31st week of pregnancy the location of the fetus. Possible emotional experiences. Nutrition and bad habits

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus will be about 1.6 kg, full height- 38-39 cm. Nerve endings begin to function in the baby, pain sensitivity appears. The mother may have night sleep disturbances due to active and strong fetal tremors. It is time to explore the issues of anesthesia during childbirth.

How many months?

31st obstetric week is the eighth moon month pregnancy. From conception went approximately 29 weeks. Read interesting about the timing here: Terms of pregnancy: obstetric and embryonic - how to determine and not get confused in terms -

Fetal development

In the first trimester of pregnancy, each week brought enormous changes to the development of the fetus. Now your baby has long been formed all the organs and systems. main direction further development is the improvement of the brain and nervous system. For example, the fetus develops nerve endings. This means the emergence of a common pain sensitivity. The nerve fibers themselves are getting better and better every day to conduct brain signals to the nerve endings and back. This is a complex process that goes unnoticed for us, but in fact controls our entire life.

The baby begins to develop natural protective reactions. For example, if now, with a reflex movement of the hand, the fist accidentally hits the eye, the eyelids will spontaneously close to protect the eyeball.

In addition, the child's body is preparing for the upcoming life outside the mother's body. The fetus continues to develop subcutaneous fat. Thanks to this substance, the baby's skin gradually loses its bright red color, becomes a little paler. However, the full color of the baby's skin will be determined only for some time after childbirth. There is a gradual smoothing skin which makes newborns look so chubby.

The facial features of the fetus become more defined, individual. Marigolds grow to the fingertips, and their growth does not end there. Many mothers are amazed at how long their baby's nails are at birth, but this is actually completely normal.

At this time, many children are already positioned quite correctly. The head is below, the buttocks are under the mother's breasts, the arms and legs are crossed and pressed to the body. Wearing a brace will help your baby stay in this position and not roll over again.

However, we must not forget that the fetus can be located differently and turn over until the very birth. If for more later dates the baby still has not taken the necessary position, the bandage will have to be abandoned in order to give the child the opportunity to turn around as it should.

The movements of your grown baby are now felt almost constantly. Muscle contractions are also training before birth. The strongest jolts can even wake you up at night. Be patient and calm about it. Later, especially immediately after childbirth, many mothers admit that they miss the feeling of life inside themselves and the movements of their baby in the tummy.

Why are conversations necessary?

Many parents do not understand: why talk to a child who has not yet been born? After all, he does not understand anything and will not begin to understand soon! Answer: to learn how to do it after the baby is born. Of course have great amount"talking" toys and educational cartoons almost from birth. But your voice and your communication are indispensable. Unfortunately, parents often do not understand this and are limited only to ordinary words like “don’t cry”, “quietly”, “sleep” and “eat”. And then they wonder why the child pronounces sounds poorly, does not obey and cannot normally establish contact with peers. And all these problems begin in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Calm conversations and stroking the abdomen have another practical meaning. Almost all mothers notice that with such actions, the movements of the fetus become less sharp. Given that now the baby is sometimes pushing very painfully, talking and stroking will bring relief to the mother herself.

These are not strictly scientific data, but observations, but they are true: even a child who has not yet been born needs your attention and communication. This applies to parents and other relatives as well.

What's going on with mom

The gestation period of 31 weeks for most women becomes the beginning of the vacation. If you are pregnant with twins, this time comes two weeks earlier. Many women plan many different things at this time. But it turns out that most of all I want to relax and sleep. This is a completely normal state.

Since the beginning of pregnancy, weight can increase by about 10 kg. This is a very average figure. Some mothers don’t even gain so much in all 40 weeks, but they feel great. There are women with more weight gain. This needs to be taken very seriously for several reasons:

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

  1. Excessive fullness makes it difficult for you to move.
  2. The load on the heart, already increased, increases even more. This is an unfavorable factor for the health of the fetus and yours.
  3. If a overweight- the result of abundant nutrition and improper diet, not only you, but also your baby can get fat. A large fetus means difficulties during childbirth and the risk of developing obesity in a child at a later age.
  4. A significant increase in weight may indirectly indicate internal edema. This is one of the signs late toxicosis. About it dangerous complication pregnancy.

Psychological preparation for childbirth

You need to spend some time thinking about what lies ahead in a few weeks. Childbirth is a complex process. Since the main fear of future women in labor is the fear of pain, study the issue of childbirth with anesthesia.

There are several methods to alleviate the suffering of a woman on different stages childbirth. For example, antispasmodic therapy will allow you to relax certain muscles and reduce the pain of uterine contractions.

During epidural anesthesia, a catheter is inserted into the spine. The drugs reduce pain but retain sensitivity.

Narcotic anesthesia is used when it is impossible to use epidural anesthesia, for example, with a herniated disc.

However, it should be remembered that any drug through your blood will get to the child. There are no harmless medicines. Therefore, it is better to tune in to this: if the pain is tolerable, then it is better to refuse anesthesia. It is possible and necessary to use painkillers only with unbearable pain, as it prevents you from concentrating on childbirth and hearing the recommendations of doctors and midwives.

Interestingly, many mothers after the birth of their first children admitted that their pain was much less than expected and did not last long enough to become unbearable.

scientific fact. According to some reports, higher animals who gave birth with anesthesia immediately abandoned their babies. Under the influence of anesthesia, the production of a special attachment hormone was reduced to a critical level, and maternal instinct just disappeared.

There are also non-pharmacological methods of labor pain relief. These include aromatherapy, acupuncture, acupressure. These methods do not have 100% scientific confirmation of their effectiveness and not in every maternity hospital available. In addition, any impact on biologically active points should be performed only by a professional, otherwise there may be side effects and have unpleasant consequences.

Discharge and pain

The grown tummy causes the center of gravity of your body to shift greatly. Because of this, the deflection in the lower back may increase. And while walking and in a standing position, you probably lean back. With twin pregnancy, this is especially noticeable, since the total weight of the babies, uterus and amniotic fluid is higher. This condition leads to the fact that every now and then you have a little pain in the lower back or the entire back. This condition is almost inevitable and is considered normal.

Light pains, especially in the lower abdomen and its spontaneous tension, speak of training contractions. Here you need to pay attention to the frequency and periodicity. If the contractions are repeated at regular intervals and / or more than four times within an hour, this is an alarming sign.

Vaginal discharge should be scanty, clear or white in color, without a strong odor. Quite a lot of colostrum can be secreted from the breast. This process is different for every mother.

What not to worry about. If there is still no colostrum, you should not worry - this is just a feature of your body. In some cases, colostrum begins to be produced only on the eve of childbirth.

In case of any deviations from the norm, be sure to consult a doctor. Sharp pain, plentiful watery discharge and bleeding means you need emergency medical attention.

Video: Pain at 31 weeks pregnant:

preterm birth

At 31 weeks pregnant, your fetus is not yet considered full-term. If a child is born at this time, he will generally be viable, but in many ways underdeveloped. Such a newborn will survive only with qualified medical care and special equipment.

Doctor's observations

At least once every two weeks you need to visit women's consultation. Be sure to hand it in a day or two before scheduled analyzes blood and urine, directions for which the doctor issues in advance. Such frequent checks are essential. Pregnant women may experience a variety of health issues. Many diseases at first do not make themselves felt, they are asymptomatic. But in blood and urine tests, unwanted changes in the body will already be visible, so laboratory control is very important.

You may be scheduled for a scheduled ultrasound (if you have not had it before). During the study, the doctor will determine the main parameters of the fetus, check the symmetry of the development of the limbs (handles and legs should be the same length). Plus checking the location of the placenta, general condition fetus, the presence / absence of any pathologies.

Photo of tummies

ultrasound. 31 weeks pregnant (3D)

Ultrasound photo:

  1. Nutrition: meat, fish, cereals, dairy, vegetables, fruits. Be very careful about the expiration date of products. At food poisoning many toxins are formed in the body, which will inevitably enter the blood of the fetus and harm it.
  2. Limit salty, sweet and completely eliminate fatty foods and fried food.
  3. If you have oligohydramnios or, conversely, an excess of amniotic fluid, you should not go on a water diet. Quantity amniotic fluid It has nothing to do with how much you drink.
  4. There should be plenty of fresh air around you. Ventilate the rooms where you are, walk more often.
  5. Dress strictly for the weather. Hypothermia will easily lead you to a cold, while overheating can cause you to feel dizzy and even faint.
  6. Even if your only desire is to sit, lie down and sleep, do not forget about physical activity. It is needed to eliminate and prevent periodic edema, dilated veins in the legs and to train the heart. But your loads should be moderate, without sudden movements and tension.
  7. best method physical training considered swimming. Water supports you and does not allow you to overexert yourself. It is believed that this particular sport helps the baby to take correct position in the uterus.
  8. Sexual life can continue as usual if it gives pleasure to you and the father of the child. Contraindications remain the same: oligohydramnios, the threat of premature birth, multiple pregnancy.
  9. To avoid shortness of breath, walk and climb stairs slowly. Full breathing will be restored only closer to childbirth, when your stomach drops a little.
  10. Completely give up sitting "foot on foot" so as not to disrupt blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  11. Wear a brace to ease the strain on your back and lower back.
  12. Compression underwear and stockings will help you to endure discomfort in the lower back and abdomen easier, reduce the load on the blood vessels of the legs.

During maternity leave, try to carefully prepare for the meeting with your baby.

31 obstetric weeks is the 29th week from conception - the embryonic gestational age, as well as 31 weeks from the start of the last menstruation. If one baby grows in your stomach, it means that at exactly thirty weeks you received a “release” from work for the next 170 days, it is for this period that a sick leave is issued.

Baby size at 31 weeks pregnant

What happens to the fetus at 31 weeks

The fetus grows and its skills are improved, which prepares it for independent living in conditions environment. At 31 weeks, the brain continues to develop, its size increases. Nerve endings begin to function actively, nerve connections begin to form. Nerve impulses are already transmitted much faster, which contributes to the fact that the fetus is capable of learning. The organs and systems of the baby are developing, he can already empty the bladder and actively trains his urinary system. Now the bone marrow, not the liver, produces red blood cells.

The lungs of the baby are sufficiently developed, but not enough to allow him to breathe freely on his own. The baby swallows amniotic fluid, it undergoes several treatments, after which it is excreted from the body in the form of urine. The capillary system functions fully, supplying oxygen to the blood, which is necessary for normal blood circulation and brain development.

In the body of the fetus continues to accumulate adipose tissue, but in addition to white, the baby also stores brown fat. It is located between the shoulder blades, behind the sternum, along the spine and near the kidneys. Brown fat is designed to keep the newborn from freezing. Indeed, by the time of birth, the center of thermoregulation in the brain of the crumbs is not yet sufficiently developed. During the first year of a baby's life, this "warm" fat is converted to white fat.

What does a baby look like at 31 weeks pregnant?

At 31 weeks pregnant, your baby is most likely already in its final position in the womb. If he is destined to be born head first, as most children are born, then his buttocks are now pointing up. Less common is the opposite position, called breech presentation by physicians, even more rarely the fetus takes a transverse position. The appearance of the baby is even more cute than before. His skin has become so dense that blood vessels no longer show through it. The amount of subcutaneous fat quickly increases, which makes the outline of the baby rounded. The nails already reach the tips of the fingers.

At this stage of development, facial features become thinner, the nose becomes more certain form ears grow, the neck lengthens. The baby's skin is no longer so red and wrinkled. Under the skin, white adipose tissue is deposited, which gives the skin a more natural color and further promotes smoothing of the skin. The pupils of the eyes this week begin to react to light. During wakefulness, the eyes of the fetus are wide open, and in sleep they are tightly closed for centuries. Their color in all babies is blue. And only after birth in the iris (it determines the color of the eyes) pigments accumulate, and they become gray, brown, green color or remain blue.

Infographic - the color of the eyes of the unborn child

Fetal development at 31 weeks gestation

The future child is growing and prettier. The baby continues to accumulate subcutaneous fat. He has become plump and handsome. Its subcutaneous fat layer will help maintain body temperature after birth at a constant level.

  • The lungs are improving more and more, in which a surfactant is produced - a substance that prevents the alveolar sacs from sticking together.

  • The brain continues to actively develop, actively function nerve cells, neural connections are formed. Nerve impulses are now transmitted much faster, protective sheaths appear around the nerve fibers.

  • The liver continues to improve, the formation of liver lobules, which are responsible for cleansing the blood of all kinds of toxins, ends. Liver cells also produce bile, which in the future will take Active participation in the process of assimilation of fats that come with food.

  • The pancreas increases its mass by increasing the number of cells. After the birth of a child, she will produce enzymes that will break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

  • With ultrasound, you can notice that by the 31st week of pregnancy, the so-called corneal reflex has already been formed in the child. If the baby accidentally touches the open eye with a pen, he will instantly close his eyes.

  • He still spends most of his time sleeping. Eye color at this stage of development in all babies is gray-blue. This is due to the fact that the color of the iris will change only a few weeks after birth, under the influence of light.

  • The genitals have already taken shape, but their internal structure is not yet fully developed. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum, while in girls the labia has not yet closed.

The development of the placenta has already stopped and it begins to age. Aging refers to the decline functionality placenta, and if mom leads wrong image life: smokes or has been ill with ARVI - aging is accelerating. This can lead to the fact that the function of the placenta atrophies: the child will begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients. This is called placental insufficiency. An important symptom of it is a change in the nature of the child's movements.

What happens in a woman's body at 31 weeks pregnant

The body of the uterus rapidly increases in volume, its bottom rises 32 cm above the pubic articulation of the bones. A woman begins to periodically notice that the uterus is on a short time comes into tone, which pulls the stomach, and then, after just a few seconds, relaxes. A wave of light excitation passes from the bottom of the uterus and ends at the bottom. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as Braxton Hicks contractions and has nothing to do with the development of preterm labor. The number is increasing amniotic fluid up to a liter, this is quite enough to protect the baby from compression by the uterus and injury - water plays the role of a protective buffer

You have probably noticed that the baby's movements have become less active. Don't worry, it's just that the uterus is getting cramped for him. You feel that he is pushing, so everything is in order. I can’t even believe that the baby has yet to grow up and gain about 1900 g of weight! Its head is more often located at the entrance to the pelvis, and this position of the fetus is usually maintained until the very birth. In some cases, the buttocks are the presenting part, then in the upper abdomen it is possible to feel a large dense object - the head of the child. Continue to count the fetal movements, their number should still be at least 10 times in 12 hours or 4 movements during the hour of rest.

This month you have gained 1.3-1.8 kg. Adding an average of 450 g per week is completely normal, since the baby is now in the stage of active growth.

Your mammary glands continue to grow.

  • By the end of pregnancy, the mammary glands become 0.5–1.5 kg heavier.

  • Much of their weight is due to enlarged milk lobules and increased blood flow.

  • If you have not yet begun to produce colostrum (the first milk for breastfed babies), you may soon see it. Simple and convenient way control of this condition are breast pads. However, colostrum may not leak at all until the time of delivery, which is also the norm.

Do not worry that your shortness of breath after walking or climbing stairs can harm the baby - the placenta performs its functions clearly and in full, so that the experience is in vain - the child has enough oxygen.

Many women note that the chair has become irregular. The intestines are no longer emptied daily, but once every few days. Constipation occurs because the pregnancy hormone progesterone slows down intestinal motility, and the enlarged uterus presses on it, preventing the intestines from contracting.

In some pregnant women, constipation may be accompanied by flatulence. A woman feels discomfort, heaviness in the abdomen, gases may involuntarily escape.

Your growing belly causes back pain. Back pain in the thirty-first week is also not uncommon. In general, they can appear at any stage of pregnancy, and sometimes accompany a young mother even after childbirth. Wear athletic shoes and shoes with low heels. Do not lift weights, as they put additional stress on supple ligaments. Your doctor may recommend a special maternity brace that supports your back and helps you feel comfortable while moving.

Physical exercises and correct posture help to feel more comfortable, and massage performed by the caring hands of a loved one - and completely forget about discomfort. Many women experience pain in the thighs in the third trimester, sometimes there is even a divergence of the pubic joint. This condition is called symphysitis, and it is quite painful.

Belly at 31 weeks pregnant

Your belly is already so big...and it's wonderful!!! It's nice to know that your beauty is one of the main benefits of pregnancy.

Vlog - 31 weeks pregnant

By week 31, pregnant expectant mothers notice that in the supine position they begin to feel dizzy and feel dizzy. The reason for this is compression of the inferior vena cava by the enlarged uterus. To avoid such troubles, you should not lie on your back, the position on the right or left side is more comfortable.

To avoid dizziness, sleep on your side. Get out of bed slowly. After waking up, you should first stretch, then sit down and sit for a few minutes, and then just get up.

All pregnant women to strengthen muscles pelvic floor Kegel exercises are recommended. This will help prevent breaks in labor and make it easier for the baby to be born. Sit down, tense your perineal muscles as if you were trying to hold back a stream of urine, and then relax. Another exercise is to tighten your muscles, hold them in this state for a few seconds and then relax. It is worth doing the exercises every day until the very birth.

Nutrition recommendations remain the same - to ease the manifestations of heartburn, eat in small portions. To provide the baby with everything necessary, the menu should include meat and fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits, cereals, hard cheeses. You need to drink clean water, green tea, compotes, fruit drinks. Alcohol, coffee, soda remain banned. For constipation, it is recommended to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Preference should be given to plums, apricots, figs, beets, cucumbers and tomatoes. also in daily diet should be fermented milk products with a short shelf life. If you can't make your stools regular by changing your diet, you should see your doctor.

Many women complain of urine leakage while laughing, coughing, sneezing, and this is probably one of the most unpleasant symptoms pregnancy. Urine leakage is caused by increased pressure from the growing uterus on the bladder. This problem will probably disappear after the baby is born.

How to deal with it?

  • Try to empty your bladder completely. When you urinate, try to lean forward to ensure complete emptying. Bladder.

  • Try to urinate more often: every 30-60 minutes.

  • Drink at least 8 glasses of fluid a day.

  • Use Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor.

  • If necessary, wear thin or large pads.

In late pregnancy, the amount of vaginal discharge may increase slightly. But it is necessary to distinguish between discharge and possible leakage of amniotic fluid. Quite often, women cannot distinguish one from the other. If there are no deviations, then the water is liquid, transparent and odorless. Today, in a pharmacy, you can buy special tests to help determine whether you have strong discharge, or it's still leaking water. If this is leaking water, you urgently need to go to the hospital, because at such a moment the child is at risk of intrauterine infection.

During the third trimester, you should slowly collect the necessary things for a trip to the hospital. We advise you to pack everything you need in advance. Indeed, in the event of the onset of childbirth, and this always happens unexpectedly, any person, be it a husband, mother, girlfriend, will be able to deliver everything you need to the hospital without delay.

If you haven't had time to attend childbirth preparation courses, it's time to sign up. You will receive information on them about the upcoming birth, learn how to breathe correctly, in what ways you can relieve pain.

Don't neglect daytime sleep, now it should become an integral part of the regimen - due to disturbing thoughts and nightmares, the expectant mother cannot always get enough sleep at night. It is best to sleep on your side, with the use of special pillows.

Walking in the fresh air before going to bed, sleeping in a well-ventilated area will help keep you and your baby safe. enough oxygen.

If you have no contraindications, then sex at 31 weeks of pregnancy is good for both you and your husband. This is the source positive emotions which should not be abandoned. Although a popular problem in intimate life becomes: the husband's fear of harming the baby and the wife's conviction of the loss of sexuality. Do not worry! You are attractive, and in a special way, and it is impossible to harm a child.

Gymnastics for the 8th month of pregnancy

Dangers at 31 weeks pregnant

The danger remains: The stomach at 31 weeks should not hurt, the appearance of any painful sensations should attract your attention. Drawing, aching pain that lasts for a long time may indicate uterine hypertonicity and possible development tribal activity. Severe pain in the abdomen, not even accompanied by bloody discharge, can occur with placental abruption.

If any pain lasts more than 30 minutes - go for a consultation, or you can go straight to the ambulance to the hospital. If everything is fine, you will simply be sent home, but if something is wrong, the chance to save yourself and your baby life and health will increase significantly.

After 30 weeks, preeclampsia often develops, which is manifested by the appearance of edema, protein in the urine and increased pressure. Without adequate therapy, it can progress to life-threatening preeclampsia and eclampsia. This is an extremely serious condition, which is treated only by eliminating the cause - i.e. only delivery, regardless of gestational age and fetal viability. Symptoms of preeclampsia - blurred consciousness, flickering "flies" before the eyes, headache. The main thing is to have time to call an ambulance.

Good to know

Keep track of swelling, pressure and general well-being. If by morning the swelling of the legs does not go away, and you feel tired, and also if your eyes are dazzling, your legs cramp, your head hurts and you begin to feel dizzy, you should visit a doctor immediately. Remember - preeclampsia is very dangerous! This condition threatens the health and even the life of the mother and child.

Abundant watery, odorless, clear or yellowish discharge may be amniotic fluid and appear when it is torn or completely ruptured membranes. If a pregnant woman suspects such a condition, you can’t hesitate - a defect in the shell is a good entrance gate for infection. If the birth occurs in this period, it is possible to leave the baby, but it is much more difficult to nurse an infected child.

Good to know

If you notice abundant liquid discharge from the vagina, then, most likely, water began to drain. In this case, immediately call an ambulance, otherwise you risk giving birth at home.

Tests at 31 weeks pregnant

As a rule, the visit this week is planned. Usually, on the eve of the appearance at the antenatal clinic, you hand over general analysis urine (to control kidney function), blood (to exclude anemia and inflammation in the body), blood for sugar (if gestational diabetes mellitus developed during pregnancy, or diabetes was present before pregnancy). At Rh negative group blood from mom and positive from dad, it is regularly necessary to donate blood for antibody titer.

They will definitely weigh you, measure the pressure on both hands, measure the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen, and listen to the fetal heart with a stethoscope.

At the appointment with your doctor, you can ask how your baby is lying. Most often, it is located head down, and back on the left side of the uterus ( cephalic presentation). Much less often, the fetus is located with the pelvic end or legs down and head up ( breech presentation), and even more rarely, it lies across the uterus (transverse presentation).

Perhaps at the 31st week of pregnancy, another ultrasound procedure awaits you. Very often it is the last study of the fetus, but sometimes obstetricians are advised to do another one in a week or two.

If during the last study the baby was shy and did not show you his gender, you can find out everything this time. The specialist, according to the protocol, will make all the necessary measurements, exclude organ malformations, measure the heart rate, the amount of amniotic fluid. At this time, it is possible to detect malformations of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system. It is mandatory to assess the condition of the placenta and blood flow in it. The condition of the uterus, wall thickness, muscle homogeneity are also assessed, the length of the neck is measured, the degree of opening of the cervical canal.

First of all, with the help of ultrasound, they examine motor activity, respiratory movements, baby's heartbeat, study the degree of maturity of the placenta. They also exclude or confirm the entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord and compare its parameters with the gestational age.

With ultrasound of the fetus at 31 weeks of gestation, it is necessary to exclude the lag from the normal rate of fetal development. This is done using ultrasonic fetometry.

Fetometry (fetal size) with ultrasound of the fetus at 31 weeks of gestation is normal

  • BDP (biparietal size) 73–87 mm.

  • LZ (frontal-occipital size) 93–109 mm.

  • OG (fetal head circumference) 273–315 mm.

  • Coolant (abdominal circumference of the fetus) 247–301 mm.

Normal sizes of long bones with fetal ultrasound at 31 weeks of gestation

  • Femur 54–64 mm.

  • Humerus 50–60 mm.

  • Forearm bones 44–52 mm.

  • Lower leg bones 51–59 mm.

During the procedure at week 31, dopplerography of the vessels is done. All this is necessary in order to assess the uteroplacental and fetoplacental circulation.

When conducting an ultrasound of the fetus at 31 weeks of gestation, in addition to the main dimensions and diagnosis of the internal organs of the fetus, the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid must be assessed. Their quantity and quality is due to the fact that the child already urinates a lot in the water and swallows them. During the day, the entire amniotic fluid changes completely three times.

A reduced amount of amniotic fluid may be associated with malformations of the urinary system. With a reduced amount of amniotic fluid during fetal ultrasound at 31 weeks of gestation, it is necessary to evaluate the fetal kidneys, exclude expansion of the pelvis, enlargement of the bladder, and expansion of the ureters.

An increased amount of amniotic fluid may be due to a violation of the disposal of water. Malformations of the digestive tract lead to the impossibility of adequate and complete swallowing of water. With an increased amount of amniotic fluid with an ultrasound of the fetus at 31 weeks of gestation, the fetal stomach is studied in detail, whether it is enlarged, whether there is a shadow from the stomach at all. The bowel normally should not be dilated. With ultrasound of the fetus at 31 weeks of gestation, the thickness of the small intestine should be no more than 8 mm, the thickness of the large intestine should not be more than 13 mm.

During intrauterine development future child constantly changing his appearance, learns to perform various movements, acquires reflexes, increases in height, gains weight. These changes prepare the baby for the birth. 31 weeks pregnant- the middle of the third trimester, by this time the woman goes on maternity leave, about 10 weeks remain before the expected birth.

When calculating the gestation period, doctors use obstetric weeks (7 days) and months (28 days or 4 obstetric weeks), the beginning of gestation is the first day of the last menstruation. Therefore, the 31st obstetric week of pregnancy does not correspond to the calendar, the real age of the child at this point is approximately 7 months, it is counted from the day of conception.

Fetal development

The thirty-first week of pregnancy is milestone in , because on this period active maturation of lung tissue occurs. In the alveoli (structural units of the lungs) there are special cells that produce surfactant, its function is to prevent the collapse of the lung tissue, due to which the first breath of the baby becomes possible. The synthesis of this substance begins from the 24th week of pregnancy, but in the middle of the third trimester this process runs more actively. After 36 weeks, the baby's lungs are fully prepared for the first breath.

The 31st week of pregnancy is characterized by a continued increase in the size of the fetus, by this time its growth is about 40 centimeters, and its weight is about 1400 grams. The unborn child becomes cramped in the uterus, so he takes a folded position, and his limbs cross. By this time, many babies descend with their heads to the cervix, which is a physiological posture for the implementation of the biomechanism of childbirth.

Attention! The expectant mother should carefully monitor her well-being at the 31st week of pregnancy, with an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of edema, unusual vaginal discharge, harbingers of childbirth, and also with changes in the baby's movement urgent help specialist.

31 weeks of pregnancy is the time of active maturation of the cerebral cortex of the unborn child. The formation of convolutions occurs, which leads to the development of higher nervous activity and ability to learn and remember. Due to this phenomenon, a relationship is built between the baby and the mother. emotional connection, the child begins to respond to a change in her mood and voice. Also, by 31 weeks, the fetus is able to respond to light, close its eyes, and focus. The child begins to distinguish smells and acquires a sucking and corneal reflex (when touching the eye, the fetus immediately closes it).

At this time improves the digestive system of the fetus. The liver begins to synthesize its own bile, it changes its structure to carry out its important function - blood purification. The pancreas at 31 weeks is capable of producing insulin, the epithelium of the stomach and intestines develops. By this time, the kidneys produce urine, it constantly enters the amniotic fluid. The facial features of the baby acquire more “refined forms”, it becomes like an adult.

By week 31, the child has certain phases of sleep and wakefulness, and the duration of the second period increases, the expectant mother can notice this by the activity of the movements. White adipose tissue develops, due to which the capillaries cease to shine through, and the skin color of the fetus changes from red to pink. The baby's nails grow to the end of the finger. By this time, the child can hiccup, build faces, clench his hand into a fist, swallow amniotic fluid and perform various small movements.

Woman's well-being

By this time, the fetus becomes quite large, which affects the physiology female body. The enlarged uterus rises 30 or more centimeters above the pubic joint, the abdomen becomes quite convex, its girth reaches 0.85-0.9 meters. The expectant mother becomes more clumsy, sleep problems appear, she may become short of breath due to difficulty breathing. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the enlarged uterus presses on the diaphragm, which entails a decrease in the chest cavity and a decrease in the amplitude of movement of the lungs during inspiration.

In the middle of the third trimester of pregnancy, the metabolic rate continues to increase. Due to this phenomenon, a woman may increase sweating, she often becomes hot. Many expectant mothers in the third trimester complain of discomfort in the back. arising from the increased load on the spine. Some women experience pain at 31 weeks gestation pubic bone caused by the release of the hormone relaxin. Its increased synthesis entails a softening of the pubic articulation to facilitate the passage of the child through the birth canal. These pains will stop bothering the woman after the baby is born.

Another feature of this period of pregnancy is the release of colostrum - a secret from the mammary glands. This substance resembles blood plasma in its composition, it contains a large amount of proteins, necessary for the baby in the first days after childbirth. 3-5 days after the birth of a child, the synthesis of colostrum stops, it is replaced breast milk. The production of this substance is associated with an increase in the hormone prolactin in the blood, but not all women experience its release from the mammary glands before childbirth, which is also the norm.

Uterine enlargement and remodeling hormonal system may lead to violations in digestive system. The most common of these are constipation, hemorrhoids. To avoid these consequences of pregnancy, expectant mother should carefully monitor her diet, include more fresh vegetables and fruits, bran. Women who have problems with stools are not recommended to eat fatty, spicy and fried foods, marinades and pickles.

At this stage of pregnancy, a woman may appear. They do not have a regular frequency and periodicity, usually do not cause severe discomfort. These contractions prepare a woman for real childbirth, training her body. They are a short-term increase in the tone of the uterus, manifested aching pains lower abdomen. Training contractions are an optional companion of pregnancy, some mothers may not have them.

Complications and risks

The symptoms described above may cause some inconvenience to the expectant mother, but they are a variant of the norm and do not endanger the life of the child. Reason for applying for medical care are 5 syndromes and diseases:

1. Preeclampsia.

This disease manifests itself as edema, the appearance of protein in the urine and an increase in blood pressure. Preeclampsia in mild form is not dangerous, however, with strong rise BP (above 160/100) severe preeclampsia occurs, characterized by complications on the nervous system (headaches, blurred vision, etc.) and other organs (abdominal pain, acute kidney failure, heart attacks). Sometimes preeclampsia can turn into eclampsia, a condition in which all the muscles in the body contract uncontrollably and the vital organs are in a state of oxygen starvation, which endangers the life of the mother and child.

2. Vaginal discharge.

Normally, at 31 weeks of gestation, the discharge is transparent or whitish, odorless, of a homogeneous consistency. If they become cheesy and profuse, accompanied by itching and odor, candidiasis should be suspected. almost always talking about inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs that require immediate medical intervention because it can lead to premature birth. The appearance of blood toilet paper after defecation can talk about the development of hemorrhoids or anal fissure. Vaginal discharge of red color should be the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor, because they can be a symptom of placental abruption or the onset of labor.

3. The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen.

They can occur for physiological and pathological reasons. The first include training contractions, such pains do not last more than half an hour and are stopped by antispasmodics. If long-term discomfort in the lower abdomen has a pulling or aching character, uterine hypertonicity should be suspected, which leads to the development of preterm labor at 31 weeks. Cutting, sharp pain may be the result of placental abruption, which also leads to early appearance child into the world.

4. Outflow of amniotic fluid.

They can leave the uterus at the same time and in in large numbers that will not go unnoticed by the expectant mother. However, sometimes amniotic fluid can leak in small volumes for several days, so a pregnant woman needs to carefully monitor her feelings and well-being, since this symptom is one of the harbingers of the onset of labor.

5. Changing the nature of the child's movements.

Normally, the fetus at 31 weeks should make about 10 movements in 12 hours and no more than 4 in 1 hour. An increase or decrease in the number of movements may indicate oxygen starvation unborn child, with changes in their nature, you should consult a doctor for a thorough assessment of the condition of the fetus.


At this time, a pregnant woman should visit an obstetrician-gynecologist for routine measurements: the height of the uterine fundus and. The specialist also listens to the fetal heartbeat. These manipulations help to monitor the development of pregnancy and detect pathology in time.

To diagnose preeclampsia, the doctor measures arterial pressure expectant mother, its increase may indicate the occurrence of the disease. A general urine test is also a way to monitor a woman's health, the appearance of protein is another symptom of pathology. The doctor monitors the weight of the expectant mother, a sharp increase may be the result of the development of edema, which is a symptom of preeclampsia.

If necessary, at this time can be appointed additional examinations: CTG, HIV tests, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, vaginal smear, Rh antibody test (if negative Rh factor mother), coagulogram. Some women are advised to undergo an unscheduled ultrasound. Its goals are to monitor fetal development, assess the condition and maturity of the placenta, identify polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, view the internal and external os, and measure the length of the cervix.


Obstetrics. National leadership - Ailamazyan E.K., Kulakov V.I. and others - 2009 - 1200

It often seems to pregnant women that by this time the baby is already fully formed. For the most part, this is so. But at the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, the baby is still growing.

Dimensions, height and weight of the baby

By the end of the seventh month, the height and weight of the baby increase significantly. The size of the fetus at the thirty-first week of pregnancy is approximately 40 cm.

This indicator is individual, therefore deviations in one direction or another are possible.

The baby can weigh about 1500 g. More large fruit at this time it can reach a weight of 1800 g.

What's new in its development

The active development of the fetus at 31 weeks of gestation is in the following points:

  • position in the uterus. As the baby prepares for birth, he takes his final position upside down. In rare cases, the fetus has a breech presentation, that is, legs down. Even less common are babies who are located across or obliquely. However, for now, you should not worry about this, because the child still has time to take the right position;
  • Preparation for thermoregulation. At this time, the baby continues to actively accumulate subcutaneous fat. The more it is formed, the less "wrinkles" on the skin will be at birth. Also, due to fat, the skin becomes denser and, accordingly, less red. Few future mothers know that the baby stores not only the white fat we are used to. Between the shoulder blades, along the spine, behind the sternum and around the kidneys, the so-called brown fat is deposited. Its main purpose is to protect the baby from freezing after childbirth, because newborns do not know how to independently regulate their body temperature. The further fate of this brown fat is such that in the first year of the baby's life it will turn into white;
  • Skin coverage. The original lubrication on the baby's body, which formed in previous weeks, is still present. But most of it will disappear by the time of birth, along with fluffy hairs covering some parts of the baby's body. If the baby is born with body hairs, do not worry, they will disappear in the first months of his life;
  • sense organs. The organs of vision and hearing by the 31st week of the baby are already formed. Therefore, he actively blinks, closes his eyelids tightly during sleep and opens them wide when awake, reacts to light changes and sounds. At this time, all babies have blue eyes. The pigments that will determine the color of the iris will only begin to accumulate after birth;
  • Lungs. The lungs continue to produce a substance that prevents the alveoli from sticking together. However, in most cases, the child cannot breathe on his own yet;
  • Central nervous system . 31 weeks is the time of active development of the brain. In the previous weeks, the baby began to form convolutions and grooves, and this process continues. Nerve connections are established in the brain, and the impulses that are transmitted through them move much faster. Nerve fibers surround protective sheaths. Thus, the end of the seventh month is characterized by the growth of the brain and head. By the way, now the brain of an unborn child weighs one fourth of the mass of the brain of an adult;
  • Pancreas. The increase in the mass of the pancreas continues. This is due to the fact that the cells actively multiply. The gland at this time begins to work, and the result is the production of insulin. After birth, the pancreas will begin to produce a substance involved in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that enter the body;
  • Liver. Thanks to active development liver, at this time it is already ready to cleanse the baby's blood of toxins. She also continues to secrete bile;
  • Sex organs. The external genitalia of both girls and boys remain unformed. That is, the testicles in boys have not yet fully descended into the scrotum, and the labia minora in girls are not covered by large ones.

Movements and active movements of the fetus

The child is actively moving, but due to the lack of space in the uterus, movements can cause pain in the mother. Previously developed patterns of wakefulness and sleep are preserved. You are probably already used to them, so the lack of movement in certain time days makes you worry.

31 weeks in the life of a mom-to-be

Since before happy meeting there is still time, it is important to know what happens in your body at 31 weeks of pregnancy.

Features of this period of pregnancy

The mother-to-be can watch the following symptoms at 31 weeks pregnant:

  • an increase in the volume of the abdomen associated with the growth of the fetus;
  • change in breast size and leakage of colostrum from it;
  • forgetfulness and distraction, as all attention is focused on the unborn baby;
  • heartburn and indigestion, which are caused by displacement of internal organs;
  • visual impairment due to fluid retention in the body, changes in blood circulation and hormones;
  • weight gain.

Only in rare cases, women who are in their thirty-first obstetric week of pregnancy feel light.

The main causes of discomfort

The growing baby delivers a certain discomfort. There is no longer enough strength for the usual things, more time is needed for rest. Each movement is accompanied by shortness of breath, which causes the mother to worry about the baby.

At this time, many women complain about:

  1. Constipation and flatulence. rare chair associated with slow intestinal motility under the influence of progesterone. At the same time, the uterus puts pressure on it, which causes the intestines to contract worse;
  2. Dizziness and nausea. A pregnant woman at the thirty-first week of pregnancy also experiences discomfort during sleep. The uterus presses on the vena cava, which can make you feel dizzy and light-headed while lying on your back. This condition is easy to deal with: just change your posture or lie on your side;
  3. Pain in the back and legs. To unpleasant sensations pain can be added not only in the back, but also in the sacrum, pelvic bones and knees. The main reason for their occurrence is a strong load caused by weight gain. Help prevent pain correct gait without protrusion of the abdomen forward, sitting on a chair with a back, refusal to walk for a long time.

What does your tummy look like

He is already quite large at the thirty-first week, which is due to active growth fetus. The bottom of the uterus is about 10-11 cm above the navel.

Due to the rapid growth of the abdomen, stretch marks may appear. But even if you are lucky, and they did not appear, the skin still requires careful care.

The second problem associated with stretching the skin of the abdomen is that it often itches. Usage special creams and oils will help protect against stretch marks and scratching.

This is what the tummies look like at 31 weeks:

Current medical examinations and ultrasound

Mother and fetus at 31 weeks of gestation require heightened attention by the doctor. You will have to visit your gynecologist, as before, 2 times a month. Each technique will consist of familiar manipulations: measuring weight, blood pressure, abdominal coverage and uterine fundus height, listening to the baby's heartbeat.

The main tests and monitoring of the child's condition

To monitor your condition and the condition of the child, the doctor will ask you to take a general and biochemical analysis blood, urine. Despite the fact that at the beginning of pregnancy you already donated blood to determine the blood type and Rh factor, now this analysis needs to be repeated. If in the third trimester the doctor did not prescribe to donate blood for sugar, then most likely he will do it now. You will also need to donate blood for hepatitis, HIV and syphilis.

Features of ultrasound and examination of the placenta

The time has come for the third screening ultrasound. Usually it is prescribed for a period of 31-33 weeks.

For a mother, an ultrasound at the thirty-first week of pregnancy is an opportunity to look at her baby. Since the child is already large enough, you can consider what he is doing. The baby can suck his finger, play with the umbilical cord, swallow amniotic fluid, move his arms, cover his face and even smile.

For the doctor, meanwhile, other indicators are important. He will determine the number of fetuses in the uterus and their location, make basic measurements: head, abdomen, chest, bones. Also, the doctor will carefully examine the placenta for its location.

Danger can be caused by a situation when it is located at a distance of less than 4 cm from the internal pharynx. This is due to the possibility of bleeding during childbirth or in the prenatal state.

Then the thickness of the placenta will be measured. Insufficient or excessive thickness indicates a possible placental insufficiency.

Even more strongly, the doctor will be interested in the internal structure of the placenta, or the degree of its aging. For a period of 31 weeks, it should be the first. Premature aging placenta will require additional treatment.

After examining the placenta, the doctor will pay attention to the amount of water, perform dopplerography to determine the uteroplacental and fetoplacental circulation.

Also, ultrasound at this time will help determine if the fetus has cord entanglement and how many times. For a birth doctor, this will be important information. To assess the development of the baby, his systems and organs will be examined.

At the end of the ultrasound, the doctor will draw conclusions about the course of pregnancy and the compliance of the fetus with the term.

Possible complications at 31 weeks

The thirty-first week of pregnancy can be fraught with a number of complications. So, for example, at this time, even the onset of labor is possible. Therefore, any deviation in well-being must serve immediate reason to see a doctor.

Do you want something interesting?

You should be alert:

  • Severe pain in the pubic area, which may indicate symphysitis ( inflammatory disease pubic joint);
  • Bleeding may indicate placental abruption. Since bleeding can also be internal, the second sign is pain in the lower abdomen of such strength that it is impossible to touch it;
  • premature birth. They are characterized by discharge of water, regular pulling pains in the lower abdomen, strong pressure in the cervical area;
  • Preeclampsia is a condition in which blood pressure rises, severe edema appears, and protein is found in the urine. A severe form of the disease may be indicated by a sudden severe and acute headache, darkening of the eyes, swelling and convulsions. In this case, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible.
  • A lack of iron in the blood can lead to anemia;
  • Clear, odorless liquid discharge. It could be a water leak. To calm down, you can purchase an appropriate test at the pharmacy. When positive result, you should consult a doctor.

  1. To cope with constipation, include in the diet more fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products with a short shelf life;
  2. Since digestion has slowed down, you should eat in small portions, avoiding foods that cause heartburn;
  3. Do Kegel exercises regularly. They will help make childbirth easier and help you avoid perineal tears. Perform them while sitting. It is necessary to tighten the muscles of the perineum as if you need to hold the stream of urine. This is followed by relaxation. Do this exercise every day until delivery;
  4. Can be used for tummy support prenatal bandage. It will help with lower back pain, repeated and multiple pregnancies, the appearance of stretch marks. The main thing is to choose the right size. It is important to consult a doctor regarding the rules for its use;
  5. It is worth considering courses to prepare for childbirth and care for newborns. Classes will not only give theoretical knowledge, but also mentally and physically prepare you for the coming changes;
  6. Compliance with the daily routine will help to save strength and feel better;
  7. Gather everything Required documents, including exchange card, In one place. When leaving the house, be sure to take them with you;
  8. Watch your baby's movements. Both their absence and excessive activity should alert.

For a period of 31 weeks, it is important to remember the only rule: any, even seemingly nonsense, condition that causes you anxiety and concern for your health or the health of your unborn baby is a reason to see a doctor.

This material is for informational purposes only, before using the information provided, you must be sure to consult with a specialist.

What does the baby look like (weight and size of the fetus)

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby has an active build-up of muscle mass. He's not as skinny as he used to be. The movements of the fetus are becoming more and more noticeable every day. Now these are no longer just movements similar to the swimming of a small fish in an aquarium, these are already real pushes, which from time to time cause significant inconvenience to mother. To protect your body from hypothermia, the baby's body continues to accumulate fat. The one that at birth is manifested by cute folds under the buttocks and on the arms with legs.

In addition to changes in the internal organs and the improvement of their functions, the baby continues to actively develop the central nervous system. Now begins the process of myelination of nerve fibers. It is noteworthy that these changes, which started in mother's womb, will be completed only by the age of three years of your son or daughter's life. Why is this process so important? Because thanks to him, the baby gets the ability to perform purposeful actions, acquires the ability to remember and think.

By the 31st week of pregnancy, the weight of the crumbs is already more than 1600 grams, and its height exceeds 40 centimeters. Considering that most babies are born with a height of 50-52 centimeters, then your baby needs to grow up just a little bit. Often it is at the 31st week of pregnancy that the baby turns its head to the cervix. This is the ideal position for natural childbirth. However, the described action is not a rule. Your child may turn a little later, or may take a completely different position.

Determination of the sex of the child

If you are still not sure who you are waiting for - a prince or a princess, ask the doctor who will conduct the ultrasound about this. He will gladly answer your question. And most likely, this answer will be 99.9% true. However, you can not ask about the gender of the baby. What difference does it make who is born. If only he was healthy. Everything else is trifles.


Analyzes and medical examinations

You should have passed all the tests you need last week. You have probably already gone on maternity leave, so you will not have any special studies in the next seven days. If you suddenly decide to go to an appointment with your obstetrician-gynecologist, you will need to pass a general urine test the day before the visit to the doctor. The obstetrician-gynecologist at the appointment, after listening to your complaints and consulting you, will make traditional measurements: he will measure the height of the uterus, blood pressure and abdominal volume. It will also ask you to stand on the scale and record your current weight.

If for last days If you notice that you have gained too many grams, but your diet has remained the same, tell your doctor about it. A sharp weight gain with an unchanged diet is a sign of internal edema. External edema is easy to recognize as follows: press the lower leg with your finger, if the hole remains, then there is a clear edema.

By the way, you can determine the weight norm yourself without leaving your home. for 31 weeks and will indicate exactly how the increase is distributed for a given period.


The end of the 31st week and the beginning of the 32nd is the ideal time for the third planned ultrasound examination. At this stage, it is important for the doctor to find out what the presentation of the baby is. Based on this information, the doctor will determine the method of delivery. Most likely, you will give birth naturally. However, if there is evidence, the doctor will give you an approximate date for a caesarean section.

While until medical specialist will take all the measurements he needs, you can watch your own baby a little. It's so funny to watch how the baby plays with the umbilical cord, sucks his finger and from time to time covers his face with small hands. By the way, about the fingers: if the baby sucks the finger of the left hand, then you will be left-handed. And if right-handed, then right-handed. Try to check this sign on your personal experience.


At 31 weeks pregnant, your doctor may order a third prenatal screening. Unlike the previous two, this study is not a blood test. This is a study carried out with ultrasonic device. Easier - traditional ultrasound. We wrote above about what the doctor will look at during the study. It remains only to say that ultrasound is not mandatory. No one can force you to take tests that you do not want to take.

Often, among the main arguments used by pregnant women, explaining their unwillingness to go for an ultrasound, the following appears: “Our mothers did not have an ultrasound, and they somehow gave birth.” It really is. However, the achievements of the medical industry should not be perceived as evil. Innovation and the research and development available to us today diagnostic methods This is a boon that it would be foolish not to take advantage of. Moreover, often such studies help save the life of both mother and baby. Keep this in mind in again thinking about refusing a third screening.

According to the doctor's testimony, after the third planned ultrasound, the fair sex can be assigned dopplerometry or fetal cardiotocography.

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What happens to your body - sensations

Let's list the main changes that will occur in your body this week. The first is the mother. Now your main organ is at a height of 12 centimeters from the navel. The uterus is 31-32 centimeters higher than the womb. Moms who, before pregnancy, suffered from ailments like osteochondrosis and arthrosis, at 31 weeks may feel that their old sores are getting worse.

Your body is now starting to produce relaxin. Even if you don’t know what this hormone is, you can probably guess from the name: it is a hormone that promotes relaxation and softening. First of all, we are talking about cartilage and ligaments. It is very important that this softening occurs before childbirth. Your body needs time to prepare, which is why it's so important to bring your baby to the borderline - 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Don't be surprised if your already curvaceous forms at 31 weeks pregnant become even curvier. Among other things, relaxin also affects the chest, ensuring its intensive growth in this period. The kidneys are starting to work more and more every day. Now it is not easy for them, because every day they add work. Try to bring your water-salt balance back to normal. Drink a little pure water by doing this often. You should drink at least two liters of fluid per day. but salt should not be eaten. Except just a little. Do not stand in one place for a long time, but taking horizontal position put a pillow under your feet. In such a simple way, you will ensure yourself an outflow of lymph from lower extremities. Want to know more about women's health at 31 weeks pregnant - Women's health at 31 weeks pregnant

Drawing pains in the abdomen

Pain in the lower abdomen, associated with bloody discharge, at this time may indicate impending premature birth or placental abruption. However, there is no need to panic. All you can do for yourself and your baby in such a situation is to call a doctor and an ambulance team for prompt hospitalization in medical institution. If the baby is destined to be born prematurely, then so be it. Modern medical equipment allows you to take care of babies who were born even earlier, so do not be nervous in vain. Think about what premature birth- This is an opportunity to meet your baby early. Everything will be all right, no doubt.

Back pain

You have lower back pain, we know that. For 31 weeks of pregnancy, such pains are traditional. The belly is already very large. Imagine how much your center of gravity has shifted. And as soon as you imagine it to yourself, you will immediately understand why back whines so much. During this period, you may also feel the divergence of the bones of the pelvic floor. It will seem to you that your perineal bones hurt. Rest more. Use a pregnancy pillow while you sleep, and be sure to wear a bandage when you are awake. There is very little left, the last jerk - and the back will stop hurting.


Normal discharge during a properly proceeding pregnancy is as follows:

  • with a constant translucent or slightly yellowish color;
  • with a constant light smell;
  • in the same amount.

About all changes that relate to discharge from the genital tract, you must tell the doctor. Therefore, let's quickly list the situations that should alert you:

  • the discharge became too much and they became much more liquid than before;
  • whites have changed their color to brown, yellow, green, gray or bloody;
  • the consistency of the secretions has changed: they have become curdled, flaky, very thick or, conversely, too liquid and plentiful;
  • the leucorrhoea has an extremely unpleasant odor; discharge is accompanied by symptoms such as burning, itching, redness, inflammation.

The uterus has grown to the size of a basketball. Every day her pressure on internal organs is getting stronger. Especially goes to the organs that are part of the gastrointestinal tract. Nausea is a symptom early toxicosis, long forgotten. But nausea and heartburn, arising from the pressure of the uterus on the stomach, still have a place to be. And everything would be fine, but these two uninvited “guests” do not come by themselves, they bring constipation with them. However, do not panic because of this. In the vast majority of cases, pregnant women can eliminate constipation from their lives by adjusting their eating habits.

The average amniotic fluid index for this week is 144 millimeters. Permissible fluctuations are still large - from 79 to 263 millimeters.


Childbirth at 31 weeks of gestation can hardly be called desirable. However, if you start generic activity, feel free to call an ambulance and go to give birth. The baby will be born safe and sound. True, for some period you will have to stay in the maternity hospital. The baby will need time to grow up and gain the weight necessary for discharge from the hospital.


Caesarean section is relevant when the fetus is very premature. If the birth canal of the pregnant woman is ready for delivery, the doctor plans a natural birth.

  • there are signs of chorioamnionitis;
  • there are signs of intrauterine infection;
  • fetal death occurred.


Do's and Don'ts

We will not list taboos again, which are the same for any week of bearing a baby - whatever you take. However, you still have to repeat this information you have long known (What you can and cannot do at 31 weeks of pregnancy). In return, we will talk about actions that can alleviate your condition during the period under discussion:

  • back rub and lumbar using cream or massage oil;
  • massage of the hands and feet, which will help relieve tension accumulated during the day;
  • foot baths with cold water- not hot (ideally, the water temperature should be equal to the air temperature in the room);
  • wearing compression stockings (this recommendation is relevant for those pregnant women who suffer from varicose veins);
  • wearing bandage underwear - the main assistant of the back.

Proper nutrition

This week the important question is not “what can I eat?”, But “how can I eat?”. It is necessary to eat fractionally and often. Portions should be small, but due to multiple meals, your body will be saturated, and metabolic processes will proceed as expected.

At the 31st week of pregnancy, it is necessary to exclude food from the diet that can contribute to increased gas formation. Now that the pressure of the uterus is on gastrointestinal tract so big, you don't need these foodstuffs:

  • legumes;
  • White cabbage;
  • fresh bread;
  • carbonated drinks.

Learn more about nutrition at 31 weeks pregnant in our feature article (How to eat at 31 weeks pregnant).


The question of which vitamins should be taken now can only be answered by a doctor. Perhaps you will continue taking multivitamin complexes, or you will be prescribed those trace elements in tablets that your body is sorely lacking. Vitamins that you can prescribe for yourself are fresh fruits, vegetables and greens.