How to stretch jeans at home. How to stretch jeans. Enlargement with a sewing machine

Denim is the most susceptible to shrinkage and stretch. It happens that only purchased trousers are short or tight at the hips and waist. How to stretch jeans How to take care of denim pants? Ways to stretch jeans, recommendations for caring for them are given below.

How to stretch jeans

How to stretch jeans at home

Gaining weight, shrinking pants after washing, buying short pants - all this pushes people to stretch their jeans. To increase their length and size, apply:

Belt stretcher

fabric softener;

iron or steamer.

Dissolve a cap of conditioner in cold water, then wash jeans in the resulting mixture. In this case, you need to constantly stretch the pants in problem areas. The washed item is spread on a towel and left to dry.

With the help of a waist stretcher, the process of increasing the size of jeans is faster. Before applying the stretcher, the fabric must be thoroughly wetted.

The device is inserted into the belt, the fly and the button are fastened, and then the trousers are smoothly stretched to right size. Once the limit is reached, the jeans are hung on a rope or dryer and left to dry completely.

How to stretch jeans to size? To stretch the thing in a complex, you can use the bathroom. Warm water is poured into it and a little conditioner or bath foam is added. Then you need to put on your jeans and sit in the water. Pants must be completely wet.

When the fabric is saturated with moisture, it can be stretched. First, the fabric is stretched in the waist and hips, after, if necessary, the trousers are stretched in length.

At the end of the procedure, the water is drained, but the jeans remain on the body. When there is a little glass of water from the pants, you need to get out of the bath and do the exercises, avoiding tension on the fabric in the knee area. Then the jeans are removed and dried in the fresh air.

With the help of a steamer or an iron with a steam generator, jeans are stretched by 2-3 centimeters in volume. For this, the waist and hip areas are treated with hot steam and simultaneously stretched by hand. After partial cooling, jeans are put on and worn without taking off throughout the day.

Today, jeans are the most common type of trousers. They are worn by men, women and children.

Probably everyone in the wardrobe has jeans that have sat down after washing. It is a pity to throw them away, but they lie idle.

If the jeans are small, you can stretch them with your own hands. After that, the trousers will fit perfectly on the figure and will emphasize all your advantages.

How to size up jeans? Shrunken things can be returned to their original state with the help of an expander, steaming, ironing, spraying with water, altering.

Choose the most suitable way and start stretching.


Waistband extender is a special extender that is used in workshops and ateliers to quickly stretch trousers in the waistband.

If your new jeans are a little tight at the waist or shrink a little after washing, you can use an expander to enlarge them.

Waistband extender is bought at a store that sells thread and other sewing accessories.

How to stretch jeans at the waist:

  1. First you need to measure the girth of the belt (OP), and then the body (OT), where it will be located. Then calculate how many centimeters you need to stretch the shrunken things. Calculate according to the formula: new OP jeans = OT - already measured OP. For example, the new OP = 60 - 57. The result is 3 cm. That is, it is necessary to stretch the belt by 3 cm.
  2. After the calculation, we proceed to the procedure itself. How to expand jeans in the belt: moisten the belt with plain water from a spray bottle, fasten the trousers with a zipper and a button. We take the expander and insert it in such a way that the lightning falls on its middle. Carefully expand the Waistband extender to the desired mark, and leave the trousers to dry.

Instead of a special expander, you can take any other tool that is in the house, and it fits in length. It can be a piece of board or slats.

Steaming with an iron

Jeans stretch well after ironing.

The temperature regime should correspond to the type of fabric. Jeans can be with or without stretch, with inserts and rhinestones. That's why temperature regime on the different trousers may differ. Always look at the label.

How to stretch jeans at home:

  1. First, they must be washed, and then ironed with a hot iron.
  2. After ironing, still warm jeans are put on. Warm material stretches well and is fixed in the desired position. Pants take on the shape of the figure.

Stretching in this way is also short-lived. After the next wash, the trousers shrink again and the procedure will have to be repeated often.

Spraying with water

This method appropriate if the jeans have become a little small. So that they, as before, sit on the figure, you can stretch them by spraying with water.

How to break in jeans:

  1. Put on the product first.
  2. Then take a spray bottle with water and spray the thing. Do not spare water, pour more of it on the fabric. The better the material is hydrated, the better it will stretch.
  3. Wear wet pants until they are completely dry.

Spraying with water gives a short-term result. become narrow again.

This method is undesirable to use in the cold season, you can get sick. In addition, due to the long drying time, the fabric will smell unpleasant.

Spraying with water is a summer way. The material dries faster and less chance get sick.

We take a bath

To increase the size of the pants in the hips, calves and waist at the same time you need to take a bath.

How to stretch jeans wide:

  1. Fill the tub with warm water and sit in it with your pants on.
  2. Soak them well with water. Take a bath for 15 minutes.
  3. Get out of the bathroom and wring out excess moisture a little.
  4. Wear pants for about an hour. Perform lunges, sit in them more often, perform different kinds sit-ups and other exercises that will help stretch the tissue.

When you feel the denim has stretched enough, remove the jeans and hang them up to dry.

After the fabric is completely dry, put the item back on and do a few exercises. Just don't overdo it so they don't get too big.


Sometimes, after washing, the pants do not shrink on the sides, but in length. At the same time, the trousers sit well in the hips, waist and calves.

How to stretch stretch jeans:

  1. You can lengthen the trousers with the help of a load. Throw the thing over the horizontal bar and hang on them with your whole body. The longer you hang, the better they will stretch.
  2. You can also stretch it out with your hands. After washing, take lower part with your hands, and press the top with your foot. Pull the legs up until you get the desired result.

Before stretching in length, do not forget to measure how many centimeters you need to increase.


Not really the usual way increase the size of jeans, but very effective - the use of vodka. With it, you can stretch the pants if they are made of 100% cotton.

How to increase jeans in size - what to do:

  1. Pour 5 liters of water into the basin. Add 3 tbsp. l. ammonia, 1 tbsp. l. turpentine and the same amount of vodka.
  2. Soak the narrow ones in the solution for 40 minutes.
  3. Then take things out of the liquid and leave to dry.

After such a procedure, the fabric will stretch better.


If the jeans have become small and after all the tried and tested methods they have not stretched, all that remains is to embroider them or add inserts.

We insert stripes

If the jeans have sat down, you can increase them with the help of stripes. This is the best way.

If everything is done correctly, the result will be amazing. The main thing is to choose beautiful inserts.

The density of the fabric should correspond to the density of the material of the trousers.

After inserting the stripes, the thing will probably not sit down.

How to make lampas:

  1. First you need to measure the width of the waist and hips. Then determine how many centimeters are not enough for the pants to sit on the figure. To this result, you need to add another 2 cm - for a margin.
  2. Cut the strips, then you need to embroider side seams, baste stripes and stitch with a sewing machine.

Thus, you can not only decorate your pants, but also make them a little larger.

We dissolve the bottom

All trousers are sewn in such a way that they can be slightly loosened at the bottom.

How can I increase the length:

  1. If the pants are smaller, take a regular blade (available at a stationery store) and carefully cut the thread with it.
  2. Unravel the fabric completely below, when you do this, remove the protruding threads.
  3. Then bend the material a little, and stitch it to make it beautiful.

Wash and iron them well underneath.

The whole procedure will take no more than 1 hour. BUT experienced seamstress will do it in half an hour.

To increase the length, you can make inserts at the knees and under them. Arranged the selected inserts and stitched. This can be done from the outside or from the inside. In both cases, the pants will look good.

Expanding the Belt

How to enlarge jeans in the belt?

If other methods for a new product did not fit, and the area in the belt remained small, you can insert triangular inserts and thus expand it.

This is an easy way that even a beginner can handle.

How to expand jeans at the waist:

  1. We measure how much it is necessary to increase the belt.
  2. Then you have to embroider the seams.
  3. We cut out triangles, make sure that the insert is not too wide, otherwise you will have to redo or put on a belt.
  4. To make jeans stretch well, you can sew elastic bands. So you can't go wrong with the size.
  5. It is necessary to sew inserts with wrong side. The decorative stitching should be the same as on jeans.

At the end, sew on trousers with front side decorative line. Wash and iron so that the seams do not interfere with wear.

This procedure is performed once, unlike steaming with an iron or spraying with water.

In order for things not to sit down, you need to know how to do it right. To do this, you must follow the manufacturer's recommendations, and if the label says handwash, then you can not put them in the machine.

To prevent them from shrinking, it is better to wash all denim items in warm water by hand. Use not powder, but gel. If there are leather inserts, they are treated after washing with glycerin.

Properly washed jeans will not shrink or change color.

Many people have encountered the problem of tight trousers, but not everyone knows that denim is successfully stretched, and you can increase your favorite boyfriends or jeans of another model if they are made of pure cotton or with a small percentage of synthetic fiber (no more than 30%).

The resource for stretching is quite dense materials (primarily classic denim) due to the structure and weaving of threads. Narrow stretch trousers made of elastic thin fabric are almost impossible to increase by half a size or size.

So, if you missed the size when buying new jeans in the online store, washed your favorite pants unsuccessfully, or put on a little weight, you can try to solve the problem by applying the appropriate trick from the suggestions below.

Problem areas

If your jeans are small after you wash them, don't worry. In most cases, the item can be returned to its original state. The exception is stretch jeans with a high content of synthetics, if they were washed at high temperatures, as a result of which the elastic threads were severely deformed and lost their properties.

Jeans after washing can sit down at once in length and width, or only in width. by the most trouble spot is a belt, which makes it difficult or impossible to fasten the pants on yourself. Fitted stretch trousers often become noticeably shorter after the first wash, and this should be taken into account when buying.

Dry mechanical stretching

The easiest way to stretch skinny jeans- put them on and actively move around, spread them. This method works if there is a slight shrinkage of trousers made of cotton fibers after washing. Dry fabric simply "shrinks", and it is easy to return it to its previous state.

In the first few minutes exercise you will feel uncomfortable tight clothes, but in the future the fabric will stretch a little, and the pants will again sit exactly on the figure. To the arsenal suitable exercises includes squats and tilts, "bicycle", lunges, leg swings.

wet stretch

Considering ways to stretch jeans at home, you should pay attention to universal recipe. It helps if:

  • pants after washing sat down in width;
  • purchased pants are initially small;
  • The jeans have stretched and need to be adjusted to fit.

Fitting trousers in a "wet" way has been practiced since the years when jeans everywhere began to come into fashion. It is important to choose the right day and place - a warm apartment without drafts, the presence of hot and cold water in the tap, the lack of jeans in the hostess inflammatory diseases and other ailments, since being in wet clothes can aggravate them.

Wet stretching steps:

  • Put on pants, if they are tight in the waist, try buttoning them while lying on your back - this makes things much easier.
  • Pour water into the bath comfortable temperature(warm, but not hot, so as not to damage the fabric) and sit in it right in your jeans.
  • Wait a few minutes for the fabric to fully soak.
  • Stand on the bottom of the bath, drain the water and wait until the main excess moisture drains from the fabric.
  • In the room or in the kitchen, perform a set of exercises so that the material stretches and sits on the figure.
  • Remove wet pants and hang to dry away from direct sun rays and heating appliances.

This method effective, but has a number of disadvantages - it will not help to increase the length of the legs, during exercise the fabric stretches on the knees, being in wet clothes is uncomfortable.

Stretching the belt

If the purchased jeans are a little tight at the waist, or the trousers do not fasten after washing, you can resort to using a special device - an expander ( official name- waistband extender). This device is used in the studio, if necessary, it can be purchased for home use.

To increase the pants in the belt by a size using an expander, you should:

  • measure the girth of your body in the place where the pants belt falls, add to the result required amount millimeters;
  • moisten the material from which the trouser belt is sewn with water from a spray bottle or a wet, clean cloth;
  • fasten the zipper and button on the jeans;
  • insert the expander inside the belt so that the button falls in its middle;
  • gradually expand the device to the selected mark using a special mechanism;
  • leave the jeans to dry - the expander is removed after the fabric is completely dry.

Stretching jeans in a belt at home will also help a piece of board or slat that is suitable in length.

Local stretch

An iron or a steam generator will help to correct unevenly shrunken pants in local areas. Hot moist air helps to straighten the deformed fibers.

To stretch jeans at the hips, steam the fabric for about 10 minutes to allow the fabric to begin to stretch. Then, without waiting for the thing to cool, put on your jeans and walk around in them for about an hour. This will allow the pants to quickly stretch over the figure and fix the shape. This method will also help stretch the jeans in the calves.

Increasing the leg length

You can stretch jeans in length, finding that they are short, you can different ways, but in all cases it all comes down to mechanical action on a wet tissue. Therefore, before the procedure, the trousers should be washed or simply wetted.

Pants stretch if:

  • Stand with your feet on the ends of the trousers and pull the trousers up with all your might, grabbing them in the waist area. The procedure is repeated several times with interruptions until the material is dry.
  • Tie the jeans with a rope passed through the loops in the belt to a radiator or other object that is firmly fixed to the wall or floor, and pull the wet trousers with all your might.
  • Throw wet jeans over the horizontal bar and stretch the legs with your weight.

Another method is to spread the water-soaked jeans on ironing board, cover with gauze to protect the fabric, and iron the legs with an iron while pulling them out. Heat and moisture will help the threads straighten, and mechanical impact will make it stretch to the max. This method allows you to increase the length of the legs by 2-4 centimeters.

Sewing machine

If your favorite jeans have become noticeably small, they can be upgraded by choosing suitable material for decorative inserts. The fabric should be combined with denim in color and texture. Sewn-in stripes will help expand the pants (you will have to rip the trousers along the side seams and in the waist), short legs are lengthened due to decorative cuffs.

Jeans care

Denim fabric tends to shrink if the temperature is violated during washing or the item is not dried properly. Before washing new pants, look at to see if it can be machine washed and spun at high speeds. Recommended manual or delicate machine wash and drying away from sources of heat and sunlight.

If you find that your jeans have shrunk around your waist, hips, or calves, or have become a couple of inches shorter, you can take steps to stretch them. But the effect will disappear after washing - you will have to stretch the thing again.

It is not uncommon for jeans to shrink after the first wash. When buying, the product can sit perfectly, and after washing it will shrink. In some cases, jeans are reduced in length, in others - in width. Typed overweight also negatively affect the size of jeans. Do not rush to throw away your favorite clothes, as the situation is easy to fix.

There are a lot of ways to make pants looser in size, so you should choose the most suitable option and start their resuscitation.

Method 1: Soaking

Simple yet effective method to increase the size of jeans in volume is soaking in water. To do this, you must first put on a thing not a body and try to fully fasten it with all buttons and a zipper. Then you need to fill the bath with warm water and completely plunge into it. After 15 minutes, the fabric will be well saturated with water, and the clothes will sit more freely on the body. Staying in the water, you should pull the jeans well in the hips, inseam or waistband. fabric in problem area you need to stretch your hands for 10 minutes.

Then lest the pants come back to former form and sat “like a glove”, you need to get out of the bath without taking off your jeans and let the material dry a little. While in wet pants, you need to do some stretching exercises. First, put a towel on the floor or a fitness mat and take several poses that will help stretch the material.

Jeans will take on the desired shape and increase in volume if you sit in them for about 30 minutes and let them dry a little. After that, the clothes should be allowed to dry on their own.

When the jeans are completely dry, you need to put them back on and do a few exercises to make them a little looser. You need to do a similar procedure with new jeans several times until they finally expand to the desired size. Do not forget that machine washing and using a dryer leads to the fact that the material shrinks - it shrinks.

Method 2: Stretch

This option is very convenient to carry out at home. The procedure is as follows:

  • When using a water spray, the fabric is wetted on both sides (internal and external);
  • In order to stretch the waist or hips, stand with both feet on a wet cloth in the pocket area. You can increase the length of the leg if you stand on the dry part of the fabric in the area slightly above the knee;
  • Keeping your feet in place, you need to lift the opposite part of the jeans. Taking the fabric with both hands, but without unnecessary jerks. You need to stretch the material in the direction in which you want to increase it. The procedure must be repeated 10 times (while unbuttoning the button), and then do the same with the other leg.

Method 3: Paired

This method is similar to the previous one. The difference is that not one pulls, but two. First, the thing should be wetted, and then with the help of another person, stretch the jeans into different sides(along the seam). During such a manipulation, it is impossible to pull the fabric sharply, as it may tear. The entire procedure must be carried out carefully.

Method 4: Spray, Stretch, Pin

Making your pants a size bigger will help. next procedure. To begin with, the thing must be put on and fastened with all buttons and a zipper. After that, the problem area is wetted with warm water from a spray bottle (spray gun). Then several movements are performed (squats, lunges or stretches) to make the material sit more freely on the body. This manipulation allows the jeans to take desired shapes body.

After the fabric dries, it must be carefully pulled in the desired area. You need to stretch the material horizontally and vertically for 5 minutes. Then the problem area should be fixed with a bottle of water. In this position, the thing must stand for several days, so that the procedure works, and the pants are distributed in width.

Miss Clean magazine recommends being as careful as possible when stretching your jeans. It is necessary to act on very thin tissue gently, since such material is easily torn. It is better not to pull the canvas in the area where there are holes, including decorative ones (most often, they are located in the knee area), as you can easily tear the thing. Fabric is best affected by inseam in the calf and ankle area.

Method 5: Ironing

To increase a thing in the waist and hips will help such a simple device as an iron. The normal ironing process when using the "steam" mode will give the most positive effect. Moist hot air will heat the material and eliminate unevenness in the fabric. Due to moisture and high temperature the item will increase in size. In order to achieve the full effect of such manipulations, you should put on your pants while the material is still warm and walk around the house a little.

Another one will help stretch the thing in length effective method. Put gauze on a wet leg. Jeans need to be pulled in the direction in which the material should be increased in length. It is necessary to simultaneously stretch the fabric with your hands in the right direction and immediately draw an iron over it. This option will increase the length of clothing by 3-4 cm.

Method 6: Expander

Buying a "belt stretcher" will help solve the problem of small clothing sizes. Before using such a device, you must first fasten the jeans with buttons and a zipper. Then the clothes must be soaked in water. After that, the expander is placed in the middle, namely in the waist area, fixed and increased in length.

Use expander topically on stretchy fabrics such as stretch and denim.

Method 7: Boiling water and a jar

Denim pants can be stretched if you resort to hot water and containers right size. The thing must be soaked in boiling water, and then, while it has not cooled down yet, wrap it around a cylindrical surface. At first, it is recommended to wrap the trouser leg tightly enough, and then leave the thing to dry completely. This option is ideal for increasing the length of the product.

The resource site recommends never putting wet jeans on a light or multi-colored towel (carpet). The textile surface may be stained with Blue colour pants that will ruin the thing. When working on the material with your hands (stretching the fabric), you never need to pull the jeans by the straps or loops (straps) - they will come off.

Method 8: Elastic waistband or towel

This method is suitable for both new and old pants. Its implementation involves the following steps:

  1. On the waist or hips, you need to put on a wet elastic belt (for back pain) or wrap this part of the body with a wet towel.
  2. Then pants are put on over the belt or towel.
  3. The clothes should be worn until they are completely dry. This method will help give the jeans a looser fit.

forget about the problem skinny jeans allow one of the above methods. If a certain method did not give the desired effect, you can move on to another option. In the process of stretching the pants, you should be as careful as possible and not affect the fabric where it is very thin.

If no method has given the desired effect, the thing can be embroidered, thereby increasing its size. However, it is worth remembering:

  • denim is a dense and thick fabric that not everyone can handle sewing machine and thread
  • if you dissolve the outer, decorative seam, you will have to re-lay the stitching, and for this you need a special, denim thread;
  • the stitching is thick, so you need to reduce the thread tension, increase the pitch and use a size 90 or larger needle or for denim.

As practice shows, it is best to embroider or sew in jeans in an atelier, and at home, the procedure often becomes too laborious.

Stretching cotton or denim jeans is not too difficult, but it will take care, patience and a certain amount of physical training. To save strength and nerves, immediately buy clothes in your size - and be irresistible!

Decided to put on jeans on a warm, fine day, but could not fasten them? Perhaps you recently washed your favorite item? Or maybe, fashion pants patiently waiting for you on the shelf all winter, and now a couple of extra pounds does not allow you to show off in your favorite thing? Do not despair! It is difficult to stretch the belt on jeans, but it is possible! However, remember that jeans are not rubber. Therefore, if none of the above methods proves to be effective, feel free to go to the store and treat yourself to new trendy jeans.

Consider available ways problem solving.

  1. Fast and simple. Usually after washing it is rather problematic to put on your favorite jeans, because they, as a rule, are reduced by one size. What can we do in such a case? Take a lying position and try to pull on your favorite thing. Try to sit down, twist a little. If the jeans are perfectly fastened, and after 10-20 minutes of wearing you will not feel discomfort, then nothing else needs to be done. Otherwise, it is worth fixing some additional lining on the belt, for example, an orthopedic belt or a scarf. Additional stretching will help you to easily stretch the belt on your jeans, and also save you from discomfort(friction, pressure, etc.)
  2. Warm bath. If the jeans are still not stretched at the waist, go to water procedures! Wet the "recalcitrant" pants in warm water (only the belt), put the thing on yourself - and devote twenty minutes physical activity! Squats, torso bends, flexion-extension of the legs. If you don’t stretch your jeans, then you yourself will warm up perfectly and gain positive attitude all day! If you feel like you can stretch your jeans for more than twenty minutes, don't take it off! Walk as much as you can - the faster you will stretch your favorite jeans.
  3. Special funds. If a the above ways didn’t help, we’ll use a shoe stretcher. We apply the foam gently on the seams and the most pressing places, and do not remove the jeans until the product has completely dried.

    Attention! Be sure to wear thin underwear nylon tights so that the foam does not cause on the skin allergic reactions. Try to treat a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product with the product - check if the foam damages the denim material.

  4. Use of spacers. Sometimes it is very convenient to stretch jeans with spacers. You can use clothes hangers, a small gymnastic stick, etc. Wet jeans, insert a spacer and do not remove until the product is completely dry.
  5. Using the services of a studio. If you have tried all the methods, and your favorite jeans are still tight in your belt, all that remains is to hand them over to the atelier. A clothing repairman will advise you on what can be done in such a situation so that your favorite thing does not lose its attractive appearance.
If your favorite jeans are tight in your waistband, don't despair! You can try stretching them with warm water, spacers or foam for stretching shoes. If none of the methods suits you, contact the master in the studio for help. Your favorite jeans can still serve you for more than one year!