What does it mean to flirt with a guy. Flirt in messages. How to win over people

The ability to flirt is inherent in a woman by nature. Someone does not know how to put these skills into practice. There are those who even consider flirting to be the prerogative of men. Oh, how wrong they are ... To bewitch, flirt, seduce, please - this is a pleasant game of both sexes, in which there are no losers ... if you do everything right! How to flirt with a guy and masterly apply " women things", Read in our article. It's easier than you think!

Where to begin?

All you need is a positive attitude, a smile, confidence and subtle hints about tender feelings... Before charming someone you care about, learn some flirting techniques. They work flawlessly.

Show him your interest

Before that, decide: why do you want to flirt with him? If this is in order to unwind a little, then you can not try hard - and so it will bite. If you want to develop a relationship, then you have to make some effort.

Guys are not clairvoyant ... Girls have intuition that gives them clues. But it is difficult for a guy to understand whether he likes it until she gives clear sign... Of course, there is no need to write love slogans on the asphalt under the window or walk with a banner. Show interest in his person with an affectionate look, smile, or just ask "How are you?"

The look is the main weapon

A key flirting tactic is making eye contact with the object of your desires. It works anytime, anywhere, when the guy is around you. Just do not look at him as if you see right through him (men are shy people). You want to flirt with him, not drill a hole in his body with your eyes ...

Look him in the eyes and then shyly look away. If your image is far from being shy, then just playfully and fleetingly glance in his direction. Here's a nice all-round trick: stare straight at him until a guy catches your eye. Then hold eye contact a couple of seconds, smile and look away. Such play with the eyes will certainly bear fruit.

Smile at him

Proven Fact: Smiling makes a girl even more attractive! So don't neglect this weapon when flirting. Anyway, how to flirt with a guy without a smile? You must admit that a lady "in depression" is not very pleasant to look at. Smiling girl attracts eyes, radiates mood and positive. Any man will immediately come on alert!

Advice: but don't overdo it here either. You shouldn't smile at all 32 if you have dental problems. Sometimes the raised corners of the mouth are enough. Practice in front of the mirror - for a start. The smile should be fleeting, and not constantly present on your face. Laughing for no reason ... you know.

Find a way to see each other more often

How to flirt with a guy if you don't see him? That's right, no way. To intersect with the object of sympathy more often, find exquisite reasons for meeting. Walk the dog in the park where he is with friends. Or walk past his desk in the office, heading for the exit. The main thing is that it looks natural! Don't go overboard or he'll think you're following him.

Laugh at his jokes

Even if it's not very funny. Show your partner that you are interesting and comfortable with him! There is no need to laugh loudly, attracting the attention of passers-by. An unobtrusive laugh will not only flatter him, but also make you more attractive in his eyes (we have already talked about a smile above).

Let him feel like a witty and captivating conversationalist. If he was not like that, you would hardly want to be with him.

Touch it

Overcoming the barrier of touch is one of the main ways to flirt with a guy and induce his affection. Look for the smallest excuses to touch him: touch his hand when he is joking funny, straighten his collar, lightly touching his neck with your fingers, put your hand in his palm while watching a horror movie, or snuggle against him out of fear. But they gave up immediately! Contact should be short-lived to begin with.

Watch his reaction. If it is positive, then you can apply this technique several times. If he keeps your hand on him or takes it in his palm, your game is a success!

Look your best 100

Men love with their eyes - this known fact... And this pure truth! Not worth putting on short skirt, a sweater with a neckline or high heels. There will be enough grooming and tidy clothes, nice makeup and beautiful strands hair. You yourself will feel better when you know that you are irresistible!

Wear clothes that are comfortable for you. You definitely can't go wrong with skinny jeans or favorite dress... Be different, experiment with hairstyles and colors in your outfits.

Draw attention to your body

Slightly exposed flesh is a turn-on. Draw attention to own body you need to be careful, unobtrusive and subtle, so as not to seem accessible. Light openness sometimes works instead of a thousand words. But remember: easy!

Pretend your shoulder hurts. Massage it and rub the skin, "accidentally" throwing off the strap from the top. If a guy offers to give you a massage, then consider it your little victory. He pecked! If you are in a restaurant or cafe, lick your lips so that he can see. This will grab attention and make him think about the kiss.

Don't go overboard. There is no need to jump in front of him in a bikini and twist your cleavage in front of his face - it looks like a sign of despair. Be confident and relaxed!

Tell him nice things

Girls who expect compliments from men only in their own address commit big mistake... Guys love to be praised too. Let him feel special, show him that you appreciate his qualities and pay attention to his merits. Notice important details, the smallest details!

How to flirt with a guy and make a compliment even more pleasant:

  • To add mystery and intimacy to a compliment, lean closer to it and say the pleasantries in a whisper.
  • Does he play the guitar well? Tell us how you felt when you heard him play. Praised the level of his virtuosity. He is a football player? Go to his match and share your impressions of his goal or successful pass.
  • When you compliment, try to look him in the eye and be smiling.
  • Don't speak not from pure heart- pretense is always visible. Compliment from the bottom of your heart! One sincere praise is better than 100 phony phrases.

Tease him sometimes

This is an amazing technique for flirting with a guy! But it must be applied correctly. Let it be small and insignificant teasing, reminiscent of a compliment, but not an insult. Everything should be in a joking manner and not touch on personal topics: family, work, appearance. This manner of communication will show him that you have a sense of humor. And a girl with a sense of humor is priceless.

Flirt in messages

Everyone spends a lot of time on social networks, so don't miss the opportunity to flirt here too! How to flirt with a guy on the internet? Write him by chance when he is not expecting something funny. Or share an interesting post. Do not write long and boring messages, avoid topics "about the weather" and other platitudes. Be interesting companion to make him smile.

For many ladies, the concept of flirting is not entirely correct reaction... Some people associate flirting with almost indecent behavior, while others perceive it as a non-binding relationship. However, both of them are deeply mistaken. The fact is that flirting is just a love game, a way to attract attention and please opposite sex... Flirting is the art of seduction. But if you are not satisfied with this interpretation, then consider flirting an art of charm.

All women know how to flirt. But, firstly, not everyone knows about it, and secondly, not everyone knows how to flirt with men correctly. As you know, the best is the enemy of the good. So when some ladies are too zealous, their behavior simply scares men away. But flirting should be light, unobtrusive, intriguing. So what's the right way to flirt with a man? What should be done to attract attention and interest the object in person, and what absolutely should not be done? Let's figure it out.

Rules for competent flirting

Remember flirting is a game, so be prepared to fail. After all, even if you flirt with a man correctly, it may not bring the expected results. Nevertheless, few men remain completely indifferent to a woman who owns the art of flirting. Remember how the heroine of the film "Memoirs of a Geisha" stopped men with one glance? We, of course, are not geisha, and we are far from such a virtuoso art of flirting, but we need to start with this.

So, look. It is he who is responsible for establishing contact. The future of their relationship (or lack thereof) depends on how a woman looks at a man. The look should be attractive, no matter what it will be: languid, playful, dreamy or confident. To make your look eloquent, try to say to yourself what you would like to say out loud to him: “I like you”, “I want you to come up to me”, “It was about you that I dreamed all my life.” Practice in front of a mirror and find your image in the art of visual message.

Smile. This is the second thing you should do right and that you need to rehearse. A smiling woman always attracts men’s sympathy. A smile, like a look, should be attractive. Just don't smile at all thirty-two teeth. In the art of flirting, it is important to master not so much the ability to smile beautifully as the ability to smile at the right place, that is, on time. A smile can be shy, playful, apologetic, derisive ... But at the same time, it must be sincere. Do you know how to smile like that? If yes, then your success love game almost guaranteed.

Movement. In psychology, there is the concept of body language. It is the subconscious movements that give true intentions and the mood of the interlocutor. We perceive these signs on subconscious level... Therefore, if you want a man to understand without words that he is not indifferent to you, then remember a few movements that, better than any words, will help him understand everything correctly:

  • Demonstration of wrists. You can correct wrist watch, fiddle with the bracelet, slightly pull the sleeve up. But all these movements should be performed as if by the way.
  • Hair touching. Well, you don't need to be taught exactly what to do here.
  • Dressing up. This again concerns, above all, hairstyles. Usually women, wanting to please men, throw their heads back slightly, shaking their hair. On a subconscious level, it looks quite natural, but how can you do it consciously? Rehearse in front of the mirror.
  • The voice of the flesh. Yes, a woman also demonstrates her sexual interest subconsciously. She can lick her lips, play with a half-asleep shoe, shaking it slightly at the tip of her foot, and stroke the glass. Take these signs into service.

Touches. It's about a woman's touching a man. Oh, how much such unintentional touches can say! You, as it were, accidentally touched his hand, brushed an invisible speck of dust from his shoulder, straightened his tie or buttoned a button at the collar ... There is a contact! A man not only feels, but already understands your interest. Only all touches should be light, almost imperceptible - fleeting.

The words. Ladies, do not be silent, but do not chatter incessantly. The best words that will help you to interest a man - compliments. Find an opportunity to tell him how courageous or strong he is, how smart and noble he is. Even if it is outright flattery, the man will lead to it. Just do not confuse outright flattery with rude - do not praise in a man those qualities that he does not possess. And compliment it lightly!

In general, lightness is the main condition of the game. Try to look natural: a wave of eyelashes, a half smile, an alluring look, an accidental touch, a compliment - and now it is almost at your feet! Yes, yes, this is the whole power of charm and the meaning of flirting. Just do everything right and do not make explicit and implicit mistakes, otherwise you will be the loser.

Flirting mistakes

The first thing you need to remember is be careful, that is, watch the man's reaction. You must not only control your own words and actions provided by the game, but also observe how the man reacts to all this. You just have to evoke only positive emotions and support him. good mood... If a man is not inclined to such a game, you will immediately understand this. Well, that means today is not your day.

Don't overdo it. A woman desperate to be liked sometimes looks vulgar or silly. However, both one and the other will completely ruin the game and kill the beauty of the moment of enchantment. So be moderate in expressing your emotions, do not laugh at every occasion, do not hang on the object, do not grab his hands at every opportunity and do not praise him for or without reason.

Be feminine. Do not try to become "your boyfriend" - a man (if he is of a normal orientation) will be interested only in the opposite sex, and not in an individual in unisex strength. Know how to emphasize your femininity with clothes, voice, and movements. By the way, an impeccable appearance in terms of neatness and grooming - indispensable condition successful flirting with men.

Flirting object

Girls! Any man can be the object of your game. After all, the beauty of flirting is that it can become a prelude to those who are closer and Serious relationships, or it may remain a pleasant game of "like it or not like it." You can start flirting with a complete stranger, with a colleague at work, with a fellow student, with a neighbor, even with own husband... Only with each of the objects you need to flirt correctly.

If it is completely unfamiliar or unfamiliar man, then your main weapon should be a look, a smile, and movement. At the next stage, we complement our offensive with touches and compliments. Well, if this is your own husband, then you can flirt frankly and, how to say, purposefully. However, we want to warn you against thoughtlessly following dubious advice from glamorous magazines.

Flirting with her husband. What shouldn't you do?

According to the first tip, you should leave your beloved notes with intriguing content for the upcoming entertainment in a conspicuous place. Now imagine your husband in this situation. Perhaps, of course, you can intrigue him, that's just in what sense of the word.

Imagine the following situation: your husband opens his driver's license, and inside a note with transparent hints signed with your name. What might your husband think while reading such a message? It would not even occur to him that the author of this note was his own wife, he will start to get nervous, trying to remember who is Tanya or Valya, who threatens your quiet family happiness... In the evening, meeting your husband from work, you will only add fuel to the fire with your mysterious appearance and vague hints. It's a pretty adventure. Most likely, this evening you will not have time to flirt with your own husband.

Or here's another tip. Almost every man simply adores when a woman appears in front of him in the form of a seductive nymph, dressed in a sexy underwear or a frankly short dress. Certainly young and beautiful women almost any outfit goes. As for women of average build, they are unlikely to risk appearing in such a dress. Unless, of course, their task is not to make their loved one laugh and cheer him up after a hard day at work.

Next tip. Book a table for two at an expensive restaurant and arrange romantic evening, and, of course, pay the bill yourself. First, in many families money is common. And, secondly, among us there are not so many wealthy women who can afford to visit such expensive establishments. Even if you have some money to spare, before following this advice, think carefully about whether it can add to your sexual relations some kind of special piquancy.

And, finally, one more way of magazine seduction. Invite your husband to make love in a non-traditional place for you, such as in the hayloft, on the roof, or in a rocking chair. The advice to get rid of stereotypes in behavior is more suitable for those who have a real life there are not enough difficulties, or those who cannot imagine their life without overcoming them.

But seriously speaking, in such a complex and tangled matter as love, universal advice no, it cannot be. After all, no one knows your husband as you know him. And if you are going to flirt with your own husband, then only you can decide how to do it.

Even in ancient times, women knew about flirting - the art of seduction, and they used it successfully.

Someone has this innate gift, but someone has to work hard on themselves in order to feel relaxed and comfortable next to any man.

Flirting is the language of the relationship between beautiful and strong halves humanity, which is expressed in non-verbal and verbal actions. Facial expressions, words, gestures hide hints, sympathy, playfully and naturally help to show interest in a person.

Before flirting with a man, you need to study your own behavior and manners, not being equal to other women. After all, each of us has its own unique personality, style, image and habits. It is important to learn how to properly manage the merits, not adopting someone else's demeanor.

Coquetry does not have to extend exclusively to a stranger... You can flirt with your husband, boyfriend, colleague, old friend, and childhood friend. What do you need to know about the magic of flirting and how to flirt correctly in order to maintain passion in a married couple?

Refresh your spouse's feelings

Many people think that flirting with their own husband while living in marriage long time is not necessary at all. Life, boredom and gray everyday life comes into a relationship, leaving your experienced emotions with your husband far behind.

Women are haunted by the insidious question: "Is it right on my part to push my beloved into such an adventure?" But the wisdom of the weaker sex is precisely to quietly create coziness in the house, maintain the warmth of the relationship and not allow feelings to fade away.

How to flirt with your husband to bring back passion and romance?

  • Visit the places where you walked with your husband before you started dating. Remember how he courted you and how he liked you.
  • Praise your loved one more often, say that you love him, touch him affectionately, be gentle, take care of him and spend more time with your man together.
  • Do not forget that you can flirt with your husband through a romantic dinner by candlelight or while taking joint bath... You don't have to look for a "suitable" place for this.
  • Buy erotic lingerie, pamper yourself beautiful clothes, do not be afraid to walk in it in front of your husband just like that, for no particular reason.
  • Fill family life positive mood, find out what your man doesn't like about your behavior. This way you can avoid petty quarrels without trying to ruin each other's nerves and the time that is best spent on romance.

New object of sympathy

Softness, femininity, a certain naivety - these are the qualities that make the male instinct of a hunter wake up and subconsciously begin to protect you from all the troubles in the world.

With any acquaintance, the main thing is to remain yourself, not to exaggerate your strength, courage, independence and, conversely, not to seem windy and frivolous.

Not knowing how to flirt correctly, women often behave unnaturally, constrainedly with a man and cannot properly show their non-indifference to him. And this is not surprising, because the same questions are swarming in my head, which interfere with relaxation:

  • Should I get to know him? How to approach first?
  • What phrase to say? Or is it better to remain silent?
  • How am I going to look him in the eye?
  • What if he turns his back on me and doesn't want to continue communicating?
  • What if I don't like it?
  • What if I don't get this man's attention?

Such thoughts make it difficult to focus on acquaintance and a pleasant pastime. And for the doubters and modest girls who do not know how to flirt correctly, the tips below are described that always work unconditionally!

Flirting rules:

  • Meet enthusiasm, be confident in yourself, do not be afraid to take the initiative.
  • No need to discover America... Just say the usual “Hello!”, Ask a question on neutral topic or give your opinion on some minor detail.
  • Showcase your humor, curiosity and knowledge in a particular area... Ease, carelessness and fun will make the interlocutor feel comfortable and enjoy the process of communication.
  • Anywhere (whether it's a party or Entertainment Center) do not seem passive, become a participant in the event... You should not hide in a corner and wait for the end of the holiday, it is more effective to be the mistress of the situation, and not a guest.
  • Give your man a few compliments, just don't confuse it with flattery. Make eye contact, straighten your back, and don't cross your arms - this is repulsive.
  • Listen actively to your partner and talk less, never interrupt.
  • Smile... The more often the better. Smiling is very contagious, and it also promotes openness, warmth, and an inclination to have pleasant conversations.

Signs of flirting on the part of a man

The opposite sex knows how to attract attention to itself just as well as we do and to interest the person we like. If a man knows how to flirt correctly, then he will probably be able to awaken your sympathy for him.

So finding out if your friend is flirting with you never hurts, and you too can start a mutual flirtation game with him.

  1. He shows enough attention, tries to care, treats you with reverence and jokes.
  2. He is completely open in communication, does not go away from questions, does not try to change the subject.
  3. A man talks about his values ​​and what is dear to him in this life.
  4. The interlocutor is interested in your life, hobbies, family, childhood and opinion about his costume.
  5. He is always ready to help and offer you possible support.
  6. The partner sometimes brags, tries to be the best for you, but does not lie and does not exaggerate his merits.
  7. The man is very attentive and remembers the little things you mentioned.
  8. He is not indifferent to you if he not only speaks beautifully, but also acts.

Choose for yourself the basic line of behavior, which you will follow when meeting, and you will not be afraid to take steps forward.

Remember that the main key to flirting success is sincerity, not high heels and deep neckline... Any mask you wear will open sooner or later, and the consequences will not be the most pleasant.

Men like interest in them - then they reciprocate, show tenderness and delicacy. Use a variety of weapons - hints, gestures, provocative phrases, a sexy look.

Admire your partner and allow him to react. Thanks to these simple methods, you will not only get pleasure when talking with a new acquaintance, but also, possibly, find your life partner in this person.

Flirting is the language of relationships between a man and a woman. Special words, gestures, facial expressions hide sympathy and show interest in a partner. Flirtation doesn't have to be about unfamiliar man... You can and should flirt with your husband, colleague, childhood friend. What you need to know about the magic of flirting in order to meet and build relationships with a variety of interesting people?

Flirting with spouse

Even in a prosperous family flirting is indispensable. Relationships between spouses become less strong and passionate over time due to the same gray everyday life, everyday troubles or ordinary boredom. In order not to let love fade away, to return passion and romance to a relationship, flirt with your husband.

Psychologists advise women to arrange romantic dinner by candlelight, visit the places where you walked together before the wedding, buy erotic lingerie, pamper yourself with new clothes not only for a special occasion, but also just show off in front of your beloved. And even more often praise a man, talk about his achievements, touch affectionately even with fleeting contact, be gentle and attentive.

Flirting with a stranger

Not knowing how to flirt correctly when meeting, women often behave constrained and unnatural, they do not know how to show their interest and indifference. Here are tips to help shy girls act successfully:

  • flirt with positive attitude, do not be afraid to take the initiative, be confident in yourself;
  • to strike up a conversation, say the usual "Hello!" or ask a question on a general topic;
  • be cheerful and carefree, enjoy communication;
  • use accessories: unusual decorations, perfume, book, T-shirt with an interesting inscription will help you start a conversation;
  • do not be passive, at any event or party, behave not like a guest, but like the owner of the house;
  • listen to your partner actively and carefully, never interrupt the interlocutor;
  • Smile more often will make you more open to communication.

Determine for yourself your own line of behavior, which will be natural and comfortable, then you will not be afraid to take the first steps towards meeting you.

Best flirting tricks

Psychologists have compiled an accurate list of female postures, facial expressions and gestures that simply drive most men crazy. The most effective of them are:

  • short gaze lasting 2-3 seconds;
  • parted lips combined with a slight tilt of the head towards the partner;
  • slow change of legs when a woman is sitting cross-legged;
  • a woman's touch of her hair, slowly winding strands around her finger;
  • a vanilla or cinnamon scent that comes from a woman.

In addition to the looks and gestures, it is also important appearance... According to sexologists, men are attracted and provoked to a reciprocal flirtation by femininity: sensual lips, soft well-groomed hands, healthy hair, graceful and plastic movements.

The place of acquaintance is also important. Many men like it when female drivers flirt with them while driving. In most cases, this flirtation ends with an acquaintance. But wherever you meet, you should not violate the boundaries of a person's personal space and approach him closer than 30 cm.

Possible mistakes

If you want to flirt successfully, work on your internal state... In the case when you feel uncertainty, sadness, despair, no external attributes will help you. Concentrate on positive emotions... Remember the happy moments of your life, smile for no particular reason, learn to feel the beauty of every moment.

Another hindrance to flirting is fear of strangers... Try to be more open, think that very soon this stranger may become yours. best friend or even the only beloved man with whom you want to connect life. If the man you like is too modest or shy, he can be nudged to take the first step. Find an excuse to start a conversation yourself: ask what time it is, help sort out the problem situation.

Noisy company around you can scare away potential partner... If this happens, just don't force things. Wait until the man decides to speak up and support his proposal to dance or drink together. You don't have to agree with what you don't feel like doing, but you can offer Alternative option... For example, if you don’t want to dance, invite the man for a walk or coffee.

  1. Make eye contact. This is a key part of the flirting technique, applicable anywhere, anytime, as long as the guy is in your field of vision. You don't need to make it look like you want to look deeply into a guy's soul, but eye contact should still show you are interested.

    • Mutual eye contact is a good indicator of his interest, in which case the guy might like you too. But even if he looks away, he's probably just shy.
    • Another good trick is to look directly at the guy until he catches your eye. Then make eye contact and hold for a couple of seconds before smiling and looking away.
    • If at the moment of meeting your eyes you feel particularly cocky, do not hesitate to wink!
  2. Smile. Research shows that smiling makes a person more attractive, so use that to your advantage without being shy about showing off your radiant smile!

    • Smiling makes you appear more friendly and open-minded, which will certainly encourage a guy to come up and chat!
    • Plus, smiling makes you feel happier and more confident, which are two essential ingredients for successful flirting.
  3. Use body language. Without even opening your mouth, you can express a lot using only body language. Smiling and eye contact are also part of body language, but there are a few other tricks you need to know:

    • Don't cross your arms. This action is the exact opposite of a smile, making you closed and unapproachable, and thus scaring the guy off. Some people do this unconsciously when they are nervous, so watch yourself.
    • Shake your hair. This is a very feminine gesture that draws attention to your shiny curls. It is also a well-recognized flirtatious action. So if you shake or play with your hair in front of a guy, he will probably know that you are flirting with him.
    • Play with your decorations. Playing with jewelry like a necklace draws attention to the neckline, which most guys find very attractive.
  4. Find subtle ways to intersect more often. To flirt, you need to be close to the object of your sympathy, as often as possible. Make a conscious effort to see your boyfriend without appearing too intrusive.

    • Walk past his desk as you head out, or walk the dog in the same park where he plays football.
    • However, be careful not to go too far or you will look like a tracker.
  5. Look your best. Give yourself extra confidence by looking the best way when the guy is around. This does not mean short skirts, high heels and kilograms of mascara, but only requires that you bring a little pride in your appearance, being well-groomed and neatly dressed. Looking your best makes you feel great, which is very important for successful flirting!

    • Keep your hair clean and smelling good, brush your teeth, remove unwanted hair, do a manicure and everything else that makes you feel beautiful, fills you with energy and good mood.
    • Wear clean, not crumpled clothes in which you feel comfortable. You definitely can't go wrong with a pair of skinny jeans.
    • Experiment with hairstyles. Curly or straight hair, bun or braids will help you look fresh and unexpected every day. The same applies to makeup. Experiment with different colors and fashion trends until you find a style that is comfortable for you.
  6. Consider taking the first step. Of course, you can wait for the guy to show sympathy. But waiting too long can get tiresome. Once you take the first step, you will instantly stand out among the girls with whom he could date, and everything will turn out perfect for you.

    Flirt in person

    1. Start chatting. One of the best ways to take the next step and flirt more openly is to have a conversation with your boyfriend. Find an opportunity to chat on common topics whether it's school, work or recent events.

      • Ask questions. This will show that you are interested in learning more about the guy, rather than just chatting about yourself. Ask him what he thinks about the last part The fast and the furious, or whether he did something fun on the weekend.
      • Try to avoid questions that suggest “yes” or “no” answers. it the right way end a conversation that hasn't even started.
      • Move on to talking about him. People love talking about themselves, so try to get him to talk about things that he likes, like music, sports, or plans for the future.
      • Call him by name more often. It is an undeniable fact that people love to hear their name in conversation, especially when communicating with the opposite sex! The guy will get goosebumps when you call him by name, and an intimate atmosphere reigns between you.
    2. Smile and laugh throughout the conversation. This will show that you feel comfortable with the guy and, moreover, listen to him with pleasure.

      • In addition, it makes you look more attractive, seem happy and cheerful, that is, exactly the way a guy should see you.
      • Laughing at a guy's jokes makes him feel witty, which all guys love. However, don't overdo it! You don't have to laugh like a horse in order not to scare the guy away!
    3. Get over the touch barrier. Look for the smallest excuses to touch the guy, giving a clear signal that you are flirting and ready for minor physical contact. Try to proceed as follows:

      • Lightly touch his forearm while talking. When he's joking funny, reach out and touch the guy's hand while laughing. Alternatively, it can be done as playful or genuine comfort.
      • Place your hand or elbow on his shoulder. This will create a sense of friendship between you and let the guy know that you are completely comfortable with him.
      • Walking together, "by chance" snuggle up to the guy. If there is a flirtatious mood between you and you want to take it to the next level, place your hand in his palm and watch his reaction.
      • Adjust his collar. Another hidden tactic for touching a guy is to say that his collar (or tie) has creased and touch to straighten him. Stand directly in front of him, face to face, and lightly touch his neck with your fingers, adjusting the collar. When you're done, look the guy in the eye and say, "That's better!" Before you walk away.
    4. Draw attention to your body. Especially important for guys visual perception so nothing turns them on more than slightly nude in different places female flesh. If you subtly draw attention to your body from time to time, his heart will beat faster, and he will understand how much he likes you.

      • Massage your shoulder. Pretend to have shoulder pain, lower the neckline of your blouse and rub your skin as if you were massaging it. If you're lucky, the guy will offer to massage you better.
      • Ask if you should get your belly button pierced. Girls who are confident in the beauty of their belly can use another technique: slightly lift your top and tell the guy that you are thinking about a navel piercing, and then ask him what he thinks about it. If a guy stutters when answering, you will know that your cocky trick has gotten his attention.
      • Lick your lips. Make him think about the kiss by drawing attention to your lips. Lick or bite your lips, wear gloss, and do it all completely at ease.
      • Be careful not to overdo it. Drawing attention to the body works great when applied in moderation. Do not jump in front of a guy in a bikini, otherwise you will look desperate, looking for at least some attention from a girl (unless you are on the beach, this technique will definitely work there).
    5. Dance with a guy. Dance - great way Show your sympathy in a fun way without being too serious. It doesn't matter if you dance on school disco or in a club, the main thing is that you only spend some time together.

      • Make it obvious that you want to dance with him. Take the guy by the arms and pull him out of the company. If he goes with pleasure, then he wants to dance with you.
      • Try dancing sexy if you want, but don't rub against the guy or be too promiscuous. You are around other people, so it is inappropriate and the guy may not feel comfortable.
      • If he is a clumsy dancer, help him to loosen up by doing all sorts of wonderful movements. Feel free to look silly and have fun. It's worth it to cheer up the guy!
      • Slow dance if you can. Place your hands on the guy's shoulders and have him gently hug you around the waist. Sway slightly and look into your eyes - it will just melt!
    6. Compliment. Don't expect compliments in your own direction - guys love to be praised too! Let him feel that you are paying attention and appreciate him. strengths... So the guy will understand that he is interesting to you as a person, and that you pay attention to important details. Here's how you can make your compliment even more delicious:

      • Use specifics. Compliment made to a certain person, should be as specific as possible. Saying something in common like that the guy is very hot, most likely, it turns out that he has not heard all this for the first time. If you focus on a specific trait or feature, the compliment will be fresh and the guy won't be able to let you out of his mind.
      • If he plays sports and you've seen him perform, note his effectiveness. Have you heard how he plays the guitar or drums, please praise the level of his playing. If you feel that you are quite close, say that you love the color of his eyes and use that as an excuse to look into them.
      • When complimenting, lean closer and speak in a whisper. This makes the compliment more intimate and mysterious.
      • When complimenting, make eye contact and smile a little. This will emphasize your sincerity and show the guy that you are truly impressed.
      • But don't overdo it with compliments or make them too far-fetched. This will reduce the importance of compliments, and the guy will stop taking them seriously. One simple one, sincere compliment better than 100 fake ones.
    7. Tease the guy playfully. This is a great flirting technique when used correctly. Teasing creates a sense of intimacy and demonstrates to the guy that you have a sense of humor. Just keep in mind when teasing a guy, be prepared to tease back!

      • Tease him with little ones minor things... Pretend that you think the guy is in love with the math teacher, or joke that he loves his dog more than anyone else in the world.
      • If he looks especially good, ask how his interview with Vladimir Pozner went? If he's just out of the gym, comment on his huge muscles in an exaggerated way. Better to let teasing be a veiled compliment than an insult.
      • Never tease with things that are too personal. He may misunderstand everything. Do not tease about his family, work or school, do not criticize his appearance, that's all taboo topics at least until you get to know each other better.
    8. Leave it expecting more. Don't let the conversation drag on so long that the guy has time to get bored or distracted. Instead, walk away while the guy is very interested in the conversation so he can look forward to his next meeting.

      • Leave the conversation open for next time. Saying that it is time for you to run, but perhaps you will see each other the next day, you are already generating the idea of ​​the next meeting.
      • Lean over as if you want a kiss, but in last moment lean back and whisper in your ear, "I had a great time."

    Flirt with messages

    1. Write him a message "by accident". If you are unsure how to maintain a text conversation, good tactics is to pretend that you are writing to another person, for example, your best friend.

      • Write something like: "Haha, exactly! So what are you doing on the weekend? :)"
      • Give him a couple of minutes, and then send the following message with something like this: "Oh, I sent the wrong person, I'm sorry! Well, what are you doing on the weekend?;)"
      • So he will think that you unintentionally started a conversation, but are still happy to talk.
    2. Don't be boring. Boring messages are meaningless. Questions about what's going on, or the weather for tomorrow, are completely uninteresting, and don't go too far in a relationship with a guy. Try to be unique and interesting by only sending messages that you think will make your guy smile.

      • For example, write something like: "I just saw a teddy bear in the window children's store, and immediately thought of you. "Or:" Quickly help me choose: donut or chocolate cake? "
    3. Let some questions hang in the air. When texting, try not to be overly enthusiastic about answering every thing in his last message... These messages can be confusing and make you seem very impatient.

      • Answer one or two questions in the post and try to skip the rest. This will add mystery to you, and the guy will wait even more for an answer.
      • At the same time, don't bombard him with questions in every post. Again, you will seem too impatient, and the guy will think that correspondence with you is more of a hassle than good. Send only short and cute messages.
    4. Seduce. Once things get better and you're comfortable texting, start raising your social skills by sending out unambiguous hints that you want to be more than just friends.

      • Don't take risks at first. There is no need to be too eloquent, just give him the idea that you want to be with him. Something like: "I am just watching a horror movie, and if you were here, I would not be so scared!".
      • If he answers in the same flirtatious tone, you can safely continue. Try responding with a compliment like, "I can't stop thinking about how great your hands looked today in that very shirt!"
      • If you want to add spice, be even more seductive. For example, if he writes to you, and you do not answer for at least half an hour, say something like: "Sorry, I was in the shower ...". The rest will be done by his imagination.
    5. Do not send more than 2 messages in a row without receiving a response. The correspondence rules state that you should receive about the same number of messages as you send. So, if you sent a guy 20 messages a day, and he answered only 5 of them, then you are seriously overdoing it.

      • Try to develop your composure and refrain from texting every time you think of your boyfriend. Wait until something really interesting and important appears. And if you sent more than 2 messages without receiving a response, stop yourself.
      • Also, don't write first all the time. Be a little mysterious and peaceful while waiting for the guy to write. So you will know that he is interested in communication if he sends messages first.
      • Never send messages that suggest only answers like "Ok" or "Hah". This can be very frustrating for the guy, and leave no options for an answer.
    6. Submit images. It's hilarious alternative way communication, which additionally guarantees that the guy will have your photo on his phone.

      • Send him a funny photo with your friends and add: "Would you like to join?"
      • Submit a photo of yourself lying on the couch and write, "Boring. Will you entertain me?"
      • Submit your movie poster or concert ticket by simply captioning "Interested?"
    7. Make a date. A message is a great way to invite a guy, especially if you are embarrassed to do so in person. Do it casually by writing something like:

      • "Hey! I just saw the trailer for the new Batman movie, I want to watch it, and I'm just impatient. Going to the movies this weekend?" or "I really want a caramel cappuccino! Will you meet me after school? Let's have some coffee. :)"
      • Even if he refuses, don't panic. With the help of messages, you can handle everything easily and naturally. Just write something like: "No problem. Let's go another time!" And let him think whether it is worth continuing the conversation.
    • Don't be too desperate. This will make you look too pathetic and possibly intrusive, which will definitely scare the guy.
    • Never go below your level by acting unreasonably for the sake of attention. Standing guys want to date girls who can have good, intelligent conversations.
    • Memorize what he mentions in passing (this worthwhile little things) and ask questions about it later. For example, if he says, “I have to go home. I need to help my sister prepare for the exam,” ask later, “How did your sister (use her name if you know him, demonstrating your memory ability) did the exam?”
    • Make friends with his friends. Thus, having met a guy, you can chat with his friends, and they can hint to him that it's time to make friends with you.
    • When he's with friends, have a little chat with your friends, but talk to him most of the time. This way he will be under the impression that of all the guys you need him and only him.