Tasteless clutch. How to choose jewelry, clutch and shoes for an evening dress

It should be in harmony in style and shade, and today on the Shtuchka.ru website you will read how not to make a mistake in choosing. This is especially true now, when a small handbag is already becoming a companion not only for evening dresses, but also for everyday dresses.

monochrome version

You can look especially elegant if you keep the same color in clothes, and accessories, including, will not be selected in contrast. This does not mean that you cannot add touches of other shades, but there should not be many of them. For example, earrings, a bracelet or a manicure may be out of this "ode to monochrome", but here's a clutch! The clutch should be chosen in the same color. Of course, this does not mean that semitones cannot be varied.

For example, a clutch blue dress you can choose too of blue color. For a couple of tones, the handbag should be lighter or darker than the dress - this is a special chic. However, no one will forbid you to try to play in contrasts, you can take a handbag to match the shoes. But we will talk about this in more detail a little later.

Clutch for evening dress

A clutch for an evening dress is an additional touch, without which your image would not be so feminine, sophisticated and elegant. But even this is not the main thing. When you go to an event in a restaurant or to a fashionable get-together, you simply cannot do without a small handbag. Important women's little things may always be needed. So the clutch will become your "secret weapon".

If your evening outfit is a long dress or jumpsuit (which is quite relevant) of one tone, then a demonstration good taste will be the choice exactly in tone and accessories. The fact is that in such an image a small handbag is not something separate, but part of a single ensemble. Therefore, no matter how complex the shade is, try to pick up a handbag of just such a tone: mint, pomegranate, and so on. By the way, if this whole tandem “dress-shoes-clutch” is in a single range, then it looks expensive.

For evening out fit clutch, studded with rhinestones, beads, even lace, but only if the dress and accessories do not contradict these decorative elements. For example, do not wear silver jewelry with a clutch, the handles of which are gilded.

Clutch to evening dress must be the same color, with the decor of the same metal as the jewelry!

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Everyday looks

Oddly enough, but often choosing a clutch for any everyday dress is sometimes more difficult, and now the site will tell you why. And he will give you some advice.

For everyday wear, many prefer dresses with ornaments and patterns. It can be short or long outfits, depending on the situation, occasion, features of the figure. How to choose a clutch in this case? Eminent designers agree that for such complex dresses, you should look for a simple handbag that will turn out to be a win-win solution. Choose what color is in the lead in your outfit, and look for a handbag in this shade. And let it be monotonous.

To a dress with a print - a plain clutch!

Clutches with prints

If you bought an incredible print - well, you just couldn't resist - then you face a difficult task: to decide in what way your new accessory will look tasteful.

It is best worn with a solid color dress that is simple and devoid of various intricate details. Of course, you can experiment, but only if you are really sure that the image will not turn out to be redundant. If you have a long dress, then it is better that it be of a calm color without “flashy” accessories, but with a clutch decorated with an original print. But the same drawings or similar ornaments of a clutch and a dress look best if the outfit is cocktail, short. Then you will succeed with 1 shot of two birds with one stone: you get a bright, but at the same time harmonious image.

Clutch to the dress - similar prints are beaten

Contrasts are always relevant

Clutch under the dress light shade may be black. Yes, this is a classic combination, but always a win-win. And so you can beat any outfit: both evening and everyday.

If, for example, you have a lung gray dress, try to take a bright, maybe even "flashy" clutch burgundy tone. It will also turn out to be an effective contrasting combination.

And now I want to give you some useful tips how to choose a clutch for a dress.

Now you know the basic tricks on how to select .

Eva Raduga - especially for the site Shtuchka.ru

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Watching how others dress and looking through wardrobe breakdowns that can be found online at in large numbers, I came to the conclusion that quite often evening clutch is that detail of the image, which is not given due attention or ignored in principle.

It doesn't seem to bother anyone that on Friday night in one of the bars in the city center, the girl takes another chair of her almost beach LV Neverfull. In fact, this would be an odd choice even for a bar in the center of Nice. I am glad that ladies in evening dresses and with huge (50-55 cm) Birkins, even with diamonds and made of ostrich skin, have ceased to appear on domestic carpets.

The rules are simple, in the evening small objects look more appropriate in delicate female hands, and for an evening or cocktail dress, a clutch is best suited - a small handbag without handles and a long strap. A clutch can have a small strap or an extra chain, but if it can't be hidden or detached without disturbing the look intended by the designer, then it's just a small handbag. By the way, I am sure that many will want to argue with me about this definition, so I will immediately clarify that this is only my opinion, like everything that is written in this article.

A small handbag will look good with fairly formal daytime sets (dresses, top and skirt/pants combinations) that can be used for evenings as well.

and informal evening (jeans and top, dress for a club or party, jumpsuit).

But clutches can be divided into three types:

1. Clutches for business images.

Usually they have a rectangular shape and a fairly large size. They look great with suits, tailored dresses, and top/blouse sets with a skirt or trousers. By the way, to strict office suit It is better to take a large bag or clutch. A small handbag with a strap or chain will look too playful.

2. Clutches for cocktail dresses and elegant evening sets.

This is the most extensive category, so a similar image can allow you to have something very strict and a riot of design ideas with spikes and rhinestones.
The main rule here is more elegant dress, the more smooth should be the shape of the clutch. Unless, of course, you play in contrast and combine, for example, lace and spikes.

3. Clutches for evening dresses.

Ideally, such clutches have a concise shape and are made of silk, satin, velvet, metal, wood or quality plastic(although there are also specimens in the form of birds, fish, fruits, etc.). They can be decorated with embroidery, stones, rhinestones. The more decor on your dress, the less it should be on the clutch (and shoes, respectively). The event itself should be really solemn and have the words “ball”, “premiere”, “ceremony” and the like in the title. Of course, these clutches are also suitable for cocktail dresses, if you want to create an elegant look with a satin clutch or add a glamorous touch with a clutch with rhinestones or embroidery.

For silk and chiffon dresses without decoration or with small decorative elements from rhinestones or embroidery, both simple and richly decorated and very elegant clutches are suitable.

And for very elegant dresses, it is better to choose something very concise, satin or metal clutches look especially good with such dresses.

As a conclusion, I would like to make a few recommendations:

Leather clutches usually do not go well with elegant evening dresses, especially those made of silk and chiffon. They are best used for cocktail dresses with a complex cut and / or made of thick fabric.

You should not take a voluminous soft clutch to a long or fluffy evening dress made of chiffon or silk. There will be too many "soft" forms in the image.

If you decide to dilute plain dress contrasting or bright accessories, it is better to choose either shoes or a clutch. bright spots immediately both in the hand and on the legs will overload the image.

If you are wearing a very elegant evening dress, and the clutch has a chain, then it is better to hide it and carry the clutch in your hand.

Try to avoid the temptation and wear a clutch with a long chain over your shoulder with a cocktail or evening dress.

Remember that rhinestones and beads on the clutch can cling to the dress.

The most versatile in your wardrobe can be a rectangular black clutch with gold fittings.

Thank you for your attention.

The main task of jewelry is to emphasize the beauty of the one who puts them on. Decorations should not be too much. May they be fulfilled uniform style and match with each other. Remember the rule: wear no more than three items at a time. For example, if you put on earrings and a necklace, then you can only add a small ring to them. And to the ring and bracelet you need to add only earrings. For decoration head fit diadem, thin bezel, and, for example, luxury crown requires a special occasion. Just like expensive flashy jewelry (which, by the way, is more suitable for older ladies).

When choosing jewelry, start from the style of the dress. For a dress with open shoulders fit delicate necklace or thin chain. Long chandelier earrings will fit well into this look. Dress with a closed top is best complemented by a noticeable bracelet and earrings. There is a rule here - the simpler the style of the dress, the more original the decoration.


Shoes should combine not only beauty, but also convenience. After all, they will have to spend more than one hour of the celebration or holiday for which you are preparing. But this does not mean that you need to give up heels, the main thing is to choose the right block. If you don't know how to walk in heels, then it is better to opt for a platform or ballet flats.

Shoes should match the style of the outfit. A win-win option that will suit any dress is classic pumps. With a short dress fluffy skirt elegant sandals look good. For a cocktail dress or sheath dress, it is better to choose more solid models with massive heels. A dress with a laconic cut can be worn with shoes with decorative elements: rhinestones, tassels, fringe.

The color of the shoes does not have to match the color of the dress. Shoes in black, white and nude colors are considered universal, they are in harmony with all shades.


The clutch serves not only as a stylish addition to the image, but also as a place to store the necessary little things: a mirror, lipstick, phone and powder. You can choose a handbag from satin, leather, silk and suede. Also in the evening, clutches decorated with rhinestones, pearls or beads will be appropriate.

It is not necessary that the color of the handbag matches the color of the dress. Silver, gold, metallic, beige and black - these colors are considered universal. These clutches are perfect for any outfit.

Pay attention to the shape of the clutch. Rectangular, triangular and round models are suitable for the classic outfit, and for lush ball gowns- in the form of a bag or a cylinder.

On a note:

Evening dresses are sewn, as a rule, from satin, silk, guipure and chiffon, and these fabrics require special delicate care. It can provide special agent For delicate wash Perwoll which perfectly washes and at the same time cares for the fabric. At Perwoll There is a whole line of detergents. For washing white dresses fit Perwoll 3D White Restoration Effect , for black use Perwoll 3D Black Recovery Effect , and for a dress made of colored fabric - Perwoll 3D Color Restoration Effect . Lace dress erase with Perwoll Wool and Silk Fabric Care 3D.


Black dress- an essential attribute of any woman's wardrobe. Combining it with all kinds of accessories, you can create new looks every day.

What goes with a black dress

A black outfit is a universal solution for creating stylish look. He is able to sit perfectly on any female figure. In addition, any shade coexists equally well with it.

However, it is important to have an idea of ​​how to choose the right accessories for a black dress in order to emphasize the advantages and divert attention from the shortcomings.

  • The original solution is to combine the outfit with a pearl thread on the neck and pearl earrings in the ears. You can replace pearls with other jewelry made of medium-sized stones. Complement the image will be a black clutch, flesh color pantyhose and black classic shoes, better boats.
  • Among the most popular details that can complement the outfit are scarves and shawls of bright, contrasting colors.
  • The game with accessories can be continued indefinitely. Multi-colored belts, all kinds of scarves, clutches, glasses, hats selected with taste will provide brightness to the owner of the outfit and will be remembered by others.

dress material

Clutch is a small handbag designed to store various women's little things. This accessory has firmly entered the life of modern ladies. He is represented by various options, among which you can choose a handbag for casual wear, business suit and evening dress.

The choice of clutch largely depends on what material the dress is made of. Handbags themselves can be made of fur, velvet, leather or suede.

  • Textile clutches will perfectly harmonize with chintz or chiffon outfits.
  • Wicker bags are appropriate to use with everyday summer dresses from natural fabrics.
  • Leather clutches or made under the skin are especially good with evening dresses.
  • Heavy velvet and a classic clutch with a simple shape on a thin strap are the perfect combination.
  • A dress with airy laces will elegantly harmonize with romantic handbags, decorated with elegant metal details - brooches, a chain.

Clutch shape

When choosing a clutch, it is necessary to take into account the style of the outfit, as well as the fact where the woman is going.

  • For a business look, a clutch envelope is perfect, where they can easily fit Required documents. It is worn by hand or on a thin chain strap.
  • A clutch with a rigid frame, sometimes with a small lock and rich decor is an exclusively evening option. Its combination with everyday wardrobe black will look out of place.
  • A small handbag can be combined with shoes, or vice versa, contrast. It is important that the image has no more than 3 colors.
  • A black clutch can be an addition to clothes of any shade. In this case, shoes do not have to match the color of the handbag.

You should separately dwell on a clutch with a print. A beautiful, elegant pattern, made on a small handbag, always looks beautiful. This option is perfect for a plain dress, so a printed clutch with a black outfit will harmonize perfectly. However, it should be ensured that the clothing does not have complex details.

Clutch for black dress

Following a single color in clothes and accessories is a win-win option. This also applies to clutches. Many stylists recommend choosing a clutch in the same color as the dress. So, for a black outfit, respectively, the handbag will fit the same shade. However, such a decision does not mean at all that another color will not appear anywhere at all. The maximum that you can decide on is a small bright detail that slightly attracts attention. A small black handbag becomes part of a single outfit.

Long, richly designed black evening dresses will look perfect with a small clutch that can easily fit in your hand.

Decorated with rhinestones, beads or a bright metal clasp, a small handbag will look sophisticated and harmonious in a symphony with an outfit.

If you want to diversify the chosen image, you can use contrasting colors. So, ideal option to a black dress will serve white clutch. This classic combination will become especially elegant if other accessories are present in the outfit - scarves, a jacket.

When choosing a clutch in a sparkling, silvery or gold hue, it is important to think over the same decorations for it in the form of a matching necklace or belt. A black dress and a gold clutch - what could be more sophisticated and luxurious for going out.

Incredible fashion accessory Recently, a reptile skin clutch has been recognized, which is in perfect harmony with the chosen dark-colored outfit.

A small handbag will look original, one or two shades lighter or darker than the color of the clothes. So, for example, clutch gray shade will create a certain contrast and bring variety to the dark everyday life.

A red clutch will go well with a black dress, which will give its owner charm and chic. The lacquered handbag is suitable for a dress of any length.

Don't be afraid to experiment. This is the only way to find your own unique style and attract the attention of others.

Regardless of the time of day, season or era, a black dress can be used to create elegant images for all occasions. It is not difficult to choose accessories for such a dress, however, it is important not to overdo it and not load the image with unnecessary details.

Whatever you do for the sake of beauty and fashion - the girls even agree to carry with them " maxi wallet» in order to comply fashion trends. clutch - this is a slightly enlarged wallet or a too small handbag. It fits a maximum phone, lipstick, powder and a couple of other oversized women's things. Ladies carry this mini-handbag in their hands and only occasionally can afford to hang it on their shoulders if a beautiful chain is provided. This piece of clothing has more of an accessory that serves as a fashion and stylish decoration than from a classic handbag. Like other accessories, a well-chosen handbag decorates and complements the women's closet. In order for the combination of a clutch with your outfit to be harmonious, you need to know some rules for combining it with various clothes.

Clutches from the world of fashion

This kind of handbags, like a clutch, has been known for several decades. Nevertheless, its relevance not only does not fall, but also increases in last years. It is characterized classic sizes 5x14x20 cm , which were used for the first models. Now you can find both much smaller products and fairly large clutches. Wardrobe true lady without such an important subject would not be considered complete. These elegant accessories become a real find for advanced designers who include them with great pleasure in their fashion collections V huge number variations. This leaves room for choice and personal preference.

All the ladies who regularly go out are always interested in the question, which women's fashion clutches 2014 are the most popular? Nobody wants to keep up with the demands and trends of fashion. It's pretty easy to stay on top of success if your home collection has the most fashionable clutches in the amount of a few pieces. different sizes and shapes, and you skillfully combine them with your many outfits.

It is known that the most popular materials from which handbags are made are satin, velvet, suede or leather. But it also uses fur, and plastic and various textiles. The most universal, of course, remain leather women's clutches , which can be combined with both a black little dress and a luxurious evening dress. Leather complements well Office Style business suit. Handbags made of textiles will complement the evening look without too much formality, as well as everyday or youth style.

You can buy women's clutches inexpensively in world wide web, finding good online store With positive feedback and the possibility of delivering the product to your city.

With all the variety, handbags can be divided into the following categories :

  • Theatrical
  • Evening
  • Business
  • Casual
  • Youth
  • Decorative
  • transformers

Execution of products can be soft and hard. Most models are carried in their hands like a wallet, but today it is not uncommon to find in stores Lady's bag shoulder bag. Moreover, it is important to say that the clutches of eminent designers are not always super-expensive models, you can buy a wallet women's clutch the original is inexpensive at sales, by ordering directly from the manufacturer via the Internet.

It's worth saying that men's bag clutch also has the right to exist, but it is rather a purse familiar to all of us, only with a more consonant for new fashion name. The fashion house managed to bring into fashion the men's leather clutch bag Dolce & Gabbana a couple of years ago, and since then brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Salvatore Ferragamo also often include a men's clutch wallet in their collections small sizes, purse with a zipper. Appearance and men talk a lot about him, and if your boss has a Montblanc men's clutch in his arsenal, know that he has impeccable taste and sense of style.

How to wear it correctly: on the shoulder or in the hands?

You need to be able to wear a handbag correctly, and this can be different from model to model. English word clutch translates as " grab ”, which sounds less delicate in Russian. But it becomes clear that, as a rule, such handbags are worn in the hands.

So important issue, How right choice a handbag that would not be lost at a party was asked at one time Coco Chanel . She was their passionate admirer. But, suffering from ordinary female forgetfulness, she lost her different places many bags. But thanks to this problem, models with thin long straps appeared, and today the Chanel women's clutch on a chain is in great demand. And nowadays, they have been supplemented with pieces with short straps in the form of bracelets. Of course, handbags from eminent designers are not affordable for everyone, since the price of the original can reach several hundred dollars. However, the beauties belonging to the elite will never think about buying a Chanel clutch or choosing something cheaper. Seeing new model, suitable for the next outfit, they will immediately make a purchase.

If desired, the same object can be presented in different ways. You can go to the club with clutch without strap, and for an evening visit to a restaurant, it is better to think about how to wear chain clutch. For shopping, a bracelet strap is fastened to the handbag, turning it into a capacious wallet.

We select a clutch for clothes

business suit

A formal clutch wallet will be appropriate for a business suit. rectangular shape . He will emphasize your business and pragmatic image, a serious look, not allowing you to turn into an overly strict lady. With a business suit, a clutch bag made of lace fabric. Such an accessory will play in contrast, focusing the attention of others on the femininity of the owner. Clutch bag must match the color of the suit and may include metal elements (rivets, corners, logos). Stylists recommend choosing a black leather clutch for a classic business suit.

Evening dresses

For an evening dress, you should choose handbag models that look more feminine. These can be models with a hand strap, made of fabric with shiny embellishments, sequins, appliqué or embroidery, patent leather clutch will also look elegant and feminine. Quilted, pleated and other elegant models are also suitable from a fabric of equal density and preferably plain. For an evening dress, you can buy a black suede clutch decorated with lurex.

Models with fur and fringe complement evening toilet, and evening clutches with rhinestones
silvery or golden color will become an important accent of evening dress. Evening bags and evening dress clutches made of satin or velvet are traditionally associated with luxury, so these models will look exceptionally good in the company of a rich evening dress.

Casual outfits

Fabric clutches are best suited to casual dresses. Handbags without frills, classic form are appropriate here. For puffy dresses and skirts, the pouches mentioned above are best suited. Model strict form more harmoniously with a sheath dress, and under tight-fitting dresses, you should choose an envelope that matches in color.

For fashionistas who prefer clothes of bright colors, we recommend paying attention to the same bright handbags. At the same time, your image should remain harmonious. It is better if the color of the clutch matches the color of the upper or lower part of the outfit or, for example, shoes.

Wedding Dress

For a magnificent wedding dress, made in romantic style lace clutch . Its color should be in harmony with the shade of the dress. If wedding attire decorated with ribbons and flowers, it is better that there are decorations on the handbag. When an outfit for the bride is thought out and selected, including a spectacular clutch, one should not forget that it is she who attracts the main attention at the celebration.

Winter clothes

For winter clothes And fur coats there are special winter models of handbags made completely made of fur or with decoration in the form of fur elements. They are most often soft and voluminous. A similar winter fur clutch is in harmony with a fur vest. Find fur it’s not easy in stores, but you can order clutch bags inexpensively in an online store - there are wide choose materials, styles, colors and prices.

We select a bag for shoes

The bag will complement women's outfit if it is successfully matched to the tone of the shoes. This accessory goes well with shoes on high heels. At the same time, do not try to combine a handbag with sneakers.

What not to wear

clutches not compatible with clothing folk style, not appropriate their combination and co sportswear, regardless of its style, materials and finishes. A handbag with clothes of similar colors looks quite vulgar, for example, pink dress with a red clutch. It will be correct if the color of the handbag is in contrast or, conversely, completely matches the color of the outfit.

We select a bag by color

One-color outfit and clutch combinations

It has become very fashionable Lately keep the same color in clothes and accessories. Of course, this also applies to handbags, which famous designers It is recommended to choose the same shade with the dress. It does not at all follow from this that created image should not contain any other shade, but it should be only a barely eye-catching bright touch, nothing more. In this interpretation of the toilet, a stylish clutch becomes a consonant element of a single outfit. Buy clutch bag in Kyiv, the necessary colors are very simple, because a lot of fashion houses have opened in the capital, where the creations of fashion designers who know a lot about fashion today are put up for sale color schemes. Moreover, you can even buy a leather clutch bag inexpensively if you get to the sale of collections of past seasons or just successfully get a discount on the purchase of a clutch bag as the second product in the check (believe me, this also happens).

If you use one dominant color and one or more shades contrasting with it, then with such a performance of the ensemble, the handbag will again not become an independent accessory. Whatever the color of the dress itself, fashion designers are looking for its perfect reflection in a handbag, giving the illusion that it is made of identical material. This idea especially inspired the creators of one of the collections, which flawlessly matched red, black and white, and even mint color dresses impeccable clutches, repeating even the most complex tone in small details. And the shoes that follow general shade attire. When looking for an evening dress, try to go to those stores where, in addition to clothes, there are also accessories - for sure, there you will find a handbag of a suitable color and shape, and then you will no longer need to puzzle over where to buy a women's clutch in Moscow.

IN evening options also welcome monochrome . Richly decorated long dresses are alien to excessive color. A handbag that complements such evening decoration should play a single game with it, drawing attention to itself only with small details. The ideal clutch should be small enough to fit in your hand, yet tough, such as plastic covered with smooth fabric or hardware. The handle for him will be redundant, as it will be discordant with a long dress. Such an accessory, decorated with beads, rhinestones or a shiny metal clasp, will be beautiful on its own, without breaking out, however, from a well-thought-out image.

Leading color

Usually the most a big problem- choose matching accessory for short or long dresses, decorated intricate pattern or ornament. After many experiments, most designers agreed that a win-win simple option is more appropriate here: it is the best fit for a complete ensemble. plain clutch , seasoned in the dominant color of the dress . This rule is preserved when using shoes, both with elegant heels and with flat sole. The old rule requiring mandatory combination the colors of shoes and clutch, are again in demand by fashion designers and returned not only to the catwalks, but also to real life.

Agree - a black leather clutch suits all girls, so in order not to overpay huge sums in fashion stores, you can simply buy clutches in bulk in Moscow, and you can do this without leaving your home. You just need to get together with the girls at the computer, go to the online store of inexpensive clutches, see a photo of a suitable clutch bag, and place a wholesale order. Believe me - leather clutches in the online store will cost much less than in the nearest boutique, besides, you have unlimited time at home - see different models, admire the variety of colors and shapes and make your own . And do not think that the identical cheap clutches bought in bulk cannot be worn by girlfriends, because each of you will be able to decorate this accessory in your own way (some with sequins, some with Swarovski crystals, and someone may even complete it with embroidery).

When are printed handbags appropriate?

A hard or soft handbag with an elegantly applied pattern looks beautiful. But such an item will not look good with every dress. A more affordable and simple option is a plain dress that will perfectly complement a black and white clutch. More difficult decision see hard clutches on long chains complementing bright outfits. The silvery dress, which has an intricate finish, is perfectly complemented by a black clutch with asymmetrically scattered white strokes. The complex print of the outfit is necessarily transferred to the handbag making the ensemble harmonious. A sense of proportion is very important here, because with complex combinations it is very easy to overdo it, unnecessarily burdening the image. The same type of ornaments or repeating patterns look good only on short dresses for cocktails that require a bright but harmonious look.

Contrasting combination ideas

One of the old and tried-and-tested tricks for variety is to use contrasting colors. Even a boring outfit, equipped with accessories that are not very bright, however, with strongly contrasting colors, takes on a completely different look. Fashion designers decided to develop this theme in more detail, using a light background in everyday and evening dresses. Many of them considered perfect combination black clutch with any light or just white dress. For this classic combination dilution with dark details is not required at all. For example, for a closed, but light gray-blue dress, an original addition would be a rich red-burgundy clutch or a red suede clutch. When buying a bright mini-handbag, you should not bother yourself with what to wear with a red lacquer clutch - you can wear a plain bright or monochrome outfit, bright red shoes and pick up such a provocative clutch, and your image will be elegant and irresistible.

As you can see, the variety of options harmonious combination the clutch with the dress and shoes is incredibly large. Correctly orienting in this variety, any girl or woman can easily decide how to choose the right clutch for her favorite dress. Knowing exactly the intended goal, you can create amazing ensembles with skillful combinations, where the handbag will either bright accessory, eye-catching, or an integral part of your image.