Therapeutic diets. Healing cooking.

Preparation dietary meals is carried out in accordance with generally accepted principles of culinary, taking into account the achievements of the science of medical nutrition. The peculiarities of dietary cooking are determined by the state of the sick organism, the influence of the diet on the whole organism, as well as the sparing and training of individual organs. At the same time, requirements are imposed on the selection of the assortment and the number of products, their ratio in various recipes, the use of culinary methods, the optimal use of mechanical and chemical sparing.

For the digestive system, maximum grinding of products is required. Boiled meat is passed through a meat grinder, vegetables are cooked in the form of mashed potatoes. Slimy mashed soups are recommended, in the preparation of which the cereals are boiled until completely boiled, then rubbed through a sieve and boiled again. Porridge for dietary food is cooked longer than usual: from rice and oatmeal - 1.5, from buckwheat - 2, from pearl barley - 3 hours. They can be cooked from ground cereal, then the cooking time is halved. For the preparation of porridge and soups, cereal flour is also used, which can be obtained at home using a coffee grinder.

When boiling, the liquid is heated to a boil, then the heat is reduced and, with a low boil, the dish is brought to readiness. This ensures uniform heating of the food. For the preparation of products with a high moisture content and soft consistency (vegetables, chopped mass products), a transmission is used: products covered by one third with liquid are boiled in a sealed container. Juicy fruits are allowed in their own juice, released when they are heated, without adding liquid. Steam cooking is used, when the product does not come into contact with the liquid, but is heated by the steam formed during boiling, which ensures less loss of soluble substances. At home, you can use an ordinary pot with a small amount water, into which a special stand or sieve is inserted upside down. When the water boils, the prepared product is placed on a stand or sieve and steamed with the lid closed.

To reduce the content of protein, extractives and minerals in food, it is recommended to digest and soak the food. At the same time, cooking a finely chopped product with its immersion in cold water... When boiling a large piece of meat immersed in boiling water, with the addition of onions and roots, proteins and extractives are preserved better, and the broth (obtained in this case unsaturated) can be used for patients in need of sparing chemical attack on the digestive organs. To eliminate the excess of carbohydrates, it is recommended to soak starch-containing products, prepare decoctions from fruits and berries, and bran bread. If it is necessary to limit calcium salts from the diet, milk and dairy products, leafy greens, and apples should be excluded.

To improve the consistency and taste of dietary food, heat treatment is used: stewing, baking, cooking followed by frying, sautéing, blanching. When stewing, products are fried until crusty and simmered in broth or sauce with the addition of aromatic spices. When baking, the products are brought to readiness or half-cooked by boiling, frying, steaming, and then baked at 200-300 C until golden brown. When baking, you can add sauce, eggs, sour cream to dishes from meat, fish, vegetables. Boiling followed by frying is used to reduce the content of nitrogenous extractives in meat and fish products. Sautéing - short frying with minimum amount fat. Usually, flour with fat, carrots, parsley, celery, onions, tomatoes are sautéed to give them a special taste and fix aromatic dyes, with the subsequent use of these semi-finished products in the manufacture of soups, sauces, and second courses. When blanching, the products are briefly (2-3 minutes) treated with boiling water or steam in order to facilitate mechanical cleaning, remove taste, bitterness, preserve color, taste and vitamin C during their subsequent processing. To improve the taste of dishes included in salt-free diets, boiled and then lightly fried onions, sauces are added to ready-made dishes, and they are seasoned with lemon or vegetable juice.

Health food. The use of specially formulated diets and dietary regimens for people, as a rule, with acute diseases or exacerbations of chronic diseases. Medical and dietary nutrition are similar concepts, slightly differing in their practical meaning. Under dietary nutrition, in contrast to the therapeutic, mean mainly nutrition for people with different chronic diseases out of exacerbation. Basic principles, list of requirements for health food coincide with those for dietary nutrition.

Treatment-and-prophylactic nutrition, specially selected diets aimed at preventing disorders in the body caused by exposure to harmful factors.

Diet meals are prepared according to the rules traditional technologyfound in cooking guides such as The Healthy and Delicious Food Book. However, depending on the state of human health, the nature of the disease, certain adjustments are made to the technology of preparing many dietary dishes.

Here are some recipes for dietary meals.

Milk semolina soup

Pour semolina in a thin stream into boiling water, while the resulting mass must be stirred all the time. Cook the soup until the cereals are ready, then add milk, sugar, salt and bring to a boil. Place a piece of butter in a bowl of soup before serving.

Milk 250 g, sugar 5 g, butter 5 g, semolina 30 g, salt 2 g.

Pureed milk rice soup

Sort the groats, rinse in warm water, pour into boiling water, boil well and rub through a sieve, bring to a boil. Add hot milk, salt, sugar to the mashed mass and bring to a boil; put a piece of butter in a plate.

You can also make pureed milk soups from other types of cereals.

Milk 250 g, rice 35 g, butter 5 g, sugar 5 g, salt 2 g.

Milk soup liquid

Dry the flour, grind with butter, dilute in a small amount of hot milk, add the rest of the milk, boil and strain.

Milk 500 g, wheat flour 25 g, butter 25 g, salt 4 g.

Oatmeal porridge from flakes "Hercules"

Heat milk (whole or diluted with water) to a boil, add salt, sugar, stir, add cereal and cook, stirring occasionally, over low heat for 15–20 minutes. When serving, add a piece of butter.

Groats "Hercules" 60 g, milk 150 g, water 100 g, sugar 9 g, butter 10 g, salt 1.5 g.

Do not rinse cereals before cooking.

Buckwheat porridge pureed milk

Rinse the groats, dry, grind. Pour the ground cereal in a thin stream into boiling milk diluted with water, stir thoroughly, cook over low heat, stirring occasionally. Add salt to the finished semi-liquid porridge. When serving, put a piece of butter on the table.

Buckwheat groats 60 g, milk 200 g, butter 5 g, water 50 g, salt 1.5 g.

Steam omelet

Beat the eggs with milk, add salt, strain, pour the mixture onto a greased (2 g) mold and steam (in a double boiler). When serving, drizzle with melted butter (5 g).

Eggs 2 pcs., Milk 50 g, butter 7 g, salt 1.5 g.

Steam cutlets

Pass the meat through a meat grinder with a rare, and then with a frequent wire rack, mix with squeezed bread soaked in water, pass through a meat grinder again, add salt, water, oil and make cutlets. Steam.

Meat 75 g, wheat bread 20 g, butter 5 g, water 25 g, salt 1 g.

Boiled beef stroganoff

Boil the meat, cut into thin slices, pour over the sauce, stir, add mashed boiled carrots, then cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

Season the beef stroganoff with sour cream, salt, and then boil.

Meat 120 g, sour cream 20 g, carrots 10 g, milk sauce 50 g, salt 1 g.

Sour cream sauce

Mix dried flour (3 g) with sour cream (10 g), add boiling sour cream (20 g), bring to a boil and stir thoroughly.

Sour cream 30 g, wheat flour 3 g, salt 0.3 g.

Blackcurrant kissel

Sort the berries, rinse, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth or a sieve and leave in a sealed container. Boil the pomace and strain.

Bring the broth to a boil, add sugar and cook with potato starch, remove from heat and add raw berry juice.

Jelly is also prepared from other berries.

Black currant 150 g, sugar 150 g, potato starch 50 g

Milk jelly (thick)

Strain the milk through cheesecloth, pour into a bowl, heat to a boil and dissolve sugar in it. After the milk has boiled, remove from heat.

Pour corn starch, previously diluted with cold milk and strained, into hot milk and simmer with continuous stirring and low boiling for 3-4 minutes.

Pour the finished jelly, flavored with vanilla, into portioned dishes, sprinkle with sugar and cool.

When serving, put the jelly out of the mold into vases and pour over with fruit or berry syrup.

Milk 180 g, sugar 20 g, starch 15 g, vanillin 0.2 g; for syrup: cranberries 5 g, sugar 10 g.

Fresh apple mousse

Rinse the apples and cut into thin slices, removing the seeds. Pour apples 2? glasses hot water and boil them until soft.

Drain the juice into another bowl, strain it through cheesecloth, and rub the apples through a fine sieve.

Add sugar and dissolved gelatin to apple juice. Stirring all the time, bring the syrup to a boil and cool.

Pour the cooled syrup into a deep saucepan (but not aluminum), put in the same applesauce, a little vanillin and beat with a metal whisk (in a mixer) until a frothy mass is formed.

As soon as the mass thickens slightly, quickly pour it into molds or vases and cool.

Mousse made from other fresh fruits is prepared in the same way.

For 250 g apples:? glasses of sugar, 15 g of gelatin.

The preparation of dietary meals is carried out in accordance with the generally accepted principles of culinary, taking into account the achievements of the science of medical nutrition. The peculiarities of dietary cooking are determined by the state of the sick organism, the influence of the diet on the whole organism, as well as the sparing and training of individual organs. At the same time, requirements are imposed on the selection of the assortment and the number of products, their ratio in various recipes, the use of culinary methods, the optimal use of mechanical and chemical sparing.

For the digestive system, maximum grinding of products is required. Boiled meat is passed through a meat grinder, vegetables are cooked in the form of mashed potatoes. Slimy mashed soups are recommended, in the preparation of which the cereals are boiled until completely boiled, then rubbed through a sieve and boiled again. Porridge for dietary food is cooked longer than usual: from rice and oatmeal - 1.5, from buckwheat - 2, from pearl barley - 3 hours. They can be cooked from ground cereal, then the cooking time is halved. For the preparation of porridge and soups, cereal flour is also used, which can be obtained at home using a coffee grinder.

When boiling, the liquid is heated to a boil, then the heat is reduced and, with a low boil, the dish is brought to readiness. This ensures uniform heating of the food. For the preparation of products with a high moisture content and soft consistency (vegetables, chopped mass products), a transmission is used: products covered by one third with liquid are boiled in a sealed container. Juicy fruits are allowed in their own juice, released when they are heated, without adding liquid. Steam cooking is used, when the product does not come into contact with the liquid, but is heated by the steam formed during boiling, which ensures less loss of soluble substances. At home, you can use an ordinary saucepan with a small amount of water, into which a special stand or sieve is inserted upside down. When the water boils, the prepared product is placed on a stand or sieve and steamed with the lid closed.

To reduce the content of protein, extractives and minerals in food, it is recommended to digest and soak the food. At the same time, cooking a finely chopped product with immersion in cold water is more efficient. When boiling a large piece of meat immersed in boiling water, with the addition of onions and roots, proteins and extractives will be preserved better, and the broth (obtained in this case unsaturated) can be used for patients who need a gentle chemical effect on the digestive organs. To eliminate the excess of carbohydrates, it is recommended to soak starch-containing products, prepare decoctions from fruits and berries, and bran bread. If it is necessary to limit calcium salts from the diet, milk and dairy products, leafy greens, and apples should be excluded.

To improve the consistency and taste of dietary food, heat treatment is used: stewing, baking, cooking followed by frying, sautéing, blanching. When stewing, products are fried until crusty and simmered in broth or sauce with the addition of aromatic spices. When baking, the products are brought to readiness or half-cooked by boiling, frying, steaming, and then baked at 200-300 C until golden brown. When baking, you can add sauce, eggs, sour cream to dishes from meat, fish, vegetables. Boiling followed by frying is used to reduce the content of nitrogenous extractives in meat and fish products. Sauteed - short-term frying with a minimum amount of fat. Usually, flour with fat, carrots, parsley, celery, onions, tomatoes are sautéed to give them a special taste and fix aromatic dyes, with the subsequent use of these semi-finished products in the manufacture of soups, sauces, and second courses. When blanching, the products are briefly (2-3 minutes) treated with boiling water or steam in order to facilitate mechanical cleaning, remove taste, bitterness, preserve color, taste and vitamin C during their subsequent processing. To improve the taste of dishes included in salt-free diets, boiled and then lightly fried onions, sauces are added to ready-made dishes, and they are seasoned with lemon or vegetable juice.

Health food. The use of specially formulated food rations and dietary regimens for people, as a rule, with acute diseases or exacerbations of chronic diseases. Medical and dietary nutrition are similar concepts, slightly differing in their practical meaning. Diet food, as opposed to medical food, means mainly food for people with various chronic diseases without exacerbation. The basic principles, the list of requirements for medical nutrition coincide with those for dietary nutrition.

Treatment-and-prophylactic nutrition, specially selected diets aimed at preventing disorders in the body caused by exposure to harmful factors.

Beneficial features ginger

Even in ancient Chinese treatises, they mentioned the benefits of ginger, during sea \u200b\u200btravelchewed for easier transfer motion sickness, considered it an antidote, etc. Ginger has a pungent taste due to the phenolic substance gingerol in it. Ginger root is rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium salts, amino acids, beta-carotene, curcumin, caffeic acid, etc. Also, ginger was famous for its ability to maintain youth, slow down the aging process, and have a beneficial effect on sex driveand it was also widely used in the treatment of infertility. Ginger stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, has a beneficial effect on digestion, reduces pain in osteochondrosis, in pain in knee joints, is an protective agent from viruses of different nature, is an excellent restorative after the transferred serious diseases, it is also widely used in cosmetology.

1. With ARI use fresh ginger. You need to cut off a piece of peeled ginger, and dissolve for a couple of minutes, then take the next piece for a couple of minutes, then do not drink or eat for an hour.

2. When a tooth hurts.Due to the fact that ginger perfectly defeats microbes, you need to chew it a little and put it on the tooth, keep it until the pain disappears.

3. How antiviral agent you need to use tea with ginger. Grind the peeled ginger root on a grater, a couple of tablespoons of the resulting gruel, mix with 30g. freshly squeezed lemon juice, and a couple of tablespoons of honey, pour a liter of boiling water and insist wrapped for a couple of hours. Take half a glass warm, three times a day.

4. With a cold, at severe edema mucous membrane, you need to drip a couple of drops of fresh ginger juice into each nasal passage.

5. Slimming. Take a root of ginger about five centimeters long, peel and cut into slices, mix with three tablespoons of garlic. For 1.5 hours, pour a couple of liters of boiling water. Then strain the resulting infusion and drink warm throughout the day.

6. Useful for hair.Prepare ginger pulp, mix a spoonful of fresh pulp with 1.5 tablespoons sesame oil, 40 minutes before shampooing, massage well into scalp and hair along the entire length.

7. With depression. 3 tablespoons chopped ginger, 4 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange or lemon juice.5 spoons of quality natural honey, and a couple of tablespoons of chopped fresh mint, mint can be replaced with half a teaspoon peppermint oil, pour 1200ml of boiling water over everything, let it stand until the composition is optimal temperature, take 150 ml morning and evening.

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Mineral water

Mineral water Are underground waters, which differ in their chemical composition and saturated with carbon dioxide. They are a solution of various mineral salts and trace elements.

There are three types of mineral waters: medicinal mineral waters with high mineralization and a pronounced effect on the human body (used only as prescribed by a doctor, usually in the treatment or secondary prevention measures; improper use of medicinal mineral waters can harm health); medicinal table water (they are also used as prescribed by a doctor and as a table drink, but not systematically); table water (used as thirst-quenching and refreshing drinks).

Basic rules for drinking cure:

- the choice of mineral water, the dosage and the method of application are determined by the doctor;
- when prescribing mineral waters, it is necessary to take into account the state of the secretory and acid-forming functions of the stomach; this determines the choice of mineral water, temperature, quantity, time of reception;
- usually mineral water is taken three times a day, 100-150 ml, then the dose is increased to 200-300 ml;
- for constipation, it is recommended to take cool water;
- in case of intestinal spasms, a tendency to diarrhea, water is prescribed in a heated form (40 ° -45 ° C); bottles are heated in a sealed (if necessary, keep hydrogen dioxide) or uncorked (to remove carbon dioxide);
- course drinking cure - about 1 month; after 2-3 months the course of treatment can be repeated;
- bottles with mineral water should be kept in horizontal position, since at long-term storage in the vertical position (plug up), the gas evaporates.

Signs of usable mineral water: clean, colorless, contains a lot of gas, transparent, with a slight sediment of mineral salts, does not have a bad smell. Signs of unusable mineral water: cloudy, contains flakes, bad taste and the smell, heavy sediment at the bottom of the bottle.

Of the 130 varieties of mineral waters currently available in trading network, only 25-30 can be recognized as curative. Mineral waters, as one of important elements complex treatment, used in the pathology of the digestive system, urinary system and metabolism. They are prescribed in the phase of remission or fading exacerbation of the disease.

Healing cooking

The art of cooking (cooking) is one of the oldest areas of human activity. The gastronomic habits and preferences of each nation have evolved over many centuries. National cuisines were gradually created, which are an integral part of national culture... There is no doubt that the differences national cuisine due to geographic location individual countries, climatic and economic conditions, religious customs. Every country has its own favorite dishes, special traditions in the decoration of the table, cooking.

Cooking is a wonderful, most difficult and noble art. “Food should be enjoyable” (D. Künzel). Well-prepared and varied dishes, due to their taste and aroma, satisfy the requirements of the nutritional aesthetic. Certain and considerable importance for ensuring normal digestion is beautiful table setting table, pleasant and calm atmosphere while eating, thoroughly chewing food. A.S. Pushkin wrote: “The stomach of an enlightened person has the best qualities kind heart: sensitivity and gratitude. The gratitude of the stomach ensures good digestion. "

Nutritional therapy is a method effective treatmentwhere a lot depends on the doctor, the chef and the patient A French chef noted that good cooking is the key to health. It is no coincidence that Herodotus said that "he who nourishes well, he heals well." IN everyday life it is not always possible to take into account and fulfill exactly all the requirements for the composition of the diet. Here self-regulating mechanisms that are present in the human body come to the rescue, which make it possible to use from the diet those substances and in such quantities that are required at one time or another. The main regulatory mechanisms are appetite, digestion, bowel action and metabolism. We must be sensitive to the signals of appetite and take timely action in case of intestinal dysfunction.

Cooking technology encompasses rational methods of food processing and preparation of culinary products with maximum preservation of nutrients and giving dishes medicinal properties... This process also includes portioning and presentation of food. Culinary technology consists of mechanical and heat treatment food products... Mechanical culinary processing provides for a combination of mechanical effects on raw materials in order to separate inedible parts and impart medicinal properties to them. Heat treatment causes profound physical and chemical changes in food, increases the digestibility of food, softens and grinds food, leads to the formation of new taste and aromatic properties, and also destroys a significant part of microorganisms, destroys harmful substancesavailable in some products.

Features of medicinal cooking:

a) The choice of products and methods of their preparation is due to the nature of the disease, the state of the digestive and metabolic organs.
b) Good quality, organoleptic qualities ( appearance, color, aroma, taste, consistency of dietary foods that affect digestibility).
c) Retention of utility, i.e. nutritional value dietary meals.
d) Use therapeutic effect dietary meals for various diseases.
e) Providing "chemical mechanical sparing" of the affected organs.
f) Changes physical properties food components that determine their availability for digestion.
g) Boiled dishes prevail in the assortment of dietary dishes. Steaming is preferable for minced meat and fish products and simmering for vegetables and fruits. In those diets in which fried food, fried in vegetable or ghee. Butter put in ready meals
h) In a number of diseases of the digestive system, the principle of mechanical sparing is observed ( peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis and others) or, on the contrary, mechanical stimulation of the activity of the digestive organs (intestinal atony, etc.).
and) The principles of mechanical sparing of the affected organs:
- intensity mechanical impact food is due to its consistency and quantity. Consistency depends on the physical properties of the food and how it is cooked;
- for the purpose of mechanical sparing, vegetables, fruits, cereals with a low content of cell membranes (fiber), meat of young animals, birds, rabbits, parts of beef carcasses with relatively little connective tissue are used;
- methods of culinary processing: the nature of heating, grinding, intensive mixing of the crushed mass of products, the introduction of pre-beaten egg whites (puddings, soufflés);
- the use of mucous broths prepared by prolonged (3-4 hours) boiling cereals (ratio 1:10) and straining through a clean sieve.
to) Principles of chemical sparing:
- exclusion from the diet of sour fruits, vegetables, rich essential oils, spicy and salty products, spices, meat and fish products rich in extractive substances. With gout, foods rich in purines are limited (yeast, meat, many offal and fish products, meat and fish broths, and with obesity and diabetes mellitus - foods, dishes and culinary products rich in carbohydrates;
- soups and sauces are prepared on cereal and weak vegetable broths. Wheat flour for sauces is dried, heat sautéing is excluded;
- instead of sautéing, aromatic vegetables are allowed, and the tomato puree is boiled;
onion to remove irritating substances, first blanch;
- the main method of culinary processing is cooking;
- meat and fish products are boiled in boiling water long time: meat weighing about 1.5 kg - 2-3 hours, fish - 30-40 minutes;
- in order to remove extractives, you can also use blanching in boiling water cut pieces of meat weighing about 100 g and 2-3.5 cm thick. Portion pieces of chilled meat are blanched for 10 minutes, defrosted meat - 5 minutes, fish - 3-5 minutes. Then the semi-finished products are brought to readiness for 15 minutes by steaming, or stewed in milk sauce, or used to prepare chopped products: steam cutlets, soufflé, meatballs.
k) Cooking methods should be consistent with the formulation of the respective diets.
l) The main methods of thermal processing of products are cooking (the main method is steaming, steaming, microwave heating) and frying, auxiliary methods are passaging and blanching, combined methods are stewing and baking.

Lisovsky V.A., Evseev S.P., Golofeevsky V.Yu., Mironenko A.N.