The wife filed a divorce what to do. The wife is filing for divorce! Psychological reasons for divorce

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I know my wife for about 7 years. We have been married for 4 years. We have 2 daughters. The eldest is almost 3 years old, the youngest is a year and a half. She filed for divorce a week ago. The reason for this was my attitude towards her, towards the family in general. Since we got married, I've been looking for a way and a reason to leave home. I ran somewhere all the time. Spent little time with my family. I rarely walked with children. Her family was always on my side during our quarrels. The mother-in-law often manipulated his wife. And when we swore, my mother-in-law stood up for me and my wife, listening to her mother, forgave me. But after last Friday when I went to congratulate a friend on his name day, and came back late at night. Then she did not let me into the apartment. And I, being not sober, got angry and got behind the wheel of her car and the police stopped me. After that, Mother-in-law just seemed to hate me! And now the wife, well, is not going to be used. She was 3-4 weeks pregnant. The other day I had an abortion, filed documents for divorce. Provides an opportunity to communicate with children. We were madly in love with each other. But I am only now beginning to understand that my happiness is she and the children. And I am ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of saving the family! All my relatives, her friend, at first consoled me, but after talking to her, they say. I have no chance. I think if I give her time to calm down, and show over time that I am changing, then she will forgive me. But how to live without her all this time?

Timur, good afternoon.

It is good that you realized that you did not always behave correctly with your wife. And it's good that you are ready to change. Loving woman will see it and appreciate it.
Not only your wife, but also you need time to understand yourself, to understand where and in what you were wrong. Use this moment to personal growth, you can consult a psychologist in person. Collaboration with a specialist will support you in a difficult life situation.

Yarovaya Larisa Anatolyevna, psychologist Moscow

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Hello Timur! After reading your letter, I remembered the proverb: "We do not store what we have, but when we lose it, we cry ..." It's good that you are now realized what can you lose, and the main thing is that you have a desire to change your behavior, your attitude towards your spouse, towards your children, towards your family!
Until you have a divorce, you have the opportunity to prove to your wife that family and she is the main thing in your life! If you are ready to win her trust, love, understanding again, then do everything so that the wife is confident in the future, and that it is with you that her life will be happy and joyful. Understand your feelings, you need help, please contact. All in your hands! Good luck!

Zinnatullina Zhanna Akhatbekovna, psychologist of Almaty

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just as she lived with you all this time - to endure loneliness and pain.

Don't try to get your wife back now - it can backfire. Forget about deadlines.

Change, wait, act, meet children. No one bothers you to take care of your family at a distance.

You need to pass this test of loneliness. Only your deep change as a person, revision of the system of values, and then of behavior can really change something in your favor.

"Watch yourself - be careful" - these words of Viktor Tsoi can be taken as a motto for the next 2-3 years.

Make it your ally, not your enemy.

You cannot buy flowers a couple of times and be forgiven. You must prove your masculinity. First of all - to yourself. But there is no guarantee that the wife will return, and there cannot be ... It is guaranteed that you can only return her respect.

It is up to you to choose - to fly up, or fall down in this life test.


Konshina Anastasia, psychologist Almaty

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It's time to become a man.

There is a chance - you have lost your family.

They paid a serious "price".

And yet - decide on the work of the soul, contact.

G. Idrisov (I also work on Skype).

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Hello Timur! To rethink and change your role for the family, and in general as a man, you need to live separately and live all the difficult feelings. You do not little boy and your wife is not your mother. It is important for an adult to be able to be independent and take responsibility for their actions. Get full-time support from a psychologist if necessary.

Matveeva Tatyana Vasilievna, psychologist in Almaty

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Hello Timur. You for some reason, "Since we got married, I began to look for a way and a reason to leave home. I ran somewhere all the time" and this may be some unconscious aspect of your personality. And until you begin to understand exactly with this - "why did I do this? What drove me away from home? Where did I run? What was looking for? Why the family was not a priority? What are my real needs?", Nothing will change. Perhaps you will come together, but after a while this "inner fire" will begin to "devour" you again. And the answers to these questions are in the work with a specialist. There is also a chance to deal with the wife and I alone, if she wants to, then choose the format family consultation... All the best.

Best regards, Aigul Sadykova.

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Hello Timur, the situation is not straightforward. Firstly, how do you explain to yourself that you wanted to leave home, for what reasons? Secondly, usually, during quarrels, the wife's relatives often support the wife, and not the husband. And you have the opposite. It is obvious that your wife was and is under the great influence of her mother. That is, in practice, her relatives stood up for your protection and she forgave you. As soon as the mother-in-law got angry with you, accordingly, the wife immediately pulled away from you and did not forgive. How did you build your relationship all these 4 years? Without understanding this, it is difficult to draw any conclusions. Your late arrival home was probably only a reason for such a serious step as a divorce, because because of this they do not get divorced. Surely discontent has been accumulating all these years and the wife has deeper reasons for this behavior. As a rule, both spouses are to blame for a divorce - 50/50. It cannot be said that only one spouse is to blame. But it is important for you to realize your mistakes and mistakes. For this, it is advisable "not to break into closed doors", do not try to come to terms with your wife right now. And use this time to work with a psychologist, to understand your behavior and think about how to continue to live. In any case, you can see the children. And how to change and in what, you can understand in working with a psychologist.

Kaidarova Asel Abdu-Alievna, psychologist of Almaty

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Hello Timur!

I sympathize.

But what you got is the result of your previous life.

It's good that there is awareness of their mistakes. So you can work with it.

To restore a relationship, you need to really change, not pretend.

So come and we'll work.

Eliseeva Galina Mikhailovna, psychologist of Almaty

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Ekaterina Kozhevnikova

Reading time: 2 minutes

Unfortunately, modern statistics divorce proceedings shows an increase in the number of families that have ceased to exist, not only young, but also seemingly strong and time-tested. If your wife wants a divorce and you don't, it's not too late to take drastic steps to help prevent it. No one is immune from mistakes, and the male gender is no exception. If the spouse, by all means, wants to avoid the breakup of the family, he has a chance even if the application has already been submitted to the court. There are several ways that you can quickly resolve a conflict with your spouse or win additional time to restore relations.

Why does she want a divorce? Female point of view

According to statistics, most marriages break up for the following reasons:

  • The husband is not satisfied financially.
  • The spouse does not pay attention to the child and wife.
  • "Household stagnation" - alas, during the cycle of daily affairs, the partner forgets that the wife wants affection, compliments and romantic dates, at least sometimes.
  • Intervention by relatives on both sides.
  • Abuse of bad habits.

What to do? To begin with, it is worth trying to change the situation in better side... This is especially true if the wife is filing for divorce, the family has a child, and you not only want to stop her, but are also ready to take any action. If a woman insists on divorce, it means that she has something good reasons.

Take care of yourself, reconsider your priorities, because in order to avoid family breakdown, sometimes it is not necessary to completely change circumstances, character or lifestyle. The reason may lie in a problem that is insignificant for a man, but extremely important and makes it impossible for a normal family life from a woman's point of view.

Try not to allow third parties, no matter how close relatives they are, to family matters related to divorce. You need to fight for your family and its preservation on your own, without the "advice" and "help" of relatives or friends, who can only aggravate the situation.

Legal ways to avoid divorce if there are no other options

If your wife filed for divorce, and you want to avoid this, you can use by legal means allowing you to change the situation in your favor.

If the wife wants a divorce, the men are guilty in most cases. It's just that we women are extremely patient and a little dreamy: we dream of living long, happily and without parting, and then die one day. Therefore, a man has every chance to save his family. But for this you need to work hard. Just try to listen and understand the woman.

Reasons for divorce: a little interest

For a woman in any era, including in our time, the main life value there will be a family. Yes, we are so arranged and we will do everything to preserve it. Eliminate mistresses, become a breadwinner, raise children themselves, solve all the problems of a husband. We accumulate all the negativity inside like a snowball, and if a woman wants to get a divorce, you really made a lot of mistakes.

Here are just the most popular reasons a wife can file for divorce:

  • 6.5% of women are not ready for family life... There are fewer such people than men, but they also exist;
  • 7% have a lover and want to connect their lives with him;
  • 8% could not stand their husband's betrayal;
  • 13.5 could not stand the spouse's alcohol or drug addiction;
  • 41% did not agree with their husband's character;
  • 24% other reasons are purely individual.

When to agree to a divorce

Some mistakes, alas, cannot be corrected.

You will have to let go of your beloved if you raised your hand at her at least once. Not a single minimally self-respecting wife wants to be beaten and constantly fear for her life and health. Let go and never do that again.

Your unwillingness or inability to have children. Any woman is primarily a mother, and the fertile age in women is quite limited. Give her the opportunity to self-actualize in motherhood with another, or do everything to have children.

Your constant betrayal. Once the wife will forgive and understand, but she will not permanently share you with other women. Or he will grow cold and get himself another man. This is no longer a family. Well, if you have a permanent mistress and you live in two families, do not be surprised if the half wants to divorce: she long time endured and fought a war, but just tired.

Your jealousy for no reason. Especially if it is accompanied by aggression. It is incredibly difficult to live with a hidden husband, because no one can be under control all the time. Naturally, she wants to escape.

And further. If the wife says that she wants a divorce, but is playing for time or does not file for divorce, this is just manipulation. Here you can try to talk about what she really wants and look for compromises. And you can solve the rest of the problems and you can also eliminate the reasons.

Everything in your power

Let's talk about the most frequent problems that push a woman to such a desperate act for her and how to solve them.


If a wife is cheating and found a lover, she probably lacks sex with her own husband or you do not have at all sex life... If this is the case, then try to just give more attention wife. Talk to each other about any dissatisfaction in sexually in plain text. Before making love, be sure to take a shower and brush your teeth: you only knew how annoying male piglets are to women. Practice role-playing games, before making love, give your beloved a massage.

If you have changed, be prepared that for several months your wife will make scandals and monitor every step. Now you need to prove that you will remain faithful.

Everyday problems

Today women work on an equal basis with their husbands, so it is not surprising that the wife simply cannot cope with household chores. Do you really want to get to the stove after a hard day's work, clean up, wash the dishes and do a bunch of other things? Just help her around the house, learn to cook, or buy a multicooker. You can do what you can, and it will still be a tangible help.

Financial question

If your salary is not enough to support your family, you will have to look for another job and there is no other way out. If you are simply not used to giving her money for household needs, then it’s not surprising that she wants to leave: it’s not easy to pull on her husband, children and the whole life. Give her money at least for food, household chemicals and a little for personal expenses. If she asks for a second or third fur coat, this is not a need, but a whim and a consumer attitude towards you. It's not a pity to part with such a wife.


It also happens that couples break up because of different views to raise a child. Here you need to solve problems with a psychologist. Just know that your daughter has the right to go out with her friends, use makeup and wear short skirts, and not only study all day at home, but your son should help you around the house, not offend his mother and sister and reach for knowledge.

If the wife is too strict with the children, explain to her that this is not right and the children are not criminals to keep them in tight hands.

Bad habits

If you have such a problem, heal and code, but do not keep your wife close until this problem is solved. Do not think that you can do it yourself - if a woman is tired of your lifestyle, you definitely need the help of a narcologist.


If your wife wants to get a divorce because of the slander of your mother and girlfriends, you cannot forbid communicating with them: you will only make it worse. Try to explain what a multiple divorced mom or friend is wrong about. In addition, mothers have feelings of possessiveness about their daughter. For a mom like that, you will always be bad. What to do? Be good to your wife.

But what cannot be done if the wife wants to divorce is to manipulate her with the help of a child and threaten her. So you will definitely only aggravate everything.

What else can be done

First, a change of scenery. For example, take and arrange an unplanned vacation and rest. Let her feel desirable, perhaps, and forget about the desire to divorce.

Become a man. One who is capable of both protecting and taking responsibility. Not every wife will be able to accept a man-child.

Remind how you started it all. Surely you had beautiful love and a lot of romance in a relationship. You can walk to "your" places where your first dates took place, you can even stage a scene of your acquaintance. Women are sentimental. Remind me of how beautiful it all began. This will help melt her heart.

Become more gentle and caring. Women really need affection and warmth, and if they do not receive this, they can file for divorce without apparent reason... And the reason is your coldness. Be more attentive and affectionate, drive to those cafes and restaurants where your relationship began, give cute gifts, just make her coffee or her favorite dish ...

Try to live separately. What for? For example, so that she can take a break from the duties of a wife. Your task is not to disappear anywhere during this period: send her pleasant surprises and bouquets, show that you love her. Perhaps, romantic attitude melt her heart.

All these tips are effective and appropriate only if you really love the woman, and do not perceive the woman as a stove and a cleaner.

If you decide to just dissuade her, then do it in a special setting. For example, clean the house, buy a cake, and make coffee. You can dress nicely and this will also set you in a special mood. You can have a conversation in a restaurant or cafe on the street. This will help you not slide into a scandal and a showdown in public. But if you have already become a habit, maybe you shouldn't keep such a marriage? Nerves are still more expensive.

The easiest way to return your beloved woman (or at least try to do it) is to go to court and express your disagreement with the spouse's decision. Then you may be given three months to make up.

If you do not appear at the divorce proceedings, this can also increase the period until a legal divorce. But if you fail to appear in court three times, a judgment may be made in favor of your wife.

If you have a child under a year, the wife is unlikely to be given a divorce without good reason. These include, for example, your treatment in a drug treatment clinic, serving time in prison, or your behavior that violates articles of the Family Code or the Penal Code. There are some other reasons as well.

In addition, if you have disagreements and disputes regarding the child's residence and financing, as well as regarding the division of property, a legal divorce is possible only after their end. Often, such disputes last from several months to several years. Perhaps this time will be enough for you to make peace with your beloved woman.

You can also hire a smart lawyer and drag out the divorce process a little, and use this time to your advantage.

During this time, you will be able to prove to your wife and children that they are the meaning of your life, not with words, but with actions.

Do you need a psychologist

A man needs a psychologist in order to understand what is behind the desire to preserve his family at all costs: does he really love his wife, or is it an enacted instinct of the owner and a neurosis caused by the fact that his prey is leaving him.

For couples on the verge of parting, a psychologist will help them understand whether love has really passed, or they are simply used to listening only to themselves, so any non-standard situation seems insoluble to them, so a scandal arises where there could be a compromise.

And further. Do not lose hope even if it comes to an official divorce. There are many occasions when couples got together after breaking up. But know that this will be yours last chance... A woman can endure for a long time, but one day she simply cannot stand it. Your task after a divorce and when renewing a relationship is to correct all your old mistakes as much as possible and remain human.

Family relationships are a very complex process. And not every family manages to save good relationship... Divorce is quite common, which with psychological point vision is difficult for both partners. Most often, divorce occurs at the initiative of a woman. But if the husband decided to file for divorce, it means that he had already thought of everything in advance and made a decision. A man rarely accepts this. difficult decision under the influence of emotions. He, as a rule, already has somewhere to go and everything is prepared. The situation of divorce requires the spouses to have tolerance and moral strength to cope with it.

Everyone experiences this different feelings, men and women behave differently in this situation. The line of conduct depends on whether one of the parties itself files for divorce or the other party does it. When a divorce occurs on the initiative of the husband, how does a man feel in this situation and how does he behave?

The behavior of a man as the initiator of a divorce

Rarely is the husband the real initiator of the divorce. It so happens that he is pushed to this and often another woman is behind his decision. Because the man himself almost never dares to go "nowhere." In this case, the husband is incredibly active in all his actions related to divorce. He promptly solves all problems related to:

Why is a man so active? He is guided by the fact that in the present and in the future he does not want to hear reproaches in his address. The husband's desire to do as much as possible for ex-wife to keep her happy is understandable. Moreover, if the family has children. The man involuntarily feels guilty before them. According to psychologists, men who initiate a divorce rarely prioritize the reasons for divorce. If the husband decides to divorce, he stubbornly moves towards this goal. Often, during divorce, the husband visits different specialists: psychologists and lawyers. He also communicates with the educators and teachers of his children. He also invites his wife to visit a psychologist. All his actions are aimed at producing good impression on his former family and not be guilty before them.

Woman's behavior as a victim of divorce

How does a woman whose husband filed for divorce begins to behave? Observations show that these women often do not have high-paying and exciting jobs for them. Otherwise, their state and behavior in a divorce situation would have been different. An interesting thing, to which a woman gives her soul and strength, may well partially compensate for her suffering. A woman who finds herself in such a situation often begins to perform completely different active actions. ... Claims against her husband begin, she calls his new woman, looks for traces of betrayal in his correspondence and phone, blackmails him with children and tries to evoke pity.

Women in the role of a victim of divorce begin to behave as if they were with their husband in lung condition conflict. It seems to them that it is worth doing or saying something and the husband will immediately return.

They often do not understand the seriousness of the situation and pay little attention to the divorce situation itself. The position of a woman in this situation is rather contradictory. She is constantly looking for the motives of what is happening, identifies the guilty person. It's in different time maybe a husband, his new woman or herself. Emotions often prevent acceptance correct decisions... What to do? In this case, you need to calm down, weigh everything and develop a line of behavior. For the violent manifestation of emotions in a divorce situation, men and women do not forget to think about the reasons for the divorce.

Many drive themselves to despair by constantly exposing their partner's shortcomings, their own shortcomings and the wrong actions of the parties in the marriage. How do men and women look at the reasons for divorce?

Divorce through the eyes of men: reasons

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The majority of the male population who initiated the divorce are united in the opinion that divorce is caused by boredom in family life. Here is such simple reason, husband filed for divorce out of boredom. Boredom is a very broad concept, but men still concretize it. It turns out that boredom is caused by:

  • the usual appearance of the spouse;
  • family life and traditions;
  • sexual relations requiring novelty;
  • predictability of the wife's behavior in different situations.

All of these causes of boredom that men highlight can develop to such a state that there is no other way out but divorce. Moreover, many accumulate dissatisfaction on any occasion, but do not want to make an effort to change the situation. After all, the shortcomings in relationships noticed on time and their correct correction are a guarantee successful relationship further. But apparently, this is not given to every person. It often seems that breaking up a relationship is easier than taking steps to normalize it.

Divorce through the eyes of a woman: reasons

If the husband filed for divorce, not all women begin to blame only the husband. There are reasonable women who are able to find the reasons for parting in themselves and really look at everything. Usually, both spouses are to blame for a divorce; some share of the blame lies with each. And women exude the following reasons divorce:

  • The birth of children causes the fading of feelings. Not everyone manages to preserve the spirit of romance and be a couple in love.
  • Conclusion in the first place of their own interests, in the second place of the interests of the family. Many women are unable to do their household chores while the husband is constantly on vacation and having fun.
  • Cheating on her husband. Many men see nothing wrong with cheating. For many, this is the rule and the norm.
  • The husband pays little attention to his wife. Men often do not think about the fact that a woman needs attention, as well as themselves.
  • The reluctance of both sides to give in to each other.
  • Fading away sexual attraction... Over time, it inevitably decreases and for many couples this can become the root cause of divorce.

The behavior and actions of a woman from the point of view of psychology, if the initiator of the divorce is the husband, has already been examined in detail. There is also the legal side of the case. It is necessary to recognize or challenge the husband's right to divorce for a short time... And there are many issues to be resolved related to the division of property, children (with whom they will remain), with payment different kinds loans and mortgages. Everything must be foreseen, the necessary agreements on the division of property and on children must be drawn up, then the divorce process go faster and without wasting your nerves. It may not even be necessary to go to court and subject yourself to unnecessary interrogations. This is the case when the parties have agreed on everything and have no mutual claims.

When there are complaints, or in our case, the wife does not want to divorce, you will have to visit judicial sitting... And here the question arises about the rules of conduct in court. It is important enough and should not be ignored.

How to behave in court

Even if the husband has already filed for divorce, then he, like the wife, is going through everything that happens. The condition of the spouses turns out to be difficult if the issue is resolved through a court. There arises a tense atmosphere in which partners can completely ruin relations with each other. Moreover, they often realize that they are behaving incorrectly, but have no idea how to fix the situation. Great importance has the correct behavior of the spouses during the trial, because:

  • it can influence the decision of the court;
  • children can suffer from conflicting relationships between spouses.

If you follow a number of rules of conduct in court during a divorce, you can resolve the issue quickly and without conflicts. These rules even start with appearance the plaintiff and the defendant. Yes, and that's worth thinking about. It is necessary to put on the court formal clothes no frills. Don't wear flashy jewelry either. Behave with restraint. It is not recommended to interrupt the judges; it is necessary to speak only at the request of the assessors. Screaming and crying will not play in favor of the divorcing spouses. You can't fight with opposite side and with witnesses, even if the relationship is already ruined.

Partners go to court in order to help resolve disputed situations, and not for litigation among themselves. On the part of the wife, it is necessary to understand the inevitability of the process, even though she is offended. Divorce has already begun, and the correct behavior of all participants in the court will favorably influence the outcome of the process. It is necessary to develop a clear line of conduct, to behave confidently. This will have a positive effect on the judges. Each spouse has the right to come with a lawyer if necessary. It will help a lot and will stop you from making wrong decisions in time. Only one should consult with lawyers carefully so as not to be heard.

People from fragments of spoken phrases can draw incorrect conclusions that will not benefit the process. The behavior of the parents in court, if there are children there, should be doubly thoughtful. Children are already very worried that their parents will not be together. Therefore, it is necessary to behave calmly, not to blame each other. Pitting one parent against the other can cause negative attitude to both of them, and later even hatred.

If the husband filed for divorce, then it means that he has good reasons. Men have a developed sense of responsibility, especially towards children.

You need to do something, try to find out the reasons and talk to your husband calmly, maybe everything will work out. If not, behave with dignity in this situation and simply “survive” it. After some time, everything will definitely get better, this is not the end of life.

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The law establishes certain grounds for each case.

Features of divorce at the request of the wife

The rights of a wife in a divorce are completely not limited... If, for example, the husband cannot take the initiative and submit an application when the wife is pregnant or is raising a baby who is not yet 1 year old, then the wife has the right to file for divorce in order to end the relationship, even being pregnant or having a newborn child.

Required documents

Female should collect the following documents, if, on her initiative, the divorce process is initiated:

  • original marriage certificate;
  • a copy of your passport;
  • a copy of the birth certificate of the child (children);
  • an extract from the house book of the defendant (either the plaintiff, or both);
  • a document that confirms the payment of the state fee;
  • list of documents that are attached to the claim.

Necessary conditions and grounds

Divorce from the husband can be carried out recording authorities civil status if the spouses no property claims and disputes about who the common minor children will live with. In this case, you need to contact the registry office at the place of residence of the husband (or both spouses). It is possible to divorce your husband in this way even when he cannot be physically present at the divorce procedure. In this case, he will have to act as follows.

  1. Write a statement, certify it with a notary and send it to your wife or to the civil registry office.
  2. Send your representative to the authorized bodies, who will have legal right represent his interests in the divorce proceedings.

When a husband and wife cannot peacefully resolve the issue of the place of residence of the children or how to separate common property, an appeal to the judicial authority is inevitable.

To divorce your husband through court, you must apply:

  • to the magistrate if it is just a requirement for a divorce;
  • to the district (city) court, if at the same time a demand is submitted to carry out the division of property, and the cost of the wife's share is estimated at more than 50,000 rubles;
  • to the district (city) court, if there is a dispute about children (about determining their place of residence, about depriving parental rights one of the parents, etc.).

Divorce without the consent of the husband is also possible. In this case, you need to go to the court, which will have to notify the defendant about the place and time of the meeting. If the husband does not appear at the meeting without notifying the good reason for his absence, the meeting will be postponed. The court has the right to postpone the session twice, but after the third case of failure to appear, it will have the right to make a decision on divorce.

Thus, if the spouse does not appear in court three times when a divorce case is pending, then family union terminated automatically. Such failure to appear can be both intentional (an attempt to obstruct the divorce proceedings) and unintentional. It also happens that a person does not appear in court simply because of ignorance that a process is underway that affects his interests. The court does not accept given fact note: if there is no evidence of a valid reason for failure to appear, then after three hearings, the marriage is considered terminated.

The rule of "three-time no-show" can be used by a wife to harm her husband, but he always has the right to challenge the unauthorized dissolution of marriage, as well as to defend his right to children or part of the property.

Procedure and timing of the process

The procedure for divorce without the consent of the husband should be as follows:

  • it is necessary to collect documents and prepare a statement of claim;
  • apply to the court at the place of residence of the defendant (it is necessary to apply to the magistrate if this is just a requirement for a divorce, but if at the same time there is a requirement to divide the property, and the cost of the spouse's share is estimated at more than 50,000 rubles, then the dispute should be considered by the district (city) court );
  • submit an application in triplicate (for yourself, for the court and for the defendant), as well as copies of all collected documents;
  • wait for the appointment of the case, and also (within 1 month after the filing of the claim, the court is not entitled to make any decision on the case) - usually the meeting takes place one month after the plaintiff submits the documents;
  • if the court makes a decision with which the plaintiff does not agree, then within another 1 month this decision can be appealed (when given time will pass, and the decision will not be appealed, it will enter into legal force, after which the registry office will issue a divorce certificate).

When contacting the registry office, the time for resolving the case will be 1 month. However, only those spouses who do not have common minor children or property claims against each other will be able to use this method.

Features of writing a statement of claim

If a divorce from a husband is made in court, then in mandatory the wife draws up a statement of claim in which she should indicate:

  • Name judicial authority, the magistrate of a certain judicial area, where the application is submitted;
  • the name of the plaintiff and his place of residence;
  • the name of the defendant and his place of residence;
  • information that divorce through the registry office is impossible;
  • the reasons why the preservation of the marriage is not possible for the plaintiff;
  • list of documents attached to the application.

Also it is important to point out in the document:

  • the presence of common children, as well as their age;
  • place, as well as the date of registration of the marriage;
  • the existence of an agreement on the upbringing, maintenance of children;
  • the presence of other requirements that are subject to consideration simultaneously with the claim for divorce;
  • other information that is potentially significant when considering the case on the merits.