Characteristics of a person in the form of fingernails. The nature of the shape of the nails: what can tell about a person his nails. Very wide and flat

In character, girls who prefer the shape of nails “square” are more likely to be guided by reason and logic than by feelings. They are pedantic, in their studies they often become excellent students. They value order very much, are attentive to trifles, and when microscopic cracks or scuffs appear, they try to update the manicure as soon as possible. They are inquisitive and witty, persistent, decisive, independent. Can often give good advice friends, but not myself. The shape of the nails and the character of a person are very closely related.

© square__lilmisswhite

rounded square nails

Lovers of the shape of nails "soft square" have a practical character. Such women devote a lot of time to work, hobbies, and affairs. They are constantly busy with something, they can be called workaholics, often they are not limited to one talent, and they can do almost everything. They are kind, optimistic, open. They tend to idealize people, justify them to the last, are disappointed only in the most extreme cases. Despite the fact that they often believe in fate and luck, girls with this form of nails make great efforts to achieve their goal.

© sqoval__lesyakurbanova_nails

rounded nails

Neat manicure with round tips speaks of the sentimentality of its owner. These girls love to dream, live by their own rules and believe in ideals. They do not tolerate quarrels, they try to reconcile people, often being extreme at the same time. They prefer calm discussions to stormy disputes, they try to hide their excitement.

© round__marina_andreeva111

oval shaped nails

Most likely, the owner of such a manicure will prefer a dress or classic suit leather jacket and torn T-shirt. These girls strive for elegance in everything - in clothes, interior, ways to spend their leisure time. They are feminine, delicate, prefer not to interfere in other people's affairs. Sometimes they like to gossip. Romantic and caring. Just like lovers round shape nails, do not endure quarrels, try to reconcile the warring.

© oval_yuliyaant

pointed almond nails

The character of girls who prefer the shape of "pointed almond" or "mountain peak" resembles the character of the owners of the classic oval shape with the only difference that they pay more attention to appearance. They can often be found on the correction of manicure, because this form requires strong, more often acrylic nails. They experiment more with style. They are easily charming, but can be infantile. They are more easily offended and more inclined to think through their actions in terms of benefit for themselves.

© sharp_oval_patabloguje

stiletto nails

The stiletto shape is often chosen by creative, emotional people. It is important for them to attract attention, they spend a lot of time and effort on appearance, often neglecting everyday issues. They offer innovative ways to solve problems. In work and relationships, they need freedom - only in this case they can completely dissolve in what is happening. They are sensitive and vulnerable. Often they notice a penchant for mysticism: they see prophetic dreams and believe in deja vu. Sometimes they even manage to benefit from such conditions.

© stiletto__benestetica_castelfidardo

short pointed nails

Women who prefer short pointed nails follow fashion carefully, preferring to introduce unusual elements into their style. These are creative creative people, purposeful, often achieving success, especially in own business. In business and love, they are pedantic and sometimes even cruel. Impatient, able to quickly get involved in new things, fickle. In everyday life they prefer comfort.

© vamp_stiletto_sylwia_koko

ballerina shape nails

The shape "ballerina" also speaks of creativity. The owners of such nails strive for uniqueness in everything: in their style there is always a place for unusual details, in the house an unusual vase brought from a trip can take the main place. This form is chosen by aesthetes who are able to admire rather beautiful design dishes, rather than its taste, to buy cute rather than practical things. Dreamy, pedantic, prone to perfectionism.

© ballerina__apolishedlife

trapezium shape nails

This form has become widespread in last years. Owners of such nails are not afraid to be different from others. Often these are highly intelligent charismatic people who are able to accept and love themselves for who they are, not wanting to change anything. There are those in their ranks who lack energy. They can be passive and driven. Outward calmness can hide an explosive nature. Often they devote themselves to sports.

© trapeze_maddieboutnails

short nails

Short nails are not boring at all, according to their owners. They are active, energetic, diversified. Often the owners of short nails are those who manage to do everything, causing bewilderment and less envy. organized girlfriends. In everyday life and work, they are rather pedantic and picky, independent and independent, often become leaders. Easily enter into disputes and often win them. Hot-tempered, but quick-tempered. Outwardly sociable, these people often subconsciously strive for loneliness.

Every woman has her own ideas about perfect man with whom they would be ready to start a family and, as they say, die in one day. In this short digression, women can get a hint on how to choose their ideal from a multitude of men and distinguish who is who by the shape of their nails. Here the main 4 types of shapes and nails and the corresponding 4 types of men's character will be presented. To make it easier to understand, we present them in the form of a picture.

Noble knight (Fig. 1)

As soon as such a man begins to court, a woman begins to feel like a queen no less. Self-confident, he will give the same confidence to you in life. He will be that strong shoulder that you can lean on. He clearly knows what he wants, including from you. He will not delay and announce all his initiatives to you without delay. The only negative, from time to time, selfishness and self-love will show. There is one more thing, if you don’t suit him in the future, he will honestly announce this to you without regrets. So it's up to you to decide whether you are ready to have an honest man in a relationship.

Comedian (Fig. 2)

The joker, the soul of the company is a lifelong optimist who will not let you get bored, sad, a holiday person. With humor in life, he wins the love of others and of course yours. He knows what to say to the woman he loves, so that her heart beats more and more often with every appearance of him. With the Conqueror of Women, self-confidence in all manifestations of this man hides a vulnerable soul that needs to be supported. And of course, in gratitude, such a man will again make life play different colors just for you. If you are ready to live almost always during the holidays, then this man is for you.

High-flying bird (Fig. 3)

Charm, charisma, unpredictability, confidence in his masculine charm make such a man arrogant and a player with his own rules of the game. Such an intellectual skeptic who makes fun of everyone and everything around. He is a winner who will not tolerate any rivals on his road, he will try to destroy them morally with his caustic tongue. He is a high flying bird. He always believes and will continue to believe that he is smarter and more talented than others. Women should try to meet their requirements. But if he chose you, he will not tolerate anyone else near him. By choosing you, he made you chosen by His Majesty for life. And together you will go through life to conquer the peaks of Olympus.

Shy prince (Fig. 4)

O these noble and humble men, they would use their beauty, but no, they, like that red maiden, are waiting for their beloved, who herself will take the initiative and win his heart. They will, like that victim, watch from the sidelines when the fair sex will fight for this beautiful trophy. For all its attractiveness, the owner of this form of nails has self-doubt and never dares to take the first step towards acquaintance. If you decide to link your fate with such a man, you should be ready to constantly educate his virtues to increase his self-esteem and push him to action. That is, to educate him throughout his life.

An interesting test, how to determine the character of the nails or the shape of the nails and the character of a person, what is he like?

So, today the character is in the form of nails. We look at the photo and find our nail shape and read

How to determine? It's very simple - we look at our nails and the shape that best suits you is your shape. Next, look for it in the list and voila! We read and make sure that this is about you! This is useful not only in order to find out about yourself what you already knew. Maybe you want to get to know the person better...

P.S. do not forget to join our group in If you have long and rectangular nails, then you are most likely a very sociable person who, among other things, has a sharp mind. You experience the pleasure of new acquaintances and new experiences, and you are always trying to expand your horizons.
When it comes to work, your main motto is "Measure seven times, cut once." You study the issue from all sides and accept the most optimal solution. The main thing is to think over everything, down to the smallest details.

Wide and flat" color="red"]
You are a person with a clear mind who analyzes everyone and everything. You think before you speak, and people often turn to you for advice, listen carefully to your opinion. You are well versed in the characters of people, and you can always rely on your instincts.
Such people like to create something new, they know that the work will pay off later. First of all, they are interested in practicality and usefulness, so they like to invent smart solutions for complex problems.

short and rounded

You are most likely energetic creative person with great (possibly hidden) talent. You radiate joy and positive, so people are always happy to make contact with you. Once you make a new friend, you remain faithful to him for life and do everything to protect the people you love.
There are few things that you love more than anything. An adventurous spirit plays within you, and once something has captured your mind, you will never back down until you achieve it. Some say you're a little stubborn, but you know what you want!

Unusual cuticles

This means that you are a very flamboyant person who avoids the word "ordinary" like some kind of plague. You always find non-standard solutions.
Your motto is “Work like work, rest like rest!”. You know how to have fun, so whatever you do, by definition, cannot be boring.

ps: Remember that each person is unique and amazing in their own right, which is just a nice attempt at classification.

All doctors examining patients, be sure to pay attention to their nails, as the latter give a very important information about the state of human health. But it has also long been noticed that the shape and color of nails can give us an idea about the character of their owner.

It is important to note that what matters is the natural shape of the nails, and not the tendency to give them. certain form while doing manicure or nail extension.

Looking at our nails, we notice their shortcomings, correct the shape, do a manicure, heal with the help of nail masks and medical varnishes. All these efforts are aimed at making nails close to perfect. But the individuality of a person is also manifested in his nails.

Observant manicurists may say that they do not like clients with one form or another. nail plate. And not because such nails are difficult to make beautiful, but for the simple reason that such girls, as a rule, are distinguished by an absurd and scandalous disposition. They are unpleasant to work with.

People who are fond of palmistry have long noticed a certain dependence on the shape of nails and character. This principle does not always work, but the similarity is so frequent that it is difficult not to notice.

Nail shape and character

  • Short round nails. Energetic and curious people tend to have short nails. They are intuitive, but they think logically. They love to prove themselves right and are not averse to criticizing others.
  • Short wide nails, their width is greater than their length. They are critical and quick-tempered, people with wide nails are prone to haste and sensuality. They are critical of themselves, wayward, but they do not hold a grudge against anyone.
  • Wide, long nails with rounded tips. A sane person who is able to think clearly, has a broad outlook and is not critical. These people are open to new ideas. They may tend to be more intuitive than practical.
  • Long, almond-shaped nails. A pleasant person to talk to, a dreamer with an artistic streak. Such people can be charming and even act like children from time to time. These nails may also indicate a weakness of character, some irresponsibility. Often such people love everything good, but do not spend much effort on obtaining pleasant benefits. It is believed that the narrower the nails, the more touchy and irritable a person is.
  • Very large, square nails. Balanced, pleasant character with a strong personality and a practical streak. These people are very well suited both for manual work and for planning large complex projects.
  • Fan nails. The shape of these nails is like an open fan: they are much wider at the tip than at the base. This indicates a sensitive nature, and their owner can be very stressed. Such people are active and dynamic, but since they experience nervous overload, they therefore suffer from stress.
  • Tucked, or Hippocratic, nails. Easily recognizable by their bulge when viewed in profile, these nails with this shape indicate an open, intelligent and lively person who is prone to overweight and respiratory diseases.
  • Curved, or false-shaped, nails. When viewed from the side, such nails look curved. The owners of such nails are overly sensitive and try to hide their feelings.

Nail color and character

Nail color is believed to show a person's energy, including sexual energy.

  • White. Cold and vain, these people tend to be unhappy but calm. They love themselves and show little affection for others.
  • Pink. pink nails have good natures, kind and beautiful, with good health.
  • Pale. Weakly colored nails indicate a shortage vitality and a cold and selfish nature. These people lack vitality.
  • Red. People with red nails are best at expressing their emotions physically. They have a large number of energy that, if not channeled constructively, can become destructive.
  • Bluish. As a rule, a sign of ill health. In people who do not have circulatory problems, blue nails indicate a cold and withdrawn nature with severely suppressed sexual function.

Nail health

While certain characteristics on the hand can indicate health complications, and this is especially true of nails, try not to make a diagnosis unless you are medically qualified to do so. The nail takes a long time to grow (six months from base to fingertip) and the pointers can sometimes show past conditions rather than present ones.

  • Specks. White spots on the nails indicate a tired and exhausted person. Go on vacation!
  • Vertical scars. Nervous, tense, prone to rheumatism and back problems.
  • Stratification of nails. Possible diseases hearts.
  • Horizontal scars. These lines show that the person is recent months suffered from fever (if they are barely noticeable from the side). If they stand out strongly, like furrows, they may reflect recent emotional trauma.
  • Holes. The hole is a whitish semicircle, often located at the base of the nail. Their presence indicates healthy person with a strong constitution. The opposite condition shows the absence of holes: a person may lack energy if he is not physically ill. Some palmists consider the absence of holes on male hands an indicator of inability to maintain long-term relationships.

The appearance of the hands is evidence of how much a woman takes care of herself. tells about the tastes of the lady, and the shape of the nail is a reflection of character traits. By the way, you can determine the character of the nails not only in women, but also in men. But if you take into account the love of the weak half for building up, the task becomes noticeably more complicated. In any case, we systematize the available information.

The nature of the shape of nails in women

In psychology, 4 types of temperament are distinguished, in the same way, the character is determined by the four main forms of nails in women. They are divided into the following types: square, oval, trapezoid and rectangular.

The owners of the oval shape of the nail plate are sentimental, they love to dream. They are too emotional, striving for perfection. Such women live in an imaginary world, they do not know how to show condescension and diplomacy to the weaknesses of other people. Owners of the oval shape always show objectivity, fight for justice, for their own principles and do not like rigidity.

Note that the character and personality traits can only be determined by the natural shape of the nail. No nails made in the salon will tell about a person.

Personalities with rectangular shape are workaholics. They know how to do a lot with their hands. Ladies with this form of the nail plate are distinguished by naivety, maximalism, and optimism of views. Their features are gullibility, openness, they are kind to others. Although such women are used to relying on fate, they almost always achieve their goals. In life, they rely only on themselves and do not need support. But excessive naivety becomes the cause of frequent deceptions.

Women who have the shape of a nail, which resembles a square, are distinguished by a balanced disposition, they are able to maintain composure even in difficult situation. It's more often. They are distinguished by wit, curiosity, erudition, suspicion. Such ladies are very attentive and observant to details. Their main values ​​of life are independence in everything. Usually, they do not look to the past, but are focused on the future. Decisions are made very carefully, often take leadership positions. Often such people are able to help with advice, examples.

Trapezoidal shape gives the owners increased self-esteem. Such women believe in themselves, are impressionable, love art, are creative natures. Their character traits are dreaminess, love of freedom, vulnerability. The key disadvantage is an overestimated opinion of oneself, ambitions.

But, in addition to the main types of forms of the nail plate, there are others. For example, the angular shape of the nail is evidence of a philosophical nature. Although she can talk about leadership qualities, the ability to control oneself, authority. But people like that there is a weakness: they are able to analyze and understand the motives of the actions of others, but not themselves.

The pointed shape speaks of creativity. Often people creative professions give your own nails a similar shape. People with such nails are prone to dreams, they are with a non-standard way of thinking, creative, love freedom, know how to get carried away, passionate, impatient, deeply vulnerable.

Other nail features and character

But the character is determined by other features of the nails, and not just by shape. thickness, length, color, distinctive features growth, irregularities will tell a lot about the owner himself. And also talk about his illnesses.

Pay attention to the little things. They are easily recognizable interesting nuances about a person's personality. Even what he tries to hide.

Personalities with short nails distinguished by fighting nature, energy. They are too scrupulous, find fault with trifles. These people want to take a leadership position, they are distinguished by discipline, exactingness towards others.

Thick short nails speak of an angry personality. These people are often long-lived.

If a person naturally has long nails, then their actions are difficult to predict. They like to do everything for show, secretive and envious.

Those who have twisted and uneven nail plates are distinguished by self-will and predatory disposition. The same features are indicated by a bent shape on thin fingers.

The pinkish shade of the nail plate speaks of hardness in character, constancy. Red is a signal of hardness. Often combined with increased sexual energy.

A bluish base of the nail and wide ends indicate heart problems. Another sign of heart disease is the stratification of the nail.

Thin nails sometimes speak of bad health, constant fatigue, lack of energy. Personalities with round pale nails dangerous in every way.

If the nails are dotted with white dots, then these are harbingers of happiness. Also, they talk about increased nervousness owner.

An indicator of high sensitivity are small nails that grow into the skin, it seems to be approaching them.

Manicure and character

It is worth noting that the character of the girl will help determine the manicure. If a representative of the weaker sex has long nails, then this is evidence that she is a true leader. It is better not to argue with such individuals, it is a waste of time and effort.

If a woman walks with short nails, then she is a doubting nature. Such people are inquisitive, stubborn, but distrustful. Do not change the opinion of such a girl.

By the features of the choice of manicure and jewelry for nails, you will learn a lot about personality traits girls. Notice the shade of varnish, the selected length.

Nails middle length- evidence that the girl knows how to be soft, she is affectionate, able to live by someone else's rules.

To draw up a picture, it is important to pay attention to the shade of varnish. If you see the hands of a girl with long nails, which are decorated with ornaments and pebbles - in front of you is a person prone to emotionality. Such women are entirely devoted to creativity, emotions and dreams.

If the manicure is done in calm or transparent shades, then this is a happy person.

Nails of short length simple jacket found in calm and gentle ladies. According to experts, the owners light shade nail polishes are guided by the mind, and the set goals are achieved by them in any situation.

Neat shades of manicure are chosen by women who are calm, self-confident. They don't like surprises.

Of course, the nature and shape of the nails are very related to each other, but remember that natural natural nails. Modern ladies often resort to extensions, therefore they model any forms. So be careful when analyzing features.

Character in the form of nails in men

To determine the character of the shape of nails in men, just look at them. Men do not resort to building up, therefore the task of determining character traits is simplified.

First, let's pay attention to the length of the nail. If a representative of the stronger sex has nails cut too short, then this person is a true leader. He likes to lead both at work and in life. He does not tolerate wrangling, his words are perceived as an axiom. This person needs special approach: due attention, caress. Asking for help is required unobtrusively, gently, definitely not in an orderly tone. As a reward, you will receive his strong, reliable shoulder.

It is easier to determine the character by the shape of the nail in men, if only because they do not build them up. An observant girl learns a lot about her chosen one from his manicure.

The average length of nails speaks of a soft and affectionate person, but not too reliable. Such men doubt everything, love creativity. With him, a woman will have to solve problems on her own.

The next factor is the shape of the nails. Flat nails in the shape of a square have men who are able to do something with their own hands. They are romantic, skillful owners and make good money. These representatives of the stronger sex are faithful to the family.

If you see a man with round nails, then know that he will always listen, appreciate, understand the state. He is even ready to go ask your boss for indulgence. But in life he will not do anything around the house.

There are nails in men in the form of a petal, curved. They are peculiar creative people. Experts are sure that such people are in the clouds, living in a fictional world. The elements of such men are concerts, exhibitions, travel. And here family worries and home evenings are very boring for them. From such a routine, a man will suffocate and run away.

But it is worth saying that the female “claws”, where a man gets, are able to correct in him not just an inappropriate type of nail, but character traits and skills. If clever woman she wants.