How to make a beautiful poster, wall newspaper for a child's birthday with your own hands: ideas, templates, photos. How to make a congratulatory, sweet, poster with photos, a wall newspaper for the first birthday of a child, in a kindergarten

Wall newspaper- this is a special kind of "press", which is made by hand and is made in a single copy. For this, a single sheet of paper is mainly used. high density A1 size (594 mm wide x 841 mm long), which can be printed with a printer or drawn by hand with an image and text. There are various wall newspapers: school, holiday, news, humorous, student, army, etc. But there is also a special variety of them - a wall newspaper for a child's birthday.

As the name implies, the release of such a wall newspaper is timed to coincide with the most important children's holiday- birthday. Of course, all the information in it one way or another should be dedicated to the birthday man and all topics related to this significant event.

What, why and why?

Why do you need a wall newspaper? It performs several functions at once:

1) This is an interesting and accessible form of congratulations for a child.

2) This good way Demonstrate attention from parents, relatives and friends.

3) It will become a good souvenir for memory: later, the child (and especially the adult) will be interested in revising old wall newspapers and immersed in warm memories.

4) It's fun - the very process of creating a wall newspaper brings a lot positive emotions to all those who take part in it (the birthday person himself may, if desired, be among them).

5) This is one of the elements festive decoration dwellings: the appropriate color is created, which affects the mood of the guests. In addition, it will be interesting for the invitees to familiarize themselves with the contents of the wall newspaper - this can even become one of the children's games in the process of celebration.

Instructions for beginner newspapermen

How to create your own wall newspaper? There is nothing difficult in this. You will need a sheet of paper, a collection of photographs, felt-tip pens or paints, pencils, a pen, a ruler, glue, pushpins, paper clips, tape. If you have a computer, printer, scanner and copier, they can also come in handy.

The creation process can be divided into stages:

1) First you need to figure out where the wall newspaper will be located.

While in the case of traditional print media everything is clear (they are sold at newsagents or brought by the postman), the situation is different with a wall newspaper: it must be placed on the wall. Actually, this is reflected in the title of this publication. The most logical thing would be to attach a wall newspaper on one of the free walls in the birthday boy's room. If for some reason this does not work, you can use the corridor for this purpose. Hanging a wall newspaper in the kitchen or bathroom is not worth it.

2) Allocate newspaper space.

Before you start creative process, you need to draw up a clear plan: what information will be posted, in which part of the newspaper, how much to allocate for it free space. As a rule, at least three key blocks are created:

  • Congratulatory inscription (for example - "Happy birthday, Petya!" Or "Congratulations to Petyunya on his 5th birthday!"). Usually does not take up much space, but should be clearly visible - large letters, bright colours.
  • A selection of photographs (both the birthday man himself and friends, relatives, as well as drawings with any characters from fairy tales or cartoons). This is the most voluminous part of the wall newspaper - it takes up most of the free space.
  • Text block (these can be poems, wishes for the birthday man, interesting news, etc.) It is not worth overloading the newspaper with textual information, especially if readers are not yet in harmony with independent reading.

3) Prepare the layout.

When the plan of the newspaper is drawn up, you need to "typeset" a trial version: lay out photos on a sheet of paper A1, try on letters from greeting lettering, choose the font size for the verses, choose the optimal color range etc.

A ready-made template layout can be found on the Internet - in this case, you just need to print it on a printer, and then, if necessary, paste photos or any applications. In a more advanced version (this will already turn out to be a real professional newspaper), the layout can be completely created on a computer using any graphic editor, then all that remains is to print it.

Here are examples and ideas for creating a wall newspaper:

4) Attach the newspaper to the wall.

The most solid and convenient option- place the newspaper in a frame and place it on the wall. An easier way is to use buttons or tape (in this case, there is a risk of damaging the wallpaper or other elements of home decor).

1) For the wall newspaper for the child's birthday to be a success, it is desirable that it fit into the thematic direction of the holiday.

2) If children read with difficulty (or do not know how at all), one of the child's parents can read the newspaper.

3) The most popular newspaper option is a collage of photographs with captions. This could be a photo of the birthday person in different ages, friends and relatives with wishes, etc.

4) The use of humor will always be in a great way liven up the homemade print edition. Jokes, funny rhymes, funny photos and pictures, as well as comments to them - the perfect filling for the newspaper!

When all the guests were assembled (there were 5 people invited), fanfare sounded. Then I read out a decree on the occasion of my birthday.
I ask everyone to stand up! The birthday boy goes to the center of the hall. Everyone is at attention to the reading of the order, alignment with the birthday boy!
In connection with a wonderful event - Max's birthday - all the guys, friends, relatives and many well-wishers decided:
1. To award Max with a commemorative medal and wish the birthday boy all the best.
2. To present the medal in a solemn atmosphere at the celebration of the birthday in the circle of friends, relatives and guests.
3. Guests are commanded to arrive at great mood, eat, play, have fun, participate in games, competitions, sing and dance.
Thank you for the attention!
And now everyone is invited to the table ...

Then games and contests began.

1. "Funny gifts".

For this game you need to print two sets of cards. The first is gifts, the second is actions. The guests take turns drawing cards from the first set and say to the birthday man: "I'll give you for your birthday ... (read a drink from the card)", and the birthday man pulls out a card from the second set and answers: "And I ... (reads the inscription) ".
It turns out something like the following:
- I'll give you a doll for your birthday!
- And I'll fix it on the ceiling.

The writing on our cards was as follows.

First set:
dollars, hat, chandelier, perfume, chicken, earrings, piggy bank, juice, music, shoes, hanger, mirror, fish, paint, goat, bow, picture, shampoo, seeds, tape recorder, nuts, dress, car, doll.

Second set:
I will comb my hair, tie a bow and admire;
split and eat;
gnawing and eating;
I will look into your eyes, smile and hug me tightly;
paint walls and doors;
start and go;
turn it on and listen;
pour it into a glass and drink;
take it in my arms and circle;
I will be very happy and will put it into business;
cut and eat;
I'll tie it to a tree and go for a walk;
break into pieces, treat friends;
I will spray and enjoy the scent;
hang on my ears;
I will stroke it with an iron and put it on;
I will clean it, put it on my feet, I will dance;
hug and kiss;
I will get scared and run away;
I use it as decoration;
tie and pin to your hair;
put it on my head;
I will make a hole and I will lower the money;
hang on the wall;
I will fix it on the ceiling.


Who will put the newspaper in the faster plastic bottle from under soda water. The winner receives a prize.

"Room of fear".

On the kitchen door, there was the sign "Panic Room". One child was invited into the room, the rest remained outside the door. The newcomer was asked to blow out the burning candle with a shout. Those who remained outside the door were at a loss for what was happening in the room.

Used the usual way games for forfeits. We collected two things from each participant and put them in a box. They pulled out a phantom and a piece of paper with a task from the bag.
And the tasks were as follows:
Right hand pat on the stomach, pat on the head with the left. Change hands abruptly and do the opposite.
Show how Cinderella danced while she was watering the flowers (knocking out the carpet, washing the dishes).
Holding a pencil upper lip, show tongue.
Eat an imaginary slice of watermelon.
Depict the gait of a robot doing aerobics according to a given program.
Depict a flying plane.
Perform a snake imitation dance.
Depict a boiling kettle.
Read the poem "Our Tanya is crying out loud ..." happily, as if he had just won a million.
Say 10 compliments to the neighbor on the left.
Look at yourself in the mirror and compliment yourself (say 10 compliments).
Demonstrate the dance of primitive people.
Use your legs to demonstrate fear.
To meow the song "From a smile will brighten everyone."
Dance to the music without taking your feet off the floor.

A WIN-FREE LOTTERY (we had it in the form of prizes on a string, they had to be cut from closed eyes... some prizes such as t / paper, soaps were packed in shiny bags, each had text glued to it.)

Teddy bear (soft toy)

Tired of you learning
So you want to play?
Means, it will definitely come in handy
What I want to give you.
Remember your golden childhood:
Kindergarten and potty ...
The bear is after all sacred,
Don't drop it on the floor, buddy.


If you put money in your pocket,
Every thief and bully
They will, of course, be stolen.
This item will not let you down
If there is a hole in your pocket
Your "mani" will also disappear.
A wallet full of money
Better to put it in a briefcase.


A very useful thing.
You can turn into a witch
Well, if you know the measure,
You can become beautiful.

Dog (soft toy)

Without her, you are like no hands,
This is your trusted friend.
Let it not bark, do not bite,
But it does not fade.

A set of excellent students (it contains an elastic band, a ruler ...)

Do you dream of becoming an excellent student?
You get a noble incentive,
A lot of different things.
Well, dare in the morning!


If the letters are squiggles
Then take me in hand
On a piece of paper, skip and skip,
Here is a clean sheet!


Wooden and slender
I will measure at least an elephant
Even a multi-storey house
If it matters.


If you look in the mirror
And at the same time you say:
"Ah, I'm not a beauty!"
Everything will be fixed quickly.
Just look at her
And go to the Miss contest!

Sweet prize (any sweets)

You got a sweet prize
Help yourself, bravo, encore!
If you like chocolate
You will be insanely happy.
And if you don't love, it doesn't matter.
Dad will eat it then.

For men (appropriately named chocolate and tooth powder)

If you love sweet
You’ll definitely ruin your teeth.
Powder is given to you!
Dentist - Can't Wait
Drill a black tooth.
Brush your teeth, therefore!

Two in one (two prizes in one package)

This gift is unusual
It looks colorful and bright,
Well, what is there inside,
Better look at home.

Hole puncher

If you need a hole,
Press - and here it is.
Confetti can be made
Just take it and want it!

Book (coloring with cars)

If you are a chauffeur at heart,
You love to ride for a long time,
Choose your car:
Doors, body and cab ...
You can even choose a color.
It's a pity, only there are no rights in the bag.

If jeans don't fit you,
Do not rush to cut them,
This little thing
It will help you put them on.

Rubber gloves)

This gift is unusual
Soft and hygienic.
You put it on - and go,
Where the unwashed toilet is waiting.

Teeth (gummy)

If your teeth are thinning,
Broke, flew off,
You won't find better than these,
Just kill time in vain.

A toy

I'm a fun toy
Not a dog, not Parsley,
Who am I? Guess quickly
And play with me!


Super trendy little thing
Braid it up.
Everyone will say - a beauty
And she will like it herself.


I am a simple caramel
Sweet, sticky,
Bite me for a week
For the occasion.

The balloon is light and airy
Don't put it under the pillow
Otherwise he will bang like that,
That the neighbor behind the wall will gasp.

Toilet paper

An entertaining constructor!
And you don't need an instructor.
You can twist the rose
You can scribble texts.
And if you wind it around the body,
You can play the mummy.

From sadness and longing
Terry socks for you.

Five rubles

I'm a coin-pig
I don’t want to go into the box.
You hurry to the stall, run
And buy something.

Marker (yellow)

River, forest, thick grass,
I’ll draw anything.
Cherkan with yellow paint,
I will also draw the moon.


The calendar is small,
But smart.
It will show you the day and year
He lives in every house.


Everyone knows plasticine since childhood,
You can sculpt an inheritance
And a cow and an eagle,
If only there was a strength!


This new notebook
It needs to be kept in order
Well, if you scribble in it,
You can become a slob.

Liquid glue as a gift,
Here are some ideas:
You can glue them wallpaper,
Tiles, tiles and more.

If you want to lose weight
You just need to want.
When you see a sandwich
Quickly roll up your mouth.


If you are a thug
Threatens with a cannon at night,
Pinch his ear
He will immediately run away.

Chewing gum

If you sit down on these things
Then shout: "Goodbye, trousers!"
In vain you puff and scrub
You just dig a hole.

Fish (figurines growing in water)

If you know Chinese
You translate a little bit
Then without any difficulty
The fish will grow up then.


If you have a runny nose all year round
This present will save you.


In this little thing
So much joy is stored!
Don't listen to doctors
Eat it and be healthy.

"Treasure search"
Step 1. Encrypted phrase

Step 2. I made a wall newspaper, but according to the layout from the "Sun" portal, which later came in handy when searching for the treasure. The word "monitor" was also highlighted on the wall newspaper.

Step 3. A sheet with a star was attached to the monitor, in which the word "intercom" was encrypted.

Step 4. Under the intercom, the guys found a riddle: "Even in the heat of July, it is freezing in it, like in winter."
Having solved it, they ran to the refrigerator.

Step 5. There was a puzzle-note on the refrigerator, in which the word "TV" was encrypted.
The children immediately went down the wrong path, did not understand the meaning of the assignment. I had to suggest the first letter.

6 step. The encrypted word "mirror" was found on the TV.

7 step. Behind the mirror was an envelope with a cut piece of paper on which the word "stool" was written.
Putting this word together, the guys began to turn over all the stools and look for the next clue.

Step 8. Attached to the leg of one of the stools was a note with the word PIKPIRPIEPISPILPIO.
The syllable PI is added before each letter, the answer is a CHAIR.

Step 9. Having deciphered the word, the children ran to the chair, in which they found the encrypted "telephone".

Step 10. There was a note on the phone: "Dial the number: 54 - .. - 25". The number was missing two digits. To find them out, you need to solve the example that was recorded on the same sheet below. The guys solved the example and dialed the phone number. It was my grandmother's phone number.

We agreed with her in advance that she would ask the guys a riddle: "This automatic washerwoman washes everything for us."

The guys immediately guessed that it was a washing machine. And in washing machine there was a package with prizes.

This article provides you with ways and tips to create a beautiful birthday poster for a girl.

A beautiful poster for the birthday of a girl 8 - 11 years old do it yourself: templates, ideas, photos

You can surprise your daughter, girlfriend, granddaughter, sister or niece for a birthday with the help. For this you a large sheet of whatman paper will come in handy(A1 format) and Additional materials: paints, brushes, felt-tip pens, scissors, colored paper, sequins, glue, photographs and poetry.

Such a poster will surely impress a child, because the memories of 8, 9, 10 and 11 years old remain very vivid, and most importantly - for a lifetime. Try to remember the birthday boy's hobbies in advance:

  • What kind of sweets he likes
  • What cartoons or TV shows are watching
  • What he likes to play
  • What collects
  • What are you interested in
  • What books does he read
  • His favorite color
  • Favorite flowers

This data will help you collect a large number of embellishments and scrapbooks that perfectly complement greeting poster... In addition, you can always stick to one specific style. For example, a Hello Kity poster or a Princess Sofia poster.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget to leave space on the poster so that guests who come to the house can leave their wishes - this is important for the child himself, who is unlikely to listen carefully to congratulations on his birthday, but will gladly read them after.

If you are pasting a photo, choose only those that your girl definitely loves, because, although she is small, she is a woman. And women are often offended if they are not the most exposed to the public. good photos... It is a good idea to post a series of photos from small to large, ie. trace your child's growing up from 1 year old to the date you celebrate in the photo.

Birthday Girl Poster Ideas:

Congratulatory poster in the style of "Smeshariki" painted on whatman paper

Congratulatory poster in the style of "Masha and the Bear" for a girl

DIY colorful poster for a girl's birthday

Beautiful poster from the whole family for a girl's birthday

Wide hanging poster for girl birthday

Hand drawn poster with a photo of a girl for her birthday

Poems and wishes poster

Colorful poster for a girl from loved ones on a birthday

A beautiful poster for the birthday of a girl 12 - 15 years old do it yourself: templates, ideas, photos

Poster for adult girl 12, 13, 14 and 15 years old should be different from posters for young children. At this age, the child begins to feel himself as a person and therefore it is important to fully take into account all the preferences. Typically, teenage girls love movies and music, modern TV shows and social media.

Try to take into account the hobbies of your teenager, because such a poster will not only be interesting, but also enjoyable. You can also fill the poster with wishes and poems, because at this age the child perceives everything pleasant words and rejoices. You can decorate the poster with artificial or homemade flowers from corrugated paper, draw and cut flags, inflate balloons.

Poster ideas for teenage girls:

Girl friends birthday poster

You can draw a poster by hand and attach your photos

DIY poster for girlfriend with photo and sweets

Drawn poster with personal photos for the girl

How to make a birthday poster for a girl with sweets?

A poster made of sweets can please anyone on a birthday, because absolutely everyone loves sweets and chocolates, especially teenage girls. You can use sweets with original names that can continue your phrases.

For example:

  • You are my Miracle"
  • You are my favorite ... "KINDER"
  • You are my child the most ... "KIND"
  • Let your life be colorful, like ... "SKITLES"
  • I wish you more often to go with your friends to ... "PICNIK"
  • Let life give you real ... "LOVE IS"
  • I wish you on your trip to fly to ... "MARS"
  • I wish you in life to be like ... "CRAZY BEE"

IMPORTANT: There are a lot of ideas for wishes using sweets, and each one depends only on your imagination and the product that you can find in the store!

Ideas ready-made posters from sweets for girls:

Birthday sweets poster

Poster with sweets in the form of a picture on the wall, birthday greetings

Birthday wishes and sweets poster

Small birthday poster for girl with sweets

DIY colorful poster with sweets

Sweets as a continuation of wishes for your birthday

How to make a birthday poster for a girl with photos and wishes?

A poster with pictures for a girl can become great congratulations happy Birthday. Most often, such posters are made by friends, pasting joint photos with happy moments.

Parents can also use photographs, but which can be captured by the whole happy life Last year: trips, family holidays and events, beautiful portraits.

Another idea is to make a “dream collage”. To do this, you should cut out the face of your birthday girl and substitute her in various scenes of a luxurious and beautiful life, or at least in this way to fulfill those dreams that have not yet come true.

Unusual way make congratulations from photos

Poster with wishes and pictures

An unusual way to wish a happy birthday

Poster for a girl from a photo and wishes for a birthday

Collage poster of photos and scrapbooks with wishes

How to draw a birthday poster for a girl?

You can print your poster on your computer using ready-made templates, you can buy ready-made, or you can draw it yourself. To do this, you can use ready-made ideas posters or print special coloring posters.

Template options for a greeting poster:

Girl cake poster template

Simple template with birthday cake

Unusual pattern for poster coloring

Birthday spongebob poster, template

Coloring template for greeting poster

What to write on the poster happy birthday to the girl, what wishes and congratulations?

A congratulatory poster should definitely please. What you need to write on the poster:

  • Poetry
  • Congratulations
  • Happy life wishes
  • Compliments
  • The words of your favorite songs
  • Quotes from cartoons and movies

What words to write on a poster for a girl:

Beautiful poems for a girl's birthday

Beautiful wishes for birthday girl

Congratulations for girls

Poems for a congratulatory poster Poems for children on a congratulatory poster

How to buy a template for a poster for a girl's birthday on Aliexpress?

The modern Aliexpress store invites you to purchase any necessary paraphernalia for celebrating your birthday. Here you will find everything you need.

Birthday is one of the most anticipated holidays, getting ready to congratulate someone, we browse an incredible number of sites, search all stores in the area in search of perfect gift... It should be original, unusual, atypical, memorable. Why not draw a birthday present? How about replacing simple postcard to a gift for a greeting poster or poster?

Let's think together how to draw a poster for a birthday, how to decorate it beautifully and what birthday greetings to place on it, especially since birthday posters are gaining more and more popularity.

Cool posters, funny cartoon, wall newspaper, DIY poster - nice gift For birthday, original congratulations- pledge good mood birthday boy. The birthday poster can fit funny congratulations, poems, drawings, photographs.

What you need for a greeting poster

To make a poster for a birthday, we need very little, first of all, these are:

  1. Whatman.
  2. Pencils, paints, markers, pens.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Glue.

It is possible that photographs of the future birthday man, old magazines, printouts will also come in handy, depending on the idea of ​​a future wall newspaper with wishes for his birthday.

Speaking of the idea, before you draw a birthday present in the form of such a large, peculiar postcard, take a small draft where you can sketch a future congratulation. Thus, we will simplify the design of the poster, having thought over its idea in advance.

Components of such a gift

  1. The inscription and its design.
    The most main phrase undoubtedly should be conspicuous, be bright, radiating good mood... How to register them? These letters can be varied by doodling by drawing big letters, add flowers or other small details to them, paint a semblance of graffiti for their birthday or make an applique. The letters can be printed, cut out of colored paper or from magazines. Unusual and interesting!
  2. Background.
    The background should be no less bright, but not merge with the main letters, wishes and images. On help will come watercolor. Light layer watercolors will dilute White background Whatman paper, and already on it you can place a wide variety of ideas.
  3. Congratulations.
    On a draft with a sketch, sketch and a couple of words for the birthday celebrant, cool, in poetic form, short phrases or long prose... When in doubt about your writing skill good congratulations, look for them in advance on the Internet, print or rewrite yourself.

First of all, a birthday greeting poster simply has to be bright, which means that the use of dull, dark, cold colors should be minimized.

The poster does not require much effort, artistic skill, but interesting congratulations can be easily found on the sites, there you will find more than one good idea what to draw for your birthday.

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about creating a poster is huge inscription Happy birthday, placed top or center, large beautiful letters, voluminous bright. So, first of all, let's place the phrase in a convenient place, first of all, do this simple pencil... Armed with an eraser and a pencil, we can fix random blots and shortcomings.

Birthday drawing ideas

If you're out of ideas or lacking inspiration, here are some tips for what to draw for your birthday. Find help here on how to decorate your birthday poster, but don't forget to add your own special twist to your gift.

For artists

The first and simplest thing that can serve as an image on a poster is drawings, simple thematic drawings, it can be air balloons, boxes with gifts, a picture of the birthday person or simple drawings, for example flowers, among which congratulations will be placed.

Congratulations can be printed and glued to a poster, or written by hand. If your posters have balloons, why not put congratulations on balloons. And if flowers, petals - great idea to place any request.

You can diversify such a poster with a volume, for example, stick another drawn ball on top, lifting which you can find a pair warm words from you. You can do the same with flower petals and gifts. If you have a few small envelopes, or can fold them out of paper yourself, then glueing the finished envelopes with a couple of nice lines in them is a great idea.


Doubt about your artistic skills? No problem. With a color printer, find beautiful images on the internet! Print, cut, and glue on future poster... Between them you can place the same printed congratulations.

Collage photos will be just as useful. Take your shared photos from your happiest moments or past holidays. Or photographs from childhood, they can be placed on the poster in the order of the birthday person's growing up. Funny and random photos can be used too, of course, if the birthday person is not offended, and you want to get cool posters.

Among the congratulations with such photos, you can put a couple of phrases, the author of which is celebrating a birthday, which have become winged in your family / company.

The work on such a poster will not take much time, but it will be bright, attractive and original.

It has become very popular now sweet poster... Supermarkets are full of a variety of sweets, and those have the most unusual and original names that can be used with congratulations on the poster. Such phrases as “You and I are inseparable like Twix” or “Communication with you is a heavenly delight” will sound funny with a Baunty chocolate bar attached next to it. Purchase a couple of tasty treats by composing rough plan congratulations. Glue, sew, attach small sweets to whatman paper, adding the missing words to chocolates, sweets and lollipops with bright felt-tip pens.

You don't have to be a poet to congratulate you on your birthday, and drawing doesn't have to be your strong point. Happy birthday posters - actual way to express your congratulations.

Birthday wishes poster is interesting, unusual and original gift, which does not take long, does not require much effort. However, it is very pleasant to receive such a congratulation, because it was made with your own hands, which speaks of attention to the birthday man and his gift.