How to choose a hair color to emphasize the tan? What shade of tan to your face? Tank shades. How to get the desired shade. We help the tan ... food

Looking from a beautiful tanned body not easy. However, as from the bright red burnt. But if the first option causes only emotions with the "Plus" sign and the desire to repeat successful experience staying in the sun holder of bronze leather, then the second character receives as a reward, usually, only a sense of pity.

But both hero sought to one goal - get beautiful tan And it's more sexy and attractive with him. What went wrong in the second case? How to achieve the desired shade when tanning and not be in the position of "boiled cancer"? Let's try to figure out.

The first option to acquire a golden shade of the skin, which comes to mind is the use of auto market. I personally do not like it categorically, because it looks not very natural, ideally put it on its own practically unrealistic, and choose a tool that will help to avoid tracks on clothes is not easy.

Perfect natural tanning

The most beautiful chocolate skin shade can be obtained by sunbathing in natural conditions Near the reservoir. Since the water surface reflects well sun rays, the tan lies more intensively. but negative impact Nobody canceled ultraviolet rays, so with this method of tanning, it is necessary to properly care for the skin.

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Smooth chocolate skin shade can be obtained, following the following rules:

  • Before visiting the beach, the skin must be prepared with a soft peeling.
  • Sunbathing on the beach, twice a day you need to moisturize the skin.
  • For active melanin production it is worth drinking natural carrot juice, fell fresh apricots and peaches.
  • Strengthen the sunlight action will help natural oils (olive, coconut, cocoa), but you can only apply them on tanned skinbecause they do not contain SPF. While the skin is not sufficient to protect the number of melanin, you can use ready cosmetic oils industrial productionwhich have sunscreen filters.

"Home" approach
Lover of all natural and not welcoming in the sun and in the solarium ladies can resort to people's methods Tanning, which in "Chocolate" will not turn into, but will help get rid of the non-pleasing skin of the skin.

To get on the skin lung bodies Tanning Tanning You can take special baths:

  • With black tea. On 1 liter of water you need to take 6 tablespoons of black tea without additives, brew for 20 minutes.
  • With leaves walnut. Use need fresh leaves, whose glass you need to pour boiling water and insist about an hour.
  • With chamomile and a series. In such baths, I periodically bathed my daughter, so I can declare with all the responsibility, they definitely paint the hair.

For one procedure, the effect of light tan will not work. In any case, the skin will be grateful to you for such care.

Menu for dark skin

A non-standard version of the acquisition of a pleasant golden shade of leather offered scientists. In practice, they proved that the use of some products helps without staying in the sun and visits to the solarium to achieve the effect of a tanned body.

The cause of such a transformation is carotenoids that are contained in products. These substances accumulating in the body, from the inside help to paint the skin in golden color As well as melanin, which is produced under the influence of ultraviolet, stains it outside.

If you have a desire to check this theory, it is worth making a photo before the start of the experiment, and then go to the rich menu carotenoids. It should go to it a large number of Red I. products orange color (carrots, salmon, tomatoes, strawberries, bulgarian pepper), fresh greenery, broccoli. It is worth enriching dishes olive oilwhich is rich in vitamin E (famous for the ability to improve the absorption of carotenoids).

Additionally, it is necessary to use products containing tyrosine - amino acid, accelerating the tanning process. You can find them in lactic acid products, sesame, yolks.

A month later, it is necessary to evaluate the results of the experiment. To do this, it is better to repeat a photo session. The skin must acquire a beautiful golden shade.
The combination of such a diet with staying in the sun will help heat faster. In any case, the menu is rich in vegetables, fruit, the menu will have a positive effect on well-being, and hence the appearance. I have two hands for such a power mode.

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Get the necessary tank shade without using special cosmetics (creams, bronzer) is quite problematic. It may take quite a lot of time. The process will require you maximum effort. Initially, it is important to understand the following: the tank of the tan will depend not only on the duration solar bathsBut from the color of your skin. Therefore, it is better not worth putting unreal tasks.

In general, four shades of a healthy tan are distinguished: golden, olive, bronze and chocolate.

Nowadays, manufacturers of cosmetics, imitating tan, seek to create such shades that would most appropriately matched.
Young fashionable whatever I would like to recommend the following: buying bronzer, followed by not so much fashionable trends as your external data. All information about the suitable tanning shade is presented below.

Chocolate shade of Zagar.

Holders of warm color skin can easily get a natural chocolate tinge. But if the skin is very bright, then achieve this
It will be quite problematic, and moreover, it can negatively affect health. Buy chocolate bronzer recommended women with dark color skin dark brown hair and green or brown eyes.

Tan Olive Tint

Tan olive shade is clearly visible on women with cold color Type appearance. To achieve a wonderful bronze tint (by the way, most of the women dreams of him) it is enough for them just to sunbathe a little longer.
If you have ash or smoky hair, then you will be perfectly suitable olive tint of auto market.

Tan of golden shade

The owner of a warm color type of leather can easily achieve a golden tan. For this they are enough for them sunbathing Daily for half an hour. If they are at the sun longer, the tan can easily go into chocolate.

If you have red hair or bright with a golden sampling, then you can safely acquire the tanger of the golden shade. Also, this remedy is suitable and brown, the hair of which have a light chestnut shade.

Now there are a lot of money on the market to create a gold shade tanning. They differ only in the degree of intensity. If desired, you can choose a bronzer, creating both easy gilding and a chocolate-golden shade. All these funds are perfect for women with a warm color skin type. The only condition that should be followed by: Hue may be darker than your natural color Leather for 2 tones, but no more.

Bronze tint

Only living long enough to the sea, you can get a natural bronze tinge. Buying the bronzer of such a shade is recommended for women with blue, gray or green eyes. Ideal if a woman is a burning brunette.


Natural way to light up - sun rays. Tanning B. daytime After 4 hours daily. Start taking sunbathing for 10-15 minutes, then increase the time. But be careful, the skin can burn and start peeling. Do not forget to apply the cream with high levels protection against ultraviolet radiation. There is only one minus such an option to get smooth - a short period of season, when it is hot and sunny weather.

If sunbathing natural way You can not use special lotions "". Buy a remedy at any skin store and apply it to a clean body with a smooth layer. Tan will begin to manifest a few hours later, and will last from 3 to 10 days, it all depends on the quality of the lotion used and individual features Skin.

When there is a little free time, you can visit. But if your skin is prone to pigmentation or there is a large amount or birth, it is better to give up such a way to get a golden tint Skin. In all other cases you can safely change. The time of the first procedures should be selected individually, but on average it is 3-7 minutes, but no more. The use of sunscreen must necessarily.

For giving Just face, use the easiest and affordable tool - tea. Brew strong tea And wipe your face. For giving zagara All the body, add a decoction effectively from welding, but in this case there is a lot of leaf tea. Approximate 5 tbsp. Spoons on liter boiling water, then strain and pour into the bath. You can use and decoction onion husks, but not always the result from such methods justifies expectations. Color zagara Differs from natural.

Oil for sunburn allows skin from aggressive impact ultraviolet rays And at the same time contributes to the formation of a golden shade of the skin. It can be used on the beach and in the solarium, it is important only to choose the right type of means and competently use it.

You will need

  • Sun oil, scrub.


All oils for the tan can be divided into those that are intended for the beach, and those that need to be used in the solarium. Before purchasing cosmetic productDecide why he is needed for you.

Oils for sunny tan. Contain ultraviolet filters, but their protective factor is minimal. As a rule, it is equal to 2. This means that it increases its skin on the skin of a safe stay in the sun 2 times. Such products contain certain additiveswhich contribute to the formation of an intense tan.

If you prefer to sunbathe in the solarium, stop your choice on special oils. Such means moisturize the skin without allowing it to dry, and also stimulate the production of melanin and contribute to the fastening on the skin of the golden shade.

Whatever the product you choose, acquire it only in large stores or in pharmacies. Always pay attention to the expiration date and the date of the oil. Do not buy means with expiring shelf life, as over time, their components are progressing, and ultraviolet filters are destroyed.

In order for the product to be most effective, apply it correctly. Apply oil 30 minutes before the beach is released. During this time, the tool is completely absorbed. Often women prefer to use it directly on the beach due to its overlooking texture. If you forgot to smear the body with oil or did not want to wear clothes, after applying it outdoors, try to hide for 15-20 minutes in the shadow, and then boldly start sunbathing.

Carefully make sure to smear with oil all parts of the body, as well as face. Ask someone from distributing the product on the back. To the tan lay less, before applying this means On the skin to process it with a scrub. If you are a greasy fat problem skin Persons, the use of oil can lead to the appearance of rashes. Especially comedogeneous are those that contain mineral oils. Do not use such products if you suffer from acne. Replace them on low fat creams for sunburn.

Tan Today is not just a shade of the skin, but a whole philosophy. With their currents, branches, supporters and opponents. Sometimes it seems that dermatologists and cosmetics producers deliberately glow passions around ultraviolet. One thing is clear: today, even kids know that it is necessary to defend from the Sun-Cah. Adults turn out to be in front of the dilemma: how to get a lined bronze tint and not to cause yourself the slightest harm ....

Pallor in resignation

The last ten years of fashion theorists, appreciating the scale of carcurofobia in society, tried to return the cult snow-white leather. They emphasized her aristocracy, created special shades of makeup, produced only white-skinned models on the podiums. But the idea failed. Pale species still remained a sign of fatigue, poor well-being and illness. And this in our society, where the appearance is one of the components of success, does not attract anyone. True, excessive tan has lost its former relevance. It is no longer associated with a luxurious resort lifeRather, talks about no indispensability and disregarding his health. In addition, it hints that you have nothing to do on vacation, except to idle at the pool. But barely touched by the sun golden leather Demonstrates the ability to enjoy the tan without harm to the body.

Tan between business

Now on vacation is made around the surroundings, to make hiking and bicycle rides, Kind Siesta with a glass of lemonade in small cafes, and after noon to play tennis or volleyball with like-minded people. At the same time, of course, use sunscreen, not forgetting to update them even on the road. And thus acquire a golden tan. Agree, slightly tanned, we become seductive, the smile seems to be whiter, leather - smooth, and the color of the eyes is brighter. "Amber-golden bodies look for us erotic, - says Psychoanalyst Olivia Rebecca Lustman. - Erasing from the face traces of fatigue and hiding imperfections, light tan carries a secret dream to reflect himself. What gives confidence and positive attitude. "

Optimal conditions

Our Dark Pigment Melanin absorbs and inactivates ultraviolet better than any filter. But only when the amount and activity of sunlights do not exceed the speed and quality of the production of this pigment. Explosion this process will help the oven cosmetics and special vitamin complexes. You need to start applying them about a month before the beach is released and not stop during the rest, as well as some time after. After all, after any stay in the sun in the skin, toxic substances are produced that need to be neutralized. This will help modern post -ced drugs. Now most of them contain not only soothing and moisturizing substances, but also detox complexes, as well as melanin locks. Do not replace these funds conventional cream: The tan will not be so beautiful.

Sensual protection

"Everything you like" - so could be the motto of new sunscreen products. " Sunflowers themselves are not too pleasant to the touch, - explains Olivier Courtin-Claranins (Olivier Courtin-Clarins), Clarins Executive Director - Therefore, products with high SPF Previously, there were sticky and difficult in applying. " Because of this, we lazy to harvest cream and once again Refresh it. That's why B. last years leading market players sunscreen products co-agreed on exactly tactile sensations. Thanks to their efforts, we have air mousses, dry sprays, the easiest lotions and, of course, Nelipes. The latest dermatologists were not seriously perceived seriously: on average, their SPF was 6-8, since many filters could not be turned on in oil. However, oils have always been appreciated for their ability to instantly absorbed and make the skin satin and flickering. It took a lot of talent, daring, effort to make a cosmetic coup and implement SPF 30, 40 and even 50 V sunscreen oil. And also make them versatile (for face, body and hair). Now it is possible to "deviate" on the beach with legs to the head. And the more often do it, the better.

White brotherhood

The side effect of information about the dangers of the tan is the growth of Heliophobia (Sun Fear). Heliophobes do not even trust the most powerful means of protection, panically fear melanomas, pigmentation, photobores ... In China, the Faisini boom (bikini for the face) - hoods hiding his face from the sun. There in honor cosmeticswhich can be "washed" the tan. Doctors are alarmed: Heliophobes drops the level of calcium and those hormones, to produce a ultraviolet. So we will not fall in extremes, after all, we all - "the children of the Sun".

In warm tones

Lancaster Dry Spray SPF 50 Sun Sport Wet Skin; Clarins Skin and Hair Oil SPF 30 SUN Care Oil. Spray; Lancôme BB-cream SPF 50 Soleil Bronzer; Dior Oil-tanger DIOR BRONZE; Vichy Dry Spray SPF 50 Capital Soleil Invisible Hydrating Mist; L'Oréal Paris BB-cream SPF 30 Sublime Sun "Impeccable Tan"; Shiseido Powder SPF 30 UV Protective Compact Foundation.

What shade of tan to your face? Tank shades. How to get the desired shade

Everyone can sunbathe in the sun, but to achieve the desired shade of tan to surprise others - a rather complicated process that requires a lot of knowledge and effort. On the other hand, fashionable tint Tanning today is more accessible to get with cosmetics.

Tint natural sunburn It depends on your skin color and tanning intensity. Healthy tan It can manifest itself on the skin in the following shades: Golden, olive, chocolate, bronze. In the same shades they offer to paint the skin and modern means for artificial Zanar.: cream, car vehicles, etc.

When choosing a tint of auto market or the bronzer not enough to be aware fashion trends. Mistore with a tint - and turn your image into gloomy and unnatural, or you will look like a "roaring chicken".

Golden tinge. Who comes up?

Golden shade of tanning manifests itself in humans with warm color Skin. It is enough to spend on the sun for 30 minutes to spend 30 minutes, and the golden tan will manifest quite quickly. If sunbathing more diligently and intensely, the golden tan can turn into a chocolate.

Golden tint of auto market (or the bronzer) It is necessary to buy blondes with a honey or gold shade of hair, red and brown-brown hair browns. There are many golden shades Zagar S. varying degrees Intensity - from easy gilding to chocolate-golden. They are all suitable for warm skin color. The main rule is not to buy a hue of more than 2 tones darker natural color Skin.

Chocolate tan can get people with warm skin color. However, if your skin is extremely light and reacts poorly to the sun's rays, it will be very difficult to achieve a chocolate shade and, moreover, harmful to health.

Chocolate taut exchanger spent darkness Girls with karium or green eyes, brown hairs with dark brown hair.

Olive tan

Olive tint of the tan is manifested in humans with Scandinavian (cold) appearance color. With intense burr olive leather Acquires an amazing bronze tint, which millions of girls dream of.

Truck S. olive tint It is advisable to choose girls with blonde ash hairas well as with cold russes (smoky) with hair color.

Bronze tan

The bronze tint of the sun is suitable for girls with a cold (west) shade of eyes, most often it is burning brunettes. Get natural bronze tan quite difficult. This shade is possible only with long stay on the sea coast.
