How to fold paper napkins. How beautiful and original to fold paper napkins for the festive table. How to fold cloth napkins

A party or a long-awaited dinner is about to begin. The table is served, the interior is decorated, and mouth-watering dishes await in the kitchen. But something is missing? Of course, originally folded napkins, which will give the festive table a special charm and charm.

Each napkin is intended for a specific guest and cannot be casually laid on the table. This is a manifestation of disrespect and indifference. In addition, at first glance, such a modest accessory is able to cheer up or, on the contrary, cancel out the created atmosphere of the evening. Therefore, every hostess should know how to fold napkins beautifully in accordance with the occasion and theme of the event.

We select napkins for the event

For a family breakfast, lunch or an informal dinner with close friends, ordinary paper napkins... Better to opt for bright colors to create a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

These napkins will also look good on tables during children's matinee... Especially folded in the form of bizarre animals and figures. In addition, small children do not differ in perseverance and accuracy, so the paper version is very useful here.

For special occasions, it is better to choose plain cotton or linen napkins... So that they are in harmony with the tablecloth.

On a note! Universal tissue napkins are suitable for events of any format white.

If you wish to add originality and originality to the atmosphere, you can decorate the table with bright napkins. Contrasting with the general setting, but matching in color with individual accessories and decor elements.

On a note! Using the same technology, both tissue and paper napkins can be folded.

Preparing tissue napkins

Before embarking on "doily origami", the main accessory must be washed, starched and ironed ideally.

When choosing starch, it is more logical to give preference to an ordinary product dissolved in water. Its aerosol counterpart will not give the tissue the required density. And ironing is slightly wet wipes... If they are dry, you can re-moisten them.

Practical advice! It is better to use cotton and linen napkins with a small amount of synthetics, since they do not "shrink" after washing, are easier to iron and have a structure that is more pliable for folding. Plus, they keep their shape perfectly.

Rules for "doily origami":

  1. Napkins must have square shape and standard sizes: 35x35 or 40x40 for simple compositions, 50x50 for complex ones.
  2. All napkins on the festive table are folded into uniform style... Different compositions will create the effect of disorder and carelessness.
  3. You need to touch the accessory with your hands as little as possible during the folding process.

Beautiful compositions from napkins

A boat for a children's matinee:

  1. Fold the napkin in half and fold it to the right in relation to you.
  2. Fold the newly made rectangle in half again, lowering the top side down.
  3. Move the lower left corner, consisting of 4 strips of fabric, diagonally up.
  4. Expand the resulting triangle right angle up.
  5. Connect the side corners at the bottom of the shape. Their common angle should be opposite the top.
  6. Bend 2 tails at the bottom back.
  7. Fold the shape in half so that the bottom 2 corners of the triangle meet at the back.
  8. And while holding them, pull out the top petals - future sails in turn.

Elf's slipper for Christmas:

  1. In front of you is a napkin inside out.
  2. Connect the sides in the center.
  3. Fold in half. The output is a long rectangle.
  4. Lay the rectangle horizontally.
  5. Fold the edges down at a right angle.
  6. Attach the sides to the center line and fold the structure in half.
  7. Now you hold 2 corners, lift one of them up.
  8. And with the second, go around the heel of the shoe and fix the structure by bending it at the opposite lapel.

Easter bunny:

  1. The inside of the napkin looks up.
  2. Fold it in half with the bottom side up.
  3. Repeat lifting the bottom side up again.
  4. Fold long tails down at right angles.
  5. Attach both halves of the base to the center line.
  6. Also attach the 2 lower sides of the newly made rhombus to the line in the center.
  7. Fold the top corner under the napkin so it is not visible from above.
  8. Now you have a triangle in front of you. Fold its right corner over the center line.
  9. And in the resulting pocket, bend the left corner and fix the figure.
  10. Pick up the bunny and spread its ears.

Rose on March 8th:

  1. Put red or yellow square napkin seamy side up.
  2. Fold it in half diagonally. You should get a triangle.
  3. Flip the triangle over so that the bottom is on top and the right angle is on the bottom.
  4. Lift the right angle up by sliding it over the edge of the top side.
  5. Fold the napkin in half again, bringing the bottom and top sides together.
  6. Roll the napkin from one end to the other, giving the rose a beautiful shape.
  7. Now you need to take green napkin any shape for rose leaves.
  8. Fold it in half diagonally 3 times.
  9. Place the leaves in a glass and place a rose in the center of them.

Universal lily under the glass:

  1. Starting position - square, wrong side up.
  2. Fold the 4 corners of the square towards the center.
  3. Turn the structure upside down.
  4. Repeat step # 2.
  5. Holding all corners in the center with one hand, pull the petals out from under the napkin with the other.
  6. Spread the flower petals and place a glass or decorative piece in the center of the structure.

Royal lily:

  1. Place the triangle in front of you with the fold down.
  2. Connect the corners of the base to the top.
  3. Lift the bottom corner up. But not to the end - it shouldn't reach 2 cm to the top.
  4. Bend it down to the base of the figure.
  5. Connect the side corners at the back and secure the structure by inserting one of the lower corners into the resulting pocket.
  6. Bring the lily petals down.

Jacket for February 23rd:

  1. Place the triangle in front of you with the top down.
  2. Fold the base 1 cm down.
  3. Pull each corner of the base down so that it connects to the apex of the triangle.
  4. Fold the bottom of the shape back.
  5. The jacket can be decorated with a tie or bow tie from a contrasting napkin.

Tie for men's evening:

  1. Place the napkin in front of you, wrong side up. But not a square, but a rhombus.
  2. Holding the upper corner with one hand, move the right corner to the left with the other so that it goes over the middle of the napkin. Letting go.
  3. In the same way, move the left corner, but to the right. Left-hand side should lie slightly on the right.
  4. Peel back again right side and then the left one.
  5. Bend the pointed tip at a 90 ° angle.
  6. Go around her tie and fix it in the pocket.
  7. Turn the napkin over.

Table fan:

  1. Place the rectangle in front of you with the fold up.
  2. Fold a third of the napkin from right to left, folding each strip of fabric underneath.
  3. Fold in half so the accordion is on top, not inside.
  4. Expand. The free ends of the accordion should point upwards.
  5. Fold the straight part down at a right angle and fix it.
  6. Place the fan on and it will unfold on its own.

Heart for Valentine's Day:

  1. Place the napkin inside out.
  2. Fold the bottom side up towards the center.
  3. Fold the top towards the center as well.
  4. Fold in half to hide the center seam.
  5. Lift the right edge up at a right angle.
  6. Do the same with the left one.
  7. Make sure the ends of the napkin are flush.
  8. Tuck sharp corners underneath to create rounded shape heart.

Festive candle:

  1. Make a triangle, the wrong side must be hidden inside.
  2. Fold in the base of the triangle 1 cm.
  3. Turn the structure upside down. Bent part at the bottom.
  4. Roll the napkin from one corner to the other.
  5. Hide the remaining end in the base and fix it.
  6. Peel back one upper part and shape a holiday candle.

Christmas tree:

  1. Fold the original napkin 2 times. You should get a square.
  2. Fold each of the 4 layers up. But not completely - there should be a gap between the layers.
  3. Turn upside down.
  4. Connect the side corners just above the center. It turned out to be a rhombus.
  5. Flip the napkin back and peel back each edge, inserting it into the pocket of the previous one.
  6. Now decorate the Christmas tree with any elements of New Year's decor.

From any beautifully folded napkin, you can create a real composition, spending a little time and imagination. The main thing is not to forget about their main purpose on the festive table.

You should not create unnecessarily complex structures, since the guests still need to somehow unfold the ingenious creation. Relieve them of awkward situations and enjoy nice evening at a beautifully and skillfully decorated table.

Paper napkins appeared more than half a century ago and since then have densely settled in our lives. Different in color and structure, they not only help to keep clean, but also decorate any lunch or dinner.

What are they for?

In addition to their decorative function, napkins have a very important role to play in keeping hands and face clean. Therefore, no matter how beautiful the composition looks from paper products, if necessary, you need to use it. As a rule, they are combined with cloth napkins, which are laid out on your knees, while paper napkins are placed on the table in specially designed stands.

Terms of use:

  • Those who do not use napkins look sloppy in the eyes of those present, so their use is mandatory.
  • It is strictly forbidden to tuck them into a belt or collar. If you need to wipe your lips, you need to take one napkin, fold it in half and blot the dirt.
  • They wipe the fingers while stroking; in no case should the napkin be completely unfolded or waving over the table.
  • Paper products are disposable, so they cannot be reused. That is, if necessary, every time you need to get new paper.
  • Used products should be crumpled and folded under the right edge of the plate, and after a meal, put on a plate along with dirty cutlery.

Laying methods

It is possible and necessary to use napkins not only at the moments of gala dinners. They should be on the table at any meal. Especially for this occasion, there are napkin holders that do not require effort or time to fold. You just need to open the pack, take out the napkins and arrange them as they are - in a neat stack. Some models have a holder to help them keep a clean look.

Do not think that this method of styling is suitable for daily use. If the general style of serving is minimalistic, then it will be quite appropriate.

Most of the napkin holders found in everyday life are flat. They are designed for a small amount of napkins, but using imagination and dexterity, you can increase their number, making it at the same time aesthetically pleasing. There are several ways to do this:

  • Fan. To do this, bend each napkin diagonally to form a triangle. You will need about 15-20 such triangles, depending on the width of your napkin fixture. You can form a fan by folding the resulting figures in a pile and carefully sliding it to the side or laying them on top of each other with a slight offset (about a centimeter) so that they have a common angle. Then you should install the resulting fan in a napkin holder.

  • Double-sided fan. The principle of its manufacture is the same as that of a simple one. Simply, instead of one fan, we add two and set them so that the vertices of the triangles look in different sides... If this or the previous method seems too simple for you, any flower or bow that you can make based on an origami diagram will help to revive the composition.

  • Crown. One of simple schemes, at the base of which are all the same triangles folded from napkins in the amount of nine. We put three pieces at the edge with a fold inward and add three to the center. You can take more, the main condition is the symmetry of the teeth.
  • If the napkin holder itself is decorative, you can simply fill it with diagonally folded napkins. For example, in the form sails.
  • Bird. The napkin must be folded diagonally, before that, bending inward two opposite corners. The resulting blanks are not completely inserted into each other. Another one needs to be folded in a strip about a centimeter wide, starting from the corner and form a head. Better to use paper products different colors to make the bird look more elegant.

There are many napkin holders. Surely everyone has seen a form that came from the Soviet era called "leaf", where napkins are stacked on top of each other, taking the shape of a cone. In modern design, they can look completely different, for example, like a book or a dancing girl.

The last option Convenient in that it has separate slots where each triangle is inserted.

What can be replaced?

It happens that the required this moment things break or they just don't exist. In this case, do not be upset, since other utensils can be used as a napkin holder.

In a plastic or glass cup or other round, low container with a wide neck, napkins can be folded as follows:

  • By folding them in the shape of a cone or horn in layers. The free corner of each subsequent layer can be combined with the previous one or shifted to the side to make it easier to grasp it.
  • Narrow the cones and place them next to each other.

  • Napkins can be expanded in one layer so that you get one large square. Then they should be tightly rolled along one side and installed in a container next to each other. The number should correspond to the width of the glass or cup so that it stands level and does not fall. If the resulting tubes seem too long for you, they should be folded in half when folded and installed in this state.
  • More interesting tubes will become, if the unfolded paper surface is rolled up, starting from the corner. Then it will resemble a candle. It can be put personally in a glass or a narrow glass.
  • Make a fan or a peacock out of them. For a fan, you need to fold the straightened canvas like an accordion, bend it in half and place it in a glass. The same blank can be a peacock's tail. For his neck and head, you need to fold two corners to the middle so that you get a rhombus. Fold the sides out of the corner in half again and tuck inward. outer corner... Fold in half lengthwise and bend your head. Attach to the tail.

If you have a small square bowl, use that. For this, the napkin is folded in half. The workpieces stacked on top of each other with a height equal to the width of the container are inserted into the bowl so that they hang over the edge in a cascade. If you divide them into two parts, you get a pretty fountain.

A saucer or vase with rosebuds will become a real decoration of the table. To create them, you need to follow the instructions step by step:

  • Spread out the napkin in one layer and fold it diagonally.
  • From the place of the fold, wrap it once or twice at your discretion, so that there is material left to form the leg.
  • The bent strip will be a bud, you need to roll it up, and twist the rest to make a stem.
  • The top of the bud must be slightly straightened, giving the shape of the flower.
  • The resulting roses should be placed in a suitable container. You can make leaves from green napkins, but even without them, the flowers look impressive.

Before receiving guests, every woman carefully prepares for this event. Great amount She spends her free time preparing the table. You need to prepare delicious dishes, choose a tablecloth for the table, and also choose napkins and be able to serve them beautifully. After all, it is they who are considered important attribute how in Everyday life, and during the solemn event. Consider next different ways serving napkins.

Setting the table for a morning meal, for an evening dinner, or for festive event, it is necessary to take seriously this issue... Try to carefully read all the rules that we describe to you:

  • On the table for the holiday there should be both fabric and paper options... Just think, because the second, as a rule, is served with fish or meat dish... The cloth napkin will cover very quickly greasy spots, therefore, she will lose her own appearance and aesthetics. Your guests will actively try to find a sink to wash their hands. Table setting for the holiday involves several napkin holders that will be available to each guest.
  • Cloth napkins can be made from flax or cotton... You can also use those options that have a little synthetic additives in their composition. This will prevent the napkin from looking wrinkled when folded. Never use silk, rayon or similar materials for napkins. Since they do not absorb moisture at all.
  • If there will be a portioned plate on the surface of the table, then place the product on it or place it between the fork and the knife. If there is no such plate, then the napkin is placed instead of it. A separate glass or wine glass is allowed, where you can put a napkin folded in the form of a figure.
  • Folded holiday napkins should unfold without problems and not look very wrinkled from the side. Consequently, figurines using an iron are usually used for napkins that decorate the table.
  • It is forbidden to fold the canvas with dirty or wet hands. So you can ruin the entire appearance of the napkin itself, and therefore the mood of the guests.
  • After washing, cloths must be starch with ordinary starch. The aerosol type of starch does not impart the required density to the products. It is better to iron the linen damp. Well-dried wipes need to be moistened.
  • And most importantly, you need to practice before folding the napkin. Otherwise, you will have to rewash it or look for other options.

Varieties of napkins:

  • Tissue. There are silk, cotton, satin.
  • Patchwork napkins. These products are made independently at home. They are made from materials of different colors. Professional seamstresses cut all kinds of figures from fabrics, and then sew them.
  • Bamboo. Often used to avoid staining the tablecloth.
  • Paper. The most popular type. There are products different shades, sizes, and may vary in thickness of the paper itself.

We now list the most common types of napkin serving. You can make some of them yourself.

  • Tiered corners
  • Princess Frog
  • Tsar's bun
  • Cap with lapel
  • Bishop's hat
  • Tent
  • Twisted tent
  • Bunny

Paper napkins for table setting

Paper napkins, like cloth napkins, are considered integral element in the table setting. Did you know that they are not so simple? Today you decided to buy a hot dog, they gave you napkins made of paper, dined at a restaurant - and then you will see similar napkins in front of you.

The huge choice sometimes does not allow you to concentrate on the basic qualities that you need to know. And not every implementer will tell you what the difference is between this or that view. In order not to be mistaken when choosing, use our tips:

  • The purpose of the application. If you need paper napkins for home use, then buy color options or those that are interestingly designed. If you need them for a restaurant or cafe, then give preference to monochromatic products, without ornaments and drawings.
  • Requirements. If you only need paper napkins for your own primary purpose, then more economical options are suitable for you: a low price and efficiency during use are provided to you.
  • Personal preferences. Here you should rely on the selection of your favorite company, shade, quality of products and density of napkins.

Table napkins

People started using napkins a long time ago. Our ancestors used fabric products during meals to wipe their hands and face. They observed some rules of table etiquette:

  • from the very beginning of the meal, the owner was allowed to take a napkin, after which the rest of the guests began to take
  • it was not allowed to do much while eating sharp movements for example shaking napkins or waving a napkin
  • the product could only be used after the food had been served.
  • at the end of the meal, a napkin was left on the left side of the plate. Leaving it on a plate was considered bad form.

Cloth napkins are considered an important attribute of the table today. According to etiquette, they straighten and lay on their knees so that their clothes do not get dirty. Therefore, if you want to please your own guests, choose quality canvas for festive table.

The advantage of fabric products is that they are durable. You can wash them after use, iron them, and then reapply them.

When choosing fabrics, consider the strength and absorbency of the napkins. Inexpensive options, as a rule, thin, they lose their own appearance and are torn more often than others.

Another advantage is the naturalness of this raw material. Fabric models are pleasant to the touch. They are non-electrifying and non-allergenic.

When choosing a particular product, pay attention to the shade and design. Napkins must match the entire composition. But today this is not considered a problem. You can buy almost any canvases: classic - white, plain - various shades, with printed designs, with embroidery or openwork inserts.

The only drawback of such napkins is whimsy during care. If you wash such napkins in the wrong water temperature, they will shrink, stretch or lose their shape. After that, you will no longer be able to return them to a rectangular or square shape.

So, let's conclude: when selecting tissue napkins pay attention not to their price, but to the quality. Products the highest quality will serve you longer. They will excellent option during table setting.

Methods for folding napkins when serving

First, let's learn how to properly fold paper napkins for serving. Many connoisseurs argue that the serving of such products and napkins from fabric has its own subtleties and certain rules. So, products of a square shape are considered the most suitable for a festive event.

If you only have napkins rectangular, then you can easily form folds on them. Ordinary tea or lunch does not need fancy and fancy napkins. In this case, give preference to the most simple options... Before folding paper napkins, be sure to wash your hands and try to touch them as little as possible.

Many housewives come up with real masterpieces from paper products, for example, you can quickly twist a flower, and using various methods.

Quite often, during twisting, they use the origami technique, allowing you to put various figures on the table: flowers, boats, and so on.

You can fold paper napkins in half, or in the form of a tube. If you want to give the table setting a more solemn appearance, come up with a complex combination: a cylinder, a cone, a candle. It is better to put a napkin on the snack plates, folding it in half.

Ways of serving napkins

The serving of napkins is quite varied today. Everything will depend on how good and hardworking you are. There are several options that are very simple and, at the same time, they look festive.

  • "Plume". Fold the napkin diagonally. Connect first the right corner to the top of the triangle, then the left. Draw a horizontal line mentally, fold the figure into two equal parts relative to this line. Fold the corners of the piece towards the back. Pull the corners that are at the top in the opposite direction.

  • You can do beautiful flower lilies. Fold the napkin diagonally. Connect the corners with the top of the triangle: right, then left, as in the previous version. Fold the resulting figure into two equal parts relative to the horizontal. Unscrew the top corner.

  • The third simple method is as follows. Fold the napkin in half 2 times. Fold both sides of the resulting rectangle symmetrically downward. Expand the figure so that the wrong side is visible. Make 2 rings at its ends. Connect them.

If you want to get original and beautiful product, try to delve into the process. Exactly then this occupation will become for you not an ordinary job, but an interesting hobby.

Making napkins yourself

If you decide to make napkins with my own hands, then you must first choose a material for them. But one that will be dense, wash well and, after use, maintain its own initial shape.

As a rule, such products are made from linen, cotton and satin. If you want to make napkins for daily use, then you would like to purchase cotton. This material is not so easily soiled and it retains its shape perfectly. Linen and satin napkins have more festive look however they are very whimsical during the wash.


Conditionally color palette for napkins is divided into the following categories:

  • pastel shades
  • gold and silver
  • noble tones
  • classic tones such as white

The choice of color will only depend on your preference. At the same time, you must know that napkins must be combined not only with the tablecloth, but also with the rest of the room.

It is not difficult to choose the color of napkins specifically for the tablecloth. When doing this, take into account the density of the fabric. If napkins are inferior to tablecloths in density, choose options 2 shades darker. If the fabric of the products and the tablecloths are the same in structure, then choose napkins of the same tone with the shade of the tablecloth.

Tools and fabric

You can easily find these elements in a sewing store. For this process, you must have a sufficient number of:

  • fabrics
  • thick threads
  • needles

Plus you will need to grab a pair of scissors sewing machine, iron and pen.

Sewing napkins for serving

  • Before starting work, decide on the size of the products. Most optimal size 50 * 50 cm.
  • Then mark on the material required sizes and you can cut it. Make each cut as straight as possible. You can fold the resulting napkins in different ways.
  • Take a pattern, lay it down seamy side up. Fold each edge 1 cm, iron. Tuck each edge 2 cm back and iron.
  • Expand the resulting folds. From the point where the folds intersect, draw a thin strip diagonally.
  • Cut the corners of the napkin along the resulting strip. From the place where you cut, step back about 1.5 cm, then sew on a typewriter
  • Iron the fabric over each seam on both sides before turning the corners into the face of the garment. Turn the corners over your face, sew each edge.
  • Iron and starch the resulting product.

Table setting methods with napkins

A beautiful table setting with the use of napkins is the key to the attractiveness of your table and the entire decoration. Here important role play the colors of napkins, therefore, if you want to ask the celebration necessary mood, try hard and choose the right tones.

For example, green tone always evokes associations with freshness, vegetation, flowers, leaves. In addition, the green tone is able to perfectly emphasize the richness of other tones and their beauty. Take advantage of this quality when composing such compositions:

  • Place small, colorful flowers on the table. Use green napkins instead of leaflets.
  • Gray tone during table setting and decoration it is considered practical and versatile. You can combine it with any colors: bright, dull, warm, cold.
  • If you take a tablecloth as a base gray tone then create unusual compositions... Complete them with napkins of the same color.
  • Serving with white napkins, combined with any perfectly tones. You will get an unusual and striking effect.
  • Red tone- the most eye-catching. It simultaneously conveys warmth and irritates, stands out, sometimes it is unobtrusive. Hence, don't overdo it with red. Combine red with dull and more neutral hues. Think in advance how to best combine it with the rest of the shades that are on the table.

Remember, when choosing napkins, consider the tone of the tablecloth and the overall service. If you do everything right, the serving will turn out beautiful for you, and you will receive in return joyful mood people present at the table.

Napkin Serving Schemes

Now we offer you several options for serving napkins with diagrams.

The first "Fan" method:

  • Fold the napkin into 2 equal parts. You will get a rectangle. Collect 3/4 of the length of the product in the form of an accordion. Fold one fold down. Pay attention to the distance between the folds: it should be about 2.5 cm.
  • Fold the figurine in half so that the folds are on the outside to the left. The part you didn't fold should be on the right side.
  • Take a napkin. Its free ends should point upwards.
  • Adjust the part of the garment that is not folded between the folds. Place the resulting product on the table.

The second method is "Lily":

  • fold the product diagonally
  • the corners located on the right and left sides, attach to the apex of the triangle
  • fold the canvas over horizontal line in half
  • bend the top of the triangle at the top

The third option is "Royal Lily":

  • lay the canvas face down
  • bend the corners in turn to the central part
  • turn over
  • bend the corners to the center again
  • holding the corners in the center, carefully pull out the corners from the bottom, you should get petals.

Serving napkins step by step


  • fold the napkin diagonally
  • assemble the product in the form of an accordion, start at the top of the triangle, make the folds in turn: first up, then down
  • fold the resulting "accordion" into 2 parts
  • Connect the corners, twist a little so that the shape of the figure is preserved, straighten the folds, give the napkin a leaf-like look

"Tulip with a glass":

  • fold the material into 2 parts
  • fold the corners of the rectangle towards the center so that you have a triangle
  • fold the sharp corner of the base in half
  • twist the sides a little, carefully put the figure in the glass with the side that is bent; straighten the flower petals

  • Starch the material well, spread the product on the table so that the front side of the napkin looks up
  • place the fork with the prongs in the center of the product, twist the material, while moving each fold between the prongs of the fork
  • rotate the material to one side to form a spiral
  • remove the plug, squeeze the product with your hand so that the spiral does not unwind
  • put the figurine in the dish where you planned to put it in advance, straighten the fabric - you will get a beautiful rose

Serving Napkin Size

If you have no idea which napkins to choose, you do not know what size they should be, use the following rules:

  • If you decide to spend free time in the circle of a small company, drink delicious tea, coffee with cakes and rolls, then it will suit you small napkins, the size of which should be 35 * 35 cm.
  • If you are choosing napkins for everyday use, then choose napkins 40 * 40 cm.
  • If you have to solemn event then give preference to large napkins size 50 * 50 cm.

Serving napkins in a napkin holder

It is very easy to fold napkins in a napkin holder. It all depends on the figure of the napkin holder itself.

  • "Candle". This method ideal if the napkin holder has a round shape. Unfold a piece of the same color to create a large square. Fold the product diagonally to form a triangle. Bend the tube in half. Insert all the napkins that you fold similar method, in a napkin holder.

  • "Corners". Place each napkin in a flat napkin holder. You can fold the products in the form of "corners", alternating in shades. Canvases in contrasting colors look unusual.

Creating a beautifully set table is an art. After all, it is the right and festively laid table that creates the basis of the atmosphere at the holiday. Brighten up your evenings and party gatherings. And beautifully made figures from napkins will help you with this according to our advice.

Video: Beautifully folding table napkins

What hostess doesn't want to decorate her holiday table? An addition to the luxurious delicious meals will become a beautiful serving of space. To add coziness and solemnity, ordinary napkins on the table under the plates will help. Learn how to fold napkins and surprise your guests.

Table setting etiquette

There are several ways to set cutlery: different countries adhere to different traditions... A classic Russian dinner involves a plate for bread, a soup spoon, a fork for the second course, a knife, two plates: soup, decorative, and a glass. However, this does not limit the hostess, and if necessary, she can always add the necessary dishes. There are also several rules for using napkins.

Let's start with the banal: a cloth scarf should be put on your knees, and not tucked under the collar. If you need to leave the table, you should leave it on the back of a chair or beside your plate, but some people think that putting the handkerchief to the left of the table means that you are finished eating. It is necessary to unfold the fabric after the finished dish is brought. Avoid swinging the handkerchief too much or wiping your lips thoroughly.

How to beautifully fold napkins on the festive table

Arranging a gala dinner, the hostess seeks to surprise her guests: she decorates the table with colorful napkins. They are of two types: fabric, paper. The latter are placed under a plate or in a special stand, and the former are placed on a plate. With the use of fabric, you can come up with many elegant decorations. Folding napkins for table setting is a real art, so below are step by step instructions decoration of napkins for table setting. For convenience, you can take square pieces of fabric 40x40 in size, you can sew them yourself.


  1. Lay the scarf in front of you, wrong side down. Fold back a quarter of the table napkin from the top.
  2. Turn over.
  3. It is necessary to bend a third from the bottom.
  4. Fold in half by joining the bottom and top.
  5. Make an accordion.
  6. Holding in hand lower part, smooth out the folds, shape them
  7. Open the fan.


  1. Take a handkerchief, lay it down face side to myself.
  2. Connect opposite corners to form a triangle.
  3. Raise the right and left corners, put them on the top of the triangle.
  4. In the resulting rhombus, fold the top and bottom corners.
  5. Peel back the top of the small triangle.
  6. Collect the lily by placing the left side into the right side.


  1. Bend all corners to the middle of the napkin.
  2. Rotate everything so that you have a square in front of you.
  3. Repeat the first step.
  4. Bend the corners back towards the center.
  5. The corners lying in the middle must be bent down. Turn the shape over gently. Then you need to stretch all the corners to the back side.
  6. The back side must be pulled out. Pull gently back part shapes to give the petals volume.


For a festive New Year's table you can make a design using green scarves, then you get beautiful Christmas trees:

  1. Fold the fabric in half to make a square.
  2. We lift each layer up, while leaving about two cm between the corners.
  3. Turning over, bend to the center of the edge. You should get a triangle.
  4. Give the figure the desired shape, put something heavy on top so that the napkin does not straighten itself.
  5. Turn the shape over again, fold back each layer. You should get a Christmas tree.
  6. It remains to decorate the table and create a festive mood.


  1. Align the right line with the left so that the scarf is bent in half.
  2. After that, fold in half, placing the bottom on top.
  3. We make a "house" from the top layer: bend the corners to the center.
  4. We lower this triangle below the middle.
  5. Repeat the third step, only with the bottom layer.
  6. And repeat the fourth step. The bag is ready!


  1. Make a triangle.
  2. Place the left corner on top.
  3. Repeat with the right one.
  4. Turn over.
  5. Fold down the top, opening the corners.
  6. Bend part of the bottom layer to the left and right diagonally.
  7. Bend the small corners on the left and right inward. Give the shape of the heart.
  8. Flip over, hide all folds. You can confess your love to your guests!

Fan in a ring

  1. Make an accordion out of a napkin.
  2. In the middle, pinching it with your fingers, bend it in half.
  3. Put in a ring or glass. Open the fan, create a spectacular and simple decoration for lunch or dinner. This is how you can decorate the table step by step.

Lotus flower

  1. Fold the top and bottom towards the middle of the napkin.
  2. It is necessary to make preparatory folds. The sheet should consist of eight small squares.
  3. Make an "accordion" along the ready-made folds
  4. Fold in the corners of the accordion to form small triangles towards the middle of the butterfly.
  5. Expand the flower.

Horizontal sachet

  1. Fold the scarf right side in.
  2. Fold back to form a center fold. upper layer by about one third.
  3. Turn over.
  4. Bend the sides, joining them in the middle. Repeat.

Diagonal sachet

  1. Fold four times.
  2. Bend the corner of the top layer 5 cm. Repeat.
  3. Tuck the second layer under diagonal stripe... This should make two stripes.
  4. Bend the napkin at the top and bottom.

Envelope for cutlery

  1. Put front side Push. Bend one of the corners to the middle.
  2. Fold the napkin in half with the folded corner on top.
  3. Bend in half. The bottom should lie under the top.
  4. Bend the corner
  5. Bend the sides to shape.

How to beautifully fold paper napkins in a napkin holder

Paper napkins for table setting are placed in a set in the middle in a napkin holder, but you can also be creative with this element of kitchen decor and come up with several schemes for decorating and creating special occasion... For round glass-like coasters the way is suitable"candle". From the triangle of the napkin, you need to make a tube, which you then insert into the glass and open. Or make an "accordion" and place it in a stand.

For flat napkin holder the best solution will fold the corners and play with colors... If you fold them like a fan, the whole festive table will look more magnificent and effective. The more various napkins will be in one stand, the brighter the decoration will appear. However, do not overdo it: remember that napkins should be easy to reach, as they are of practical value.

Not a single festive table can do without napkins today. They have both practical use(wipe lips or cheeks from fat, clean the outfit from stains), and serve as decoration. Beautifully folded paper napkins in a napkin holder will add originality to the table and attract attention. And multi-colored products with patterns will make it even more solemn. In order to properly fit these attributes of the feast and keep their shape, it is better to use special devices- napkin holders. They can be of different designs.

It doesn't take a lot of time and effort to figure out how to fold napkins into napkin holders. All these accessories for the holiday can be conditionally divided into products round shape glass-like and flat. Each has its own way of laying out.


Paper ones in a napkin holder? For example, in the shape of a "candle". To do this, you need to take a paper napkin of any shade. First, it should be expanded in the form of a square, folded diagonally to form a triangle. After that, you need to roll the resulting triangle into a tube, starting from a wide edge, moving to the top.

It should be bent about in the middle, after which the product can be inserted into a napkin holder. In the same way, you need to fold the rest of the paper handkerchiefs and put them next to each other in one vessel. It is best to use napkins of the same color for this. Otherwise, it turns out not very festive: such a design is not at all pleasing to the eye.

Second option

How to fold napkins into napkin holders? Now let's consider another way. The napkin must be unfolded and folded diagonally in. Then we bend the lower part as if we were folding a boat. We fold it in half, after which we fold each side to the middle with an accordion. All is ready. Now you can insert the resulting shape into the napkin holder.

The third way

How to beautifully fold napkins in a napkin holder? Let's tell you now. It will take a little more time to make the next composition, but the result will be very sophisticated. To begin with, you should unfold the napkin, preferably a plain one, fold it in the form of an accordion with a bend of about one and a half centimeters and bend it in the middle. Roll the fold tightly enough and insert into a round napkin holder. For these purposes, you can also use a glass or wine glass.

Multicolored extravaganza

In napkin holders flat shape napkins are usually stacked on top of one another. With this serving method, it is better to take not monophonic products, but alternate different shades... They will add sophistication to the table and improve the mood of the guests. For classic serving, it is better to take napkins of the same tone.


How beautiful is it to fold napkins into a napkin holder if it is vertical and flat? Perfect option next: all products must be bent in the form of a triangle and laid out in the form of a fan.

In this case, paper handkerchiefs can be taken in two or three shades of the same color to make the transition from light to dark tone... You can also alternate different shades. Do not stack the napkins too tightly.


How to fold napkins into napkin holders? The next way can be conditionally called "sultan". For him, you need to roll one paper napkin into a bag, fixing it in a vertical napkin holder. Then other paper handkerchiefs are stacked in the same way and placed in each other. Don't worry if the resulting structure is very tall. You can divide the "sultan" into three separate parts and place them in the frame side by side. A flower with a lush inflorescence, for example a chrysanthemum, will look great at the top.


How to beautifully fold paper napkins in a napkin holder? The next scheme is called "cock comb".

First, the napkin unfolds and folds in the form of a book. After the workpiece is bent in half to the right. All four layers of paper must be folded lengthwise. Having outlined a line in the middle, you need to lower the corners of the resulting triangle down, after which they are turned up "mountain". Then you need to fold the napkin in two. The four combs are pulled out separately. The structure is placed vertically on a napkin holder.


Let's figure out how to fold paper napkins in a swan-shaped napkin holder. To do this, take one product and put it in the form of a diamond in front of you. Two opposite corners are folded towards each other. The napkin is folded in half lengthwise. For one napkin holder, about ten such blanks are made, which represent the body of the future swan. A long bird's neck is made from another napkin and twisted with a tourniquet.

Along the edge, this figure is bent at an angle to make something like a head. If you wish, you can sharpen the beak and glue the eyes. But then the napkin will only serve as a decoration. Again, you can use paper handkerchiefs of different colors.

Several will go well on the festive table. different types napkin holders. Some containers are filled with hand wipes. Others are meant to be served. It should be remembered that napkins are primarily a means of hygiene and only then serve as decoration. Any guest should easily take paper towel and use it. Now you know how to fold napkins into napkin holders. This means that you can prepare the table for the celebration.