Characteristics of the shape of the nails. Character by the shape of nails: what can his nails tell about a person. Round and short nails

When we meet a new person, our eyes instinctively pay attention to physical characteristics- eye color, hair length (cute earrings ...), height (is she wearing hairpins?) ... and our brain puts everything into a single picture and sends it for storage in the form of a first impression and memories of a new person. But there is one more little detail that we do not notice, but it can tell a lot about a stranger!

A recent study in Japan found that the shape of your nails speaks to your character and temperament! What shape are your nails?

Nail shape - vertically elongated

You are meek and romantic nature... Probably right hemisphere your brain is well developed and you have a great imagination. You are meticulous and creative person but if you get too carried away you don't notice important details and you are easily confused. You should be more careful. If you are on life path there is a person with a developed left hemisphere responsible for logic, it is difficult for you to find mutual language and conflicts are possible.

Nail shape - wide

You are a hot-tempered theorist. It is likely that you have a more developed left side of the brain and you are an extremely eloquent person. You express yourself clearly and give the impression of being outspoken and common man... However, you are prone to being hot-tempered and impatient, and practice holding back is a good idea. It is difficult for you to find a common language with emotional natures who listen more to the heart than to the mind.

Nail shape - rounded or egg-shaped

You are a laid-back pacifist. You are a careless type who lives by your own laws. How social personality you act as a peacemaker in any quarrels. Your bright personality attracts many, but be careful not to impress easy prey so as not to lose the trust of those who are really dear. You fit easily with all types from this collection.

Nail shape - square

You are a serious, down-to-earth and stubborn type, many men fall into this category. Your serious attitude everything in life is good, but your stubbornness sometimes gets in your way and looks like a scratch on precious stone... If you try to be more accommodating and flexible, many of life's obstacles will go away on their own.

Nail shape - triangular

You are a sensitive genius. You are a source of new ideas, a person who notices the smallest details that others are missing. People with an inverted triangle nail shape may be overly persistent, while a triangular type is too sensitive and does not tolerate the irascibility of others. You are annoyed by people on your mind who are difficult to control.

There is a lot of information on how to determine a person's character by his external data: for example, by his eyes, by wrinkles, or even by nails. One or the other psychological characteristics of a person can be reflected in his appearance. It is really possible to determine the character by the shape of the nails. How to do this, we will consider in this article.

It is the shape of the nail plate that speaks about the character of a person. It is worth taking a closer look: each one has a different structure (someone in the form of an oval, someone in the form of a petal, someone in the form of a triangle). Observations show that certain character traits can affect his appearance, in particular, the shape of the nail plate. How to determine the character of the nails? Take a look at their shape.

Oval nails that match long fingers, can testify to the aristocratic nature of a person. Dreamers and romantics have such nails. They are characterized by a constant struggle for justice. People with oval nails quite demanding of others, but, at the same time, do not perceive criticism in relation to themselves.

Round nails

Round nails are usually found in very energetic people. Such personalities always have good positive mood... They are easy-going, love change, show initiative. Not alien to them leadership skills... They are not afraid of adventures. And thanks to the ability to take risks, they achieve any life goals.

Square nails

People with nails like the square are a bit angular. They are characterized by decisiveness and resilience, as well as purposefulness and a rational approach to any business. They plan and calculate a lot. There are many of these nails in men. People with square nails do not like to show their feelings, so they often seem to others cold-blooded. But in fact, behind the outer wall of severity and balance, a kind and sensitive heart can be hidden.

Rectangular nail plate

The characteristic is as follows: the owners of such nails have an irreplaceable charge of optimism. Among this category of people, there are many bright famous personalities... And not without reason: after all, they are characterized by hard work and dedication. Stubbornness helps them achieve their goals in any way. They are also characterized by maximalism, which sometimes becomes a disadvantage. Creativity and non-standard approach- one more distinctive feature people with rectangular nails.

Trapezoidal nails are extremely rare. Sharp corners make these short nails not very attractive. There is no unequivocal opinion about the nature of such people. But most of the observations indicate that they are proud and self-confident. They are not worried about the assessment of others. There are many conflicting people and loners among these. They often succeed in technical sciences and deeds.

Almond-shaped pointed nails

People with such nail plates are very neat. They are never late, they do not like changes, they are demanding of others. They plan in advance and plan a lot, trying to predict everything and keep a certain life situation under control. Among the owners of such nails there are also mercantile personalities who put material values ​​above all else.

There are also such natural curves of nails. As a rule, people with this nail structure are smart, kind and open-minded. They easily make contact, respect the opinions of others. Sensitivity and emotionality are also inherent in them.

If by the shape of the nails one can say about the character of a person, then by the color of his nails one can judge the state of his health.

  • V healthy body nails have a pink tint.
  • In people with depressive tendencies, the nails turn pale. They lack joy in life and vitality.
  • Blue colored nails and fingers in general may indicate heart failure.
  • Yellow nails are a sign of a problem with the body (such as liver disease). Such characteristics can also be used to determine the smoker.
  • It is also impossible to find out about her character by the shape of the nails in women with artificial manicure, as well as by the color of the varnish in the girl in the photo. But if such a lady bites her nails - perhaps this is a sign of neurosis.

You can find out the character of a woman by the shape of her manicure from the following video:

Each person is different: from hair color and fingerprints to the structure of nails. Currently, psychologists have learned to "read" not only by facial expressions and gestures, but also by nails. The shape of the nails and the character of a person are really interconnected. But, unfortunately, such statistics are not always true. Nothing so reliably will allow you to 100% know the character of a person as long-term and close communication with him.

It has long been proven that it is possible to determine the character of a person by the shape of the nails. In general, hands and nails are able to tell enough about their owner. Even without delving into the specifics of the nail plate associated with a person's disposition, most likely, it will be possible to easily recognize his field of work, his attitude to personal care, whether he is neat.

For women today, manicure can tell a lot. For example, you can determine her tastes, favorite style, shade, and even literary preferences by her manicure. Often, women of fashion ask the manicure master to design one of the nails in a specific theme.

Still quite interesting and unusual is the theory about determining the character of a person, based on the shape of his nail plate. There are five main varieties of marigold shapes (and sometimes only four are distinguished). To begin with, consider the oval shape of the nail plate. And then round, square and rectangular varieties. The characteristics described below are suitable for people with a pronounced one of the species.

Character by the shape of the nails: oval nail plate

Oval marigolds are possessed by people with elongated, aristocratic fingers. All this speaks of the romantic disposition of a person whose ideal world is difficult to break with harsh reality. For such people, their values ​​are above all, they will defend them, no matter what. They very often put justice first.

Among other things, such individuals are characterized by nervousness, thoughtfulness, depression. Often they show weakness of spirit, an unstable psyche.

Square shape of the nail plate

The owners of this form of the nail plate are characterized by a firm disposition. Since this form is characterized by severity geometric shape, therefore, it gives the same features to its owner. Most often, marigolds of this form are inherent in people who are decisive, calm, purposeful and judicious.

Based on this, an image arises practical person standing firmly on the ground and knowing what he wants. Such a person does not often show his emotions and feelings, but this does not mean at all that he does not have them. Looking under the mask of composure, one can find fiery passion.

Individuals with square nails are leaders and protectors. Also, by the square shape of the nail plate in men and women, one can determine such a character trait as poise.

Rectangular shape of the nail plate

This variety is also able to characterize the temperament of its owner. Based on the shape of the nails, it is possible to distinguish common features a certain person... And it will be an innovation that manifests itself in almost everything. Also, curiosity with the ensuing thirst for travel, sociability, sincerity and kind-heartedness are added to it.

Maximalism is also present in their character. Because of what they often suffer. Because, giving a lot, it is not always possible to get the same amount back.

Character by the shape of nails: round shape of the nail plate

Such appearance marigold is inherent in active and positive individuals. This type of nails is very similar to the round sun. They are creative individuals. And at the same time, they are not melancholy-elevated personalities, like, for example, the owners of oval marigolds, but are subversive, irrepressible and creative. They can easily be classified as wayward adventurers. Because of such a "nuclear" mixture, such people can achieve whatever they want.

Trapezoidal shape of the nail plate

There are times when nails with sharp corners taper upward, forming a trapezoid shape. Individuals with this kind of marigold are proud and arrogant, however, they have a pure mind. There is rationality in their character. They are capable of correct and reasonable conclusions. Among them you can often find great art admirers and inventors. They dream of doing good to science.

Fan shape of the nail plate

It is customary to call marigolds "fan", which, in comparison with the previous variety, on the contrary, taper downward. Owners of these marigolds cherish family values, store home comfort, With tender love relate to their loved ones. Such individuals are endowed with a fine mental organization, emotional, receptive and vulnerable, inclined to philosophy.

The length of the nails also plays a role. Long nail plates have been considered attractive since ancient times. They look much more graceful, more attractive and therefore more refined. However, in practice, it turns out that the shape of the marigold and the character of a person are interrelated. Consequently, people with short marigolds are kinder, softer and more responsive than "aristocrats" who have long and well-groomed marigolds.

The color of the skin on the hands is of no less importance. A smooth, healthy shade of the epidermis can indicate an excellent state of health, sharpness of mind, self-control and tranquility. A rather pale and thinned epidermis may indicate symptoms of a person's indifference to the difficulties of others. Hands with a red tint with a marbled pattern can indicate difficulty with pressure and increased temper.

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The character of a person is determined by the most different factors, signs, features. Including the shape of the nails. She, by the way, can say a lot about a person if you know what exactly to pay attention to. After all, hands are not so easy to hide, they are always in full view of others.

Basic types

There are only 16 different forms free edge and nail bed... However, conventionally, they are still divided into four main groups. These include forms such as:

  • rectangular;
  • oval;
  • square;
  • sharp.

Each of these forms not only reflects the character of a person, but also indicates certain habits, hobbies, hobbies.

To learn about the main character traits, it is not at all necessary to know palmistry, it is enough to understand a little about psychology, be more attentive, pay attention to minor trifles.

General data about a person

First of all, you need to pay attention to how well-groomed your hands, nails and skin are. If the free edge is neatly trimmed, the cuticle is removed, and the skin of the hands is sufficiently moisturized, then we can safely say that a person is very confident in himself, is neat, takes care of himself.

Often, the degree of grooming of the hands also indicates how responsible, attentive, and pedantic a person is. But extended nails, by the way, often indicate how lazy, unassembled and disorganized their owner is. If only because this type of manicure does not require attentive and difficult care as is the case with natural nails.

Naturally, there are situations due to which even the most responsible, collected and attentive person may look sloppy, wrinkled, scattered. However, this is an exception, which only confirms the rule.

It is believed that the owners of this form of nails are the most hardy, independent, partly proud and very strong-willed individuals. It is they who are easier, faster, easier to endure life's temporary difficulties and hardships.

Psychologists also note such a character trait as workaholism. If in front of the owner rectangular nail to set some kind of professional task, then he will do everything, give all 200%, but complete it on time.

Unfortunately, people with this nail shape also have some drawback - excessive naivety. Very often they are deceived only because they trust everyone and everything. Exactly until they are brutally lowered from heaven to earth.

All of the listed character traits apply only to those whose free edge naturally grows rectangular, or a person deliberately chooses this form, performing any type of manicure.

Owners of nails of this shape are the softest, pliable, accommodating and non-conflict people. Among other things, this shape of nails indicates how emotional, good-natured, and sentimental their owner is.

A person who deliberately chooses this shape of nails while performing a manicure most often tries to avoid any conflict situations in life. In addition, it is the owners oval nails are trying to find ways to resolve and stop any quarrels, scandals, omissions and problems.

It is noteworthy that such emotional natures have not too good habit come up with something that does not exist, so that later with persistence to believe in it. It is about such people that they say: "he likes to build castles in the air." At the same time, these very "locks" should not be imposed on anyone, but simply believe in them with all your heart.

The oval shape of the nails in the cuticle area also indicates how much the owner is non-conflict and accommodating. That is why, in order to find out the true character of a person, it is worth paying attention to this particular part of the nail.

This shape of nails says a lot about their owner. First, a person's character is quite difficult: stubborn, uncompromising, distrustful. At the same time, a strong spirit. Secondly, the square shape of the nails with rounded corners indicates that deep in the soul a person is very vulnerable and gentle, and with pointed ones - how withdrawn and distrustful a person is.

It is noteworthy that the owners of nails square shape they often prefer a very small length of the free edge, since they most often work in areas where even a neat manicure plays important role... For example, in the provision of public services.

Psychologists note that conscious choice this shape of nails suggests that a person is internally collected, pedantic, efficient and self-confident. This applies to both women and men who monitor the condition of their hands and nails.

Owners of this shape of nails are the most eccentric, unpredictable, bright and sometimes very creative personalities... They are the ones who choose bright, stylish, fashionable image for yourself, while simultaneously surrounding yourself with the same things.

Psychologists are sure that the owners sharp nails are most often involved in some kind of creative field. For example, these are artists, singers, musicians and others. Girls who deliberately choose this shape of nails are often very pedantic, appreciate order, but perceive it in their own way. They tend to live in some kind of creative disorder.

The sharp shape of the nails can be not only aggressive and eccentric, sometimes it is just soft almond shape, which testifies to the softness and tenderness of the nature of their owner.

Every girl dreams of meeting ideal man, which would become a soul mate, with which you can create strong family... However, men, in principle, like girls, have certain character traits that define them as a person. According to the shape of the nails, men can be divided into four types. Thanks to this distribution of character traits, it will be easier for the fair sex to understand what kind of man is in front of her.

Modest prince (Nails. Photo №1)

Men who are of this type are shy. They cannot take the first step and be the first to meet a girl. Even if such representatives of the stronger sex have beautiful appearance, their shyness prevents them from feeling that they are worthy, to be loved. Because of this, they become even more isolated and do not dare to prove themselves. In turn, a girl who wants to meet such a man must take all the initiative into her own hands. This, of course, does not mean that a lady should be imposed in communication, rather, she should show young man that he is interesting to her. Also, after meeting, it is worth considering that in the future such a man should always be tuned to specific action and improve his self-esteem. If you are ready for this, your humble prince will appreciate your initiative. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Confident knight(Nails. Photo # 2)

Such a man will make a girl feel a real princess... His intentions and feelings will always be clear. His self-esteem is not underestimated, he feels harmonious with himself, he is who he is and the girl will have to accept it. However, you will always be aware of his plans for the future.

If the relationship with the girl does not suit him, he will not be shy, but will say everything as it is. On the one hand, you will really feel support. strong man, on the other, you may face his selfishness and excessive self-love. Real knight will be able to win the heart of the princess, whether to accept such courtship or not, it all depends on you.

High flying bird(Nails. Photo # 3)

An amazing and unpredictable man with charisma. He knows what girls like, he is confident in himself. However, his arrogance can and repel, because he plays only by his own rules. Such a man believes that he has no equal rivals, which means he is a winner. The belittling of someone's abilities, love of criticism, the use of pressure in dealing with other people is a clear drawback of men of this type. This happens for the reason that they consider themselves superior and smarter. Do you like the type of such a man, are you sure that you can win his heart? Perhaps it will be so, because if such a man chose his beloved woman, then she is the best. Another woman just can't be with him. If you feel like you are ready to fly that high, then your bird is perfect for you. Forward to victories and conquest of heights!

Favorite clown (Nails. Photo # 4)

A man of this type will not let you get bored, because he is the soul of the company, the holiday will not do without him. And his friends love him for his amazing sense of humor. Such a man attracts the attention of many women, because he will always find an approach to the heart. lovely lady... Love to have fun and joke, then this man is perfect for you. However, do not forget that sometimes a very vulnerable person is hiding under the mask of a clown, who can sometimes become sad. If you are ready to support your “beloved clown” in difficult times, you are in luck, because such a man will appreciate your attention and will give you many more smiles.