Personal hygiene rules list. Hygiene rules briefly. Hygienic body care. Personal hygiene of clothes and shoes

Personal hygiene is essential element shaping the health of each person and society as a whole. Without following simple rules of conduct in our Everyday life and activities, it is impossible to maintain their health, prolong and improve the quality of life, as well as prevent the occurrence of many different diseases.

Personal hygiene skills are traditional, have emerged since the dawn of mankind and expand with the development of society and the passage of time. This is a collection of common hygiene requirements and norms for people of any age and occupation: the correct alternation of mental and manual labor; physical education and tempering; balanced diet; body care (oral cavity, hands, skin, nails, hair); full sleep; selection of clothing appropriate for weather conditions; keeping the home and workplace clean; using only individual household items and much more.

The first priority is to keep the body clean. On dirty skin microorganisms settle, which leads to blockage of the ducts and glands, as a result, their activity is disrupted, pustular and fungal diseases... Especially a lot of bacteria accumulate in open areas of the body - hands and under nails. Soap is a unique invention of mankind, which allows you to destroy up to 93% of microorganisms. Currently common various means with a long-term antibacterial effect. If you remember to wash your hands before eating, before handling food, after using the toilet, then you have much less chance get sick with intestinal infections.

Dousing is also helpful. cold water in the morning and in the evening. A daily, simple and not time-consuming procedure, which, in addition to a hygienic effect, will have a hardening, tonic effect on the skin.

Keeping linen and clothing clean and appropriate for the season and climatic conditions, is one of critical criteria personal hygiene. Clothing is used by a person to protect the body from adverse factors external environment- low or high temperature, solar radiation, wind, atmospheric precipitation, thereby warns the body against the appearance colds... Both clothing and footwear should be lightweight, comfortable, not restrict movement, not disturb blood circulation and breathing.

Personal hygiene great importance has a healthy state of teeth, gums, oral mucosa. This is important for normal process nutrition, for prevention gastrointestinal diseases... With insufficient oral care, dental diseases such as tooth decay can develop. To prevent this condition, it is recommended to see a dentist at least twice a year.

Human activity is impossible without good rest, above all, a calm and prolonged sleep. It is necessary to strictly observe the time of sleep and wake up, taking into account the possibility of performing all morning and evening hygiene procedures without haste.

Caring for your loved ones, the people around you is also an integral part of a healthy society. Insufficient observance by a person of the rules of personal hygiene can affect the condition of other people - family members, neighbors, the team in which he is. Such a person can cause mass distribution infectious diseases... Any work activity requires compliance with personal hygiene standards for specialists and staff, depending on the profile of the work. In addition, the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2004 No. 83 determined the procedure for conducting preliminary and periodic medical (examinations), which lists the contingent of persons who must undergo medical examinations and surveys. results medical examinations and laboratory research, information about vaccinations, transferred infectious diseases, information about the passage of hygienic training and certification are entered in the medical book.

Many infectious diseases, such as head lice, scabies, various mycoses, HIV, hepatitis B and C, can be transmitted by using common household items - combs, towels, slippers, razors, toothbrushes, toys and the like. Never, under any circumstances, lend or take other people's personal hygiene items.

Why is hygiene necessary?

What is hygiene for?

Everyone should maintain hygiene at all times.

Secondly, adhering to certain rules, you will feel comfortable at work, in transport, at various events.

Thirdly, the question of why hygiene is needed can be answered as follows: so that people are pleased to be near you. Agree, you don't want to be in the same company with a person who smells bad.

Are there hygiene rules that must be followed?

If you don't want to be clean and healthy, no one will force you. For everyone else, there are certain rules. What are they?

Body hygiene

The skin is the organ through which our body gets rid of unnecessary substances. How does this happen? Through sweat. If the skin is not monitored, bacteria will soon grow on it and appear bad smell... Hygiene rules, which must be observed every time, will help to avoid this:

● daily shower. If possible, visit the sauna or bathhouse every week. Don't forget about a washcloth, soap, shower gel;

● Wash your hair as needed. Choose the right shampoos, when seborrhea appears, use remedies;

● do not forget to cut or take care of your nails;

● wash your hands after using the toilet and before eating;

● Provide proper care for your face. Remove makeup before bed. Use lotions, moisturizers to cleanse your skin.

Oral hygiene

If you observe simple rules hygiene products, your mouth will be healthy and your breath will be fresh:

● use daily for dental care toothpaste, brush and dental floss;

● eat a balanced diet;

● rinse your mouth after every meal;

● go through preventive examination;

● If you show signs of gum or dental disease, rush to the dentist.

Hygiene of clothes and sleeping place

The hygiene of your clothes and your bed plays a big role. Be attentive to what is written, and you will find out what hygiene rules need to be observed so that order and cleanliness are everywhere:

● change underwear, socks and tights every day;

● wash clothes regularly and do not use other people's things;

● whenever possible, buy things from natural materials;

● use only your own towel;

● Change your bedding every week.

All tips are simple. Stick to them. Then you will feel comfortable, and people will be pleased to be in the same company with you.

Human evolution has given his body all the tools to fight a hostile external environment. Special blood cells provide immunity and protect against microbes, the thermoregulatory system maintains the work of all organs and raises the temperature when we get sick, and the skin and gastric acid protect us from the penetration of microbes into us. A person knows how to defend himself from the external environment by other means. For example, special behavior, using the rules and knowledge accumulated by the human community for use by each of its members. One of the areas of such knowledge is personal hygiene. The use of this knowledge, their continuous improvement is aimed at preserving the life of a person and his health for the longest possible period, and ultimately - to extend his life.

What is personal hygiene?

First of all, this is a conscious human behavior focused on the healthy maintenance of skin, nails, teeth and hair, as well as clothes, shoes, and home. This also includes maintaining cleanliness in production, hardening and physical exercises... Asking yourself the question "what is personal hygiene", it would be reasonable to include in this section and quitting smoking and drugs, alcohol abuse. All this is an integral component and part of healthy way life

Failure to follow good personal hygiene practices can lead to grave consequences for many people, it contributes to the spread of epidemics, helminthic invasions.

This means that because of one person who violates the rules of personal hygiene, not only members of his family can suffer, but entire enterprises and even entire regions.

Personal hygiene rules: general principles and features

These guidelines include body and skin care. The skin, as a protective cover of the body, performs various and most important functions, including secretory, receptor, respiratory, thermoregulatory, metabolic, immune and others. Keeping it clean and hardening helps prevent it premature aging, wilting, which has a positive effect on appearance, beauty and general state organism.

For people of different sexes and all ages, there are rules for personal hygiene: general principles and features. For example, hygienic care for women has its own characteristics associated with periods of menstruation and pregnancy, and in the rules of personal hygiene for men there is a “section” associated with regular shaving of the face. Hygiene has its own characteristics infants, and they are associated with the anatomical and functional differences between the skin of infants and adults.

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People in some professions may have special rules personal hygiene. For example, for surgeons, hand cleanliness and handling is a fundamental requirement of the profession. Similar requirements are for workers associated with the production of perishable food products, for example, confectioners, cooks.

Oral hygiene goals

Oral Care Challenge- this is keeping the teeth, interdental spaces, gums, mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue clean and intact, and together with food hygiene - to protect the body from diseases gastrointestinal tract... How? Preservation of the integrity of the teeth and the fullness of the dentition makes chewing and grinding of food complete, and, thus, ensures the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines and the completeness of assimilation by the body nutrients... The goals of oral hygiene in a complex - a direct impact on life expectancy.

What is important to consider in hair hygiene?

Hair care is needed as a general hygienic function, since the scalp and hair are part of the general skin... But hair is also a “filter” that can actively absorb from the air harmful substances and accumulate them. Therefore, regular hair washing is a must. Among other things, hair care has an aesthetic function, participating in the formation of a person's appearance, style and mood, that is, it forms psychological comfort person and others.

What is important to consider in hair hygiene is its effect on other organs: for example, the wrong long hairstyle(especially in children), can lead to visual impairment.

Nail hygiene - a daily focus

Nail care avoids nail diseases - nail bed and nail plate, including purulent and fungal. Proper washing hands, including cleaning the subungual space, protects against the spread of intestinal and other infectious diseases, the spread of helminthic invasions.

A manicure with its chemical components can both protect nails and harm them and the whole body. In any case, nail hygiene for allergy sufferers, pregnant women, etc. recommends avoiding it, while nail hygiene is a daily consideration. Ideally, you should limit yourself to clean, neatly trimmed nails with a sawn edge to prevent burrs.

Genital hygiene: a special approach

Genital hygiene should be considered a special section of personal skin hygiene, since they perform many important functions that are combined with the elimination of natural body wastes. Failure to comply or improper observance of the rules for keeping the genitals clean leads to a variety of diseases. It can be urethritis, cystitis, vulvovaginitis, bartholinitis, thrush (candidiasis) in women, and in men - urethritis, balanoposthitis, prostatitis. That is why the main thing that requires genital hygiene: a special approach and thoroughness.

Particular attention in caring for the genitals should be paid to high-quality personal hygiene products, including detergents, since due to the abuse of antibacterial drugs (for example, antimicrobial soap), dysbacteriosis can occur in this part of the body, directly affecting the onset of diseases.

Hygiene of clothes and shoes - the "armor" of your body

Hygiene of linen, especially underwear, care of clothes and shoes is protected from the influence of the external environment, for example - from harmful effects ultraviolet radiation, chills and frostbite, from mechanical damage skin of the body, legs, arms, from skidding into the home dangerous microorganisms from the street. The laundry is in direct contact with the skin and therefore requires a daily change, as it quickly becomes a medium for the development of microorganisms. Hygiene of clothes and shoes is your body's “armor”, protection from dirt, germs, skin injuries, cold and heat.

The hygiene of clothing and footwear includes the choice of clothing according to the season and the weather, from materials with the correct hygienic properties, What will happen the right decision to prevent colds or other painful conditions.

Personal and Public Hygiene: General and Differences

A person in a family and a team, a resident of a settlement is always a part of the community. If personal hygiene is focused on preservation individual health, then public hygiene is a science and activities, the purpose and objectives of which is to preserve, prevent and improve the health of the entire population, the entire population. If a person neglects personal hygiene, its basics (does not observe the alternation of work and rest, good sleep and rational nutrition does not stay on enough fresh air, It has bad habits- smoking, alcohol abuse), then no achievements and discoveries in the field of public hygiene can preserve his individual health.

If we talk about what personal and public hygiene provides for the population: general and differences, interconnection and mutual influence, then it is easy to come to the conclusion that the concepts of personal and public hygiene in an urbanistic society are closely interrelated. For example, non-observance of personal hygiene requirements in everyday life, especially by representatives of professions related to the preparation and production of food, caring for children, representatives of professions that involve close communication with people, has an adverse and even dangerous effect on the health of all of us (passive smoking, poisoning , the emergence and spread of infectious diseases, infection with worms, etc.). And vice versa: the authorities' lack of attention to public hygiene, to the sanitary problems of settlements (air pollution, shortage or poor-quality tap water, waste collection and disposal, etc.) leads to the fact that compliance with all the rules of personal hygiene becomes problematic and this leads to diseases.

Personal hygiene products - a weapon of health and beauty

These include preparations and tools for maintaining the beauty and purity of the body (scissors, razors and shaving machines, combs and brushes) intended for hygienic care and cosmetic purposes. Quite often, the effect of personal hygiene products is of a combined nature: for example, deodorants used to keep sweating parts of the body clean are also perfumes, and lipstick, in addition to giving color to the lips, can prevent them from drying out and peeling.

According to the materials used and the specifics of the application, hygienic products are divided into cotton-hygienic ( cotton buds, disks, balls), paper hygiene products ( toilet paper, paper kitchen towels and napkins, wet wipes). There is also a “site of application” specialization that aims to care for hair, nails (including instruments), intimate hygiene (liquid soap, antiseptics for hands, shower gels, deodorants), cosmetics (creams, lotions, hairspray, lipstick and gloss, powders, etc.). Personal hygiene products are a weapon of health and beauty, a weapon in the sense that they protect us from dirt, microbes, unwanted chemicals that get on us.

For a long time, the features and differences in hygiene needs of people of different sexes and of different ages... This is about feminine hygiene(sanitary pads, tampons), shaving and aftershave devices and preparations for men (razors, shaving foam, creams, aftershave lotions, etc.). Babies have their own nuances. The list is long, and includes powders, diapers (taking into account the anatomy of boys and girls), oils, creams, lotions. A separate group is made up of oral care products: powders and toothpastes, dental elixirs, chewing gum, toothpicks and dental floss.

From the most early years you must train yourself to keep your body clean. There are a number of rules that are very essential... First, their observance is very eloquent about how high the degree of personal culture in each individual person. Second, compliance hygiene rules is a pledge good health and high efficiency, good labor productivity and achievement of high results in activities. Thirdly, hygiene is the key to the epidemic well-being of society as a whole and the most effective preventive method.

Everything related to such an aspect as personal hygiene rules, their observance should take place in the following main areas:

      • hair
      • oral cavity
      • clothes and shoes
      • arms and legs
      • reproductive organs

Let's consider each aspect of personal hygiene in more detail.

Bodily cleanliness

The need to keep the skin of your body clean is associated with the activity of the human glands that produce sweat and sebum. During normal functioning, they secrete up to 30 liters of sweat per month, as well as almost a kilogram sebum respectively. These substances, which are very necessary in the life of the body, must be removed in a timely manner, for which it is recommended daily. The pharmaceutical and perfumery industries in their factories produce a lot of products intended for washing the skin. It can be either soap or a variety of shower gels.

For more deep cleaning skin needs a bath or a visit to the bath. Use in the last brooms from tree branches different types(birch, oak, eucalyptus, less often - juniper) in addition to cleansing, it also gives a good massage effect, which cannot but affect the skin - it rejuvenates and acquires healthy look... It is recommended to visit the bathhouse and take a bath every ten days, but remember that too hot air can be contraindicated for persons suffering from a number of heart diseases, therefore, before going to the bathhouse, you should consult your doctor.

Failure to comply with this rule will lead to the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms due to the fact that the products of the glands are not removed in time internal secretion will become an excellent breeding ground for them. It will not be superfluous to recall that an unwashed body has a very unpleasant odor that can irritate others.

Separately, it should be said about the face, which must be washed after waking up from sleep and before going to it, as well as as it gets dirty. As for the hands, they should be washed as often as possible, namely after visiting public places, work, and also before you start eating. Clear skin is a pledge healthy state organism, and contaminated protective properties does not possess.

The hair on the head should be washed, regardless of whether it is long or short, dry or oily. The frequency of washing can vary from weekly to daily. That is, the hair is washed as needed. Currently on sale there are a lot of different detergents designed for the care of all types of hair - from dry and oily. In the absence of those, it will do regular soap... It will not be superfluous to rinse your hair after washing. herbal infusion, which can be based on chamomile or nettle. Considering the fact that hair grows from the scalp, and its health directly depends on the quality of blood circulation, massage will not be superfluous. It is produced with the help of a massage comb, or with your hands when washing your hair. It is recommended to dry your hair with a towel, since when using various electrical devices you can dry your hair, which will lead to a deterioration in its structure. In this case, it is necessary to comb the hair. middle length as well as long in the morning as well as in the evening. It should be noted that the hair care comb is used individually.

Oral cavity and care

The oral cavity needs special care - after all, it participates in the digestive process and the overall quality of work depends on how healthy it is. digestive system and the quality of life in general.

Teeth, as well as tongue and whole inner surface mouth need daily brushing. It is performed in the morning and in the evening with a special toothbrush using toothpaste, less often - tooth powder. And the spaces between the teeth are cleaned with dental floss. After each meal, rinse your mouth, and if an unpleasant odor appears, consult a doctor. To strengthen your teeth and gums, you should eat more foods that contribute to this. It is known that fatty food is capable of forming acids that negatively affect the state of tooth enamel, therefore, such food should be excluded from the diet, if possible, or its use should be minimized.

Shoes and clothes need cleanliness

Underwear must be changed after each bath or shower due to the fact that the old one may have residues of sweat, sewage, grease and dirt. T-shirts, underpants, socks, as well as all those items of clothing that are in direct contact with the body are subject to change. As for footwear, frequent replacement of insoles in shoes, boots and boots is necessary, as well as sports shoes... By observing this rule, you can prevent an unpleasant odor, as well as the appearance of diaper rash and fungus. If possible, shoes should be washed and ventilated.

Fingers and feet

The main source of accumulation of harmful bacteria on the hands is under the nails. That is why they need to be regularly cleaned, trimmed and filed. You should also wash your hands after work, coming from the street, or departing from natural needs.

As for the legs, you should also regularly trim your nails, as well as promptly remove corns and calluses, as well as dead skin from the heels and feet. This is done using pumice.

Here you can divide all hygiene in this area into male and female.

Male hygiene is reduced to daily washing of the external genitals with soap. The area between the head of the penis and foreskin, since smegma accumulates there - a greasy lubricant, which over time acquires a carcinogenic property and is a soil for the spread of pathogenic bacteria. In women, hygiene is reduced to regular (at least once a day) washing of the genitals warm water... On those days when a woman has her period, control over the cleanliness of the genitals has special meaning, since during this period, the body's susceptibility to infectious effects increases. Here, the regular change of sanitary napkins and underwear, as well as taking a shower twice a day, in order to remove the remnants of blood released on "critical days", is of particular importance.

Woman in mandatory should visit a gynecologist every six months, and if any problems arise, contact him immediately.

Personal hygiene is a set of hygienic rules of human behavior at work and at home. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene contributes to the preservation and strengthening of human health.

Personal hygiene rules include a daily routine, work and rest, rational nutrition, hardening, physical education, skin care, clothing, footwear and home hygiene

The culture of a person can be judged, among other things, by how he observes the rules of personal hygiene.

Hygiene skills should be instilled in childhood, reinforced in school years and firmly enter into the daily routine from the beginning labor activity... Hygienic education occupies a prominent place in the dissemination of sanitary and hygienic knowledge among the population, workers and employees, students and military personnel.

Personal hygiene

Personal hygiene isn't just about individual plan but also social. It includes the following sections:

  • Human body hygiene, oral hygiene, skin hygiene, cosmetic issues;
  • Hygiene of sleep and rest - the principles of the correct alternation of work and rest, the optimal daily regimen;
  • Hygienic rules of rational nutrition and rejection of bad habits;
  • Hygiene of clothes and shoes.

Hygiene of the face, hands and feet

  • Personal hygiene rules include washing your face in the morning and evening, and hands should be washed every time after contact with a dirty surface.
  • Feet should be washed daily with cool water and soap. Cold water reduces perspiration.

Hair care

Hair, whether short or long, should be washed as needed rather than scheduled. Usually once or twice a week. It will be useful to rinse your hair with a strong chamomile infusion.

Oral care

It is a good idea to visit your dentist twice a year for early detection of caries.

Care of nails and heels

A huge number of all kinds of bacteria and harmful microorganisms live under dirty nails, so it is especially important to properly and regularly take care of your nails on your hands and feet. You should clean your nails and trim or file them.

Our heels also require special care. Calluses, abrasions and corns should not be allowed to form.

Cleanliness of clothes and shoes

It is very important to change underwear after washing so as not to contaminate the skin with particles of sweat, grease and dirt. Underwear that directly touches the skin of the body (T-shirt, socks, panties, tights, stockings) must be changed daily.

Shoes also require attention, they should be washed both outside and inside. It is necessary to change the insoles in closed shoes, boots and boots as often as possible.

Personal belongings

Each person should have their own hairbrush, toothbrush, towel and bed. Before going to bed, daytime underwear is recommended to be changed to pajamas or a nightgown.

After application toothbrush rinse thoroughly with water. Towel and linens need to be changed regularly.

Hygiene maintenance of premises

Living, educational and industrial premises must be kept clean. Regular ventilation of the premises is necessary. Wet cleaning of premises should be carried out at least once a week.

Sleep and rest hygiene

It is necessary to observe the sleep and wakefulness regime. The duration of a night's sleep should be at least 7 hours to avoid sleep deprivation. It is imperative to observe the mode of work and rest, take breaks for rest during work and study, use weekly days off, vacations and vacations.

Hygienic rules for a balanced diet

It is necessary to adhere to the diet. The frequency of food intake is at least 3 times a day.

The human body needs balanced nutrition in relation to proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Human food should be rich in vitamins.

Do not drink raw water or eat unwashed fruits and vegetables. Cooked meals should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Compliance is required drinking regimen- a person needs to drink 2 - 2.5 liters of water per day.