How to start virtual communication with familiar guys? Applying an economic concept to a conversation

Everything less people meet in real life... And why? After all, social networks are convenient and affordable way become acquainted. Here you can find out everything about your interlocutor and even invite him out on a date. If you don't know where to find a girl, look for her on the Internet. But what if you don't have a practice of using social networks for dating? Our tips will help you navigate and find mutual language with the interlocutor.

How to start a chat with a girl on the Internet: phrases

A lot of guys try to meet online, so you definitely won't be surprised modern girl the phrase “Hello, how are you? You're so beautiful". This is corny and ridiculous, so you are unlikely to get an answer. It is the first message that should be "fatal", since it depends on it whether she remembers you or not.

Check out our article What to write to a girl so that she melts?

Now you do not need to spend weeks or even months looking for a girl. Chatting on a virtual network will help you find a soul mate. But for this you will have to put in a little effort and start communication. You just have to know where to start.

How to start a chat with a girl? First of all, you need to get her attention and make it clear that you read her profile. If she realizes that you were not interested in information about her, you will simply be added to the Black List.

Phrases to help start communication:

  • "Hi, I'm also fond of ..." (depending on her interests). For example, if it’s painting, ask which artists the girl likes. Based on the information that is indicated in the profile of the interlocutor. If she has kept up the conversation, invite the girl to an exhibition of paintings. Or if she has nice pictures, ask if she is into photography.
  • For the very brave - "You are so beautiful in these photos ... How nice that there is Photoshop, isn't it?". If a girl has a sense of humor and is not touchy, the interlocutor will definitely keep the conversation going.
  • If you do not know anything about her life and interests, the following phrase is suitable: “I am good and handsome guy and I would like to meet such a sweet girl like you. "
  • About travel is a theme that most girls like. “In which countries did you enjoy your vacation? Where would you like to go else? ".

You should not invite a girl to a personal meeting after one conversation in social network... She will probably think that you often get to know each other. Chat for a few more days, take an interest in her life. When she realizes that you are really interested in her, she will definitely reciprocate and agree to have a cup of coffee with you in a cafe.

What points to consider when writing the first message

It's not so difficult to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet, and even if you can't do it the first time, don't give up and keep getting to know each other. Also, do not forget to fill out your profile and upload to it high quality photos... In most cases, success depends not only on the first phrase, but also on your profile.

Time does not stand still, technology is developing rapidly, and problems are the younger generation remain the same. When the guys were afraid to say the banal "hello". Today they do not dare to start the correspondence first. And, even if the young man managed to get the phone number of his passion, he does not dare to talk for a long time. But you can write an SMS. How to correspond with a girl you like? What to talk about, ask? These are the questions that most adolescents are concerned about.

Good start

For a successful SMS correspondence, it is important to start correctly, in an original way. The girl should receive a message that she has not yet had. A simple greeting or emoticon will not work. The girl needs to be interested. You can show originality in the first message like this:

  • Be witty. Can a girl do unusual compliment, remark.
  • Be fun. The girl should smile when reading the message. But, jokes should be smart too.
  • Be educated. You can write to the girl some interesting fact, the news you just heard.

To start a dialogue, and not just play "one gate", the girl must receive a question from the guy. How to ask it? It is better to start a correspondence with a question. Then the passion will understand that you expect a reciprocal step from her. It is important that the question is simple and easy. She doesn't have to think about the answer all evening. The simplest, most common option is the question of how your day went.

The message must be free of errors. Before sending an SMS, be sure to check your punctuation and spelling. If the proposal, the question is not structured correctly, you don't have to wait for an answer. When you correspond, you need to be yourself. Do not try to appear smarter, better to the girl. She will immediately feel overwhelming. Busting over humor will also not play into your hands. Everything should be in moderation.

How to keep the attention of your passion?

If the girl, nevertheless, answered your question, started a dialogue with you, you need to keep her interest. If a guy can keep up the conversation in telephone correspondence, he is even more interesting with live communication. The purpose of the correspondence is to let the girl know about your character, interests, hobbies. And, if your wit is to her liking, she will want to meet you sooner in real life.

You can hold attention in the following ways:

  • Share your interests. Football, cooking, martial arts be sure to interest the fairer sex.
  • Find common interests... Find out what the girl is fond of, try to find something in common in your hobbies and preferences.
  • Tell us that you would like to devote more to your hobby. She will understand that you have a rich life, a rich worldview.
  • Be smart. On a funny commentary from a passion, do not write a banal "ha-ha". Come up with the same funny, original answer.

Be sure to flirt. If she already answers you, is involved in a dialogue, flirting and compliments will be pleasant to her. This will only spur the conversation. In addition, the object of adoration will clearly understand that you like her. After easy flirting you can proceed to direct action. Try to show her in SMS correspondence that you constantly think about her. Show that you remember everything she talked about, wrote. Ask more questions about her personally.

Successful end of correspondence

To continue in common with a girl who you like in real life, you need to know when to stop, to end the correspondence. Do not send endless messages to passions. Obsession, excessive persistence will only scare her away. In the end, the girl has her own personal affairs, worries, she cannot answer you all the time.

If your loved one regularly ends the conversation herself, it is better to wait until she writes first. You need to give her time to solve her problems, and not strain even more. The end of the conversation should always be positive. A funny message gives you a reason to write to you tomorrow. You can tell the girl that you are going to a concert, to meet with friends. Then next time you will have a topic for discussion.

The end of the conversation could be like this:

  • Always write good night.
  • Write that it was fun and interesting for you to communicate today.
  • Make it clear what you think of her.
  • Tell us what you plan to do after talking with her.

After the SMS correspondence is regular and successful, you can safely invite the girl on a date. And even this must be done correctly. Avoid official, straightforward standard phrases ("I invite you on a date"). Say that you are going to a bar, cinema, theater, ask if she would like to keep you company. Even if you get rejected, this is not the end of the world. Perhaps the girl already has plans for this evening, and you will be able to meet in real life next time.

What to correspond with a girl on VK?

The modern world without social networks seems impossible. And for teenagers, teenagers, young people, virtual life seems more real than usual. Most of the communication is conducted via Internet mail. Also, social networks - great option dating. How to get to know a girl on VK correctly?

You need to start with correct design personal page in contact. To interest your passion, you need to upload high-quality photographic material. Business card the guy is a normal photographic portrait, but in a good enlargement. There should be a minimum of entourage, photoshop, maximum naturalness.

On your page, a girl should find a photo from personal life, with friends, from vacation. She will understand that you are having fun, richly spending your free time, do you have a hobby. So you are an interesting person, and you have something to talk about. It is equally important to mark up photos with other girls. The passion will have a question about these representatives of the fairer sex, and you will have a reason to talk about them, to start a conversation.

Before starting a conversation in VK, carefully analyze the girl's page. This will reveal something in common. So, from your profile on the social network, you will learn:

  • Girl's hobby;
  • Her interests by group;
  • How often does she log into VK;
  • How many fans she has;
  • Who are her friends (maybe you have in common).

Don't start by texting right away. First, add a passion as a friend. If she accepts your offer, you can start communicating. It is not necessary to write her a private message. You can start with a flattering comment under the photo, rating the avatar.

Correct communication on a social network

There are several rules for communicating with a girl. Observing them, you will definitely succeed in making a new acquaintance. First, you need to decide on the purpose of communication. You just want to chat, find a new friend, or plan a subsequent construction Serious relationships... Depending on the goal and choose the communication style.

The general rules for online correspondence are as follows:

  1. Be positive. The girl should be having fun, just chatting with you. Appropriate humor is always by the way. But the ridiculous sarcasm will only alienate the fairer sex.
  2. Be literate. Spelling and punctuation errors are simply unacceptable. Believe me, the first thing women pay attention to during correspondence is literacy. In the absence of such, your communication will end before it has begun.
  3. To be polite. Greet the girls with each conversation, and then say goodbye. Elementary politeness, ethics will attract a girl.
  4. Intrigue. To provoke a girl, keep the intrigue. It will be interesting for her to communicate in this spirit. Next time she will start the correspondence herself.
  5. Be interested. Show interest in the girl's hobbies, hobbies, and life. If a young man only talks about himself, few people will like it.
  6. Be different. You can turn from a brutal macho into an incorrigible romantic.

Examples of correspondence

What to talk to a pen girl about? How to answer her questions? As soon as you write "hello" to her, she will have a lot of questions. And the first is who you are. And this is natural, because the woman does not know you, she hasn’t seen you before. Try to answer yourself this question, and write. Your message may be like this: “Hi, I'm Andrey. I am a cool, funny guy, and I would like to chat with you. "

Also, the girl will definitely be interested in what you need from her. You don't need to play around here, but tell about your goals. Be sure to compliment your passion that she is beautiful, and it is very interesting for you to start a correspondence with her. It is the correspondence, do not try to immediately meet with her. Everything should be gradual, go on as usual.

How to correspond with a girl you like? Here real examples the first messages from which you can start a conversation in a contact:

  • "Hello Kate. My name is Sasha, and I am also fond of this musical group (sport, book). I saw you have the same community. I have plans to attend their concert, but have not yet decided whether it is worth it. Please advise. "
  • “Hello Marina. My sister's birthday is in a week, and I still haven't decided on a gift. So I decided to ask the girls on VKontakte about the presentation options. Please tell me. "
  • “Good afternoon, Christina. I think I saw you at TSUM last night. You are very beautiful both in life and in the photo. So I just decided to pay you a compliment. "

These are all general, approximate phrases that can be adjusted to suit the interests of the girl. But, the message should contain a polite greeting, compliment, question (request). In any case, the girl will give you an answer, and after that the dialogue will start.

Remember that she will not immediately fall in love with you. Don't rush things. Always keep her interested. Send her online rhymes and pictures regularly. They can be both romantic and humorous. It all depends on the woman. Once your conversations are casual and regular, you can ask her for a phone number. After all, chatting with a girl online is just one of the ways to communicate. Already with a lively conversation, real love can come.

Almost each of us has our own social media page. And certainly each of us fell in love "at first sight" with an unknown (or even known) "avatar" of a pretty young man.

And when we no longer have the strength to remain silent about our sympathy, we begin to think about getting to know him. How can you do everything right and turn his gaze on yourself, beloved? Let's, together with the online magazine "", consider the "capture plan" how to please the penpallet.

Flirting or serious relationship?

To begin with, it is still worth deciding for what purpose you are going to get to know him. Friendship? Sex? Love?

The first option will definitely disappear right away. Any psychologically normal girl is unlikely to "hang" around the clock over the guy's account in order to make a pen pal. Most likely, you will be able to cope with such a task completely without the advice of wise psychologists.

For the second option, special intricacies in behavior are not required: a frank "avatar", an appropriate status and - you're done! In this case, the required contingent will find you on its own.

What if this guy is your dream? And you really want, at least, to please him by correspondence, but at the most, to make him fall in love with you?

If the situation is familiar "painfully", then you should not despair in this case. Better to take yourself and the situation into your perfect well-groomed hands and start acting. So, how to please a VK (Vkontakte) penpallet or any other social network?

Step number 1: collect information about him

For the very first action, much wisdom is not required - just carefully study "His" account. If it seems to you that you cannot recognize a person by his "page", then you are mistaken.

Psychologists have officially proven that a page on social networks gives out 82% of information about a person.

And here we are not talking about the information that is stated "in fact": place of work, education, number of brothers and sisters, date of birth and address of residence. No, of course, this is also important.

You can quickly use this information for personal purposes, but do not forget that you can easily come up with the "ins and outs". Whether this factual information is correct, you can only check in the course of communication.

There are other, more informative points. Experts in various fields call them hidden, or "latent". Pay attention to how complete the fields of factual information are: did the guy leave marks in all the columns? Or are some of them completely absent?

Or did the young man leave humorous comments at some point? A whole field for thought, isn't it? Empty / missing columns speak about the guy's secrecy, or about his desire to remain silent about something.

Joking sayings testify to the same. Although it is possible that the guy has a great sense of humor. If the columns, on the contrary, are overloaded with information, then be careful: either the guy is too talkative, or he is trying to draw attention to his person.

Step # 2: look at his photos

Be sure to look through his photos: you can draw certain conclusions for yourself. Photos usually clearly demonstrate how many friends a guy has, what he does and where he is used to spending his leisure time.

Pay attention to how many of his personal photos, where there is only one in the frame, and what are these frames?

If the album is just teeming with his narcissistic selfies / torso / hair, wonder if you really need that type at all?

Step number 3: study its "wall"

Have you already felt like Sherlock Holmes? Further more. Take a look at the entire page as a whole: at its statuses, "posts", music. Honestly, if his music doesn't match your spirit, it's not scary at all.

Worse, if you notice unacceptable curses, different kinds"Obscenity" and "flood" on the "wall" with the participation a large number girls. It is unlikely that the guy will give up obscenities in communicating with you, and he certainly will not deprive himself of additional female attention.

If you are not ready for such a turn of events, then feel free to close his account and look for a more worthy interlocutor.

On the "wall" you can also see the real sphere of activity and hobbies of the young man: professional statuses and jokes, images of cars, bicycles, animals, as well as screenshots of online / video games.

The latter, by the way, do not always indicate avid gamers. Under them can hide and a hard-core "IT specialist".

Animals most often indicate a guy's kindness and possible sentimentality. The young man who has a pet, most often turns out to be more responsible and kind in real life.

Well, all sorts of vehicles and clever jokes usually demonstrate its light, but at the same time dynamic character. Are you ready to drive? Then this is definitely your option.

Step # 5: clean up your page

You have thoroughly studied the guy's page and now you realize a little what he is. Well, now it's time to get started with your account.

Do you understand that the young man you are interested in will certainly look at your page during correspondence? And he will receive the same 82% of information about you..

Make sure that there is no unnecessary information on the page. The page should not scream that you are in active search, in painful mental anguish or passionately dreaming of seven charming toddlers.

In 99 cases out of 100, it scares off men. He will think 18 times whether to answer you at all, and how safe it will be to send you a reply “hello”.

Maybe you will immediately start "loading" it failed relationship, or even build an insidious plan to seize his living space and the cat? Or maybe you are generally a malicious "spammer" collecting donations for the endangered sickle-winged unicorns?

Remove "vanilla" statements and statuses. If you don't know what to write so smart and creative, it's better not to write anything at all.

Thus, you will be able to avoid initially bias to yourself and ridicule from a potential fan.

Step number 5: down with materialism

No place on your wall and images huge bouquets and diamond necklaces with the inscription " great gifts”, Unless, of course, you are going to correspond with Roman Abramovich.

The guys' logic is very different from ours. Psychologists say that in this case, the guy on subconscious level will make a negative conclusion about you: in his eyes, you will simply turn out to be a mercantile bitch.

You better fill the wall delicious recipes, images of nature and geographic places where you would like or have already had a chance to visit. Photos of cars or any other things that are present on the page of the desired object will do.

Experts assure that the mirror image of the chosen one's page is great way get his attention.

He literally realizes that you have a lot in common.

Step 6: choose photos

What you read below is extremely trivial, but very important. It's about your photos. Be sure to sample your photos. Mercilessly delete photos with good backgrounds but bad looks.

By the way, it is better to carry out such a "cleaning" with a good friend or friend: often photos that we personally do not like are liked by others, and vice versa. An unbiased opinion from the outside is important.

Get rid of numerous selfies and ducks. Such photographs, unfortunately, will not present you in a highly intelligent light. You can even create an album specifically for this guy, and impose privacy settings on the rest.

It is not necessary for a guy to see you "cheerful" in a sauna with hot girlfriends. What if his friends interest him more?

Step # 7: be proactive

You are now completely ready to start chatting. Gather your courage, breathe in more air - and into battle! Many girls are stunned by the question: what to write in order to please a guy?

Just don't start your fight with the mundane. "Hello how are you", "Hello, let's get to know" "hello cool"... Well corny, isn't it? Think back to yourself when you get something like that. Are you delighted and ready for instant communication? Unlikely.

Consider your appeal. It is very important for you to strike up a dialogue, provoke it into a response.

Here good examples what you can write to the guy. You can write something like “You have such a cool smile that I could not resist. Smile at me, please! " or "Listen, you remind me of a Hollywood actor ...".

If you know what the young man is fond of, then you can take a chance and write: "Hey! I am looking for a companion for horse riding / karting. Will you keep company? " or "Good day! You were recommended to me as an excellent geek / photographer / motorist. Please help me understand the program / choose a camera / understand how a linear four-cylinder turbo engine works? "

Doubting how to contact a guy? Are you or are you? If a man is younger or about the same age as you, or you are a little familiar, then it is quite possible to turn to "you". If he is much older, or if you are making a specific request to him, and at the same time you are not familiar, then it is better to use "you".

By the way, the appeal to "you" - a win-win anyway. You kill two birds with one stone: position yourself as a well-mannered young lady and 100% attract attention.

You don't want to be refused? Better create affirmative forms: "you will agree that ...", "I'm right, right?"

Step 8: smile and wave

Most likely, the young man has already answered your first message. Now it is important to keep his attention. Do not doubt that he has already scanned your account. But you have nothing to be afraid of: you managed to "clean" the * acute * page in time

Continue the conversation in the chosen direction. Don't forget about emoticons or, in simple terms, “emoticons”. Yes, yes, we are expanding our vocabulary- you need to surprise the guy with something, so why not start it right now?

These simple graphic symbols will help you avoid stress in the conversation, awkward pauses, and will lead the conversation in a relaxed direction.

Step number 9: check literacy

Of course, literacy in correspondence is far from the last thing. In any case, when sending the first two or three messages. If you do not know how a particular word is spelled, then either "Google" this word, or check it in Word. Or replace it altogether with a simpler synonym.

At the same time, follow the guy's messages: how competently does he write? What if you, a highly educated intellectual, have a desire to hit him with a spelling dictionary? And that's all, write lost all interest in the gentleman ...

And if of the two of you an erudite esthete - is he? In this case, both of you will have to look for an alternative language of communication: someone will have to sign up for English courses, or look for an "Esperanto" teacher, or even come up with an alphabet of symbols to avoid grammatical and spelling misunderstandings. Or to say goodbye to the object of attention because of philological differences.

But if you do not have any special claims to the chosen one regarding education, and you may well come to terms with the orthographic "asips", then your relationship has a good chance.

You can also relax if the man is not particularly brilliant in the knowledge of the Russian language. After all, the philological aspects are not the most important in the life of a couple. If both of you are comfortable with the level of literacy at which you communicate, then you can safely forget about social rules.

Step # 10: captivating

It's great if you coincide in interests and you have a heated discussion. And if after the second message the conversation fell into a "logical stupor"? For example, if a young man declined to comment?

Then you urgently need to interest him. Desirable in relation to his hobbies. Tell to him that sales of the super-popular Audi TT Coupe will start in September 2016, or to start a dispute over a robotic transmission with two clutches.

Or even tell that in the mountains of Turkey you can climb a new route and at the same time have a good rest on the sea. How do you like it? Well, as a last resort, you can talk about the overpopulation of Central Asia with gophers ...

Step number 11: do not impose

If you want to meet a guy on VKontakte, it is very important not to impose on him. Let's say everything is going well, you managed to persuade him to invest in a fund of endangered sickle-winged unicorns, and then he - hop! - and disappears ... At the same time, he is constantly "online".

Perhaps he is just busy, and there is no point in getting depressed against the background of an hour's silence? Obsession - worst friend in such delicate matter... As well as nagging at an uncomplicated life.

If the guy is silent for several days, try not to text him too. Find the strength to devote time to something else. For example, tidy up the apartment: if you sit at the monitor for days, you may not even notice " wool carpet"On the desktop ...

Or go somewhere with friends. For example, to the geographic center of your area. In the worst case, pretend to be insanely busy and post interesting and unusual photos from your leisure.

Most likely, the young man will be the first to ask where you were and what you did, and if not, write to him yourself.

Clarify what he was so busy doing. And just continue with him, as if nothing had happened, the correspondence.

Step 12: kidding

Yes Yes! We continue our correspondence in an unobtrusive and easy way. No interrogation with prejudice and other female things. It is important to maintain a sense of humor. Joke with him!

Always try to come out of a predicament with a joke. This will avoid quarrels and omissions.

You will show your light personality and excellent communication skills. Is it also pleasant for you to deal with a cheerful and reckless person?

Ask for his opinion, consult with him. Men are always pleased to be a wise counselor. And don't forget to praise him! He'll just melt when he realizes what makes you excited.

After a few compliments, you don't even have to write to him first! Write to him that the advice on choosing a camera turned out to be extremely useful to you, or that the service could not figure out your car in any way until he advised him to see if the rear spoiler was screwed on well, or, finally, that the unicorns would not have survived without his participation.

According to statistics, 97% of men are susceptible to flattery.

Hopefully you haven't managed to fall in love with one of the remaining three percent?

Step 14: stay polite

Always say "Thank you" to him. Magic word that works miracles.

Anyway, such a gesture provokes mutual politeness. And this is always nice. Both.

Step # 15: Implement Virtuality

Of course, you can correspond with the object in this way until old age. But if you are serious and the guy is happy to keep up the conversation, then there is no doubt: everything is mutual. And you can safely make an appointment. This is where the current article of our magazine will help you:.

Invite him somewhere. For example, take a walk in the park, or have a cup aromatic coffee v cozy place... The only advice: keep it neutral territory.

Remember, your safety comes first, and the internet is not a society of excellent books. Just in case, leave your / his coordinates / location to your best friend / friend.

Well, our article will help you prepare for your upcoming date:.

Of course, I would not want to spoil the impression with some unpleasant incident. But, you see, "forewarned is forearmed."

An interesting topic, how to start a conversation if you came somewhere to a party, to a meeting, to the meeting, etc., and all around are strangers. How to start a conversation and what to do? This set of phrases will help you, just remember them, tell them and then everything will go like clockwork. The main thing is not to be ashamed and not to be squeezed, because for this you did not come there, right?

Article taken from the blog about networking

Here is one of the main problems of networking: how is it that I just walk up to someone at an event and will I speak?

But starting a conversation is easier than it sounds. The fact is that no one will reject you (most likely 🙂) if you come up with a smile and say: "I am such and such, nice to meet you." In fact, it will immediately become easier for others, because it was not they who had to start a conversation! Ksati, don't forget about the article.

How to start a conversation. Simple and effective ways

But things will certainly go even better if you have a few proven ways to break the ice in stock. So we have prepared a list to go over before the next meeting - some from our experience, some from the stories of expert friends. But the main thing is that all phrases have been tested in real life and work!


When in doubt about how to start a conversation, go to the basics: ask what the person is doing, why they came to this meeting, or just reach out and say hello.

1. “Hi, I don't know many people here, so I would like to introduce myself. I am (name) and I work for (company). ”Well, that's all!

2. "So what are you doing?" Now the interlocutor can tell about himself first, and you - to think about how to lead the conversation further or how you could cooperate.

3. "What brings you here today?"

4. "How was your day?" This is my "key" to any situation, and he never let me down. It's simple and always effective, especially if you smile.

Place, place, place

With anyone in the room, you have at least something in common (no matter what): at least the event you both attended, the place where it is held, food and drinks. Take advantage of these resources and strike up a conversation about your surroundings.

5. If there is food at an event, I often use it to start a conversation, for example: “I can't tear myself away from these cutlets. Have you tried it yet? "

6. "How did you hear about this event?"

7. "It's so hot (cold) in here." It doesn't matter if this is really so, the interlocutor will either agree or object, and now you are talking about the weather, about the climate in general, and then about business.

8. “I am a little overwhelmed by the flood of information that was rained down on us today. Do you remember anything that really made sense? "

9. “What a wonderful place. Have you been here before? "


Another thing that unites you is news. Something happened in the city, in the world. Of course, you shouldn't start a heated political discussion, but mentioning something simpler can help you quickly strike up a conversation.

10. "What do you think of (topic relevant to the event or person)?" I may be biased, but news is a great tool for establishing contact.

11. “I can't believe all the headlines this week. Madness, isn't it? "

12. “How did you get here? Was it difficult to get there? " The way to travel from point to point is a burning topic. They'll probably tell you a story.

13. "Did you watch the match yesterday?" It's a classic, but there are reasons why it has become a classic.

If you are an introvert, enter a room full of strangers may become especially challenging task. Good tactics in this case, look around the perimeter of the room and find someone who seems a little lonely. Maybe this is a woman sitting alone and hoping that someone will come up and talk to her. Become that someone and try something from this list:

14. “These networking meetings are sometimes just crazy. Can I sit with you, is it a little quieter here? "

15. “Since we're both here (in the buffet, in the bar, in the waiting room), I think I should introduce myself. I am (name) from (company) "

16. “I'm trying to force myself to meet new people, and not to talk with my usual victims who already know me. Would you mind if I introduce myself? "

17. "I hate networking." If you feel your soul mate misanthrope, come up and start a conversation about what you both dislike.


18. "I can't believe I came to this event like this!" A little humor and self-mockery never hurts.

19. Some kind of joke - for example, "I've personally come here for these cakes." Then ask the question - "How did you hear about this event?"

20. "On a scale of 1 to undrinkable, how awful is this Chardonnay?"

21. “Honestly, the only person I know here is the bartender. We met a couple of minutes ago. May I introduce myself? "

Anything that comes to mind (sometimes that's what you need)

If all else fails, try entering from the other side.

22. "You don't accidentally know a good place from land nearby? I don't know the area well, but I need to organize a dinner after the event. "

23. “Are you by any chance a friend (first name you come across)?” It doesn't matter if you really consider them friends, the other person will answer “no” and the conversation will begin.

24. If you notice a group of people who are passionate about serious conversation, come up and say: "You have clearly much more interesting here than in the last company I spoke with"

25. "Is there any question I shouldn't ask, because you are already bored to death?"

26. “I am working on an article about the best and worst ways strike up a conversation. Did you hear anything successful today or vice versa? "

Want to chat with a Vkontakte guy, but don't know what to write in your first message? Doubt whether to write first? We will dispel your doubts and suggest some ideas for an original and unobtrusive first messages.

Should I write first?

Discussions on this topic have been going on for several years. Some say - a man should show his spirit of a conqueror, and he should not be hindered in this. Others - it's okay to start a conversation on a social network yourself, especially if the guy does not know about your existence.

The correct answer to this question lies somewhere in the middle and depends on each specific situation: if a person is interesting and you really want to start communicating with him, it is better to write. In the end, it's better to do something and then regret it than not to do it and regret the missed opportunity.

Let's start a conversation

When the decision to write is made, the question arises of where to start communication after all. A close study of the profile on Vkontakte of a potential chosen one will come to the rescue. Pay attention to the following metrics.

Mutual friends

Carefully study the list of friends of the target of your attention. It may turn out that you have mutual friends or you know indirectly through each other's friends. This can be a good conversation starter. Just do not gossip about mutual acquaintances under any circumstances!

Place of work or study

It may well be that you found a profile of this person in the community dedicated to your place of work or study. Having shared memories and themes is already a great reason to start a conversation.

Similar interests, hobbies

A large number of Vkontakte users indicate interests in their profile. Or you can guess about them just by looking at the entire content of the young man's page: video, music, posts. It is likely that the interests will coincide with yours. This can be a great start for communication.

General groups

It will not be superfluous to study the list of communities in which the prospective chosen one is. It is possible that you are in the same or similar groups with him.

We write the first message

When the page has been examined and a strategy for writing a message has been chosen, tactical actions are necessary. It's hard to resist the familiar “Hello. How are you? ”, But this is still not recommended. You need to start creatively, brightly and unusual. So there is a much higher chance that you will receive a response message. Here are some examples for starting Vkontakte dating.

One-size-fits-all approach:

  • "Hey! Do you meet on Vkontakte? "
  • "Good day! Do you mind getting to know each other? "
  • "Hey! How do you feel about dating on the Internet? "

Such phrases immediately show your intentions, stimulate feedback.

Unobtrusive flirting:

  • "Hey! I am going to discover new musical directions. Would you like some great music for a Friday night? "
  • "Good evening! I'm going to watch a movie. Anything worth watching? "
  • "Hey! I had a free day, I'm going to go to an exhibition (to the theater, to the cinema, to a concert). Tell me what you should pay attention to? "

As a rule, such proposals are written to familiar people. In the case of strangers, the effect of surprise is triggered. At the very least, such a message will be read. If you have not been lazy yet, but have studied closely the interests of a man and in your address indirectly indicated topics that are fascinating to him, there is a high probability of feedback.

Maximum honesty:

  • "Hey! Found your page on Vkontakte. You seemed to me very interesting person... Let's try to chat? "
  • "Good day! It looks like you are very interesting companion, and now I really miss communication. Let's try to make an acquaintance? In the end, neither I nor you lose anything from this "

Having started communication like this, you will immediately indicate the purpose of your interest. And in response, you will receive a message only on the case, excluding all kinds of innuendo and guesswork.

Interest conversation:

Such messages will immediately attract attention, since they stimulate the guy to talk about a topic that is close and understandable to him, and even with a person who shares his interests.

He replied. What to write next

So, the goal is achieved: the young man read the message and answered it. From his reaction, it will be clear what to write next and whether it needs to be done.

If the guy said that he does not meet or he has a girlfriend - alas. You just need to apologize and not write to him again. Even if you are sure that you will be for him better soul mate... Believe me, you will definitely find your happiness.

If the man answered your questions, moreover, he asked you something, you can be sure: you are interested in him. Support this interest. Here's how to do it.

You can find out what kind of questions the guys on VK like to answer from this video:

And do not forget to talk about yourself: men do not like it when only they speak. Although excessive talkativeness and egocentrism are also not operating methods to attract the attention of the penpals on Vkontakte.

Men are conquerors by nature. If he liked you, he will let you know. And it will be noticeable.
If not - well, the person is simply not "your". Do not be discouraged. Yours is sure to be found.

5 ways to successfully start a conversation with a guy on Vkontakte was last modified: March 23rd, 2018 by Armina