The harm and benefits of placental drugs. Plant placenta. Placenta extract application

There are enough strange ingredients in cosmetics. Some, having appeared, immediately disappear, but sometimes they return after a while. Placental cosmetics caused a stir in the market in the last century, but the legislature and the animal rights society toppled her from the pedestal. As a result, everyone forgot about cosmetics with a placenta for a long time. But now placental cosmetics and placental therapy are experiencing a renaissance. What has changed and is the game worth the candle?

How it all began

The path to using placenta extract in cosmetics began in 1933 with light hand Professor Vladimir Petrovich Filatov, although he worked in a different field, he was an eye surgeon. Filatov believed that many incurable eye diseases can be, if not cured, then at least alleviated by the implantation of "biogenic stimulants". In his therapeutic experiments, the professor also used the placenta. His work launched the development of placental therapy in cosmetology.

If we consider the placenta as an intermediary between the mother and developing fetus, it becomes clear why she was considered ideal remedy for rejuvenation. The placenta is a rich source nutrients, proteins, stem cells, amino acids. But its main property is that it is responsible for the production of hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, and this is something that mature skin is sorely lacking.

Why placenta creams were banned

In the early 1940s, manufacturers launched cosmetic preparations based on the human placenta: creams for the bust, eyes, face masks, even Eau de Toilette and soap. The customers were pleased: among the effects of "placental" drugs were the normalization of blood circulation and lipid profile, as well as regulation sebaceous glands... The skin took on a much fresher look.

In the 1950s – 1960s, placenta creams were recommended even for young skin, because what is good for the "fetus" is good for anyone. It is worth noting, however, that the extraction and purification process (especially of the human placenta) left a lot to be desired. As a result, many hormonal side effects were reported (such as chest hair in adolescent girls), after which the human placenta was banned from use in cosmetics Oh. And when mankind learned about HIV and a number of other pathogenic viruses, cosmetics with a placenta were completely written off to the archive as potentially dangerous.

In today's cosmetics, you will find in best case placental extracts animal and vegetable origin(plant placenta is plant proteins, most often a complex of proteins). Such placental extracts are mixtures of proteins and vitamins and have a certain moisturizing and nourishing effect. V correct dosages they work great, but these proteins are essentially not much different from other protein components in cosmetology. So these placentas have no particular advantages.

Another thing is the "synthetic" placenta, which began to be produced at the beginning of the "zero" - a mixture of growth factors, peptides and vitamins corresponding to the content in the human placenta. It already makes sense to talk about anti-aging action.

Anti-aging injections

The Asian beauty boom that began in 2014 brought placental cosmetics to new level... In the wake of the trend, placental care in the West has moved from the field of cosmetology to pharmacology. We have not been allowed to use cosmetics with a placenta, but within the walls of hospitals, placental therapy is growing in popularity.

Today, doctors offer injections and intravenous infusions of drugs from the human placenta for general rejuvenation of the body, skin care, and even for the treatment of individual organs. Medical journals regularly publish studies confirming the rejuvenating effect of preparations with human placenta extract on the body and skin: collagen synthesis, cell proliferation and differentiation, moisturizing and whitening effects, stimulation of local immunity, etc.

"10-minute" droppers with amino acids, biotin and placenta extract are very popular among Japanese businessmen - famous workaholics who cannot get enough sleep, get sick and eat normally. According to Japanese doctors, it is better than multivitamins and aspirin. Some Russian clinics have already picked up the baton and recommend such energizers-immunostimulants to our citizens who are tired of work, as well as to all women of mature age.

Potential threat

However, it is very difficult to understand what the cumulative effect of placental therapy will be. For example, some cytokines found in the human placenta act as amplifiers of inflammation, while others reduce it, and some can do both, depending on what environment they are in - it is very difficult to make predictions.

According to Western experts, this stage there is not enough research to conclude that it is beneficial for everyone, without any side effects. In addition, scientists still fear that materials from human tissue may contain viruses and bacteria, which are still unknown. modern science... It is also alarming that in Japan, patients who practice 10-minute drips cannot donate blood. Placental injections are like a gamble: on the one hand - wow-results, on the other - possible "interest on the loan."

But modern cosmetics with a placenta are really safe and seem to be effective. In addition, there are alternatives in cosmetics: from the "live" placenta of sheep to synthetic mixtures - you can always choose what is more to your liking and pocket.

Tatiana Morrison


Since ancient times, mankind has been looking for elixirs that can prolong youth. Modern techniques and techniques suggest that it is placental therapy that can achieve this effect.

Video - Elixir of life

What is Placental Therapy?

The placenta is exactly where the baby is while still in the womb. Thanks to the beneficial properties, through this place, he receives all the necessary trace elements and minerals that contribute to his normal and full development.

Placental therapy is based on the fact that a person is injected, that is, drugs based on the woman's placenta. Thus, thanks to such a storehouse of useful microelements, the effect of rejuvenation is achieved.

Placenta extract in cosmetology has a pronounced regenerating and restorative effect. Such elements, which are contained precisely in the placenta, cannot be obtained from any other product or preparation. By its nature of impact, it is unique.

It is this therapy that contributes to the fact that wounds heal quickly, damaged liver and nerve cells are restored, and an antioxidant effect occurs, which slows down the aging process.

The placenta has a unique biochemical composition, therefore it is actively used in dermatology and cosmetology, oncology, surgery, gynecology and neurology.

Placental therapy has the following effects on the human body:

  • Regenerating
  • Anti-inflammatory and pain relieving
  • Antineoplastic
  • Immunoregulatory
  • Antiallergic
  • Neuroprotective

Also, this therapy leads to the fact that the hormonal background of the woman comes to a normal state.

Placenta in cosmetology

At first, the placenta was actively used as an additive in creams or anti-aging face masks. Due to its positive effect on the skin, studies have begun on the scope of application. The placenta has been found to contain many hormones. On this moment placenta in cosmetology injections, that is, carried out through injections. But due to the fact that hormonal cosmetics are fraught with many contraindications and can cause a number negative consequences for a start, the placenta is cleared of hormones, and then it is applied.

At the moment, placenta preparations in cosmetology do not give a quick anti-aging effect, but at the same time they are safe and do not have serious complications. Its effect is that it actively nourishes the skin and contributes to the fact that natural processes on the skin are faster.

Exposure to placenta-based drugs

Placenta-based preparations have the following positive properties:

  • Improves blood circulation
  • Toxins are removed from the tissues
  • The skin is nourished by many essential trace elements and vitamins
  • The skin recovers faster, regenerates and takes on a fresh look
  • Pass inflammatory processes and acne
  • Fine and deep wrinkles are smoothed
  • A powerful lifting effect occurs
  • Synthesis is activated hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen
  • Decreases in severity age spots and skin irritation

All these positive properties during therapy are not compulsory, since the placenta only nourishes the skin cells by many useful elements, which allow the skin to actively engage in regeneration, that is, restoration. Placenta injections in cosmetology can rejuvenate the skin, which can be seen after the first application procedure.

In this case, there is not only a rejuvenation of the face, but of the whole organism as a whole, as the metabolic processes occurring in the dermis are improved. That is, such a procedure affects molecular level... It is worth noting that it is impossible to overdo it with this manipulation, since each cell takes exactly as much as it should.

Also, the placenta is used in complex therapy, which aims to improve the performance of the entire immune system and the normal functioning of all body functions. That is, the effect of this particular drug is allowed to harmonize and restore the balance of the whole organism.

But sometimes it happens that placenta preparations are rejected by organisms due to individual intolerance.

How is placenta therapy performed?

The use of the placenta in cosmetology is aimed at positive effect achieved only through regular and long-term use. This allows the components of the drug to start all processes in the body by acting on some points.

The drug is injected into those areas of the skin that require some kind of correction. The effect is achieved after the 5th or 10th procedure. For some, the changes are visible after a couple of days, it all depends on individual characteristics skin a specific person... But still, the duration and frequency of use is prescribed only by a doctor. As a rule, this happens no more than twice a week for a total duration of half an hour to 60 minutes.

Who is placental therapy indicated and contraindicated for?

Placenta treatment actively fights against any age-related changes on the skin. Also healing effect achieved with hair loss or disruption of various metabolic processes in the body.

But the procedure does not apply:

  • During the period of carrying a baby and feeding him with breast milk
  • In persons under the age of 18
  • If a person has a malignant tumor or autoimmune pathology
  • Individual intolerance to drugs
  • If a person has problems associated with poor skin coagulation or preconditions for convulsive conditions
  • At high temperature body
  • During inflammatory or infectious diseases

Possible complications

Any injection procedures violate the integrity of the skin. It is important to note here that the injection marks should disappear after a few days, then the procedure is considered gentle. Placenta treatment reviews are mostly positive. But some may develop swelling of the puncture area, swelling or cyanosis of the skin. All this goes away by itself in a few days. And only in rare cases, such manipulation leads to complications that require surgical intervention.

Complications after placental therapy:

  • Allergic manifestations
  • Embolism of the region of the vessel
  • Thickening of tissues and the formation of knots on the skin
  • Scarring (this happens when the connective tissue grows)

In order to avoid negative consequences, it is worth conducting a pre-procedural examination, which is aimed at identifying the body's sensitivity to drugs based on the placenta. It all depends on the professionalism of the beautician. It is also important to pay attention to how the doctor makes the punctures. Therefore, it is important to choose a good and qualified doctor for this procedure. After all, it is appearance is so important for any woman that it directly affects her psychological condition and self-esteem. Therefore, it is important here to approach this expensive procedure wisely and find really good professional their business. Thus, the rejuvenating effect of the procedure will not be long in coming, but side effects and complications can be minimized.


Summing up, one cannot fail to note the benefits in carrying out the procedure of placental therapy. Indeed, for many women, she has become truly a real elixir of youth and vital energy... After all, science has not yet discovered an analogue of this procedure in terms of the effect of exposure. In addition, it has been proven that the effect of the placenta can not only give youthful skin, but also reduce the manifestations of psoriasis, burns and vitiligo. It ideally acts on the skin, keeping youth and beauty on long years... In this case, do not forget about the precautions. This procedure is quite expensive, so it can be obtained only in elite clinics. In addition, it is worth remembering that the rejuvenating effect is achieved when a woman herself takes care of her body, adheres to active image life and correct diet in nutrition. All this in the complex has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body. Therefore, in order to prolong youth, it is worth not only using procedures, although effective, but also taking care of your body constantly, and most importantly, surrounding yourself positive emotions and good people.

Video - Pharmacopuncture in the face - placental injections Laennec

Several decades ago, people could not even imagine the fact that in the near future the use of the placenta in cosmetology will become a scientific breakthrough. After all, everyone knows from lessons on anatomy that the placenta is a special organ in the body of a pregnant woman, designed for the normal metabolism between a woman and a fetus.

The ancient Egyptian beauty Cleopatra knew about the miraculous abilities of the placenta, about its possibilities of rejuvenating skin cells. Based on such facts, at the beginning of the last century, some scientists began to conduct experiments, and found ways to obtain placenta extract, which promotes rapid regeneration. skin... But only today, this substance has become widespread in the manufacture of face and body skin care products.

How Placenta Extract Works

  • This extract is able to regulate and completely restore blood flow in skin cells.
  • This improves the metabolism of the skin.
  • Due to the fact that the placenta extract has the ability to excrete melanin, skin cells become less susceptible to the negative effects of the sun's rays.
  • When using cosmetics using this extract, skin cells suffer from a lack of moisture several times less. Due to this, the aging process slows down.
  • Placental cosmetics are able to affect the rapid regeneration of skin cells, as well as to remove various kinds of inflammation and rashes on the skin surface.

Is this cosmetics harmful?

Many people are afraid to use such skin care products due to the fact that in everyday life it is widely believed that this type of cosmetics contains a large number of dangerous hormones.

In this regard, there is official conclusion international organization health care that cosmetics, made on the basis of placenta extract, do not contain harmful "steroid" hormones, therefore, it is absolutely safe. In addition, such cosmetics contain a large amount of active biological substances, which are able not only to rejuvenate the connective tissues of skin cells, but also to fully supply them with oxygen.

How is the placenta extract obtained?

Indeed, when conducting the first experiments on the creation of cosmetics with placenta extract, scientists used the placenta taken from women after childbirth. All sorts of ways to get this extract from plant components did not lead to the desired result.

To date, when creating nano cosmetics, placenta extract of animals (which are specially grown in environmentally friendly natural conditions under strict control and special care). Scientists have proven the fact that in all micro and macro indicators, the composition of the placenta of humans and animals is identical.

At what age can placental cosmetics be used?

There are two points of view on this question:

  1. Some scientists see no age restrictions for the use of this type of cosmetic preparations.
  2. But most doctors recommend using cosmetics based on placenta extract only after 35 years of age. They explain this by the fact that up to the above age, the cells of the human body themselves have an increased ability to regenerate. Therefore, the application placental funds, can lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the human body as a whole.

In conclusion, it should be noted, in order not to harm health, skin care preparations made on the basis of placenta extract should be purchased only in specialized stores or in pharmacies and only at renowned manufacturers cosmetic preparations.

The main application of the placenta in cosmetics is the fight against aging. Many manufacturers of placental cosmetics add it to all their products: from shampoos to foot creams, but its main focus is anti age.

The advantages of placental cosmetics

The placenta is the richest natural complex containing proteins and amino acids that contribute to the production of collagen fibers, as well as elements that soften and moisturize the skin, heal wounds, accelerate the metabolism in cells.

The use of placental cosmetics does not cause allergic reactions, side effects and addiction, since it is not perceived by the skin as something foreign and is remarkably absorbed by the skin cells.

Disadvantages of placental cosmetics

Opponents of placental cosmetics believe that its effectiveness is associated with hormonal effects, since it is extremely difficult to completely clear the placenta of hormones. In addition, with imperfect cleaning of the placenta through placental cosmetics, hepatitis and AIDS viruses can be transmitted. That is why quality placenta-based products are very expensive.

In addition, scientists fear that accelerated and uncontrolled cell division, which allows to achieve the rejuvenating effect of placental cosmetics, may provoke cancer. Scientific research long-term effects of placental cosmetics on human skin have not yet been carried out.

Unique properties of the placenta in cosmetics

The placenta contains nucleic acids, proteins and hormones that control the vital functions of cells and are responsible for the continuation of life. The placenta contains all the necessary the human body elements. Therefore, cosmetologists claim that the placenta has not only a wrinkle-smoothing effect, but also a powerful anti-inflammatory, regenerative, stimulating and wound healing effect.

Where do placentas come from for placental cosmetics?

Materials for creating placental cosmetics are taken from placenta obtained after childbirth from a person, pig, sheep or cow. The "human" origin of the placental components of cosmetics is indicated by the word "allogenic" in the description of the composition of the cream. For the manufacture of placental cosmetics, no abortive material is used, since only the mature placenta is saturated with valuable elements that are not contained in the placenta of an abortive embryo.

In Europe, the use of organs and human waste products in cosmetics is officially prohibited, not excluding the placenta. And the "animal" placenta is prohibited in a number of countries for ethical reasons. There, for example, placental cosmetics (with plant placenta) SALERM (Spain) became popular.

What is a plant placenta?

In flowering plants, the placenta is the place of inception and attachment of the future fetus under the pistil of the flower. The plant's placenta acts as a nutrient fluid, providing energy to the fruit as it grows.

In a biochemical comparison of the compositions of the plant placenta and the human placenta, it was found that they have an identical composition. The plant placenta contains amino acids and peptides that act as natural biostimulants and at the same time do not disturb natural recovery skin. Special meaning has a high content of proline amino acids in the plant placenta, which help to synthesize collagen and enhance regenerative processes in skin cells.

How long have placental cosmetics been known?

Myths and legends of many peoples have long narrated about the connection of the placenta with space, which gives it a huge energy value. The placenta was dried, pounded, steamed, used for lotions in wound healing.

The history of the scientific and applied study of the placenta began in 1912, when Professor Kar from Switzerland discovered an active substance in a sheep's placenta capable of restoring cell life. For this discovery, he received the Nobel Prize. In 1934, professor of the Odessa Medical Institute N.F. Filatov used frozen components of the placenta to treat wounds and burns. In 1943, the Japanese scientist Shang Dao was able to isolate an extract from the sheep's placenta, and in 1980 the Swiss professor Caroling first made a man intravenous injection with extract of sheep placenta, which made it possible to activate the division of skin cells in the patient.

Placental cosmetics brands

Among the most well-known firms producing placental cosmetics - international cosmetic corporations WING HOP FUNG GINSENG INC., SHANGHAI PHOENIX DAILY CHEMICAL Co. LTD., ROSA BELLA COMPANY, ROYAL COUNTRY, INC. These companies produce whole series of cosmetics with placenta: creams, lotions, shampoos, milk.

Wide choose placental cosmetics offer Russian manufacturers: for example, tissue preparations of the "Placerosis" cosmetic series, the "Source of Life" medical and cosmetic line of the Yalma company, etc.

When nature begins to take its toll, most women begin to actively seek the very miracle cure that could help them stop aging.

But aging cannot be stopped by any scientific achievements of science - this is a natural and objective process. But it is quite possible to fight with outward signs approaching old age, and modern cosmetology should help with this.

Placental cosmetics are among the cosmetics that reduce the signs of aging.

The development of placental cosmetics has been going on for several decades, and there has been a constant interest in it all the time. Still would! After all, manufacturers of placenta extracts claim that the placenta, which is designed to nourish developing embryo, as an extract, it can rejuvenate and nourish aging skin. What else can intrigue women older age group, and approaching her, if not a promise anti-aging remedy restoring youthfulness to the skin?

At the same time, the main manufacturers of cosmetics promise the absence of hormones in the product with the preservation of all useful properties cosmetics. After all, it is known that hormones were contained in the first placental cosmetics. And yes - this cosmetics provided some kind of anti-aging agent, but the hormones present often caused very unpleasant side effects, for example, a violation hormonal background other. Now, placental cosmetics are declared as completely safe and approved for sale by the relevant health authorities.

Placental cosmetics composition

What exactly does placenta extract contain? The placenta contains:

  • peptides required for the production of elastin and collagen;
  • hyaluronic acid, which retains moisture in the skin;
  • glycosaminoglycans;
  • ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which reduces energy potential cells;
  • trace elements, vitamins and proteins;
  • growth factors, etc.

This rich composition filled with beneficial active substances, fully compatible with the human body, and explains the uniqueness of placental cosmetics. It is impossible to synthesize and obtain such substances from plants.

However, it is known that the molecules of many nutrients are too large to penetrate into the skin, and in fact, the skin does not nourish, unlike normal hydration.

So how does placental cosmetics work?

All the same, there is an effect from the use of this cosmetics, otherwise they would not have used it, because its price, I must say, is not one of the smallest.

I must say that the effect of placental cosmetics is not in rejuvenation as such, but in the acceleration of cell division.

The placenta contains many growth factors: the growth factor of connective tissue cells (fibroblasts), a vascular growth factor that causes increased growth capillaries, etc.

And due to various growth factors contained in placental cosmetics, there is accelerated healing skin wounds and scratches. Naturally, the skin without them looks healthier and younger.

It is on a similar principle that solcoseryl works - a medicine created on the basis of an extract from calf blood. But here the very phrase “ medicinal product»Already warns against thoughtless unrestricted use.

In the case of placental cosmetics, no restriction is warned. It is probably unprofitable to cut off receipts from cash wallets, even for a short time.

And one more nuance - how will intact skin itself react to stimulating the division of its cells as a result? After all, powerful treatment with growth factors is unsafe and the end of patience comes not only in humans ...

With each such stimulation, the likelihood of tumor cell degeneration can also increase. This can happen due to a violation of the protective cellular mechanisms that prevent cell degeneration, due to the constant forced division.

Where does the material for placental cosmetics come from?

Material is taken for the production of this type of cosmetics after giving birth to one of four mammals: humans, sheep, pigs and cows.

At the same time, manufacturers of this type of cosmetics consider these products to be within the bounds of morality. In fact, the placenta is an organ that has already been used up, and its use does not harm anyone.

Entrepreneurs conclude contracts with maternity hospitals, according to which all children's places (placenta) are transferred to their disposal.

But aren't the same contracts concluded with abortion clinics? Manufacturers claim that this is not the case, because the placenta obtained after the birth of a child is ten times larger than the post-abortion placenta. And, they say, the use of abortive material is simply not profitable. But why is it not profitable, because we have already become more or less literate in economic terms, and we know that for less goods and less money we pay less. So the possibility of an abortive origin of the placenta should not be ruled out.

In Europe, the production of cosmetics for humans based on the human placenta is officially prohibited. But, for a long time, so many ways have been found to circumvent the official prohibitions, such as changing the prescription or the name of the drug.

After all, quite officially, the afterbirth of a person is used in the production of cosmetics, as well as medicines for pets, as well as in the production of feed for them and for plants ...

And in Russian legislation there is no such prohibition. Only on the description of cosmetics, if it uses a human placenta, the word "allogeneic" should be indicated.

And then another delicate moment arises - the women themselves do not think about the fact that their placenta is then used, and they may even get a cream or shampoo with their own ingredients in the store in the store ...

Placental cosmetics safety

We have already mentioned that the manufacturers assure that there are no hormones in this cosmetics.

But there is still a certain share of the risk of contracting the viruses of syphilis, hepatitis or AIDS, as well as some animal diseases.

Let's just say the placenta of cows in recent times used very rarely in the manufacture of placental cosmetics. What do you think, because of what? Well, of course, because of mad cow disease!

It is also dangerous to use a pork placenta, despite the fact that in composition it is very similar to a human, since a pig is sick with almost all diseases that a person can.

Of course, raw materials undergo a multi-stage check at every stage of product development. The placenta itself undergoes many tests. However, many specialists have strong doubts about the possibility 100% cleaning of this body. By the way, one of the functions of the placenta is filtration, that is, the retention of unwanted substances that settle on it.

Thus, it becomes clear that placental cosmetics is highly ambiguous both with legal and ethical side... It is not the safest and even the most effective, despite the fact that it is widely promoted as "the best" and is really popular.

But also negative reviews from people who have used placental cosmetics for some time, there is also enough. Especially its owners do not advise very much sensitive skin, complaining that there is a visible effect at first, but then - some problems.

Also, many cosmetologists do not recommend using placental cosmetics, moreover, they are divided into two categories. The former do not recommend placental cosmetics because, due to the fact that it suppresses the skin's own functions, and in the long term it will certainly bring harm.

And the latter do not recommend placental cosmetics because most of them consider it to be just an advertising move, rather than the truth, and the placenta is actually used only in very expensive cosmetics. And everything else, even if it says “placental”, is mostly empty.

And even if they often write about placental cosmetics that it is effective and gives results quickly. After all, this should be alarming. For an old proverb says: "The quieter you go, the further you will be ..."

But this is not what I am leading to to remember ancient custom many peoples, when the placenta was either eaten or buried in the ground and a tree was planted in that place ...

It is simply possible, summing up, to say that the effect of placental cosmetics is far from being as great as the manufacturers claim. But unpleasant consequences remain possible. Therefore, everyone chooses for himself - quick result and at the same time risk, or systematic, high-quality and safe care.