I love tattoos and piercings. The real causes of passion. A navel piercing takes a long time to heal, since the sweat formed under tight clothing is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Piercing other parts of the body can also lead to undesirable consequences.

Today, a rather popular means of self-expression among young people is drawing a pattern on the skin - tattoos, as well as piercing various parts body piercing. Not everyone knows, but tattoo as a trend in the form in which it is popular today was formed in America in the middle of the 20th century, and interest in this type of art falls on the 50-60s of the 20th century.

Initially, the tattoo was a means to oppose itself to popular culture. It should be noted that the hippie culture was popular, among hallmarks which were long hair, old clothes, drawings on the faces and body in the form of flowers. Such people were driven by the desire to be different from their boring parents, as well as to shock society. And, as you know, the art of tattooing was the best suited for these purposes.

Hippie girl with tattoo

A whole generation of tattoo artists appeared - how professional artists, and amateurs, but they all borrowed ideas for tattoos from different cultures - the East, America, the Celts, the culture of the Scandinavians and much more. Bold experiments were carried out on this base, as a result of which unique trends appeared that are popular in the tattoo community today.

Girl with ethnic tattoo and piercing

The first tattoo convention took place in 1950. Since then, such events have been held around the world and more than once a year. It is worth noting that tattooing is a very expensive activity that not everyone can afford. In addition, this process is accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations, and people with a low pain threshold often find it difficult to endure the entire tattooing process. In modern tattoo culture, there are several directions - this and prison tattoo, and home tattoo, and old school, as well as many other types. Usually, professional master specializes in only one or a few related areas. The cost of a tattoo also depends on your region of residence, and on the level of professionalism of the master, and on the complexity of the chosen work. It is worth noting that you can choose a tattoo from among existing sketches, or order an individual drawing from the master, which will then be applied to your skin.

Sample tattoo sketch
Girl with beautiful tattoos
Tattoo on the shoulder blade of a girl in the Indian style

Piercing is another popular means of self-expression. Like tattoos, body piercings are rooted in ancient customs and traditions, but interest in this method to decorate your body arose relatively recently - at about the same time as the revival of tattoo culture.

Girl with nose piercing

Girl with a lip piercing

Before you decorate your body in such radical ways, you need to remember a few simple rules. Firstly, such procedures are recommended to be done in special salons in order to avoid any risk of infection. Secondly, both piercing and tattoo require from their owner special care, so if you clearly do not have enough time, then it is better not to put yourself at risk and not apply patterns to your body.

Throughout history, people have always adorned their bodies with piercings and tattoos. This is practiced even today. However similar ways exposures to the body are associated with health risks ranging from minor infection to serious, life-threatening disease. Therefore, those who are going to get a tattoo or piercing should be aware of all the dangers associated with this and try to ensure that these procedures are carried out correctly.

Tattoo- This is a pattern on the skin, obtained by introducing a dye into the skin through punctures on its surface. Such a pattern is not washed off with water and is not removed without consequences for the skin. The tattoo can be permanent and temporary, when chemically unstable dyes are used to apply the pattern, which fade over time and the tattoo disappears from the skin. With the disintegration of paint, such a pattern becomes more and more fuzzy and blurry over time (which tattoo lovers consider as a drawback). Now tattoos are made using a special apparatus, the action of which resembles work. sewing machine. Depending on the size of the drawing, the procedure can take from an hour to several hours and be accompanied by minor bleeding. Depending on where the tattoo is applied, it can be more or less painful.

is an operation (not cosmetic procedure, as many believe), which consists in piercing the skin to wear jewelry in these places. The most common (and harmless) type of piercing is earlobes. AT recent times it has become fashionable to wear earrings also in the auricles, eyebrows, nose, navel, lips, tongue, and some wear them on the chest at the nipple and in the genital area. If the piercing is done in compliance with all the rules of medical sterility, then in most people there is almost no blood. Proper piercing does not hurt nerve endings, arteries and veins. After a puncture, a medical pin or a special ring is inserted into the appeared channel, which should remain in the wound until the tissues are completely and completely healed, then they are replaced with jewelry.

It should be remembered that when you get a tattoo or piercing, you injure your skin, so you always risk harming your health. The main danger lies in the fact that beauty salons insufficiently sterile instruments may be used. As a result, microbes can be introduced or viral infection and cause diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis B and C, tetanus, tuberculosis. A study published in the American Journal of Medicine showed that the chances of contracting hepatitis C for people with tattoos are 9 times higher than those with non-tattooed skin. This type of hepatitis is contracted by 33% of the tattooed population compared to only 3.5% of people without tattoos. Piercings cannot be donors as there is always a risk that they are carriers of the hepatitis virus or some other dangerous disease. The American Association of Blood Banks and the American Red Cross do not accept blood from donors with tattoos less than a year old. That is how long it takes to determine all the possible negative consequences.

In addition, even if the tattoo did not get an infection under the skin, the dye used (especially red) can cause an allergic reaction (redness, swelling or itching of the skin) and other complications such as dermatitis. An allergic reaction can also be caused by nickel or cobalt jewelry used for piercing. The most common problem that piercing victims face is wound festering. In addition, the piercing needs to be constantly looked after, and the place of the tattoo requires gentle protection from sun rays throughout life.

Significant complications can cause tongue piercing. In the first 10-15 days there are enough serious problems with eating and diction. The tongue contains large blood vessels, and if pierced in the wrong place, it will heavy bleeding, and a swollen tongue can even block Airways. Oral cavity provides a favorable habitat for bacteria. The presence of microorganisms can lead to the development of an infectious lesion. A jewel inserted into the tongue can irritate the gums, disrupt taste sensations and even break teeth. In addition, decoration in the tongue can cause frequent and prolonged recurrences of herpes of the lips and oral cavity.

Piercing other parts of the body can also lead to undesirable consequences:

  • Illiterate nipple piercing can damage the milk ducts.

  • Eyebrow piercing is dangerous because it can "touch" the nerve plexus and partially paralyze the muscles of the face.

  • Due to uncontrolled piercing of the upper part auricle deformity may occur and hearing may be impaired.

  • The puncture of the navel heals for a long time, because the formed under tight clothes sweat is wonderful environment for bacterial growth.

  • Parapsychologists say that by making punctures on the chest and abdomen, a person allows a gap in his own energy protection.

If, without a piercing of the navel or a pattern on the chest, you cannot feel like a full-fledged person, then do piercings and tattoos only in well-known salons and studios. The piercing salon must have a medical license, as well as hygiene certificates for the equipment and materials used. Hygiene must be maintained high level: disposable instruments, gloves and materials must be used. All non-disposable instruments, as well as piercing jewelry, must be sterilized in an autoclave. It is better if the piercing is done not with a gun, but by hand, since a gun is usually not sterilized in an autoclave.

Real professionals will first inquire about the state of your health, tell you for which diseases the procedure is contraindicated and warn you of all possible side effects. If the master will try to avoid talking on this topic, it is better to go to another.

For piercing, it is important to choose the right jewelry made of hypoallergenic materials. Nickel and cobalt alloys can cause severe allergic reactions. Immediately after the puncture, silver should not be inserted. It is prone to oxidation and in an unhealed wound can provoke inflammation. For this purpose, it is better to use jewelry made of surgical steel, and after the wound has healed, switch to jewelry made of gold, titanium, and platinum.

The human body changes over the years, distorting the contours of skin patterns and their color. In addition, a piercing or tattoo can go out of style or become boring, so over time it may be a question of removing them. With piercing, everything is simple: just unfasten the jewelry and the puncture will soon overgrow, and it will remain in its place. small scar. A permanent tattoo cannot be completely removed without consequences for the area of ​​skin where it was located. Exist various methods tattoo removal: laser removal(burnout) surgery(excision of a skin area with a cosmetic suture at a small size of the pattern), abrasive removal (grinding the skin with a metal brush to remove the epidermis and dermis), removal with salt (impregnation of the tattooed skin with a special saline solution), scarification (removal with an acid solution and creating a scar in its place). All of these methods are expensive and can be more painful and dangerous than even getting a tattoo.

The most effective and gentle method of tattoo removal is laser resurfacing skin. In order to significantly reduce the area of ​​the drawing, and sometimes completely remove it, up to 12 sessions may be required during the year. Black drawings are easier to remove, red and yellow are the most difficult. A scar will remain at the site of laser application. AT best case he will flesh color, but may be discolored or red.

Thus, it takes a little time to make a piercing or tattoo. People go for it without thinking about the complications. Over time, many regret this, but it can be very difficult to fix what has been done, not to mention material costs. So before you get a piercing or tattoo, think about whether it is worth risking your health and your reputation.

Discussion of the article “Are tattoos and piercings dangerous for health”


03.02.2013 (17:22)


Is piercing cool? Ahah ahah, my God, put a bone in your nose or a ring that would look like a cow, that will suit you too, and instead of a tattoo, a brand with a herd number, for a complete set. Then, I think, at the age of 15 it will suit you, at least you will look smarter, others will think that a 15-year-old di-ilka has the courage to admit that he is, namely, a cow from a gray herd.

03.02.2013 (17:22)


Is piercing cool? Ahah ahah, my God, put a bone in your nose or a ring that would look like a cow, that will suit you too, and instead of a tattoo, a brand with a herd number, for a complete set. Then, I think, at the age of 15 it will suit you, at least you will look smarter, others will think that a 15-year-old di-ilka has the courage to admit that he is, namely, a cow from a gray herd.

03.02.2013 (17:21)


Is piercing cool? Ahah ahah, my God, put a bone in your nose or a ring that would look like a cow, that will suit you too, and instead of a tattoo, a brand with a herd number, for a complete set. Then, I think, at the age of 15 it will suit you, at least you will look smarter, others will think that a 15-year-old di-ilka has the courage to admit that he is, namely, a cow from a gray herd.

03.02.2013 (17:21)


Hm. I really want to get pierced. And since my mother allowed the tattoo, it has been numb in general. I want to pierce my brow. But I think to start with the ear cartilage. I read a lot of all sorts of terrible things, but for some reason it doesn’t scare me very much. Although I still think it's small. I'll wait until the age of 18. In general, if the piercing and tattoo are successful, then it looks very beautiful, if, of course, it suits a person.

03.02.2013 (16:23)

choir choir

I have 6 punctures in my right and 2 in my left ear, I did it in the salon, I'm satisfied.

20.11.2012 (19:00)


Article class

20.11.2012 (18:25)


I have one piercing in my ear, I want to get two more piercings, but I doubt it. Some say that it does not harm health, while others say that it is very dangerous. What to do? Should I pierce or not?

01.11.2012 (16:22)


I pierced my own ear, didn't hit a point, thank God.

30.08.2012 (13:54)


I want to get a tattoo, is it very dangerous??

20.11.2011 (19:46)


My mother first decided to get a piercing, went to the salon and she was told that it was very dangerous for health. How can I convince my mother that she again allowed me to get pierced?

I love tattoos and piercings. Real reasons passions

October 23, 2015 - No comments

Some people get tattoos or piercings out of stupidity. Once. And stops. Sometimes he regrets it later. And some decorate their body "from the tips of the hair to the tips of the nails." They cannot stop. They come again and again.

Leopard Man (67) lives in a makeshift cabin on the Isle of Skye. 99% of his body is covered in a leopard print tattoo.

The most perforated woman in the world is the Brazilian Elaine Davidson. There are three kilograms of trinkets on her body - 2,500 piercings, of which 500 are in the genital area.

What drives these people?

The opinion of psychologists is clear. They believe that any person who gets a tattoo or piercing is trying to raise their low self-esteem.

And is it really so? There must be some justification for this. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains why people get tattoos or piercings, what makes them disfigure their bodies. Not everyone who likes tattoos and piercings wants to increase their self-esteem, there are many other reasons - from "for the company" to "because it's so beautiful."

System-vector psychology distinguishes eight vectors - eight groups of innate properties, abilities and desires. The owner of each vector has its own reasons to go to a tattoo parlor.

Painful and nice

Most lovers of tattoos and piercings are representatives of the skin vector. People with skin vector – flexible, able to adapt to any conditions. They adapt very quickly. When a child with a skin vector is beaten, his most sensitive area, the skin, is injured. Frequent pain exposure leads to adaptation to pain. And the child is already waiting for this pain, often even provokes to be beaten. In his body, special substances are released - opiates, which extinguish pain. And when a person learns to enjoy pain, his mental will want this pain all the time. This is how one of the manifestations of the skin vector arises - masochism.

Therefore, people with masochistic tendencies often get tattoos and piercings in order to experience pleasure. Then they come for another portion of pain. They find a way to somehow fulfill their need. However, masochistic manifestations do not always come from childhood. They can also be a temporary manifestation of stress in the skin vector.

The second reason why a skinner will get a tattoo is to confirm his status in the group. Until recently, this was the main reason. Remember at least prison tattoos or yakuza tattoos. And in adolescent environment and to this day, the expectation of rising status in the society of peers is in the first place.

Masochism as it is or a whip on success / an excerpt from a lecture on systems-vector psychology Yuri Burlan

beauty will save the world

People with a visual vector get tattoos and piercings for other reasons. A person with a special sensitivity of vision. sensual, emotional people able to see beauty. They love to enjoy nature and themselves.

Spectators love everything beautiful - clothes, jewelry. For them, the key word is the word "beauty". They can decorate themselves with tattoos if they think it will look aesthetically pleasing. For beauty. Moreover, the higher the level of development of the visual vector, the less the need for external embellishments of one's own person.

With a weak development of the visual vector or in a state of stress, when the desire to create beauty is completely replaced by fears, another task arises - to attract attention at any cost. This is how freaks appear, bringing “self-decoration” to the point of absurdity. Failure to create complete emotional connections with people, pushes them to create an image that causes emotional reaction surrounding. An image that literally demands attention.

The presence of a bundle of stressful skin and visual vectors almost guarantees a trip to a tattoo parlor, since it is affordable, fashionable, and not condemned by society. Today, tattoos and piercings are one of the easiest ways to temporarily relieve mental stress.

Meaning is important to me

Tattoos of a person with always contain an Idea. What he cannot express in words, he expresses in the language of symbols. It's like a way to connect with outside world- pentagrams, symbols, logos.

An introvert with an abstract intellect. All his life, the sound engineer has been looking for the meaning of life, asking questions about the universe. All his desires are immaterial. In his perception, the body has no value - only a tool for conveying ideas.

In the vast majority of cases, here we are also talking only about a bundle with a skin vector. Fanatically devoted to the Idea, the skin sounder will be all available means carry your banner.


It is impossible not to say about the owners. These traditionalists do not like tattoos and do not appreciate piercings. It is very difficult for a person with an anal vector to agree to violate the purity of the skin if there are no such assumptions in the traditions. But today they are not rare visitors to tattoo parlors.

The authority of a person whom they respect and follow his ideas can encourage them to change their image. It is much easier to make such a decision when they go “for the company”. And it fits especially well with the worldview of such a person. memory tattoo idea. Especially if it is the memory of the faithful male friendship and mutual assistance.

Men with an anal vector also like to emphasize masculinity in created image especially the beard

Where is the happiness?

Each case will have its own reasons for getting a tattoo or piercing. As we can see, both individual problems and social attitudes influence.

The only thing that remains important among the many possible factors- the need for understanding own reasons and desires. Rarely do we admit to ourselves why we do this or that action. This can lead to frustration and long-term dissatisfaction.

The girl wanted a family - she went to get pierced in the hope that she would be noticed so soon potential husband. Yes, something of happiness cannot be seen, no one makes her the desired proposal. Or a boy, under the influence of emotions, kept the name of his beloved on his wrist. Emotions pass, names change...

The better you understand yourself, the more pleasure you will get from changing your image. A piercing or tattoo is an element of fashion behind which our unconscious desires are hidden. Before you take the plunge, identify the real need. Free online trainings on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan can help you with this.

Body piercings and tattoos are forms of body art that have been practiced throughout history by the most different cultures. Tattoos and piercings can be done as an expression of independence, for religious or cultural reasons, or simply to decorate one's body. Tattooing is achieved by injecting a coloring pigment into the deeper layers of the skin, usually with needles or air pressure. Piercing is performed quickly and without anesthesia with a special spring-loaded gun or needles of different diameters. The skin is cleaned, and then one or another product is inserted through the fabric with a quick movement. Piercings and tattoos are usually performed in beauty salons.

History of tattoos and piercings

In the most different cultures throughout almost the entire history of mankind human body It was customary to decorate with piercings and tattoos. In 1992, the body of a tattooed man who lived around 4000 BC was discovered in a glacier on the Austrian border. Other historical studies have shown that the Egyptians identified tattoos with fertility and high social status during the period 4000-2000 BC. Like tattoos, piercings also have a long history that includes the present. In some communities, piercings and tattoos are still used in initiation rites as symbols of socialization and inculturation.

In industrialized cultures in the early 2000s, tattoos and piercings became a popular art form enjoyed by people of all ages. They are also indicative of a psychology of self-mutilation, defiance, independence, and status in certain circles, such as prison.

Popular body piercing locations include the ear, nasal septum, eyebrows, tongue, cheeks, nipples, navel, labia and penis. Tattoos can be performed on various areas of the body.

Risks of Piercings and Tattoos

While piercings and tattoos are very popular these days, they carry various health risks. Tattooing without proper sterile conditions can result in transmission infectious diseases such as hepatitis B and C, and theoretically HIV. Henna tattoos can cause significant allergies and rashes, and lead to kidney failure and even death of people hypersensitivity to this ingredient. These types of tattoos are especially dangerous for children. younger age. Piercing also poses a risk chronic infection, scarring, hepatitis B and C, tetanus, and allergies to the jewelry that is used. One study recently reported that about 17 percent of young people with piercings have medical complications, such as infections or lacerations. Using a piercing gun to pierce the upper part of the ears increases the risk of infections, and the force of its impact complicates the situation up to surgical intervention specialists.

Piercings and tattoos are unregulated in most parts of the world, and some of them are even illegal. For example, the American Dental Association opposes oral (tongue, lip, or cheek) piercings, and the Academy of Dermatology opposes all forms of piercing except earlobe piercings.

Complications from tattoos and piercings

Some of the signs of infection from a piercing or tattoo are obvious, such as inflammation in the pierced or tattooed area, while symptoms of hepatitis C, the most common blood-borne infection, may not be so obvious. Allergic reactions to tattoos can occur due to pigment compounds used in dyes, such as oxides of iron, mercury, chromium, cadmium and cobalt, and synthetic organic dyes. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include swelling, redness, and severe itching. A symptom of a reaction to henna tattoos is eczema, a rash around the tattoo site. A severe reaction can lead to anaphylactic shock.

Most piercing infections are due to the use of non-sterile methods. Streptococci and staphylococci are most actively involved in skin infections in piercings. The tissue around the punctured area can weaken and tear, resulting in severely disfigured earlobes, for example. Other common complications include contact dermatitis and scarring. Piercing can lead to endocarditis (inflammation of the heart), rupture urethra(in the case of piercing the labia), as well as serious infections of the penis (when pierced foreskin) and further to severe disability or in rare cases even death.

How to avoid complications

To avoid the complications listed above, tattoos or piercings should be performed in clean rooms and equipment should be sterilized. The skin must be cleaned with antiseptics to minimize the risk of infection. Common problems with both tattoos and piercings are infections, which can range in severity from mild to severe. Tongue piercing carries the most high risk infections and often leads to damage to the teeth.

Treatment for local infection resulting from a piercing includes warm compresses, antibacterial ointments and a five-day course of oral antibiotic therapy. In the case of hepatitis B or C, special diet and lifestyle changes, which include avoiding alcohol and constantly monitoring the course of the disease.

Tattoo removal methods

There are several ways to remove tattoos, including using a laser to break up tattoo pigments. Surgical removal is the most invasive method, skin resurfacing - which removes layers of the epidermis in the process of dermabrasion, the use of saline solution- through absorption into the skin, scarification - removal of a tattoo with an acidic solution with the formation of a scar.

How long do piercings and tattoos take to heal?

Depending on the type of infection resulting from any piercing or tattoo, treatment and subsequent prognosis in to a large extent vary. Minor infections respond well to antibiotic therapy, while blood diseases such as hepatitis B and C cause long-term negative results. Disfigurement can sometimes, and sometimes not, be corrected by plastic surgery. People who are particularly sensitive or allergic to dye components (especially henna) can have serious consequences, which sometimes end even lethal outcome, in the case of the progression of the reaction. In other cases, scarring of the skin or changes in pigmentation occur.

Typically, earlobe piercings take six to eight weeks to heal, ear cartilage four months to one year, eyebrows six to eight weeks, nostrils two to four months, and nasal septum six to eight. months, nose bridge eight to ten weeks, tongue four weeks (may cause partial paralysis if product pierces a nerve), lips two to three months, nipples three to six months, navel four months to one year inclusive, female genital organs - from four to ten weeks, male genital organs - from four weeks to six months.

Prevention of infections and allergies

It's obvious that The best way to prevent infection from piercings or tattoos, it's not to do them. However, the risks can be minimized. Procedures must be carried out in a sterile environment an experienced specialist. The master performing the procedure must use sterile gloves. Henna tattoos must be done clean, safe brown henna but not insecure black.

The piercing is performed using smoothly polished jewelry made of high quality gold of high standard, titanium, surgical steel or niobium. Allergic reactions may occur with the use of brass or nickel-containing alloys. Total time The healing time for a piercing is between six months and two years. Piercing must be performed in a sterile environment using all possible measures precautions to reduce the risk of infection. Excessive force, such as too strong a pull, should never be applied to inserted products in order to avoid tissue rupture.

Denial of responsibility: The information provided in this article about tattoos and piercings is intended to inform the reader only. It cannot be a substitute for the advice of a health professional.

Tattoos and piercings- this is ancient practice body improvements.

The word "tattoo" came from the islands in Oceania, it was first described by Captain Cook in 1769.

This kind of creativity was named because of the knock produced by brass needles on the skin, which in the native language sounded like "tatau" or "tatu".

Piercing, including on the earlobe, is also an ancient process, defined as the insertion of a needle to create a fistula for decorative jewelry.

The first practice, recorded in the Near East over 5,000 years ago, is mentioned in Genesis 7A.22 when Abraham asks his senior servant to find a wife for his son Isaac. One of the gifts given by the slave to Rebecca, Isaac's new wife, was a golden earring.

Since then, ear piercing has spread so well that most of the scientific literature does not refer to earlobe piercing as a piercing.

The social acceptability of this tradition varies from culture to culture. Catholicism and Judaism banned the practice of tattoos. Self-expression, religious views, social level and style is the motivation for getting a tattoo or piercing. Later they became a hallmark for the marginalized sections of society: bikers, military, sailors.

Now tattoos and piercings are commonplace for all ages and both sexes, something of an epidemic. For emergency physicians, tattoos and piercings have become an important non-verbal cue about a patient's lifestyle and, in addition, an increasingly frequent reason for calling the ambulance.

Epidemiology of tattoo

The tattoo can be used to disguise intravenous drug marks in the antecubital fossa. She also occupies important place in general medical therapy. Its use can be seen as a disguise for dermatological diseases, and also added as a final step in many procedures plastic surgery. In addition, it is used as an indication for radiotherapy, endoscopic surgery and ophthalmic procedures.

Complications caused by tattoos

Most tattoos cause complications associated with infection, which can be transmitted by the non-sterile instruments of some tattoo artists, in particular, in prisons and through intravenous drug use, there is a risk of getting sick with hepatitis B and C, as well as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

Even syphilis was transmitted by a tattoo artist licking needles for "sterility". Failure to recognize the tattoo as a source of complications leads to improper therapy. In many cases, the tattoo is not associated with a medical problem, because the patient may become aggressive in doing so.

Complications caused by piercing

They are more frequent than those caused by tattoos. They include local or systemic infections, traumatic insertions, poor cosmetic appearance and rejection foreign body, when introduced into the deeper layers of the skin. Metals include stainless steel, gold, titanium and various alloys. If these alloys contain nickel, then allergic reaction skin and contact dermatitis.

Rarer complications are bacterial endocarditis, tetanus, movement of the piercing in the body. In practice, a case of appendicitis from a swallowed piercing is described, which caused occlusion of the upper part of the appendix.

Summing up

Tattoos and piercings have become widespread and enjoy greater social acceptance than ever before. This change in body importance for emergency physicians as it gives them information about the "patient".

First of all, the doctor can learn a lot about these patients, including information about the need for immediate medical examination.

Secondly, tattoos and piercings increase the number of visits to departments emergency care due to complications that appeared immediately and after some time.

An emergency doctor, armed with knowledge of piercings and tattoos, can determine best relationship with the patient and obtain important data for the medical history, as well as provide the best treatment for this group of patients.

Konstantin Mokanov