Maine coon cat and cat comparison. Noble and mysterious Maine Coon cat: distinctive characteristics of the breed and recommendations for pet care. Maine Coon at home

  • Maine Coons are born immediately with tassels on their ears. Do not believe the promises that "the tassels will grow later"
  • At the age of about 3-4 months, the Maine Coon actively develops the skeleton and stretches the limbs, so they look like "bicycles" and "laces" 🙂 This is normal, they will eat a lot later
  • The weight and height of the Maine Coon from birth is 1.5-2 times higher than the height and weight of an ordinary cat
  • Maine Coons are not for sale at the age of one month! Only from 2 months, after activation in the club. But the most correct thing is to get a kitten at 2.5 - 3 months.

There are no standards for the size of the animal, and girls are always fewer boys. If there is a lot of silver in the color, then the animal will not grow into a mega-giant - this is a feature of the silver color (red with a lot of silver, black with silver or silver tortoiseshell). But, in any case, the Maine Coon breed is the most large breed cats.

The ideal solution for buying a Maine Coon with a guarantee

In our opinion, the calmest thing is to buy a kitten at an exhibition, where you can immediately contact international expert judges and get strict assessments for your future pet. For you it will be free (done at the expense of the breeder).

Option number 2 if exhibitions in given time not carried out - take the kitten for examination to the club where your breeder is, so that his breed qualities are appreciated by professionals.

Why did we consider the breed qualities of Maine Coons in such detail?

Unfortunately, cases of fraud in the sale of purebred kittens are not uncommon. For example, we recently came across an article stating that in the Amur Region (Blagoveshchensk) a girl purchased a Maine Coon for 4,000 rubles.

In the correspondence they sent her perfect photos parents of a kitten, with all breed qualities, so the girl examined the baby inattentively. Yes, and the transfer of the kitten took place on the street in the evening, in the dark. It is not difficult to guess that the baby did not turn out to be a Maine Coon at all ...

Here is such a charming, but purebred baby slipped on a girl under the guise of a Maine Coon.

The breed differs from an ordinary cat not only in its impressive dimensions, but also in its amazing feeling. dignity. Beautiful cats in their exterior approach the wild forest animal. The thoroughbred Maine Coon is characterized by slanting eyes (2), and the usual domestic cats remain the owners of rounded eloquent eyes.

Comparison of an ordinary cat and Maine Coon

Neat, somewhat pointed ears with small "tassels" at the tips (1) are also hallmark breeds. In addition, ordinary cats, even the largest, rarely reach a weight of more than 5-6 kg. The average adult Maine Coon will be more solid. His normal weight- from 8 to 10 kg.

From a simple pet cat, who has long lived next to a person, this exotic differs in intensity hairline. The hair on the head and below on the paws remains thick and short, gradually lengthening towards the back and sides, and the “pants” on hind legs evoke solace. Maine Coon is amazing fluffy tail impressive sizes from 45 to 60 cm. Lovely ordinary cats, unless they turned out to be random mestizos, most often have a uniform short-haired and dense coat with down. Their tail rarely exceeds a length of 25-30 cm.

The tail is long, at least to the shoulder, tapering to a pointed tip, covered with flowing hair.

How to distinguish a Maine Coon from an ordinary kitten

Also, the kids of this Maine Coon are characterized by a powerful, relatively a long tail ik and massive furry paws. Simple kittens are born short-haired, and a tiny representative of the stately breed already has a thick semi-long fur coat, tufts of hair begin to grow between the fingers near the claws.

The length of the head of a newly born Maine Coon is somewhat larger than the width. Cheekbones are wide. A newborn thoroughbred kitten has a fairly long tail and strong paws.

How to distinguish Maine Coon from mestizo

It is difficult to distinguish a purebred Maine Coon from an unexpressed mestizo. If the question is acute, then it is better to contact a specialist who is versed in the little-known nuances of the breed and will help to recognize the Maine Coon from a fake.

IN individual cases can help the recommendations of experts who claim that real representatives of the breed always have a clear geometrically perfect box formed on the muzzle by vibrissae pads. The ears of the Maine Coon look very wide at the base, and the transition to zygomatic bones quite distinct.

Real Maine Coon

Doubters should carefully study the pedigree, which is a kind of animal passport, and make sure that the documents are approved by one of the respected felinological clubs.

Mestizos are always much cheaper than their elite counterparts, if you do not take into account cases of outright fraud. And the sizes of "mixed" individuals in most cases are much more modest than that of representatives of a pure breed. The real Maine Coon is a cat giant. If adult cat weighs less than 6-7 kg, then this is probably a mestizo.

Maine Coon mix and ordinary cat. Girl

How to distinguish a Maine Coon from a Siberian cat

Both the Maine Coon and the inimitable Siberian cat are representatives of aboriginal breeds, so they have a lot in common.

Siberian cat

In order not to confuse these representatives of the vast cat family, it is worth considering a few important points:

  • Coons have an elongated body with a pronounced neck middle length, and the "Siberians" are more compact, their neck is short and powerful;
  • big Maine Coon head abrupt transitions, pronounced cheekbones and a strong chin located on the same line with the nose - salient feature this breed. In Siberian brothers, the cheekbones are set low, the smooth lines of the muzzle, the rounded chin are touching;
  • huge, almost vertical, tassel-ending ears of coons are completely different from rounded, forward-tilted ears Siberian cat. In addition, handsome giants are characterized by large slanted eyes, which can only be in purebred representatives of the line or in mestizos.

The Maine Coon breed is an excellent feline native to America. They amazed many people with their unusual appearance, large size and playful character. If you want to make yourself such a friend, then you need to read the description of these cats.

Description and photo of the breed

Maine Coon - a breed originally from North America. Cats are considered noble due to their extraordinary beauty: powerful bodies, sophisticated muzzles and ears with tassels, like a lynx.

In addition, Maine Coons are very beautiful eyes: slightly slanted and large, golden, amber or green in color. The body has rectangular shape. The structure of the figure is completed by a large and powerful rib cage, body sizes can be different.
This is not an artificially bred breed, Maine Coons are cats of natural origin. In their natural habitat - Maine - it's cold, so cats have thick and warm wool that cleans them from freezing.

In addition, they often have to deal with snow. In this they are helped by rough paws, between the fingers of which you can find additional wool, which also warms them.

The most plausible and probable is the version of the origin of the breed, according to which Maine Coons are descended from short-haired and long-haired, which were brought to America by the Vikings.


In the photo, you have already been able to admire the charm of Maine Coon cats, and from the description it became clear that growth sizes can be different, although they always remain large compared to other cats. In addition, they have a different color and density of wool.

The head of a real Maine Coon should be extended in length(usually in cats it is extended in width). The skull is massive, the cheekbones on the muzzle are raised up.

The eyes are similar in color to the color of the coat. Neck of medium size. The limbs are as large as the body and head of the animal. All these features make Maine Coons the largest cats.
The length of the fluffy tail always reaches the base of the cat's neck. Highest value weight - 15 kg, when other breeds of cats weigh 5 kg. The life expectancy of a cat varies from 15 to 20 years.

Character is another reason why the presented breed is in great demand among people of many countries. They are distinguished by a complaisant, playful disposition. Curious animals that are always ready to help you. Such a set of qualities makes Maine Coons real friends of man.

Conditions for keeping

Suppose, after reading the description of the Maine Coon breed and character, you wanted to purchase. Be careful, you will need to right conditions for their maintenance, and it is not so already and cheap. Most of the costs are for the purchase of food for cats. The larger the body, the more it needs nutrients to restore energy and maintain health. That is why Maine Coons are animals that eat a lot.

In addition, you need to provide the cat with all the necessary things that may be needed after the examination. veterinarian(which is also mandatory).

If you plan to make your pet a participant in various exhibitions, then the conditions of detention will need to include such factors as the purchase cosmetics And additional funds hair care, haircuts.
Maine Coon houses require a lot free space. In a small room, the cat will not feel comfortable, and due to the inability to throw out his energy through active ones, he will begin to experience stress.

It is desirable that the cat has its own corner in the house. It is preferable that it be some kind of hill. For example, you can free up the top shelf of cabinets or arrange space on the refrigerator. Of course, the cat may not appreciate your efforts to prepare his personal place, but choose it for himself.

Care rules

During the first two weeks after the cat moves into your home, experts do not recommend any procedures other than basic ones, as this can bring additional stress to the animal. The exception is combing and, if necessary, bathing.

Necessary items and accessories

You can quench your thirst for cat games with the help of any toy. It doesn't matter what it is exactly. You can, for example, use a regular rubber ball. Maine Coons are very fond of playing with him, chasing around the house for elusive fun.

When choosing a scratching post, you need to consider that the cats should stretch to their full height while they sharpen their claws. In addition to the high length, these devices must also be strong in order to withstand heavy weight. As a standard, the cat must have its own bowls (for water and food) and. Better if it is closed. Bowls must be durable, as it is likely that a strong animal will start playing with it, rolling on the floor.

Bathing, combing and other procedures

About the care of the Mei-coon breed (another version of their name, although not entirely correct), we can say that it is not so complicated. silk, so it is almost not tangled and frequent combing does not require. Once a week is enough.

Close attention to combing should be paid to certain period in spring and autumn, when the period of active molting begins.

Did you know? Maine Coons began to lose their great popularity with the advent of persian cats in 1900.

Bathing is an important part of animal care. First of all, the signal that it's time will be the detection of stains and any pollution on the wool. Bathing should take place with a special shampoo. It is better if you purchase it at a veterinary clinic.
In addition, it is necessary to carry out water procedures when found on the body of an animal. To do this, you should also purchase specialized drugs. In other cases, bathing the Maine Coon is not worth it. He may well independently monitor his cleanliness by licking his hair.

Exceptions are cases when (if) you are preparing your pet for an exhibition, you want to give his coat a certain styling.

Important! If there is no special need (the coat is not contaminated), then you need to bathe the Maine Coon no more than 1 time in 3 months.

It is strongly not recommended to bathe cats before and after vaccination, after suffering any disease and immediately after moving. The fact is that during bathing the animal experiences discomfort, which can lead to stress.
In addition to the above factors, the Maine Coon can be very severe stress, and this in turn will lead to a decrease in immunity.

Maine Coon food

Even the photo shows the playful nature of the Maine Coon cat. Such active image requires life and good food both adult cats and small kittens. They are slightly different.

Feeding a kitten

From a month is in progress active growth. At this time, it can be taught to accustom to any food. At this time, milk porridge, scalded meat are well suited. However, for the most part, the kitten will continue to drink its mother's milk.

If you have already acquired a more or less adult kitten (aged 2 to 3 months), then start limiting his milk intake. Place more emphasis on solid food. It is better to feed the animal during this period often - 6-7 times a day. daily rate is 150 g.
Over time, gradually reduce the number of servings, but increase their volume. By 1 year of age, the daily intake should be 200 g, divide them into 2 servings (morning and evening).

Important! Include in your diet not only meat, fish, poultry, but also plant foods.

adult cat diet

There are several ways to feed: one in which access to food is not limited, and one where you feed the cat at a strictly stipulated time. Everyone decides this individually.

Meat should be included in the diet of an adult cat. You can feed the Maine Coon dry food, but only high class. Make sure there is always enough fresh water in the bowl.

Did you know? Seafood is a delicacy for pets. Maine Coons love to eat fish and mussels.

Among possible option diet may be:

  1. 100 g of meat, but only lean;
  2. 30-40 g of rice;
  3. 1 tsp sunflower oil;
  4. 2 tsp vegetable puree.

All these components must be combined, mixing well. You can include dairy products in your diet.

Make sure that the Maine Coon remains energetic and active, has healthy look. All these signs will say that you have chosen the right diet. If not, then you need to change or add something. In such cases, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

Learning and communication

Maine Coons are very sociable animals, they love to be in human society. Pets need to be raised from the earliest possible age.

The first thing cats have to learn is how to use the toilet, as well as the scratching post. This breed lends itself perfectly, they can easily learn anything in the language of carrots and sticks. But do not overdo it with the punishment system, otherwise the stress-prone animal will feel bad.
For example, you can wean an animal to jump on a sleeping bed or scratch a sofa with a spray gun. The water in it should be warm, you need to splash the animal very little: do not let the coat be too wet for water to get into the eyes.

Before punishing an animal for disobedience, consider whether it is to blame for the situation. Perhaps you yourself did not take care of finding a comfortable place to sleep, installing a scratching post or tray in an insufficiently secluded place.

Walking with a cat

The characteristic of Maikunov cats tells us that they are very active, which means they should like to walk on the street. But in fact, not all pets prefer going out.

Determine for yourself what type your pet belongs to. If he succumbs to your calls to take a walk, then you can take him out.

On the other hand, due to their curiosity and playfulness, your pets will be grateful for the opportunity to visit for several hours a day or at least a week. fresh air, surrounded by other felines.

If the cat is not accustomed to walking, then it is better to lead him with a leash that can be bought at a pet store.

Difficulties and possible illnesses

The breed is hardy and different good health, but still sometimes there are cases of ailments. Among the most common diseases is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Spinal muscular atrophy is also among the most common. This disease is hereditary, so the cat's parents and their health - important factor when buying a pet. This disease is incurable and leads to muscle weakness and complete atrophy.
Dysplasia hip joint- also a hereditary disease. It is characterized severe pain and even the lameness of the animal. The disease is not fatal, but often it causes osteoarthritis.

In order not to encounter these and other diseases, periodically take your Maine Coon to the veterinarian. He should monitor the health of the animal, then you do not have to worry about the well-being of your pet.

The main rule of keeping a cat is love and respect for him. Before you decide to adopt a four-legged friend, make sure that you are ready to take on this responsibility.

These amazing creatures cause genuine awe when they purr. It is more like singing, whose harmonious sound sinks deep into the heart. It's about the major representative cats of domestic breeds - Maine Coon.

Description and features of the Maine Coon

This animal is considered a national treasure of North America, where their homeland is. Maine Coon cat breed characterized enough unusual shape head and body, as well as outstanding coat.

Their head is slightly longer than the rest, the ears are medium in length with tassels as if standing on it, thanks to this feature you will never confuse the Maine Coon with other cats.

Their unusually wide eyes are also noticeable, they seem to mow a little, but they expressive look can't be compared to anything. The color is different, with the exception of a pronounced Siamese. The body is long, the neck is powerful, the tail is proportional to the structure of the body.

Maine Coon in the photo sometimes causes inimitable delight. The cat has a soft complaisant character, although its appearance can scare an ignorant person, because its dimensions sometimes go beyond the scope of the possible. They love to play with their owner, they are quite sociable, so you can safely invite guests, your pet will quickly make friends with them.

Maine Coon just loves to run and have fun, demolishing everything that comes across in its path, so it is believed that these cats are better for people who have a private house and enough space to play.

By the way, if mice venture into the house, they won’t have to live long, these cats do an excellent job of catching rodents. Maine Coon breed still characterized as clean and tidy, they will never get into the dirt and will not be dirty in the house.

In addition to spiritual kindness, Maine Coons have incredible pride, they will never tolerate rudeness and violence, anyone who tries to humiliate or offend them will get what they deserve. Training also will not cause any inconvenience, these cats have phenomenal memory and quickly remember commands, here he is, Maine Coon.

Maine Coon breed price

These are very expensive breeds. average Maine coon cattery will offer you kittens at a price of 25,000 rubles and more, the maximum level can reach almost 150-200 thousand rubles.

Maine Coon kitten

Such a separation of prices depends on the pedigree of the cat, its litter, documents, results. medical examination and the breeder himself. However, do not think that they are trying to cash in on your wallet.

Just imagine, catteries buy them in America, and for this you need to make an expensive flight, hire an interpreter, pay for accommodation and permission to transport the animal.

Maine Coon, price which at first may seem high, actually deserves such a cost. Know that in the bird markets you will never buy a purebred representative of this breed, no matter what you are told, it will always be a mixed representative.

Maine Coon at home

Since birth Maine Coon kittens require a special soft spot, it can be soft house, which are now in abundance in stores, or a fluffy blanket. Be sure to arrange for him a place where he will sharpen his claws. If you don't, then your upholstered furniture will have to suffer.

Maine coon cat it would be best to go to the tray that you put in the bathroom, remember, these are smart animals and they understand perfectly why their owner goes to this room, and therefore he will follow suit.

Get some for your pet. soft toys, best without hard small parts, as they like to drag them in their teeth like dogs and can accidentally bite off buttons or buttons.

In addition, you need to take care of the security in the apartment, maine coon cat inquisitive like a child, so she can easily fall out the window, lick off medicines and taste washing powder.

Maine Coon care

The coat of this breed is quite thick, it requires careful combing during molting. To do this, buy a special brush with wide teeth, which your Maine Coon will be very happy with. The forum of his fans can tell you about many subtleties and nuances of combing, so be sure to check it out.

As for nutrition, the rule of healthy plays here. natural products, with a complete set of minerals and vitamins. No food on the table and cheap - meat, cottage cheese, sour cream and vegetable food. The Maine Coon breed is expensive both in terms of cost and maintenance, so think about the future when buying.

Maine coon red color

IN regular care also includes trimming nails as they grow, cleaning ears and bathing with special shampoos. Maine Coon, which is difficult for most Russians to buy, justifies all the money spent. This is an extraordinary creature, which can easily be called a miracle of nature.

Big North American cats are so easy to love! Their calm nature, soft coat and big sizes- advantages that attract attention. These animals are very sociable, but at the same time they value their and your freedom. What can be the disadvantages of the Maine Coon breed?

Read more in the article:

gulliver cat

The pros and cons of the breed are closely interrelated. The shortcomings of the breed in many respects appeared with a departure from wildlife and careful human selection. The prototypes of the breed are cats that lived on US farms in the 19th century. IN official history Maine breed animals are described as large, strong. Their features - tassels at the tips of the ears and between the pads of the fingers, fluffy tail and huge eyes - are still carefully preserved by breeders.

But merging into civilization, the animal became more vulnerable, lost its natural immunity and became more susceptible to various diseases.

Today's Maine cats have forgotten how to catch mice. Terrible in appearance, they have an affectionate character. Maine Coons most often live in apartments, where their main function is to be a companion for a person. This significantly affected their weight - it is considered the norm for a cat to weigh 7-12 kg, and cats can gain from 6 to 9 kg in adulthood.

Heavy weight often leads to an increased likelihood of injury and an extended pregnancy period. It is now considered the norm for a Maine cat to lamb with a gestation period of up to 72 days. For comparison, in other breeds, pregnancy is allowed up to 65 days.

Cons of the breed

Maine Coons generously give positive emotions. Their mischievous nature and funny habits can be the subject of colorful conversations with friends and loved ones. Maine cats have a special tact, the reason for which is developed intellect pet. The disadvantages of the breed are insignificant compared to the advantages, and it is quite easy to adapt to them.

Expensive price

Any purebred cat will cost you a fair amount of money. The price of kunyats depends on the demand for them. The price of a kitten from a titled parent will be significantly higher than others. You should not try to save money by purchasing a pet without a document or a mestizo, as such actions support unscrupulous breeders.

Healthy! If you dream of a domestic Maine Coon, but you are afraid high price, then pay attention to the coons of the "pet" class, not intended for breeding, or teenage kittens who have sat up in the cattery without an owner. As a rule, such animals have an affordable price.

Often, breeding kittens does not bring a lot of income to the breeder. Many procedures related to the maintenance of the nursery require a significant investment of funds:

  • food costs for breeding cats;
  • vaccinations;
  • paperwork;
  • genetic research;
  • maintaining the website, photographing cats and other advertising of the cattery.

Paperwork for a cat is not an empty bureaucratic formality. The felinological community represents the interests of buyers, and also monitors compliance with the rules that ensure the maintenance of the health of cats, the purity of the breed. Ignoring the rules when breeding animals leads to the appearance of half-breeds and increases the number of outbred cats.

When buying a thoroughbred kitten, you need to consider the cost of its further maintenance. The large variation in prices is explained different quality kittens that can be sold to catteries as a sire or as pet. When buying, it is better to focus on average prices.

Wool all over

Maine Coons have a medium length coat and this is often a problem. Such wool can be found everywhere in the house, even in soup pots. Combing twice a week will help to significantly reduce the size of the disaster. For such a purpose, a brush purchased at a nearby pet store is perfect, but do not forget about the latest technology. Engineers have provided cat owners with a useful device, the furminator, that can greatly reduce the size of a disaster.

Representatives of the Maine breed are very smart and intelligent. At the same time, the mind of a kitten develops up to 3 years and the animal becomes a full-fledged adult somewhere in two years after puberty. Given the weight under 10 kg and high activity, you should show maximum care leaving a big kitten alone at home. In another case, returning home, you can find great destruction.

Aggressive leader and enthusiastic hunter

Maine coons - confident leaders. If other cats or dogs live in your house, then the Maine cat will diligently win back its position as leader, using force. Since its size is much larger than the parameters of an average cat of another breed, fights and collisions are possible.

When going out of town with a kun, do not forget to grab a harness that will restrict your pet's freedom of movement. The secret passion of any Kuna is bird hunting. Awakened hunting instincts can lead to the ruin of the surrounding bird nests and complaints from neighbors-dacha residents about the missing chickens.

The need for increased nutrition

Due to their size, Maine Coons have an excellent appetite. When purchasing a pet home, do not forget to take care of proper nutrition. Maine Coon food should be rich in proteins and minerals to keep the cat's bones and muscles healthy.

Food and toilet issues are closely related. An accompanying disadvantage of the breed is abundant excrement, which also has enough pungent odor. A properly selected tray, high-quality filler and regular cleaning will help solve the problem.

If you like big cats, then the minuses of the breed will seem insignificant to you. Every year the number of fans of large cats with a delightful fluffy raccoon tail in Russia is increasing.