Drawing matryoshki in the middle group An abstract classes. Abstract Classes for drawing "Folk Matryoshka" (middle group). Joint activities of teacher and children

Organization: MBDOU "Kindergarten №105"

Locality: Ryazan region, Ryazan

purpose: to educate interest in folk household and articles decorative - applied art, Russian folklore, to acquaint children with a Russian matrychka.

Equipment: Matryoshki, envelopes with cutting pictures, pictures with contour image of matryoshek, color pencils, collection of matryoshki, illustrations with matryoshki (grouped by painting style), cards - Matryoshek billets.

Stroke Game

Educator: There were always many masters in Russia, which their skill and talent glorified Russian land. Let's get acquainted with folk creativity Let's start with the most familiar and close to the toys. I will make you a riddle, and you guess:

There is one toy for you,

Not a horse, not parsley.

Scarlet silk handkerchief

Bright sundress in flower,

Hand rests in wooden sides.

And inside the secrets there are:

Maybe three, and maybe six.

Talked slightly

Our Russian ... .. (Matryoshka).

Of course, it all familiar to us Matryoshka. Here she is. (The educator demonstrates the children of a matryoshki.)

The story of the teacher.

Matryoshka know all over the world. Matryoshka is one of the most popular Russian toys, Russian souvenir. It is made of linden and birch, the tree is first dried, then cut into the bars. Of them and drag the figures. Then the figure is treated with a skin and paint. After varnish are covered. Matryshka is called a toy depicting a girl in a sundress and handkerchief. This toy is special. It is easy to understand. Each large lives small, and in a small even less. (The teacher reveals the nesting and puts all the nephews on the table).

The educator proposes to approach the easel and consider pictures of the matryoshek.

(The tutor shows and tells)

The birthplace of Russian painted matryoshka is considered to be the city of Sergiev Posad. Here, the production of Russian wooden dollwhich still causes admiration all over the world. This Sergiev is painted by gouache paints, but its color is not very painted. But Matryoshki Sergiev Posads differ from their sisters, which are performed in other places in Russia. Here in the Nizhny Novgorod region, the Matreuska is a Russian beauty, painted brightly and saturated. And in hand, such a nesting thing is sure to hold a bouquet of flowers. There is a matryoshka not only the state and chubby, but an elongated one is slim.

Educator: Children, Matryoshka want to play with us.

Want to play with Matriotka?

Well, I have one game! Collect a child!

(Children get up in a circle, the teacher takes Matrius, gives her her palms to children in turn, encouraging the child to task).

Who in the hands of Matryoshka,

He swears with her a little!

Who in the hands of Matryoshka,

He praises in his palm!

Who Matrius in his hands took

That ingredly we drank!

Who Matrius in his hands took,

He died beautifully!

Educator: - Inside each nesting, the task is hidden for us.

Open the first matryoshka.

  • Tell me what kind of nesting (describe it)? (elegant, painted, beautiful)
  • Why is she painted? (Sarafan decorated with flowers).
  • What is it made from? (from wood)

Task from the second matryoshka:

  • Name Matryoshka Laskovo. (Motya, Matyusha, Matronushka, Matoren).

Third task Matryoshki: Consider illustrations.

The game "Find me" (among the proposed pictures to find a matryoshka with a bouquet of flowers, call what kind of doll).

Fourth Matryoshka: Children, and this nesting has interesting pictures. You need to collect them.

The game is held "Collect Matryoshka." (Flip pictures of matryoshek).

Educator. Well done, children, all coped with the task, let's a little rest.

Game "We are funny matryoshki"

Merry matryoshka, (clap your hands)

On the legs of the boots, (hands on the belt, alternately put the leg on the heel ahead)

Sundars motley, (hands on the belt, turning torso right - left)

Bright handkerchiefs (tilting head left - right)

Love to dance, (kicks)

Our cheeks painted, (lick the cheek)

we merry Matryoshki,

We look like sisters. (Clap your hands)

Educator: Guys, look, all the nesting men have fun, and one, why is sad?

Children: She has no sundress painted.

Educator: Guys, let's try today, try to become masters of artists and pick up the sarafan matryoshki (distributes silhouettes).

(Children sit down at the tables on which color pencils lie, paint the doll).

Educator: What are you great, guys, what glorious nepheys did you get. (Children talk about their matryrs).

At the end of the occupation, the teacher: children, and let's remember what toy did you meet today?

Children: Matrychka.

Educator: And from what Matriuska is made?

Children: from wood.

Educator: What are your netreski?

Children: elegant, beautiful.

Educator: What matters are in growth?

Children: different, small and large.

Educator: How can I play with them?

Children: collect, disassemble.

Educator: And you liked this toy, you will play with her.

Educator: How do you need to treat such a toy and work of people's masters?

Children: carefully, neat.

Educator: Well done. Today, we met the Matrychka, learned from what it was done, and we will play with a toy carefully and gently.

"Once again ... how can you teach the children of the elder preschool age non-traditional drawing techniques "

Madou "Kindergarten Pos. them. Karl Marx "

Abstract Node: "Drawing"

Subject: "MerryMatryoshka "

Educator: Yarosh Z.N.

Approximate secondary program preschool education

From birth to school

Edited by N.E. Veracses, TS Komarova, M.A.Vasilyeva

Age group older

Theme node : "MerryMatryoshka "

Oo artistic and aesthetic development, node "Drawing"

purpose : Create conditions for the development of the main artistic perception and practical skills of work when painting the Silhouette of Matryushki non-traditional technician drawing ("Monotypia" and "writhing paper" using various artistic materials (gouache, wax crayons)


1. To form a presentation of children about Russian matretory. (Introduce children with the history of the creation of the Russian Matryoshka: With the author's matristers, based on fairy tales, depicting cultural monuments, glamorous matryrs) "Cognitive development"

2. Ride the communicative skills of children in communicating with adults and peers "Socio-communicative development";

Develop creative imagination Children, fantasy, independence when painting the silhouette of Matryoshki familiar ways of non-traditional drawing- "Monotypia" and "writhing with crumpled paper" "Artistic and aesthetic development";

Develop the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text of the game "Physical development"

Develop in children cognitive interest To the matryrchka, as for souvenir, the symbol of Russia. "Cognitive development»

Develop a desire to become artist masters and decorate the silhouette of Matryushki "Cognitive development»

Develop the ability to evaluate creative works "Socio-communicative development"

3. Recompret the accuracy of children when using paints. "Artistic and aesthetic development",
Activities: Visual, game, communicative, motor

Forms of organization: Group. individual

Forms of realization of children's activities: Production of children's creativity products

Equipment and materials : Presentation "History of Creating Russian Matryoshek", laptop, parcel, chest, white silhouettes of matretory with album leaf, gouache , cakes, napkins, brushes, unoligible, wax crayons, sheets of paper, cotton wands, plates for used cotton sticks, palette, big wooden matryoshka,

Preliminary work : Conversation about the Russian folk toy "Matrushka", viewing illustrations, real products Matriots, games with matryrs.

Move node

Children are sitting on the chairs on the carpet. (A knock on the door)

Guys send us a parcel

What is in the parcel? (opens parcel). This is a chest, it is not simple,
And surprise in it painted. And what, you learn when you guess the riddle.

These bright sisters
A friendly hid koschikov
And live families one.
Only the older open,
Sits my sister is different
In that other sister is smaller.
You will get to the crumb,
These girls are ...


- (I open the chest) That's right, this is a matryoshka. See what it is bright and elegant. But it happened at our nesting trouble: winter turned her friends in snowy matryoshki (Showing the silhouettes of dolls). Matryoshki became very white, ugly. Matryoshka, sealed, seized, decided to ask you for help. We must return their colorful to the mats, make them again bright and cheerful. Will help matryoshki? (Yes, we will help)

(Children are searched by a laptop to view the presentation)

- Matryoshka - unique toy. Together with the Russian birch and Russian samovar, she became a symbol of Russia. Russian matryoshka is a good messenger of friendship and love. She is the soul of Russia. How did Matryshka appear? (Slides number 2, № 3, № 4)

The world's most popular Russian wooden painted doll appeared in Russia in the 90s of the XIX century in the Moscow region estate Abramtsevo owned by S.I. Mamontov, the first Russian nesting lot made a turner-toy Vasily Stars, in the walls of the workshop " Baby education". Sergey Malyutin, the first artist who was playing Matrius. The first matryoshka was a round, swallow, naughty girl in Kosynka I. folk dress, with a rooster in hand. (slides number 5, № 6, №7, № 8)

And what material make matryoshki from? (From wood,)

- : So what are they? (Wooden)

- Different masters painted their dolls in different ways (Slides number 9, No. 10, №11, № 12). Therefore, although there are similar devils, yes every person

The first in the world and in Russia - Matryoshki (slide number number.17)

Here is such a huge collection of Matriots ( slides number.19)

Look at glamorous matryors ( slides number.21, Slides number.22, slides number.23 , Slides number.24 , Slides number.25)

Who knows what does the word glamor mean? ( Fashionable. shiny)

(The educator suggests to view the toy - Matrius)

- Matryoshka - the toy is unusual. See what it is beautiful, what bright colors Her artist painted. Do you like it? (Yes, I like it.)

- What person? (Cheerful, sad, beautiful)

- And what cheeks? (Round rosy.)

- And eyes? ( Small, round.)

- And what's on the head at the nesting? ( Handkerchief

- What color is sundress? (Red Sarafan)

- And what color apron? (Apron white.)

What is drawn on sundress? ( Flowers.)

- Right. Our matryoshka is very bright, she has a red sundress, a white apron. On the apron - bright red flowers with green leaves. On the head of the nesting yellow handkerchiefs. Black eyes. Round like beads. On the cheeks - bright blush.

And now take the silhouettes of matretory (Children choose any silhouettes of matretory) And I invite you to the workshop where you like real artists are the authors, write down your dolls, help them become bright, elegant again. But first let's make a warm-up before work.

(Children pass to the workshop, to pre-prepared tables)

Fizminutka "On a visit to the Matreshka"

I called Matryoshka (palms on the cheeks, swing your head)

And we went along the track (step in place)

We see the tree high (fist on the cam)

We see a deep lake (wave with hand)

Poultry songs sing (crossed your fingers)

The pieces are drove everywhere (knocking on her palm to her finger)

Here they peck and pecks there, they do not give them anyone (on-site jumping)

It's home. And in it window (cover and window from the hands)

We are met there Matryoshka (tilting forward)

We are a little shipping and fought back (greet, running in place ...)

(Children sit at the tables and the sleeves are squeezed)

- We will paint the silhouette of the Matryoshki not as usual, but in different ways of drawing and different materials (show) - wax cramped, gouache, and cotton chopsticks. Now look different methods Drawing . (Educator's display) Waile shallow paint face: round eyes - beads, eyebrows, spout, mouth. Rosy cheeks dark hair. That's ready-to-face matryoshki.

What elements of the patterns do we know how to draw a brush? (Wavy lines, blades, curls .., and cotton chopsticks, leaves, leaves. Adamination can draw leafy and flower petals)

- Each Matrius Sarafany painted different patterns, we will paint in our way. I put the silhouette of Matryoshki in half. Aphtite as it is called a method of drawing when you first fold a sheet of paper (or the silhouette of the matretory in this case)? ("Monotypia")

That's right, the MONotype method is used to paint sundress. And for painting, we use a crumpled paper. What is the way this method of drawing? ("Printing with crumpled paper")

That's right, and "writing (printing) with a crumpled paper" Use for painting a handkerchief. Our Matryoshka has already drawn face, and the silhouette of Matryushki, I already bent in half and smooth out the folding line.

Sofia took a right brush, slightly above the metal tip, left put on the left half of the sundress so that this side does not paint, but on the right half of the sundhan of the silhouette of the Matryoshki brush are applied any patterns that The fracture lines and turn into hand so that it turns out a print on the (left) pure half of the sundress. Open the Silhouette of Matryoshka and watch a pattern like a pattern (Baby show- Work with "Monotype"). It turned out such elegant Sarafan Matryoshka. Then we proceed to another method of "writing with crumpled paper":

(I call a child to show at the board).

Kirill, took the paper and crumpled it, then crumpled paper lowers in any paint and puts out an impression (imprint) on the boobs of Matryshka (showing a child- work with "Printing Child"). The resulting drawing resembles a mosaic.

Let's repeat how we will draw. (First face matryoshki.)

- Right. What do you draw a face? (Wax shallow)

- What are you doing then? (Then bend the silhouette of the dolls in half. And one half - we apply paint)

Right. Paint than applied? ( Brush. Then we apply another half of the sarafan.)

- How to paint the handle? ( Fliminate paper and crumpled paper We apply an imprint of any paint on the handkerchiefs.)

- Well done! All right! And if we try, we will decorate your copyright wand (beads, cheeks ...)

Well, the wizard, soon for business - decorate the nephews boldly.
Choose any pattern to please it.

Sounds music "We are funny matters ...».

Children perform a task, the educator controls, helps in case of difficulty.

Holding finger gymnastics.

Once two three four five, we will count your fingers, strong friendly all such needed. Clamps were kept - squeezed.
Here and the fingers scented.
And now, the masters,
You have time to relax all.
- I suggest you stand up and pass around the tables - stop near the dolls you like.

Why do you like this matryka most? (I ask 3-4 children) (children's responses)

And now go back to your matryors.

Look at these emoticons "joyful" and "sad" Which of you thinks that I managed with the task and it turned out Matryoshka just like you as you thought, then puts the Matrius on the table, where the smiley "joyful". And if you think that your Matryoshka does not work out then on the table where "sad" smiley. (Children perform a task)

- Our Matreshka also really liked her new girlfriends. They became elegant, bright, fun. Well done! Very nice painted. Real masters, artists! And not scary more matryoshki winter leprosy (I give a brief assessment of children's work) All you tried very hard, the nesting lot will thank you for your help and thank you for your new girlfriends. And now she says goodbye to you and returns to my home.

Outcome:What did you like the lesson most? (children's responses). What way did you like to paint "Monotype" or "Montotypius" or "writhing paper"? (Responses of children). Molders! The occupation is over.

Used Books:


1 TS Komarov. "Classes in fine activities in senior group kindergarten. Abstract classes. M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2009

2.r.g.kazakova "Cooking classes with preschoolers: Non-traditional techniques, planning, abstract classes "-m, shopping center SFERE2009g.

3.T.A.Cvitaria. "Non-traditional drawing techniques. Integrated classes in Dow "-m, shopping center in 2011.

The abstract of drawing classes in the middle group.

Subject: "Merry Matryoshka"

Software content: develop a sense of color in children, to decorate the silhouette of the sundress, using lines, strokes, points, mugs and other familiar elements to have a pattern throughout the silhouette or lower around the edge.

Call interest and educate respect for the work of people's masters.

Material: Samples of Maidan's Matryoshek; paper silhouette of dolls, wax pencil Black, watercolor, brushes, napkins - for each child.

Preliminary work: Viewing matryoshek in a group, games with folk toys, drawing up stories and fairy tales, acting persons which are nesting.

Musical accompaniment: Audio recording of Russian folk melodies.

Structure occupation

1. Game motivation

Educator (exposing 8 dolls from one set on the table).

Eight wooden dolls

Kruglitic and ruddy,

On the table we live -

All the nurses are called.

This toy with a surprise ...

Look, ka, guys

What is Matrechchka rich?


There are fun sisters.

About a hundred years ago, the merchants brought a small doll toy to Russia from the distant Japan, within which there were several more figures embedded alone to another. This doll liked both adults and children. After some time we appeared in Russia toy girls who were invested in each other. In shape they resembled a Japanese toy, but were dressed in Russian: in sundress, aprons, handkerchiefs. These dolls were called Matrey, affectionately - matryoshki.

It was loved by the Russians this toy. They began to sharpen it from the tree on the lathes and paint. Each Master Master has their own face, their outfit and their own character.

Matryoshki are large, multi-dimensional, in which up to 24 sisters fit, and the simplest - only 3 pupae. But the point is not how many of them, but that everyone and adults, and children admire the sister-dumps.

Like a repkah she is a circle,

And under the scarlet handkerchief on us

Looks fun, boyko, wide

A pair of black currants-eye.

And the outfit can boast! They have bright handkerchiefs with flowers, on top of Sarafan - apron, and not simple. Look at what pattern artists are decorated?

- Flowers, leaves, berries, buds.

- That's right, the pattern consists of bright flowers, leaves, berries.

The bright makes the nephews, it seems, they will wave them with handkerchiefs and be broken into the dance ...

We are nesting, we are sisters,

We are bbw-small

How let's go to dance and sing,

You do not have time for us.

2. Fizminutka

Q: -Deight and we drunk together with matryoshki.

3. Statement of educational and gaming tasks

Educator: -And why this nesting is sad?

Children: her sundress is not painted

Educator: - Today we will try to become masters-artists and pick up the sarafan matryoshki (distributes silhouettes).

4. Independent work Children

Under the audio recording of Russian folk melodies, children are starting to work. During drawing, I draw the attention of children to the flavor and composite construction of the pattern on the apron. At the end of the work, an exhibition of dolls is issued.

5. Analysis of work.

Guys, look at your dolls. What are they beautiful. And you like your work. What kind of doll did you like best? Tell me what you liked the work ... (Answers 2-3 children).

Well done boys. Today we met again with our favorite matrychka, and you really coped with this work.

Abstract Node on drawing in preparatory group "Story"

Subject. "Painted matryoshka."

Software content. Continue to acquaint children with a matrychka as a kind of folk toys (history of creation, features external view and decor, raw material, the most famous crafts are Semenovskaya, Polhov-Maidan, Voronezh), to form the ability to paint the dolls using various techniques, develop the eye meter, a feeling of color, shape, rhythm, proportions, educate interest in folk culture, aesthetic taste.

Tools: Wooden Different Matryoshki, Volumetric Gypsum Mats, Paints, Tassels, Water Cups, Wet Napkins.

Preliminary work: Consider toys of national applied fishery (Matryoshek, Dymkovsky, Filimonovsky, games with matryoshki, conversation about folk toys, Drawing other toys of folk applied art.

Node move:

I.. Org. moment.

Look at how many guests came to us, let's say hello to them.

II. Main part.

1. Conversation "The History of Creating and Types of Matryoshek".

Guys, today we fell into the ancient Russian workshop on painting toys, and since she is ancient Russian, respectively and we need to dress in folk costumewho wore Russici. Today you will be masters on painting toys

and we will paint the toy that is encrypted in the reply of the riddles.

Scarlet rig

Bright sundress in flower,

Hand rests

In wooden sides.

And inside the secrets there are:

Maybe five, and maybe six.

Talked a little.

This is Russian .... (children guess "Matryshka")

Well done! Of course, this is Matryoshka.

One hundred years ago, one master saw a Japanese wooden-toy toy, (on a slide) who portrayed the old man of the monk. And he decided to make such a toy for his children. He made her from the tree, and the familiar artist painted with paints flower pattern. Yes, so beautiful that not only children this toy liked. So a pinking girl appeared, dressed in a sundress or skirt with a shirt, apron, handkerchiefs. In his hands, she kept a rooster or a snout, and sometimes knots. So the image of the peasant girl was born - a cute rustic Matrion, the name is very common at the time. So called the doll Matrushka.

After many years later, the masters began to pull dolls on lathes. From year to year, Matryushki changed. Family matryoshki appeared (mother, dad, kids), there are heroes of fairy tales (repka, teremok,).

And you will learn these heroes of matryoshki (red hat). And who wrote this fairy tale? (Charles Perra). Look, but Matryoshka with the image of the plant.

The craftsmen are painted by the paints of dolls - "dress up" dolls into the Pensy Sarafans, colored shawls. In different areas there were its features of the costume, from here and different names Matryoshek, shapes and making paintings. The most common Semenovskaya, Polhov-Maidan, Matryoshki. Now different dolls will tell about themselves.

Semenovsky Matryshchka

Multicolored rides.

Played, came down -

And one in one invested.

Here are these Matters from Semenova.

During the painting of Semenovsky Mattakers, the Masters use three colors - red, yellow and blue. The basis of the composition in the painting of the Semenovsky Matryoshka is the apron, which is depicted lush bouquet flowers. Semenovsky Matryoshka is distinguished by its capacity - it is invested up to 15-18 dolls. It was in Semenov that the largest 72-seater matryoshka was sharpened, the height of which was 1 meter, and the diameter of 0.5 meters.

What is common in all matryoshki? (1. Made of wood, 2. Opened equally, 3. Such bright flower painted.

That's right, for the manufacture of matryrs, birch or lime lamps are used, first they are dried well, and then cut the doll

What is the difference? (Different pictures)

2. Movable game "We are Matryoshka."

Since we are talking about matryoshek, let's get a little dolls and dance.

3. Continuation of the conversation "History of creation and types of matryoshki."

- And now, guys, consider two more matryoshki Polhov-Maidan and Voronezh. With the painting of the half-Maidan dolls, raspberry-red, green, black colors are used more often. A, Voronezh in the form of a matryoshka reminds easter eggthat symbolizes life. The egg-shaped form turned by chance: one day the craftswoman saw the defective nesting doll too round in shape and above the bitch. On the head a bright handkerchief with flowers. White shirt with embroidery, often a rhombus that symbolizes the sun. Black Done (skirt) with red cells forming cells - symbolizes the black soil. In a suit there are three colors - white, black and red.

Currently, the author's doll is becoming increasingly distribution, when artists are simultaneously combined in one mesh elements different species Matryoshek. Decorative paintings are used: Gzhel, Khokhloma, etc.

Let's go beyond the tables workshop. It is in workshops "artists decorate their souvenirs with painting.

4. Preparation for productive activities.

Our painting toy is hidden in the form that we poured on the eve. Remove gum and deliver toys from the form.

What is the toy in front of you? (Matryoshka)

Only our doll is not simple, not wooden, but what? (Our gypsum nesting, ... heavy, ... not painted, ... sad, ... faceless).

5. Demonstration and sample work.

In the circle, draw a neat care maker. We make a hair sprinkler and two strands, neatly laid out on the sides. At the bottom of the chin, we draw a knot of the knotted ends of the shawl, because at the top of the face and hair at the dolls always happens to the handkerchiefs.

Detailing the face of the doll. By horizontal line Draw beautiful eyes. Initially lines upper eyelids With cilia, then the lower eyelids and between them themselves are big black circles. Then, on top of the eye, we make two thin brings invasses, the contemporance of a small barcode - nose and downstairs a neat mouth of two sponges like a flower.

Draw a clothing lines. Top two features along the neck. They will separate the handkerchief from Sundar. At the bottom of the rounded line of Sarafan hen.

On the housing of the matryoshki draw patterns of sundresses. They can be the most diverse and bizarre. It can be a flower, a basket, a bird. I am a drawing flower. Initially, we draw the flower itself from the petals, bent up, then turned down. It turned out a curl of a flower. Then at the top of the flower draw beautifully cut leaves.

On the sides of the casing of the doll, we must still definitely draw the handles. They are drawn in shirt sleeves bent in the elbows. Matryoshki neat small hand brushes with thin fingers.

Collect the matryoshka at your discretion. Remember, Matryoshka - always very bright, colorful dolls, so do not spare the colors to give it unique Coloritawho is peculiar to this particular Russian doll.

With cotton wands, you can decorate a sundress, handkerchief with flowers. Then the tip of the toothpick dip in the white gouache and "revive" the eyes glare.

Before drawing

You need to stretch your fingers.

Fingering gymnastics

We are funny matryoshki, clap your hands

On my feet, we have boots, index and middle fingers go on the floor

In the sundresses of our motley join the palms together

We look like sisters. Hands in the castle

Be careful and remember that in any case the best assistants - Silence and patience.

And now, the masters,

For all time for work.

Masters, soon for business -

Decorating dolls boldly.

6. Productive activities.

(The teacher in the process of drawing helps and tells children)

Well done, guys! What beautiful things got you neglected! And most importantly all such different and joyful!

Put ready matryoshka at the tray and let them dry out.

III. Outcome.

Guys, did you like to paint the dolls? (Children's responses). Guys, what interesting did you find out about Matreshka? (Children's responses). Souvenir which country is the doll? (Children's responses). For what you have worked on glory today, I treat you with chocolate mats.

Have you pleased to gifts?

Let's, please our guests and give our first gypsum works. (Children give).

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution kindergarten Combined View No. 2.


drawing Educational Activities

in the middle group

"Decorate Sarafany Matryushkam"


Asonova Lyudmila Alekseevna

nelidovo, Tver region.

Subject: "Decorate the sundresses of matryoshkam."

Purpose: Formation of aesthetic attitude towards the environment.



Develop the ability to independently choose the ways of image colors, patterns using various techniques for this (applying tassels to paper plastle - "adjustment", rotation of the tassel, tightly attached to paper, applying points, etc.)

Exercise children in paint mixing to receive light shades Red I. blue flowers (pink, blue).

Relieve accuracy when working with paint.


Develop thinking, imagination, speech, attention, memory, creative abilities.


Stimulate empathy game characters; to educate the desire to assist those who need it; raise the ability to listen to speech teachers and children without interrupting; Educating communicative qualities, friendly attitude towards each other.

Integration of educational areas:

Artistically - aesthetic development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Socio - communicative development.

Equipment:Patterns of paper saraguffs, a gouache of three colors (red, blue, white), tassels, rags, palettes, cups with water, stands for brushes, small sheets for sample paper, oilcloth on tables, aprons with breakers for children, music record about matryoshki .

Preliminary work: Viewing patterns on clothing, work with coloring, didactic games and experiments to mix paints,

board games ("Color domino", "hide in a house", lotto "pick up color", "Collect beads", etc.), observations of blooming plants in nature in the summer and in the center of nature in the group, memorizing poems on the main Colors and their shades, singing songs about matryoshki, excursion to the mail.

The course of educational activities

Children playing in game corners. Song music records about matryoshki and a postman appears in the group with a parcel in the group.

Postman: Hello, children, adults. Tell me, please, it medium group?

Children: Yes.

Postman: Well, that's good. And I brought you a parcel.

Children: From whom?

Postman: Well, from whom I do not know, and you only need to sign here.

Educator: Well thank you! (signs) Goodbye!

The postman leaves.

Educator: Guys, I do not understand anything. On the box depicted a matryoshka. What do you think, then this is the parcel from?

Children: From Matryoshek. (opens, gets a letter)

Educator: Hello children. We are very sadty matryoshki. We were invited by autumn holidayAnd we have no festive sundresses. We would really like to have sundresses with pink and blue patterns. If you can help us, decorate our sundresses, we will be grateful to you.

Educator: Guys, want to help matryoshki?

Children: Yes.

Educator: How can we help matryoshki? (The educator listens to the answers of children, discusses and together come to the decision: decorate the sundresses to the matryoshkam beautiful flowers, patterns - pink and blue).

Educator: Well, that's the trouble, we do not have such paints. How to be?

Children: Offer mix white paint With red, it will be pink.

Educator: And how do we get a blue paint?

Children: We must mix white and blue paint.

Educator: Right. Matryushkam very much like flowers, so you can decorate sundresses different colors or patterns. Well, are you ready to help?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Before drawing, you need to stretch your fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

We are funny dolls (compress and squeeze your fingers)

On our feet we have boots (play with your fingers below)

In the sundresses of our motley (connect the palms together)

We look like sisters (hands in the castle)

Educator: Now take sundresses and go beyond the tables.

(Children put on apron, sleeves and sit down)

Calm music sounds, children mix paint, draw. In the case of referring to the educator, or if necessary, I go to the children, I clarify what kind of paint should be taken to get a blue color, and what kind of pink.

Who will complete the work, go, ask, what patterns, the flowers are decorated with a sundress, praise. When you finish almost all the children, then approach the table, where work is decomposed and talk: what decorated the sundress? What color patterns or flowers? What are these colors called? What makes patterns? We admire the work, mark the difference in the shades of color: pale blue, bright blue, etc.

Educator: Children, I think the matryoshkam will like our sundresses. Well done! How do we send them to matryoshkam? Let the letter write to matryoshkam? In the evening we will write a letter, and tomorrow we will go to the mail and send a letter and package to matryoshkam.