What to do for the development of intelligence. Ways to develop intelligence on your own. Is it possible to develop intelligence in adulthood

The makings of intelligence are given to us at birth, the habit of using mental abilities is instilled by parents and teachers, and the desire for the development of intelligence depends on each individual.

Modern science suggests that a person's thinking abilities are 50% dependent on the genetic factor, that is, half of the intelligence potential is laid by parents - this is a type of character, a set of neurons, neurotransmitters. At the age of 5, a child has already formed a set of neurons and connections between them, most of which will remain with him for life. And then a lot depends on how his parents will develop him, and when he grows up - he himself.

The goal of many people who wish is to fully realize their inherent abilities, their potential. AND Right way to achieve this goal - not to stop working on increasing your intelligence. Anyone who will actively work on the development of their thinking abilities will be able to radically change themselves intellectually in a year.

So how do you make your brain work in full force? Indeed, in our world, where competition reigns, it is not the strongest who wins, but the most intelligent, enterprising and resourceful.

Improving your mental abilities is not a problem - there would be desire and patience. Of course, the second, or we are unlikely to become - these are exceptional individuals-nuggets. But by engaging in self-development, we will make sure that our brain has such capabilities that we did not even know about.

Of course, many people would like to become a genius easily and quickly, without spending special efforts... Now there are many books on the development of thinking abilities, for example Stanislav Müller “Become a genius! Secrets of Super Thinking "from the series" Your Own Psychologist ", but most people are too lazy to even read them.

For them, the solution would be a magic pill like the one that, by chance, went to the protagonist of the American film Fields of Darkness (2011) with Bradley Cooper in starring... With this pill, the brain of a failed New York writer starts to work with incredible power, and the depressed hero turns into a genius stock player with great prospects. But without a pill, he is nothing. Plus, the wonderful brain-boosting pills have been found to have serious side effects.

Although the hero finds a way out of the difficult situation in which he found himself, we better be guided by common sense and do exercises for the development of intelligence. For the brain to work, it needs to be loaded, but the exercises should be interesting, not monotonous. Otherwise, we will subconsciously avoid them while practicing. And exercises will only give results when they become a habit.

What is IQ

In 1912, the German psychologist Wilhelm Stern introduced the concept of "intelligence quotient" - IQ. It is determined using various tests with tasks of increasing complexity. The mean is 100. A value of 70 qualifies as mental retardation.

Intelligence does not mean the amount of knowledge accumulated by a person, but his ability to memorize and analyze new information, as well as be able to use it to solve subsequent problems.

American Andrea Kuszewski is a consultant physician and specialist in behavioral therapy... She works with children with autism who have cognitive impairments. One of her first patients was a delayed boy mental development: his IQ was indicative of negligible mental retardation... After three years of teaching reading, mathematics, playing skills, communication according to the method she developed, his IQ was 100. The same success in the development of intelligence was observed in other children with cognitive disorders with whom the classes were conducted.

Consequently, if children with learning disabilities can develop rapidly, then the average person who does not have such problems, as they say, has cards in hand.

Andrea Kuszewski made the following conclusions:

  • intelligence is trainable;
  • the more you train him, the better the result will be;
  • to develop intelligence within the power of everyone, regardless of the level of his initial abilities.

We develop mental abilities

1. Looking for innovations

All geniuses are usually erudites - people with great knowledge in many areas of life. For example, there was not only talented artist but also a writer, musician, scientist and inventor.

People who seek to develop their intelligence should be open to everything new: knowledge, activities, events. After all, each new activity contributes to the formation of new connections - synapses that connect one neuron with the rest and through which they exchange impulses.

The production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter hormone that stimulates the formation of new neurons and promotes increased motivation, also directly depends on the innovations that trigger this process.

Anyone who wants to have a high IQ should not think that after graduating from a university, you can forget about studies forever, because this is a direct path to degradation. Therefore, we do not stop looking new food for the mind: we study new sciences, new languages, sign up for courses - for example, painting, playing the guitar, Latin American dances, doing a new sport, going on a journey for new experiences.

The value for the development of thinking abilities is not so much the knowledge itself, but the learning process itself.

2. Challenge ourselves

A lot has been said about the benefits of educational games for the brain, training memory and concentration: poker, preference, chess, backgammon, computer games like Tetris, Sudoku.

True, psychologists dealing with the development of intelligence advise, having achieved mastery in one game, proceed to the next. After all, the brain, having understood how to play, for example, begins to be lazy, while new synaptic connections are no longer formed so actively. In order for the brain to be loaded and continue to work hard, you need to constantly keep it in a state of some difficulty.

3. Learning to think creatively

3.1. , the ability to create original ideas and think outside the box.

For example, we take a certain problem and find from 10 to 20 ways to solve it, especially without limiting our imagination. So,

  • we were caught in the street by heavy rain, there is no umbrella, it is far from home, and the rain, most likely, for a long time;
  • we are in a hurry to important meeting, and our heel suddenly breaks;
  • a wallet with money and credit cards disappeared, and we are in a strange city;
  • we were invited to a party where we do not know anyone except the hostess, who was urgently called to work;

3.2. After watching a movie we come up with our own name;

3.3. We open any book and write out 10 words taken at random from it. And now we will try to find a connection between them and make up of them short story out of 10 sentences;

3.4. Imagine ourselves as an architect, before which the customer set the task to design the house. The house is not simple: the project should reflect 10 words invented by the customer: fish, walnut, brick, cat, water, etc. pond, etc .;

3.5. We choose any item you like located in the room, and select 5 adjectives that correspond to it the most. For example, orange is juicy, Spanish, orange, tasty, sweet. And 5 adjectives that suit him the least: feline, harsh, shawl, grassy, ​​cloudy;

3.6. On a piece of paper draw 20 crosses and on the basis of each of them we depict an object that tells us our imagination: for example, a mill, a saucepan, a dragonfly, a chessboard. Instead of crosses as a template for future pictures, you can draw circles or two perpendicular lines.

4. We are not looking for easy ways

Progress makes many tasks easier for us, but our brains, without stress, relax at the same time. Take, for example, thanks to which we have successfully forgotten how to perform even the simplest arithmetic operations in the head or on paper.

Or GPS to help you navigate the terrain. Those who are accustomed to it eventually discover that they are no longer able to do without it, so much they have lost own feeling orientation.

They are created to help us and, which at the same time worsen our knowledge of languages, since they deprive the brain of the opportunity to practice in them.

Technology makes life easier, but cognitive performance suffers as the brain needs training. Of course, you do not need to give up the benefits of civilization and products. modern technologies, but sometimes it is worth giving the brain work to keep it in good shape.

Each person strives to be successful, and for this it is necessary to have a broad outlook: how to develop intelligence if you are dissatisfied with the level of your knowledge and skills? Than to be an active and wise person in old age?

What knowledge is needed for parents who want to raise an intelligent child with a wide range of knowledge, an inquisitive mind, able to apply their skills in practice? You can develop intellectual abilities throughout your life, this process never ends.

10 habits for the development of intelligence in an adult

We all admire the connoisseurs of the “What? Where? When?". We are amazed at the amount of their knowledge, the breadth of their horizons, the ability to find answers to the most diverse and difficult questions... Do not be sad and upset that you will never reach this level. Intelligence is possible at any age.

Previously, it was believed that such development is possible only during the period of growing up - in childhood and adolescence, after which all these processes are inhibited, and progress is no longer possible.

But now scientists have already proven that new cells in the brain are constantly being formed and its plasticity, that is, the ability to develop under the influence of experience, changes - the richer your experience, the more flexible and developed your mind.


Play logic and mind games- chess, backgammon, puzzles train the mind, memory and attention, logical and spatial thinking

Read every day and everything that interests you- fiction, cognitive books will make the brain work constantly, besides, being well-read has not bothered anyone yet

Write down, sketch everything that you want to remember, your ideas, ideas- when writing, several parts of the brain are activated, which helps to better assimilate information

Do math - it trains several mental abilities at once: abstract, analytical, critical and logical thinking, their speed, as well as memory and attention

Do math - it trains several mental abilities at once: abstract, analytical, critical and logical thinking, their speed, as well as memory and attention

Change your habits, what you do "automatically" every day- take a different route to work, brush your teeth with your other hand, etc.

Exercise- physical exercise accelerate the blood, the brain is enriched with oxygen, a protein is produced that helps to form neurons

Eat healthy and nutritious - getting required amount vitamins and minerals, your brain will work at full strength.

Don't get depressed take all failures and obstacles as a chance for improvement and development

Be sure to give yourself a full rest, preferably in silence and without TV

What is intelligence

If the brain is loaded with a solution, then new synapses will be formed - connections between neurons, otherwise these connections will die off as unnecessary.

What is intelligence? This is the quality of the human psyche. It unites thinking, imagination, perception. This knowledge, understanding, the ability to analyze information, reason, draw conclusions, the ability to highlight the main thing, see patterns, generalize experience, think critically.

An intellectual always seeks to learn and understand what he did not know before. A person should control the work of his mind, and not vice versa.

Moreover, we can guide the development of the brain in the right side, persistently, acquiring new skills or improving those that already exist.

Advice: read the book by Svetlana Pristalova "How to develop super memory, intelligence and attention." In it you will find many exercises that help pump the mind.

Formation of intelligence

According to scientists, intelligence begins to form even in the womb, therefore, when asked how to develop intelligence in a child during pregnancy, various recommendations can be heard.

Do not be nervous, spend more time in nature and admire it. It is also important to eat properly and fully so that the child can develop normally.

Much, of course, also depends on genetics, but if the child was born without pathologies, then problems with intellectual abilities could arise during the period of intrauterine development.

If the baby does not start talking or walking when his peers have already mastered these skills, you need to find out, maybe one of the parents was also a little late with this, in which case you should not panic.

No one can do absolutely everything better than others. Each person has some innate inclinations and talents, what he loves to do. The task of parents is to notice and develop these features in time. But here it is also important not to overdo it.

There is no need to try to teach a child something to which he has not yet physiologically matured - this can provoke big problems in future.

For normal development it is necessary to combine the training of intelligence with physical activity, normal nutrition, walks and avoid overwork.

Toddlers develop in communication with adults. Psychologists have long noticed that in socially prosperous families with a high level of parental education, children have more high level intelligence.

Every person is endowed with some abilities from birth.

Still quite tiny, the child is looking at with enthusiasm bright objects, trying to reach them and taste them. This is how the intellect begins to develop.

In this, the kids remind scientists who are passionate about their work - they try to find out everything that interests them, explore from all sides and in all the same ways, at the same time improving their skills, rejoicing in their successes.

How to develop intelligence in a child?

First of all, you need to communicate with the child, even when he is very small. Talk to your baby and you will notice how attentively he listens to you.

Do not stop his curiosity, but also watch out for safety. Play together, show and explain everything - the children will learn from the parents how to act correctly.

Just take your time to get ahead of the developmental norms, even if the baby is very talented. Many of us try to realize our ambitions by "sculpting" a child prodigy.

Our task is to provide the normal for children. Do not limit it to narrow frames.

The curiosity inherent in nature will certainly bear fruit, and the child will master all intellectual skills - to distinguish objects by signs, generalize and highlight, see logical connections, retell fairy tales, build analogies.

The basics of intelligence according to Doman

Many modern parents familiar with the technique early development Glen Doman. He designed it long years examining and observing healthy and sick children.

Here are the basic principles of the technique:

  1. The brain grows and develops under constant stress
  2. Intensively developing the intelligence of the child from birth to three years of age, you can get the best results
  3. Physical development helps brain formation and motor intelligence
  4. Phase active growth lasts up to five years. During this time, training does not require additional motivation.

You need to start with three months of age showing the baby picture cards various subjects and calling them. It develops speech, attention, logic, memory.

They begin to deal with the baby already at the age of three months.

Whether you adhere to this method or not, in any case, study with the child, develop his creative and intellectual abilities, teach to draw, write, invent and tell fairy tales.

A child of any age is interested in exploring something new, fantasizing and learning. And when everything works out, the parents praise, then I want to know even more.

How to develop intellectual abilities?

Constantly training the brain special exercises, it is possible to develop both intelligence and memory and attention at any age.

For example, you can use any object to train attention and memory - take it in your hands, carefully study all the smallest details - color, shape, weight, roughness, abrasion, remember your tactile sensations.

After that, you need to close your eyes and imagine the subject as accurately as possible.

You may not be able to do this right away, but regular exercise will help improve your memory. You can memorize and compare sounds - how they are similar, is it possible to replace one sound with another, as they do when scoring movies.

Develop manual dexterity as fine motor skills are known to have a positive effect on the brain. Always strive to learn and learn something new - this is how new synapses are formed, and your intellectual abilities will improve.

Develop the abilities of the child, but do not try to force the child prodigy

All these methods are suitable not only for adults, but also for children. It is necessary to develop intelligence in a comprehensive manner, not being limited to one way.

There are many activities that help develop intelligence, they are especially important for people in mature age- it helps to relax and learn concentration.

Dances, where different areas of the brain are involved to memorize movements; martial arts developing concentration, a sense of balance; gardening that significantly reduces the risk of dementia.

Knitting that soothes and develops fine motor skills like playing musical instruments; keeping a diary that relieves stress and aids in decision making.

You can choose any of them, or even several, and be sure to give them an hour or two a day.

Emotional intelligence

How many of us understand ourselves and our feelings? With age, we drive inside ourselves, do not let them splash out.

What to say about the acceptance and understanding of the feelings of other people, the laws of communication! We often lack emotional and social intelligence.

For harmonious development physical activity is necessary at any age

Emotional intelligence is awareness of emotions, understanding and managing them, the ability to communicate effectively with people, understand and empathize.

If you are prone to impulsive decisions that you later regret, then you need to develop emotional intelligence.

How to do it?

  1. Track your emotions reactions to the events taking place with you and around you, try to understand your attitude to this.
  2. Learn to feel the connection of body reactions to feelings. By learning to understand body language, you will better understand the experiences and feelings of others.
  3. Write down your emotions and subsequent actions in a journal. Don't ignore any feelings. Face it, no matter how unpleasant it is. Having calmed down and rereading the notes, you can look at yourself from the outside. This helps to understand if you did the right thing. If you break off because of nonsense, then try to be more restrained next time.
  4. Understanding the causes of unconscious reactions, you will learn to manage them.
  5. Learn to see and hear- small nuances, such as movements during a conversation, the tone in which it is said, can tell a lot about a person, the feelings he is experiencing. This way you can learn to recognize if a person is disingenuous or he is honest with you.
  6. Be open, friendly and honest in any relationship

Developed emotional intelligence helps a person to be less stressed, calmly and effectively communicate with any people.

Understand their feelings and be truthful in their emotions and reactions, without hiding them under the mask of equanimity. Use any of the above methods - all together or some separate one.

Take care of the health of your mind. Choose how to develop your intelligence, and remember that it is important to learn, and laughter is called active meditation to help avoid stress and relax.

To reach desired result, you need to make a lot of effort, because modern man lazy. Overcome laziness and make your life brighter and happier.

Human intelligence is responsible for assimilating new information, understanding and applying the experience gained in life. In simple terms, it combines the ability to think, imagine, remember, imagine and perceive reality. To develop abilities, one should engage in the development of intelligence through exercises, riddles and tasks.

Evgeny has always been an excellent student and distinguished himself by his success in his studies at the university. But he did not want to stop at the achieved stage, as a result of which he began to look for ways of self-development. After studying a lot of materials, he came to the conclusion that it is necessary to use a complex method. Using only developmental tasks or reading, a person quickly gets bored with this activity. Therefore, for successful improvement, whole lists have been created with methods of increasing the level of knowledge.

After regular training, Sergei saw positive result... Stop at this stage he did not want to, and now, over time, he complicates the tasks and learns new things constantly. This example gives not only confidence in the effectiveness of the method, but also motivates to engage in self-development.

Multiple Intelligence Theory

In 1983, scientist Howard Gardner described in his book the theory of seven models of intelligence. Working in this area, after a few years he added another model. This theory has gained incredible popularity. The reason for this is the following fact. People have learned that brain development occurs in different areas, depending on individual characteristics the individual.

The work of the scientist proved that everyone has high intelligence in different areas. All 8 models combine to create a common background for intellectual development.

The basis for this development become genetic characteristics and life experience.

  1. Language.
  2. Logical and mathematical.
  3. Musical.
  4. Bodily kinetic.
  5. Interpersonal.
  6. Intrapersonal.
  7. Spatial.
  8. Naturalistic.

Many attempts have been made to create a test for the level of development of a particular intelligence. These tests were intended so that a person could determine what kind of intelligence he can develop, and which one prevails. But the scientist came to the conclusion that this is almost unrealistic. This is due to the fact that the questions in the tests would provide information about the interests and preferences of people.

Ways to develop intelligence

It may seem that the described techniques and intelligence have nothing in common. But don't presume. It is in the unusualness that the effectiveness of the exercises lies. A particular advantage lies in the day-to-day use of these methods. The main thing is to do it regularly, and not be distracted by extraneous moments.

  1. Recreation. The basis of all foundations in any development human body... In a tired state, the effect of classes will be minimal. Therefore, before starting self-development, you need to properly rest.
  2. Recordings. The main analysis of information occurs at the time of writing data to a notebook. There are times when a brilliant idea comes to mind, but instead of quickly writing it down, a person hopes for his memory. Also, with the help of notes, it is convenient to think about future plans or events. Great chance fulfillment of everything planned occurs when all cases have been written down on paper.
  3. Quiet environment. A large mass of people after a working day are used to doing not overall development, but by activities that contribute to additional fatigue in the body. Such cases include computer games, social networks, TV, etc. Instead, it is better to sit down and read a book in calm atmosphere or go for an evening walk.
  4. Development games. Logic games are considered a great way to develop mental abilities. There are games for one person and for the whole family. For example, charades, crosswords, checkers, chess, dominoes, team board games.
  5. Communication. Thanks to communication, a person can not only brighten up their leisure, but also learn a lot of new things. Communication with more smart people... You want to reach for them and absorb the experience. Also, frequent acquaintances will relieve stiffness, shyness and develop communication skills.
  6. Reading. This kind development helps to develop imagination, vocabulary... This method is suitable for both adults and children. You just need to choose the right literature. Reading a cognitive book, a person constantly keeps the brain in good shape.
  7. Education. Through learning, a person always strives to become smarter. While in the classroom, both theoretical and practical skills are studied. If a person does not study anywhere this moment, you can start learning languages ​​or any other interesting topic on your own.
  8. Self-education. This method partly refers to training, since a person finds half of the knowledge on his own. Having desires, you can always find an opportunity to learn something new and useful. V modern world there are plenty of opportunities to learn. For example, free master classes, webinars, etc.

You also need to do physical activity, set goals for yourself, think positively and do new things that are unusual for yourself.

Tasks and puzzles for self-development

Examples of tasks for the development of intelligence:

  1. Alexander Sergeevich decided to open his own business in the field of sales. His goal was to open a pet store. Initially, he sold rare cats because they were out of stock. Alexander Sergeevich purchased large cages for cats. When he let one cat into each cage, then one cat was missing a house. And if two cats were placed in each cage, one cage remained empty. How many cages did Alexander Sergeevich buy, and how many cats did he initially have?
    Answer: Alexander Sergeevich had 4 cats, and he bought 3 cages.
  2. 2 packs of wolves lived in one forest. One pack always told the truth, the second pack always lied. One day a man got lost in the forest, and he met a wolf. When the man found out that the wolf was from a pack of true animals, he asked to be shown the way out of the forest. On the way, they met another wolf. The man asked the first wolf to go to find out which pack the second wolf belongs to: liars or truthful ones. Upon his return, the wolf said that the second animal belongs to the pack of true wolves. Which of the packs did the accompanying wolf belong to?
    Answer: In the forest, any wolf from any pack could say that he is their true pack. This is why the wolf said the only possible answer. Therefore, he was from the truthful pack.
  3. The volleyball championship was held, in which 4 teams took part: "Friendship", "Sun", "Merry Boys" and "Champions". Each team played against each other 1 time. In case of victory, the team was given 2 points, if there was a draw - 1 point, if the team was defeated - 0 points. In the last game, "Friendship" lost "to the" funny guys ". But the Druzhba team won the championship anyway. The "Merry Guys", in their turn, did not change the score of their results. How did the teams "Sun" and "Champions" play?
    Answer: The Championship consists of 6 games, therefore it is 12 points. The Druzhba team scored no more than 4 points because the final game was won. But a team also cannot have 3 points, since then other teams would have no more than 2 points. Therefore, the groups have no more than 9 points. Druzhba has 4 points. They won against the "Sun" and "Winners".
    Before the final game, the "Funny guys" could not have two or even one point. Otherwise, if they had won Druzhba, they would have risen to a higher place. Therefore, the other two games "Funny guys" lost and therefore scored only two points. Consequently, "Sun" and "Champions" defeated the "Merry Boys". Between themselves - a draw.

Many others interesting tasks and puzzles can be found in magazines or on the internet.


Much in a person's life depends on the level of development of intelligence. Thanks to mental capacity many doors open for successful life... At the same time, one cannot be satisfied with what has already been achieved. It is better to continue self-development and achieve more. At the same time, while developing independently, add children to your activities. Great way spend time together and develop the intelligence of the child. Then life will sparkle with new colors and provide a lot of opportunities.

V last years we are witnessing a real boom in self-development and self-education all over the world. Constantly accelerating modern life requires a person to be competitive, acquiring new and new knowledge. Evening courses, webinars, master classes will surprise no one. They help to "get" knowledge that for some reason were missed or simply not available during the main studies at school or university. But what if you can “pump” not only the stock of knowledge, but also the ability to receive and process information - in other words, cognitive abilities?

Have you ever wondered how your life would change if nature endowed you with the best intellectual abilities? If you were more attentive, could you memorize more information, would you find solutions to problems faster?

It seemed that intellectual (or cognitive) abilities are something that cannot be corrected, they were laid down in deep childhood and even in the womb. However, this is not the case: the latest research shows that you can develop your brain in the same way as your body - throughout your life. As soon as it became clear that intelligence can be developed, the emergence of specific "simulators" for the brain became a matter of time. In the West, the largest projects of this type are Lumosity and BrainHQ, which are used by millions of people around the world. The popularity of cognitive development platforms has once again proved that a modern person strives for self-improvement and improving the quality of life and is interested in tools for such development.

After analyzing the experience of foreign colleagues, as well as studying the domestic market and audience characteristics, young Russian entrepreneurs, participants of the Skolkovo Open University created the platform “ Wikium"- the first simulator in Russia for the development of cognitive abilities of a person at any age (for children and adults).

Wikium is a resource dedicated to developing brain performance. It allows you to train memory, attention, thinking, accuracy of calculations and speed of reaction. The system is simple - you register on the site, select a training program in accordance with your own tasks (memory development, reaction speed, search non-standard solutions) and start playing one of dozens of games. And although you can spend hours on end at this lesson, regular exercises for 15-20 minutes are enough for a tangible result.

The Wikium project is not just a collection of various puzzles and reaction speed games. It is a structured "smart" system that takes into account the goals and objectives of each user, his success, progress and other individual characteristics. Thus, you can customize the simulator for yourself.

The service is based on a serious scientific base: here they are used as universal techniques development of cognitive abilities, and the latest scientific developments. So, to work on "Wikium", the creators attracted employees of the Department of Psychophysiology of Moscow State University and a number of medical institutions... Based on the analysis of the data obtained during the operation of the service, scientists plan not only to develop the Wikium platform, but also to deepen scientific knowledge in the field of cognitive psychology.

Who can benefit from the development of intellectual abilities?

Obviously to everyone. Especially for those who want to improve their creativity and ability to work, improve the quality and speed of working with information, overcome attention deficit and cope with a drop in productivity mental labor... Brain training is beneficial for schoolchildren and students exposed to serious mental stress, as well as the elderly, including those who have suffered strokes and traumatic brain injuries.

The market of developing products for the brain in Russia is still at the stage of formation, but it is already obvious that the demand for self-improvement has also been formed among the Russian-speaking audience. The Wikium project is constantly evolving taking into account new scientific and statistical data and, being a pioneer in this field, is rapidly gaining users and fans.

You can go to the site by

Development exercises intellectual abilities

Development of thinking, logic, memory, attention, observation, perception, verbal and non-verbal intelligence. Burime, limericks, riddles as a means of intellectual development. Are given logical tasks, questions on the development of logic. Warm-up exercise in a group training procedure. Group psychological training procedure. Participants play a game as if they are "thoughtholics" and want to be cured of it. Group psychological training procedure. For participants on a short time a table with 25 letters is shown, then words should be made from these letters from memory. Group psychological training procedure. Participants find analogies in unrelated things. The exercise is aimed at developing wit and intelligence in general. Exercise will help to reveal intellectual abilities, actualize hidden potential and develop wit. Developing the ability and habit to compare with each other different kinds objects, phenomena. The exercise will allow you to develop your intellect somewhat by increasing the objective power of thought. The exercise is intended for individual use. It will help you learn to compose a verbal portrait, quickly memorize appearance other people, their characteristics ... Develops visual memory. It is not at all easy to think without obscenities. But it is necessary if there is a desire to increase your intelligence. Group psychological training procedure. Aimed at revealing intellectual abilities. Group psychological training procedure. Participants memorize various poses. Group psychological training procedure. Participants come up with hieroglyphs, write down their thoughts with them. Group psychological training procedure. Participants are looking for an extra four-digit number. Group psychological training procedure. Aimed at developing observation and visual memory. Exercise will help to increase your intellectual level by developing combinatorial abilities. It never hurts to look at the world through the eyes of a fool: on the one hand, this will increase your respect for your own intellect, for your achievements in the intellectual field, and on the other hand, it can help expand your worldview, find new, useful truths in a wide variety of areas of knowledge! Group psychological training procedure. Participants train in abstraction-concretization. An exercise in the development of observation, the ability to quickly assess the personal qualities of other people. The exercise is designed to develop conceptual thinking and intelligence in general. Group psychological training procedure. Participants try to memorize the algorithm for performing actions with numbers. Group psychological training procedure. Participants offer many interpretations of the same story. A little exercise can be very effective in developing flexibility in your thinking. The exercise will help develop intellectual abilities through the disclosure of analytical skills. The exercise develops observation, intellectual abilities. Group psychological training procedure. It can be used both in intelligence trainings and as an intellectual warm-up for other trainings. Participants pick up rhymes. The exercise will help develop observation, the ability to understand people, understand their problems. Group psychological training procedure. Each participant receives a secret instruction on how to behave; others have to guess. The exercise is aimed at developing observation. A well-known exercise aimed at developing intellectual flexibility. Group psychological training procedure. Participants solve anagrams: not only letters are mixed up, but also words. Group psychological training procedure. The exercise is aimed at revealing intellectual abilities, developing the ability to understand people. The procedure of group psychological training aimed at the development of intellectual abilities. Develops the ability to think logically, reasonably. Group psychological training procedure. Participants come up with superpowers. The exercise is aimed at developing fluency in thinking. Group intellectual training procedure. Participants draw various amusing conclusions from the given axiom that "everything is relative." A procedure for group or individual intellectual training. Participants put things in order in the words of proverbs. Group psychological training procedure. Participants compete among themselves - who will come up with the longest hiatus (a sequence of vowels in a meaningful sentence). Group psychological training procedure. Participants imagine themselves as chess pieces. A group psychological training procedure aimed at developing intellectual abilities. Well suited for the liberation of the group, the acquaintance of the participants with each other (for the beginning of the training). It is necessary to leave only those words that denote something similar in some way, and exclude one word "superfluous" that does not possess this feature. Group psychological training procedure. Participants are divided into 2-3 teams, they collectively count in their heads. Intellectual emancipation. Exercises aimed at developing memory through expanding the volume of memory, mastering special techniques memorization and recollection. A somewhat exercise for the development of memory in adolescents. The development of volatility of attention, as well as individual characteristics of attention. Development of imagination, fantasy. Development of analytical and combinatorial abilities. It will not be superfluous for anyone to develop their imagination. A good imagination allows our memory to work more efficiently and efficiently, and is also a reliable support for our thinking, allowing us to operate complex images... One way to develop your imagination is through poetry. Change of habitual temporary connections. Changing habitual spatial relationships. Changing the familiar ties of the community. Several games to develop visual memory. Main development visual-figurative thinking- to teach to create new images, to liberate imagination. This exercise, or rather a cycle of exercises, is designed to develop speed reading skills. Several games to develop tactile memory. Several word games. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. This technique help in developing original ideas, unexpected solutions to the problem. Designed for uncertain situations in which everything is not clear possible ways solving the problem. Exercises aimed at developing quality perception. Development of verbal intelligence. Mastering the mnemonic technique. Development of attention and memory in the process of group training. The exercise is designed to develop memory, verbal intelligence. The development of intelligence in group training. Development of verbal fluency. Formation of the ability to operate with words, accurately express thoughts. Verbal fluency. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of conceptual thinking. The development of associative thinking. Development of an intuitive perception of the likelihood of events, tactical abilities. Development of verbal intelligence: restoring the order of words in proverbs. Development of concentration of attention. Development of concentration of attention. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of logical thinking. Group psychological training procedure. Participants come up with verbal description monster. Development of concentration of attention, imagination. Development of verbal intelligence, imagination. Development of verbal fluency. It is necessary to generalize and limit the concepts. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of verbal fluency. Development of critical thinking, attention, feeling of language. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of attention, sense of language. Development of attention. Development of imagination. The task is aimed at the breadth of thinking, comprehensive analysis. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal fluency. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal fluency. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. Intellectual emancipation. Development of logical thinking. Formation of an attitude towards a comprehensive analysis of the situation. The assignment disciplines and deepens thinking. Development of verbal fluency.