When is the longest year? The shortest night of the year: how long it lasts, customs, holidays. What is a solstice

December 21 and 22 are the shortest days of the year. From 21 to 22 December - the longest night.

2018: Dec 21 GMTat 22:23 or 1:23 Moscow time.

On December 21, the Sun will descend as much as possible into the southern hemisphere of the sky, that is, moving along the ecliptic, it will reach its lowest declination - 23 degrees 26.457 minutes (in the constellation Sagittarius) and astronomical winter will come.

Forecast for 2019.

Day winter solstice December 21-22 is the antagonist of the day summer solstice. In winter, this is the day of the longest night.

Yule - this is the winter solstice holiday from the eve of the winter solstice and all these 13 nights from the day of the winter solstice (December 21-22).

3 days before the date of the solstice and three days after are considered the most magical.

The longest night of the year and the shortest day. Yule celebrates the next turn of the wheel of the year, the return of strength. This holiday marks the birth of the Sun. Starting from Yule, the length of the day increases, and light gradually begins to prevail over darkness. It refers to the holidays of balance, this is one of the four main astronomically calculated points of the annual wheel.

Time for meditation, discovering new abilities in yourself. In the period from December 19 to 24, it is good to analyze achievements, discard the old, get rid of the unnecessary.

Numerological horoscope for 2019 by your date of birth!

This time is also called the "Days of the Serpent", when the Sun passes the thirteenth constellation of Ophiuchus. New Year and Christmas are direct descendants of pagan celebrations, for example, the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree goes back to the cult of the World Tree and fertility rites. In many religions, the birth of God occurred precisely during the renewal of the power of the Sun.

The night preceding the day of the Solstice is called Modranecht, the mother's night, the night of mothers, the mother of all nights, since it is believed that it is on this night that the Goddess gives birth to a young solar God - a baby, personifying the principle of the birth of life from death, or order emerging from chaos.

On the same night, the newborn God of the bright part of the year begins a battle with the old king, his father, for the right to remain in the world of the living, and after a dozen days and nights he defeats him, and with his victory the bright half of the year begins.

For these very twelve days and nights after Yule, while the battle between the two kings is going on, they were wondering about the future (for the coming twelve months) - this is both a Slavic and Western European tradition. The day following the Mother's Night was considered the "day of fate": everything that was done and said on this day before sunset determined the events of the entire coming year.

The twelfth night (actually, the thirteenth, if Modranecht is taken into account) was considered a kind of culmination of "fortune-telling days" - and there were no more true dreams, predictions, signs than those revealed on that night. The twelfth night is the time of words, and every word spoken on this day has special meaning. It is believed that the vow or oath pronounced on the twelfth night is inviolable, and the words of spells and conspiracies are more effective than ever.

Rituals in this time is aimed at accelerating the arrival of the Sun, the renewal of Nature. Holiday colors: black, green, white, gold, silver.

Symbols: pentacle, cold iron, stone, fire. Stones: blood stone, ruby, cat eye, serpentine, emerald, diamond.

In Yule, agrarian rites are often held to return the fertility saved by people. fruit trees- pies stuffed with fruits collected from them in the fall are hung on the branches of trees in orchards, and a ritual libation of wine (cider) is performed. The “return of fertility” to the fields is carried out much later. By the way, the decoration of the Yule tree carries approximately the same meaning: the branches of a living and green tree are decorated with pastries, ritual figurines and balls symbolizing future fruits.

In addition, on Yule a ritual bone is lit R, as a symbol of the disappearance of the dark half of the year in the fire of the newborn sun, they helped the young sun to grow stronger after birth, "fed" it, added strength to it.

This fire also carries a powerful cleansing power.

Yule is celebrated cheerfully and noisily, the stronger the general fun, the brighter and higher the fire of the ritual fire, the more hubbub - the more likely that the celebrating people will help drive away all the evil that can interfere with the birth of the young God. It is very important to wait for dawn on this night (especially if the night was starry and the morning clear) and greet the newborn Sun.

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Yule also goes well with ceremonies and magical actions, thread related: weaving, tying, tying, knitting, weaving, rituals based on embroidery made by one's own hand, and in addition - unweaving the old, unleashing situations and the like.

At the time when the new is born, in Modranecht, all knots must be untied, all fetters removed. Keep this in mind when celebrating Yule - those who celebrate should be light and free from bindings and fixations that have accumulated all year.

Yule house decoration

Take brushes of viburnum, tie red, green, gold and silver ribbons on them. Such brushes can be hung on a tree or hung around the house, they will bring health and well-being to your home.

Consecrate cinnamon sticks for love and health in your home. In the future, they can be made into a garland or used for baking or drinks.

Basil sprigs will bring wealth and protection to your home.

Laurel will give health and activate your strength.

You can also use cones, bells, coins, acorns, mistletoe, apples and flowers for decoration.

On the Yule holiday, feed the birds and animals, give gifts to loved ones. So you will establish a connection with the World for the whole coming year. The birth of the sun beautiful time rethinking, updating. We always have room to grow and something to strive for.

Yule tree.

Another important tradition Yule is an ornament of an evergreen tree. So, without knowing it, we all celebrate this holiday - after all, in every house at this time appears green tree decorated with lights and fruits.
Among the decorations, there is traditionally always the Sun and the Moon, symbols of God and Goddess, day and night light.

Stars (on threads or clips) surround the Christmas tree with twinkling and the tree seems to be floating in the darkness between the worlds, becoming a symbol of the World Tree.

As a sign of connection with the generations of ancestors and descendants, as a symbol of the souls of the celebrating family, angels or other winged figures are hung on the Christmas tree. Do not forget about the gatherings of fairies on the branches.

Small mixed lot of gifts and traditional glass balls- symbols of our desires, which we make on the longest night. Toys in the form of a cornucopia or bunch of grapes- a pledge of a house full of cups and full cups that are drunk to the glory of the gods and spirits on the Yule night.

Yule drink.
Mulled wine is brewed, choosing wine according to one's own taste. A thicker, balanced Cabernet or a fragrant, recognizable Isabella is the choice of the hostess. If dry wine is chosen, then sugar will have to be added to it, and it is more convenient to immediately stock up on syrup for this. By the way, mulled wine can be sweetened with homemade jam syrup, blackberry or raspberry. Someone likes, along with traditional spices, cloves (literally a couple of pieces) and cinnamon, to revive mulled wine with dried strawberries or cherries. You can serve mulled wine in glasses, first putting a few cherries from compote there. Others prefer to cook mulled wine traditionally: New Year's and citrus. Then, during cooking, tangerines are added (if you plan to eat them later, you need to clean them from the films and serve guests with long spoons or forks for fruit) and lemon zest. The best mulled wine is brewed in a pot, cast iron or copper, not aluminum. It is stirred, usually clockwise, and heated to the degree of "pre-boiling". This is a unique moment when mulled wine is just thinking of starting to boil. Catching it is easy to learn: it's just a matter of practice.

Time and Yule Ritual.

This is the darkest night of the year - and at the same time, the most joyful magic happens in these moments.

This is the time of cleansing from the old obsolete and the time to remember your past achievements, boast about them, remaking them into fables, and release your imagination into the future: make plans, make plans and dream.

Magic mandala.


This is a charm for a year. They must be done on the night of December 21-22. On the longest night of the year - before the winter solstice, each of you will be able to independently make yourself a charm for a year. To do this, you need to gather your whole family, but you can only have your closest friends (you can use both) at the set table.
The table should be set so that it is no longer necessary to bring and put new dishes, tea, cake - everything should be at once.
You can sit down at the table at any time, starting from sunset until 22:55.
Collect snow in a beautiful earthenware, metal or crystal bowl just before you sit down at the table.
In this vessel we put any items that will play the role of amulets for each of your loved ones: rings, bracelets, beads, etc.
And we also put pre-cooked twigs of mountain ash and pine in a bowl.
We light a white candle and strengthen it in the snow in this vessel. You can pre-strengthen it at the bottom with plasticine.
You communicate at the table, eat. It is advisable not to get up.
A couple of moments before the candle touches the water, take your object and dry it in your hands or hold it against your body.
Then those who live in this house go around the house clockwise 3 times. Get around inside.
melt water pour over the threshold. Who lives in the entrances, pour water over the threshold of the entrance.
The amulet is ready for each of those you love!
Your apartment is now well protected from evil forces!
These amulets will keep you, your loved ones and your home throughout the year, until the next Yule.

Amulet to attract money.

On the day of the winter solstice, make an amulet to attract money.

You will need: 9 coins, 6 small green candles with a wide base, a tray made of copper or any other shiny metal, dry basil, a piece of green silk.

Create a circle of green candles on a tray and place 9 coins inside the circle. Light the candles, starting from the north, saying:

“From this day on, the day comes, raining on my money. With sunshine, let wealth come!

Leaving the coins in the center, move the candles so that they are almost touching and the wax drips onto the coins. Let the candles burn out completely. When the wax hardens, cut out a disc with coins inside and sprinkle it with dry basil to attract wealth. Leave the amulet where it will be exposed to light for one day and one night, then wrap it in green silk and hide it where you keep the documents.

Welfare Ritual

Decorate the Christmas tree with golden cones and green and red Christmas garlands and rain. Buy a large scarlet candle in advance.

Prepare dinner for the whole family, it should include meat and vegetable dishes and bread. When you cook, be sure to stir each dish 13 times in a clockwise direction. old tradition for natural growth.

Arrange green and red candles in the room where you will have dinner and light them, and turn off the electric light. Place a scarlet candle in the center of the table and place around it 9 nuts, raisins, sunflower seeds and silver coins to symbolize the gifts of the earth, the fine particles of the earth, and the metals of the earth.

Blow out all the candles one by one and welcome the darkness to be defeated by the light. Tell:

“In the dark I am in the bosom of mother earth, whose gifts surround the candle of the New Year, meaning the cycle of beginning and end, death and birth, for everything there is a time and a season, decrease before growth, loss before increase, lack before abundance.

Calmly think in the dark, allowing images of the future to arise in your thoughts. When you're ready, say:

The light returns, and with it life. The sun has not died, only dozed off and will be born again with mother earth as I light this flame.

Light a scarlet candle and from it light all the other candles again, saying in turn: Light from light, life from life, let our prosperity grow.

Eat a few nuts, raisins and seeds to increase the wealth in your life. Tell:

- I take strength from mother earth in the growing light of the sun and believe in the growth of my well-being.

As you sit in the candlelight, let optimism fill your soul.

Believe in your future, as ancient people firmly believed that after winter, spring will come and the sun and warmth will return.Eat your family dinner by candlelight.

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The longest day of the year is the summer solstice. It will be followed by the most short night in a year.

On this day, the height of the Sun's rise in the sky is the highest. This results in the longest daylight and shortest night in Earth's northern hemisphere and the most short day and the longest night in the southern hemisphere.

It turns out that for the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere on this day astronomical summer begins, then in the southern hemisphere - astronomical winter.

The date of the summer solstice depends on shifts in the calendar and leap year. As a rule, it falls on June 21-22.

Solstice date from 2014 to 2020

  • 2014 - June 21
  • 2015 - June 21
  • 2016 - June 20
  • 2017 - June 21
  • 2018 - June 21
  • 2019 - June 21
  • 2020 - June 20
  • The length of daylight hours on the longest day of the year at north latitude is about 17.5 o'clock. And the night usually lasts about 6 hours.

    The holiday of the summer solstice was considered a special, magical day for the pagans. In ancient times, the Sun was deified, people believed that it has power over all living things. Therefore, the day of the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere meant the highest flowering of the forces of nature.

    In Russia, long before the adoption of Christianity, this day was celebrated Ivan Kupala Day- early summer. Now Kupala is celebrated from July 6 to 7 in a new style, but the rites and folk traditions of this day have remained unchanged.

    On the day of the summer solstice, people glorified the Sun, performed rituals for gaining well-being and health, lit fires, led round dances, organized noisy festivities, collected field medicinal herbs. This day was ideal for divination and divination, so young girls did not miss the opportunity to find out their future and guessed for marriage.

    On the night that followed the shortest day, it was not customary to sleep. First, this night is bright enough for sleep. Secondly, it was believed that falling asleep, you can incur troubles and troubles. People tried to spend these days and nights for the benefit of themselves - they performed rituals, rituals and fortune telling. Since this day is considered energetically strong, our ancestors used the forces of nature to attract well-being and good harvest. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    20.06.2015 09:11

    One of the main folk traditions on Easter is the commemoration of deceased relatives in the cemetery. Millions of people on this holiday, instead of ...

    Every year Christians celebrate one of the greatest church holidays- Christmas Holy Mother of God. Orthodox world...

"The sun - for the summer, winter - for the frost!"

On December 21 at 21:11 (Moscow time), the earth's axis will deviate to the maximum angle with respect to the Sun, which means that North hemisphere, remote from the center of our system, will receive least amount Sveta. In Moscow, the day will last about 7 hours, in St. Petersburg - less than 6 hours, and beyond the Arctic Circle there will be twilight even at noon. This is the winter solstice, after which astronomical winter begins.

People noticed this phenomenon in ancient times and noted its importance. Such well-known Paleolithic sites as Stonehenge and Newgrange are oriented to the summer and winter solstice, respectively. Located in Ireland, Newgrange is a mound, at the base of which huge boulders. It was both a burial ground and a religious building with an altar, to which a narrow corridor leads. Within a few days before and after the winter solstice, the rays of the celestial body pull out the dark corners of the underground chamber from the darkness for only 15-20 minutes.

Photo: http://www.knowth.eu/newgrange-aerial.htm

For primitive communities, this day marked the beginning of the most difficult time of the year, when nature did not give any food, and you could only rely on your own supplies. B about Most of the cattle went under the knife due to lack of fodder. At the same time, young wine was ripening. Before tightening their belts, our ancestors were not averse to feasting.

The reason for the celebration was the birth of a new luminary at a time when the forces of darkness are ready to triumph and plunge the earth into chaos.

The solstices were the central events in the life of peoples who worshiped the Sun as one of the supreme deities. In Egypt, Amon-Ra was revered, the Incas called themselves "sons of the Sun", in Babylon, the sun god Shamash was dedicated to resurrection (cf. English. Sunday(resurrection), lit. "day of the sun"). A huge impact on the formation of modern Christmas and new year traditions rendered Greco-Roman agrarian and solar holidays.

In the second half of December, celebrations were held in Rome in honor of the god of the earth and fertility, Saturn (by the way, Saturday was dedicated to him, Sturday). People believed that when he was an earthly ruler, his subjects did not know poverty, inequality, slavery and wars. Saturnalia on a short time restored the Golden Age. For a short time, the slave was equalized with the master, the criminals received a mitigation of the sentence, and debts were paid. Rural work ended, people sought to complete other things.

Many of the customs of this period are inextricably linked with the advent of the new year. Some nations noted New Year on the first new moon after the winter solstice. Julius Caesar tied the start next year by January 1, which in 45 BC. coincided with the first new moon. The month of January bore the name of the Roman god Janus, with an ancient face turned to the past, and young to the future. He was revered as a divine gatekeeper, unlocking and locking the doors between eras.

It was believed that with every change of seasons, passages to other worlds opened. The souls of dead ancestors could visit the world of the living. They should have been met and adequately received with memorial meals and prayers. Thus, on festive table funeral dishes arose, in the Russian tradition - sochivo.

In the same time, dark forces they could also leave their possessions and roam the earth in search of lonely and defenseless victims. For this reason, people at that time were supposed to stick together and defend themselves from evil spirits.

They defended themselves with the help of disguise and masks (it was assumed that hostile spirits either did not recognize a yut a person, or consider that the place is already occupied by other evil spirits), with the help of various amulets (in certain places, ritual figurines were exhibited, branches sacred trees and wreaths of them were decorated with doors and corners of the house). Fire was considered the most effective method of protection.

If the darkness that reigns in December makes us sad, modern residents who have electricity in their homes and on the streets, what about those who had only an oil lamp and a torch? Light, the soul asks for light! Bonfires, candles, torches, fiery performances pleased the eye on an impenetrable night and gave a signal to the sun to return.

Among the Germanic peoples, this holiday was called Yule (in different languages Yule, Joll, Joel or Yuil), Slavic - in different ways, for example, Kolyada. It began with the appearance of the first star in the sky and lasted 12 days. Duration is probably related to lunar cycles. AT lunar month 29 days (and 30 every 2 months), which is almost 12 days (11 with 1/4) less than in the solar year. This difference was considered "no one's" time, unsuitable for business.

Fire on Yule was not spared. All 12 days, a Yule log, which represented the world tree, smoldered in the hearth. It was lit from a piece of last year's log, which helped to link the times. Eastern Slavs burned a log stump and rolled around the village. To roll it back into the fire burning meant to guarantee the welfare and prosperity of the entire settlement in the coming year. Among the southern Slavs, such a block was called a badnyak. Sometimes they attached a beard to him - badnyak embodied old year giving way to the young.

The holiday on the Twelfth Night ends with a blazing bonfire, round dance and performances. Like, for example, at Hogmanay in Scotland. Formally, he sees off the last day of the year and is celebrated on December 31 with fireworks, a torchlight procession and concerts. Be sure to perform a song reworked from a folk ballad by the beloved Scots poet Robert Burns (XVIII century), whose birthday on December 25 is celebrated with a feast with traditional dishes.

Others traditional elements the end of December became holly (holly), ivy and mistletoe. They have been used for decoration since the Saturnalia. Ideas about the miraculous power of mistletoe have been going on since ancient times. For the Romans, she personified life and contributed to conception. For the Scandinavians, it was a symbol of peace. Enemies who met under the mistletoe had to make peace. This custom has passed into modern tradition Kissing Under the Mistletoe: A young Harry Potter kissed a girl under the mistletoe for the first time at the Yule Ball.

The holly is known not only for its decorative effect, but also for its useful properties. Some varieties are made health drinks. In addition, the shrub is an excellent hedge. For the Druids, he personified the sun. It was customary for them to decorate houses at the most dark time years for protection from hostile spirits.

Yule has its guards. In Iceland, for example, it is for some reason a cat. It was believed that by the holiday one should have time to process all the sheared wool and make clothes from it. The Yule cat walked around and checked for new clothes. From lazy idlers, that is, from those who had nothing, the “terrible beast” took away holiday dinner; or ate the lazy one himself.

A goat or a goat has long been associated with the end of December, since the winter solstice was previously in the constellation of Capricorn (now it has shifted to the constellation of Sagittarius). The Finnish Santa Claus is called Joulupukki, which means "Yule goat". The Germanic, Slavic and Scandinavian peoples had a similar custom of "driving a goat". The young men put on a fur coat turned inside out, a horned mask, went from house to house, playing performances and joking with the owners. The goat teased the girls, caressed the children, then suddenly “died” and “resurrected” only after a treat. All this symbolized the eternal renewal of nature.

The festival timelessness of the solstice (both winter and summer) abolished behavioral norms and allowed ritual excesses. So, some "goat" songs and performances had a frivolous content - for the sake of increasing fertility. Depicting rampant evil spirits, young guys could overturn carts, break fences, steal inventory, etc. On Epiphany (the 12th night of Yule), a “bean king” was elected - a man who found a bean in his piece of pie became a clownish ruler and gave ridiculous orders to his “subjects”.

Surely each of you at least once, but it was interesting when is the shortest and longest day of the year. In fact, the answer to this question is very simple and has been known for a long time. By the way, this phenomenon even has its own name - the day of the solstice.

Solstice types

There are two types of solstice - summer and winter, in which the longest and shortest daylight hours are observed on the surface of the planet, respectively. As for the winter solstice, it occurs in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and occurs either on December 21 or 22 - the length of daylight hours is only 5 hours 53 minutes, after which it begins to grow. Accordingly, the longest night is observed on the same day. The summer solstice can be observed on one of three days - June 20, 21 or 22, it lasts 17 hours 33 minutes, after which the days begin to become shorter and the nights longer.

Solstice Traditions

Interestingly, different traditions are associated with both of these events. For example, in Russia, as well as in some other countries, a holiday called "Kalyada" was popular, dedicated to the shortest day of the year - it was traditionally timed to Christmas time and Christmas. It all started in home, where the eldest in the family baked bread, served kutya and porridge, pies, pretzels, animal figures from wheat dough. By the way, it was also customary for the latter to decorate the premises, to present them to neighbors and loved ones. Only the elders could talk at the table, while the younger ones could only listen and wait until they had the opportunity to get outside and start caroling - this is a ritual of visiting houses, in which a group of participants sing well-wishing songs addressed to the owners of the houses, for which they were supposed to have a tasty meal. treat.

As for the summer solstice, even more interesting things are known about it. So, historians claim that even the ancient Egyptians knew about the longest day of the year, who built their huge pyramids in such a way that the sun would set neatly between the two of them (they say that this phenomenon can be seen if you look at the pyramids from the side of the Sphinx) .

About Stonehenge and the longest day

It is also customary to associate the famous Stonehenge, a British structure located 130 kilometers from London, with the summer solstice. They say that it was built just the same with an eye on the longest day of the year - only then the sun rises over the Hillstone stone, which is located separately from the main circle of stones.

Be that as it may, in modern world solstices don't have that important given to them by our ancestors. However, modern pagans consider them holidays and invariably celebrate them.

As you know, the sun rises in winter and summer at different time, due to which the length of the day changes. Summer has the longest day, and it will be in 2017.

This phenomenon is called the summer solstice. This length of daylight hours is due to the fact that the sun rises as high as possible, due to which the dawn is very early, and the sunset is late.

The longest day and the shortest night are observed in the northern hemisphere, in the southern hemisphere, on the contrary, the day is short at this time.

The summer solstice does not occur on the same day, the date can shift, although it always happens in the second half of June. The offensive itself long day depends on the shift in the calendar, and whether it is a normal year or a leap year.

Thus, in 2017, the longest day will come on June 21st. The night will last approximately 6 hours, and daylight hours - 17.5 hours.

Signs and celebration of the solstice

At different peoples this day was sacred. The pagans considered the sun a deity and worshiped it. Warmth and harvest depend on the sun, which is why people honored it so much. During this period, nature flourished as much as possible and began to bring the first harvest.
In Russia, Ivan Kupala was celebrated at that time, but now, after a shift in calendars, it has been moved to July.

On the day of the summer solstice, people performed various rituals that glorified the sun and contributed to the growth of the crop.

Historians say that the solstice was known back in Ancient Egypt, even the pyramids were built in accordance with the location of the luminary. It is said that such a structure as Stonehenge is associated with the movement and definition of the sun. For the pagans, this holiday is no less important, they celebrate it to this day. Success in many areas of life, as well as health, depends on what rituals were performed on this day.

With the development of civilization, the sun ceased to be perceived as a deity; rather, it became the definition of the season. However, some peoples and individual religions still honor the longest day as the most important of the year. Some countries still celebrate this day, organizing colorful festivities with rituals of kindling a fire and bathing in water.

Celtic beliefs

The Celts had a holiday Lita - it was the middle of summer. At the festival in honor of this holiday, various rituals took place: divination, marriage, communication with spirits, and others. Houses were necessarily decorated, for which fragrant and healing herbs, White Lily. It was believed that the smell herbs drives away evil spirits. When evening came, bonfires were lit, processions with torches and jumps over the fire were arranged. Coals from a fire lit for this holiday were kept to carry out various ceremonies. The name is associated with this period. honeymoon because in June the first honey is harvested. At this time, weddings were celebrated, after which replenishment in the family was expected.

Germanic and Scandinavian traditions

This day was also celebrated by the Scandinavian and German peoples. The holiday was called Midsummer Day, and it is similar to the traditions of Lita. People welcomed the Sun, blessed the future harvest and asked that it be plentiful. High fires were kindled, jumps over the fire were made, as well as rituals related to water. The holiday took place until dawn, going to bed that night was considered wrong.

Traditions of Ancient Russia on the day of the solstice

Celebration of the longest day in Ancient Russia was no less interesting. It started within a week. During these seven days, spirits were honored, ancestors were commemorated, and the ashes of dead warriors were scattered over the river. On the very day of the solstice, the Kupala holiday was celebrated, it meant the end of spring and the beginning of summer. The celebration rituals were in many ways similar to the traditions of previous peoples: bonfires were kindled, through which they jumped, weaved wreaths and floated them on the water, performed ablutions, called on spirits and asked for a high harvest this year.

After the day of the solstice, the ancient Slavs celebrated the solstice and revered the god Perun, who was one of the most important gods among the Slavs.

Modern traditions

Now the longest day does not have the same meaning as it had for our ancestors, but in 2017 it can be celebrated as interesting holiday. Adherents of paganism conduct their own rites, glorifying nature, to this day, although such a scale as our ancestors did is no longer observed. Ordinary people also enjoy participating in interesting activities.