Do they wash the fur? Learn how to wash a fur collar from a down jacket: white and colored. Technology and special tools

Any fur product gets dirty sooner or later. If this happened “early”, then, most likely, the fur was improperly cared for, stored in inappropriate conditions. As a result, it may lose its luster, the downs will become clogged with dust and dirt, and clothes will appear bad smell. It will not be possible to remove all this with ordinary cleaning. Heavy artillery is used - dry cleaning. But how to wash natural fur if the services of specialists are not available for one reason or another?

Natural fur is forbidden to wash! More precisely, it is not recommended to soak them in water, as this can lead to the most undesirable consequences: will sit down, come out, shed, discolor, glued areas will scatter. How to be? You can take a chance, or you can wash it with gentle methods - the so-called "dry" wash. In part, they are similar to how to wash a natural fur coat, but there are differences, for example, when to wash little thing collar type.

Dry wash

Shake the fur well. Knock out all the dust and small impurities from it. After that, vacuum by putting on the vacuum cleaner attachment for upholstered furniture. Perhaps this will be enough to clean the fur product. Not? Then let's move on to the next step.

You can wash the fur at home using clean warm water and a suede brush. Dampen the brush and go through the clothes in the direction of the nap. It is not necessary to wet strongly. After that, comb the product, not plunging the comb too much, so as not to tear out the fluff. Next, the fur thing must be allowed to dry, and combed again. Usually, ordinary pollution from dust in this way is easily removed, and further washing is no longer required.

By the way, if fresh snow fell on the street, then you can use it instead of water. So the fur will absorb less moisture and reduce the risk that it is deformed.

Folk methods

In order not to spoil fur thing, the people came up with a replacement for water. Can be washed instead natural fur in rye or oat flour, in potato starch, in wheat bran, in sawdust and in many other “detergents”. Each of these methods has its own characteristics:

  • rye or oat flour poured into a bowl, a basin, natural fur is lowered there and rolled abundantly, “erasing”. After that, you need to shake out the remaining flour, vacuum it if necessary, and then hang it in a well-ventilated place out of the sun. Comb at the end.
  • Sprinkle the fur with potato starch. Mix a little shampoo in warm water (you can take pet shampoo), draw the resulting solution into a spray bottle and spray it over the starch so that it takes on a pasty look. The "dough" is smeared and left to dry. Then remove everything with a brush, comb and leave to dry.
  • If you are thinking about how to wash white fur, then you can do this using 5% hydrogen peroxide. It will remove the yellowness and return the shine. Soak a cotton swab in peroxide and walk in the direction of the pile, if the pile is short, then against. You can also wind cotton wool around the teeth of the comb, soak it in peroxide and walk through the product.
  • Wheat bran is mixed with a small amount of gasoline and placed in a bowl, basin. The fur is erased by weight: in one hand, the thing to be washed, with the other, you pick up the “detergent” and rub it gently into the pile. Then comb and hang in a ventilated place.
  • Wood sawdust of hardwood species. They are treated in the same way as with wheat bran. Only you need to choose clean sawdust, and in no case coniferous trees.
  • Hot sand. The sand is hot in the oven. Natural fur is laid out on a flat surface, sand is poured on top and rubbed over the product. If not washed, then the dirty sand is replaced by clean, the procedure is repeated.

How to wash in water

If the described methods do not help clean the clothes, and you can’t get into the dry cleaners, then you can take a chance and wash it in water. It should be understood that the answer to the question “can the fur be washed?” unequivocal - "no". Therefore, any independent attempts are big risk. You can, of course, see a lot of phrases on the Internet “And I washed (a), and everything is fine”, but this is not a guarantee that you will have the same. Natural fur can be deformed, stretched, sit down, in other words, deteriorate or lose its original view. If you are ready to take a chance, then consider the most gentle way of how to wash natural fur.

First, check that your fur product can withstand washing. To do this, prepare a solution of 50 ml of water, 1 drop of shampoo and 2 drops of ammonia. Apply it on the fur in an inconspicuous area, pull the fur in different sides, and if the deformation of the mezra is not observed, it does not tear, then perhaps your clothes will endure washing, at least they will not fall apart.

Needs to be washed by hand. Of course, you can wash the fur in a typewriter, but only to make sure how much it will deteriorate. Mechanical washing is strictly contraindicated. It's not even considered.

  1. Start washing in water only after dry cleaning has already been completed, i.e. dust and small dirt are knocked out. Otherwise, the water will only clog them even more into the downs, cementing them, so to speak.
  2. Take a detergent special for fur. If this is not available, then a regular shampoo or animal wash will do.
  3. The water temperature is up to 40 degrees. It should be enough so that the fur product is completely submerged.
  4. Soak natural fur for 15-20 minutes. Rub, knead, press it is not necessary, otherwise spoil the pile. If there is old spots dirt, you can rub them with a soft brush.
  5. Drain soapy water, dial a clean one. Rinse thoroughly several times. It is necessary to wash out all the soap solution.
  6. Don't twist. It is enough to iron it with the palm of your hand in the direction of the pile, expelling the water. Next, hold on weight so that the liquid is glass.
  7. If you wash a large fur product, for example, a fur coat, then it will take a long time to keep it until it drains. Put a chair with a back in the bathroom and hang it on it for at least 6 hours.
  8. A small fur item, such as a collar, can be wrapped in terry towel to absorb excess moisture.
  9. The dried fur is combed with a wooden comb, as far as possible. Then it is hung out to dry in a ventilated place. Not under the heater, not under the sun.
  10. Once dry, brush again.

On this question, how to wash natural fur can be considered resolved. If the fur has remained unchanged, then you are very lucky. Well, if it has deteriorated, then do not be sad, there are many decisions on what to do with it: perish, donate (if sat down), use it under the rug.

Unfortunately, for almost all fur products, ordinary washing is contraindicated.. That's why expensive fur coats(about) and it is preferable to dry-clean the coat. However, there are many tips and tricks that suggest how to wash fur at home.

Natural fur coats and short fur coats should not be completely soaked in water. For such products, it is advisable to use "dry washing", or rather cleaning. As for fur collars and cuffs, if possible, they are unbuttoned or steamed before washing.

Hare and rabbit fur, for example, are cleaned with rye or oatmeal

To do this, fur or a fur product is placed in a large (dry) basin and “washed” in flour with your hands. After cleaning from the fur, thoroughly shake out the flour and ventilate well.

Effective folk remedy for cleaning natural fur - sawdust from hardwood. Coniferous trees contain resin, so coniferous sawdust is not used. For "washing" they choose clean sawdust, moisten them in gasoline ( good quality) and placed in an enamel basin. The fur is carefully (so as not to tear) manually processed over the pelvis. Heavily polluted and problem areas can be re-processed. After cleaning, the fur is well shaken out and combed (except for astrakhan fur) in order to finally get rid of sawdust. Similarly, they clean with wheat bran.

Another well-known folk method: how to wash fur at home using potato starch. The fur is laid out in a large basin or bath and abundantly covered with starch. Then added to baby shampoo warm water and using a spray bottle, spray the solution over the starch until a pasty mass is obtained. Then evenly distribute the "dough" over the fur and leave to dry completely. Brush, dry and then comb. To remove yellowness white fur, you need to take a 5% solution of hydrogen peroxide and carefully moisten the yellowed places or villi several times.

For cleaning greasy spots use a solution prepared from ammonia(1 tsp) and diluted in 0.5 liters of water table salt(3 tablespoons). Contaminated areas are wiped with a cotton swab or foam rubber moistened with a solution. fluffy fur processed in the direction of the pile, short - against the pile.

Mole, otter, nutria and beaver furs are cleaned with hot sand

To do this, fur products are laid out using a flat surface and sprinkled with clean, well-heated sand. Hands carefully rub the fur, if necessary, dirty sand is replaced with a new one.

Arctic fox, fox and silver fox fur can also be cleaned at home

In order not to spoil and properly clean such fur, you can use a comb with blunt sparse teeth. It is necessary to wrap thin layers of cotton wool soaked in a detergent or alcohol solution around the teeth of the comb and comb the fur in the direction of the pile until the dirt disappears completely.

Also, be extremely careful when cleaning faux fur.

To clean grease stains, you can use starch diluted in gasoline. As for astrakhan, such cleaning is unacceptable. But it is quite possible to wash artificial astrakhan with a detergent for woolen and synthetic materials.

Another way to refresh and clean the fur involves the use of detergents.(respectively for wool, silk, synthetics). Detergent (2 tablespoons) is diluted in a liter of warm water and shaken until abundant foam is formed. A stiff brush is moistened with foam and the fur is gently rubbed over the pile several times. Dry the fur in a ventilated area, away from direct heat sources. After complete drying, the fur is combed with a comb with sparse blunt teeth.

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There is a lot of information on the Internet on how to wash a fur coat at home. People do wash fur products, but the result in most cases is deplorable. The coat cannot be washed. It can be cleaned independently or in a specialized dry cleaner. This article describes how to clean the fur in a safe way. At the end of the material, we will discuss washing methods if you decide to take this step, given that the fur coat is more than a dozen years old and it is not advisable to take it to dry cleaning.

When wearing a fur coat, dust, particles of dirt, soot from cars settle on its hairs. The pile is also contaminated when it comes into contact with our skin in the area of ​​​​the wrists and especially in the collar zone, when the fur comes into contact with the skin of the face and neck, on which cosmetical tools. Gradually, the fur loses its attractiveness.

The ideal option is to dry-clean the product every 3-5 years. If this is not affordable, you can solve many issues at home:

  • Periodically change the lining as it becomes dirty, because. it spoils the mezdra, which affects appearance fur. With proper dry cleaning, the lining must be removed. You can not change, but only wash the lining, dispute it from the fur coat.
  • For cleaning fur, it is safe to use exclusively ethanol. You can use vodka, but it contains more water, so there is a risk of moistening the skin layer of the skin, which should not be allowed. Lay the fur coat on a horizontal plane or hang it on a mannequin. Apply alcohol to a white cloth, wring it out and work the fur in the direction of the pile and against it. Be careful not to dampen the skin layer. Change rags as they get dirty.
  • After cleaning the fur, comb it with a metal brush with curved edges in the direction of the pile.
  • Hang the product on a coat hanger until the fur dries.
  • After complete drying, the fur coat must again be combed in the direction of the pile, then against it and again along the pile.

Cleaning fur with gasoline, hydrogen peroxide, flour, starch and other means is risky.

How to wash a fur product?

When washing natural fur sure to fit a few sizes. The leather tissue will become rigid, deformed, and possibly will emit a characteristic crunch when compressed due to the loss of elastic properties.


If the product has already served its service life and you are ready for all the nuances, then let's talk about how to wash a fur coat in order to cause it a minimum of harm:

  • Fill the tub with warm water.
  • Dilute a mild liquid detergent in it. You can use hair shampoo.
  • Soak the coat for 15 minutes.
  • Do not rub the product, but iron it with your palm in the direction of the pile, move it in the water.
  • Lay the fur coat on the wooden grate above the bathtub to drain the water. This may take more than 2 hours. The product cannot be pressed.
  • After most of the water is glass, hang the fur coat on a coat hanger over the tub.
  • When water has stopped dripping from the fur coat and it is only slightly damp, dry it in the room.
  • Comb the product as described above.

Machine wash

If the product is long and heavy even when dry, the question arises as to whether it is possible to wash the fur coat in washing machine. Since we are talking about a thing that is no longer of particular value, then follow the following rules:

  • Choose the most gentle wash cycle.
  • Set the water temperature to 30 ºС.
  • Use liquid detergents designed for woolen products, because they provide more soft impact and rinse more efficiently.
  • Disable spin.

Dry the coat as described above.

Valuable fur coats cannot be washed in a washing machine, just like by hand. This rule also applies to products faux fur.

The fur is damaged after washing, what should I do?

Most likely, the washing of your fur coat was unsuccessful. Options for using a damaged item:

  • If the appearance remains acceptable, but the fur coat has shrunk a few sizes, give it to another person.
  • If you are engaged in needlework or sewing, then the least affected areas of the fur can be cut out and used to sew the intended product.
  • If the fur looks unpresentable, then it can be used as a bedding for pets.

Fur coats last a long time: from rabbit - 4 years, from arctic fox - 7 years, from mink - 12 years, from beaver or otter - 20 years. Since they cannot be washed, you need to use them correctly:

  • Wear a fur coat only in cold weather. Wet snow and rain spoil the fur.
  • If, nevertheless, you get caught in the rain, do not dry the product over a fire and near heating appliances, exclude a draft.
  • The fur coat cannot be ironed even from the side of the lining!
  • The fur deteriorates under the influence of direct sun rays and light. Therefore, keep the fur coat in a dark place.

In summer, it is best to store a fur coat in a special refrigerator, where it is dark, the humidity is maintained at about 60%, and the air temperature is within + 2- + 5 ° С. If this service is not available, allow enough space in your closet for the product so that it does not come into contact with other clothing. Before placing in the closet, carefully knock out the dust from the fur.

The fur coat should hang on wide shoulders, the slope of which corresponds to the angle of inclination shoulder seams. A special breathable cover is required of blue color, which will help preserve the color of the fur. There should be a gap between the cover and the shoulders of the fur coat so that the fur does not crumple.

We will not say that the most in a simple way is cleaning the fur collar in a special salon, because the pleasure is not cheap, but we will give recommendations on how to wash fur collar at home, carefully and effectively clean the fur at home. Let's share secrets and tell you how to wash fur at home, depending on the type of fur collar and color.

If we clean a down jacket with fur, then the cleaning differs depending on what color it is, natural or artificial.

If we are talking about natural fur, then it not only decorates the product, but also retains heat. The advantage of artificial is the price, and the appearance is no worse.

We clean faux fur from a down jacket

The whole washing procedure takes several stages - preparation, washing, subsequent care.

Preparation for cleaning:

  1. Washing fur at home should begin with knocking it out of dust, gently combing it. On the preparatory stage you can clean the fur with a vacuum cleaner. Look carefully at the collar, there should be a tag indicating the permissible washing mode and temperature limit. Faux fur in washing machine Wash only on the most delicate setting.
  2. You can wash the fur collar from the down jacket only with your hands, the machine is not used here. To do this, draw water into the bath, pour the right amount of powder for hand washing there, soak the product for 30-60 minutes. The main difference between an automatic powder and a hand wash powder is that the first one forms less foam than the second one. After the allotted time, gently squeeze the fur, then rinse several times, alternating cold water with warm. If you want to give the fur shine - you can drip a little table vinegar in water. After washing, hang on a hanger to dry in the usual way, outdoors or at home. Do not use heaters, batteries. After complete drying, comb gently. Delicate spin in manual mode can be done with a towel.

In order for faux fur from a jacket or any other piece of clothing to be worn for a long time, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • stains are best removed immediately;
  • it is better to store products in pure form, in a bag for clothes;
  • if the fur product is white, then you need to wash the jacket with white fur in the same way, but after cleaning, blue it a little;
  • do not wrinkle, do not fold, because it will be difficult to straighten it.

Natural fur

There comes a time when the fur gets dirty and its appearance deteriorates, you can simply wash it or make the operation more difficult. Do not be upset, because there are many ways to eliminate pollution. If the product or collar is too badly damaged by dirt, you can’t remove it on your own - you can contact the dry cleaning service and for the indicated price you will quickly and accurately eliminate the defect, then you won’t have to wash the fur from the down jacket.

Unlike artificial, it is forbidden to wash a jacket with natural fur in a typewriter.

The very first step

Trying to dry wash. To do this, carefully shake off the dust from natural fur, take a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment, then remove the surface dirt again.

If dirt remains after combing, we proceed to more strong way. Although toys or fur from the hood after such manipulations most often become clean.

Wet cleaning

Take a brush for suede shoes and water at room temperature.

Moisten the brush and wash well, and then clean the collar, fur trim, and the fur coat is subjected to the same cleaning. Repeat 2-3 times. After that, comb gently and leave to dry.

Washing in water

If none of the above methods proved to be useful, we move on to a more risky method, wet washing. Since in dry cleaning such actions are performed on special equipment we risk more.

Before washing, check if it will crawl from the powder. To do this, drip the product on a small, inconspicuous area. Or a more aggressive way - check with a drop of ammonia.

The safest will be a product for bathing animals or caring for fur or wool. It is excellent and, most importantly, will carefully eliminate excess fat.

Fur products do not tolerate hot water, avoid high temperatures in manual mode, and it is better to wash the fur collar in the washing machine only at low temperatures.

Folk remedies

"Flour" wash

Before great way washing was considered to use ordinary flour.

  • Pour flour into a large bowl.
  • Lower the collar or other fur product.
  • Carry out a delicate dry wash without adding water.
  • Thoroughly remove flour residues.
  • Vacuum.
  • Dry.
  • Comb.

Furs with a short undercoat and a long pile are the most difficult to clean from pollution. Such products require a particularly careful approach.

"Fur in the dough"

  • Take starch, preferably potato starch, sprinkle fur on it.
  • Make a warm soapy solution, pour it into a spray bottle.
  • Spray over starch.
  • Wait until the crusts in the form of dough dry out.
  • Clean with a brush.

Hot sand for a sheepskin coat

  • Take a brush, ordinary clean sand.
  • Warm up the sand.
  • Gently rub with your hands into the surface of the sheepskin coat.
  • Remove sand with a suede brush.

In the same way, you can use semolina, bran.

Bringing back the shine!

  • We take 250 ml of warm water.
  • Add 1 tbsp. vinegar.
  • Soak a soft cloth.
  • Wipe thoroughly.
  • Wipe with a dry, clean cloth to remove any residue.

Snow white method

Since for the sake of beauty it is often necessary to agree to White color, you need to know the methods of its whitening:

  • Hydrogen peroxide and water in equal proportions. Spray, after drying, gently walk with a dry and clean cloth to remove residues.
  • Mix with water 3 tsp. soda and 1 tsp. alcohol. Wet the suede brush and go over the product.

Cleaning the fur of different animals

In addition to color, washing depends directly on "what animal" you are going to clean.

Fox fur, chinchilla

by the most effective method considered refined gasoline. To do this, moisten the sponge, gently rinse in the direction of the pile. After you can sprinkle with starch, use a vacuum cleaner to remove the residue. To weather the smell, you need a story for drying in the open air.

After any kind of cleaning, the fur collar will not be out of place to comb it to give it a fresher and neater look.

Mink fur

Provides for dry washing with raw semolina heated in the oven, potato starch or wet wash(using vinegar or water).

Mink is the most favorite fur of moths

Care features are simple and affordable. After all, if you want a collar or a fur coat to serve you for a long time, you need to follow the rules. Mink loves airing, but at the same time with low humidity. So, in rain or snow, try not to go out and not wet the product.

If you get wet when you come home, gently shake off the drops, comb and hang on a strong hanger until completely dry.

If there are stains, vacuum the thing and simply comb it.

rabbit fur

One of the most inexpensive. There was a time when one could often see hats or collars made of this fur. It is warm but short lived. Quickly loses gloss, breaks, grows bald.

It is easy to clean such fur - it returns well former attractiveness lemon juice or a mixture of ordinary weak solution of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide.

When cleaning rabbit fur, try not to wet the fur. From this, the wear time is greatly reduced.

Rabbit care is required constantly due to low quality and fragility. It is especially important to monitor and prevent moisture from entering. In this case, the fur should be wiped and combed as soon as possible.

  1. You can not iron the fur product.
  2. Do not dry with hot air. Fur can be deformed.
  3. When drying, it is best to give the product maximum right kind and the direction of the fur itself.
  4. After washing, be sure to thoroughly remove the remnants of all products from the surface.
  5. Drying in the sun is unacceptable.
  6. If the product is very expensive or the pollution is very strong, trust the professionals to carry out competent and safe dry cleaning.
  7. Since it cannot be squeezed out, leave the water to drain naturally, for 5-7 hours.
  8. If you need to dry a collar or fur trim, have a towel ready and wrap it well.
  9. Fur is a special type of decoration. It is forbidden to crush, squeeze, rub.
  10. The more often you comb the product, the better!

Handling with fur product, better follow simple recommendations pollution prevention, rather than resorting to a long and delicate hand wash at home. Therefore, before buying, evaluate how carefully you can wear trim or outerwear from white fur, how often you can clean the surface of dust, how durable the thing should be. Whatever the quality is not artificial - natural is more luxurious and stronger.

It is best to wash fur by hand.

Is it possible to wash fur

Expensive products made of natural and artificial fur are dry-cleaned. Do not wash or soak them in the usual way so as not to damage. Washing in water deforms the product, and it shrinks. This applies to fur coats, short fur coats and vests. Collars, detachable cuffs or trim can be washed by hand or in the washing machine. Use caution and washing technique for such products.

How to wash fur

We offer two ways to properly wash such products.

Machine wash faux fur. Use the washing conditions indicated on the product label. If not, then choose delicate mode with a water temperature not higher than 40 degrees without spinning. It's better to do it by hand. The faux fur product does not stretch, so it is dried both in a vertical and in a horizontal position.

Wash natural fur only by hand according to the following scheme:

  • Pour liquid detergent into warm water and beat well. Use specialized tool or mild hair shampoo. Add 1-2 ml detergent in 1 liter of water. Shake to form a rich foam.
  • Wet the fur in soapy water. Do not wrinkle or press the product. Lightly rub the fur.
  • Comb it gently with a wide-toothed brush.
  • Dip the fur into a container with clean water to which add vinegar. Rinse the product a couple of times. Use cool water for the final rinse. Cold water closes the scales of the hair, and the fur shines after drying.
  • Wring out the fur with your hands, but do not twist it.
  • Dry the fur on a horizontal surface so that it does not stretch. Lay out a towel first. Dry the fur indoors, away from heat sources.
  • Comb the fur with a hair brush after it is completely dry.

Wash faux fur in the same way.

Before washing, remove stains on the product with a cleaning compound. Prepare it before washing:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • 2 tsp fine-grained salt;
  • 1 tsp ammonia alcohol.

Mix the ingredients and apply to dirty areas of the fur. Keep the mixture for half an hour, and then wash.

That is, you can wash the fur, but observing the above conditions. Suitable for some products machine wash, for others - exclusively manual.