For what reasons they quit their jobs. The most common reasons for dismissal. In mass cuts, the main thing is calm

In this publication, I would like to consider the main reasons for dismissal that drive people today. Despite the massive layoffs, many people are leaving their old jobs themselves. I decided to analyze the data of different sites and job portals and collected all actual reasons dismissal from work to date.

I present them to your attention.

10 reasons to leave.

Reason 1. Low salary. This reason for dismissal can be safely called the leading one. All statistical studies agree that more than a half employees are fired because they are not satisfied with the level of income. As you know, at many enterprises, salaries are now frozen and even reduced, someone is forced to switch to a shorter working day. Such a decrease in personal income, together with an increase in expenses (prices sometimes go up ...), make hired labor virtually meaningless.

Therefore, many of the people who quit do not even try, but register with the employment service and do small unofficial part-time jobs, because they believe that with such a salary and such conditions.

Reason 2. Absence career growth. This reason for dismissal from work takes the second position: it is named by about 40% of employees who quit. First of all, these are young workers aged 20-35. As you can see, career growth for many continues to be the most important factor in employment, although, in my opinion, it is increasingly losing its relevance: high positions only generate serious problems with health due to nervous overstrain and do not at all guarantee adequate high earnings.

Reason 3. The employer doesn't value. Similar reasons for dismissal, among others, were noted by almost 35% of employees who left their jobs. It is important for people to receive praise from their superiors, even if they are verbal and not supported by financial incentives, recognition of the results of their work. Thanks to these factors, many keep their jobs even with a small salary. But, unfortunately, in Lately employers continue to value the work of each employee less and less and take the position “if you don’t like it, go away, there’s a queue of people like you”.

But it is very important for any person to feel their significance and value, therefore, with such an attitude from their superiors, they, of course, quit.

Reason 4. Boring and uninteresting job. If a person does routine and monotonous work every day, over time he will surely lose interest in it, and at some point so much that he decides to quit. Similar reasons for dismissal were noted by about 20% of employees, and they can be understood: everyone wants to do something interesting and varied.

Reason 5. Lack of bonuses and social packages. Almost 17% of employees noted this factor among the reasons for dismissal. For most people, incentives in the form of bonuses perform not only a material, but also a psychological function: in this way the employee sees his value for the enterprise, the care and respect of the boss, which is important. As for social packages, they help people feel socially protected, feel that they have not only responsibilities, but also rights. For many, it continues to be important factor when choosing a job.

Reason 6. Lack of professional growth. About 15% of people cited the lack of professional development as one of the reasons for dismissal from work. This reason is of particular importance for young people. Indeed, if a person stops in his development - this is definitely a negative factor, many people understand this and rush to eliminate it.

Reason 7. Professional risks. In seventh place are the reasons for the dismissal of workers associated with the risks to which they expose themselves in the labor process. This applies, first of all, to workers in hazardous occupations, who at a certain moment understand that they are in no way justified by the risk to life and health to which they expose themselves at work.

Reason 8. Great nervous tension, stress at work. The reasons for dismissal from work associated with a large nervous overload were noted by only 10% of the respondents. To be honest, this indicator surprised me, I thought that this factor should take one of the leading positions. Everyone can clearly see in which psychological conditions today we have to work. Therefore, it is strange for me that people put the level of wages, career and professional growth, interest in work and even social benefits above their health, their nerves, which, as you know, do not recover.

In the publication I have already written why one should not neglect one's health for the sake of earning money and work “for treatment,” here, I think, it is very appropriate to repeat this.

Reason 9. Conflicts with a manager or other employees. For 10% of people, the reasons for leaving work are associated with interpersonal conflicts. And in conditions of great nervous overstrain, such conflicts arise more and more often. Therefore, try to keep yourself in control and not enter into all kinds of disputes and skirmishes in the process of work. Remember that neither side wins a conflict.

Reason 10. Inconvenient location of the place of work. Completing the “hit parade” of reasons for layoffs is a job that takes a long time to get to. It is quite logical, because if a person spends 8-10 hours on a working day, and even 2-3 hours it takes to get to work and back, then he has no time at all to communicate with family and friends, and this side of life should not suffer in any way.

These are the main reasons for the dismissal of employees of enterprises in various industries today. To conclude this post, I would like to address workers and employers.

Workers, if for some reason you are not satisfied with the work, you do not need to endure: look for more appropriate place and quit. Also, remember that any will always be associated with the set negative factors so consider alternative options: working for yourself, starting a business,. Do not let employers “twist the ropes out of you”, because they will treat you this way as long as you allow it. Work is not a panacea, there are many others, more effective ways replenishment of the personal budget.

Employers, do not forget that without your employees you are nothing. They are the main source of your income. Therefore, appreciate, take care and encourage your employees, because your well-being primarily depends on this. Treat your employees not as cheap labor, but as people who have the same material and psychological needs. Take another close look at the root causes of dismissal and try to avoid them in your business or your department. Respect the work of your workers: they work for you!

I hope that my appeal will remain in your memory.

Until next time on. Stay tuned for your financial literacy I was at my best, and the management of personal finances was carried out as efficiently as possible.

14.01.2018, 18:50

Firing is the ending labor relations between the subjects of contractual relations: the employer and the employee of the enterprise (organization, individual entrepreneur). The grounds and guarantees arising in the process of dismissal from work are determined by labor standards, in particular, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Reasons for dismissal from work are recognized as complying with the law if they meet the criteria:

  • a person quits by legal grounds, with the circumstances of the actual plan;
  • compliance with the employee dismissal mechanism;
  • termination of labor relations on time.

If these conditions are met, the reasons for the dismissal of a citizen comply with the norms of law.

On what grounds do citizens stop working

The reasons for dismissal from work under the Labor Code are enshrined in the articles of this law. In particular, they are the following grounds:

  1. Arrangement (agreement) between the subjects of legal relations.
  2. Expiration of the agreement.
  3. Termination of the agreement on the initiative of the employer.
  4. Transfer of an employee with his consent to another employer.
  5. Refusal of an employee to work due to a change in the owner of the property, in connection with the reorganization procedures in the company.
  6. Refusal of an employee to work due to changes that are not defined by the provisions of the contract.
  7. The employee's refusal to transfer to another type of work due to his health condition, confirmed by the conclusion of specialists.
  8. The employee's refusal to transfer to another region.
  9. Circumstances that occurred as a result of force majeure.
  10. Violation of the provisions of the TC, if they exclude the possibility of continuation labor activity.

Employer's desire to fire staff

Note that the reasons for dismissal from work at the initiative of the employer are varied, for example:

  1. liquidation measures at the enterprise or the closure of the individual entrepreneur;
  2. reduction in the number of states.

But what guarantees are provided to the population in these cases? Here are some examples:

  1. Part 1 of Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation guarantees that the employer, upon liquidation, reduction of staff or number of employees, is obliged to offer the employee a vacant position.
  2. When reducing staff, the employee needs to be paid severance pay in the amount of average earnings, wages and the monetary value of the unused vacation. At the same time, it relies on the payment of earnings according to the average for the entire period of employment. This is the time when a person is looking for a job, is registered at the labor exchange, but, in general case, no more than two months.

Reasons for dismissal at the initiative of the employer

Here are the most common reasons for dismissing an employee at the initiative of the employer:

  • inconsistency of the employee with the position;
  • non-performance job responsibilities an employee without a valid reason;
  • severe violation of labor duties by the employee (failure to appear at work for more than 4 hours, theft, drunkenness, non-observance of labor protection provisions, deliberate actions by the employee, the teacher committing an act of immoral content, etc.);
  • providing the employer with fake documents when applying for a job;
  • other cases.

Reasons for dismissal at the initiative of the employee

The most peaceful way to end labor relations is the employee's initiative to leave work. Reasons for dismissal by on their own may be associated with professional activities citizen, personal motives. As a basis for dismissal, the employer indicates Article 77, 1, paragraph 3 - at his own request. The reasons for dismissal from work of their own free will in 2018 may be related to other circumstances in the employee's life. Usually, the employer has the right not to let the employee go without working for 2 weeks. Are there reasons for dismissal without working out the Labor Code of the Russian Federation? Yes, an employee can be dismissed without work if there are valid reasons for this. In other situations, he is obliged to work at the enterprise for 2 weeks so that the employer can find a replacement for him. Thus, the reasons for dismissal of their own free will without working off in all cases can only be valid.

Wrongful dismissals

Fired from your job for no reason? What to do? Indeed, not all employers comply with the law, and there are many cases of illegal dismissals. For such cases, there is a clear algorithm of actions for a citizen.

Can they be fired for no reason? Not, Labor Code RF prohibits dismissal for no reason. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation has a clear list of grounds for dismissal - Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

When you leave for no reason - you need to protect labor rights... A labor inspectorate, a prosecutor's office and a court have been set up to protect rights. All these bodies are competent to consider issues of illegal dismissal of citizens from work. In order to contact labor inspection a complaint must be made. Its structure is indicated on the website: you need to fill in the fields of the complaint and send it online to

A job seeker who is looking for a job must first think about his resume. After all, this document is a business card, which briefly and clearly tells about the positions held, previous jobs, existing skills and merits.

What is a resume?

In order to attract the attention of a personnel officer or a manager, it is important to write a resume correctly. To do this, you should exclude the presence of common mistakes made when writing it. In addition, the reason for dismissal in the resume must be described correctly enough so as not to arouse increased interest of the employer.

Errors in resume writing

1. Grammatical and simply unacceptable in the resume. This is because a document that has such shortcomings is usually not read to the end, and even more often it is simply thrown into the trash. After all, the literacy of a new employee of the company is quite important point.

2. The text should be formatted and easy to read. A document without paragraphs, clarifications and highlights is difficult to perceive. That is why it is necessary to use bold highlights, as well as underlines in paragraphs and headings. Decorating with markers, using a different font is unacceptable, because a resume is, first of all, an official document.

3. Today on the Internet you can find a resume, an example of which will serve good template for the applicant. It is important to take into account the fact that it is impossible to completely write with a carbon copy. First of all, the questionnaire must be unique.

4. When writing information about previous jobs, you must correctly indicate the date of the start of the activity, its end, as well as the reasons for dismissal of your own free will. This is because the vagueness of such information will indicate the lack of collection of the applicant.

5. Should be in your business card indicate the purpose of its compilation. The answer to this question should be based on the structure of the resume. Even if several professions are considered in different companies, for each vacancy you need to draw up your own document.

6.Resume that has a lot of unnecessary information about personal life, hobbies, hobbies, and habits of the applicant looks overwhelmed. Therefore, such a mistake simply cannot be made.

Is the accuracy of the information important?

When presenting information about himself, the applicant must avoid lying. After all, information about a person is checked by security services. That is why there is no point in assuming non-existent experience or skills, as well as distorting the data with regards to the date of birth, surname, marital status... Especially important is the indicated reason for dismissal in the resume, to which personnel officers often pay their attention. Here you need reliable information presented by the applicant in the right way... It is about this that it is important to talk in more detail.

Reasons for dismissal: what not to talk about

For many job seekers, the important question is what to write in the reason for dismissal. It is important to understand here that it is impossible to evade a direct answer. The phrase "In connection with the current circumstances" will certainly arouse suspicion. The recruiter or employer may assume the worst. Therefore, the answer for the resume and further interview must be prepared in advance.

The most common version of the reason for changing jobs offered by the jobseeker to the HR officer is the circumstances caused by the crisis. When the employer receives certain information about the applicant, he will conclude that he is an irresponsible person. In addition, during a crisis, companies are freed from ballast, so the value of such an employee will be in question.

Major mistakes

A big disadvantage of the applicant will be criticism directed at the previous employer. It doesn't matter that it is well deserved, because the interviewer will draw his own conclusions about the incorrectness and disloyalty of such an employee to the authorities. Such specialists are practically not in demand, so there may be big problems with employment.

Apart from this, refer to low level wages undesirable. Otherwise, the employer will decide that the applicant is only interested in money.

Especially huge mistake will talk about dismissal without explanation. This can raise a lot of questions, as well as unnecessary suspicion regarding the applicant.

How to correctly answer the question about the reason for dismissal

An applicant for a vacant position, when answering the question about his dismissal, must show his loyalty to the employer. It is important to give the impression of an employee who is interested in the efficient operation of the company, who knows how to cope with his affairs and insist on his opinion.

Of course, we can say that there was no career growth at the previous place of work. It is important for an applicant, as a professional, to be in a company where you can work profitably and use your experience and accumulated knowledge.

It is worth considering that a characterization may be required from the previous place of work. This has become a common practice today, so it is better to leave without scandals. If you inform a new employer that the direction in which you worked has closed, you need to be ready to confirm this information. Also, getting positive feedback from the previous place of work is a big plus when applying for a job in a new company.

You can talk about disagreements with the former management over business development and about the decision disperse peacefully. Moreover, it is important to clarify that the reasons for dismissal at the interview will be explained in more detail. In addition, you need to be sure that former leader will confirm this information. In this case, the reason for the dismissal in the resume must be specified exactly.

Yes, no one forbids coming up with a more convincing reason, but it is worth noting that such information is checked very carefully. Therefore, any lie will immediately come out. At the same time, in a new place, you may be required to characterize from your previous place of work, where you should be assessed as an employee and a specialist in general.

When filling out the questionnaire, the reasons for dismissal must be indicated approximately as follows:

1. On previous location there was no career advancement. In this connection, the applicant wants to find a job in a company where you can prove yourself by showing your knowledge.

2. You can think of another reason for the dismissal. However, do not forget that information about you may be requested from your former employer. Therefore, it is important to leave work of your own free will without scandals.

After reviewing the resume by the employer, the next step is the interview. This is where it is important to explain the reasons for your dismissal.

1. When applying for a new job, it is important to give a positive assessment to your former management. You can't show any grudges and talk about all the scandalous moments.

2. The dismissal that occurred after can be explained by the failure of the company to fulfill its promises. This may be a lower level of wages or the presence of other job duties not specified in the employment contract.

3. If there were ill-wishers at the previous place of work, then it is worth warning the new management that they did not want to let you go. That is why it will be impossible to get an adequate recommendation.

What if the applicant has worked for one month?

In the event that the applicant has worked for only a month, the reason for dismissal in the resume may not be indicated. When clarifying these circumstances, you can explain the situation by the fact that there was a reorganization of the company, as a result of which your responsibilities changed. It can also be said that not all agreements were complied with. The main thing is to talk about former leadership loyal and restrained.

Employment record

It should be noted that in the work book, an entry is preferable, which speaks of termination of the contract by agreement of the parties, rather than of their own free will. After all, the first option reports a civilized dismissal. In the second case, the employee could be asked to leave, or the management was confronted with the fact that the employee left the company.

It is important that the reasons or any other information are subsequently explained by the applicant. Otherwise, the employer may have unnecessary questions.

It is necessary to prepare in advance the answers regarding your departure from the previous place of work. Otherwise, even if the applicant gets to the interview, and then cannot explain the situation related to his dismissal, he may simply be denied employment.

Every citizen has the right to free labor.

That is, he himself can choose for himself the type of labor activity or even abandon it altogether, in contrast to Soviet times, when laws against parasitism were in use. He can also freely or contract, if he has such a desire. However, of course, an agreement is an agreement that gives both parties certain guarantees, which means that its termination has its own nuances.

What are the reasons for dismissal of their own free will, how it happens, when work is required, and when you can do without it, how long it is necessary to notify the employer - these are all important points that need to be clarified before dismissal.

It contains an open list of grounds for dismissal, and we are interested in paragraph 3 in it - termination of the contract on the initiative of the employee, which is covered in more detail in. It is she who will be the main one for study by employees who want to quit.

The procedure remains unchanged throughout the existence of the Russian Federation, but in 2002 the position of those working under contract was eased. Since that time, they were allowed to resign on a general basis, and it became unnecessary to have valid reasons - lists of respectful and disrespectful reasons will be discussed further, as well as how the dismissal procedure depends on the validity of the reason,

The only condition for this is the desire itself. After warning the employer two weeks in advance and working out this period, the person will receive complete freedom and the employer will not have the right to withhold it. If he demands to finish some work, put a signature on a bypass sheet, and so on, threatens not to issue labor - you should not worry about this if you are an employee who submitted an application according to all the rules and worked for two weeks (or who has good reason to quit without her), then you have every right not to continue working, and if he really tries to create obstacles, then the law will be on your side. That is, you can always file a complaint with the prosecutor or the court, then the employer will still have to pay for moral damage. As practice shows, for the employer to stop unlawful actions, only the threat of such treatment is enough.

Let's analyze the procedure for dismissal at the request of the employee:

An application is being submitted. There are no requirements for its form by law, but it is best to comply with it. The simplest one is attached to the article - it does not indicate the reasons. In addition, your own samples can be installed in the company. Where to apply will also depend on the procedure adopted in the company - usually to the HR department or to the director's reception.

It happens that the dismissal occurs due to a conflict with the management, and the employee is afraid that his application will be “lost”, and then he will be fired for violation of labor discipline or for some other unseemly reason. If you have such a case, it will not be superfluous to insure yourself - the application is made in two copies, and when one is transferred to the company, then the second must be marked with acceptance and the date - as well as the signature of the person who accepted. If necessary, this statement will serve as proof that you wrote it on a certain date, therefore, are free from obligations to the employer.

After submitting the application, the countdown of the days begins until the employee can quit. This is in the absence of a valid reason. If they are there and are confirmed by documents, then it will be possible to do this and receive a calculation immediately. If you have to carry out working off, then the employee must continue to work, as before, fulfilling the terms of his contract. If at this time they commit violations of labor discipline, the employer can freely dismiss the employee for him. This means that the wording of the dismissal will be completely different.

If an employee goes on sick leave, continues to flow, and on the appointed date he will still be able to quit.

After the expiry of the work, the employee not only can, but must stop working at the enterprise. If he does not do this, and works at least another day, then it will be necessary to start the dismissal procedure again - to reapply and carry out the working off.

The employee has the right to withdraw the application until the expiration of the working period, after which he will be able to continue working if another employee has not yet been invited to replace him. At the same time, he must familiarize himself with the invitation for the replacement in advance and obtain his consent.

Possible reasons for terminating the contract

The reason is directly what prompted the termination of the contract. There can be several of them, and depending on the situation, they can be very different. You can terminate the contract for any reason; you only need to notify the employer in writing two weeks in advance.

All the reasons for dismissal of their own free will are not described in the legislation - in fact, an employee can leave without a reason. First of all, working off will depend on the reason - that is, the period during which you will need to continue to do your job after filing an application.

Indication of the reason in the application

It begins with a statement. Note that it is not at all necessary to indicate the reasons in the application, in contrast to the old norms of the legislation, according to which this was required.

However, sometimes it is necessary to indicate the reason, since it is necessary to do without working out. For example, such a need may arise if:

  • I would like to receive a payment on the day of writing the application;
  • the employee needs an entry in the work book that he quit for a good reason, since then this will give the right to receive any benefits or allowances.

Dismissal notice period

Dependence on the reason for dismissal

The standard warning period is two weeks.

Until they expire, it will be necessary to continue working, and only after that there is an opportunity to quit. However, if the application is submitted for a valid reason, then you can quit right away. And if it is not there or it does not belong to the respectful, then the scheme will be as follows:

  • The employee draws up a letter of resignation of his own free will.
  • Completes the two weeks required by law.
  • and leaves workplace- he does not bear any more obligations to the employer. Note that the employer cannot force him to continue working and threaten him with anything. In particular, there are often cases of threats not to give the work book - this is a violation of the law and must be suppressed.

List of good reasons

What are the reasons, according to the Labor Code, are considered valid?

  • The employee can no longer continue to work - first of all, this means here. Sometimes pensioners continue to work, and yet retirement upon reaching the appropriate age is an inalienable right of every citizen, and if this age is reached, and he wants to go on a well-deserved rest, then the reason is undoubtedly considered valid. In addition to pension, it can be different - for example, admission to an educational institution.
  • Violation of labor legislation by an employer - this may be a violation of an agreement with this particular employee, a collective agreement, and so on.
  • Sending a spouse to a service or job outside the country.
  • The emergence of the need to move.
  • The employee has developed a disease that interferes with the current type of activity or living in the area where the work is located.
  • He takes care of a sick family member or a disabled person who prevents the continuation of work.
  • A child under fifteen years of age must be cared for.

To leave work without a term of employment, a valid reason must be confirmed by some document.

As we have already indicated, prior to 2002, in order to break, it was required to have a good reason, and without it it was impossible to do this. Until 2010, its presence was required in order to maintain continuous seniority... Now pension legislation has changed again, and seniority has lost its former meaning, therefore, the validity of the reason is now important exclusively for working off, and the employee will not lose anything by quitting without specifying it at all - it will simply be necessary to work for two weeks. And if you manage to agree with the employer, you may not even have to.

Respectful reasons for dismissal of their own free will have been sorted out, now it is worth paying attention to disrespectful ones - mainly those of them that are sometimes mistaken for respectful. These include:

  • Admission to part-time education - please note that only admission to full-time education is considered a valid reason for dismissal.
  • Reluctance to work out a two-week period.
  • Lack of understanding with management.
  • Disease not confirmed medical certificate.
  • without deviations in health.

Link to any a similar reason does not give the right to do without work if the employer requires it and if you do not want to complicate your search for the next job, you should still spend two more weeks at the workplace.

Another important point related to the reasons for dismissal is their statement in the resume. Since a resume is important for finding the next job, there is usually some reason given that is not related to possible conflicts, complaints from the authorities and the like. If certain claims to work are indicated, then they should be practical for example, dissatisfaction with the level of wages or the lack of further career prospects.

Labor enrollment

The outcome of a legal dispute over seniority in the future or another similar dispute may depend on the entries in the work book.

This is an important document, and therefore the entries in it must be given great attention... And in case of dismissal of his own free will, the employee should make sure that accurate entries are made in it that correspond to the TC.

The entry should not refer to article of the Labor Code of 80, but to article 77, paragraph 3, the wording - "dismissed of his own free will" or "at the initiative of the employee." We analyze this issue separately because such an error occurs all the time. If you find that it has been committed in your case, you need to immediately demand to add a record about the invalid link to article 80, and then add a new link, the correct one. And one more nuance: they must be entered without abbreviations. Abbreviations are another common mistake.

I am glad to welcome you, dear friend!

The question from the title arises when you are asked to fill out a resume form, where there is a column about the reasons for the dismissals. This does not happen often, however, we will briefly analyze this situation. So, what reason for dismissal should you include on your resume?

Usually there is no column on the reasons for dismissal in the resume. At least - on the most popular internet portals... Accordingly, you do not need to write anything.

Likewise, if you compose your resume yourself, in a text editor. The reason for leaving is not an issue on which you can earn any dividends. Minuses are easy, but pluses are unlikely.

Therefore, the reasons for your leaving should not be emphasized.

Your job is to think about what you will say in a telephone or face-to-face interview. More on this below.

What reason should I give?

If there is that rare case when you are asked to fill out a resume template, which contains a line about the reasons for dismissal, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Indicate the reasons that are in the work book. You don't need to write anything else. Explain the real reason for the layoffs at the interview.
  2. Think about how to explain the real reasons for leaving. Leaving on the initiative of the employee (of his own free will) or by agreement of the parties always has a background.
  3. What to do if your labor record has a “criminal” record. For example “... due to an unsatisfactory test result ”.

In this case, there are two options.

a) By default, - write as is, see item 1 ... Try to find a reasonable explanation and put it in the letter. Or by phone.

Usually, the appearance of criminal records in a work book is a consequence of a conflict on the one hand, on the other, an inability or unwillingness to come to an agreement.

Step 1: Present the situation not as a conflict, but as a mutual misunderstanding, which has grown into an emotional plane. Got excited, in short. It happens.

Step 2: Voice your lesson from this story. You understand that you should have acted more carefully and deliberately, but ... what happened happened. No one is immune from mistakes. You acknowledge them openly and do not try to hide anything.

Your reasonable candor can compensate for the negative.

b) Write another reason, different from the entry in the labor ... For example, by agreement of the parties.

In the expectation that they will not notice or, if they do, it will be possible to somehow explain why it was not possible to agree and “leave on our own”.

The strategy is risky. Will only work if they don't notice. Which is unlikely.

The most unpleasant thing will be when you have passed an interview with a recruiter and a manager, but when applying for a job, the “personnel officer” will pay attention (and he will definitely pay attention) and then it will be a bummer. You will no longer be able to explain anything - they will not listen to you.

Think about real reasons

Drawing up a resume - it's time to think that you will talk about the real reasons for the dismissals "on your own" and by agreement of the parties. And you have to talk. This is one of the most common interview questions.

Doubtful reasons

  • I understand the desire to say about my own former bosses the truth. Or some other nasty thing :). And I know that everyone who is not lazy warns applicants against this.

Nevertheless, it often happens that the “ostapes” have suffered. Apparently hurt. Alas, it is important to control yourself. It is advisable not to talk badly about anyone at all.

  • Unfulfilled hopes for higher wages and promotions - also push back until better times. For there are a dime a dozen of those who want to become a boss, and money in the eyes of an employer is not best incentive to work.
  • Also not worth talking about overtime work, busy schedule, excessive workload. I suppose it is unnecessary to explain why.

Good reasons

  1. Barriers in professional growth... At the same time, I recommend that you think about the trajectory of your career, because the question will be a logical continuation.
  2. Change of team. A new leader has been appointed, he is dragging his people. And they say to you: "Of course, it's a pity, you are a good worker, but ... you yourself understand ...".
  3. Reorganization. The situation should be presented in such a way that management did not have a choice of who to offer to stay and who to “ask”. Otherwise, the question is logical: there are the best, and you are not included in their number?

The company is restructuring. The position that you occupied (or your entire department, even better) disappears into oblivion. Some kind of job is offered for you, but it does not fit in with your professional plans and you leave. Quite civilized. No scandals of mutual claims.

"Artistic speculation"

Reasons for layoffs are not the case when you need to “cut the truth”.

There is such a concept: “artistic speculation”. Somewhat from a different opera, but also in our case: why not?

You are not lying, but interpreting the situation as you see it.

By the way, recruiters are also well aware that often you will lie :). Therefore, do not forget that your “ex” can get a call.

However, they will not call often. Why? The answer is not for this article. Just take our word for it.

In short, light “fictional speculation” is preferable to truth from among the reasons we have designated as “doubtful”.

  1. When compiling a resume, we write the reasons for dismissals only when the template contains such a column that must be filled out.
  2. We write the wording of the reasons for the dismissals in the same way as the entries in the work book. Comments in your cover letter and interview.
  3. We choose “valid” reasons for face-to-face and telephone meetings. We decide what exactly we will say.


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