Cold skin tone what kind of foundation are suitable. To match: How to choose a foundation to match your skin color. Selection technique: instructions on what to do in the store

Very often, girls face problems when choosing a foundation, since it must not only perfectly mask any imperfections, but also even out the tone of the face, and also suit the skin type. The beauty of all makeup as a whole will directly depend on how correctly selected tone cream.

Popular range

In the manufacture of foundations, manufacturers often produce many different shades- for each line of cosmetic products. Their number can sometimes go up to fifteen to twenty or more.

The most popular shades, which are usually presented by all the most famous brands- peach, sandy beige, ivory, golden beige ("light tan"), juicy sunny, porcelain, porcelain color (without yellow), green color with a yellow undertone, as well as without yellowness, sandy, caramel and many others.

Note: even foundation is produced in a transparent container, it will not work to determine how it will look on your skin. It will not work and pick up a shade of cream according to the palette in the magazine. The selection of a foundation can only be carried out by applying different shades of the product to your skin. This can be done in specialized cosmetic stores, in the showcases of which there are samples of each cosmetic product on sale.

Remember: choosing the wrong tone of the cream, you risk ruining the entire makeup. In this case, the skin of the face will look unnatural, and it can also be very different in color from the neck and other exposed areas of the body.

How to choose one that is not visible on the face?

Pick up ideal remedy very simple - just run a simple test. You need to apply some foundation on the cheekbones, wrist or chin. If possible, it is better to apply the product on the face. Be sure to wait five minutes after application.

If you guessed right with the tone, the cream will be invisible on the skin - as if it were completely transparent. The skin with the product should look fresher, and the complexion should be even and beautiful.

How to choose the right skin tone?

When choosing a foundation, you must first determine what your skin tone is. To do this, simply look closely at your wrist in natural light. Pay attention to the wreaths on the hands. If their shade is slightly bluish, your tone is cold, if the wreaths are greenish, yellowish or olive shades- warm tone.

Girls with cold skin tones are better off opting for foundation with pinkish tones, and those with warm tone skin, it is better to choose shades of beige.

If you cannot unequivocally determine which tone you have (warm or cold), you can opt for funds with neutral colors that are universal for all types.

Very often, when choosing a shade of foundation, ladies are guided by skin color. There are two main types:

  1. Reddish pink skin(found in people with good active blood circulation) - such girls cream will do in shades of pink.
  2. Tan skin(found in people with a high melanin content) - golden and brown shades tonal means.

How to make it lighter in tone?

Many makeup artists who are guided by the basic rules of cosmetology advise, when choosing a foundation, to take a product one tone lighter than the skin tone. Thanks to this, the tone will look more natural and will give the skin of the face freshness and beauty.

Modern people, for a whole generation, live in two realities. One is beautiful and the other is real. In the first life there is beautiful food, and not some borscht, but sushi, dorado and so on. In their first life, girls all look young, they have plump lips"Duck", open eyes and perfect tone skin, around which there is even a slight haze, as if from an unearthly radiance ... And real life, it is, yes ... real. There is no haze around the face, unless the person puffs like a locomotive. V real life girls get old, they have pimples, enlarged pores, unhealthy pallor and bruises on their face in the morning. It is not surprising that people began to go headlong into virtual reality social networks, because all you need to be happy is the correct angle and photo retouching.

In fact, you can be beautiful in real life. It's worth taking a little time to learn how to make up, believe me, it's a little more difficult than managing filters on Instagram! And make the skin glowing foundation. True, you will have to study a little the features of its selection and application. Read in the article how to choose the right foundation for your face by color, and you will look great not only on your profile social network but also in everyday life.

Like a second skin

The main condition that you should be guided by when choosing a foundation is that it should not differ too much in color from yours. own skin... Two common mistakes: fair-skinned people want to give themselves the appearance of a tan and smear a dark "foundation". And dark-skinned women want to "bleach" and use porcelain shades.

In both cases, the result is a form of catastrophe. Surely you have noticed white ears and a cleavage area when chocolate color faces. Better to use a bronzer. And the mulatto chocolate, using very light cream, will just see pink spots on your skin.

That is why it is pointless to fight with nature, love yourself for who you are. And knowing how to choose the right foundation for a face in a color close to natural tone your skin, you will make your face velvety matte and hide all imperfections.

Color to color

When you go to the store for foundation, it's easy to get confused. On the shelves you can see dozens of jars with different shades and texture. In fact, you should not panic yet - if you know your skin tone, there will be no problems.

You don't need any super complicated tests to determine your tone. You just need to remember how you tan. If the skin darkens easily enough in the sun, rarely burns, then its tone is yellow. But if being under the sun is a problem, you easily burn out, and even from a short stay under sunbeams the skin turns red - the tone is pink.

Yellow base

Experts were not lazy and calculated that as many as 70% of women have a yellowish skin tone. And not everyone has a clear yellowness, because the variety of shades is impressive. The lightest is the skin color Ivory, it looks noble-transparent and does not shine yellow. But more dark shades Without hiding, reveal a yellow base. For example, olive leather.

Which cream to choose? Look for the word beige (beige) on the jar and choose nut, sand, olive, gold ...

Pinkish base

Face with pink tone looks very gentle and young. To emphasize its attractiveness, you need apricot-colored foundation, shades of copper, pink beige.

Which cream to choose? Look for the mark “rose”, “porcelain”, “petal” on the packaging.

If you do not like your deep pink complexion, then you can even out it a little with a "tonal" pink-beige shade... Pay special attention to the transition of color from the face to the neck, there should be no mask effect.

But still, the main function of a foundation is not to change your skin tone, but only to even out it, so do not get carried away with opposite natural tones, as a rule, the result is not impressive.

Selection technique: instructions on what to do in the store

The 21st century is sweeping the planet, which means that beet cheeks and lead blush have sunk into the past. Modern cosmetics performs several functions at once, the same foundation moisturizes, removes oiliness and, most importantly, the correct one is able to adapt to the natural skin tone. In order not to be mistaken, in no case choose a product only on the advice of a consultant or by the color on the package. Here is the correct sequence of actions:

  • Do not spare funds for quality product... As mentioned above, good cream will not only mattify, but also take care of your skin, will not clog pores. By purchasing cheap analog, with a probability of 98% you will receive a cream that rolls down into wrinkles, clogged pores, greasy shine on the face and floating makeup.
  • It is believed that the product should be tested on the wrist or the outside of the hand. This is fundamentally wrong. The color of the skin there differs with the tone of the face, on the wrist it is lighter, on the hand it is darker, and the dermis itself differs in density from the face.
  • Buy the cream only after you have tried it on a makeup-free face. Most appropriate place- lower cheekbone. Then you will be able to appreciate its compatibility with both the face and the neck. When the "foundation" is selected successfully, they will not need to smear the neck, it will only be necessary to shade the borders well.
  • A suitable cream blends easily, does not leave a feeling of film and tightness. If unpleasant tactile sensations are present, test another firm.
  • And the decisive factor is that the borders of the tinted area and the natural skin tone should not be noticeable.
  • Do not hesitate and ask for 3-4 shades for a sample. If you find it difficult to choose between two that come up, give preference to the one that is lighter. In general, experts unanimously advise taking a "foundation" one tone lighter than yours. natural shade skin. He will visually throw off 10 years. But one tone darker, you can choose a foundation for special occasions, for example, for an evening look.
  • A good cosmetic store boasts great lighting that will make anyone look flawless. Indeed, their goal is to make the products appear on the skin in favorable light, and in the literal sense. In order not to fall for this bait, go outside and once again, in daylight, look yourself meticulously in the mirror. The cream shows "its real face" only 5-7 minutes after application. If after this period of time and in daylight it also remains invisible and has adjusted to your skin, feel free to choose.

Little secrets

  • Happy owners of a porcelain complexion, you need a transparent base. It will even out the tone, making it noble.
  • For those with an earthy skin tone, a pinkish orange foundation will save you.
  • If the skin is pale and unhealthy dull, the peach shade will make it more attractive.
  • When redness is present, discard pink tones, they will only make the picture worse. But a cold tone cream with a greenish undertone can help.

Of course, unhealthy color skin signals about some problems in the body, they need to be identified, not masked. But in exceptional cases, they resort to makeup.

It's such a delightful feeling to be beautiful without filters. You just need to choose the right foundation for your face by color, and you will never need filters to correct your appearance!

If your skin is grayish, you can visually freshen up with an orange tone.

Pale skin

If your skin is dull, you can give it healthy look with a peach shade of foundation.

  • Advice! If the acquired shade differs from your skin color by more than two tones, unfortunately, you will have to refuse it. It is almost impossible to smooth out such a difference in shades, even by diluting the foundation with a lighter one.

Skin prone to redness

If your skin is periodically covered with pimples, then you need to use cold shade foundation with olive undertone. It is not recommended to use pinkish foundation.

For evening make-up

For special occasion a foundation with shining microparticles will do. It will brighten the skin, giving it a healthy look. Such a cream can be applied either to the entire face, or only to the prominent part - the cheekbones. Be careful not to use an overly bronze shade unless you have dark skin.

Dark skin

Chocolate, coffee and caramel shades are suitable for you.

  • Advice! If you have pale skin then do not try to tan her with dark tonal means. You risk looking ridiculous. For a tanning effect, use the shade of foundation that is right for you, and on top, apply a light layer of bronzing mineral powder.

The choice of foundation should be approached with all responsibility. The most the best option will pick up a foundation together with his familiar makeup artist. If you don't have any, then a specialist in a cosmetics store will help you. You should be helped to choose not only the correct structure, but also the shade of the product.

The ideal option is to obtain (or purchase) a foundation sample. After application, observe during the day whether the foundation is causing you any inconvenience. If not, then feel free to buy. How do you choose a shade of foundation yourself?

  • The shade of foundation you have chosen should be checked in this way: apply a little of the product on the lower jaw line, as close to the neck as possible, and compare its shade with the skin on the neck. If both colors match and the transition between them is not visible, then you have chosen the correct shade of foundation.
  • It is necessary to test the foundation on the jaw, and not on the face, for one reason: its color may be reddish (due to the close location of the vessels) or, conversely, too dark - for example, if you have an intense tan.
  • Even if it seems to you that you have chosen the right shade (especially if a consultant helped you with this), do not make a purchase right away. Check how the product looks on the skin in daylight: go outside the store, or at least walk up to the window with a mirror. Better yet, ask the consultant for a tester and use the tool for some time - this will help you make the final choice.
  • Another way to check if it's right for you given shade foundation, - test it on your hand. Apply it to your wrist: if the product looks like a “foreign” stain, this is definitely not your option.

You can find other tips for choosing a foundation. What do you usually pay attention to when buying? Leave a comment.

If you do not know how to even out the tone of the face using corrective products, our video will help you.

Most of the foundations have a sandy or beige undertone, but if you set the goal, you will find a foundation with a pinkish undertone - it is this that allows you to achieve the freshest complexion. Of course, like any other shade, it must be matched to the skin color (it is better to test on the neck, not on the wrist), but still, the barely noticeable pink pigment instantly makes the face look younger.

Wide eyebrows

This is a well-known axiom. Thin eyebrows- visually add age, wide ones - make you younger. If nature has not rewarded you with such eyebrows, then just create them using makeup - we have already told you how to do this.


Peach blush

Blush is a miracle remedy that can both add 10 years to you, and, on the contrary, make your image much fresher and more youthful. When choosing a blush, give up the red shades, preferring peach or pale pink, apply them only to the apples of the cheeks and shade well.

Eyelash accent

Lush eyelashes allow you to visually "open your eyes" and make your eyes expressive. With age, the cilia tend to thin out, so your main task is to be able to create a fan-shaped volume. To do this, it would still be nice to make friends with a curler and choose mascara that suits your eyelashes. When buying a curler, make sure that it is tight enough - you must make an effort to squeeze it to the end. Only such a tool will help you achieve desired effect and curl your eyelashes with high quality.

Lack of eyeliner

Arrows and eyeliner are great, but still even young girl they can make them a little older. Try to give them up in benefit easy haze of shadows along the line of the eyelash, and you will notice that this everyday makeup make you look younger.

Lip gloss

Despite the fact that matte lipsticks are in vogue, it is lip gloss with a "wet" effect that is an anti-aging tool. The fact is that lipstick tends to roll into the wrinkles of the lips, and matte does not give them volume at all. If you are faced with the task of “throwing off” 5 years, then rely on glitters - you will not go wrong.

Refusal of powder

First, completely matte face not in vogue now. Secondly, a layer of powder is the surest way to “age” with makeup. Rather, you can’t imagine! Powder tends to emphasize fine wrinkles that were completely invisible to the naked eye. What to do? Replace it with matting wipes - just dab your face in problem areas when necessary, but do not powder.

Eye patches before makeup

Many patches under the eyes cannot boast of a prolonged caring effect, but they are simply irreplaceable before make-up! Before starting the make-up, stick on the patches for 10-15 minutes: the skin will tighten, it will become a little more elastic, and it will be easier for you to apply concealer. So it's better to have patches on hand in a cosmetic bag, and not on a shelf with care products.

Reflective Particle Concealer

The foundation of anti-age makeup is a concealer that allows you to hide under eye circles. It should be applied in a thin layer, blending well and dusting with a fluffy brush for durability. But if you choose a mower that contains reflective particles, then you kill two birds with one stone - hide the bruises and do fine wrinkles less noticeable. Such a concealer should not have obvious shimmer and shine, but subtle particles reflect light and visually hide any imperfections.

Light eyeshadow

Alas, everyone's favorite Smokey Eyes is stylish and beautiful, but it does not diminish the years. On the contrary, after 35 years with similar makeup the eye must be very careful. And here are the light shadows of fashionable pastel shades with a slight shimmer (but not pearlescent!) - great option for every day, making you fresher and more youthful. Beige, pale pink, peach, mint - these shades of eyeshadow work wonders.

The right foundation can make a woman more beautiful, and the wrong one can make a woman look funny. Everyone has probably seen girls with an unnatural "mask" on their face, the color of which is very different from the neck. How, without being mistaken in the variety of tones foundation creams, choose the most suitable one? What should be the ideal tonal for problem skin?

It's simple: a foundation should be suitable in 3 parameters: shade, composition and texture.

How to determine your skin type?

Before choosing a tone, decide what type of skin you have. This can be done visually: each type of skin has certain characteristics.

Oily skin. This skin type is the easiest to recognize. Owners of oily skin have enlarged pores, increased sebum secretion, blackheads and blackheads often appear.

A foundation for oily problem skin should specialize in absorbing skin. It is desirable that the description of the agent indicates that it has a drying effect. A foundation for oily problem skin should not have a dense texture, otherwise the “mask” effect on the face, so noticeable to others, is possible. Girls with oily skin soft matting emulsions and cream powders are suitable.

Dry skin. The main signs: the skin is thin, the pores are small (they are practically invisible), the feeling of tightness, peeling periodically worries.

The correct foundation for dry skin should contain a large number of moisturizing substances. BB or CC products are great.

Combination skin combines areas of oily (in the T-zone) and normal or dry skin. For girls with this type of skin, loose foundation with a matting effect can be recommended.

For aging skin, an ideal foundation with a lifting effect. Such creams have a liquid, fluid consistency.

Common mistake: when women with problematic or aging skin choose foundation a very dense consistency to mask imperfections. These creams are not suitable for daily use as they form a thick, unnatural layer on the face. Disguise imperfections with a concealer, not a tonal foundation.

The correct foundation should be completely invisible on the skin. If you don't know how to choose the right foundation for your face, remember next rule: When shading, there should be no visible boundaries between tinted and natural skin. For this, it is important to choose the right cream tone.

  • A pinkish brown tone can refresh earthy skin with a grayish tint.
  • To girls with a pale dull skin the entire palette of tonal creams will do with a slight peach shade... These creams will give your skin a healthier, fresher look.
  • If the skin turns red often, it is preferable to choose cold tone with a barely noticeable greenish tint. A palette of foundation pink tint absolutely not suitable
  • Owners dark skin should be preferred dark tones... Chocolate or rich caramel cream is ideal.

Common mistake: buying a dark foundation women want to create a tanning effect on fair skin... But instead of the desired bronze skin, they get the effect of unnaturalness, which, however, is not surprising. Foundation is not a self-tanner!

  • Before buying, be sure to use a tester. Do not put it on the back of your hand, as many girls do. Test your chosen cream on the bottom of the cheeks, as this is the easiest place to see how the shade matches the skin on the face and neck.
  • Testing a palette of tonal creams is only on an unpainted face and, very desirable, in daylight. If in the store it seems that this cream tone is perfect, it is better to look in the mirror again before buying, going outside.
  • To find the most suitable shade, it is preferable to apply 3-4 similar tones to the skin. If you have a problem - which of the 2 shades is better - choose a lighter one.
  • Makeup artists do not recommend using a tone that is darker than natural. Such tonal creams, firstly, look unnatural on the face, and secondly, when mature skin, can visually add several years.

After the foundation is selected, it remains to respond to another important question- how to apply foundation? This can be done with your fingers, a flat brush, a sponge, or a sponge. Regardless of the method of application, there is a basic algorithm that is the same for everyone.

  • Cleanse the skin from dirt, rub it with a toner.
  • Apply moisturizer. Wait until the product is absorbed.
  • Makeup is best done in daylight. V dark time day, you should use lighting that is as close to natural as possible.
  • It is recommended to apply the selected tone of the cream from the center of the face, along massage lines light patting movements. In this case, you cannot stretch the skin!
  • After the foundation is applied, check: how carefully its borders are shaded, whether there are any unpainted areas near the hair and under the chin.
  • V Everyday life in the neck area, foundation is usually not used, as it stains clothes. The foundation on the neck is mainly applied when evening makeup and a low-cut dress.
  • You can increase the durability of the foundation by using a base base before make up or, upon completion, with a make-up fixer. Basic framework, by the way, does others useful functions... For example, transparent matting bases do not allow sebum to stand out, green ones neutralize redness on the face.

For flawless makeup, it is not enough to know how to apply foundation and the basic rules for choosing. Great value for female beauty has ... a smile. Smile more often!