What is the optimal mode of work and rest. Violation of the regime of work and rest, its observance, recommendations

Optimum mode of work and rest - essential condition maintaining high performance person. Under the regime of work understand the order of alternation and the duration of periods of work and rest. When introduced to certain time during labor day physiologically based breaks and their rational use can prevent and slow down the onset of fatigue. Scheduled pauses are effective on initial stages the appearance of fatigue and if they do not impair workability.

The time for establishing additional (except for lunch) breaks and their duration depend on the nature of the work. The harder and more stressful it is, the earlier after the start of the shift (or after the lunch break) a regulated break (or several breaks) is introduced. The duration of the pauses is different and is directly dependent on the severity and intensity of the work (Fig. 3.2).

It should be noted that with a decrease in the density of working time and the presence of downtime, the onset of fatigue does not move away, but vice versa. So the best mode work and rest consider the establishment of a lunch break in the middle of the day with an optimal duration of about 1 hour, and in the first and second halves of the working day - additional breaks due to working time.

Rest during breaks should be rationally organized. Leisure in comparison with the passive one is more useful, since in the first case the central nervous system flows of afferent impulses from working muscles. But with hard work, especially in conditions elevated temperature air, it is more appropriate to rest in a well-ventilated area.

When determining the time for establishing breaks, it is impossible to use organizational (the schedule of canteens, kindergartens, etc.) or empirical (comparison of 2 ... 3 options for different modes of work and rest) criteria as a basis. Such a basis should be the study of the dynamics of performance.

The performance of a person also changes during the day. Its maximum level is observed from 9 to 20 hours, the minimum - from 2 to 4 in the morning.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that normal working hours cannot exceed 40 hours per week.

Normal duration working time per week is reduced by: 16 hours - for employees under the age of 16; 5 hours - for disabled people of groups I and II; 4 hours - for employees aged 16 to 18; 4 hours or more - for those working in harmful and (or) dangerous conditions.

At the same time, the duration of daily work for persons aged 15 ... 16 years should not exceed 5 hours, at the age of 16 ... 18 years - 7 hours. For those working in harmful and (or) dangerous production conditions with a 36-hour working week the maximum allowable duration of daily work should not exceed 8 hours, and with a 30-hour working week or less - 6 hours.

The length of the working day or shift immediately preceding the non-working day holiday, are reduced by 1 hour. The time of work on night shifts (from 22 to 6 hours) is also reduced by 1 hour.

In organizations, when performing certain types of work, where, due to the conditions of production, the daily or weekly working hours established for this category of workers cannot be observed, the introduction of summarized accounting of working hours is allowed. At the same time, the duration of working time for the accounting period (month, quarter, etc.) cannot exceed the normal number of working hours, and the entire accounting period should not exceed one year. The procedure for introducing the summarized accounting of working time is established by the internal labor regulations of the organization.

Overtime work (outside the established working hours) is allowed in exceptional cases, subject to availability written consent employee and taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body of this organization. The duration of such work should not exceed for each employee 4 hours for two consecutive days and 120 hours per year.

For rest and meals, employees are provided with a break of no more than 2 hours and no less than 30 minutes, which is not included in work time. The time of the break and its specific duration are established by the internal labor regulations of the organization or by agreement between the employee and the employer.

Inter-shift uninterrupted rest should not be less than twice the duration of work in the previous shift. Working two shifts in a row is prohibited. Weekly uninterrupted rest should be at least 42 hours.

Employees are guaranteed annual vacation maintaining the position and average salary for a period of at least 28 calendar days. It is provided to employees after 6 months continuous work in this organization, and for subsequent years - at any time of the working year in accordance with the established order.

Employees with irregular working hours (who, if necessary, at the request of the employer, perform their duties outside the normal duration of the shift, but are required to report to work on time the next day) are granted additional paid annual leave. Its duration is determined by the collective agreement or the internal labor regulations of the organization, but in any case it must be at least three calendar days. If such leave is not granted, then overtime work in excess of the normal working hours, with the written consent of the employee, is compensated. Leave for pregnancy and childbirth, for temporary disability is not included in the annual account.

1. Bykova T.A. Documentary support of management (office work): textbook. manual for university students / T. A. Bykova, T. V. Kuznetsova, L. V. Sankina; under total ed. T. V. Kuznetsova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M. : INFRA-M, 2013. - 304 p.

2. Bykova T.A. Office work: a textbook for university students / T. A. Bykova, L. M. Vyalova, L. V. Sankina; under total ed. T. V. Kuznetsova. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M. : INFRA-M, 2013. - 364 p.

3. Kirsanova M.V. Business course. Documentation support of management: textbook. manual for university students / M. V. Kirsanova, Yu. M. Aksenov; Novosibirsk state University of Economics and Management. - 6th ed., corrected. and additional - M. : INFRA-M, 2013. - 256 p.

4. Kryukova N.P. Documentation of management activities: textbook. allowance for university students / N. P. Kryukova. - M. : INFRA-M, 2013. - 268 p.

5. Panasenko Yu. A. Office work: documentation support for management: textbook. manual [for students of colleges and universities] / Yu. A. Panasenko. - 3rd ed. - M. : RIOR: INFRA-M, 2012. - 112 p.



Labor is at the heart of the formation and development of man and the creation of material values. A rationally organized labor process has a beneficial effect on the health, physical, intellectual and moral improvement of people.

A person prepares for work in advance. Even before the start of labor, changes in the metabolism and energy, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems are noted in the body. The leading role in preparing the body for labor activity belongs to the central nervous system, which ensures the coordination of functional changes. In the nerve centers of the cerebral cortex, the level of excitation processes increases, the functional state of the visual, auditory and other analyzers changes. Along with this, the processes of inhibition deepen, and a balance is established between excitation and inhibition.

During physical work, biochemical and biophysical processes occur in the muscles, ensuring their contraction. There is an increase in the number of heartbeats, an increase in systolic blood volume, an increase in maximum blood pressure, an increase in the mass of blood circulating in the body and the number of red blood cells, an increase in the frequency and depth of breathing. Under the influence of muscle load, the secretory and motor functions of the stomach are inhibited, the digestion and absorption of food slows down. At the end of the work, all the noted changes are gradually restored and return to normal during the rest period.

Any mental work is accompanied by neuro-emotional stress. Such characteristics of labor activity as the significance of work, its danger, responsibility lead to emotional stress. Primary functional changes in the human body during mental work occur, first of all, in the highest nervous activity. During mental work, perception, attention, memory are sharpened. Neuro-emotional stress leads to an increase in cardiovascular activity, respiration, metabolism and energy, and an increase in muscle tone. Increases blood supply to the brain energy metabolism nerve cells, indicators of the bioelectrical activity of the brain change, there is an increase in - and -rhythms. With mental work, the consumption of lipids increases. The process of excitation in the brain is associated with an increase in the oxidation of carbohydrates, with an increase in the exchange of ATP and phosphocreatine, and an increase in the renewal of phospholipids. In addition, when a person performs mental work, the electrical activity of the muscles increases, the activity of the sympathetic-adrenomedular, hypothalamic-pituitary, and cortical systems increases, there is an acceleration of the exchange of catecholamines, an increase in the release of norepinephrine in the sympathetic endings, an increase in the blood levels of adrenaline and corticosteroids that stimulate energy processes, changing mineral metabolism and increasing the excitability of neurons.

Mental work is closely connected with the work of the sense organs, primarily vision and hearing. The performance of mental work is significantly affected by the state of the environment, the intensity of muscle work. Usually, light muscular work stimulates mental activity, and hard, exhausting work reduces its quality. Therefore, for many representatives of mental activity, walking is a necessary condition for completing work.

With intensive intellectual activity, the brain's need for energy increases, amounting to 15-20% of general exchange in the body, while the weight of the brain is only 2% of body weight. At the same time, the oxygen consumption of 100 g of the cerebral cortex turns out to be 5-6 times greater than that consumed by a skeletal muscle of the same mass at maximum load. Daily energy consumption during mental work is 10.5 - 12.5 J. It should be noted that with certain types of mental activity, the increase in energy consumption is different. So, when reading aloud while sitting, energy consumption increases by 48%, when delivering a public lecture - by 94%, for computer operators - by 60-100%.

Prolonged mental stress has a depressing effect on mental activity: the functions of attention, memory, perception deteriorate, tachycardia, hypertension, ECG changes, an increase in pulmonary ventilation and oxygen consumption, the formation of paradoxical reactions, an increase in body temperature and other changes in autonomic functions.

Under the influence of excessive mental work, imbalances in the processes of inhibition and excitation occur, expressed in a disorder of positive inhibition of conditioned connections, the tone of smooth muscles of internal organs, blood vessels, especially those of the brain and heart, deviates from the norm. After intensive mental work, the content of phosphates in the blood and urine doubles.

During mental work, the brain is prone to inertia, to the continuation of mental activity in a given direction. Therefore, after the end of mental work, the “working dominant” does not completely fade away, causing a longer fatigue and exhaustion of the central nervous system during mental work than during physical work.

Fatigue and fatigue at work

In the process of doing physical work, fatigue- temporary decrease in performance. Fatigue is subjectively perceived as fatigue with a deterioration in well-being, decreased attention, impaired coordination of movements, palpitations, shortness of breath, and muscle pain. Fatigue is caused by intensive or prolonged activity and occurs more quickly with heavy intensive work. With light but monotonous physical labor, fatigue usually develops slowly. Fatigue is a reversible physiological state. The process of fatigue is accompanied by a decrease in the speed of motor reactions, drowsiness, a decrease in the tone of the blood vessels of the brain and heart, an increase in metabolism, a decrease in working capacity and labor productivity.

The physiological picture of physical and mental fatigue is similar. Mental and physical fatigue affect each other. So, with severe physical fatigue, mental work is unproductive, and, conversely, with mental fatigue, muscle performance decreases. It is generally accepted that these phenomena are due to the irradiation of inhibition from the most tired centers to neighboring ones. During mental activity, elements of muscle fatigue are constantly observed: a long stay in a certain position leads to significant fatigue of the corresponding parts of the motor apparatus.

With mental fatigue, more pronounced functional shifts were noted on the part of the central nervous system, higher nervous activity, analyzers and mental activity. There is a disorder of attention, deterioration of memory and thinking, the accuracy and coordination of movements are weakened.

The resumption of work against the background of slowly developing fatigue leads to the fact that the remaining traces of fatigue accumulate. Constant fatigue, non-restoration of working capacity by the beginning of a new working day can cause overwork.

Under overwork understand a pathological condition characterized by a persistent decrease in performance. It leads to neurosis, the appearance and exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases, peptic ulcer disease, memory loss, weakening of attention, headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite, and a decrease in the body's resistance to environmental factors.

To maintain high efficiency and prevent fatigue in the process of work, the rational organization of work and rest is of great importance, in particular, the alternation of periods of work and rest, the organization of breaks and their correct use. The duration of breaks is set within 5-30 minutes. Rest during a scheduled break is more effective when it is active, filled with another activity.

Industrial gymnastics is a typical type of active recreation. For professions that perform standing work, it is advisable to replace gymnastics with foot massage. For sedentary professions, gymnastics should include exercises for the large muscles of the body and legs. Rest should also be active outside of working hours.

Great importance belongs to the mechanization and automation of production processes, the factors of the production environment, the professionalism of workers. Since fatigue develops rapidly during static work, it is necessary to increase the dynamic component in any kind of activity, to ensure a rational working posture with the involvement of a minimum number of muscles.

Features of the work of students

Students are a special professional group of the population, characterized by a certain age category and specific working and living conditions. The age limits of this group are from 17 to 27 years. Many students live in a dormitory apart from their families, eat in the canteen, which makes them rebuild the existing stereotype. Even greater effort is required from rural youth, for whom not only the regime is changing, but also all living conditions.

The correct daily routine of a student is a purposefully organized, age-appropriate daily activity schedule, provided for the automatism of life processes that repeats day after day. At the same time, it is very important that all elements of the regime are carried out strictly sequentially and at the same time. This contributes to the formation of stable conditioned reflexes, and each previous stage of the daily rhythm is a conditioned signal for the next one. In this regard, students who observe the daily routine get involved in work faster, fall asleep quickly, and get less tired.

When building a daily regimen, the correct organization of sleep, nutrition, types of activities and their change, alternation of work and rest are taken into account. The student's time budget should include study sessions, both at home and at educational institution, extracurricular activities - reading, learning foreign languages, self-service and hygiene activities, eating, physical education and sports, walking on fresh air.

The labor activity of students is very diverse and includes mental work at lectures, work with a textbook, performing tasks in the laboratory, and industrial practice. In addition to classroom studies for 5-6 hours, students give 4-6 hours to non-classroom work. The working day lasts 10-13 hours, sleep 6-8 hours. About 25% of students sleep less than 6 hours, 4% sleep more than 8 hours. Twice a year during the session, the mental load of students increases dramatically, causing stressful conditions.

Harmful factors for students are forced sitting posture, visual strain, mental and emotional stress. Most students have a violation of the diet, a violation of the regime of the day. Most often, students have vegetovascular dystonia, caries, chronic otorhinolaryngological diseases, myopia, hypertonic disease, diseases of the digestive system.

One of the problems that students face during their studies is the problem of adaptation. Adaptation of students is carried out in three stages. The first stage (1st and 2nd courses) is the most difficult, as it is preceded by school exams, entrance exams, and there is no summer vacation. Unlike a school, a higher educational institution requires greater independence, the absence of comments that students are used to at school. Difficulties in adaptation also arise due to a large informative load in conditions of lack of time. Usually up to 30% of students are not prepared for classes.

The second stage (3 course) is a period of full adaptation, the progress is stable and high.

The third stage (4-6 courses) the workload increases due to the creation of a family, classes in a student scientific society, participation in social work.

During the study, the assimilation of professional skills of mental work, communication and the acquisition of knowledge, as well as the formation of many elements of the worldview. But here there are many moments that contribute to microsocial maladjustment, in particular, “didascogenic neuroses”, when the wrong word or gesture of the teacher can cause psychological damage to the student, lead to the appearance of a neuropsychic breakdown. Exams can be stressors test papers in conditions of time pressure, calls to the board for a public solution of the problem. The majority of students who have less experience of mentally intense work or are subject to the inspiring influence of the word quite easily overcome emotional stress, but some develop states of confusion and anxiety. Therefore, the teacher's open statement about the student's academic inability, emphasizing the impossibility of "simple" tasks for him, leads to even greater nervous tension, and sometimes to neurotic disorders. It should be noted that disadaptation more often occurs in individuals who are closed, shy, anxious, suspicious, unbalanced and inert.

Mode of work and rest

To maintain high efficiency and prevent fatigue in the process of work, the rational organization of work and rest is of great importance. Rational mode of work and rest- this is such a ratio and content of periods of work and rest, in which high labor productivity is combined with a high and stable working capacity of a person without signs of excessive fatigue for the longest possible period. The main task of a scientifically based rational regime of work and rest is to reduce fatigue, achieve high labor productivity throughout the working day with minimal stress on physiological functions and maintain health and long-term working capacity.

The mode of work includes optimal loads and the rhythm of work. The total load is formed by the interaction of the following components: the subject and tools of labor, the organization of the workplace, factors of the working environment, technical and organizational measures. The effectiveness of the coordination of these factors with the capabilities of a person largely depends on the presence of a certain working capacity, which is understood as the value of the functional capabilities of the body, characterized by the quantity and quality of work performed in a certain time at the most intense stress. The level of a person's functional capabilities depends on working conditions, health status, age, degree of training, motivation to work.

A significant factor influencing the level and dynamics of performance are the specific features of each specific activity. The state of health is assessed according to the physiological indicators of the functional state of the central nervous system, neuromuscular apparatus, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems that provide this specific activity. Integral performance indicators can be data on hourly productivity and quality of work.

During labor activity, the functional ability of the body and labor productivity naturally change throughout the work shift.

There are 3 phases of working capacity: working in, high stable working capacity, decreasing working capacity. The phase of development, or increasing efficiency, is characterized by an increase in the lability of physiological systems, acceleration and increase in the volume of physiological processes. The level of working capacity gradually increases in comparison with the initial one. This is expressed in the improvement of psychophysiological indicators and labor results. Depending on the nature of the work and the individual characteristics of a person, this period lasts from several minutes to 1.5 hours, and with mental creative work - up to 2-2.5 hours.

The phase of high stable working capacity is characterized by a combination of high labor indicators with relative stability or even some decrease in the intensity of physiological functions. The duration of the stable performance phase can be 2-2.5 hours or more, depending on the degree of neuro-emotional stress, physical severity and working conditions.

The phase of reduced performance is accompanied by a decrease in the functionality of the main working organs of a person. The decline in working capacity observed by the lunch break is manifested in the deterioration of the cardiovascular system, an increase in the time of reflexes, a decrease in attention, the appearance of unnecessary movements, erroneous reactions, and a slowdown in the speed of solving problems.

The dynamics of performance is repeated after the lunch break. At the same time, the working-in phase proceeds faster, and the phase of stable working capacity is lower in level and less long than before lunch. In the second half of the shift, the decrease in working capacity comes earlier and develops faster due to deeper fatigue. Before the very end of work, there is a short-term increase in efficiency - the so-called final impulse.

The maintenance of high, stable working capacity is facilitated by the periodic alternation of types of labor of mental and physical labor, alternation of types of mental labor, alternation of types of physical labor, alternation of work and rest, which is provided for by intra-shift modes of work and rest.

The alternation of periods of work and rest is carried out in the form of the introduction of a lunch break in the middle of the working day, the optimal duration of which is set taking into account the distance from the workplace of sanitary facilities, canteens, the organization of food distribution, as well as the introduction of short-term regulated breaks, the duration and number of which is determined by based on monitoring the dynamics of working capacity, taking into account the severity and intensity of labor.

For work that requires a lot of nervous tension and attention, fast and accurate hand movements, more frequent, but short 5-10-minute breaks are advisable. When performing work that requires significant effort and the participation of large muscles, more rare, but longer 10-12-minute breaks are recommended.

In addition to regulated breaks, there are also micropauses - breaks in work that occur spontaneously between operations and actions. Micro pauses ensure that the optimal pace of work is maintained and high level performance. Depending on the nature and severity of the work, micropauses make up 9-10% of the working time.

The working capacity is importantly influenced by the daily regimes of work and rest, which is understood as the rational alternation of periods of work, rest and sleep of a person, which ensures its high working capacity and vital activity of the body. Usually, in the first hour of work, working capacity is low, at the 2-3rd hour it reaches a maximum, then it starts to decline and is maximally reduced by lunchtime. After lunch and until the end of the working day, the same picture is observed. V evening hours performance decreases, reaching its minimum at night. V daytime the lowest performance, as a rule, is observed between 12 and 14 hours, and at night - from 3 to 4 hours. Taking into account these patterns of development of the daily periodicity of human performance, the shifts of work of enterprises, the beginning and end of work in shifts, breaks for rest are determined. and dream. In general, the more efficient the regime of work and rest, the longer the period of stable working capacity and the shorter the periods of work and decline in working capacity.

The mode of work and rest is studied by the method of observation with timekeeping, the method of questioning, it is evaluated by comparison with the recommended modes for a specific category of workers, as well as by working capacity, labor productivity, rate of onset of fatigue, morbidity, health level. The correctness of the organization of the regime of work and rest is also assessed on the basis of complex studies of physiological indicators that determine the level of human performance, medical indicators that make it possible to judge the impact of the labor process on the health of workers, sociological indicators that show the attitude of the workers themselves to the regime of work and rest, economic indicators, characterizing the dynamics of labor productivity.

Meaning biological rhythms for full work and rest

Biorhythm- this is a cyclic alternation of different functional states of the body, its activity, activity, ability to respond to influences while maintaining homeostasis. The following mechanisms lie in the formation of biorhythms: congenital, genetically fixed; the change of night and day, seasonal changes and other environmental factors; shift work, class schedule, work schedule and other factors of the social environment. The time during which the rhythmic process completes a full cycle is called a period, and the frequency of such cycles per unit of time is called the biorhythm frequency. There are 5 classes of biorhythms:

1 - high frequency rhythms, from fractions of a second to 30 minutes (oscillations at the molecular level, EEG rhythms, heart contraction, respiration, intestinal motility);

2 - rhythms of medium frequency, from 30 min to 28 h, including ultradian (up to 20 h) and circadian (20-28 h), hormone release, protein synthesis;

3 - mesorrhythms, infradian (28 hours - 6 days), circaseptal (about 7 days);

4 - macrorhythms with periods from 20 days to 1 year;

5 - megarhythms with periods of tens and many tens of years.

The terms "circadian" (near-daily), "circaseptal" (near-weekly), "circannual" (near-annual) reflect certain deviations of biological rhythms from the corresponding geophysical and social cycles. Circadian rhythms are tied to solar days (24 hours), lunar days (24.8 hours), sidereal days (23.9 hours).

Physiological rhythms of physical activity (23 days), emotional activity (28 days), intellectual activity (33 days) were established. In the first half of the cycle, a person feels better than in the second. Critical days are especially unfavorable - the time of transition from one phase to another. If 2 or 3 match critical days the state of health is deteriorating, mortality is increasing. Mental activity is higher in the morning and afternoon hours, blood circulation and respiration.

Conventionally, three phases are distinguished in the daily rhythm, characterized by the predominance of certain endocrine and metabolic processes:

1. Recovery phase - the first half of a night's sleep (there is a process of long-term memorization of information accumulated during the active period).

2. The phase of preparation for vigorous activity - the second half of sleep and early morning hours (an increase in the proportion of paradoxical sleep stages that play an important role in creative processing and ordering of accumulated information).

3. Phase of activity - respectively, the entire period of wakefulness.

With stable modes of sleep and wakefulness, work, rest, the complex of circadian rhythms has a strict order, however, each person may have peculiarities. In this regard, the chronotypes "owls" (30-40%) with late falling asleep and late rising, "larks" (20-25%) with early falling asleep and early awakening, "pigeons" (35-50%) with the highest working capacity are distinguished. at 10-12 and 16-18 and the lowest at 2-5 o'clock.

Seasonal rhythms: in summer, a decrease in the force of contraction of the heart compared to spring; heat transfer is higher in summer compared to winter, food consumption is higher in winter than in summer; body growth is more intense in spring and summer than in winter; immunity is higher in winter than in summer; more gonadotropic hormones in spring; maximum performance is higher in autumn than in winter. This means that in different seasons the same person is different.

In view of the foregoing, all activities must be carried out taking into account biorhythms and at a strictly defined time, especially sleep, eating, which will contribute to the development of a stereotype.

The human body during the day is a different physiological, biochemical and morphological system, therefore, without taking into account biorhythms, the preservation of working capacity will lead to a violation of health.

Desync- violation of the natural rhythm - can lead to diseases and vice versa. Severe desync can lead to death.

Measures to rationalize work and rest

An important role in the process of rationalization of work and leisure is played by the scientific organization of labor, ergonomics, engineering psychology, industrial aesthetics, production music, friendly relations in the team, etc.

Scientific organization of labor is a system of organization of production and labor, which ensures a high level of labor productivity with high efficiency, preservation of physical and mental health and longevity of workers. To scientifically organize labor means to bring it into a certain system, which allows, at the lowest cost of human energy and material resources, to achieve the most high efficiency labor and maximum use of the knowledge of each worker.

The scientific organization of labor is characterized by scientific validity, planning, complexity, penetration into all spheres of activity, and the active participation of workers.

The main directions of the scientific organization of labor are the improvement of the organization and maintenance of workplaces, the rationalization of methods and methods of labor, the regulation of labor costs for individual operations. Important in this regard is to increase the cultural and technical level of workers and train qualified personnel, improve the forms of division and cooperation of labor, combine professions and specialties, improve labor discipline, increase creative activity, improve the organization of work of administrative and managerial and support personnel, improve forms and systems wages and economic incentives.

Ergonomics studies the relationship between man and machine. It develops requirements for the design of machines, machine tools and other equipment, the fulfillment of which ensures the convenience of their maintenance by a person, justifies the choice of the posture of the worker, the economy of movements, and the reduction of the resistance of the controls.

Man-machine is involved in solving the problem industrial aesthetics, which deals with the selection and use of optimal colors for rooms and equipment and the creation of equipment of a beautiful and rational form, and engineering psychology, which studies the relationship between control panel designs and the peculiarities of perception and processing of information by operators.

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Mode of work and rest

The most important component healthy lifestyle life are knowledge and observance of the regime of work and rest.

Labor is the true core and basis of the regime healthy life person. There is an erroneous opinion about the harmful effect of labor, which allegedly causes “wear and tear” of the body, excessive expenditure of forces and resources, premature aging. Labor, both physical and mental, is not only not harmful, but, on the contrary, systematic, feasible, and well organized. labor process extremely beneficial effect on the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, musculoskeletal system - on the entire human body. Constant training in the process of labor strengthens our body. The one who works hard and works well throughout his life lives long, on the contrary, idleness leads to flaccidity of the muscles, metabolic disorders, obesity and premature decrepitude.

In the observed cases of overstrain and overwork of a person, it is not labor itself that is to blame, but wrong mode of work. It is necessary to correctly and skillfully distribute forces during the performance of work, both physical and mental. Uniform, rhythmic work is more productive and more beneficial for the health of workers than changing periods of downtime with periods of intense, hasty work. Interesting and beloved work is done easily, without tension, does not cause fatigue and fatigue.

Correct is important choice of profession in accordance with individual abilities and human tendencies. A comfortable working uniform is important for the employee, he must be well instructed on safety issues. Right before work, it is important to organize your workplace: remove all unnecessary, arrange all the tools in the most rational way, etc. Workplace lighting should be sufficient and uniform. A local light source, such as a table lamp, is preferable.

It's best to start with the hardest part of the job. It trains and strengthens the will. It does not allow you to put off difficult things from morning to evening, from evening to morning, from today to tomorrow, and generally on the back burner. Necessary condition maintaining health in the process of work is the alternation of work and rest. Rest after work does not mean a state of complete rest. Only with very great fatigue can we talk about passive rest. It is desirable that the nature of the rest be opposite to the nature of the work of a person (“contrasting” principle of building a rest).

Physical workers need rest that is not associated with additional physical activity, and knowledge workers need some physical work during their leisure hours. This alternation of physical and mental stress good for your health. A person who spends a lot of time indoors should spend at least part of their time outdoors. It is desirable for city residents to relax outdoors - on walks around the city and outside the city, in parks, at stadiums, on hikes, on excursions, at work in garden plots, etc.

Sleeping mode. To maintain the normal activity of the nervous system and the whole organism, it is of great importance good sleep. The great Russian physiologist IP Pavlov pointed out that sleep is a kind of inhibition that protects the nervous system from excessive stress and fatigue. Sleep should be sufficiently long and deep. If a person sleeps little, then he gets up in the morning irritated, broken, and sometimes with a headache. It is impossible for all people without exception to determine the time needed for sleep. The need for sleep different people is not the same. On average, this rate is about eight hours. Unfortunately, some people view sleep as a reserve from which you can borrow time to complete certain tasks. Systematic lack of sleep leads to disruption of nervous activity, decreased performance, fatigue, irritability.

To create conditions for a normal, strong and restful sleep it is necessary to stop intense mental work 1-1.5 hours before bedtime. Dinner should be no later than 2 - 2.5 hours before bedtime. This is essential for proper digestion of food. You should sleep in a well-ventilated room, it’s good to accustom yourself to sleep with an open window, and in the warm season with an open window. In the room you need to turn off the lights and establish silence. Nightwear should be loose, not impeding blood circulation. Can't sleep in outerwear, it is not recommended to cover yourself with a blanket with your head, sleep face down - this interferes with normal breathing. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time - this helps to fall asleep quickly. Neglect of these simple rules of sleep hygiene causes negative phenomena. Sleep becomes shallow and restless, as a result of which, as a rule, insomnia develops over time, certain disorders in the activity of the nervous system.

For knowledge workers, systematic physical education and sports are of exceptional importance. It is known that even a healthy and young person, if he is not trained, leads a sedentary lifestyle and does not engage in physical education, with the slightest physical exertion, breathing quickens, a heartbeat appears. On the contrary, a trained person can easily cope with significant physical exertion. The strength and performance of the heart muscle, the main engine of blood circulation, is directly dependent on the strength and development of all muscles. Therefore, physical training, while developing the muscles of the body, at the same time strengthens the heart muscle. In people with underdeveloped muscles, the heart muscle is weak, which is detected at any physical work. Physical education and sports are also very useful for people of physical labor, since their work is often associated with the load of any particular muscle group, and not the entire musculature as a whole.

Physical training strengthens and develops skeletal muscles, heart muscle, blood vessels, respiratory system and many other organs, which greatly facilitates the work of the circulatory apparatus, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Daily morning exercises are a mandatory minimum of physical training. It should become for everyone the same habit as washing in the morning. Physical exercises should be performed in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. For people leading a "sedentary" lifestyle, physical exercises in the air (walking, walking) are especially important. It is useful to go to work on foot in the morning and walk in the evening after work. Systematic walking has a beneficial effect on a person, improves well-being, increases efficiency. Walking is a complexly coordinated motor act controlled by the nervous system, it is carried out with the participation of almost the entire muscular apparatus of our body. As a load, it can be precisely dosed and gradually, systematically increased in pace and volume. In the absence of others physical activity the daily minimum rate of exercise only by walking for young man is 10 - 15 km, a smaller load is associated with the development of hypodynamia. Thus, a daily stay in the fresh air for 1 - 1.5 hours is one of important components healthy lifestyle. When working indoors, it is especially important to take a walk in the evening, before going to bed. Such a walk as part of the necessary daily workout is beneficial for everyone. It relieves the tension of the working day, calms the excited nerve centers, and regulates breathing. Walks are best performed according to the principle of cross-country walking: 0.5 - 1 km with a walking slow step, then the same amount with a fast sports step, etc.

Schedule. A special place in the regime of a healthy life belongs to the daily routine, a certain rhythm of life and human activity. The mode of each person should provide for a certain time for work, rest, eating, sleeping. The daily routine for different people can and should be different depending on the nature of the work, living conditions, habits and inclinations, however, even here there must be a certain daily rhythm and daily routine. It is necessary to provide sufficient time for sleep, rest. Breaks between meals should not exceed 5-6 hours. It is very important that a person sleeps and eats always at the same time. Thus, they develop conditioned reflexes. A person who has dinner at a strictly defined time knows very well that by this time he has an appetite, which is replaced by a sensation severe hunger if lunch is late. Disorder in the daily routine destroys the formed conditioned reflexes. Speaking of the daily routine, do not mean strict schedules with a minute-by-minute time budget for each task for each day. There is no need to bring the regime to the point of absurdity with excessive pedantry. However, the routine itself is a kind of core on which the conduct of both weekdays and weekends should be based.

The most objective indicator of the development of physical culture and sports (FCS) is the time spent on classes exercise, for adults, the optimal time regimens in a weekly volume range from 6 to 10 hours (P.A. Vinogradov, V.I. Zholdak, L.N. Nifontova, Yu.V. Okunkov, 1973). The survey showed that 86% of those involved physical education do not reach the optimal modes of training. Among the workers, 6.3% were engaged in a week 6 - 8 hours; among workers in the service sector - 8; among engineers - 8.7; among the intelligentsia - 10.7; among pensioners - 4; among students in grades 9-10 - 6%.

In the 1980s, individual and group physical culture and health-improving classes became more and more widespread. More and more people were oriented not to traditional training in sports sections or to prepare for passing the standards of the TRP complex, but to liberalized classes on interests, hobbies, passions, organized near the place of residence or in recreation areas.

hardening. important preventive measure against colds is a systematic hardening of the body. It is best to start with childhood. The easiest way to harden air baths. Of great importance in the hardening system are also water procedures, they strengthen the nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, normalizing arterial pressure, improve metabolism. First, it is recommended to rub the naked body with a dry towel for several days, then move on to wet rubdowns. After a wet wipe, rub the body vigorously with a dry towel. You should start rubbing warm water(35 - 36o C), gradually moving to cool, and then to dousing. In summer, water procedures are best done outdoors, after morning exercises. It is useful to be outdoors as much as possible, sunbathe, swim. Physically healthy and hardened people, subject to certain conditions, can carry out water procedures outdoors and in winter.

Table of contents
Health and lifestyle.
Health as a universal value
Health as an indicator of population development
Factors affecting health
Statistics on health, morbidity, fertility, longevity and mortality
Definition of “health” and “illness”

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1.4.5. Compliance with the regime of work and rest

The regime of work and rest consists of working time and rest time.
Working time - the time during which the employee, in accordance with the internal labor regulations of the organization and the terms of the employment contract, must perform labor obligations, as well as other periods of time that, in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts, refer to working time. Normal working hours may not exceed 40 hours per week.
The employer is obliged to keep records of the time actually worked by each employee.
Reduced working hours.
Reduced working hours are set:
1) for employees under the age of sixteen - no more than 24 hours per week;
2) for workers aged sixteen to eighteen years - no more than 35 hours per week;
3) for employees who are invalids of group I or II - no more than 35 hours per week;
4) for workers employed in work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions labor, - no more than 36 hours per week in the manner prescribed by the Government Russian Federation taking into account the opinion of the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations.
Students working hours educational institutions under the age of eighteen, working for school year in their free time from study, cannot exceed half of the norms established by part 1 of article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for persons of the appropriate age.
Labor Code and others federal laws reduced working hours may be established for other categories of workers (pedagogical, medical and other workers).
part-time work
By agreement between the employee and the employer, part-time work or a part-time work week can be established both at the time of employment and subsequently. The employer is obliged to establish part-time work or part-time work week at the request of a pregnant woman, one of the parents (guardian, trustee) who has a child under the age of fourteen (a disabled child under the age of eighteen), as well as a person caring for the sick family member in accordance with the medical report. When working on a part-time basis, the employee is paid in proportion to the time worked by him or depending on the amount of work performed by him.
Work on a part-time basis does not entail any restrictions for employees on the duration of the annual basic paid leave, calculation seniority and others labor rights.
Duration of daily work (shift)
The duration of daily work (shift) cannot exceed:
1) for workers aged fifteen to sixteen years -5 hours, aged sixteen to eighteen years -7 hours;
2) for students educational institutions, educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, combining study with work during the academic year, at the age of fourteen to sixteen years - 2.5 hours, at the age of sixteen to eighteen years -4 hours;
3) for the disabled  in accordance with a medical certificate issued in accordance with the procedure established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
For workers employed in jobs with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, where reduced working hours are established, the maximum allowable duration of daily work (shift) cannot exceed:
- with a 36-hour working week - 8 hours;
- with a 30-hour working week or less - 6 hours.
The duration of the daily work (shift) of creative workers in the media, cinematography organizations, television and video crews, theaters, theater and concert organizations, circuses and other persons involved in the creation and (or) performance (exhibition) of works, professional athletes in accordance with lists of jobs, professions, positions of these employees, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the opinion of the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations, may be established by a collective agreement, a local normative act, employment contract.
The duration of work on the eve of non-working holidays and weekends.
The duration of the working day or shift immediately preceding a non-working holiday is reduced by one hour. In continuously operating organizations and in certain types of work, where it is impossible to reduce the duration of work (shift) on the holiday day, processing is compensated by providing the employee with additional rest time or, with the consent of the employee, payment according to the norms established for overtime. On the eve of the weekend, the duration of work with a six-day working week cannot exceed five hours.
Work at night.
Night time- Time from 22:00 to 06:00. The duration of work (shift) at night is reduced by one hour without further development. The duration of work (shift) at night is not reduced for employees who have a reduced working time, as well as for employees hired specifically for work at night, unless otherwise provided by the collective agreement.
The duration of work at night is equalized with the duration of work in the daytime in cases where it is necessary for working conditions, as well as in shift work with a six-day working week with one day off. The list of these works may be determined by a collective agreement, a local normative act. To work at night are not allowed: pregnant women; employees under the age of eighteen, with the exception of persons involved in the creation and (or) performance of works of art, and other categories of employees in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation and other federal laws.