The wedding of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko. Plushenko about the age difference. Luxurious decoration of the banquet hall

Any family union media personalities becomes the subject of public discussion. The popular representatives of show business Rudkovskaya and Plushenko were no exception, the age difference of which fuels additional interest. Moreover, each had a traditionally approved marriage behind them, which broke up largely due to fateful meeting together.

What kind of marriage is considered unequal?

A difference of seven years is considered quite acceptable, because the spouses are representatives of the same generation, they can be connected general ideas about life and common cultural values. But it only applies to men. If older woman, such a marriage is immediately regarded as unequal. Rudkovskaya is older than Plushenko, so it is important to understand what worries psychologists in such an alliance:

  • The slower development of men implies the need to choose a younger partner so that spouses can match each other.
  • Physiology limits the childbearing age of a woman, so the choice of a mature wife is unnatural.

If, however, this happens, then what are the reasons for this phenomenon? Scientists believe that the origins are in relationships young man with his mother: either from childhood he was deprived of maternal affection and care, or he faced an overly domineering character. In this case, he either seeks warmth and tenderness, or, with the help of a partner, tries to escape from under maternal care. To better understand the situation, it is important to know how old Rudkovskaya and Plushenko are.

Age of the spouses

Eugene is a native Khabarovsk Territory, born on 11/03/1982. Pupil of the Volgograd school of figure skating, where he lived with three years. At eleven, he was forced to move to St. Petersburg in connection with the closure of the ice school. The coach liked the promising young man so much that he paid for his housing for three years so that the boy from ordinary family I could play my favorite sport. Having become independent early, the skater entered his first marriage at the age of 22, but he did not turn out to be strong.

Yana was born in Moscow in a military family on 01/02/1975. Her childhood and youth were spent in Barnaul, where her father was transferred on duty. The year of birth of Plushenko and Rudkovskaya allows us to determine the difference in age, which is seven years. By the time of her first marriage (2001), Yana, a dermatovenerologist by profession, already owned a network of beauty salons, turning into a real business woman.

Plushenko on the age difference

It is interesting to know what the spouses themselves say about the current situation and what they can object to psychologists. After all, everyone had a previous bad experience. An outstanding figure skater, married to the daughter of the richest St. Petersburg businessman who was two years younger than him, was faced with a complete unwillingness to create a family from his wife. The young woman did not have enough life wisdom, patience and understanding of the complexity of the character of a star husband.

Evgeni Plushenko believes that due to circumstances, being on long time Separated from his family at training camps and competitions, he grew up faster than his peers. Therefore, he does not consider Rudkovskaya much older and more experienced.

At the time of the marriage (34 years old), the young woman was in childbearing age and did not make her husband wait a long time for an heir. In addition, she looks great, being one of the most stylish representatives of the domestic show business. Being the owner beauty salons in Moscow and Sochi, she carries half a suitcase of cosmetics with her and always appears in public in great shape. To prove to others how young a woman is at heart, she got on skates by taking part in the Star Ice show.

Rudkovskaya and Plushenko: the age difference through the eyes of Yana

The wife of the Olympic champion at the time of marriage was in wonderful age when the real taste of love wakes up in a woman. Her first husband Viktor Baturin, his wife's brother, was 18 years older. A desperate desire to preserve youth often pushes the fair sex into the arms of young partners, because the French are not in vain saying that a woman's age can be found by her lover's passport. At the same time, it is much easier for her to understand a man whose age periods familiar firsthand. It is not difficult to adapt to a change in the mood of a partner that stimulates new round career development, education and childbirth.

Yana Rudkovskaya in all interviews declares that she can imagine her future without Evgeny, because it is impossible to keep a person near you against his will. There are many temptations in life, and no one is immune from parting. However, she is convinced that Plushenko's champion character is too tough for young girls who are not ready to show flexibility and tolerance.


For the first time, Rudkovskaya saw Plushenko on TV. He seemed to her a thin elf with a prominent nose on his face. She also thought that such a nose should prevent the guy from kissing. But he spotted her in Sochi. He and his friend were in a restaurant. At that time, the young man was resting in the south with his ex-girlfriend Ulyana Petrova. But they were not yet destined to meet. It all happened on January 13, 2007 at Trafalgar Square in London. Both Rudkovskaya and Plushenko remember this meeting very well. The age difference did not bother them for one simple reason - a spark ran between them, which is called by the people love at first sight.

At the end of the Russian Winter festival, Dima Bilan performed, whose producer Yana became after her death. Outstanding athletes at the same time held the Sochi-2014 action in London. Among them was Plushenko, who, through a mutual friend, expressed a desire to meet Rudkovskaya in order to discuss joint creative plans. One glance into Zhenya's eyes was enough for Yana to drown in them. And on the very first evening he proposed to her to become his girlfriend. And although at that time their marriages were bursting at the seams, both were not free. But there was a creative union of the Hungarian violinist Edwin Martin, who performed in the Plushenko ice show, the skater himself and Dima Bilan, who brought the latter victory at Eurovision a year later.

Similar Issues

The creative success of 2008 was accompanied by heavy divorce proceedings experienced by Rudkovskaya and Plushenko. The age difference did not prevent them from being in a similar situation. trying to expose his ex-wife as an immoral person, took his two sons and did not allow them to see their mother. During the showdown, the public became aware that the eldest son Andrei is the son of Baturin from a previous marriage with Yulia Saltovets, whom Yana adopted, but loved like her own. If Plushenko, after a divorce in February 2008, resigned himself to the fact that Maria Yermak did not allow him to see his son, to whom she gave her maiden name, then Yana fought like a tigress, experiencing a real nervous breakdown.

It seemed to her that their romance with Plushenko was doomed, because she could not give him the emotions that he was waiting for. Turning into a whining woman, obsessed with the only idea of ​​taking the children, she suddenly found understanding and support in his face. This situation brought them even closer, receiving an unexpected resolution after the ex-husband was arrested for financial fraud in 2011.

An offer of marriage

Evgeni Plushenko announced his intention to marry after Dima Bilan's brilliant victory at Eurovision. But the official engagement had to wait another six months. In early January 2009, a young woman celebrated her birthday in one of the capital's restaurants. To the song Et si tu n`existais pas performed by Pierre Narcisse, the outstanding figure skater made an offer to his lady of the heart, presenting a ring with a lemon diamond worth 160 thousand euros. On the date of three nines, the wedding day was set - 09/09/2009, for the happy Yana Rudkovskaya answered her lover: "Yes."


In fact, the wedding took place on the twelfth of September, as the athlete could not transfer the training process. It was a huge event. In an interview, Rudkovskaya admitted that her first wedding was very modest, and the bride did not even have a wedding dress. But now there were two of them, and a diamond diadem, ordered from Switzerland, adorned her head. The newlyweds signed in the Kutuzovsky registry office in the presence of their closest relatives and witnesses: Lera Kudryavtseva and Nikolai Baskov. The main celebration was held at the Spa Hotel on Rublyovka, where 150 guests were present.

The cost of the celebration was about one million euros, but the main costs were covered by the sponsors. The wedding of Rudkovskaya and Plushenko was immediately ranked among the main events of the year, at which the entire beau monde gathered. The bride's bouquet was caught by Lera Kudryavtseva, but of the men, Andrey Malakhov turned out to be the lucky one. The main decoration of the table was a five-tiered cake two meters high, which was crowned with figures of the bride and groom - exact copies of the newlyweds.

Yana's children

During a divorce from her ex-husband, Rudkovskaya took place 221 court hearing, most of which concerned the place of residence of children. In 2010, an agreement was signed under which the sons had to alternately live either with their mother or with their father. The woman went to this not to separate the children, because she could not take both of them for herself, not being Andrei's biological mother. After the arrest of Baturin, the boys began to live permanently in the Rudkovskaya family. At first they did not even call her mom, but a year later the situation changed. Now Andrei is 15, and Nikolai is 14 years old, they study in the same class. Andrei refused to live with his own mother after she claimed her rights to him.

After the birth of little Alexander in 2013, we can safely say that all three are the children of Plushenko and Rudkovskaya, because the outstanding skater turned out to be a good father. Mom is grateful to him for introducing the boys to sports. Thanks to Evgeny, Nikolai lost 10 kg and was accepted into the Torpedo football team, which he so dreamed of. At the beginning of 2016, Viktor Baturin left the places of detention. Despite the scandalous divorce, the relationship between former spouses quite friendly. The father recognized the right of his sons to live with his mother, maintaining a close relationship with them.

Evgeny's children

Apart from joint child with Rudkovskaya, Plushenko has a son from his first marriage - Yegor Yermak. Largely thanks to Yana and her advice, he restored relations with his mother, who stopped interfering with the child's communication with his father. Egor is 10 years old, he permanently lives in St. Petersburg, where Plushenko has a country mansion. They see each other not only during the skater's visits to the Northern capital, but also during the holidays. Father teaching son to ride skiing. On the eve of the Olympics in Sochi, in which, after a three-year break, the athlete decided to participate, the family moved from Moscow to Rublyovka.

The house of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeny Plushenko is a thousand-meter three-story mansion, designed by Vladimir Revin. After his death, Yana herself completed the construction and furnished the house, showing an enviable talent for equipping life. A hockey rink has been built in the yard for older children, and the younger Sasha, or Dwarf Gnomych, as he is affectionately called in the family, is mastering the children's car park.

Living together

The strength of the family is tested in overcoming difficulties. At the Olympics in Sochi, everyone remembers the events when the skater, after winning the team event, was unable to continue the competition due to a back injury. The trouble happened during the warm-up, which did not allow replacing the declared participant. This caused a strong reaction from the public and ambiguous statements about the athlete. Being a nursing mother, Yana not only went to Israel to support her husband, who needed a serious operation, but also organized a video broadcast to defend the honor of an outstanding athlete of our time.

The answer to the question, how old are Rudkovskaya and Plushenko, is not so important, because when there is love, these are simple numbers. For almost seven years of their marital happiness, fans do not hide their admiration for this wonderful couple, who can serve as an example to follow.

Which is circulated on the Internet, it is stated that she was born in 1975 and is now 42 years old. However, in one of the few interviews, her classmates claim that in school years Yana's name was Alla. And, what is even more interesting, Alla Rudkovskaya is seven years older than Yana Rudkovskaya. Therefore, according to the information of the domestic media, now he is 49 years old. In any case, at 42 (49) years old, the blonde looks luxurious.

2. Alla Rudkovskaya became Yana Rudkovskaya and opened a network of beauty salons "French Beauty Studio"

After graduating from the University of ASMU (Altai State Medical University), the future star moved to Sochi after her first husband, businessman Yevgeny Mukhin, and there, in one of the passport offices, she rejuvenated herself and changed her name. Already being, she opened a network of cosmetology salons "French Beauty Studio". In 2002, she opened 3 beauty salons in Sochi, and later another one in Moscow.

3. Acquaintance and marriage with Viktor Baturin

In Sochi, Yana Rudkovskaya met her own. Together they lived for seven years and raised two children and. Later it turned out that the eldest was not Yana Rudkovskaya's own son, but an adopted one, from Viktor Baturin's second marriage to Yulia Saltovets.

4. Scandalous divorce Yana Rudkovskaya and Viktor Baturin

According to Rudkovskaya, she filed for divorce from Viktor Baturin only in " educational purposes”, Because I thought that Victor was dear to the family and two young sons. The blonde hoped that he would be frightened and change his mind, but when Victor realized that Yana had actually decided to leave, he kicked her out of the house. A pretend divorce, as Yana intended, became quite real. Then the struggle for children began. After a series of lawsuits, both children stayed with Yana.

A few years after the divorce, already in a different relationship, in an interview with Elle, when asked if she loved Viktor Baturin, Yana Rudkovskaya answered the following:

There was a great affection, because he is an extraordinary person. Clever, but very ambiguous ... He is capable of both great feats and great tyranny. Look like soap bubble bright on the outside, none on the inside. He often compared himself to Napoleon, and this comparison was appropriate. I told him: “Here you are, like Napoleon, and you will end your life ... On the island of St. Helena, forgotten by everyone.” This is what is happening now. Baturin was a very rich man, had 50 percent of the shares of Inteko, his sister is the first female billionaire in Russia, and he is now in prison.

In 2013, businessman Viktor Baturin was convicted of fraud with bills of the Inteko company, in particular in 2 attempts to embezzle sums, to seven years in prison, but he was released earlier - in 2016.

5. Yana Rudkovskaya got into show business by accident.

I got into show business by accident. She was friends with producer Yuri Aizenshpis, who, due to a heart attack, could not accompany his ward at the Russian Music Awards ceremony and asked his old friend Yana Rudkovskaya to do it for him. She not only did not refuse, but after the death of Aizenshpis, she took on further care of the singer's career.

6. Was or was not: a fleeting romance with Dima Bilan

8. Yana Rudkovskaya's royal breakfasts

9. Yana Rudkovskaya - shopaholic

Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko are considered one of the strongest couples in domestic show business. The couple are raising their son Sasha, who has already started his career in the fashion world. This year the husband and wife will celebrate their eighth wedding anniversary.

In June, the star couple talked about how they plan to seal their union in heaven. Yana warned in advance that this was a modest, secret ceremony, which would be attended only by the closest people.

On September 15, Plushenko and Rudkovskaya got married in one of the Moscow churches. On an important day for the whole family, Yana shared a photo of her son in a formal suit.

“Good and exciting morning today. My son's shoes are not the right size, but that's why it's exciting, ”Rudkovskaya signed the picture.

It is known that for solemn ceremony young woman chose an outfit pale pink With fluffy skirt from a famous French brand. Earlier, the star posted a photo of her wedding dress on Instagram, but refused to share the rest of the details. Eugene preferred the classics and appeared in the church in a black suit.

fans star couple hastened to congratulate them on such an important event “We wish you many more happy years together", " wonderful family, and your son is a real handsome man”, “Congratulations! Now your union is forever sealed before God, ”her Instagram followers commented on Yana’s photo.

Probably, after a modest ceremony in the church, a holiday will begin in one of the capital's restaurants. Earlier, Andrei Malakhov said that the heroes of the occasion sent him an incredibly beautiful invitation.

“It would seem that until recently I was walking at their wedding, but it turns out that eight years have passed! And in the church on this day, little Sasha Plushenko, known to everyone as Gnome Gnomych, will definitely stand next to his parents. I offered Yana to organize a live broadcast from the wedding, but she refused, noting that it would be a very personal event, ”said Chief Editor"StarHit".

Almost immediately after the touching ceremony family photo Evgeni Plushenko shared. "Today took place an important event in our life, Yanchik and I got married! We have been together for ten years, married for eight, and we are very happy that we did this today. important step in our lives, ”the skater signed the picture.

The celebration was attended by numerous star friends of the spouses, as well as Yana's children from her first marriage.

After the wedding, the couple and their star guests went to a restaurant where they will celebrate a joyful event. Yana Rudkovskaya showed the hall, which is literally immersed in white roses. Bouquets with flowers decorate not only the tables, but also the stage, as well as the stairs leading to the room.

The banquet in honor of the wedding of the star couple was attended by Valentin Yudashkin with his wife, Philip Kirkorov, Sergey Lazarev and many others. Stas and Inna Mikhailova dedicated to the heroes of the occasion touching post on Instagram.

“Congratulations on your wedding! No wonder they say: "Marriages are made in heaven." From now on, your marriage is not only accomplished, it is also blessed by heaven. May your blessed union never end, Be together in love and joy! Do not leave each other in sorrow and suffering. And may God keep you so that there is not a drop of suffering and sadness, but love and happiness - the whole sea, ”wrote Inna Mikhailova.

The first dance of Yana and Evgeny in the new status took place to the song of Dima Bilan "I just love you." The singer congratulated the producer and her husband, wishing the heroes of the occasion many happy years together.

18:39:15 - Donat: wedding, Yana Rudkovskaya, Evgeny Plushenko. Media catalog Photo and video A wedding dance Weddings Wedding hair and make-up Wedding anniversaries Wedding limousines.

13:36:07 - Zhanna: The bride's hair was crowned with a diamond crown, rented from one of the jewelry houses. The children of Plushenko and Rudkovskaya from their first marriages could not come to the wedding due to domestic events, KP notes.

11:35:01 - Daniel: The bride did without a veil, but her hair was decorated with a diadem worth 1.5 million euros, provided by one jewelry house. Guests at the wedding of Plushenko and Rudkovskaya.

16:42:03 - Olga: Women's haircuts for 50 years. retro hairstyle with bouffant. Hairstyle Rudkovskaya at the wedding. Rudkovskaya's hairstyle at the wedding. Hairstyle for graduation bouffant. Hairstyle with bouffant for long hair.

11:52:25 - Yuri: where to get a wedding hairstyle for brides? and where to buy Wedding Dress for a wedding? The wedding of Plushenko and Rudkovskaya took place on September 12, 2009, despite the fact that at the beginning of the year the date of three nines was planned - 09.09.09.

18:05:23 - Leonid: Wedding hairstyles. Photo report from the wedding and Olympic champion, figure skater Evgeny Plyuchenko and singer, producer Yana Rudkovskaya.

05:25:24 - Lazar: Rudkovskaya's hair was decorated with a diamond crown worth 1 million 500 thousand euros, which was rented to the bride by one of jewelry stores. Wedding decoration. Present. Hairstyle, stylists. Beauty Salons.

Read more "Rudkovskaya's hairstyle at the wedding"

06:09:32 - Zinaida: at least minus me, but I like her outside. everyone does not like her just because she is YANA RUDKOVSKY. she is sympathetic. looking pleasant. And her hair suits her. what if these same pigtails would be made, for example, to Miroslava Duma - everyone would good hairstyle at the wedding.

02:38:23 - Alla: Yanna Rudkovskaya's hairstyle for the wedding. Spikelet for medium hair photo. Braided little hair. hairstyle for a wedding with tresses. Wedding hairstyle Yana Rudkovskaya.

09:01:53 - Gabriel: Yana Rudkovskaya. New hairstyle, new house and new ideas - just so she tries to forget about the nightmare, in which A later had the opportunity, almost overnight, to change beyond recognition! And even then, before the wedding, I was remarkably aware that it was firm and unprincipled.

Over the weekend, September 12, there was solemn registration marriage of the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko and producer Yana Rudkovskaya.

Details of the wedding of Yana and Evgeny

Despite the fact that Plushenko, making an offer to Rudkovskaya, told everyone that the wedding date would be 09/09/09, the wedding took place on September 12. Perhaps it's all about Eugene's busy training schedule.

The wedding celebration, as is now fashionable, consisted of two parts. At first, 36-year-old Yana and 28-year-old Eugene signed in the Kutuzovsky registry office, so loved by our stars. A very limited circle of friends was present at the marriage registration. Philip Kirkorov, due to the fact that he was not invited to the first part of the registration, was sure until the last that this was a PR campaign by Rudkovskaya. Apparently, to appease Philip, Yana gave him the first dance.

After the ceremony, the newlyweds, along with 150 guests, went to one of the new design hotels Barvikha Hotel & Spa. The traffic jam on Rublevsky Highway, which arose from a motorcade of young people, was as much as 1 kilometer!

Then, on the lawn in front of the hotel, an outdoor theatrical marriage ceremony took place. The ceremony was hosted by TV presenter Tina Kandelaki. Near the beautiful flower arch, Plushenko and Rudkovskaya exchanged wedding rings, worth 150 thousand euros.

In general, the wedding, contrary to financial crisis y, went on a grand scale, although the newlyweds themselves said that it was because of the crisis that so few guests were invited. The bride's outfits alone are estimated at 100,000 euros. The wedding itself cost one million euros, which was paid for by the sponsors of the event. Yana and Eugene paid only for the purchase of rings, wedding dresses, the banquet itself and the night at the hotel. The wedding night, which took place right there in the presidential suite of the hotel, cost 10 thousand euros.

Also, like Western celebrities, Eugene and Yana decided to make money on their wedding show. Eugene, as a three-time world champion in figure skating and the winner of the 2006 Olympics, is known all over the world, and when he decided to return to big sport, his popularity only increased.

One Japanese TV channel paid Plushenko to video broadcast his wedding. 1 minute of video costs 50 thousand euros. According to rumors, in total, the couple will earn more than 1 million euros from their marriage. Not bad, so, for example, Christina Aguilera, spending on own wedding two million dollars, earned three.

Bridesmaid wedding dresses

Since a celebrity wedding is now claiming to be a show that has sponsors and a well-thought-out script, for more entertainment You have to change costumes for a show like this. If on your Turkish wedding Ani Lorak changed three dresses (this is not counting one more for the Kyiv wedding), but here Yana managed much more modestly. On wedding ceremony in the registry office on Rudkovskaya was wearing a white wedding dress from Cavalli. After the newlyweds arrived at the hotel, Yana changed into an elegant lilac dress, embroidered semi precious stones.

The bride did without a veil, but her hair was decorated with a diadem worth 1.5 million euros, provided by one jewelry house.

The groom was dressed simply - in a gray-blue tuxedo with a purple scarf instead of a boutonniere, in harmony with the bride's outfit.

Guests at the wedding of Plushenko and Rudkovskaya

Among those wishing to congratulate the newlyweds were the famous Tina Kandelaki, Fyodor Bondarchuk with his wife, Nikolai Valuev, as well as Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov with Oksana Fedorova, Lera Kudryavtseva with Sergey Lazarev and Ksenia Sobchak. Rudkovskaya's protege, the winner of Eurovision 2008, Dima Bilan, came to the wedding with his permanent bride.

The guests joked all the time, discussed the never-coming wedding of Lera and Sergey. Under the cries of "Bitter!" Baskov kissed Oksana with pleasure and talked about the fact that they would celebrate their wedding on Red Square. To the remark that Oksana was still married, the singer assured that they were already engaged in her divorce.

The bride's bouquet of 15 unmarried applicants, including Anfisa Chekhova and Ksenia Sobchak, was caught by Lera Kudryavtseva. Lera accepted the gift of fate without enthusiasm and, to jokes about the wedding with Lazarev, she noticed that she had been married twice and did not know why to go out again.

The bride's garter was caught by the famous TV presenter and metrosexual of our beau monde Andrey Malakhov. Andrei promised to keep the garter for his future wife.

Children of Evgeny and Yana from previous marriages, unfortunately, could not attend the celebration due to unresolved conflicts between the parents.

What was given to the young

Evgeny's colleague at Eurovision 2008, violinist Edwin Marton, presented the couple with a picture of a Hungarian artist studded with precious stones. Anfisa Chekhova presented a gift without leaving the role of a seductive woman and in her own style. However, it remains a mystery why a young couple would need underwear stimulating libido. Apparently a gift with an eye on a long marriage.

Nikolai Baskov and Oksana Fedorova gave Plushenko another Vertu phone, since Evgeny collects them. Yana, on the other hand, received an exclusive diamond ring from Yudashkin as a gift from the couple.

Against the backdrop of such luxury gifts, strange desire giving vessels, apparently of love, united businessman Sergei Kozhevnikov and President of the Olympic Committee Leonid Tyagachev. Sergei came to the wedding with a vase self made in the form of a pineapple with a lid, and Leonid presented a samovar.

A trip worth half a million dollars was presented to the newlyweds by Yana's friend, Marika Kapsis, one of the richest women in Greece.

To the great regret of the newlyweds, they had to postpone their joint trip. IN " Honeymoon» Rudkovskaya will go with friends, among whom will be Philip Kirkorov and Yana's ward, Dima Bilan, and Evgeny will go to the training base in Novogorsk.

Based on a press review, photo:,, photographer Mila Strizh.