Behind the noisy festive table,
Like a beacon of friendship, kindness,
Lit today you two
Star of hope and dreams.
So let this friendship light
You shine brightly without end,
So that for an infinite number of years
Two rings intertwined.
Like the wings of a mountain eagle
Husband and wife in agreement are similar:
On the beat of one wing
The eagle cannot be lucky.
I wish this toast here
Agree to the newlyweds
To get their flight
Through life - successful!

To the sound crystal glass,
To the sound of sparkling wine
Congratulations to the newlyweds
And today we drink to the bottom!

Once I was walking at my brother's wedding. So, young people first wedding night read the fairy tale "Ivan - the Tsar's son", and after the allotted time they had a beautiful baby! And I also walked at my sister's wedding, where the young people on their wedding night read the fairy tale “Marya the Craftsman”, and soon they had a beautiful daughter! There was a case, I walked at the wedding of a friend. So there the young people read the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" at night. And what do you think? Now they already have 7 sons and a cute daughter!
So let's drink to the fact that our newlyweds read today the tale of Tsar Saltan and the forty heroes!

Imagine a vast, boundless sea on which a man is sailing in a boat. Sometimes the sun shines and the sea is calm - a person can rest. But more often the sea is worried, steep dangerous waves are running in, sea monsters are swimming nearby - and a person really wants to go to a quiet harbor, where it is light and warm from the care and participation of loved ones.
So let's drink to the newly formed family and wish them a long and successful voyage on the waves of the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife! Bitterly!

Dear young! I have a simple and short toast. I wish that four holy names, four guardian angels are always present in your life: Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia - wisdom. Follow them and God bless you family life.

To live and live for you, but not toil!
And, having lived a century, do not repent of the past!
We wish you again and again:
Advice yes happiness, yes love!

Let's drink to the mathematics of family life: to addition, thanks to which married couple; for subtracting both from the number of bachelors and unmarried; for dividing all the sorrows and difficulties in half; for the multiplication of your kind by the birth of children! For the young!

A man asks God:
– Lord! Why did you make women so beautiful and so stupid at the same time?
- Beautiful - so that you men can love them. And stupid - so they can love you men. If a woman is beautiful and smart, it is, of course, difficult for her to love a man. This man must be exceptional. This is our fiance.
Let's drink to our exceptional groom and smart, beautiful bride!

It is said that in a good marriage the husband is the head and the wife is the heart. So let's drink to the fact that our young people do not know in life either headaches or heartaches!

Like a cup of good wine
May your life be full!
Don't spill this cup
Drink it all to the bottom!

We wish you all the best!
Live long just like this:
Not knowing quarrels, disagreements, troubles,
In love and happiness for many years.
And if, say, sometimes
Trouble will suddenly come
Fight shoulder to shoulder with her:
Two pairs of hands are much stronger!
Still left to wish
Raise good children
A bunch of girls and guys
Well, in a word, a whole kindergarten!

I propose a toast like this:
Since everyone had to gather at the wedding,
Let the wine flow
And we must bathe in wine!

One ruler was asked:
How do you keep peace and tranquility in your state?
And he answered:
“When I am angry, my people are calm. When they are angry, I am calm. In other words, when I am angry, they calm me down, and when they are angry, I calm them down.
The family is a state in miniature. My toast to being like oh
way to maintain peace and tranquility in your family!

A slender poplar grew in the forest, and a birch grew nearby. And they fell in love with each other, and were drawn to each other, until at last they connected their branches and intertwined together. Why are our newlyweds not poplar and birch? Let's wish them that the branches of their love never unravel and hold each other tightly.

Wishing all the best to our newlyweds, I want to simultaneously give them and wise advice: never forget those who gave you life - your parents. Do not spare them a kind word. After all sweet Nothing not difficult, but challenging. Come closer to them and bow down to them, as they said in the old days. After all, the young work with his hands, and the old - the mind gives. Attach a parental mind to your mind - you will live a comfortable life. For mutual understanding of parents and newlyweds!

We wish our newlyweds
So that their path in life is successful,
So that the house is always a full bowl,
Life every day - brighter and more beautiful!
Let the sun of the world shine brightly
May the children bring them joy
So that together a young couple
Survive until the golden wedding!

Be healthy, live richly,
As far as your salary will allow you.
But know: the salary is always not enough,
Shake all the ancestors - they will add to you.
Your parents have doubled
Love them hard, stay longer.
Don't be afraid of booties, don't be afraid of diapers
Have boys, have girls.
When children bother parents,
Throw them to grandmothers - they will bring them up.
But most of all I wish, however,
So that there is no marriage from your marriage!

A bright falcon lived in the world. Nothing on earth attracted him, and he was more in the sky. But one day he saw a beautiful dove and fell in love. And now, no matter how high he flew into the sky, he always returned to his dove. So let's drink to clear falcon- the groom, and for the beautiful dove - the bride - and we wish that the threads of love that bound them were inseparable. For the love of a lifetime!

Wearing gold rings
The certificate is stamped...
Well, young spouses,
We wish you on this day?
So that music sounds in the house,
So that it would not be boring together,
Live together, it's interesting
So that there was happiness - the house is full!

Real life consists of many little things, empty words, disputes, life situations. Life is a garland of colorful, bright and cloudy days. And the peace and well-being of your life depends on your prudence and consent, dear newlyweds! So let everyday trifles do not spoil the main thing in your life of happiness and joy. For your happiness, newlyweds!

We wish to live up to a hundred years,
Always have a cheerful look,
To be so young
At least a little gray.
Raise great kids
Raise glorious grandchildren,
And great-grandmother and great-grandfather
You must become!

Finally, the happy day has arrived.
The hall is full of guests and light!
(Groom's name) today at last
Led (name of the bride) down the aisle.
You won't find a better couple!
You only need to wish
Appreciate your love
And, as if in a fairy tale, live life.
And we only have
Raise a glass to you
And shout loudly: Bitter!

Secret happy marriage lies in one folk wisdom: you need to love not as much as possible, but as long as possible! That is - you go quieter, you will continue! So let's drink to the slowness of the young!

In a day wedding celebration
Please accept our congratulations
And a tribute to the intoxicating healthy cup,
And wishes of happiness to you.
May your marriage union grow stronger,
Love is beautiful - the reward of the soul,
And the duty of marriage, family ties
May you always have joy.
May your life always sparkle
Like the radiance of these days,
Let Hymen shine
Looking at happy faces.
It's time for us to raise our glasses
For the happiness of the young! Hooray!

Today you, young people, have many relatives both on the one hand and on the other. But at this solemn moment I want to turn to the mothers of our young. It's no secret what a mother means to each of us. We turn to her in joy and in sorrow. Our pain is her pain, our joy is her joy. And how many gray hairs your mothers had while they raised such beautiful children! They say that small children are small worries, big children are big worries. Cute and beautiful mothers! Even now, when your children enter into independent life, your hearts still beat anxiously. lovely, good, beautiful moms! I raise a toast to your good deeds, to your tender hearts, to the fact that you raised such wonderful children. Low bow to you!

We wish you to live in harmony for many years
And meet neither evil nor misfortune,
So that children grow up as people
So that there is no war in the world.
And so that at the weddings of your grandchildren
You waltzed with each other.

I congratulate the newlyweds on the fact that from now on their union is sealed with oaths and symbolic rings. An engagement ring is more than just a piece of jewelry. This is a sign for everyone else that love lives in the heart of the wearer, as endless and revolving around one person, like a strip of metal from which a ring is made, worn on a finger. And relationships with a loved one are precious and noble, like the metal of the ring. Let's drink for the mutual strong love of the newlyweds, for its infinity!

Friends! On today's main holiday,
High and joyful feelings are not melting,
I propose a toast to your glorious union,
For your love! After all, you are family now!

Page 5

Friends! Today we have been brought to this beautiful hall by a joyful event that will take place before our very eyes. Dear newlyweds! You are getting married family union love and friendship. The desired hour has come, and you have become family. You sealed your love, respect and affection for each other by marriage. From this day you begin to build your family. This work is creative, and therefore interesting, but also difficult at the same time. And may God give you dignity to cope with all the difficulties and be always happy!
So that you measure your way with love,
And see the joy of life
Know how to live, love and believe
each other from day one.


Let's raise our glasses againAnd together we will drink for the mother-in-law! Well, how not to honor the mother of the groom with a glass! After all, she gave a son, raised him and groomed him. And what a young man! Good, handsome, like the sun. Thank you from the whole family! And we will fill our cups and drink your health!


On this significant day, I want to proclaim a toast to the bride's parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law. They raised a smart, beautiful, cheerful daughter - it's a pleasure to see. No wonder our fiancé so hunted for her. And although some say that the mother-in-law is thorns in the bouquet of marriage, a bitter mixture, but a smart mother-in-law is like a mother to her son-in-law. We wish her to bring help, kindness, advice, affection, and not discord to her daughter's family. To your health, dear father-in-law and mother-in-law!


Dear guests! On this festive and joyful day, it is necessary to raise glasses with love and respect for those who, if I may say so, are guilty of the guilt of the perpetrators of today's celebration - I mean the respected parents of our dear bride. look, different feelings fight in their hearts. Their faces are either sad at the thought of the impending separation, or joyful at the sight of the happiness of their precious child. Dear Parents brides, drive away sad thoughts, rejoice in the happiness of the newlyweds, because today you are also getting a son. So let's raise our glasses to the health and longevity of the newlywed's parents!


Love is the brightest feeling, pleasing to God. love of two loving hearts- this is a "gift from heaven", which must be kept especially carefully and gently.
I'll share a secret with you
In a nutshell, I will pour out my tenderness and sadness.
With love for you, I will dissolve in the earth,
I will rise from the ashes with love for you ...
I propose to drink for our young ones! Let us assume that we are present at the sacrament, when the "gift of heaven" is given to the young. For love, for which nothing is impossible! For the bride and groom! Let's blast together - Bitter!


Dear guests! I propose a toast to the happiness and love of the newlyweds!
From bowls filled to the brim
Drink the drink of happiness to the bottom.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts, dear ones,
May it be sweeter than honey and wine!

Usually, the most famous bride is chosen as a witness (popularly - a friend) for a wedding. close friend bride. It is desirable that she herself not be married, because she will have to dance with a witness, and maybe even kiss to the cries of “Bitter!”. At a friend's wedding big circle responsibilities: first dress up the bride, then successfully “sell” the groom. In the registry office - to fix the signature of the newlyweds with your stroke, and if the newlyweds are getting married, then during the ceremony, hold a heavy crown over the bride's head. In addition, all day long it is necessary to constantly monitor so that the makeup of the newlywed does not lose its freshness, and the bride herself is not stolen. The list of worries goes on. But the main thing is that against this background congratulatory witness was not relegated to the background.

The best impromptu is the one that is well prepared. Interesting, smart, emotionally bright, from a witness at a wedding can become pleasant surprise for young people and their guests.

It is possible that they will remember him when they celebrate their wedding anniversary. And for your speech to be successful, it is advisable to take into account some of the nuances.

How not to do it?

  • No need to test the patience of guests by reading congratulations on a piece of paper for a long time.
  • There is no need to talk at length on the topic of family and marriage, and also to teach how to live. From the lips of a young unmarried girl it sounds out of place.
  • When making a toast, do not be embarrassed, stutter and stutter.
  • There is no need for awkward poems (even if they are your own) with banal rhymes and ridiculous content. For example:

Pour me champagne - wine

To keep the family strong...

Let's drink together for the young

So that they race through life on a couple of bays ...

You connected your beautiful hearts today,

So stay with love until the very end!

With such verses you will demonstrate bad taste and their own lack of literacy.

  • No need for sexual allusions and greasy jokes: you are a friend of a chaste bride!
  • When making a toast, you should not play a role; it is desirable to remain sincere and natural.

To be on top!

  • Out of respect for the guests, you need to remember that brevity is the sister of talent.
  • It is desirable congratulations-toast in detail think ahead, and if the need arises, then rehearse.
  • Be careful with poetry! You can pick up other people's poems, but always high-quality and competent. If you have inspiration, write yourself. Or remake the lines of famous poets, or maybe a song. Such an impulse will be appreciated by the whole wedding. Having a hard time? Order poetry from a professional. It costs money, but at least you won't be ashamed of bad rhymes.
  • Toast in prose can also look spectacular. In my own words, it doesn't mean easy. That toast sounds good, in which every word has its place.
  • Try not to repeat what has already been said before you. Bring a new twist to your wedding celebration with your performance.
  • Well, if you, as a friend, tell something touching or funny about the bride, remember how you studied together, went hiking, dancing.
  • Thank your parents for what they have grown for you good friend, and for the groom - a beautiful bride.
  • Contact the groom because today you marry your best friend and you are not indifferent to how the family life of the newly-made couple will develop.
  • If the toast requires any additional preparations or special effects, take the toastmaster as an accomplice, let him include your congratulations in his script.



Get creative with tradition. The text of congratulations can be issued in the form of a scroll, letter or telegram, and after pronouncing a toast, give it to the young - there will be a memory. good examples can be easily found on the Internet.

Enter the role

Play your part as a witness. In a toast, it can be something like this: I remember how my girlfriend dreamed of love, knew the groom, when he still did not think about the wedding, they developed before my eyes romantic relationship. Today I stood next to her in the registry office (at the altar) and felt how worried she was. I want to continue to be a witness to the happiness of the young. If you trust, I can become godmother your firstborn. And when I get married, we will be friends with families!

congratulation gift

Bring visibility! It is one thing to say a well-known phrase about the prospect of building a house, having a son and growing a tree, and another thing is to help in the implementation by giving the newlyweds a symbolic brick, a vest and Money Tree in a pot.

You can add a small car model (motorhome) or a photo album, which will capture all the main moments of family life. Use musical arrangement, slides, Balloons, candles.

Proverbs and sayings as a basis

Treasury of wisdom - Proverbs and sayings different countries peace. Any of them can be the basis for a toast.

  • Without a wife, as without a hat, and without a husband, as without a head!
  • Live hand in hand, soul to soul!
  • Husband and wife have the same thoughts!
  • The husband is the head, but the hood on it is the wife!
  • Treasure is not needed if the husband and wife are in harmony!
  • Happiness comes to the house together with the wife.
  • Take a good wife - do not know boredom and grief!
  • With a wife and money - jokes are bad!
  • WITH good wife grief is half grief, and joy is doubly.
  • A husband is a shepherd to his wife, and a wife is a plaster to her husband!

Humor in congratulations

Humor on fun wedding- the best ally, even if he is "black". Let's raise a glass to the young and their "black" life! Do not be surprised. I just want to wish the groom to walk in an expensive black tuxedo as often as possible, and the bride in a black little cocktail dress. So that they ride in a black limousine, and rest at least on the Black Sea. At the same time, they ate black caviar with spoons, and drank fragrant black coffee in the morning.


Perfectly perceived at the wedding toast- metaphors.

  • In the house of family happiness, trust builds the walls, love creates the roof, and the stork brings comfort. Let's drink to the fact that all this was in the life of the young!
  • Dear newlyweds! Today your family ship sets off on a journey across the ocean of life. Many tests await you: undercurrents, rocks and storms. I wish that your love does not drown in the waves of everyday life. Let's drink to a long and prosperous voyage!
  • If a woman is a flower of love, children are the flowers of life, then a man is a gardener: the more he takes care of the flowers, the more beautiful and brighter they become. Let's raise our glasses to start a beautiful garden today!


Many beautiful and instructive stories can be told in the form of a parable.

Toast calls

  • Dear guests, let's drink to celebrate together with the young at least ten more weddings. In a year - chintz, in two - paper, in three - leather, in five - wooden, in seven - copper, in ten - tin, in fifteen - porcelain, in twenty - crystal and, finally, silver, gold and diamond! By the way, in order to live to see a silver wedding, the wife must have a golden character, and the husband must have iron patience!

Do you need crafting ideas - use ours! Do you want to make your loved ones creative gift for your birthday but don't know which one? We have some ideas for you! At this address you can read about the propriety of whites. wedding suits for men.

  • I propose to raise glasses for four simple arithmetic operations. For addition, thanks to which one beautiful girl met with a reliable guy. For subtracting them from a single life. For dividing all future hardships in half. For multiplying well-being many times over!
  • From the combination of iron and concrete, an indestructible mixture is obtained. So let your marriage be strong, like reinforced concrete, not break under the weight of worries and be a support for you in life!

Original toasts - culinary recipes

  • Dinner for your loved one. Take 100 g of care, 200 g of patience, 300 g of respect, mix and season to taste with love and tenderness. Serve hot!
  • Take a spoonful of patience, two spoons of trust and three spoons of tenderness, add half a glass of love and half a glass of passion. Stir and get a cocktail "Pleasure". You can use it daily in the evenings. Let's all drink champagne tonight. Bitterly!

comic scene

Can act out a skit transfer of the bride according to the act from the bridesmaids to the groom. Take the trouble to prepare in advance and colorfully arrange the text with something like this: We, the bridesmaids, pass (tear off from the heart) our beloved (name) to the groom. Inventory according to the act: 90-60-90, smart, beautiful, sportswoman, knows how to massage and dance, cooks delicious borscht, knows lullabies. The act is signed by all the bridesmaids present at the wedding, headed by the witness. You can seal the signatures with "seals" in the form of fondant kisses. The bride also puts her kiss on paper. When signing the act, the groom is required to determine where the imprint of the lips of his beloved is. If you don’t guess right, feel free to set a ransom in the form of various comic tests and tasks. For a successful transfer, it’s not a sin to drink!

According to unwritten wedding laws, the first toast at the celebration is usually said by the father of the groom, followed in turn by the father of the bride, both mothers, God-parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters.

The feast is interspersed with dancing and entertainment. After relatives, the turn comes to friends and comrades. The list of congratulations from youth is opened by a witness and a witness. By this time, the guests have already drunk enough and dispersed, so it is important that toasts were pronounced cheerfully and naturally. And if the wedding went according to an unforeseen scenario and for some reason you were not given the floor for common table, dont be upset. Due to her status, the witness is always next to the young, so raise your glass and make your toast to narrow circle it's never too late. The main thing is that everyone is satisfied and there is something to remember! Even if you have not prepared to make a toast, say everything that is on your mind, of course, without delaying your congratulations. That's what the bridesmaid did next video: