How to look 5 years younger at home. One of the cases confirming the above information. Hair volume and shine

Tip # 1 In the morning, on an empty stomach, eat 1 tablespoon of flaxseed.

Chew thoroughly with a glass of warm water. You can eat after 30 minutes. What effect does it have? It perfectly cleanses the body. The skin will be smoother and fresher. In addition, it will lead to a small, but healthy weight loss... Flaxseed also strengthens hair and nails. Please note that flaxseed should not be consumed if there are stones in the body.

Council number 2 Eat boiled beets every day.

For breakfast or dinner, whichever is convenient. Beetroot is a unique blood purifier. And the health of blood is important indicator beautiful appearance... This remedy also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and the work of internal organs.

Tip # 3 Every day, an hour before bedtime, apply a mixture of glycerin and vitamin E to your face.

The mixture is very simple to prepare: for 30 grams of glycerin, take 10 capsules of vitamin E. Pierce the capsules with a needle and squeeze the oil into a bottle. All of these can be purchased at the pharmacy at a low cost. Before applying the product, you need to cleanse the skin of the face and do a light massage with a soft brush so that the surface turns slightly red. In this state, cells absorb as much as possible nutrients... There is one drawback - the skin becomes a little clammy while the glycerin is absorbed. To soften discomfort, use a refreshing tonic. Every morning you will observe a grateful reaction of the skin to such nutrition. Wrinkles will be smoothed out, and the color will be evened out. Highly effective remedy from wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. Try it and see for yourself.

Tip # 4 Eat 50 grams of nuts every day.

Anyone you like. Hair and nails will tell you Thank you very much after 2 weeks.

Tip # 5 Once every three days, we make a hair mask from dry mustard powder, diluted to the consistency of porridge with the addition of vegetable oil(better than burdock or from wheat germ).

We apply on wet hair, keep for 20-30 minutes, wash off. After a month of regular use, you simply will not recognize your old hair in a luxurious wave.

Tip # 6 Get yourself some sleep socks.

From natural fiber... Cotton or wool. Depending on the season. Before going to bed, after a shower, we lubricate our feet abundantly. butter with the addition of a few drops peppermint oil... Then we put on socks and go to bed like this. In a month, your legs will become the subject of envy and admiration. This procedure, completed a month before beach season, will serve you well. You will be able to show off your bare feet with pride.

Tip # 7 Now let's take care of the eyelashes.

You will need an empty tube of mascara. Wash it thoroughly inside with my own soapy brush. We dry it. We drip inside the wheat germ oil. Everything! Ready home remedy to strengthen and grow your dye-tired eyelashes. Before going to bed, apply oil along the entire length. With a brush, it is very convenient to do it. Do not apply too much. It is enough to lubricate the hairs quite a bit. After a month, you will see that the eyelashes have become thicker, grown and clearly invigorated.

Council number 8 Take care of the skin of the body.

We take one glass sea ​​salt(although the usual, cooked, with iodine, is also suitable), add one glass fat sour cream... After bathing, putting on a washcloth mitten, carefully massage the whole body, including the neck, with the resulting porridge, then rinse warm water... We are not lazy and do it after every bath. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. Salt removes keratinized particles from the surface and disinfects. If there is small pimples, they will soon be a thing of the past. Sour cream softens the effect of salt, preventing it from scratching delicate skin and also nourishes cells. Regular use will give wonderful results.

Council number 9 Once again about the skin. Get yourself a treasure like amaranth oil.

The main ingredient in this product is squalene. And he, in turn, is one of the main components of our skin. The oil is absorbed by almost 100% and is unrivaled in the fight against wrinkles, scars, burns, stretch marks and other skin troubles! It is possible and necessary to use amaranth oil daily, lubricating both the body and the face. This will save you from a lot of problems. The only drawback of the oil is its price. However, if desired, amaranth oil can be easily made at home.

Tip # 10 Prepare special water to rinse your hair after washing.

Just add a few drops of menthol oil to it (for 1 liter - 5 drops) and rinse your curls after each wash. This will give incredible freshness to the scalp and lightness. This remedy even makes it easier headache... Effectively fights dandruff. It helps with excessive fat content hair.

A new study from Vanderbilde University has shown that women's hormonal cycles can not only make women more addicted to drugs, but also increase the effects of triggers that lead to relapses. The results obtained are especially important against the background of the fact that almost never were published scientific work demonstrating the relationship between these cycles and addiction.

Erin Calipari, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Center for Drug Addiction Research. Vanderbilde notes that women are the most vulnerable group of the population, as they have more high level dependence on drugs... However, research related to drug addiction has mainly focused on studying the mechanisms that take place in male body... Her research found that when hormone levels associated with fertility are high, women learn faster and become more inclined to seek rewards.

“For women who start taking drugs, the process of addiction can follow a completely different scenario than for men. This is very important to know, because this is the first step in development. effective methods treatment, ”said Calipari.

The next step, she says, will be to determine exactly how hormonal shifts affect a woman's brain. Final stage is associated with the development of drugs that could help overcome these changes. However, treatment centers may already use the information provided in this study to help women fight relapse.

Scientists have avoided the use of female animals from the very beginning. medical research so they didn't have to consider the effects of hormonal cycles. As a result, drug development often focuses on correcting dysfunction in men, which may explain why women are often unresponsive to available drugs or treatments, Calipari notes.

Her work was recently published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology. An experiment was conducted in it with the participation of male and female rats. As a result, scientists have found that females are more addicted to drugs than males.

“There are epidemiological data that indicate that women are more vulnerable, but it is not clear what factors influence this. However, thanks to such research, we are beginning to isolate environment and physiological reasons"- added Calipari.

An experiment in mice showed that fatty acid propionate helps protect against the effects of high blood pressure, including atherosclerosis and cardiac tissue remodeling. Gut bacteria produce a substance that calms down the blood pressure-raising immune cells from natural dietary fiber.

“You are what you eat,” says one proverb. However, in to a large extent our well-being also depends on what the bacteria guests consume in our digestive tract... The fact is that the intestinal flora helps the human body recycle food and produce beneficial trace minerals, including vitamins.

Good gut microbes are able to make metabolites from dietary fiber, including a fatty acid called propionate. This substance protects against harmful consequences high blood pressure. A Berlin research team from the Center for Experimental and Clinical Research (ECRC) has shown why this is happening. Their research was published in the journal Circulation.

The researchers gave propionate to mice with high blood pressure. Thereafter, the animals showed less pronounced damage to the heart or abnormal enlargement of the organ, which made them less susceptible to cardiac arrhythmias. Vascular damage known as atherosclerosis has also decreased. “Propionate allows you to fight a number of cardiovascular disorders caused by high blood pressure... This could be a promising treatment option, especially for patients who have too little of this fatty acid, ”says research team leader Professor Dominik N. Müller.

Bypassing the immune system

“Our research has shown that this substance passes through immune system and thus directly affects the heart and blood vessels. In particular, T-helper cells have calmed down, which enhance inflammatory processes and help to increase blood pressure"Noted Dr. Nicola Wilk and Hendrik Bartholomeus of the ECRC.

This has a direct effect on, for example, functionality hearts. Research group caused cardiac arrhythmias in 70% of untreated mice using targeted electrical impulses... However, only one-fifth of the rodents given the fatty acid experienced an irregular heartbeat. Further studies using ultrasound, tissue sections and single-cell analyzes have shown that propionate also reduces blood pressure-related damage of cardio-vascular system animals, significantly increasing their survival rate.

But when researchers deactivated a specific subtype of T cells in mice known as regulatory T cells, positive effects propionate disappeared. Therefore, immune cells are indispensable for the beneficial effects of the substance on the body. A research team led by Johannes Stegbauer, associate professor at the University Hospital Düsseldorf, confirmed the team's findings.

Short-chain fatty acid as a therapeutic option

The results explain why a diet rich in fiber and recommended by many nutritional organizations can help prevent cardiovascular diseases... Whole grains and fruits, for example, contain cellulose and inulin fibers, from which gut bacteria produce useful molecules such as propionate and a short-chain fatty acid, whose backbone is only three carbon atoms.

How to look younger? This question is often asked even by girls who have barely crossed the 25-year-old milestone. However, the women's club "Over 30" does not agree too much with this wording. How become younger, be, not disguise- this is our topic! Do you think this is impossible? Don't listen to anyone, just try it!

We correctly pose the question: not how to look younger, but how to become younger!

What can this experiment give you? For at least a dozen years, filled with youth, energy and joy of being. After all, a woman who seems what she starts inevitably grow old, can feel completely worthless and generally feel the complete meaninglessness of existence. Do we need it?

It means this: we stop all sorts of throwing - how to look younger and try to realize: old age is not on the skin, it is in our thoughts.

We must try to drive her out of there! And it is not even necessary to inspire yourself: they say, I am young, terribly beautiful and everything is crazy about me. After all, if in fact you do not feel it, such self-deception is fraught with constant psychological discomfort. So it’s not far from depression.

No, we will go the other way.

Let's stop painfully thinking about how to look younger than our years, but simply let's start acting, so much so that as a result age-related changes will recede with shame.

Of course, we set ourselves a difficult task and raise the bar high. The most scrupulous point here is that the implementation of global plans is often postponed due to seeming difficulty.

Therefore - attention! - having in front of you general clear plan of action, you need to start taking anything... And everything else will catch up. In our opinion, the most significant variables in our equation are physical activity and food.

Girls, go ahead!


  • Which direction is the easiest to take the first step? We answer: to the stadium, to the park, to the seashore, to sport Club ... Do not think, do not be tormented, do not delay... Do not wait for a friend to join you or the recruitment of the desired fitness group begins. Let for a start it will be just walking... Half an hour, 40 minutes, an hour - as allowed physical form and place of residence. The only requirement is that the step must be active enough, not walking. Very soon, you will not only understand how to look younger than your age, but you will also feel the proud joy of your first achievements.
  • It would be very useful to mention here that all the components of our youth program closely "cooperate" with each other. And if available to you sports activities on fresh air , then in parallel and unobtrusively you can perform one more extremely important point - saturation of the skin and the body as a whole with oxygen... Such natural treatments, believe me, they are very effective. Those who have tried it at least once will be able to confirm: you leave the house for a run as a 40-year-old woman, and come back with a ready answer to the question of how to look 10 years younger. The skin is fresher, and, girls, the eyes! No drops and lotions (although sometimes nowhere without them) will do this clear sight ! And he, as you know, is almost the first indicator of age.
  • By the way, physical activity, being regular, has a happy property become a need- the same as looking younger. It is already difficult, for example, not to go jogging after three to four weeks of classes - the day feels uncomfortable, as if not lived to the end. You yourself may not notice how you want to switch from a quick step to running, and then add workouts in a fitness club or at home, under the guidance of a virtual instructor.

Gymnastics for the face

Lots of facial muscles are idle day after day! If we were so negligent about our legs or arms, we would have long ago lost the ability to move. Exercise your face the site insists! Not only do the trained muscles keep the contour much more confidently, but the skin also freshens and softens, as it is saturated with oxygen.

One of the most popular face gymnastics - according to the system - takes just over 10 minutes! And during this time the problem of "how to look 10 years younger!"

Well, what excuses can there be ?!


  • Key point: not worth it sharp change your eating habits. There will be no benefit and even less joy from this. If a good chop can make you happy, you shouldn't jump straight into vegetarianism. Separate food in your case - probably perfect option: and the wolves (i.e. you) are fed, and the sheep (your health) are safe.
  • Beware of the common mistake: since I spend calories in training, then I can eat everything! This option will not work. We will not delve into the common truths about proper nutrition, we will only recall the names of the main enemies. They are the ones who often put an end to our experiences of how to look younger. Attention: set "goodbye waist!"fatty, sweet, fast food and white flour products. These are real saboteurs. Adding you a kilogram and a half in a couple of days is a trifling matter for them!
  • Salt- here's another insidious delicacy. Delicacy because many women respect salty very much. You need to be careful with this, because excess salt can provoke edema, retaining fluid in the body.
  • However, you need to drink more - just water... After all, we want to be ripe, poured grapes, not shriveled raisins, constantly preoccupied with how to look younger after 40 ...
  • In general, with fruits, berries and vegetables let's be friends. They, among other things, can be the basis of very effective fasting days - an outstanding invention that makes it possible, without special sacrifices, to make life easier for our body and at the same time to clean it. After all, young can only be a body free from all "trash".

Cleansing the body

All systems of our body need a "cleaning", sometimes a general one. But the condition of the skin is primarily affected by order in the intestines and liver.

There are many cleaning methods. However, such a serious matter must be approached with all responsibility. Undoubtedly, this will help both to look younger at 50 and at an older age. However, it is best to start with sparing options. So, the people have proven themselves well:

  • for the intestinesfruit and vegetable fasting days. Or wonderful salad, which will perfectly cleanse your intestines in a month and a half: raw cabbage, grate carrots and beets, mix in a ratio of 3: 1: 1 and eat in the morning - without oil and salt! True, you always need to consider how your stomach perceives raw vegetables;
  • for the liverresorption of vegetable oil. Oil (tablespoon) on an empty stomach is absorbed under the tongue, like candy, within 10-15 minutes. During this time, it absorbs a huge amount of toxins, so you cannot swallow it! When the oil has turned white, you can spit it out by rinsing your mouth thoroughly after that. Such a simple manipulation helps to quickly get rid of, for example, colds or skin rashes. Here, however, there is also a caveat: there is an opinion that stomach diseases are a contraindication for this method of cleansing. So, be careful not to harm your health by worrying about looking younger.

Skin care

Any of the components of our program, even taken separately, will significantly improve the condition of the skin. Together they, despite the simplicity and elementary nature of the recommendations, often give a completely stunning effect.

Usage cosmetics there should only be addition to this natural rejuvenation... Otherwise, rub in, do not rub in different smears, try, do not try to somehow look younger after 40, the result will be very short-lived.

The main emphasis should be on, again, on cleansing, gentle peeling that removes dead cells... Without it, nutrition and hydration are practically useless.

Style and makeup

You can also read more details about what the person helping, how to look younger, should be on the site.

And yet this is the finishing touch, since both clothing and decorative cosmetics must confirm your new attitude... We have absolutely no doubt that it will change. You can't grow dark, grumble and sulk, getting younger day by day!

Do not drive yourself into frames: a skirt above the knee is taboo, bright colors- you can't ... If you are comfortable in a new image, if you are in it beautiful- please! Just let your inner censor not slumber, preventing a young woman from turning into a young woman.

Surely it couldn't be better when there is a worthwhile incentive for the initial push... But you won't be able to find it - an effort of will will do too.

The opportunity to become younger is available to everyone, believe it and return to your true age, certainly not corresponding to the numbers in the paper documents! Remove how to look younger from the agenda. Check for yourself - this is incredibly exciting and absolutely real!

Over 30 - a club for women over 30.

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Useful Tips

According to research from the University of Southern Denmark in Odense, people who look young live longer. Below we present you with a four-week plan to help you rewind a few years ago, regardless of age, and look younger.

Doing the following involves introducing new activities each week while continuing to do what you did the previous week.

Week 1: Renew your body and mind

An important step - beauty sleep

When you fall asleep, your skin goes into recovery mode. Blood flow increases, and with it the supply of oxygen to the skin, amino acids are also included in the work, which produce collagen, which fights the formation of wrinkles. But you can only reap these wonderful benefits if you get enough sleep (about 8 hours).

Fortunately, it doesn't take a lot of effort to get quality sleep. Avoid watching the news before bed and reading detective stories, horror, or science fiction. Violent themes can make you sleepy, as can an evening glass of wine. Because of alcohol, you may fall asleep faster, but you will constantly wake up, and the sleep will not be of good quality.

How to become prettier

Daily exercise

Thanks to physical activity, you enrich your body with oxygen, which circulates more actively in all organs and tissues, releasing endorphins and fighting stress. It is extremely beneficial for skin, heart, lungs, muscles and mood.

Lower body workouts are best for improving blood flow because then the largest muscles work. Great choices are stair climbing, elliptical trainer, cycling, squats, lunges, and more.

Exercise improves the drainage of fluid on the face. The bags under the eyes will be significantly smaller if you just work out for 20 minutes. But be sure to finish your workout a few hours before bed, because the hormones activated after the workout will prevent you from falling asleep.


Reason # 267 for quitting sugar: Studies have shown that sugar binds to collagen fibers and they stop working, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles.

Skin rejuvenation

Week 2: Focus on the basics

Swap out the soap for a milder, gentle soap

Regardless of your skin type and age, it is very important to rinse off all makeup and dirt from your face in front of your face. If you don't sweat at night, you may not need to wash your face in the morning. To receive you need to best result, get rid of the soap, because it contains surfactants that can cause dryness and wrinkles.

Sunscreens for skin

Protect your skin

We know you hear this all the time, but let's say it again: use enough broad-spectrum sunscreen. Do this absolutely every day. Exists a large number of evidence as to why this should be done.

The sun is responsible in 90 percent of cases for premature aging skin. A very small percentage of the world's people wear sunscreen every day of the year. Make it a daily habit to apply sunscreen to your face and neck every morning. Do this even if it is cloudy and rainy outside and choose best product exactly for your skin type.

Sunscreens containing titanium dioxide and zinc oxide blockers effectively protect against a wide range of harmful rays, but such creams, especially on dark skin hard to wear.

Therefore, it is better to use such funds for the body, and for the face, look for those that include mexoryl or avobenzone. They also protect from the sun, but they are lightweight and quickly absorbed into the skin.


Always choose a sunscreen with a moisturizing function. Look for anti-heroids, such as peptides, which help in the production of collagen, in the cream.

Week 3: Healthy & Younger Skin

Help your cells

Already by the middle of the third decade, the rate of cell renewal noticeably decreases, this happens approximately once every 21-30 days, and by the age of 40 - once every 40 days. To look bright, remove dead cells yourself. Scrubs are ideal for this.

Retinoids, a version of vitamin A, accelerate cellular renewal, increase collagen production and reduce wrinkles. Retinol, a cousin of retinoids, is also an active fighter against wrinkles and acne. But it's worth noting that both products can cause redness and flaking of the skin.

However, do not overdo it with the scrub, one small pea is enough for the entire face and neck.

Healthy skin

Don't forget about hydration

Since you are deleting upper layer dead cells, your skin needs extra hydration both day and night. Daily use of a moisturizer helps prevent and soothe irritation and moisturize the skin. Experts recommend choosing creams with glycerin and hyaluronic acid.

If your skin is prone to acne, try an oil-free gel or lotion formula that moisturizes your skin without clogging your pores. And don't forget to moisturize in the summer. High humidity makes the skin sluggish, while intense heat and sun dry it out.

If you neglect your skin care in the summer, then at least pay attention to it at the end of the season after aggressive sun exposure.


It is not for nothing that face care serums are so common today, they contain a high level of active ingredients, and due to their light consistency, they can penetrate deeper into the skin. Look for anti-aging products, which contain peptides that restore cell growth and niacinamide (vitamin B) that restore pigmentation.

How to get younger and healthier

Week 4: The importance of antioxidants

Prevent sun damage

After the lapse of three weeks, your skin has already recovered a little, now is the time to add antioxidants. Why isn't sunscreen enough? Antioxidants form protective layer on the skin, which saves from impurities and free radicals that cause significant damage to the skin over time.

When we leave home, we lock the door to protect our home from thieves, and sunscreen works in a similar way. But sometimes, even when the door is locked, thieves can still enter the house.

The benefits of antioxidants

SPF protection is not a 100% guarantee, because often UV rays slip, which causes the appearance of spots and wrinkles. Think of antioxidants in this context as your second layer of defense after sunscreen.

The key carriers of antioxidants are vitamins C and E, green tea, coenzyme Q10 (its synthetic version is idebenone), pomegranate, resveratrol (found in red wine). When it comes to cosmetics, antioxidants can be found in a variety of serums that don't weigh down your skin or ruin your makeup.

Apply this serum before applying a moisturizer and sunscreen... It is important not to rely solely on foods as a source of antioxidants; only in combination with the appropriate products will you get the desired result.


The eye area is the first to show signs of aging (dark circles, crow's feet drooping eyelids, etc.). Use camouflage eyeshadows, eyeliners, and concealers. They are the main assistants in these matters.

beauty of the soul

In addition to the physical aspect of your appearance, you also need to take care of your inner beauty by doing the appropriate work.

1) seek wisdom

People who cultivate inner wisdom and live their lives following the principles of wisdom radiate beauty and blessings into the world. Wisdom is a state that can never be fully achieved, it is a process of growth, since there is always something to learn.

- meditate and consider your actions. Surprisingly, a person can learn a lot if he spends time thinking, meditating, writing in personal diary, or just to admire wonderful views in the park.

- read the works of wise people. You can learn a lot from novelists, poets, and historians. Reading is the path to knowledge and turning your ideas into real perspectives.

- listen to the ideas of people whom you sincerely respect. People who work in a field similar to you who have managed to build long term relationship v different areas or simply those who have sufficient life experience can help you understand various aspects of daily life.

- enrich your cultural world. Watch foreign films while studying new language, visit museums, fill yourself with culture to understand how big the world is and become wiser.

Beautiful soul

2) be generous

You don't need to be rich to develop generosity. Give something to charity regularly, even if you can't give a lot.

- if you cannot help with money, donate your time.

- Holidays are a great time to feel the spirit of generosity. Visit an elderly neighbor or distant relative, buy a present for someone less fortunate than you, or join someone in preparing a festive dinner.

3) Seek Spiritual Truth

Maybe you are a follower of some religion, or maybe you do not believe in any particular deity, but find great spiritual satisfaction in creating something or spending time in nature. Your spiritual development will stop if you put too much emphasis on rules and dogmas, or if you seek truth in science rather than spiritual things.

Find a way to see yourself as part of something bigger so you can become more compassionate towards others.

- a trip to new places and amazing views will help you with this.

Spiritual man

4) Let go of bad feelings

What you feel is very important because it shows what you like and what you don't. But everyone knows that if you hold on for a long time negative feelings, they will poison your soul.

- control your emotions. If you are angry with someone, don't let that feeling turn into bitterness or resentment. Go out into the field to yell, call a friend to talk, go for a walk, or take a kickboxing lesson to resolve the issue. Then you will be able to forgive, become better, and be able to do right choice next time.

We often feel much younger than we look.

We cannot stop time, but it is in our power to bring it into harmony internal state and appearance.

We have collected 13 tricks with which you can remember your age only if you look in your passport, and not in the mirror.


Adds age: Dramatic, clearly traced, graphic brows with a break.

Makes you younger: It is not for nothing that the fashion for thick and natural eyebrows, because they are the ones that are subconsciously associated with youth.

  • Choose your eyebrow color in tone or semitone darker your his natural shade hair.
  • It is better to give preference not to pencils, but to use special eyebrow shadow... The lines will be soft and smooth, while the graphics will add age.

Creamy textures in makeup

Adds age: Powdery textures mature skin contraindicated. There is a risk of turning your face into a mask and emphasizing even the most invisible wrinkles.

Makes you younger: Prefer creamy textures(blush, eyeshadow, highlighter, etc.).

Light tonal textures

Adds age: Thick layer foundation with a dense texture is hammered into fine wrinkles making them visible.

Makes you younger: A light liquid foundation that contains reflective particles. They scatter light and make the skin glow from the inside out, allowing you to look younger and fresher.


Adds age: Dark shades blush on the cheekbones. Pronounced cheekbones make the face not only more sophisticated, but also add age as well as a pale chalky complexion without blush.

Makes you younger: Light shining blush... Choose a refreshing shade of blush like pink or peach (depending on your color type). Apply blush to the apples of your cheeks.

Brown pencil instead of black

Adds age: Black eyeliner, made along the entire contour of the eye. This makes the eyes visually less, redness of the eyes - more noticeable, and as a result, the look is tired.

Makes you younger: Replace the black pencil with brown or dark blue... These colors will brighten the eyes and hide the signs. age-related changes- yellowish tinge of proteins and tarnishing.

Maximum lengthening and supervolume of eyelashes

Adds age: Unpainted eyelashes, even with full make-up.

Makes you younger: Use an eyelash curler and mascara to create volume. Eyes wide open able to "erase" ten years from your face.

Hair volume and shine

Adds age: Hairstyles without volume dull hair.

Makes you younger: Build volume with mousse or foam, finish styling with hair oil: apply a small amount of in the palm of your hand, run your fingers through your hair from mid-length, Special attention tips. Optimal length hair - no shorter than up to the chin, and not below the shoulders.

Highlight areas of the face

Adds age: Dark spots, bruises under the eyes and others dark areas on the face.

Makes you younger: Disguise dark circles under the eyes is not enough. Apply concealer(one tone lighter than the main tone of the face) on the inner and outer corners eyes, to the corners of the lips, to the outside of the nostrils (where the nasolabial folds begin) and the chin.

Light shadows on the moving eyelid

Adds age: Dropped upper eyelid creates the effect of constantly tired eyes.

Makes you younger: Use a lighter shade near the lash line and a deeper shade in the arc where the lid drops. Light shade will make the eyelid more visible, and more dark will hide the overhanging top.

Lipstick with a wet lip effect

Adds age: Matte lipsticks deprive, create the effect of dry skin and accentuate wrinkles, which visually adds age.

Makes you younger: Reflective particles scatter light and visually soften wrinkles. In addition, lipstick with an effect wet lips will give your lips additional volume.