Romantic dinner table. Light romantic dinner. Essential little things for a beautiful romantic dinner

Even the most a strong family, where both treat each other with love and respect, can meet the cold season, and then it is very important that both partners warm up the atmosphere in their family, or bring something new, or remember the well-forgotten old. This is especially important for a young family, you should often create situations in which feelings will flare up. There can be many such options, but the most effective and in a bright way perhaps there will be creation romantic evening with an atmosphere of passion and intimacy. If you think about it, it seems that there is nothing complicated, but in fact, here you need to take into account some important points that you may simply not know.

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Photo gallery: How to decorate a room for a romantic evening

What do you need for a romantic evening?

Romantic evening has no age limit Both young couples and those who have lived for many years need such evenings. The important thing here is that the two want peace and intimacy in a pleasant environment. The very atmosphere of such an evening is needed for privacy, when a couple can get closer, throwing away any fuss, embody some fantasies and desires, and everything that is done for this evening is designed to create a pleasant atmosphere and create ease. A properly staged romantic evening and the atmosphere created with soul will make even an extinguished heart flare up, remind the times of true love and passion.

But to create such a thing, of course, you need to make a lot of effort and approach this issue with preparation and responsibility, although some technical flaws can cover the feelings and enthusiasm of such a moment. In a romantic evening, only partly need to plan some of the main moments, and everything else should be left to improvisation, feelings and outbursts of love. On such an evening, there is nothing that could ruin the mood, you just do not need to give in bad thoughts about the wrong setting or about missing decor elements, everything is great!

Romance for the living room

Probably, it makes no sense to decorate all the rooms of the apartment, because. most of the romantic evening will take place in the living room, here will be the beginning and ending, dinner will also be here, so it is extremely important to pay attention to romantic mood in the living room. In such an environment, feelings are kindled in the heart, and the atmosphere can only be ignited by the flame of romantic candles.

Today there is huge selection candles, of all shapes and sizes, thanks to this you can choose candles for any setting. Better to use a variety, large and small, heart candles and large straight scented candles. Each candle shines in its own way, therefore it is worth placing them in different places, on shelves and coffee table, on the floor or windowsill, the main thing is to place where they stand firmly and will not cause harm.

Don't forget about the photos. Choose the brightest, most flammable photos of the senses, put them in frames near candles and on the shelves, so that they catch your eye and remind you of wonderful times.

One more important point with candles - do not overdo it, because. excessive illumination removes romance completely, that is why, when placing candles, light them and select according to the strength of the flame. It will add the color of passion very much to the theme - red colors and shades, after all, this evening of love is designed to remind of hot passion. Do not use electric lighting, unless it is included in any device that complements the romance, the lighting should be as soft and dim as possible.

How to decorate a table

A very important point is serving and filling romantic backgrounds, every detail should be provided here. Candles must be present on the table, and which ones, it's up to you to choose. Tall or flat, round or square, it can be a beautiful chandelier, it all depends on your decor and taste. It is important to consider one thing - candles should not burn out quickly and they should not be scented so as not to clog the smell of the table with romantic food.

Pay attention to the selection of napkins for the table, even if there is a shade of romance in such little things, for example, use red, in shape it can be heart napkins or with thematic drawings... If you are thoroughly approaching decorating a romantic table, then you can even buy glasses and plates in the shape of hearts. However, a woman should not fly into clouds with hearts and glamorous pink flowers, after all, not every man may like it.

Can be done little surprises hidden in postcards or symbolic gifts in small and mysterious wrapped boxes, this will give the setting a certain sense of secrecy or play. It is important that the content of gifts and cards is addressed to your spouse and speaks about your relationship.

Flowers in a romantic room

Of course, what a romance without fresh flowers, they enliven the furnishings and fill the room with their fragrance. But this does not mean that the room needs to be loaded with them, a couple of large decorative bouquets and there are more than enough spaced around the room. It can also be wildflowers, it is best to divide them into small bouquets and put on shelves and even a small bouquet on the table. If you use roses, then they can be added in quantity, a rose in a romantic setting is definitely not a hindrance.

It is important to arrange the flowers in a variety of ways, so that they do not stand only in vases. Cut the rosebuds and place them in shallow containers of water, for example, glasses, small salad bowls, glass and crystal glasses, it will be very compact and original. You can make a rose-candle, for this, pour a little water into a transparent glass, put the rose petals there, and put on top small lung candle, it will be appropriate to use a scented candle.

Romantic bedroom

The bedroom is an equally important room for a romantic evening and it requires decoration, although not as massive as the living room, but special. The main thing here is not to make many combinations, but to choose one direction.

If you decide to decorate the bedroom with candles, then you need to count them as correctly as possible and think over to the smallest detail their location, because there are hardly many shelves and tables in the bedroom; it is important to combine beauty with fire safety. In addition, the main thing in the impulse is not to get burned by accident.

To do this, immediately select the deleted and safe places, then arrange the candles in the form of hearts or other pictures, but do it not one by one, but in groups. You can pour water into a large salad bowl and put flat floating candles in there, it will be incredibly beautiful, also add rose petals there, in general, experiment.

In addition, candles can be decorated with your own hands, for example, apply to a large candle new year beads and fix, as they melt, they will settle, but it looks incredibly impressive.

About flowers in previous section it has already been said, so here the principle is the same, you should not go overboard, 2-3 bouquets will be quite enough. But this rule does not apply to pink petals in the bedroom, everything depends on your imagination, you can make a drawing from them, you can lay a path from the petals to the bed. It is both beautiful and incredibly fragrant, it is also worth taking care of the petals on the bed, you can use petals of different colors for different hearts.

The linen itself for bed on such an evening, probably, deserves special attention, it is worth buying something romantic in color and pattern, silk sheets are very good, with the color of passion in a red or burgundy shade.

Romantic bath

Sometimes a romantic evening can turn into a bath, here it is important to make the most romantic lighting from candles, and pink petals must float in the water itself.

It will be very effective to put small candles on rose petals, in addition to beauty, they will also keep the surface from paraffin. It will also be in the subject to arrange a candle in glasses with water, you can put petals in the glass, or throw a couple of small pebbles on the bottom. For such an environment, you can use any dish, the main thing is that it is stable and does not allow fire.

Probably, these tips will help many people in solving such a favorable issue. The main thing to remember is that romance and feelings are created by two people, and the environment only helps them to escape from the world of vanity and create a pleasant mood.

This question arises at least once in a lifetime for both sexes. On the one hand, with your beloved (beloved) paradise in a hut with a cup of tea and a dried sandwich. On the other hand, I always want to celebrate a momentous moment (and the thought of a romantic evening comes at a turning point in a relationship) and cook something really worthy of being called romantic dinner for a loved one.

Here are a few rules to keep in mind when organizing a romantic dinner.

Food should be prepared quickly, easily, and doesn't require the skill of a chef. This is understandable - who wants romance after 4-5 hours spent at the stove. I give my simplest and quick recipes with photo.

For the process of eating together to be truly romantic, meat, poultry and fish must be boneless. Make it easy to wield a knife and fork, and clean hands may come in handy soon.

I advise romantics to do without onions, garlic, salted fish and spicy cheeses. All these odors are superfluous to continue the evening, you must agree.

The cooked food shouldn't cause discomfort after a couple of hours. You shouldn't cook something too spicy and fried. We'll also leave beans and peas for less romantic occasions, for example.

Don't cook too many varied foods. Served table will lose all romanticism if you make him plates with a dozen appetizers. One salad, one hot dish and one dessert are enough.

The salad needs to be served right on the plate. On two courses, more precisely. Let it look like a finished masterpiece, like in a restaurant. You can do this with a hot dish or dessert.

Prepare dishes, tablecloths and napkins without picture... Better to decorate the table p romantic accessories- candles, hearts, flowers and bows (see some examples in my article). Only in this case the table setting will not seem clumsy.

Now about the products from which we need to prepare our romantic homemade dinner. I do not know how effective aphrodisiac products are, but since every people inhabiting our planet has noticed such products, it means there is something in it. Even the purely psychological effect of contemplation and anticipation of gastronomic pleasure in a pleasant campaign will triple us.

These products are:

Avocados, bananas, mushrooms, caviar, nuts, coffee, strawberries, sesame seeds, honey, almonds, celery, dates, chocolate, eggs.

There is no meat in this list, but in the minds of Russian romantics, it is the most preferred aphrodisiac , so we prepare our favorite dishes with peace of mind.

What to cook for a romantic dinner: quick and easy recipes

Chicken breast in honey sauce, salad with cherry tomatoes and feta, strawberries with cream (25 minutes for everything!).

If it is possible to prepare a candlelit dinner in advance, take this selection ():

If your dinner was the most ordinary, do this ... The French serve it as a dessert, so it all fits :-)! Check out my article for pictures and tips on exactly how different cheeses are served with fruit and wine! Believe me, this is very cool! And if still good movie about love…

More options:

Salads and snacks:

The recipe in pictures is extremely simple and very successful.

Don't make a salad at all, get by with a few canapes (small sandwiches on skewers) from my collection. There are elegant and quite romantic combinations of meat, fish and vegetables.

Main course:

(skewers on skewers). Very quickly - one and a half minutes on each side. We fry in a regular frying pan! A proven recipe with photos and videos!

Meat in the sleeve with sauce (prepared without the participation of romantics, while delicious and beautiful). Don't pass my detailed recipe in pictures .

On the eve of Valentine's Day, February 23rd or joint anniversary girls begin to think about how to arrange a romantic evening. In fact, in order to please a loved one, you do not need to wait for any specific reason - it does not matter if you have been together for a year, three or twenty years - a place for pleasant surprise and unforgettable evening is always there. I would like to make a surprise so that it will be remembered by your husband or boyfriend and will leave pleasant impressions in his memory.

So how to arrange a romantic evening for your beloved, so that it goes perfectly? To do this, you need to take into account the following recommendations in advance:

  • Time... It should be convenient for both you and your chosen one. The best option - Friday night or Saturday afternoon - so that worries about tomorrow do not distract from pleasant emotions... This might not be a romantic dinner either! What's stopping you from having a surprise candlelit dinner or even breakfast?
  • Subject... Depending on the reason for your surprise, you need to choose an idea for the evening and choose the appropriate entourage for the house. How to decorate a room for a romantic evening? Numerous rose petals, your joint photos on the table and walls, exotic coasters with Indian chopsticks or silk sheets on the bed - it all depends on your imagination and budget. The more the room is transformed, the stronger the impression made on your loved one will be.
  • A place... It is generally accepted that romantic evenings are arranged either at home or in a restaurant. But it will be much more pleasant for your husband or boyfriend to suddenly find himself on the roof of a high-rise building, in a hotel suite or on a veranda country cottage... Or maybe you prefer a picnic in the attic or go-kart racing? When choosing a place, think not only about your preferences, but also take into account the interests and desires of the man. After all, first of all, this evening is a gift for your boyfriend!
  • Table. If you want to do everything at home at the highest level, then take care of beautiful serving table. Choose a tablecloth, plates and decor to match the theme of the evening. Don't forget to decorate the table too beautiful candles and party napkins... When composing your menu, try to choose light, low-fat dishes: heavy food can ruin the experience of the evening.

    If you are the main chef of your little celebration, then give preference to simple and quick-to-prepare snacks, otherwise you risk being exhausted even before your man arrives.

  • Appearance... It is not even discussed that on this day you should look just perfect! Prepare in advance, choose the mind blowing Evening Dress or vice versa, a seductive translucent outfit with open back or deep neckline... A special lace lingerie or bodysuit will complement your mesmerizing look. Take care also of beautiful hairstyle, makeup and neat manicure. Let the subtle trail of spicy perfume oils or his favorite perfume envelop you.

Here are some ideas for your very special romantic evening.

Traditional dinner at home

Cover beautiful table not in the kitchen, as you used to do, but in the bedroom or living room. Prepare a standard set of dishes: salad, appetizers, something hot and a delicious dessert. It's good if these are your husband's favorite dishes, but if you have never cooked any recipes or are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to take risks and experiment with already proven ingredients. Any even the most simple and familiar dish can be presented in a different light: serve in a different way, add a special sauce, spices or decorate with curly vegetables and fruits.

For dessert, you can use plain ice cream. For example, add exotic fruit pieces to a traditional ice cream and sprinkle with chocolate chips - the effect will be amazing! Strawberries with cream is another classic, popular by everyone and at all times, a variant of an excellent dessert. Wine or champagne is best served as drinks for your table.

Do not forget about the festive romantic serving! For example, a white tablecloth decorated with a scarlet path or ribbons, and decorative napkins and candlesticks in burgundy tones. In the center of the table, you can place a small flower bouquet or graceful cups of water, decorated with floating rose petals and small round candles, and, of course, joint photos with your husband!

Rehearse your lighting ahead of time and choose a relaxing music playlist. Play with lamps and candles so that a mysterious twilight reigns in the room, but at the same time you and your man can see each other.

Romantic picnic

On a beautiful summer day, organizing such a cozy picnic in any meadow in the park or outside the city will not be difficult. In frosty or rainy weather, nothing will prevent you from having a sitting on the bedspread right in your home. Perhaps this is not quite a real picnic, but it will provide you with a change of scenery and novelty of sensations!

You can organize such a picnic in any of the rooms of the house, but the best option for this, of course, will serve glazed balcony or loggia. It's good if it's warm and cozy there! If not, bring a heater and some duvets and decorate the mini-room to your liking. Cover the floor with a checkered camping tablecloth, instead of crockery, use disposable plates, spoons, forks, cups.

You can organize a grill on the balcony and cook kebabs or baked potatoes together. Vegetable slices of tomatoes and cucumbers, fruits, croutons and chips are also suitable as treats for a home picnic - any snack that is suitable for the hike. Sounds of nature, for example, audio recordings of birdsong, will help support the idea. Prepare checkers, backgammon, or invite your husband to play strip cards. It will be fun!

A foam party

The best option for relaxation and stress relief after working week... Make sure the room is clean and fresh. Fill the bath with foam, add delicious aromatic oils(for example, ylang-ylang or patchouli - best aphrodisiacs). Prepare a body scrub or massager in advance, a comfortable sponge. Decorate the bath with rose petals, small candles in glass cups. Play some relaxing music or leave the room in silence, broken only by the splash of water and your mysterious whispers.

It is necessary to organize a small table next to the bathroom with a small treat - fruits and snacks. You can play with the theme of water and cook seafood dishes - squid or shrimp, crab salad. Don't forget the dessert! Chocolate covered bananas, cherry ice cream or fruit with whipped cream - this will be a special treat!

Erotic evening

You have to play a role insidious temptress! The outfit should be bright and defiant, bright makeup, fighting spirit. An elegant corset or bustier will look best; stockings and high heelsrequired attributes image! Decorate your room and table in reds or blacks and reds to spark passion. Let the room be dark: no lamps, just a couple of candles. Put on energetic uplifting music in the style of Enigma.

Spicy delicacies and spirits are best suited for the table. During dessert, arrange a game for your beloved: blindfold his eyes (you can also use his hands) and treat him with different fruits and sweets. Let him guess them! Or tasting desserts and whipped cream straight from your body! This evening, any games of this kind are suitable, you can safely experiment and come up with different variations... The culmination will be an unforgettable striptease in your performance. This evening will be remembered by your man for many years!

Evening in another country

For example, in Japan! Change into a geisha robe, apply appropriate makeup, and pin your hair in a tight bun at the back of your head. As an appetizer, choose rolls, sushi, Thai soups and snacks, caviar sandwiches. The music, of course, is Japanese traditional. Be sure to think about how to decorate the room for a romantic evening. For example, bring sakura twigs to your bedroom or use traditional bamboo screens.

This is an inexhaustible supply of ideas on how to arrange a romantic evening for your man - after all, this can be done in the style of any country: India, France, Spain, China, Arab countries… Each such romantic dinner at home will be unique and, most importantly, unforgettable! How interesting it is to please your loved ones and at the same time have a pleasant time together!

You can choose one of the proposed options, arrange different ideas or come up with something of your own - in any case, yours the date will pass fabulous! Such moments help young lovers to get closer and get to know each other better, and experienced couples - to relive the thrill of sensations and the charm of moments spent together. Please your loved ones as often as possible!

Romantic evening on the highest level: like in the movies and even better - isn't this the goal of everyone who plans and thinks over a secluded date with a loved one? They are seriously preparing for this event: they select a menu, musical accompaniment, a suitable suit and the right words... And yet, the romance and charm of such an evening will largely depend on the environment. So if your romantic meeting will take place not in a restaurant or on board a yacht, but at home, no less close attention should be paid to the decoration of the room, where, in fact, everything will happen.

Of course, the first and main condition will be perfect cleanliness and order in the room, but that's not all. To create a mood appropriate for the occasion, you will also need to decorate the room for a romantic evening, and there are many ways to do this in an interesting, original and beautiful way.
You can show that your own heart completely belongs to the object of your passion by decorating the room with garlands of hearts or single copies of this undisputed leader among the symbols of love.

They can be purchased at souvenir shops, but you can do it yourself. For example, such a cute "heart" garland can be built within a few minutes, all you need is a stapler and strips of colored cardboard or thick paper.

And it can be even simpler. To do this, you need any paper (a newspaper will look very stylish), paints (preferably gouache), scissors and twine. And your declaration of love is ready!

Another option is to decorate the table for romantic dinner small bouquets, making a heart out of them. Ordinary glasses can be used as miniature "vases" - such a composition will look cute and very, very romantic.

This is what no one really can imagine without romantic date... The right lighting will create the right atmosphere, and a candle light in the twilight is what you need. Go shopping for candles of all shapes and colors. And then everything will depend only on your imagination. You can limit yourself to a couple of candles in beautiful candlesticks - it will look stylish. In this case, you need to take care of additional lighting, and, of course, it should not be too bright.

Another option for decorating a room is to place candles wherever possible, so that the room is filled with flickering lights - it will look just amazing. If you choose to do this, be careful and follow the rules. fire safety... A romantic evening can smoothly turn into a stormy night, when clothes fly off and furniture topple over, and here it is very important to extinguish an open fire in time. A fire of passions will be quite enough, you should not add a fire in an apartment to it.

You can also express your fiery feelings with the help of a composition of candles, placing them with a heart, it will look very beautiful.

Not a bad idea for a romantic evening - aroma candles... They are great for creating the atmosphere you want. You just need to make sure that your beloved (beloved) is not allergic to them.

What can brighten your evening are flowers. But just do not overdo it and do not turn the room into a greenhouse - this is unlikely to set someone in a romantic mood. One tastefully selected bouquet in an elegant vase will be enough.

But what can be used without fear are flower petals. They will be appropriate and simply scattered around the room, and for table setting, and if your relationship is already quite close, you can sprinkle the bed with petals or add them to the bath.

Arabian night
For a romantic dinner, you can completely abandon the table and its setting and move to the floor. A beautiful bedspread, silk pillows, and all of the above: petals, flowers, candles, aroma sticks or aroma lamp. Add exotic souvenirs and an elegant table with a hookah, dishes with fruits and oriental sweets to this - it will be a fabulous evening!

Of course, you are doing your best to ensure that your date is flawless. But this is unlikely to happen. There will still be some small roughness. And no matter how much you would like to create a stunning entourage and magnificent scenery, this is not the main thing. So do not go too deep into details, be nervous and worry: will everything be as it should. The main thing that makes an evening romantic and a successful date is the sincerity of feelings and the joy of meeting.

Why reinvent the wheel when home environment can be done too pleasant evening? You can easily arrange a fabulous and unforgettable date with a little effort.

1. Rules for romantic decor

Here are some ideas for creating an intimate and charming atmosphere in your apartment.

Low light

Two the best way give the room an elegant and romantic setting Is creating dim lighting and using multiple candles. Many experts also recommend choosing candles. of various shapes and size. You can creatively arrange them on the table. Create a unique composition with colorful flavored items.

Romantic evening at home - decor ideas

Take care of creating increased comfort

Instead of stretching out on the couch like you would on another day of the week, try creating a cozy, straight hug on the floor. Place a blanket on top of it, grab some soft pillows. After dinner, you can enjoy watching your favorite movies and drinking delicious drinks together.

Romantic interior photo

Get inspired by the sophisticated and elegant dining options

Isn't it true that you once hid the best tableware “for special occasions” in the closet? Consider that such a special case has come. Now is the time to get your valuable items and prepare a beautiful romantic dinner. It is necessary to start setting the table with the arrangement of beautiful dishes. In the granaries of every apartment there is sure to be something cute and suitable. Of course, if funds are available, you can visit special shop and pick up something original.

Turn off any gadgets

If the TV is on, your romantic evening will soon resemble the pastime of two seniors. Experienced romantics do not insist that all electronic devices, including lighting should be turned off. No mobile phones, tablets, laptops. The only exception is the music center or iPod. Still, a romantic date is hard to imagine without good music.

Take an example from your favorite novel or book.

If there is a possibility that your romantic date will end in the bedroom, prepare that room in advance. Turn a room into a page display from your favorite love story... Take advantage of the graceful canopy for your bed. Habitual everyday linens should be replaced with romantic black and pink. If you cannot place a canopy above the bed, install soft lighting on the ceiling. Light a few candles around the perimeter and use aromatic oils.

2. Examples of romantic decor