How can an umbilical wound be treated with brilliant green and. Treatment of the umbilical wound in a newborn - an algorithm of actions. How long to treat the umbilical wound

The first days of a baby's life are an amazing and very responsible period for inexperienced parents. The first question they have is how to handle the navel of a newborn? This is not at all as scary as it seems. You just need to choose the right solution, follow a certain manipulation technique and take into account the regularity of the procedures.

The first time in the maternity hospital, a special clamp is applied to the remainder of the umbilical cord

Baby navel care in maternity hospital

Immediately after childbirth, the rules come into force hygiene care for a child, one of mandatory steps which is the treatment of the navel. The length of the umbilical remains at this point does not exceed two centimeters. Handle the navel in maternity hospital can be different.

  1. Public method. A metal or plastic clip is applied to the umbilical cord; in this case, a bandage is not used. Until the newborn is discharged, the remainder is daily treated with hydrogen peroxide and a solution of potassium permanganate. In no more than five days excess skin disappears, leaving behind a small wound.
  2. On the second day after delivery, the remainder of the umbilical cord is cut off with surgical scissors or a scalpel, followed by the application of a sterile pressure bandage. After two hours, it is weakened and removed after a day. The resulting wound is treated daily with hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate. Over time, the wound heals with the formation of a crust, which quickly disappears.

Depending on the type of treatment the navel was treated in the hospital, follow-up care is carried out at home.

After the crusts have softened under the influence of peroxide, you can gently remove them with a cotton swab.

What is the best way to treat the umbilical wound of a newborn?

Among the most popular means used to treat the navel of a newborn, experts distinguish traditional drugs and new products. They must be used correctly and for their intended purpose, otherwise burns or sores may appear.

The traditional ones include:

  • 3% or alcoholic hydrogen peroxide solution... The first is buried in the umbilical fossa, the second is moistened with a cotton swab, with which the umbilical ring is treated.
  • 2-5% solution of potassium permanganate... It is a drying and disinfecting preparation. Before treating the navel with the resulting liquid color pink, it is necessary to pass it through several layers of gauze, which will retain the undissolved crystals.

Of the new products, one can single out 1% chlorophyllipt solution... This is a unique preparation of natural origin based on eucalyptus extract. The drug actively fights against streptococcal infection, acting gently and without causing pain.

Not so long ago, it was customary to treat the umbilical wound of a newborn with brilliant green. Today, experts recommend abandoning this option, since it causes a thin film on the skin that prevents fast healing navel.

Treatment umbilical wound can be carried out using various special means

How to properly handle a newborn's navel at home?

It takes about three weeks for the wound to heal completely. Within 1-1.5 weeks, parents should process the navel after daily bathing newborn. The technique of the manipulation will be explained by the nurses in the maternity hospital or by the visiting nurse.

To properly treat the wound, it is necessary to prepare 3% hydrogen peroxide, a solution of potassium permanganate or chlorophyllipt, cotton swabs and tampons, and a pipette.

  1. Before handling the navel of a newborn, the baby must be bathed. Sometimes herbal decoctions are added to the bath, which also speeds up the healing of the umbilical wound.
  2. After bathing a newborn, a few drops of hydrogen peroxide are dripped onto his navel.
  3. You need to wait a few minutes, then the crust will soften.
  4. The area of ​​skin around the navel is gently pulled apart using cotton swabs or discs, softened pieces of crust are removed, the skin is dried.
  5. The navel is lubricated with chlorophyllipt or potassium permanganate.

At first, the first stage will be accompanied by foaming of the peroxide, after a while it will pass. Such a reaction will indicate that the navel has healed.

If the umbilical wound has already healed, there is no point in continuing the procedures for its treatment

How many times a day and for how long should the navel of a newborn be treated?

At normal course the recovery process is sufficient for a daily one-time care of the umbilical wound. When blood droplets appear, it is necessary to treat the skin more often - up to three times a day.

If, after three weeks, the wound has not healed, despite the fact that the care was carried out correctly and regularly, you should consult a doctor. When there is a swelling around the navel, purulent discharge with unpleasant odor, redness of the skin and anxiety of the newborn also urgently need to seek help from specialists.

Sometimes there is increased bleeding of the wound, most often it is associated with the discharge of a very large crust. In this case, you can use a special styptic sponge.

The main thing that inexperienced parents should remember is that they do not need to hesitate to seek help or advice from doctors. The first days of a baby's life are one of the most exciting periods, and it is necessary that only positive memories of this time remain.

One of the most important issues arising from parents after the discharge of a newborn from the hospital - treatment of the umbilical wound.

This procedure requires special responsibility, because a small, fragile baby's body is very sensitive to the effects of infections.

Primary processing of the umbilical cord

The primary processing of the umbilical cord is carried out in two stages.

  • First step. Two to three minutes after the birth of the baby, the umbilical cord stops pulsing. After that, two Kocher clamps are placed on it at a distance of 2 cm from each other. The section of the umbilical cord between the clamps is treated with alcohol or iodine and cut.
  • Second phase. The newborn is placed on a changing table, illuminated by a lamp that keeps the baby warm. This allows you to slowly process the umbilical cord and not overcool the newborn. The remainder of the umbilical cord is wiped with a sterile gauze napkin dipped in an alcohol solution. Then dry it with a clean napkin. The umbilical cord is clamped with a Rogovin staple and cut off at a distance of approximately one and a half centimeters above the staple. The wound is treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Navel healing time

  • The umbilical cord should be tied within the first two hours after the baby is born.
  • On the second day, it begins to dry out.
  • On the third, it begins to flake off.
  • During the first week (on the third to seventh day of the baby's life), the umbilical cord falls off, and an umbilical wound forms in its place.

Healing of the umbilical wound takes place in different ways. This can take two to four weeks, depending on the quality of the care.

If all the rules for treating the wound and hygiene of the newborn are observed, healing occurs when the child is 10-14 days old.

Necessary materials

For the treatment of the umbilical wound, the following materials must be prepared:

  • cotton buds;
  • sterile gauze wipes;
  • sterile cotton swabs.

In addition, you can use a pipette to apply drugs to the wound.

What should be in a first aid kit?

A first aid kit for a newborn should contain the following drugs.

  • Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • Antiseptic. Brilliant green is often used, but it has one drawback: it stains the skin too brightly, which is why you may not notice redness, a symptom of inflammation. With clear antiseptics such as chloramphenicol or alcohol tincture Chlorophyllipt, this problem will not arise. Oil tincture for the care of the umbilical wound will not work.

Chlorhexidine digluconate is sometimes used to prevent infection of the umbilical wound. This drug may cause side effects such as dry skin, dermatitis, rashes, and itching. Therefore, it is better to give preference to other antiseptics.

In case of complications, the following medications are used.

A drug containing antibiotics, Baneocin. Available in powder or ointment form, it is used when signs of infection appear.

Has a number of contraindications.

Levomekol ointment. It has anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to accelerate wound healing.

Long-term use of the drug can cause allergic reactions.

In exceptional cases, the antiseptic Fukortsin is used. It contains a toxic substance phenol, therefore it is used only when indicated.

No more than two drugs should be used to treat the umbilical wound. Assign additional remedy can only be a doctor and only if necessary.


On the question of whether it is possible before the umbilical wound heals, the opinions of parents are divided.

But most are still convinced that it is possible to bathe the baby immediately after being discharged from the hospital.

Many doctors are also of the opinion that, while observing safety measures water treatments will only benefit the newborn.

Before the umbilical wound heals, the baby needs special care... For bathing, you should take boiled water cooled to a temperature of 36-37 ° C. After consulting a doctor, add a little potassium permanganate solution to the bath. In this case, the water should turn pale pink.

A solution of potassium permanganate should be prepared in a separate container, and then filtered through several layers of gauze. This will help prevent crystals from getting into the bath, which, if they come into contact with the baby's skin, can cause burns. You can also add herbs: nettle, chamomile, string. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, and their aroma soothes the baby.

A ready-made solution of potassium permanganate can be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container for no more than ten days. When the solution loses its antiseptic properties, its color changes from pink to brownish.

If the condition of the wound is of concern, if blood or other discharge appears, water procedures should be postponed until consulting a doctor.

If the parents nevertheless decided to wait for the umbilical wound to heal, then for the first time bathing can be replaced by rubbing with boiled water. And it will be possible to bathe the baby when a crust forms on the navel. This occurs on average on the twentieth day of life.

During this period, special attention should be paid to the baby's clothes. You need to change your baby's clothes several times a day, even if outwardly the diapers and undershirts seem clean. After washing, all items of the newborn should be ironed with an iron. The navel must not be covered with any bandages; the diaper must not touch it. Therefore, in the first weeks of life, it is better to use special diapers for newborns: most have a recess for the navel.

Children's doctor E.O. Komarovsky the best medicine for the healing of the umbilical wound calls fresh air.

Procedure for treating the navel

Of course, before treating the umbilical wound, you need to wash your hands and put the baby on a clean diaper.

Processing is carried out twice a day: in the morning and in the evening after bathing.

More frequent cauterization of the wound with an alcohol-based antiseptic can cause burns. And a burn, like any other injury, threatens to get an infection into the umbilical vein.

The procedure should be as follows.

  • With a sterile cotton swab or cotton swab, drip one drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide onto the umbilical wound.
  • Wait until the hissing and the formation of bubbles in the wound stop. Hissing and bubbles indicate that the healing process is not yet complete. If the hissing is not observed, then the umbilical wound has healed and it is no longer necessary to treat it with peroxide.
  • With a dry swab (cotton swab), gently blot the remaining peroxide and wipe the navel dry.
  • Treat the wound with an antiseptic.
  • You can put a small piece of sterile bandage on top to prevent the wound from coming into contact with clothing.

In no case should a bandage be applied to the umbilical wound or sealed with an adhesive plaster.

If the skin around the navel becomes red or there is a discharge, tell your doctor or health visitor right away.

Possible problems

Premature babies, newborns with weakened immunity, as well as in violation of the rules of care, a number of problems can arise.

  • Slow healing. The fault could be a thick umbilical cord, weak immunity, unnecessary care. If healing is delayed for more than two weeks, you should seek medical help from your doctor.
  • Infection. If the navel becomes wet for more than two weeks or festers, an additional antiseptic is needed. Only a doctor can prescribe it.
  • Granuloma formation at the bottom of the wound- a reddish nodule up to 2 cm in size.This is a complication caused by too much rapid growth capillaries and tissues. It is accompanied by the release of blood from the umbilical wound. In the event of a granuloma, you must contact the clinic. After cauterization of the formation with silver nitrate, you will need special care behind the wound.
  • Development of omphalitisinflammatory disease... Symptoms: Redness and swelling of the skin around the navel, bleeding from the navel, elevated temperature body. This disease can lead to blood poisoning or peritonitis. abdominal cavity... Therefore, at the first symptoms, it is necessary to seek qualified medical help.
  • The occurrence of an umbilical hernia. With a hernia, swelling appears in the navel area during crying or coughing. Pediatric surgeon should appoint special gymnastics and massage to repair the hernia. If it is not possible to cure it up to three years, surgery will be required.

The first weeks of life are the time when the baby's hygiene should be given Special attention... Parents who own the above information, will be able to provide the crumb necessary care and save it from complications.

During pregnancy, the child is connected to the mother by the umbilical cord, through which his body enters necessary substances and oxygen. From the moment of birth, the child's organs begin to fully function, and the umbilical cord is cut and tied as unnecessary. A small part of it remains with the baby.

After a while, it will dry out and fall off, leaving an umbilical wound. How many days it will take depends on individual characteristics the body, the thickness of the umbilical cord. This usually happens after 2-3 days, sometimes the process takes about a week. Less commonly, it becomes necessary to surgically remove the remainder of the umbilical cord.

What to do with the umbilical wound?

While the mother and child are in the hospital, it helps to monitor the navel. medical staff... At home, you will need to take care of the baby on your own. Most often, the wound heals after 3 to 4 weeks. In order for the navel to heal faster, certain rules must be followed:

  1. The wound cannot be wetted. It is strongly not recommended to bathe the child in a shared bath until the navel heals, as pathogenic bacteria can enter the bloodstream through it. A weakened body is not always able to cope with them;
  2. It is necessary to bathe the newborn in boiled water, you can add a little. It is necessary to ensure that water does not get into the wound, in the first weeks of life it is not necessary to wet the child completely, it is enough to wipe it with a wet washcloth made of soft material.
  3. Once a day, after bathing, it is necessary to treat the navel with drying antiseptic agents. An alcohol solution of brilliant green (brilliant green) and hydrogen peroxide are used. You can replace brilliant green with. With a weeping navel, it is necessary to treat the wound more often - up to 3 times a day.
  4. In order for the navel to dry out, it needs air. It is necessary to ensure that the wound does not come into contact with tight clothing and does not rub with a diaper. You can purchase special models in which a hole for the navel is provided, or fold the edge of the usual ones.
  5. It is necessary in a timely manner so that urine does not get into the wound. If the navel is still wet, you need to gently wipe it with a tampon and an antiseptic.
  6. Do not lubricate the wound with baby hygiene products - creams, oil. They help with diaper rash, but interfere with the healing of the wound, block the access of oxygen to it and promote the multiplication of microbes.

How long to treat the umbilical wound depends on the rate of healing. At first, the umbilical wound may bleed a little, but then it goes away. A month after birth, she heals completely and is cleared of crusts.

Alarming symptoms

You need to carefully monitor the condition of the wound and pay attention to the symptoms:

  • Swelling, redness occurs around the navel;
  • The wound smells unpleasant;
  • The navel is bleeding;
  • Pus is released from the wound, it begins to get wet.

If one or more signs are observed, you should contact your pediatrician.

Method of processing using brilliant green

To dry the navel, brilliant green is often used (2%). You will also need hydrogen peroxide (3%), sterile cotton swabs and wipes or cotton swabs. You need to prepare everything in advance so as not to be distracted in the process. Processing procedure:

  1. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water to prevent infection;
  2. Depending on the structure, the navel can be covered with skin, which you need to pull back a little with your fingers to treat the wound;
  3. It is necessary to wet the crusts with hydrogen peroxide (soggy ones are easier to remove). You can do this with a pipette - drop a few drops, or sterile cotton wool, cotton pad- moisten well and apply to the wound. Until she dragged on, the peroxide, when interacting with the ichor, hisses and foams a little;
  4. You need to wait, then gently clean the navel from the crusts with a cotton swab or a disc slightly dipped in peroxide. Dry formations should not be ripped off - this can open the wound, injure the skin and prevent healing;
  5. Lubricate the cleaned wound with brilliant green. It is convenient to use the product in the form of a pencil with an applicator. It is necessary to treat the wound itself; the skin around the navel does not need to be lubricated. So brilliant green will not interfere with monitoring the baby's condition and will promptly notice signs of inflammation - redness, swelling.

It is necessary to handle the navel of a newborn carefully, without pressure, remove only those crusts that are easy to remove. You can not scratch the skin and strive to completely clean the navel.

After treating the navel, it is necessary to provide air access to the wound so that it dries out. Air baths help to accelerate healing. The clothes of the newborn should be made of natural breathable fabrics, without seams in the navel area. Better to iron it on both sides to reduce germs.

Properties of brilliant green

Zelenka is a good antiseptic, dries out the skin, but is milder than iodine. It can cause burns on mucous membranes, but is safe for external use. In rare cases, a solution of herbs can cause allergic reaction, it is necessary to select another drug.

The main disadvantage of brilliant green is permanent staining skin, therefore it is often replaced with more modern remedy- chlorophyllipt. It is inferior to brilliant green only in price - it is several times more expensive.

Chlorophyllipt instead of brilliant green

it herbal preparation, made from eucalyptus leaves. Chlorophyllipt has anti-inflammatory properties, kills microbes, and is effective against staphylococci. The tool is available in the form of tablets, spray, oil and alcohol solution.

For navel treatment, chlorophyllipt cannot be used on oil based, you need an alcoholic 1% solution. The drug has a transparent green color, therefore does not leave stains on the skin of the baby. Chlorophyllipt is used as well as brilliant green for the navel. Or you can drip it onto the wound with a pipette, removing the excess with sterile cotton wool.

What other tools can you use?

There are several antiseptic agents that can replace brilliant green:


It is used, you need to make it yourself. Dissolve crystals in boiled water until the desired color, then strain so that no whole particles of the substance remain. They can cause burns if they come into contact with the skin. Drop a couple of drops of liquid into the wound. The ready-made solution is stored for up to 10 days.


Strong antimicrobial agent, comes in the form of alcohol or aqueous solution, can cause allergies. It can be used only as directed by a doctor for complications of the umbilical wound - locking, infection. It is applied once a day after cleaning the wound with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.


It has good antiseptic properties, but it dries out the skin and causes itching and irritation. It can be used to disinfect the umbilical wound, but you need to monitor the reaction of the baby's skin. Suitable for cases when there is no other means for treating the navel at hand.


Before use, you need to clean the navel with hydrogen peroxide. Only the wound itself needs to be treated with iodine, since the product dries the skin very much. If you smear the skin around the navel, the baby can get burned.


For use, dissolve with boiled water. The resulting solution is dripped onto the cleaned umbilical wound. It is safe for the baby, fights germs, helps with a weeping navel.


The powder is used for inflammation of the umbilical wound. A little remedy is poured onto the wound cleared of pus and crusts.

Tincture of calendula

Has a disinfectant effect, promotes wound healing. It is used, like brilliant green, after cleansing the navel from dry formations.

Do not use alcohol to treat the navel; it can dry out the skin, cause irritation and burns. To decide which drug is more appropriate, you need to consult your doctor, especially if complications arise.

The first days of a baby's life are an amazing and very responsible period for young parents. The first question they have is how to handle the navel of a newborn? To maintain health, it is very important to treat the navel of the newborn. The well-being of the baby in the future will largely depend on this procedure. In fact, caring for a baby's navel is very simple. Before discharge, the midwife will usually show the mother how to handle the newborn's navel at home. It is very important to keep your newborn's navel clean and dry. It is recommended to process it 2 times a day. At home, this procedure will need to be carried out daily. For treating the navel of newborns in last years more and more often used 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt.

In practice, not all umbilical wounds heal quickly and without complications, sometimes the navel in a newborn continues to bleed or fester even several weeks after birth. This situation causes concern for parents and becomes a reason to see a doctor.

How to handle a newborn's navel?

The key to the speedy healing of the umbilical wound is its cleanliness, which prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria. It is also necessary to choose the right solution, observe a certain manipulation technique and take into account the regularity of the procedures.

Clip, bracket ("clothespin") on the remainder of the umbilical cord in a newborn in a maternity hospital

The first time in the maternity hospital, a special clamp (bracket) is applied to the remainder of the umbilical cord. Immediately after childbirth, the rules for the hygienic care of the child come into force, one of the mandatory stages of which is the treatment of the navel. The length of the umbilical remains at this point does not exceed two centimeters. The navel can be treated in a maternity hospital in different ways.

Public method. A metal or plastic clip is applied to the umbilical cord; in this case, a bandage is not used. Until the newborn is discharged, the remainder is daily treated with hydrogen peroxide and a solution of potassium permanganate. After no more than five days, the excess skin falls off, leaving behind a small wound. On the second day after delivery, the remainder of the umbilical cord is cut off with surgical scissors or a scalpel, followed by the application of a sterile pressure bandage. After two hours, it is weakened and removed after a day. The resulting wound is treated daily with hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate. Over time, the wound heals with the formation of a crust, which quickly disappears. Depending on the type of treatment the navel was treated in the hospital, follow-up care is carried out at home. After the crusts have softened under the influence of peroxide, you can gently remove them with a cotton swab.

What is the best way to treat the umbilical wound of a newborn?

Among the most popular means used to treat the navel of a newborn, experts distinguish traditional drugs and new products. They must be used correctly and for their intended purpose, otherwise burns or sores may appear.

The traditional ones include:

3% or alcoholic hydrogen peroxide solution. The first is buried in the umbilical fossa, the second is moistened with a cotton swab, with which the umbilical ring is treated.
2-5% solution of potassium permanganate. It is a drying and disinfecting preparation. Before processing the navel with the resulting pink liquid, it is necessary to pass it through several layers of gauze, which will retain the undissolved crystals.

From the novelties, a 1% alcoholic solution of chlorophyllipt can be distinguished. This is a unique preparation of natural origin based on eucalyptus extract. The drug actively fights streptococcal and staphylococcal infections, acting gently and without causing pain.

Not so long ago, it was customary to treat the umbilical wound of a newborn with an alcohol solution of brilliant green (brilliant green). Today, experts recommend abandoning this option, since this aniline dye causes a thin film to appear on the skin, which prevents the rapid healing of the navel.

Treatment of the umbilical wound at home

How to properly handle a newborn's navel at home? The treatment of the umbilical wound can be carried out using various special means.

It takes about three weeks for the wound to heal completely. For 1-1.5 weeks, parents should handle the navel after bathing their newborn daily. The technique of the manipulation will be explained by the nurses in the maternity hospital or by the visiting nurse.

To properly treat the wound, it is necessary to prepare 3% hydrogen peroxide, a solution of potassium permanganate or chlorophyllipt, cotton swabs and tampons, and a pipette.

  • Before handling the navel of a newborn, the baby must be bathed. Sometimes herbal decoctions are added to the bath (preferably chamomile and calendula), which also accelerates the healing of the umbilical wound. Herbal decoctions must be added with caution: an allergic reaction can be provoked.
  • After bathing the newborn, a few drops of hydrogen peroxide are poured onto his navel.
  • You need to wait a few minutes, then the crust will soften.
  • The area of ​​the skin around the navel is gently pushed apart, with the help of cotton swabs or discs, the softened crusts are removed, the skin is dried.
  • The navel is abundantly lubricated with an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt or other antiseptic

At first, the first stage will be accompanied by foaming of the peroxide, after a while it will pass. Such a reaction will indicate that the navel has healed.

Healed navel of a newborn

If the umbilical wound has already healed, there is no point in continuing the procedures for its treatment

How many times a day and for how long should the navel of a newborn be treated?

In the normal course of the recovery process, daily one-time care of the umbilical wound is sufficient. When blood droplets appear, it is necessary to treat the skin more often - up to three times a day.

If, after three weeks, the wound has not healed, despite the fact that the care was carried out correctly and regularly, you should consult a doctor. If there is swelling around the navel, purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor, redness of the skin and anxiety of the newborn, it is also necessary to urgently seek help from specialists.

Sometimes there is increased bleeding of the wound, most often it is associated with the discharge of a very large crust. In this case, you can use a special styptic sponge.

The main thing that inexperienced parents should remember is that they do not need to hesitate to seek help or advice from doctors. The first days of a baby's life are one of the most exciting periods, and it is necessary that only positive memories of this time remain.

Video: how to treat the navel of a newborn

Also watch the video on how to properly handle the navel in a newborn baby

Signs of an umbilical wound infection

Failure to follow the rules of caring for an umbilical wound can cause inflammation. Among pediatricians, a poorly healing navel is usually called "weeping" because of the observed accumulation of pus in the wound, the release of which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. This is the main sign of navel infection, which is important to notice in a timely manner. In addition to him, similar signs include:

  • Omphalitis of the navel in newborns
  • Redness around the wound.
  • Regular bloody issues from her.

But do not panic if a newborn's navel is bleeding, just freed from the umbilical residue: for the first days without it, this is quite normal. Itching or pain (checked by pressing, in which the baby immediately cries). Suppuration that has spread beyond the umbilical wound (purulent omphalitis). Changing the shape of the umbilical ring from round to elongated (oval) and obvious "protrusion" of the navel ( umbilical hernia). If at least one of these signs is present, including if the navel in newborns is bleeding long time, it is necessary to see a doctor who diagnoses the disease and prescribes treatment, often involving the use of antibiotic ointments.