How to deal with age spots on the face at home. How to remove age spots on the face at home. Affordable Home Remedies

Or with menopause, the consequences of skin damage (burns), various skin inflammation. Sometimes dark spots may appear after using irritating creams, ointments or perfume water. When age spots appear, it is better to contact a dermatologist to find out the cause of their appearance and, in accordance with this, start.

People prone to pigmentation should refrain from ultraviolet rays. Before leaving, in sunny weather and even, it is necessary to apply protective cream. At solar radiation even almost imperceptible stains and becomes much more difficult from them.

If age spots appear quite often, then you need to pay attention to the diet. You should eat foods containing vitamins A, C and PP: greens, carrots, dried apricots, tomatoes, etc. You can also take vitamin complex containing these elements, 2-3 courses per year.

If age spots appear in, then bleaching preparations should be treated with caution. Many of them contain elements of mercury in their composition, which can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, lactating women can also use lemon juice or juice to remove pigmentation. sauerkraut before application day cream. Some plants also have a bleaching effect. These include yarrow, bearberry, licorice, parsley.

Professional cosmetologists offer several options for removing age spots. chemical method involves removing the top layer of the skin with fruit acids, as a result, new cells appear that are completely spared. In some cases, apply laser resurfacing face or photorejuvenation. These procedures not only contribute to the disappearance of age spots, but also with their help the skin is renewed, its tone is increased.

Any pigmentation on face, regardless of origin, manifests itself due to increased production of melanin. Therefore, it is important before, during and after the procedures to protect the skin of the face from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. That is why about tanning in a solarium and even under the rays spring sun will have to be forgotten for a while.


The procedure for getting rid of pigmentation is the whitening of the upper layer of the skin. First you need to exfoliate the stratum corneum, and then remove the melanin from the epidermis. The result of this will be the lightening of the pigment spot.

The choice for the whitening procedure depends both on the severity of pigmentation and on it. Previously, most often resorted to the use of mercury ointment, phenol, salicylic alcohol. Now cosmetical tools for peeling contain alpha hydroxy acids (glycolic, citric, lactic). You can find out what the substance is in by the abbreviation AHA.

Hydroquinone is considered the most effective bleaching agent, but it has a toxic effect, therefore, formulations containing the substance should be used with caution. Most often, hydroquinone is used at a concentration of 1-2%, but an increase of up to 4% is possible. The content of arbutin in the whitening agent indicates that it will be quite effective with age spots on face. Arbutin is synthesized or extracted as an extract from bearberry leaves and other plants. The presence in the composition of the means against

Every woman wants her skin to be smooth, beautiful, healthy. But this desired perfection is not easy for everyone, so it is important to figure out how to remove age spots on the face. After all, this cosmetic defect not only spoils the appearance of a woman, but also causes certain psychological complexes. If you decide to start treatment for such spots, first find out the cause of their appearance.

Causes of the appearance of age spots on the face

There are many factors contributing to the appearance of pigments on the face, but the main ones are:

  • Pregnancy. Often spots appear during the bearing of a child, they have an irregular shape, they can be different sizes. Increased pigmentation can persist after pregnancy.
  • Deficiency in the body folic acid. Deficiency of this substance causes serious problems in the immune and circulatory system person.
  • Harmful effect sun. The ultraviolet rays of the sun are common cause increased pigmentation on the skin. Most dangerous sun from mid-spring to summer.
  • Perfumes, personal care products and low-end cosmetics. With composition cheap cosmetic products Low quality, toilet water may include chemical elements dangerous to the skin that have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin, provoke the appearance of pigmentation.
  • Hormones and antibiotics. Data medical preparations can cause disturbances in the functioning of the body and hormonal levels, provoking the appearance of pigmentation on the face.
  • Strong tan. After prolonged exposure to the sun, spots may appear on the face. Special anti-tanning creams in some cases will not help, but on the contrary, they can cause pigmentation.
  • Age spots. Older people (over the age of 40) often develop "senile spots" (lentigo), which are formed in places of freckles or areas exposed to intense solar radiation.

Effective cosmetic procedures to remove pigmentation

Depending on the cause of the spots, there may be different variants fight them. If the pigmentation is superficial, positive effect give whitening creams, scrubs, infusions, compresses. If the stain has appeared for a long time, it is necessary to resort to radical measures- cosmetic procedures. Good result gives and chemical peeling faces, many people like folk remedies to combat pigmentation. Choose for yourself best way.


Modern and effective method fight against pigmented formations - phototherapy. The result after the procedure is visible immediately and is long-term. The essence of the procedure is as follows: flashes heat the coloring pigment melanin, as a result of which it is destroyed and exfoliated.

Benefits of phototherapy:

  • Security. During the procedure, skin tissues are not damaged, there is no risk of infection and scarring.
  • Painlessness. During the session, only a slight tingling sensation may occur.
  • Fast recovery period.
  • High efficiency. Using this procedure permanently eliminates stains.

Phototherapy should be avoided in patients with:

  • with increased photosensitivity;
  • with herpes;
  • having skin diseases;
  • sick diabetes;
  • who have poor blood clotting;
  • with scars on the skin.

Chemical peel

This method widely used in cosmetology. Apply to the skin special chemical substances that exfoliate the layer dead cells. There are three types of chemical peels:

  • Superficial - the most sparing peeling method. The procedure is performed 4 to 10 times every 10 days.
  • Median - a more effective type of peeling. The effect is noticeable after the first procedure. Can be done once a month.
  • Deep - the most effective peeling, is done once every six months.

Consequences and sensations after chemical peeling:

  • Burning. The degree of burning depends on the type of peeling, the duration of sensations ranges from 15 minutes to a day.
  • Redness. This normal reaction facial skin. Remains from 2 hours to a day. With a more intensive peeling, the redness will completely disappear in 2 weeks.
  • Individual characteristics. In women with hypersensitive skin, peeling sometimes causes blisters, scars.

Removal with a laser

Laser stain removal is considered the best and safest of modern methods. The laser acts only on the desired areas of the skin, choosing cells that have a large number of melanin. At the same time, healthy areas of the skin are not damaged. After the procedure, on the treated area of ​​the skin, pigment spots begin to exfoliate and disappear within two weeks. Advantages laser removal before other methods:

  • efficiency;
  • security;
  • painlessness;
  • 1-2 procedures will suffice.

It is better to postpone laser removal of age spots for a while for pregnant, breastfeeding mothers, and if available:

  • fresh tan on the face;
  • inflammation on the treated area of ​​the skin;
  • oncological disease.

Cosmetical tools

Designed to eliminate pigmentation great amount cosmetic and pharmacological agents that successfully cope with the problem are peels, masks, creams, lotions. They are intended for different types skin and have a whitening and exfoliating effect: The most common:

  • Cream Achromin. It has good brightening characteristics. Protects from negative influences sun rays, preventing reappearance pigment spots.
  • Vichy Cream. Excellent remedy which copes with dark age spots, freckles, senile pigmentation.
  • Clotrimazole. It contains a large number active substances who decide complex problems skin, including eliminating pigmentation.
  • Cosmetic white clay mask. Sold in any pharmacy, when mixed with lemon juice has an excellent effect on problem areas of the skin.
  • Badyaga - the best remedy elimination of age spots, the main element of which is silica. It is included in various gels, creams and acts as an exfoliating agent.

Removing age spots with folk remedies

Some people do not have the opportunity to apply cosmetic peeling procedures, so they use folk remedies. The effect of such recipes is individual for each. individual case. The most common home remedies for removing age spots are:

  • Lemon juice. Due to the vitamin C content of this citrus, lemon juice can lighten dark spots on the face. To get rid of pigmentation, soak a cotton pad in lemon juice, and carefully wipe the affected skin. Once the juice stains are dry, rinse them with water. Do the procedure for two weeks.
  • Kefir. This fermented milk product has a brightening and anti-inflammatory agent. To prepare a compress, you will need to mix 4 teaspoons of kefir with two teaspoons of tomato juice. Soak cotton swabs with the mixture, apply for 15 minutes to the affected areas.
  • A solution of milk and honey. This mixture helps with pigmentation. Apply the solution for 10 minutes.
  • Parsley. To lighten the skin, a tincture is prepared: a bunch of parsley is crushed and poured with a liter of boiling water, insisted for 3 hours. ready mix wipe the face in the morning and in the evening. The juice of fresh parsley or other herbs, mixed with sour cream, in a ratio of 1: 1, has proven itself to be excellent.
  • Potato. Thinly sliced ​​potatoes help to remove pigmentation. Apply to damaged areas for 3-4 minutes, then wash with warm water.

find out more information how to choose and use .

Video: how to quickly remove pigmentation from the face at home

If you have freckles or age spots, do not rush to buy expensive brightening creams, masks. Without consulting a specialist, you can harm your skin even more. Better try to use the tools that every housewife will surely have in the kitchen, such as parsley, lemon, starch, milk. If you have problem skin and age spots, make a homemade whitening cream by watching this video:

Prevention of pigmentation

To prevent the appearance of pigmentation, you must:

  • Use sunscreen and UV protection. In summer, wear a hat and sunglasses. Avoid intense tanning.
  • Healthy food.
  • Drink plenty of mineral-rich water.

Well, what woman does not dream of perfectly even, smooth and uniform skin of the face? But, as it turns out, this is not always easy to achieve. Wrinkles, pimples and freckles often spoil appearance skin, making the fair sex pretty nervous. But the biggest disappointment for a woman of any age is age spots. They are quite difficult to get rid of, besides, they affect a large area of ​​the skin. But before you get rid of such spots, you need to find out how and why they appear.

What are age spots

Melanin is responsible for the color of human skin. Disturbances in its development can be caused external factors or internal failures in the body. The pigment spot may be darker or, conversely, lighter than the rest of the skin. The size of the spots can be different - from one millimeter to several centimeters. Often age spots are localized in one place in large numbers. Freckles are also age spots that usually appear in young age. Over time, they can go away or stay on the skin forever. Lentigo are spots that, on the contrary, appear in adulthood. They are also called age spots.

Sometimes the skin forms patches that are not brown and yellow flowers, but on the contrary, it becomes whitish. This depigmentation is called vitiligo. The edges of such spots can be either smooth and symmetrical, or completely ugly.

Age spots do not rise above the skin, they are absolutely flat. In addition, this condition does not carry any harm to health. The only drawback of age spots is the aesthetic component. Often even a small amount of age spots spoils the appearance of the face. That is why everyone is trying to get rid of them as soon as possible. But where do they come from?

Try to analyze the time and place when you got age spots. Consult your doctor. And then, perhaps, you can accurately determine the cause of their appearance. In the meantime, you need to learn how to deal with them.

Cosmetics against age spots

There are many creams and tonics that will help you get rid of the hated spots. Among them are such funds as Skinoren, Melantiv, Oriflame Whitening Line, Evinal, Vichy, Differin, Benoquin and others. All of them are sold with the mark "pigmentation cream" or "whitening cream". They contain substances such as hydroquinone, kojic acid, arbutin, rucinol, as well as natural extracts of bleaching plants and herbs.

Concerning cosmetic procedures, there are also a lot of methods that can save you from annoying spots.

  1. Laser peeling. Under the influence of laser beams, the cosmetologist removes thin upper layer dead skin. Along with this layer, the pigment spot is also removed, at least a significant part of it. After laser peeling you can not sunbathe - the skin is incredibly sensitive.
  2. Microdermabrasion. The procedure according to the principle of action does not differ from laser peeling. However, in this case the upper layer of the epidermis is removed not by laser beams, but by physical action, that is, mechanical cleaning top layer of skin. Most often this is done using the smallest particles of aluminum.
  3. Chemical peeling. In this case, the keratinized layer of the skin is removed with easy help acid, which corrodes dead scales. For such a procedure, you can use natural acids- lemon juice or use a special glycol or trichloroacetic acid. Depending on the type of skin and the concentration of acid, superficial, medium or deep peeling can be done.

Besides, modern techniques offer complete removal pigment spots to prevent recurrence. Aesthetic medicine clinics remove age spots using laser point treatment, liquid nitrogen, and targeted infrared treatment. All these procedures are quite expensive, but do not despair. Some recipes home cosmetology are not inferior in their effectiveness to expensive salon procedures.

  1. Lemon juice. This natural product, which has excellent whitening properties. You can simply wipe your face with lemon juice in the morning and evening, using a cotton swab. After a couple of weeks of such rubbing, you will notice that the skin has become much lighter, and age spots are less noticeable.
  2. Cucumbers and alcohol. Grate a couple of large cucumbers and place in glass bottle. Pour the pulp with alcohol, diluted in half with water. Leave the tincture in a cool place for two weeks, shaking the container occasionally. When the tincture is ready, it will be possible to wipe the face with it, like a tonic. It not only brightens pigmentation, but also becomes a solution for oily skin. If you have dry skin, add a few teaspoons of olive oil to your toner before using it.
  3. Parsley and milk. Take a few bunches of parsley and chop the greens. Pour in hot milk, cover and let it brew. After a few hours, the mass can be filtered. First you need to use the pulp itself - put the greens on your face and lie still. After that, wipe your face with strained liquid every day before going to bed. Store the composition in the refrigerator so that it does not deteriorate.
  4. Grapefruit. If there are large obvious spots on the face, you can get rid of them with the help of grapefruit. Squeeze enough Fresh Juice fruit in a small container and use a cotton swab to smear the stain several times during the day. Fresh juice should be used the next day. After a few days of such treatment, you will notice that the stain has become much lighter.
  5. Red currant and kefir. A handful of freshly picked red currants should be crushed in a blender and mixed with kefir. If your skin is oily, you need to take fat-free kefir. If dry, then use fatty kefir or even sour cream. Mix the two ingredients and apply the mask on your face. If the mask turned out to be very liquid, then you can do this. Cut out an oval from a piece of clean fabric and make slits for the eyes. Soak a homemade mask in currant-kefir liquid and apply on your face for a few minutes.
  6. Cottage cheese, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. A tablespoon of cottage cheese should be beaten with a blender, after mixing the product with a teaspoon ammonia and the same amount of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the resulting mass in a thin layer on the face and leave for 10 minutes. This real way quickly and efficiently whiten the face and get rid of age spots. However, remember that such a mask can not be kept longer than 15 minutes.

Among these simple tips you will find the one that suits your skin.

In order not to fight age spots, you need to be able to prevent their appearance in time. For this in summer period time, wear hats that hide your face, and use sunscreen. Monitor the health of the body and its changes. remember, that perfect face- not a given of nature, but a long and painstaking work. Be charming at any age!

Video: how to get rid of age spots

Women always want to be beautiful and well-groomed. Pigmentation on the skin is unlikely to add attractiveness and self-confidence. Someshe oppresses, forces others to mask their face with tons of makeup.Many who are faced with this problem are concerned about the question: how to quickly get rid of age spots?In the articleon thewebsite you uzLearn about the causes of unwanted stains, about waysthemremoval and prevention.

Causes of pigmentation

Pigmentation is the body's defense response to negative influence on the skin external and internal factors. Superpigmentation is typical for people of any age, but there are risk groups. This cosmetic defect most often appears in pregnant, lactating, elderly people, as well as during menopause and adolescence. Age spots are formed as a result of increased production and accumulation of melanin.

  1. Ultraviolet radiation. The main reason for the appearance of unwanted spots is negative impact sun. Ultra-violet rays contribute to the active production of melanin. Fair-skinned women are more prone to pigmentation than others. But sometimes ultraviolet is not the cause, but a provoking factor.
  2. Pathological processes internal organs signal their problems through pigmentation. It is always necessary to pay attention to the location of pigmentation. With spots on the cheeks and neck, there may be problems with the liver; forehead - with brain disorders and CNS diseases. If covered with spots Bottom part face (mouth and chin), then this indicates digestive failures.
  3. Endocrine system also speaks of malfunctions in its work through the skin. Epiphyseal insufficiency, Basedow's disease, or a pituitary tumor can cause dark spots.
  4. Pregnancy, menopause, teenage years, hormone treatment- all this can disrupt hormonal background women and cause unwanted spots.
  5. Availability allergic reactions , inflammation, rashes, acne, cuts, wounds, burns, unsuccessful peeling can provoke hyperpigmentation.
  6. Medicinal and cosmetic products leading to increased photosensitivity skin, contribute to the appearance of enhanced pigmentation. These include products that include lime, bergamot, retinoic acid. As well as products containing synthetic fragrances, antibiotics, antihistamines.
  7. Stress. Availability stressful situations, nervous breakdowns can also cause hyperpigmentation.
  8. Hypovitaminosis. For example, not enough vitamin C can cause an increase in melanin production.

5 most effective ways to get rid of pigmentation

Couple cosmetic procedures in a beauty salon will save you from unpleasant spots. But not everyone can afford professional services.

So let's take a look at five of the most effective ways removal of pigmentation at home.

Anti-pigment masks

Carrot. It has a beneficial effect on general state skin and is excellent at removing unwanted blemishes.


  • 1 tsp sour cream
  • 1 PC. yolk
  • 1.tsp carrot juice

Mix sour cream, yolk and carrot juice. Let stand and after five minutes apply on problematic skin. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. We apply the mask for ten days.

cucumber. It has a whitening and brightening effect. To prepare it, we rub half of the cucumber. The resulting mass is mixed with honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice.

1st recipe.Components:

  • 1 tsp grated cucumber
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 tsp lemon juice

All ingredients, taken in equal amounts, mix and apply on a cleansed face. Remove it after ten minutes.

2 th recipe.Components:

  • 1 PC. cucumber

Wipe the problem skin with a cucumber cut in half for five to seven minutes. We repeat this procedure twice a day.

Parsley. It is the most effective remedy in the treatment of hyperpigmentation. Its juice has a regenerating and bactericidal effect, as well as nourishing and whitening properties. Removing pigmentation with freshly squeezed parsley juice is a way of gentle, harmless treatment of the skin while saturating it with vitamins and minerals.

1st recipe.Components:

  • 1 st. l. boiled water
  • 1 st. l. parsley juice.

Mix equal parts juice with boiled water. Apply with a cotton swab to problem areas for ten minutes, then remove from the face and wipe with water.

2nd recipe.Components:

  • 1 bunch. parsley.

Grind one bunch of greens in a blender or juicer. Then we soak a cotton pad with juice. We apply it to problem areas for 20-30 minutes.

. Skin imperfections can be easily corrected with celandine juice. It is so effective that it can even cope with warts. Therefore, bright, dark and old age spots are removed with celandine.


Squeeze out the juice of celandine. We apply the freshly obtained product cotton swab or cotton pad dotted on problem areas except for the eye area.

Lemon. It is difficult to find a skin lightening agent that can compare in effectiveness with vitamin C. Therefore, to get rid of unwanted pigmentation, you should eat foods high in this vitamin. Include rose hips, lemon and orange juice in your diet. I would like to dwell on the lemon. In addition to vitamin C, lemon contains other useful material. It contains a large amount of organic acids, vitamins A, B, C and P, pectins, essential oils, minerals, potassium and copper. A lemon and honey mask is suitable for women with any skin type.

1st recipe.Components:

  • Honey 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon 0.5 pcs.

Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with half a lemon. The resulting mass is applied to the skin of the face and kept for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water.

2 th recipe.Components:

  • Water 1 glass
  • Lemon 0.5 pcs.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix with boiled water. Soak a cotton pad and lubricate the face. Wash off after 10 minutes.

Attention! Never rub your face with undiluted lemon juice. Otherwise, you may get burned.

Many women are familiar with such an unpleasant cosmetic defect as a violation of the pigmentation of the skin. Freckles and moles, pigment spots, age spots, and solar pigment spots are collected in one general concept, and call them skin pigmentation. It not only spoils female appearance, but also causes certain psychological problems. Before figuring out how to get rid of age spots on the face, it is necessary to establish the cause of the formation of this cosmetic defect. A qualified dermatologist will help in this by conducting an examination and prescribing necessary recommendations. In the event of age spots due to, first of all, you need to protect your skin. Hats with wide brim, as well as caps with long visors will protect from the harmful effects of the sun. Don't forget about sunglasses, as well as about decorative cosmetics containing UV filters. food products should contain sufficient amounts of vitamins A, B and C.

How to get rid of age spots on the face at home

There are a huge number of “grandmother's” methods for treating age spots on the face, and every woman always has everything necessary for this at hand in sufficient quantities.

  1. Parsley. This is a great healer skin problems. As a rule, an infusion prepared from a bunch of parsley and 1 liter of boiling water is used. The greens are crushed, poured with water and insisted for three hours. Infusion wipe the face in the morning and evening. You can also make from this infusion. To do this, a moistened and periodically moistened napkin is applied to it for 20 minutes. Juice from fresh parsley has proven itself well for rubbing the face. It can also be mixed with milk or sour cream in equal shares and put on the face. This will help not only remove pigmentation, but also give it a healthy look.
  2. Lemon juice is one of the most effective means for whitening pigmented skin. A tablespoon of juice is diluted in 10 tablespoons of water. Wipe the face with the prepared solution several times a day. You can make a mask of starch and lemon juice. To do this, a tablespoon of starch is diluted with juice to a mushy consistency. Such a mask should be applied directly to the areas of pigmentation formation for 20 minutes. This must be done very carefully, as lemon juice is not suitable for all types of facial skin, and can cause irritation.
  3. Cucumber juice perfectly whitens and tones. You can also use fresh cucumber peel: 50 grams of peel is brewed with a glass of boiling water. After 6 hours, the decoction is ready for use.
  4. Dairy products are great for removing pigmentation. Lotions are made from kefir, whey, yogurt or yogurt. The procedure time is 15 minutes.
  5. mask from black currant. To prepare it, you will need a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of not quite ripe currant berries. The products are carefully rubbed and applied as a mask on the pigmented area of ​​the face for half an hour. Then the mask must be washed off warm water and rinse your face with lemon juice solution.
  6. . This procedure is best done in winter time when solar activity is reduced. Bodyagi powder is mixed with or with vegetable oil to a mushy state, and then applied to problem areas with rubbing movements for 15 minutes. A slight tingling sensation will be felt. After a couple of days, the skin begins to peel off strongly, and therefore it must be constantly lubricated. nourishing cream. This procedure can be done no more than once a week until the pigmented skin is completely exfoliated.
  7. mask from raw potatoes. Shredded raw potatoes are mixed with a few drops vegetable oil, a tablespoon of milk and almond bran. The prepared mixture is applied to a cleanly washed face for 15 to 20 minutes.
  8. Honey mask with fish oil. This mask is suitable for almost any age. It works great on both young and aging and senile pigmented skin. Honey with fish oil is mixed in equal amounts and applied for 15 minutes.
  9. Onion juice is an excellent remedy for discoloration of age spots and freckles. The method is very simple: you need to wipe your face with the juice of a freshly cut onion. Apply on top to prevent irritation. thin layer sour cream for ten minutes, and then everything is washed off with warm water. This method is suitable for dry and normal skin.
  10. Oatmeal "soap" from age spots. Oat flakes you need to grind in a meat grinder, place in a nylon sock and fix well. Use when washing instead.
  11. Choleretic collection. Experts believe that the cause of pigmentation is often associated with an excess amount of bile in the body, so a light choleretic collection from corn silk, mint, chamomile and birch leaves.

With the help of such simple recipes, almost every woman can lighten age spots, making them less noticeable. After the procedures, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream. It must be understood that a visible effect can be achieved only with the help of patience and perseverance, doing these procedures several times a day.

How to remove age spots with the help of modern cosmetic industry

It has long been widely used in the fight against pigmentation. You can buy it at any pharmacy. used this remedy in the form of a mask. In this case, you need to mix the clay with lemon juice to a paste-like consistency and apply to problem areas for 20 minutes. Proven pigment spot remover. There are a huge number of cosmetic and pharmacological agents that eliminate pigmentation. They are designed for different skin types and have a whitening and exfoliating effect. Peelings, masks and creams successfully help to cope with the problem. The composition of such preparations contains acids (citric, lactic, tartaric, glycolic, etc.) that make the face cleaner and whiter. For women who are not constrained by means, there is a range of salon procedures for removing pigmentation. The chemical peeling of the face has proven itself well, in which the upper layer of the epidermis is removed, and with it the hated age spots. Cryoapplication method (exposure liquid nitrogen) and an erbium laser are also used in the treatment of this cosmetic defect. Photorejuvenation is very popular. This procedure eliminates small wrinkles and brightens areas of pigmentation. Salon procedures performed using qualified specialist, will help whiten the skin, as well as enrich it with oxygen and get rid of slagging. Each woman should decide for herself how and by what method to deal with skin pigmentation, however, it is necessary to carefully weigh everything and consult with a specialist so as not to create a risk to her health.

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