How to give a bag for a birthday in an original way. Comic birthday gifts - ideas and recommendations. Unusual giving a gift to a colleague

Good day, Dear friends! Let's talk about how to present a gift in an original way?

Soon we have Valentine's Day, which means that we need to mentally pick up options for congratulations on this cherished date. Do you know how to give a gift to those you love and appreciate in an original way?

I think every person likes not only to receive presents, but also to present them to their relatives, friends and colleagues. But it's one thing to hand them over with a few boring symbolic words. And it is quite another to present a gift in an original way. So that this tribute will leave joyful memories in the memory of the recipient for a long time.

There are many ways to present a present in an original way. Let's take a look at a few options?

Method number 1. Delivery by courier

You can present a present to the addressee by handing it over with a courier. But not with the one who is dressed as a postman and in a monotonous voice hands it to the addressee. It is necessary to dress the courier in the costume of a movie or cartoon character that the future recipient of the gift likes.

If the present is intended for a woman, it is better to complement the gift with an armful of her favorite flowers and / or colorful balloons.

Method number 2. Presentation in the form of a quest

It is necessary to think over and draw on a piece of paper a plan for finding the gift you have hidden. A drawing can be a diagram or a drawing with hint images.

And the more difficult this plan will be, the more interesting it will be for the addressee of the gift to look for it, and for you to watch this process (by the way, my beloved friend arranged such a quest for her husband on his wedding anniversary. Oh, and he roamed around the city that day! But ... an amazing reward was waiting for him, so he certainly did not remain offended 🙂).

It is possible to complicate the process described above. So, you should divide the plan into several parts and ensure that the recipient of the gift first looks for the parts of the plan, and then the present itself.

This method of presenting a presentation will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. Indeed, even the process itself captures and adds excitement and mystery! And this is so valuable! We all lack a healthy dose of adrenaline in our lives.

Method number 3. Romantic way of giving

If you are giving a gift in the summer, and you have enough of the spirit of romanticism and adventurism, you can raise your gift directly to the recipient's window using balloons with helium.

This is done as follows:

  • Take a long thin rope (you should calculate the footage depending on the desired floor)
  • Tie a beautifully wrapped gift to a rope (it should be light enough)
  • Attach a bunch of balloons with helium to the gift (the more, the more spectacular, and the easier your gift will rise to the desired floor 🙂).

In addition, you can give a gift in this way even when the heroine of the holiday is at her workplace. In this case pleasant emotions will increase several times due to the fact that all colleagues will see and appreciate the originality of the way you present a gift.

In general, if you have a desire to make a special gift, experiment! As soon as you think about how to give a gift in an original way, your imagination will immediately throw you a lot interesting ways! And then, believe me, the hero (or heroine) of the holiday will remember this day for a long time!

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If you want to surprise a loved one and make his birthday bright and unforgettable, give him a gift original way... In the article you will find valuable advice and recommendations on how to brightly and spectacularly congratulate the birthday person at home and at work, as well as learn about the rules of etiquette in the matter of presenting gifts.

Giving gifts is a real art that can convey all the nuances of the giver's emotions. A hint of a certain event, a demonstration of devotion and love, the desire to support a person or show his non-standard nature - the object of donation can have many functions, but the main ones are to bring joy and express attention, respect.

Birthday present: etiquette rules

At all times, the culture of giving gifts has been given great value... By the manner in which the presentation is presented, one can judge not only what the giver wanted to say and demonstrate, but also about his character, habits, sense of humor, lifestyle, level of upbringing, etc.

In order for a birthday gift to cause only pleasant emotions, pay attention to the rules of etiquette presented below:

  • Birthday present is a must. If it is presented within ten days after the holiday, this is considered a variant of the norm.
  • The birthday present should be intended for the birthday person and not for use by all family members.
  • It must be presented in a packaged form, however appearance packaging should not obscure the contents.
  • The gift should be accompanied by warm, sincere wishes.
  • It’s indecent to tell how hard you found a present or how expensive it cost you - it causes a feeling of awkwardness.
  • It should not be too expensive, otherwise it will be perceived as a need to present a return present of the same value.
  • You should not give too cheap a present - this can be a manifestation of disrespect. The exception is symbolic gifts, made by hand.
  • Going to the celebration to family man, bring along small presents for the hostess or the owner of the house and the children - this will be a sign of showing attention and respect to all those present.
  • Presenting gifts is a real ceremony; they are given not in a hurry in the hallway, but in the room, emphasizing the importance of the moment (an exception is a bouquet of flowers).
  • One of the rules of decency says that edible presents are immediately served on the table.
  • If the presentation is sent by mail, attach an addendum to it in the form of a greeting card.
  • If you are congratulating several people who know each other, do not duplicate gifts.
  • The presentation should be chosen depending on the degree of intimacy and the characteristics of the relationship (for example, unfamiliar person should not give a girl underwear).
  • It is indecent to flaunt the value of the donated item; do not forget to remove the tag from the item and make sure that the check does not fall into the hands of the birthday person.
  • Bouquets are presented to persons of the opposite sex. Flower arrangement is presented in a cellophane or paper wrapper, however, if you donate several of the same flowers, the wrapper is not needed here.
  • Office etiquette states that subordinates should not “shower” their boss with numerous gifts. It would be more appropriate to have a common present for everyone by buying a solid and worthy thing.
  • As a rule, sweets are not suitable for men as gifts, for women - strong alcoholic drinks and items associated with smoking (cigarette case, ashtray, etc.).
  • Money - often inappropriate - it demonstrates a lack of time and attention in relation to the hero of the occasion.

If you want to surprise the hero of the occasion, give him a present in an original and funny way.


Presentation of a presentation with a drawing - great idea for an unforgettable holiday. You can play people who have a great sense of humor and strong nervous system... The rally should not hurt or humiliate a person, its main purpose is to “tickle your nerves” a little and surprise you with a pleasant surprise.

Option 1. Gift to smithereens

This idea will work for valuable gift, which is easy to break - vases, glasses, tablet, laptop, etc. The less those present know about your idea, the more effective the joke will be.

Put the contents out of the branded box into safe place and fill it with fragments or jingling objects that, when dropped, will emit a characteristic rattling sound.

During the presentation ceremony, you "accidentally" drop the box and observe the expression on the face of the hero of the occasion (it's a good idea to film this process on a video camera).
After a few minutes of shock of all those present, an unharmed gift is solemnly brought in and presented to the excited birthday man with applause.

Option 2. Box in a box

This method of presenting a presentation is known to many, but the intrigue that it gives always remains at its best. Take a small box, hide a small present in it, put the box in another larger box. Pack this box in another box bigger size etc.

The more layers of packaging, the more interesting it is to watch the reaction of the birthday person. Take the time to decorate each box in a festive style.

Care must be taken not to disappoint the birthday person after opening the last box. It is not necessary to put the present itself here - there may be an attribute of it or a hint of where it is (for example, a key from a box, a note with a riddle or a piece of a puzzle).

Option 3. Waiting for a reprimand

This rally belongs to the office, it will turn out to be applied at school, university or at the workplace in the office. It - great way give a birthday present to a friend in an original way (males do not perceive conflicts with their boss so emotionally).

On the day of the celebration, an announcement is posted in a conspicuous place that the birthday certain time you need to urgently report to your superiors on an important matter (you can indicate, for example, expulsion from the university or penalties).
Meanwhile, in the dean's office or in the office of the chief, preparations for congratulations are taking place - all colleagues gather, a present is being prepared.

The secretary with a "stone face" who entered the office for the hero of the occasion asks to wait a little, making him even more nervous. A few minutes later, the doors open, and congratulations fall on the excited birthday man like a snowball.
It's great if the main congratulatory words come from the leader himself.

Option 4. Lucky

To implement this idea, you need to attract several acquaintances whom the birthday person does not know by sight. Under any pretext, you go with him to the nearest supermarket, and there he is met by smartly dressed “store employees” and announce that he has become, for example, a ten-thousandth customer and he is entitled to a present for this.

This is followed by a solemn presentation. When to show your cards, look according to the situation. Do not forget to make an appointment with the supermarket administration in advance, or even better - involve her in the drawing.

Option 5. Telephone draw

Phone calls can be of different content, but we will focus on the most enjoyable. The birthday man allegedly receives a call from a radio station or television and is told that he was the lucky owner of the winning number in the car drawing.

However, there is one condition: if you want to get a surprise, sing the national anthem (you can choose another unexpected task). After the speech, inform that a courier with a present is waiting outside the door. It is desirable that the gift reminds of the win (for example, you can present a small copy of the car).

Option 6. Unpleasant call

If you want to give a gift to a friend or colleague in an unusual way, take note of this prank idea with telephone conversation, but this time the birthday boy will witness a shocking scene. Prepare a non-working or fake phone and hide it in your pocket.

On your birthday, ask the hero of the occasion for his phone, step aside and, imperceptibly replacing him with a toy, start supposedly calling somewhere and swearing. At the climax of the "quarrel" you shout something and throw your phone against the wall.
The shock state of the birthday man is interrupted by shouts of "Congratulations!" and giving a gift.

Presentation with the help of a quest game

Gift-quest is an original way to wish a loved one a happy birthday by combining together addicting game and presentation of the presentation.

The standard quest is to create a chain of riddles and puzzles that ultimately lead to the main prize. This way of presenting a gift will appeal to both children and adults.

We offer you three of the most interesting options how unusual it is to give a birthday present at home and outside.

Search for treasure by pieces of the map

Prepare a map of any area (apartment, your area, city, etc.), depending on the scale of the game, mark on it the location of the surprise. Then cut the card into pieces and hide each part in a separate envelope.

Each puzzle should be accompanied by a hint where to find the next piece of the map. These can be riddles, rebuses, charades and other puzzles. You can leave the pieces of the puzzle with the watchman or security guard at work, with friends of the store, pharmacy, post office or other unexpected places.
The location with the presentation should be indicated on the last found part of the map. When all the pieces are collected, the birthday person folds the card and finds the present in the indicated place.

You can simplify the task and expand on the waypoints some ciphers and hints without pieces of the map. The final stop will be the place where the surprise is stored.

Luggage storage

This idea will tell you how to present a birthday present to your beloved in an original and interesting way, luring the birthday boy out of the house (perhaps you want to prepare another surprise at home).

In search of a present, the birthday man will have to pretty much wander around the city. Hide the present in the storage room and take a photo of several places on the way home so that they are recognizable to the birthday person.

Put the photos in the morning near the birthday person and add an accompanying letter with congratulations and an indication of the task: to find out the route from the photos and arrive at the point where the present is located.

During a trip to the station, the birthday person should receive several message words from friends, which will need to be combined into one coherent sentence.

Each word in SMS is assigned a number (for example, “congratulations” - 5, “for the day” - 1, “birthday” - 7, “c” - 9). The numbers put in the correct order are the lock code in the locker.

Tape quest

It - great option how to give a gift to a child in an original way.

Stock up on a few long ribbons different colors... From the birthday person's bed in the morning, make several routes, tangling the ribbons together and tracing them around tables, chairs and other furniture.

Only one route should lead to the main prize, the rest of the tracks will be dead ends or lead to small consolation prizes.

Original presentation of a cash gift

You need to hand over money in exceptional cases- when you are sure that the birthday person collects a certain amount for his cherished dream or he himself transparently hints at a present in the form of banknotes.

We offer you several ways to give money in an interesting and unusual way:

Wood with real bills will make a gorgeous piece of art. Present it with wishes of prosperity and well-being in the house.

Money garland

Money can be a great decoration for a room. Attach a banknote to each letter of the congratulatory name garland and point to your present at the climax.

Money in the house

You can give a symbolic present by putting bills in toy house and wishing that there was always money in the house.

Money fishing

Another idea how to give cash gift husband - to arrange an exciting fishing trip. This method requires preliminary preparation, but the emotions after it will be remembered for a long time.

Build a small "lake" in which the "fish" swim. Attach a paper clip to each "fish" and prepare a fishing rod with a magnet. Place a folded bill of various denominations in each fish.
Invite the birthday boy to participate in the competition for catching the "goldfish". Give him three tries to catch some real luck. Of course, all the money fish will eventually go to the hero of the occasion, but the excitement and desire to get a richer catch will add fun to everyone present.

Unexpected courier

In the midst of the celebration, the doorbell rings, and on the threshold of the birthday man sees a recognizable character (for example, the postman Pechkin) with a parcel in his hands. He says that he has a letter of special value for the landlord, but documents are needed to deliver it.

After presenting the passport, the courier solemnly hands over the parcel with money to the applause and congratulations of the guests. The role of the postman can be performed by one of the artistic acquaintances or an actor from an animation agency.

If you know that the birthday person is saving up for some large purchase, present an original transparent piggy bank with monetary contents

Treasure hunt search on "treasure island"

An interesting idea of ​​how to give a money gift to a man for his birthday in an original way is to turn the presentation into an exciting quest. Smash sum of money into several pieces and attach the envelopes in unexpected places: under a chair, in a coat pocket, in a microwave oven, on a chandelier, etc.

Include a note in each envelope with a hint where to look next part treasure. The original end of the quest will be a find antique chest with a colorful greeting card inside.

Other ways to give a gift in an unusual way

Tape maze

This way of serving works fine in home environment... If you want to give a gift to your beloved in an original way, then a win-win- early in the morning, while the birthday person is still asleep, discreetly tie a long ribbon to his leg (you may need to tie several ribbons).
Stretch it all over the place, tangling in some places and leaving sweet incentive prizes or knick-knacks at regular intervals. Tie the other end of the ribbon to the donation object.

The tape will serve as a difficult road along which you need to go in search of the long-awaited present.

Gifts from bystanders

This unusual method is appropriate if the birthday person works nearby. Gathering for work in the morning, he leaves the house and heads along the familiar road, suspecting nothing. However, on the way he constantly meets strangers congratulating happy birthday and giving gifts.
So you can give a gift to a woman or a girl in an original way by organizing the presentation of a bouquet of flowers by each person she meets. Main present you can hand him over by waiting at the entrance to the office.

For this idea to come true with a bang, find at least ten “random passers-by” and the same number of gifts (you can “break one large” into parts)

Accidental discovery of a gift

You can leave a present in a conspicuous place without focusing the attention of the birthday person on it. For example, under a tree or at a bus stop, the hero of the occasion will be surprised to find a beautiful gift box with a bright congratulatory inscription addressed to him.

Another variant of this method is the discovery of gifts in the most unexpected places, but already within the apartment.
Prepare a few presents and place them in places that will surely come into the sight of the birthday person during getting ready for work or school: in the refrigerator, on a can of coffee, in a closet with clothes, on a shelf near toiletries, in shoes, etc.

Gift in balloons

This method will help you a lot if you want to arrange a child unforgettable holiday... The day before you need to fill the whole room of the birthday girl balloons and hint that the main present is hidden somewhere here.

Tape the gift to a string of one of the balls, or hide it in the farthest corner of the room. It is better if the donation object is small in size. You can complicate the task and glue not the present itself to the ball, but a note with a hint.
To hide a present in an original way, take a few balloons with helium and hang it or a reminder of it from the ceiling.

If you are not afraid of noise, we offer you a fun way to present your surprise to the birthday boy in an original way. Arrange a deafening show for him - put notes of various content inside the balloons (some may contain wishes, others - compliments, others - comic aphorisms of a festive theme). Hide the key note in one of the balls indicating the location of the surprise.

The task of the hero of the occasion is to get to this note by bursting all the balloons and reading their contents.

Parcel from the balcony

Call the birthday boy and ask him to go out onto the balcony. in front of the window, a helium balloon with a surprise or note attached will already be waiting for him. Choose the correct length of the tape so that the "air present" reaches the desired window and make sure there are no trees under the balcony.

If you are using original ways present a gift, the holiday becomes brighter and more spectacular, the significance of the celebration and the prepared presentation is felt. Memories of an amazing birthday adventure - great addition To congratulatory words and the gift itself.

Video: gift-giving ideas and beautiful packaging options

Giving a gift is a real art that should be learned. In the first video, we propose to explore options for an extraordinary presentation of banal presentations. In the second video you can get acquainted with the ideas original packaging for presentations.

For the 13th birthday of my daughter, it was decided to arrange not an ordinary birthday, but to a greater extent - his expectation and the feeling of the upcoming holiday already in advance.

The idea was this. A garland was made from six envelope flags and hung on the wall. Each flag contains numbers in descending order: 5-4-3-2-1 (these numbers mean how many days are left until the birthday) and the last flag with the words "Happy Birthday!" On the right day, you need to remove and open the envelope flag, and there - an indication of the search for a surprise. Thus, the child even before the start of the holiday begins to feel his approach.

Are you subject to prejudices that you cannot congratulate and give gifts in advance? So this is just waiting for the holiday ...

DIY garland flags

In order to make the envelope flags, we need a thick colored paper(cardboard), scissors. PVA glue and different decorations(flowers, buttons, paper tape, etc.).

I suggest an envelope checkbox template:

Cut out flags from thick colored paper, where the fold is with a ruler and back side draw lines with pressure to make it easier to bend. We glue and get such a simple envelope, where we put instructions for the child, where to find the pre-holiday gifts:

Of course, do not forget to decorate them to your liking.

We hang it on a thread by the flap that closes the envelope flag. So that the valve does not open and the flag hangs firmly, you can secure it with paper tape or multi-colored paper clips.

Now I will tell you what and how was given on the eve of the birthday.

1) The first envelope that we were to open (with the number five) contained a note: "A spool of yellow thread will lead you to luck"... Previously, the gift was hidden in a cabinet, and a thread was tied to it. With a spool of thread, you should walk around the apartment in advance, hooking wherever you have: door handles, on the top of the cabinets (to climb higher), on the legs of the chairs ... The child's task is to find the spool itself (it lies in a conspicuous place) and, winding the threads , get to the gift.

Thus, the daughter received the book "Time of Formation" from the series "OOPS. Teacher from the Planet of the Sun. She was once given one, and she literally fell in love with the good advice of little Oops.

2) The second envelope contained instructions on how many steps and in which direction you need to measure around the apartment. To make it more interesting, the instructions looped, forced to pronounce funny phrases, like "I am bzyaka, gifts from Ljubljaka!" But in the end they led to a hidden gift: board game from the series "School of Magic" - "10 tricks" (we really love magic tricks and everything connected with them)

3) The third envelope forced to open books on certain pages, where new instructions lay. In the end, a note was found: "This gift is the place under the pillow!" And there was a nightgown.

4) In the fourth envelope there was a note in which all the words are written in a row, without spaces. Do you think it is easy to read such "gibberish"? Try it yourself. When we figured out this indication, then it followed from it that we must look for on our way. And during the morning getting to school, we found various sweets on the floor.

5) The fifth envelope contains an encrypted letter. The Dancing Men are one of our favorite ciphers because we love Sherlock Holmes. But first you need to find the key to the cipher, so the envelope with the encrypted message should also contain an indication of where to find the key.

This can be a simple crossword puzzle that you have compiled in advance, where the answers fit vertically, and an indication of where the key lies (for example, a refrigerator) will appear at their intersection horizontally. Or even simpler - the word is cut into letters. If you collect it, you will find out where the key to the cipher is hidden.

Print the key to the cipher on a printer, and the text of the message can be written by hand.

To make it more interesting and more difficult to decipher, first congratulate the coming one, write a couple affectionate words, and then already - an indication of where to find the gift.

We have prepared a set of a real soap maker for the penultimate envelope: soap base, molds, flavors.

6) The last and most important birthday envelope!
The note contains a riddle:

Transparent as glass
You can't put it in the window.

An ice cube is pre-frozen with the following note that reads:

They bake cheesecakes from me,
And pancakes and pancakes.
If you are making dough,
They have to put me down.

Have a plate of flour on the table where you will bury the following note:

No arms, no legs
Prowls across the field
Sings and whistles
Breaks trees
Leans the grass to the ground.

Tie the next note outside the window. And so on, how much imagination and strength you have. The more unusual the location of the note, the more interesting it is.
On this wonderful birthday, the daughter will find her most important and long-dreamed gift - a tablet.

I wish your holidays to be bright and unforgettable. And so that the children were surprised by your inexhaustible imagination.

Whoever chooses gifts with a soul knows how difficult it is! I would like to make a person not just pleasant, but to please, "to get to the very point", "to move to tears" ...
The goals are different, but the gift must match the tastes and preferences of the donee. Like and, in one way or another, express our attitude towards the hero of the occasion. Not easy…

But it's even harder to present correctly. So that a loved one feels the significance of the event. To be surprised, to laugh, to remember. We'll have to use all kinds of resources: invention and imagination, creativity and originality of thought, numerous friends, neighbors, colleagues.

Let's give up the idea of ​​simple handing over. Let's look for how to present a gift in an original, cool, interesting way. So as to evoke delight.

Design is just as important as content

The gift needs appropriate packaging. The relevant
  • about delivery,
  • half donee,
  • our attitude towards him,
  • tastes and preferences of the hero of the occasion.
And our idea of ​​delivery. It is impossible for the gift to remain impersonal (as we brought from the store). It's nice to receive the kind of things that are meant for us.

  • Mom's favorite candy is decorated in her favorite flowers. The toy for the little pirate is hidden in a real treasure chest.
  • A decoration for a loved one - in an exclusive box or a blossoming rosebud.
  • Whiskey for a strict boss - in an old imitation book.
The usual wrapping paper can be decorated with natural and artificial flowers, postcards and balloons, original stickers, fabric and figurines. If the gift is interesting in itself, or you are presenting all guests, then gift tags with names, individual wishes, predictions of astrologers, etc. will be appropriate.

How cool is it to give a gift?

It is allowed to joke over a person who has a sense of humor. After all, our task is to cause a storm positive emotions... When presenting a gift, play only with people you know well.

Giveaway Ideas:

  • The stolen thing. It will not be stolen, it will be bought with honestly earned money. BUT the hero of the occasion, we will convince the opposite. Presenting to beloved-close-dear ones mobile phone, tablet, navigator or something similar. They said the proper words, listened to the gratitude. Just sat down at the table ... The doorbell rings. "Hello! Let me introduce. Police captain Pupkin. We have received information that a stolen mobile phone is located at this address. The operator tracked it down by the IMEI code. Here is a search warrant ... Show your mobile phones ... "
And stuff like that. For the role of a policeman, you take a person well known to you, but unfamiliar to the hero of the occasion. It would be good if the police were with attesting witnesses. The success of a draw depends on believability.
  • Flown away gift... It should be easy thing lifted by balloons with helium. Hide her in enough bulk box where these same balls will fit. Inform the hero of the occasion that here is what he has long dreamed of. Let it be a trip to the UAE. You give the opportunity to rejoice, jump with happiness and offer to open ... Drum roll - the gift flies into the sky. Very believably lamenting your indiscretion. We wanted to do what was best ...
In order for the rally to be successful, the item being given must be desired. The recipient must find out about his gift even before opening the box. He should already feel the taste of the gift, the pleasure of possession. We open the packaging on the street.
  • An annoying distributor. Your friend in the guise of a distributor comes to the hero of the occasion. With an absolutely serious air, he offers absolutely useless things. Imposing, annoying. Offers to buy something and receive a gift "from company X". When the patience of the hero of the occasion is running out, he will present the gift you have prepared.

How else can you make a present interesting?

The gift that is romantically presented becomes romantic.

Most concerned about how to give gifts are people in love. There is nothing more precious than the glowing eyes of a loved one and his sincere smile. For the donation process to remain in memory, it is not necessary to spend money. Fantasy, improvisation and desire to make happy.

We give gifts in an original way

  • Invite your loved one to a restaurant or cafe. In the middle of the evening, a little girl dressed as an angel comes up to your table. Pronounces congratulatory speech and presents a box. The girl opens - tropical butterflies fly out. At the bottom is a decoration. You yourself can present the box with butterflies.
  • A courier comes to the dear hero of the day business suit and with an impenetrable face. He asks to sign for the gifts due: for a portion of happiness, a huge basket of love, iron health, luck, etc. Most last document confirms the delivery of a particular thing.
  • Go with your girlfriend for a walk through memorable places: where you met, kissed for the first time, made a marriage proposal, etc. During a walk, all sorts of unexpected pleasures happen. That's absolutely stranger gave a rose. Here a street artist came up and presented a portrait. And there the musician performed your composition. The end of the path is a favorite place for both, where music plays quietly, appropriate decorations are prepared (inscriptions on houses, benches, romantic confession on the asphalt). This is where the gift is presented.
  • Pack a small thing in several boxes (at least ten). Cover each of the boxes with photographs that tell the story of your love. Getting to the gift, together you will plunge into dear memories.

Take a closer look at to a loved one, with all your heart, desire to make him happy on this momentous day. This approach will help to abandon stereotypes, connect imagination, and approach the presentation of a gift in an original way. Genuine delight, sincere laughter and joy will be the best reward for the donor.

Hello dear friends! Today we will discuss how to give money for a birthday in an original way.

What to give for your birthday? I am sure: this question comes before you 4-5 times a year at least. And if you choose a gift for a couple of birthday people easily, knowing their needs and interests, then you probably prefer to give bills to the rest. But it's so annoying to hand over money in an envelope or a postcard ...

And here the second one rises actual question: how to give birthday money in an original way?

Moreover, judging by the comments to the article? " (and there are more than 150 of them) you are worried not only about the money gift itself, but also with what words to hand over the money?

In this article I will give 10 ways to give money, and with what words can they be presented.

Choose the option that you like the most. I hope that after reading the article, you can quickly decide how to give money for a birthday in an original way, no matter who you are planning to attend. Please and surprise your birthday people!

How to give money in an original way for a birthday or anniversary?

I repeat: it is desirable that your monetary surprise evokes feelings of surprise and joy! In this case, he will be remembered by the birthday person due to the emotions that he experienced at the time of receiving your presentation, and you will be satisfied with yourself and the holiday in general (and this is also important).

So here we go!

How unusual is it to give money?

Money bag

This phrase draws a very specific image. With a bag of money, you can fulfill most of your everyday desires. Hence, "we will stomp."

It is not difficult to prepare this present. A bag can be sewn from a fabric similar in structure to a sackcloth and then draw a dollar sign on it. And you can use any gift bag, even translucent, in which to put bills rolled into a tube and tied with pretty ribbons. The main thing is to name it correctly. Indeed, in either case it will be a bag (or sack) of money. Well, handing over a bag of money is always nice!

Money in the bank

This gift is built on a play on words. The phrase "money in the bank" is usually associated with a checking account or bank deposit. Hence the idea. We give glass jar with money, but we present it with a hint of a substantial amount in the bank account.

Money flowers

This idea can be viewed in two ways. Someone likes chic money bouquets, and someone cannot bear the sight of crumpled bills.

But I think no one will argue with the fact that this is an original monetary gift. Because such compositions look really beautiful and unusual. And this is what we are trying to achieve, right?

See how a rose and a bouquet of banknotes are made in this video.

How cool is it to give money?

We have amateurs for whom it is not enough to present money in an original way. They want to make it funny, play the hero of the holiday.

I noticed that men like these methods more, especially if in their company of friends it is customary to make a good laugh at each other. But sometimes women are not averse to joking, having prepared unusual gift"With a joke". I have chosen several ways for you cool presentation of money.

Shovel with money

"Rowing money with a shovel"- probably a purely Russian dream that came to us from fairy tales. It is not surprising that we often hear such a wish on holidays.

And what if, together with the money, you donate the tool with which you can make this wish come true?

It turns out that even online stores offer a souvenir shovel that can be handed to the birthday person along with banknotes.

But you can do it easier: buy an ordinary children's shovel (it costs a penny), carefully glue a paper pocket to it, into which you put the bills so that they look out of it. This will really be cool gift! And you can give it with jokes, jokes, which is always perceived "with a bang" 🙂!

Money in a hundred ruble

A variant of a monetary surprise from a stern man.

See the idea in the video.

Toilet paper made of money

Another "funny" 🙂.

But for students, young people and creative people it is quite suitable. After all, such a gift can be presented not with a mockery, but, on the contrary, with wishes. successful life in which money doesn't really matter.

How beautiful to give money?

In this section, I have collected ideas that are suitable for women. We love everything beautiful, right? Therefore, if the type of banknotes that we prepare for our friends, mothers, sisters and grandmothers will cause aesthetic pleasure and pleasure, this will only benefit the gift!

Money in candy

The options for giving money in sweets can be very different.

For example, you can roll the bills into rolls, tie them with ribbons and arrange them neatly in a box of Rafaello chocolates.

Or buy an expensive box of chocolates and wrap each candy in a bill (not a quick option, but attractive).

Picture of money

A picture of money is a very attractive option. Moreover, the plots of the pictures can be completely different!

It could be a tree of happiness or The Scarlet Flower(see how I once made a very simple picture of money for a friend in), a sailboat with sails in the form of banknotes or money randomly located on the canvas. A picture made of money can be presented with style, and there will always be words suitable for presenting a gift.

Money butterflies

it gentle congratulations balances the strength and power of a monetary gift. Butterfly - a symbol of serenity and ease of attitude towards life will be an adornment and a good addition to a surprise from money.

Money cake

An excellent and "magnificent" cash gift, which will definitely become the most memorable present at the holiday.

If you decide to bring this idea to life, you will receive a lot of compliments and admiration from the birthday person and guests of the holiday, since such a gift is rarely given.

It is not surprising that the eyes of all those present will be riveted precisely to your monetary present - it looks money cake always great.