Pregnancy is felt at 5 weeks. weeks of pregnancy. Intensive development of the embryo. Pulls the stomach and lower back

Your baby is now a tiny blastocyst that has just invaded the lining of the uterus. By receiving nourishment through your blood, the blastocyst grows and develops. The cells in its center form the embryo. The ovary, which gave birth to the egg, continues to produce progesterone, thanks to which the intrauterine cells support pregnancy. Each such cell builds up and contributes to the thickening of the lining of the uterus, which stimulates the production of hormones.

The embryo now looks like a tadpole. In length, it already reaches two millimeters and could be seen with the naked eye. The heart of the unborn child begins to beat. The development of most of the internal organs is intensified. Facial features begin to form: the nostrils are now distinguishable, the primary parts of the eyes, which are sensitive to light radiation, develop. This is speed!

5 weeks pregnant: embryo development

At the 5th week of pregnancy (the 3rd week of embryo development), the formation of extraembryonic organs continues, which are responsible for the life support of the embryo, and later, the fetus. If at first the chorionic villi were ordinary protrusions, now a capillary grows into each of them. Now the embryo will not feed by destroying the cells of adjacent tissues, but by receiving nutrients from the mother's body, directly from her blood. The maternal blood, washing the chorionic villi, will bring in nutrients and oxygen, and carry away the waste products of the embryo.

Thus, in the 5th week of pregnancy, primary uteroplacental circulation is organized. The primary placenta is already beginning to perform the functions of respiration, nutrition, excretion, regulation of blood circulation in the fetus and intervillous space, the production of hormones and the suppression of the mother's immunity, in relation to, half genetically alien, the fetal organism, assigned to it by nature. However, all these functions are just beginning to emerge, and the placenta at this stage of its development is not yet able to protect the embryo from harmful external influences, therefore this period of pregnancy is considered critical.

At the 3rd week of development, a strip appears on the surface of the embryo itself, which is a two-layer disc, dividing it into two equal parts - this is the axis of symmetry of the body of the future person. The head and tail end of the embryo is isolated, its abdominal and dorsal surfaces are determined.

Gradually from a two-layer, the embryo turns into a three-layer organism. Separation of the body and the formation of the chord begins - the axial cartilaginous skeleton of the embryo, which persists throughout a person's life in the form of intervertebral discs. The embryo folds longitudinally, and its inner layer of cells forms the intestinal tube. Bending in the direction of the longitudinal axis of symmetry, the embryo assumes its usual curved shape and is connected to the yolk sac only through the stalk, which later turns into the umbilical cord.

At the 3rd week of development of the embryo, on both sides of it midline a neural plate appears, giving rise to the formation of the nervous system, and somites, which will become the basis for the development of skin, muscles, bones, connective tissue, blood vessels and the heart. During this period, the differentiation of the cells of the embryo into separate tissues begins, and the rudiments of internal organs appear.

The nervous system is formed first. The neural plate first forms a groove, and then closes, forming a neural tube - the future spinal cord and brain. Almost simultaneously, the heart and gonads of the unborn child are laid, and a little later - the rudiments of the liver, lungs, trachea, intestines, pancreas and primary kidney.

Already at the 3rd week of development, the male embryo forms the sex glands - the testes. Later, they will begin to synthesize testosterone - the main male sex hormone, which will ensure the further development of the male fetus. In the absence of testosterone action, the fetus will continue to develop like a female body.

By the end of the fifth week of pregnancy, the embryo reaches 0.88 cm in length.

The period of organogenesis is the most important in all human development and can be easily disturbed by harmful external influences. During this period, it is especially important for the expectant mother to protect herself from infections and refuse to take drugs, capable of having a teratogenic effect and causing the formation of defects in the fetus.

5 weeks pregnant: signs of pregnancy

The fifth week is characterized by the appearance of probable and reliable, that is, starting from this period, pregnancy can be confirmed by laboratory tests and clinical studies.

Perhaps the most obvious sign of pregnancy for a woman is physiological amenorrhea.

From the 5th week of pregnancy, the amount chorionic gonadotropin produced by one of the embryonic membranes becomes sufficient to detect chemical methods... The concentration of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood and urine of a woman can be determined by laboratory tests, but most often the hormone is detected by home pregnancy tests. False positive tests pregnancy does not happen, since hCG appears only as a result of the vital activity of the embryo. False negative results are quite possible when hormonal disruptions are observed in a woman's body and pregnancy develops with disturbances. However, first of all, the incorrect results of home pregnancy tests are associated with a violation of the rules for setting the reaction.

A positive pregnancy test is not a reason to sit back. In the near future, to confirm uterine pregnancy you should visit the antenatal clinic. Only the location of the embryo in the uterus, detected by ultrasound, gives the final answer: is the woman pregnant or not. In addition, ultrasound excludes the possibility of developing ectopic pregnancy.

5 week of pregnancy: a woman's sensations

The absence of another period causes mixed feelings, from excitement and awe to deep feelings and hypochondria. The pregnant woman becomes more and more irritable, emotionally unstable, whiny. She is increasingly worried about causeless weakness and lethargy. Sometimes headaches and insomnia appear.

The subjective feelings of a woman that appear in the process of carrying a child are becoming more and more distinct. Absence or increased appetite, the appearance of special taste preferences, intolerance to certain foods, salivation. Increasingly worries in the morning. Unpleasant sensations are caused not only by the sight, but also by the smell certain products and even just thoughts about them.

The engorgement of the mammary glands is becoming more pronounced. The chest becomes heavy, painful to the touch, increases in size.

The term of 5 weeks of pregnancy is critical, because at this time the woman was supposed to start menstruating, and her body got used to the cycle set by the nature. During this period, a woman may feel that her stomach is pulling, as if menstruation is about to begin. Sometimes the severity is replaced by pain and this requires the use of antispasmodic drugs.

5 week of pregnancy: discharge from the genital tract

In the fifth week of pregnancy, a woman notes the absence of another menstruation. Discharge from the genital tract remains light, milky, homogeneous. Some women, as well as during menstruation, have a slight stomach ache, and even spotting spotting from the genital tract appears, which indicates the threat of termination of pregnancy and is a reason for contacting a gynecologist. The emergence of abundant bloody discharge speaks of a miscarriage that has begun and, most often, that the pregnancy will end unfavorably.

Discharge from the genital tract of a purulent, mucopurulent nature, itching, burning in the external genital area are signs of infection of the genital organs. The presence of such symptoms is the reason for a detailed examination, and later - for the appointment of appropriate therapy.

5 week of pregnancy: nutrition of a pregnant woman

In the fifth week of pregnancy, the internal organs of the fetus begin to form. The growing organism must be fully supplied nutrients, and minerals. should be balanced in terms of calorie content, composition of nutrients and vitamins.

The formation of the fetal nervous system requires an uninterrupted supply of vitamin B group. Thus, in particular, with a deficiency, the absorption of carbohydrates and the course of intracellular chemical reactions involved in the development and functioning of the nervous system are disrupted. Vitamin B1 is found in cereals, cereals, wholemeal flour, legumes, apricots, carrots, beets. Eat more of these products, then you and your unborn child will not be in danger of hypovitaminosis.

For the development of the fetus in the fifth week of pregnancy and the prevention of miscarriage, magnesium and iodine are extremely necessary. You can replenish the amount of these trace elements by eating bananas and seaweed.

It is necessary for the normal functioning of the ovaries and the maintenance of pregnancy. It is abundant in unrefined vegetable oil, for example, sunflower, olive, peanut, soybean.

Not only protects against infections, but also participates in metabolic processes.

Taking vitamin preparations in tablets, you must strictly observe the dosage. Usually includes all necessary components and additional admission active substances not required. Only a doctor should prescribe and cancel medications, this also applies to vitamin and mineral complexes.

Useful Tips

Planning to start eating for two? The onset of pregnancy does not mean that you should automatically increase your diet. If you start to eat whatever you want, in unlimited quantities, you will not add health to yourself or your child, but you will be guaranteed to gain excess weight.

In the fifth week of pregnancy, the gynecologist, upon examination, is not able to say for sure whether a woman is pregnant or not. During this period, a woman, with suspicion of pregnancy, undergoes the first ultrasound examination, during which it is possible to determine the size of the uterus, multiple pregnancy or not, the location of the embryo in the uterus. The 5th week of pregnancy is the time when the heart of the future man begins to beat. Good specialist during an ultrasound examination (provided modern equipment) will be able to predict and evaluate the development of the fetus by comparing locomotor activity with heart rhythms.

How is the child growing?

On this stage the embryo is growing at a breakneck pace and now it looks more like a tiny tadpole than a human. It now consists of three layers - ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm - which will later form all of its organs and tissues.

The medullary tube, from which the baby's brain, spinal cord, nerves, and spine will later form, begins to develop in the upper layer called the ectoderm. This layer also provides the baby with skin, hair, nails, breast and sweat glands tooth enamel.

Its cardiac and circulatory system begins to form in the middle layer - the mesoderm. The mesoderm will also form the baby's muscles, cartilage, bones, and subcutaneous tissue.

The third layer, or endoderm, is responsible for the formation of the lungs, intestines and the elemental urinary system, thyroid, liver, and pancreas. Meanwhile, the primitive placenta and umbilical cord, which carry nutrients and oxygen to the baby, are already functioning.

Important: the development of each child is purely individual. Our information is designed to give you general idea about the development of the fetus.

Fruit size

At the 5th week of pregnancy, the formation of some of the internal organs and systems of the baby begins. It is at this stage that the expectant mother should include in her diet foods containing folic acid (or take it in the form of pills) and worry less, worry, worry, etc., since it is this week that the central nervous system, spinal cord, and brain begin to develop , blood vessels, etc. Amniotic fluid, in which the embryo is located, carries out the exchange of useful (and not only) substances between the fetus and the mother's body. During this period, a small organism becomes dependent on emotional mood, nutrition and lifestyle of his expectant mother. The 5th week of pregnancy is a rather short period, and the embryo at this stage of development is very small - only 2-3 mm, its weight is no more than 3 grams. However, he is already beginning to form respiratory system, digestive organs. You can also view the rudiments of future eyes, ears, oral cavity, nose, feet and hands, fingers.

Diseases at 5 weeks of gestation

Feelings of a woman who is in the fifth week of pregnancy can be very different and contradictory. She may experience sudden mood swings, during this period the woman notes that she has become more tired, feels weak, she constantly wants to sleep, change taste preferences... Headaches, dizziness appear, all these conditions are associated with the active activity of hormones in the body. The 5th week of pregnancy can be the beginning of unpleasant sensations associated with the first manifestations of toxicosis. A woman can feel both slight nausea and severe nausea, vomiting often appears in the morning, a feeling of nausea can also provoke a certain smell (food, deodorants, etc.), the type or taste of food. A woman's appetite may completely disappear, she begins to smell more sharply.

At this time, the woman begins frequent urge to urinate, so the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder.

In some cases, a woman may think that she has caught a cold, since there is a completely natural slight increase in body temperature in this position and signs of the disease (weakness, headaches, etc.) are felt.

Temperature 37

Low body temperature (about 37 degrees) during pregnancy, in particular at early dates is quite normal occurrence, so you shouldn't be too worried about this. This condition, which can be accompanied by the 5th week of pregnancy, is due to hormonal changes in the body. If the temperature in the early stages is not higher than 37.5 degrees and there are no other unpleasant symptoms, then there is no cause for concern. Doctors explain the increase in temperature by an increased amount of progesterone in the body. In addition, the temperature can rise from excessive stay in the sun, lack of fresh air in the room, etc.


With the onset of pregnancy, the body's defenses are significantly weakened, which can lead to a cold. 5 week of pregnancy is a very important stage in the formation of the embryo, so get sick colds at this time it is highly undesirable. In the first three months of pregnancy, it is forbidden to take any medications; at the same time, a severe course of the disease can lead to malformations in the child.

A pregnant woman at the first signs of a cold, especially in the early stages, needs an abundant warm drink (teas with the addition of raspberries, honey, herbal infusions), rinsing the throat with soda and herbal solutions, rinsing the nose with special means with sea ​​water... However, overuse folk remedies not, since many herbs have an abortive effect and can cause miscarriage.


The 5th week of pregnancy can begin with the manifestation of toxicosis. During this period, a woman may begin to vomit from previously favorite foods and various smells. A pregnant woman changes completely - from internal structure to external qualities. Approximately 85% of women in early pregnancy experience an aversion to food. Hormones are to blame. Some women do not tolerate the sight and smell of sufficiently harmful products in their current state (fried, seafood, instant food, etc.). But sometimes the female body begins to reject most of the products, among which there are also those necessary for correct development baby.

Most women cannot tolerate protein foods (poultry, beef, eggs, etc.). But these foods can be replaced with other foods high in protein - nuts, legumes. In some cases, women react more to smell, so you can eat foods with a low protein content (vegetable stew with small pieces of meat).

Milk is also a food that most pregnant women cannot tolerate normally. But milk is the main source of calcium, which is so important for both mother and baby. If the body expresses a protest against dairy products, you can replace them with freshly squeezed juices, white cabbage.

Usually, toxicosis goes away on its own at the end of the first trimester. The woman's state of health improves, morning sickness disappears, and the usual taste returns.


Nausea is a common complaint of women in early pregnancy. It occurs in more than half of pregnant women, and a slight feeling of nausea at the very beginning of pregnancy is familiar to almost all women.

The absence of manifestations of toxicosis, in particular nausea, does not indicate a developmental pathology, some women throughout pregnancy do not experience any signs of toxicosis. Nausea is the body's response to preparation for the process of carrying a baby and childbirth. It starts differently for each woman, usually it is the 5th week of pregnancy. It should be noted that the early onset of nausea in a pregnant woman further entails severe manifestations of toxicosis, in this case, the risks of excessive vomiting increase, the woman's inability to eat normally, such conditions require drug treatment.

With a singleton pregnancy, nausea will bother a woman until 11 - 12 weeks, with multiple (two or more embryos) up to 14 - 16 weeks.


There are many causes of diarrhea in pregnant women in the early stages. This may be associated with a disease of the gastrointestinal tract or damage to some organs (pancreas, stomach, etc.). In some cases, diarrhea is triggered by diseases general... Diarrhea can begin with infectious diseases, poisoning, etc. It is known that the body of a pregnant woman is more susceptible to food toxins due to a weakened immune system... Also, the unstable work of the nervous system due to hormonal changes, infection with worms, lack of delivery of digestive enzymes may be the fault of this condition. The 5th week of pregnancy is the onset of toxicosis, which can also affect the development of diarrhea in a woman.


The 5th week of pregnancy can begin with such an unpleasant condition as heartburn, from which almost 80% of women in the position suffer. Usually, heartburn begins to appear in the second half of pregnancy, when the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs increases, which contributes to the entry of gastric juice into the esophagus. Heartburn often begins after eating (or certain foods), it can last from a couple of minutes to several hours, attacks can bother several times a day.

In early pregnancy, heartburn occurs due to hormonal changes. In pregnant women, the level of progesterone, which is responsible for reducing the tone of smooth muscles, increases. The hormone acts not only on the woman's uterus, but also on all internal organs. It is under its influence that the muscle between the esophagus and the stomach is weakened, which contributes to the ingress of gastric juice into the esophagus.


In pregnant women, infectious agents can become Various types herpes viruses. During pregnancy, as a rule, herpes of the lips, skin, genitals worries. The genital form of the disease is most dangerous at this time. Herpes infection can negatively affect pregnancy and the health of the unborn child, provoke a miscarriage. The characteristic signs of the disease are a rash on skin and mucous membranes. Treatment is usually with topical antiviral therapy.

Herpes often occurs in pregnant women, since a weakened immune system creates favorable conditions for the development of the virus.

If a woman first becomes ill and has a herpes infection while pregnant, the chances of microorganisms penetrating the placenta increases many times, but this does not always lead to infection of the child.

If a woman caught the virus when the 5th week of pregnancy was going on, the chances of spontaneous miscarriage, severe malformations (defects of the brain, hearing organs, vision, damage to the central nervous system, physical abnormalities) multiply.

If a woman has had herpes even before pregnancy, she is a carrier of the virus and her child is protected by antibodies produced by the mother's body.


The greatest danger to the unborn child is viral diseases, especially influenza viruses. In the first three months of development, due to infection of the mother, various developmental disorders can begin. The 5th week of pregnancy is such a period when some defects may be incompatible with life, in this case the body rejects the fetus and the woman has a spontaneous miscarriage. But in some cases, the virus does not touch the small organism inside the woman, and the pregnancy continues safely.

After the disease, it is imperative to undergo an examination and pass the necessary tests to make sure that no pathologies have occurred.

Runny nose

A runny nose in a pregnant woman is widespread. Nasal congestion is caused not only by a weakened immune system, but also by a number of other reasons. In some cases, a pregnant woman walks with a runny nose for almost the entire period. This condition is called vasomotor rhinitis (runny nose of a pregnant woman), which is associated with hormonal changes. Usually, such a runny nose begins to bother a woman at the beginning of the second trimester, does not require special treatment and goes away on its own after childbirth.

If the 5th week of pregnancy began with a constant sneezing, severe runny nose, then allergic rhinitis may have begun. In this condition, you need to contact a specialist for help. When, together with sneezing and a runny nose, the temperature rises, weakness, appear headache, cough - this indicates a viral infection.

Treatment with vasoconstrictors (naphthyzine, pharmacoline, etc.) is not recommended for pregnant women. Such drugs also narrow the capillaries of the placenta, due to which hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetus develops. Vasoconstrictors also increase blood pressure and lead to spasms, which should be avoided by pregnant women. You can try to alleviate the condition with a cold with the help of traditional medicine.

In addition to vasoconstrictor drops, they well relieve nasal mucosa rinsing from congestion special solutions with sea water (Salin, Aquamaris, etc.). it is also good to rinse the nose with an infusion of chamomile or sage, which have anti-inflammatory properties. You can also bury your nose with herbal infusions (2-3 drops several times a day).

Abdominal pain

Painful sensations in the lower abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy may appear due to hormonal changes in the body. A woman's uterus is just beginning to adapt to its new position. Usually, a pulling pain in the lower abdomen appears shortly before menstruation, and the 5th week of pregnancy is just the time when a woman is expecting the onset of menstruation.

If the pain persists after a few days, becomes stronger, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, if necessary, take tests. There are a lot of reasons for painful sensations, and it will help to determine what exactly this is connected with. experienced specialist... First of all, the doctor will advise you to take an HCG test and undergo an ultrasound examination. After the results obtained, it will be possible to judge the causes of pain. All of the above studies, first of all, will confirm (or disprove) pregnancy. If on ultrasound the doctor does not see the embryo (due to too short a period), then elevated level chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) will indicate pregnancy.

Early abdominal pain can occur when the location of internal organs changes, which is associated with an enlargement of the uterus. In addition, the process of introducing and fixing the embryo in the uterine cavity may be accompanied by pulling pains. Hormones can provoke increased bile formation, and in the future, when the gallbladder moves to the right, the outflow of bile may be disrupted.

Pain in the fifth week of pregnancy may indicate a threat of miscarriage. During this period, detachment begins. amniotic fluid accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen. As a rule, bleeding occurs simultaneously with pain. In this case, you need to consult with your doctor as soon as possible, if the pain has intensified, has acquired a cramping character, you need to immediately call an ambulance. In the first months of pregnancy, miscarriages are quite common; timely medical assistance in most cases helps to maintain the pregnancy.

When abdominal pain is accompanied by a fever, it could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, you need to consult a specialist as soon as possible, since the embryo is fixed not in the uterus, but on the ovary or in fallopian tube, and a growing embryo can rupture organs at any time.

Abdominal pain early in pregnancy often occurs when the uterus is toned (tight). This is due to the fact that the muscles of the uterus are intensely contracting, which can cause a miscarriage. Due to the tone of the uterus, placental abruption may begin, and there may also be a delay in the development and growth of the embryo.

If the pain in the lower abdomen has stopped, it means that dangerous period fixation in the mother's body has been successfully completed, and ahead new stage growth and development.

Drawing pains in the lower back

The 5th week of pregnancy is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower back in many women. At this early stage, the uterus slightly increases in size, the embryo begins to actively gain weight, the woman's center of gravity shifts, the load on the woman's lower back becomes greater. During this period, the expectant mother may lack many vitamins and minerals, in particular calcium. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended a course of calcium with vitamin D.

Painful sensations in the lower back with elevated temperature body, may be associated with the onset of pyelonephritis. With the onset of pregnancy in a woman's body, the internal organs undergo changes without exception, and diseases associated with the kidneys are quite common in pregnant women.

If you become concerned about pulling back pain, you need to inform your doctor about it, who will help determine the cause of the pain and eliminate it. Every month the load on the back will increase, so if there are no contraindications, you can do medical gymnastics which will help strengthen the muscles of the back and reduce (or completely eliminate) the soreness of the lower back.

Ectopic pregnancy at 5 weeks gestation

At an early stage, the doctor with an ultrasound examination can not always establish an ectopic pregnancy. The level of the pregnancy hormone - hCG, will help establish the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. The hormone appears in the urine and blood of a woman from about the second week of conception and begins to increase at a rapid rate. If an ectopic pregnancy is suspected, a dynamic analysis of hCG is prescribed, in which it is possible to establish the growth rate of this hormone in the body. A lack of hormone or an insufficiently rapid rate of development may indicate the development of an embryo outside the uterus. The 5th week of pregnancy, which occurs outside the uterus, poses a threat to the woman's life, since the growing embryo at any time can rupture the organ on which the fixation took place (ovaries, fallopian tube).

With an ectopic pregnancy, it is impossible to do without surgical intervention, since the further ability of a woman to conceive may depend on this.

Termination of pregnancy at 5 weeks

In modern medicine, there are 4 types of abortion:

  1. Medication - with the help of special drugs, after which a woman begins to miscarry, is carried out for up to 6 weeks;
  2. Vacuum or mini-abortion - performed for up to 5 weeks;
  3. Surgical abortion - curettage of the uterine cavity, carried out for up to 12 weeks;
  4. Artificial childbirth- are carried out according to the principle of normal childbirth (after taking special drugs) and end with a standard curettage.

The 5th week of pregnancy is a fairly early period, in which case the doctor can offer two options: medical or vacuum abortion.

In a vacuum abortion, the doctor performs the operation with a special vacuum suction, under the strict control of an ultrasound machine. The operation is performed using local anesthetic and lasts no more than 10 minutes. After a mini-abortion, the healing process is relatively short, and most women do not experience severe pain.

Abortion with medication consists in taking special pills (in the presence of a doctor). This kind artificial interruption pregnancy is carried out without surgical intervention in the woman's body and is considered the safest today.

Lifestyle and safety

5 weeks pregnant - critical time for the development of the child. Compliance with several key rules will help protect the health of both the child and the expectant mother.

  • Visit your doctor and do not miss consultations. Good prenatal care is essential to your child's health. At the first prenatal visit (usually in the eighth week of pregnancy), your doctor will do an examination to identify certain conditions that can lead to complications.
  • Take vitamins. Most prenatal supplements contain more folate, iron, and calcium than standard multivitamins. Pregnant women need more of these nutrients.
  • Taking folic acid is especially important during the first trimester as it lowers the baby's risk of developing neural tube defects.
  • Talk to your doctor about the medications you are taking. Many drugs are not safe during pregnancy. When you see your doctor, also list any supplements and herbs you are taking.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking increases the risk spontaneous abortion, placental problems and interrupted labor. Smoking also slows fetal growth and increases the risk of a stillborn baby and infant death... Some studies have even linked smoking to an increased risk of cleft lip in a child.
  • It's never too late to quit smoking, every cigarette you quit gives your baby a chance to be born healthy.
  • Stop drinking alcohol. Just one drink a day can raise your baby's risk of low birth weight and increase your risk of speech, memory, concentration, and language problems.
  • Make sure your home and work are safe. Certain jobs or hobbies can be dangerous for you and your developing child... If you will be exposed chemical substances, heavy metals, certain biological agents or radiation, this will negatively affect the health of the child.
  • Be aware that some cleaning agents, solvents, and rust in drinking water from old pipes can also be harmful.


Two weeks ago, when a woman did not know about her situation, she could drink alcohol without harm to the health of the unborn baby. But the 5th week of pregnancy is already a fairly good reason for refusing alcohol. During this period, a connection begins to be established between the body of the mother and the child inside her. The fetus begins to receive almost all substances from the mother's body, incl. alcohol. Therefore, when the pregnancy is confirmed, it is necessary to completely abandon the use of alcohol, some doctors believe that taking alcohol-based drugs for a pregnant woman should also be excluded.

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy increases your risk premature birth(quite often fatal for an infant), the birth of a child with an underweight. Excessive alcohol consumption provokes fetal alcohol syndrome - severe damage to the fetus (facial pathologies, physical and mental abnormalities, diseases of the heart and other internal organs, behavioral disorders).


Many women (especially those for whom the birth of a baby was not included in the immediate plans), having learned about their new position, try to give up bad habit so as not to harm the baby. But often a woman finds out that she is expecting a baby already when the 5th week of pregnancy comes. The expectant mother can constantly worry about this, even if smoking has stopped at the first suspicion of pregnancy. Cigarette smoke contains a huge amount harmful substances, in addition, its action in the body blocks the access of oxygen to the baby, as a result, he simply stops breathing.

In the first week of development of the embryo, there is no common connection between him and the mother, the embryo does not receive any substances from the mother's body - neither harmful nor nutritious. In the second week, the embryo is introduced into the uterine cavity and receives nutrition from its own reserves. The subsequent development of the embryo in the uterus forms a bond between him and the mother, in order to receive nutrients from her body. Usually, by this time, a woman has already learned about her pregnancy. If a woman smoked in the first weeks of pregnancy, this did not have a harmful effect on the baby, however, smoking in the future can disrupt the function of the placenta and the child will start smoking at the same time as the mother, which will limit the flow of oxygen and nutrients into the body of the future little man. Due to the mother's smoking during pregnancy, severe malformations often develop: low weight, hypotrophy, increased risk caesarean section and the birth of a still child.


The nutrition of a pregnant woman should be different from what it was before. Healthy and wholesome foods should appear in the diet of the expectant mother: fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, fish, dairy products. Hormonal changes may require completely unhealthy food (fast foods, fried foods, salty, spicy, chips, etc.), this should be taken calmly. If you really want something "interesting" you shouldn't suffer and deny yourself. For peace of mind, you can eat what you want, just a little, otherwise it can lead to further health problems (for example, overuse salty can cause kidney damage).


When the 5th week of pregnancy comes, female body the process of hormonal changes has already begun. During the first three months of pregnancy, all vital organs are formed, at this stage it is extremely important for a woman to receive a full range of vitamins and healthy eating... Especially important in the first months of pregnancy folic acid and vitamin B9, the lack of which can cause disturbances in the development of the baby's nervous system and brain. To the choice vitamin preparations should be treated very carefully. Now in pharmacies it is incredible big choice special vitamin complexes for pregnant women. The doctor will help to determine the choice of vitamins, taking into account all the tests and the woman's condition.

Flights by plane

The reaction of the body of a pregnant woman to a flight in early pregnancy in each a separate case happens individually. It all depends on the duration of pregnancy, the recommendations of the attending physician, the woman's attitude to flights in general. The panic, fear, anxiety that pregnant women often experience are very harmful for the unborn child.

The 5th week of pregnancy is the period of onset of toxicosis, therefore, on the plane, the likelihood increases that discomfort, in particular nausea, will intensify. In addition, in the early stages of pregnancy, flight (especially many hours) increases the risk spontaneous interruption pregnancy.


Choose a doctor and make an appointment. To prepare, write down the first day of your last menstruation(this will help determine the length of your pregnancy) and start making a list of the questions you have. Talk to relatives on both sides about family histories. Knowing about chronic and genetic conditions will help a doctor prevent certain conditions.


5 weeks pregnant can change a woman's libido. During this period, the reaction of hormones is not predictable. Some women begin to feel strong attraction to their husband, while others completely disappear. In the event that there is no threat of termination of pregnancy ( pulling pains lower abdomen, bloody or brownish discharge), then there is no reason to refuse sex. A woman in her position must adhere to the principle that pleasure and pleasure benefits not only the woman herself, but also has a beneficial effect on her unborn child.

5 weeks pregnant - very important stage in the development of the embryo. During this period, a woman usually learns about her situation. The joy that a woman experiences at this time is already transmitted to her child, which has a positive effect on his development. In most cases, a woman still does not experience any sensations associated with her new position; in rare cases, early toxicosis may begin (nausea, dizziness, etc.). This week, there is already a connection between the mother's body and her child, it begins to depend on the woman's nutrition, her lifestyle, etc. At the 5th week of pregnancy, the laying of vital organs occurs, so it is extremely important for a woman to control her emotional state, nutrition, lifestyle, so as not to provoke developmental defects.

The fifth obstetric week is the period when pregnancy can be easily determined by the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin (CG) in the urine or blood of the pregnant woman. At the same time, the level of hCG can be easily determined both in the laboratory and at home using a test strip, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. If the test was carried out correctly, then if you receive positive result a woman can confidently state that she is pregnant. Since hCG is produced only during the vital activity of the embryo, about false positive results it is not necessary to speak. False negative result will be observed during pregnancy with hormonal disorders.

As soon as a woman becomes aware that she is in a position, she first of all needs to visit her antenatal clinic for exclusion ectopic development pregnancy. It is possible to finally establish the fact that the embryo is in the uterus after an ultrasound examination.

What you need to understand by 5 weeks of pregnancy

According to obstetric calculations, the fifth week of pregnancy is the third embryonic week or the third week from the day of conception. If a woman guesses or already knows about her pregnancy, then she should begin to closely monitor her health, especially if she has not done this before. Any expectant mother needs to know what she can feel at this time, what changes are taking place in her body, as well as how her baby is developing.

Changes in the female body at 5 weeks of gestation

The first clear sign pregnancy at this time for most women will be the absence of menstrual bleeding. Menstruation does not occur due to the maintenance of high levels of the hormone progesterone, due to which there is no endometrial rejection. In a non-pregnant woman, the level of progesterone drops a couple of days before the onset of menstruation, which leads to detachment of the mucous membrane lining the uterine cavity.

In the fifth week, the placenta actively produces chorionic gonadotropin, under the action of which the maturation of new eggs in the ovaries stops and the production of progesterone and estrogen increases, which restrain the detachment of the endometrium in the uterus. At the same time, changes occur in the mammary glands of the expectant mother, as well as in her immune system. If in normal conditions our body rejects foreign cells and tissues, then during pregnancy this does not happen due to physiological immunosuppression. This is facilitated by the synthesis of chorionic gonadotropin, which reduces the functions of cellular immunity, and, thus, preserves the antigenically foreign fetus in the mother's body.

At this time, the uterus does not change significantly in size, but it acquires a more "loosened" structure and changes its shape from pear-shaped to spherical, which is easily determined by gynecological examination.

At the beginning of the fifth week, a pregnant woman notices the absence of menstruation, which can cause her various emotions, from mild excitement to deep feelings. In this case, some emotional instability may appear, even irritability and tearfulness. Also, a pregnant woman may be disturbed by sleep disturbances, headaches and a feeling of unmotivated fatigue.

In the fifth week, others begin to appear more clearly. subjective sensations... This can be an increase / decrease in appetite, as well as a change in taste preferences. Many pregnant women begin to feel the signs of early toxicosis, manifested by nausea and vomiting in the morning. Breast engorgement becomes more pronounced: it increases, becomes heavy and more painful.

Since the fifth obstetric week is the period when the next menstruation should have come, this period can be safely called critical. At the same time, a woman may experience pulling pains in the lower abdomen and it may seem to her that menstruation is about to begin. In some cases, you may need to take antispasmodics.

It is not at all necessary that you have all of the above signs, because each organism is individual and each pregnancy can have its own characteristics. So if a pregnant woman does not have one or more of the listed symptoms, then this may be completely normal.

Discharge from the genital tract at 5 weeks of gestation

At the beginning of the fifth obstetric week, pregnant women notice the absence of menstrual bleeding. At the same time, the discharge should remain slightly whitish or transparent and not have bad smell... A curdled or thick white discharge may be a symptom of thrush, which is not a serious threat but requires treatment.

In some cases, during this period, small brownish discharge may disturb, which should not frighten the expectant mother. If the bloody discharge becomes profuse and is accompanied by pain, then this may indicate a miscarriage that has begun or has already occurred.

Weight at 5 weeks gestation

As a rule, at this time, the woman's weight remains unchanged. However, due to the onset of hormonal changes in the body, body weight can increase / decrease within small limits.

HCG level at 5 weeks of gestation

The level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood continues to rise, doubling every 1 to 2 days. According to the standards of the fifth obstetric week, it corresponds to hCG indicator from 101 to 4870 mIU / ml. Some deviations from this framework are permissible, which may be an individual version of the norm, however, in similar cases additional testing may be required.

Fetal development at 5 obstetric week

In the fifth obstetric (third embryonic) week, in the area of ​​placenta formation, a capillary grows into each chorionic villus, connecting it to the mother's circulatory system. From this point on, the embryo will feed, receiving all the nutrients from the mother's body, and not by destroying the cells of the surrounding tissues. The metabolic products of the embryo will also be carried away by the maternal blood washing the chorionic villi.

Thus, in the fifth week, we can already talk about the establishment of uteroplacental circulation. The placenta fully begins to carry out nutrition, respiration, fetal excretion, ensures the regulation of its blood circulation and the synthesis of hormones necessary for its development. Protective functions the placenta has not yet had time to form, and it is not yet able to fully protect the fetus from negative external influences. That is why the fifth week is considered critical, and a woman is recommended to limit herself as much as possible from the effects of toxic substances that can cause the death of the embryo or the formation of malformations of its development.

Initially, the embryo has the form of a two-layer disk with an axis of symmetry. In the embryo, the dorsal and abdominal surfaces, as well as the head end, begin to be determined. Soon, in the third week of embryonic development, a third germ layer is formed, called the mesoderm. In addition, the axial organs begin to form - the chord, intestinal and neural tubes. The chord becomes a kind of cartilaginous skeleton, which will remain in the future throughout a person's life as intervertebral discs. Soon, the embryo takes a curved shape and binds to the yolk sac only by the stalk, which later turns into the umbilical cord.

The neural plate and somites that have arisen in the embryo will later give rise to the development of the nervous system, as well as the skeleton, skin, muscles, heart and blood vessels. It is now that the cells of the embryo begin to differentiate into tissues and internal organs. First of all, the nervous system of the embryo is formed: first, a groove appears on the neural plate, which then closes, forming a neural tube. In the future, the brain and spinal cord of the child will be formed from this neural tube. At the same time, the sex glands and heart are laid, and later - other organs.

Surprisingly, already at this time, the formation of testes begins in the male embryo, in which testosterone synthesis will later begin, which determines the further development of the baby in the male pattern.

By the end of the third embryonic week (5 obstetric), the length of the embryo reaches 6-7 mm, and he himself has already undergone a lot of changes and transformations from a flat disc to a small creature with the rudiments of all the main organs. During the period of organogenesis, the embryo is especially vulnerable, therefore it is important for a pregnant woman to protect herself and her baby from infections and the influence of toxic substances and drugs that have teratogenic effects.

Photo of the fetus at the 5th week of pregnancy

Probable problems at 5 weeks of gestation

Perhaps one of the common problems in the fifth obstetric week is toxicosis, which can bring a future mother a lot unpleasant sensations... Toxicosis occurs due to a violation of the removal of toxins from the body of a pregnant woman and is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication of varying severity. During the period of toxicosis, a pregnant woman may experience weakness, disgust for some food products and odors, suffering from nausea and vomiting. Sometimes, during toxicosis, even the thought of certain foods can cause disgust and nausea in a woman.

In the fifth week, the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage is high, the possible causes of which may be various infections and fetal malformations.

Bleeding at 5 weeks gestation

Bleeding during pregnancy is not the norm, so any spotting, even not profuse, should be a reason to see a doctor. The causes of bleeding at week 5 can be different - from a lack of progesterone to an ectopic pregnancy and even a miscarriage. At severe bleeding you should immediately contact a medical facility.

The chest stopped hurting

At week 5, a characteristic phenomenon is an increase in sensitivity and engorgement of the breast, which occurs due to an increase in the production of the hormone progesterone. If the breast has ceased to be painful and "fallen out", then this may indicate a possible frozen pregnancy.

Lower abdominal pain

Pain in the lower abdomen at 5 obstetric week can signal an increased tone of the uterus, so be sure to inform your doctor about this. However, some women mistakenly confuse uterine tone with pain in the intestines due to increased gas production.

What not to do in the 5th week of pregnancy

Now you should take especially seriously the ban on alcohol and smoking, since it is at this very moment that the baby's internal organs are laid. The use of toxic substances can cause Negative influence on this process, cause malformations and even death of the embryo. You should also refrain from taking certain medications and heavy physical exertion.

Nutritional features at 5 weeks of gestation

The nutrition of a pregnant woman should be rational and balanced in terms of the amount of nutrients, vitamins and microelements. In particular, it is worth paying attention to the presence of vitamins of groups B, E, C and folic acid in the diet of the expectant mother.

B vitamins, in particular B1 (thiamine), are extremely important for the proper formation and normal development of the fetal nervous system. Maximum amount thiamine contains various cereals, flour, legumes, brewer's yeast, beets and carrots.

It is very important at this stage to get with food enough vitamin B9 (folic acid), which is also involved in the formation of the neural tube and reduces the risk of various defects in the fetus. Moreover, folic acid is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis and is necessary for the growth and development of the immune system of the unborn baby. Folic acid is found in garden herbs, legumes, cereals, nuts, milk, cheese, egg yolk and other products.

Vitamin E, or tocopherol, is necessary to maintain the required levels of progesterone in the body, which helps to maintain early pregnancy. Its deficiency in a pregnant woman's body can lead to spontaneous miscarriage. Vitamin E is rich in eggs, salad, as well as unrefined vegetable oils(sunflower, peanut, olive and others).

Vitamin C at the beginning of pregnancy will help protect the expectant mother from infections, especially in winter and during the off-season. Besides, vitamin C is a participant in the most important metabolic processes. A lot of vitamin C is found in black currants, rose hips, lemons and other vegetables and fruits.

The most important micronutrients in a pregnant woman's diet are magnesium and iodine, which are necessary to prevent miscarriage. The source of magnesium is plant foods - nuts, green vegetables, grains, bananas. The lack of iodine can be replenished by adding seaweed to the diet. It has been established that iodine deficiency in the diet of a pregnant woman can adversely affect the intelligence of the unborn child.

If there is no way to get everything necessary substances with food, the expectant mother can take special vitamin preparations according to the doctor's prescription.

Sex at 5 weeks pregnant

At the beginning of pregnancy, there are no contraindications for sex. The main thing is that during lovemaking, the expectant mother does not experience discomfort or pain.

Features of 5 weeks IVF pregnancy

At this time, it becomes clear whether the IVF protocol has been successfully completed, since it is at the beginning of the fifth - the end of the 4th week that the 14th day after the embryo transfer occurs, when blood is taken from the expectant mother for hCG. With a hormone level of 100 mU / ml, the infusion can be considered successful. It should be noted that in women who conceived naturally, hCG level at this time it will be higher, which is explained by the earlier implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus than with the implantation of an IVF embryo.

Features of the course of 5 weeks of multiple pregnancy

At multiple pregnancy hCG levels at week 5 will be significantly higher than when carrying only one fetus. In addition, mothers carrying twins develop toxicosis earlier, often in a more severe form.

Ultrasound at 5 weeks of gestation

At ultrasound examination you can see that the uterus has changed its shape from a pear-shaped to a more round one, the endometrium of the uterus is looser and swollen, the fetal sac in the photo is defined as a dark oval with outlined contours, 5-8 cm long. The embryo is not visible at this stage. At 5 weeks, the primary uteroplacental circulation begins. Check the calendar

An important event that occurs at the 5th week of pregnancy is one of the most exciting moments during the entire expectation of the baby. Have future mom there comes a delay in menstruation, and she can safely use conventional pregnancy tests, which will surely show the cherished two stripes.

A delay in menstruation, as a rule, becomes the first signal to the expectant mother that she is pregnant. Why is there no menstruation in a woman in an "interesting position"?

It's all about hormones. The hCG hormone (the same, the level of which in the urine is shown by a pregnancy test), synthesized by the cells of the embryo, stimulates the corpus luteum, which is formed at the site of the egg released from the ovary. It, in turn, releases the hormone progesterone into the bloodstream.


In a non-pregnant woman, a few days before the onset of menstruation, the level of progesterone drops sharply, due to which the lining of the uterus flakes off and menstrual bleeding begins. During pregnancy, the level of progesterone remains high, so the endometrium does not lose contact with the uterus and menstruation does not come at 5 weeks of gestation.


The change that occurs in the uterus may already be noticeable during a gynecological examination. And although the uterus at the 5th week of pregnancy still does not change in size, its shape from pear-shaped to spherical, and its consistency from dense to soft.


The fetus at the 5th week of pregnancy has already firmly established itself in the thickness of the uterine mucosa, its cells responsible for implantation have turned into chorionic villi (the part that will become the embryonic part of the placenta). Small capillaries from the endometrium germinate in them, due to which it becomes possible to exchange nutrients and oxygen between the baby and his mother.

With the fetus at obstetric week 5, a significant change occurs. The embryo has reached a size of almost 1.5 mm and from a tiny ball turns into a real embryo, similar to the letter C. At the end of it, which will become the head, a cluster of cells called the head nodule is formed. From it, towards the leg end, a strand is formed, which is called a chord. This is the basis of the future axial skeleton: the skull, chest and the spine.

Above the notochord, the rudiment of the future is being formed spinal cord... At first, it looks like a thin neural plate. On the 18th day from the moment of fertilization (the middle of the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy), its edges are bent and a neural tube is formed.

it important period in the life of a future baby. It is in the formation of the neural tube by closing the neural plate that folic acid plays a major role. With its lack, some areas may remain ununited, which leads to congenital malformations such as spinal hernia and spina bifida.

In the walls yolk sac, the cavity of which is still connected to the body of the embryo, the first islets of blood begin to appear - areas that produce the first blood cells. The first blood vessels also appear there. By the end of the 5th week of pregnancy, future blood vessels in the form of slit-like formations already penetrate the entire body of the embryo.

At the back of the head end of the embryo, a group of cells forms a heart rudiment, which still looks like 2 hollow tubes. The most amazing thing is that they can already be shrinking. This pulsation is visible so clearly that it can be seen on an ultrasound scan performed at the 5th week of pregnancy.

At this time, the bud of the kidney is laid, the primary intestine appears, the abdominal and thoracic cavities stand out in the body of the embryo, and the buds of muscles and bones are formed on the sides of the notochord. During the 5th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus increases markedly.


If, before the start of the expected period, the expectant mother experienced any sensations, then, as a rule, they could be easily mistaken for PMS. But starting from the 5th week, the symptoms become louder and louder. Feelings at the 5th week of pregnancy can be different: from headache to increased emotionality.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy

Signs and symptoms at 5 weeks gestation:

  • delay of menstruation;
  • sore nipples, breast engorgement;
  • mood swings, tearfulness, nervousness;
  • constant sleepiness;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • reaction to odors;
  • nausea.

A delay in menstruation in a woman who has a regular sex life, even when using contraception, is a reason to conduct a standard "urine" pregnancy test. In women with short and normal menstrual cycle with the onset of pregnancy and a delay of 2-3 days, the test, as a rule, already shows 2 strips.

However, expectant mothers should remember if the cycle is long (longer than 28 days) or if late ovulation, the test may display a negative result. In this case, it is necessary to re-conduct the study after 48 hours.


As in any other period, a woman should be alerted by unusual discharge at the 5th week of pregnancy: yellow, green, odorless, of an atypical consistency - all this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor and undergo an examination to identify the cause of the pathology. Sexual infections during gestation seriously threaten the development of the fetus and can lead to irreversible consequences.

You need to immediately look for help if spotting from the vagina appears at the 5th week of pregnancy. Especially if they are accompanied by a pulling or sharp pain in the lower abdomen, which may be a signal that a miscarriage has begun.

Normally, the 5th week of pregnancy should take place with the same discharge as before conception. They may become more abundant, though. In this case, you need to take more careful care of intimate hygiene.


If the temperature rises slightly at the 5th week of pregnancy - up to 37-37.2 ° C, this is the norm. This phenomenon is a consequence of hormonal changes.

If the condition of the pregnant woman is unsatisfactory, there is a runny nose, cough, sore throat, then an increase in temperature indicates a cold or SARS. There is an urgent need to take any action, but the medication is not this period can harm.

In order for the pregnancy to develop normally, the expectant mother needs to lead a certain lifestyle.


At the 5th week, the baby is already completely connected with mommy, so it depends only on her how he will eat. If there are no symptoms of toxicosis, then nutrition at the 5th week of pregnancy should be complete and balanced. Meals at the 5th week of pregnancy should be free of semi-finished products, foods rich in dyes, preservatives.

If a pregnant woman suffers from seizures morning sickness, then it is recommended, waking up in the morning, to have a snack without getting out of bed: drink half a glass of water and eat cookies.


For the normal formation of the nervous system of the fetus at the 5th week of pregnancy, folic acid is needed. So that there is no shortage of it, the expectant mother in mandatory folic acid supplements should be taken.

Multivitamin complexes for pregnant women are not recommended until 12 weeks of gestation.

Sex at 5 weeks pregnant

If a woman feels good, then there are no contraindications for sex.

Spouses should choose positions that do not cause discomfort to the expectant mother.

Physical activity

Mom-to-be can lead familiar image life, but at the same time limit the difficult physical exercise(intense training, competition).


Even a common cold at 5 weeks gestation should be treated under medical supervision. If possible, a pregnant woman should avoid using any medicines and not be exposed medical interventions, since the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy is important for the correct laying of the organs of the unborn baby.


Alcohol at the 5th week of pregnancy, as well as throughout the entire period, must be excluded from your diet. He did not harm the fetus until fetal egg not fixed in the uterine cavity. After implantation, toxic compounds of alcoholic beverages enter the child through the blood vessels. Such negative impact will certainly make itself felt, if not during pregnancy, then after the birth of the baby.

Possible problems

The 5th week of pregnancy can give not only happiness, but also deliver a lot of anxiety. What does a woman face at this time:

  • menstruation has begun (bleeding);
  • stopped hurting, my chest became soft;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Bleeding at 5 weeks gestation

With a normal pregnancy, there should be no bloody discharge at 5 weeks of gestation. Therefore, bleeding of any intensity, from smearing brownish discharge to scarlet blood, indicate trouble. The causes of bleeding at 5 weeks can be:

  • lack of progesterone;
  • miscarriage;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

These conditions require immediate appeal to the doctor. If it is not possible to get to the hospital by car, then you need to call ambulance.


Breast engorgement during pregnancy occurs under the influence of progesterone. If a woman notes that her breasts have become less sensitive at the 5th week of pregnancy, "fell out", this may indicate fading corpus luteum, for example, if there was a missed pregnancy.

However, it should be remembered that breast tenderness is a subjective sensation, and the expectant mother should not make hasty conclusions. A visit to the doctor will help dispel doubts.

Stomach ache

Very often, expectant mothers confuse lower abdominal pain caused by the tone of the uterus, and painful sensations into the intestines due to the accumulation of gas. However, if your stomach hurts at the 5th week of pregnancy, you need to see a doctor, as this may indicate a frozen pregnancy.

Nausea, vomiting

Nausea and vomiting at the 5th week of pregnancy can be a normal sign, then they appear no more than 2-3 times a day, do not affect well-being and daily life future mom. They can also be a manifestation of early toxicosis, when a woman is forced to change her usual lifestyle because of them. In the latter case, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Back pain

Low back pain at 5 weeks gestation is alarming symptom... There should be no discomfort in the back, and if pulling pains in the lower abdomen still appear, then you should urgently visit a gynecologist. This may indicate a threatened miscarriage. Against the background of these symptoms, spotting spotting may appear.

Examination at the 5th week of pregnancy

If the test showed the cherished two stripes, then the expectant mother, as a rule, rushes to the antenatal clinic. However, here she will be disappointed. Despite the requirements of the law, doctors are in no hurry to register early pregnant women.


The doctor, after performing a gynecological examination and taking a blood test for hCG at the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy, will suggest that the woman come back in 1-2 weeks. HCG level towards the end this week the average is 15.300 mU / ml.


An ultrasound scan at the 5th week of pregnancy is not mandatory, however, if you have been prescribed it, then the specialist can already determine the number of future babies, the absence of pathologies, the exact duration of pregnancy. You can determine the size of the fetus at the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy.

Features of IVF pregnancy

The end of 4 - the beginning of 5 weeks of pregnancy in women who conceived with IVF is significant in that they account for 14 DPPs, for which they take a blood test for hCG. From its result, it will become clear whether the protocol completed successfully.

Since the implantation of an IVF embryo occurs later than with natural conception, the level of the hCG hormone at the 5th week of pregnancy will be much lower, and this fact should not upset the expectant mother. Pregnancy is considered established if the hCG level is in the region of 100 mU / ml or higher.

Cold during pregnancy