Determination of age by years. Health and condition of the lungs. What is your coordination

A 70-year-old person can be alert and energetic, while a 20-year-old can be lethargic and constantly tired. The age on the passport does not always reflect the real age of the body. It happens that the same person has a calendar and biological age are radically different. For a rough estimate of your real biological age, you can arrange a small test right at home. Tests for determining biological age:

1. Heart

Count your pulse while standing. Sit down 20 times at a fairly fast pace. Count the pulse again: how much has it increased?

Up to 10 hits - yours cardiovascular system 20 years.

10–20 strokes - 30 years.

20–30 strokes - 40 years.

30–40 strokes - 50 years.

40 or more strokes - 60 years.

Could not finish the squats to the end - 70 and older.

Excess weight can significantly affect the result.

2. Nervous system

Your partner holds a 50cm ruler at the 50 mark vertically downwards. Your arm is about 10 cm lower. As soon as the partner releases the ruler, try to grab it with a large and index fingers. If you grabbed a ruler:

At 20, your biological age is 20;

At around 25 cm - 30 years;

At around 35 cm - 40 years;

At around 45 cm - 60 years;

Failed to catch - 70 years.

3. Vestibular apparatus

With tightly closed eyes (important!) Stand on your right or left foot. Raise your other leg about 10 cm off the floor. Your partner needs to time the time you can resist:

30 seconds or more - you are 20;

20 seconds - 40;

15 seconds - 50;

Less than 10 seconds - 60 and more.

4. The state of the vessels

Squeeze the skin on the back of your hand with your thumb and forefinger for 5 seconds. The skin will turn a little whiter. Note how long it takes for the skin ( White spot) has taken its former form:

5 seconds - your vessels are 30 years old;

8 seconds - about 40 years;

10 seconds - about 50 years;

15 seconds - about 60 years;

More than 15 seconds - 70 years.

5. Joint condition

Throw both hands behind your back and try to lock your fingers at the level of the shoulder blades.

If you did it with ease - your joints are 20 years old.

Just touched with your fingers - you are 30 years old.

If the hands only approached, but did not touch, you are 40 years old.

If you could not get your hands behind your back and bring them closer, you are 60.

If you couldn’t get your hands behind your back at all, you are over 60.

6. Respiratory system

Light a candle. From what distance can you blow it out with one breath?

1 meter - your lungs are 20 years old;

80–90 cm - 30 years;

70–80 cm - 40 years;

60–70 cm - 50 years;

50–60 cm - 60 years;

Less than 50 cm - 70 years and more.

Summing up:

Add up all the results and divide by the number of tests you took. This average value will be your biological age.

“It is worth remembering that today there are more than 200 theories of aging and none of them is comprehensive. Aging does not have single mechanism. In calendar 30 years, we can be physically developed at 40, have a vital volume of the lungs corresponding to 25 years, and hearing - at our 30s ... "

Do not take the results of this test too seriously. Focus on your own well-being and be healthy

It happens that psychologically a person feels much older, or vice versa, younger. This feeling largely depends on the way of life and the perception of everything that happens around. There are people who are physically already 80 years old, but biologically only 40. The desire to be young alone is not enough, because all components of health affect biological age. That is why doctors say that by maintaining a good physical form and well-being can be slowed down in the body. While unfavorable living conditions, bad climate, hard work and stress do not harden, but wear out the body ahead of time.

There are many parameters by which the biological age of a person is determined. However, there are major factors that can influence it. This:

It turned out that the real biological age is much less than the chronological one in people with good heredity and those who do exercises daily, get enough sleep, avoid stressful situations and emotional stress.

To determine your true age of the body, you can use tests of varying complexity.

Biological Age Tests

To determine your biological age, you need to pass several tests:

  1. Heart rhythm. So, stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Now actively do 30 squats, then measure your pulse. Do the exercise three times, then calculate the difference between the measurements. If the number of beats per minute increased by:
  • 0-10 strokes - your age is 20;
  • 10-20 - 30 years;
  • 20-30 strokes - 40 years;
  • 30-40 - 50 years;
  • more than 40 strokes - 60 years and older.
  • two fingers right hand pinch yourself well on the skin on the elbow of the arm (hold for 5 seconds). After you let go of your fingers, calculate how long it will take for your whitened skin to return to its previous shade. If:
    • in 5 seconds - you are under 30 years old;
    • 8 - about 40 years old;
    • in 10-15 seconds - from 50 to 60 years.
  • Now do the bends. Stand up straight and lean forward so that your palms touch the floor. The legs may be bent. Your palms are completely rested on the floor, which means biological clock your age is between 20 and 30 years old. If you barely touch with your fingers - 40 years old, reach only to the shins - already 50, but if you could even bend, then you are over 60 years old.
  • The next will be a reaction test. Ask a family member to hold a 50 cm ruler in a vertical position. Zero on the ruler should be at the bottom, while your hand should be 10 cm below zero. Your assistant abruptly releases the object, you must react quickly and catch it with your thumb and forefinger. The result is defined as follows:
    • you caught a ruler at around 20 cm - you are 20 years old;
    • 25 cm - 30 years;
    • 35 cm - 40 years;
    • 45 cm - respectively, 50-60 years.
  • Close your hands behind your back at the level of the shoulder blades. If you managed to do this easily and quickly, then your body is still 20 years old. If you only touched with your fingers - 30 years, you could not even touch - 40 years. Well, if you couldn’t even put your hands behind your back, then biologically you are already under 60.
  • Another very successful test. Close your eyes and take turns standing on the left and right leg. Trying to stay in this position, count down the seconds. Results:
    • you were able to stand on one leg for 30 seconds or more - you are 20 years old;
    • 20 - 40 years;
    • 15 seconds - 50 years;
    • Well, a smaller amount of time indicates an age of more than 60 years.

    If the results of the passed tests do not suit you, then this means that the body requires a shake-up, namely, recovery. MirSovetov recommends starting to do exercises in the morning. You should not worry if after the very first test the age difference turned out to be too big. The results can be influenced both by the state of the body at the time of testing.

    How to reduce biological age

    1. Smile more, because laughter and a big smile are known to get rid of wrinkles and destroy stress hormones.
    2. Devote 30 minutes of your time to sports every day. It can be morning exercises or an evening trip to the gym. Keep your muscles toned. Move more, because movement is life. Hypodynamia, unfortunately, causes early attack biological old age.
    3. Listen to your body. If he does not want to plunge into an ice font, then he does not need to do this. First of all wellness procedures should bring pleasure. If you can get by with a cold folk remedies you don't need to take pills.
    4. No need to experiment on yourself and experience various diets. The best diet is fasting, a reasonable restriction in food. In this mode, the body itself will cope with its cleansing.
    5. Drink only green tea s, which help the body not only quench thirst in the summer, but also rejuvenate. Of course, don't forget to drink a lot. pure water. It not only cleanses the body, but also launches absolutely all metabolic processes in it.
    6. Worried? So you don't eat like that. Rethink your daily diet, add more liquid and fiber. Do not use cleansing enemas frequently as healthy body they can be reflected in problems with the intestines and liver. If you do not suffer, then 2 times a month sauna. Then you don't need enemas.
    7. Eat dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa. Such a product helps to fight stress, normalizes work circulatory system, increases mental activity, which cannot be said about milk chocolate.
    8. Do not overdry the skin, as this will form wrinkles on it. Make nourishing and moisturizing masks.
    9. Live in love and enjoy it. This pleasant procedure improves mood, normalizes sleep and promotes the production of the hormone of joy.
    10. Give up bad habits. Believe me, all of the above rejuvenation recipes will be ineffective if you smoke. , alcohol abuse and lack of sleep provoke the appearance of many diseases that can make life shorter.
    11. Eat right and in moderation. You can’t overeat, but undereating is also bad. Minimum salt in dishes, give preference fermented milk products and red meat.
    12. And finally, think less about problems. Everything can be solved and a lot can be avoided. It is important to maintain your health, good spirits and good mood. Obsessing over problems entails a real mania when these thoughts become intrusive. Deal with everything in order, depending on the emergence of opportunities.

    biological aging

    In addition to biological age, there is the concept of biological aging. Its main features are:

    • minimum work capacity and movement;
    • the range of perception of organs and senses narrows;
    • diseases appear;
    • important vital functions are impaired.

    Beyond wear and tear internal organs, changes over the years human body. For example, height decreases, the stomach appears, and the shoulders narrow. All these are enough unpleasant symptoms can be prevented by taking care of yourself and your health. If you don't feel like you're 20 years old, take the above preventative measures into account and make sure you good health for many years.

    Age vascular system(VA - Vascular Aging), measured by AngioScan devices, is a parameter showing your biological age, i.e. deterioration of your body. It should be noted that this approach is based on the generally accepted opinion that the state of a person determines his vascular bed.

    Biological age test

    Determination of biological age using AngioScan devices takes about two minutes (depending on the pulse rate), does not require special training operator who conducts the test, and is absolutely harmless to the body.

    The "wear and tear" is measured in years, and the distinction between calendar age and biological. Well, if the biological is less than the calendar, and vice versa.

    However, one should not be alarmed by the difference of several years in the worst side. Firstly, similar situation not critical. Secondly, this parameter depends on the state of the body at a particular point in time: at the end of a severe working week he is alone, after a vacation he is completely different, etc. It is necessary to observe, identify trends, analyze.

    The age of the vascular system is important to measure in certain time days. Optimal time are the morning hours from 9 to 11. It is also important when measuring this parameter to constantly measure on one hand - optimally on the right. This is due not only to the fact that different hands may be different arterial pressure, but with different angioarchitectonics of the vascular bed (brachycephalic region).

    Biological age is a calculated parameter based on the age index. To determine Vascular Aging, a correlation field of the dependence of the age index on the date of birth of the subject was constructed, and then the age of the vascular system was calculated from the value of the age index. This approach is widely used, we should mention the work of the Japanese researcher Takazawa, as well as a similar calculation algorithm vascular age used in the Pulse Trace device of the American company Micro Medical.

    Approximate age index data depending on calendar age presented in the table:

    Tables for determining biological age

    There are many various ways to determine biological age. The first method is based on the above-described age index obtained by AngioScan devices both in clinical and at home conditions.

    Age Women Men
    20 to 30 -0,95+ 0,31 -0,91+ 0,23
    30 to 40 -0,64+ 0,26 -0,86+ 0,28
    40 to 50 -0,36+ 0,23 -0,57+ 0,28
    from 50 to 60 -0,16+ 0,27 -0,20+ 0,30
    from 60 to 70 0,03+ 0,26 -0,01+ 0,27
    over 70 years old 0,18+ 0,29 0,00+ 0,32

    Age index (AGI - Aging Index) is a calculated integral indicator, the value of which can be seen only in professional versions of the AngioScan program. This parameter is a combination of pulse wave indicators, which includes the extensibility of the arterial wall and the amplitude characteristics of the reflected wave.

    The second method requires laboratory tests to determine the amount of cholesterol and glucose in the blood. Correspondence values ​​are presented in the table:

    If you want to determine your biological age at home, run several tests from the list below and compare your results with the norms presented in the table.

    Tests biological age
    20 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 years old
    Pulse after climbing to the 4th floor
    (speed - 80 steps / min)
    106 108 112 116 120 122 124 126 128
    Systolic pressure ("upper") 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145
    Diastolic pressure ("lower") 65 70 73 75 78 80 83 85 88
    Duration of breath holding on inspiration (sec) 50 45 42 40 37 35 33 30 25
    Duration of breath holding on exhalation (sec) 40 38 35 30 28 25 23 21 19
    Pull-ups on the bar (for men) 10 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 1
    Squats (times) 110 100 95 90 85 80 70 60 50
    Raising the body from a prone position
    in a sitting position (times)
    40 35 30 28 25 23 20 15 12
    Stand on one leg with eyes closed
    (heel of one leg at the knee of the other) (sec)
    40 30 25 20 17 15 12 10 8
    (calf circumference)/(waist circumference)*100 (%) 52 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43

    The norms for women are 10-15% softer than those presented in the table.

    You may have noticed some symptoms, such as an aversion to familiar foods, migraines for no reason, weight gain on a strict diet, and other sensations that you have not experienced before.

    Conclusion - something is happening, your body is changing. Scientists say that people who are young in their biological age can cope with changes environment easier. The number of years lived is not determined by the true age of a person, it is all biological age that decides.

    Scientists have proven that chronological age, indicated in your passport, does not correspond to how old you really are, that is, your biological age. Psychologically, you can be much older or, conversely, younger. It all depends on how you feel and what lifestyle you lead. There are people who are biologically 40, but chronologically 80, and vice versa.

    Of course, the question is natural: how to find the correct diagnosis that helps determine the biological age? In medical sources, it is recommended to conduct a test for this, which we will use. Let's do some tests:

    1. Measure your pulse. Now do 30 squats at a fast pace. Measure the pulse again, write down the difference. If the pulse increased by:

    • 0-10 units - you are 20 years old;
    • 10-20 units - 30 years;
    • 20-30 units - 40 years;
    • 30-40 units - 50 years;
    • more than 40 units - 60 years and older.

    2. So, firmly squeeze the skin on the back of the hand with your thumb and forefinger, in other words, you need to pinch yourself for 5 seconds. For accurate results keep track of time with a stopwatch. Next, releasing your fingers, determine how many seconds your skin will return from whitened to its original state:

    • in 5 seconds - you are about 30 years old;
    • for 8 - about 40 years;
    • for 10 - about 50 years;
    • for 15 - about 60 years.

    3. Let's do gymnastics now. Stand straight, bend your knees, lean forward. Try to touch the floor with your palms in this position. Basically, this is an easy task. Let's evaluate the result:

    • you put your palms on the floor completely - your biological age is 20-30 years;
    • touch the floor with your fingers - about 40 years;
    • reach with your hands only to the shins - about 50 years;
    • reach only to the knees - already for 60 years.

    4. Now let's check the reaction rate. Your assistant is holding a regular 50 cm long student's ruler vertically, zero down, while your hand should be 10 cm lower. The assistant should suddenly release the ruler, and you should try to grab it with your index and thumbs. The result is measured in centimeters:

    • if you hold the ruler at around 20 cm - 20 years;
    • 25 cm - 30 years;
    • 35 cm - 40 years;
    • 45 cm - 60 years.

    5. Put your hands behind your back and clasp them in a "lock" at the level of the shoulder blades. If you:

    • did it with ease - you are 20 years old;
    • just touched with fingers - 30 years;
    • could not touch - 40 years;
    • could not get their hands behind their backs - 60 years.

    6. Now the task is the most difficult. Close your eyes tightly, stand alternately on your left or right foot. Hands are allowed to balance, but holding is prohibited. Try to stay in this position. Let someone close count how many seconds you were able to stay in this position:

    • 30 and more - 20 years;
    • 20 - 40 years;
    • 15 - 50 years;
    • less than 10 - 60 years and older.

    If you are not happy with the results, finally take care of your health, start at least with morning exercises. After some time, the test exercises can be repeated. And, perhaps, physical age will give way to biological.

    Also to support good shape The following tips will help you:

    • Drink more green tea, it is he who contains, helping the body to shake up and rejuvenate. This is especially true in summer - this type of tea perfectly quenches thirst, which cannot be said about sweet sparkling water.
    • Instead of milk chocolate, eat dark chocolate containing at least 70% cocoa. As scientists have proven, a few slices a day of this chocolate contribute to the normalization of the circulatory system, as well as increase mental activity. Among other things, dark chocolate will help to cope with stress and improve memory.
    • Make masks. For example, fruit remove dry skin, and their aroma has a calming effect on the nervous system.
    • Go in for sports. Just 30 minutes of muscle activity a day will help the body be in good shape and prevent skin aging.
    • Laugh more - laughter destroys stress hormones in the blood.
    • Make love regularly. Scientists have proven that nothing cheers you up like good sex. In addition, it also contributes to the normalization of sleep, helps the body produce hormones of joy.
    • Be careful with medicines. When buying medicines, never hesitate to ask your pharmacist about how they stack with others (even just vitamins) when it's best to take them.
    • Finally, try to think less about your problems! The more you dwell on them, the more less chance get rid of them and more likely to acquire "mania". Divide problems into 2 types: solved now - solved later. Deal with them in order, depending on the occurrence of funds, while not paying attention to unnecessary thoughts about troubles.

    Remember that the tests that we cited today as an example determine the biological age only conditionally. This is due to the fact that with age, not only the level of “wear and tear” of our internal organs changes, but also anthropological data, for example: it becomes less height, the shoulders are narrower, the stomach is larger, even the nose is wider, and the ears are longer! All this is compared in a special program. Thus, only specialists will help to reliably find out your biological age.

    Each of us has repeatedly noticed that people who have the same passport age sometimes do not look like their peers at all.

    One at the age of 40-45 already looks almost old, and the other at 60 is young, energetic and full of life.

    Scientists gerontologists, in addition to the calendar age, usually take into account the biological age of a person, which shows the degree of aging of the body and its individual organs and systems. And very often the indicators of these criteria do not match. A person can be healthy and full of strength and at the age of 70, and sometimes even at 20, diseases overcome and early aging sets in.

    As a result of long-term observations, scientists have concluded that women age more slowly than men, and live 6-8 years longer, and this may be due to the fact that men age a little faster.

    Biological age also depends on the place of residence and climatic conditions. Less than the calendar among the peoples of the south (Abkhazians, Georgians, Karakalpaks). The closer to the north, the closer the biological age to the calendar, and sometimes even significantly exceeds it (especially among the Nenets, Chukchi, Eskimos, Buryats).

    The state of our health does not depend on the number of years lived, but on the degree of preservation of the organism. It is this factor that determines the biological age of a person.

    There is no absolute system for measuring biological age. But there are many methods for determining biological age, but many of them require special equipment.
    However, you can go through a series of tests at home that show how worn out our body is - they give an assessment of the state of the body and its real biological age.

    The results of this study make it possible to understand what age group corresponds to the body of a particular person.

    1. Flexibility of the spine

    This test allows you to determine the condition of the ligaments and tendons of the spine.

    Standing, lean forward, you can bend your knees. Where did you reach with your palms?

    • Put your palms on the floor - your ligaments are 20 years old;
    • Touched the floor only with fingers, palms did not reach - 30 years;
    • Reached with palms to the ankles - 40 years;
    • They put their palms below the knees - 50 years;
    • Touched knees - 60 years;
    • Did not reach the knees - 70 and older.

    Another way is to count the number of forward bends you can do in a minute.

    • More than 50 movements correspond to the age of 20;
    • 30-year-old leans over 35 to 49 times per minute,
    • 30 to 34 times - 40-year-old,
    • from 25 to 29 - a 50-year-old person.
    • Age over 60 corresponds to no more than 24 tilts per minute.

    The spine protects the spinal cord from injury. vertebral column as a single anatomical and physiological structure is held with the help of ligaments and muscles. IN spinal cord there are many centers of vegetative nervous system from which the spinal nerves depart, through the channels of which complex reflex functions are carried out.
    Deterioration of the flexibility and mobility of the spine can lead to a violation of the effectiveness of neuro-regulatory processes and a deterioration in the functioning of some organs and systems of the human body.

    2. Speed ​​of reaction

    To conduct the test, you will have to resort to the services of an assistant. Ask a friend or relative to take a 50 cm ruler and hold it vertically at the end corresponding to the zero mark.

    You should place your hand 10 cm below the other end of the ruler.

    The assistant should suddenly release the ruler, and you should catch it at the moment of falling, holding it between your thumb and forefinger.

    The reaction speed is measured by the divisions on which your fingers will be. IN this case the age match table looks like this:

    • 20 cm - 20 years;
    • 25 cm - 30 years;
    • 35 cm - 40 years;
    • 45 cm - 60 years.

    This test allows you to determine the idle time motor reaction and duration of nerve stimulation. The indicator of the time of this reflex serves important indicator functional state human nerve centers.

    3. The state of the vestibular apparatus

    You will need help from someone at home.
    Take off your shoes, close your eyes, stand on one leg, rest your other foot on the shin of the supporting leg.

    The assistant marks on the clock how long you can stand like that.

    • 30 seconds or more - you are 20 years old;
    • 25 seconds - 30 years;
    • 20 seconds - 40 years;
    • 15 seconds - 50 years;
    • 10 seconds or less - 60 years.
    • You can't stand at all - 70 and older.

    4. Health and condition of the lungs

    The safety of the lungs can be determined by the distance from which a person can blow out a burning candle.

    • 1 meter - your lungs are 20 years old;
    • 80-90 cm - 30 years;
    • 70-80 cm - 40 years;
    • 60-70 cm - 50 years;
    • 50-60 cm - 60 years;
    • Less than 50 cm - 70 years and older.

    There is also a test that determines the biological age by the frequency of breathing. To do this, you need to calculate how many cycles of deep breaths and full exhalations you can do per minute. The age match is:

    • 20 years - 40-45 cycles;
    • 30 years - 35-39 cycles;
    • 40 years - 30-34 cycles;
    • 50 years - 20-29 cycles;
    • 60 years - 15-19 cycles.

    5. Preservation of the joints

    Put both hands behind your back: one from below, the other over your shoulder.

    Try to connect your fingers at the level of the shoulder blades. What happened?

    • Easily clasped fingers into a "lock" - your joints are 20 years old;
    • Fingers touched, but it didn’t work out - 30 years;
    • Palms close, but fingers do not touch - 40 years;
    • Palms behind the back, but quite far apart - 50 years;
    • Barely put their palms behind their backs - 60 years;
    • It is impossible to get both hands behind the back - 70 years.

    6. Determine muscle strength

    Lie down on hard surface bend your knees on your back and do this exercise: raise your shoulders and shoulder blades. The loin remains tucked in. Put your hands behind your head or cross over your chest.

    How many times have you managed to do this?

    • 40 times - judging by the strength, you are 20 years old;
    • 35 times - 30 years;
    • 28 times - 40 years;
    • 23 times - 50 years;
    • 15 times - 60 years.
    • Less than 12 times - over 65 years old.

    7. Heart rate control before and after exercise

    Count your pulse. Then squat 30 times at a fast pace.
    Take your pulse again.

    By the degree of pulse increase, you can judge your biological age:

    If the pulse increased by:

    • 0 - 10 units - age corresponds to 20 years;
    • 10-20 units - age corresponds to 30 years;
    • 20-30 units - age corresponds to 40 years;
    • 30-40 units - age corresponds to 50 years;
    • more than 40 units, or the person could not complete the exercise at all - the age corresponds to 60 years and older.

    You can measure the pulse by palpation of the carotid or radial artery. Palpation of the radial artery is carried out by pressing the index and middle fingers of one hand on the inside of the wrist of the other.

    The carotid artery is found, put the index finger to the neck in the middle of the line connecting lower jaw and middle of the clavicle.

    The number of heart beats per minute is determined (counting the number of beats in 60 s).

    8. Condition of the skin and peripheral vessels

    Grab a patch of skin on the back of your hand with your thumb and forefinger, squeeze for 5 seconds and release. A white spot will appear on the skin.

    Note the time it takes for it to disappear.

    • Up to 5 seconds - your skin is 20 years old;
    • 6-8 seconds - 30 years;
    • 9-12 seconds - 40 years;
    • 13-15 seconds - 50 years;
    • 16-19 seconds - 60 years.
    • More than 19 seconds - 70 and older.

    9. State of the central nervous system

    This test requires a little preparation. Ask the assistant to draw a tablet on a piece of paper, consisting of five lines, five cells each, and enter numbers from 1 to 25 in the cells, placing them randomly.

    Then take a pencil and try to quickly, without being distracted, successively touch the cells in ascending order of numbers (from the first to the twenty-fifth).

    • If your age is 20, this should take no more than 35 seconds.
    • A thirty-year-old man will show a result of 36 to 40 seconds,
    • 40-year-old will fit in 41-50 seconds,
    • A 50 year old will spend about 60 seconds.

    You can also use a simple flash toy:

    By the way, with such simple toys you can easily train your memory:

    10. Libido

    For male body characterized by a direct dependence of the frequency of realized sexual contact from biological age:

    • at 20 years old, this figure is 6-7 times a week,
    • at 30 years old - 5-6 times,
    • in 40-year-olds - 3-4 times,
    • a male aged 50 or over is able to experience and successfully implement sex drive no more than 2 times a week.

    To find out the final result, you need to find the arithmetic mean of the measured parameters: add up all your results and divide by 10. This figure will be the biological age.

    The calendar and biological age of a person may not coincide.
    It happens that the biological age is less than the calendar one and this indicates slow aging and a longer life expectancy can be predicted.
    If these ages are equal, then a normal physiological process takes place in the human body.
    If the biological age is greater than the calendar, then this may be a sign premature aging caused by chronic diseases.
    There are other factors that accelerate the aging process - it is psycho-emotional stress, neurosis, syndrome chronic fatigue, avitaminosis.

    There are other tests to determine if your calendar age matches your biological age. These tables list some of them.

    This is interesting

    Taking a closer look at those who look younger, it can be noted that they, for the most part, are incorrigible optimists, lead a healthy lifestyle, spend a lot of time in nature, and it is pleasant to communicate with them. Prefer natural methods treatment in case of illness, but this rarely happens to them ... the list goes on.

    For example, the famous Paul Bragg in his 80s looked 60, surfed, fasted, ran and led a very active image life.
    Or Tibetan monks- they know the secrets of longevity and look much younger than their earthly years.

    Pictured below is 67-year-old Gao Mingyuan. He began his studies at the age of 60, when he retired.

    After many years of working at the factory, by the age of 60, everything ached, especially his legs and back. He was engaged in 7-8 hours a day stretching exercises. Now he is 67 years old, and he has forgotten about his illnesses and does not go to the doctors at all. Answering the question about what makes him happy, without hesitation, he names several things: order, many friends, good mood and love for people.
    Based on materials