For cleansing pores. How to clear clogged pores on face at home. Cleansing pores at home

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Cleansing pores at home. Pore ​​Cleansing Mask

To date, many have been developed various means to maintain the beauty of the face, to cleanse it. Specialists have created a whole series of beauty products: tonics, lotions, masks, scrubs, peels, creams and others. cosmetic preparations, the price of which is completely different: from cheap to terribly expensive. Do they all help the skin?

Face mask, pore cleansing are largely interrelated concepts, so today we will talk about them as something united.

Scientists who work in the field of cosmetology argue that many of the products used by young people are very harmful to the skin and should be avoided ... But you should be especially careful with facial cleansing, since this procedure is the most important: the condition depends on it skin.

What should not be in commercial facial cleansers

  • Gluten (gluten).

  • Glycols.

  • Bentonite (bentonite).

  • Animal fat (animal flat, tallow).

Pore ​​cleansing is a procedure used for a complete cleansing of the face. This procedure should be approached very delicately and performed exclusively according to the instructions, since the epidermis of the skin can be damaged. You can perform pore cleansing at home or seek help from a beautician.

It is worth mentioning a more complex cosmetic process. As you understand, we will not deviate from the topic. IN this case This refers to such a service as deep cleansing of pores. It's much more complex complex procedures, which, moreover, should be carried out exclusively qualified specialists, because otherwise the likelihood of aggravating the condition of the skin is very high.

Reasons for the formation of sebaceous plugs

  • Hormonal disorders of the body.

  • Heredity or genetic predisposition.

  • Wrong skin care of your face.

  • Wrong nutrition.

  • Dehydration of the skin.

Foods that clog the sebaceous glands

  • Sausages and smoked meats.

  • Mayonnaises and sauces.

  • Roast.

  • Bakery.

These products should definitely be excluded from the intake or their use should be reduced to a minimum.

Deep pore cleansing and its types

  1. Mechanical cleaning (carried out manually and is considered the most painful).

  2. Chemical cleansing of the face (using glycolic acid and chemicals containing an impressive percentage of fruit acids).

  3. Ultrasonic cleaning (exfoliation of the skin using ultrasound).

  4. Vacuum cleaning (a special apparatus is used to suck out all the contaminants).

  5. Brossazh or brushing (exfoliation of the upper layer of the skin with the help of special nozzles).

  6. Disincrustation (cleansing of the skin under the influence of negatively charged electrons).

Cleansing pores at home

Facials can also be done at home. However, for this you should learn how to correctly perform the actions that will be described below.

If you have problematic skin, then a pore cleansing mask is your option. It is possible to improve the condition of the skin of the face in any cases, even in the most neglected ones. The main rule is not to give up.

Facial cleansing steps

  1. Cleansing the epidermis from greasy deposits, from dust or surface dirt.

  2. Steaming the skin of the face for a couple (avoid the use of creams and other means).

  3. Using a peeling or scrub (you can apply a mixture prepared by yourself, or use purchased remedy(carefully look at the composition).

  4. Removing black dots. Do the procedure with your hands (nails cut off, hands thoroughly disinfected).

  5. Skin disinfection with hydrogen peroxide.

  6. Closing the pores (use of special masks).

  7. Soothe the skin of the face (apply a non-greasy cream or cucumber mask).

Types of masks for use at home

Express face mask using aspirin

Grind acetylsalicylic acid in a coffee grinder (or other available means), mix with vitamin C. Cleanse your face from all cosmetics, then wash your face enough hot water(just don't burn your skin). Take one tsp. obtained aspirin flour and dilute it with cooled boiled water(slurry consistency, medium density). The resulting mixture is applied to the face in circular motions. After the mask dries, begin to wipe your face with a swab previously moistened with water (slightly moistened) in a circular motion, carefully rub your nose, forehead and chin. Rinse off the residue with water and apply a mask that tightens pores. When finished, moisturize your face with cream.

Moisturizing the skin after cleansing

You can help the skin after cleansing using homemade creams. For effective moisturizing skin after the procedure resort to the following options:

  • One tsp honey should be mixed with a tablespoon coconut oil and add to this 1 tsp. lemon juice. Spread a thin layer of cream evenly over the skin of the face and rinse with water after half an hour. Store leftovers in the refrigerator for up to a week.

  • Another skin moisturizer is considered to be almond oil. Due to the high content of vitamin E, the oil perfectly narrows the pores. The method of its application is quite simple: you need to drop 4-5 drops of almonds on a cotton swab and wipe your face with it. You may not rinse.

  • Let's not forget about regular cream with a minimum fat content. It's best to use any baby cream. Worth wearing it thin layer on the skin, gently massaging it. Then remove the rest of the cream with a regular napkin.

  • And, of course, honey is the most powerful moisturizer. One tsp honey should be diluted with water (a few drops) and apply the mixture on the face. After a third of an hour, wash off the applied moisturizer, first moderately hot, then ice water(nonstop).

Facial cleansing products

  1. Masks.

  2. Scrubs.

  3. Tinctures.

  4. Decoctions.

  5. Specially designed cosmetics.

  6. Lactic and fruit acids.

Before using one or another version of the mask, make sure that you are not allergic to its ingredients. If the face begins to burn or becomes very red, immediately wash off the mask and apply a thick layer of moisturizer to the face.

Of course, it is impossible to put your face in order in one day, but the effect of the procedures is noticeable after the first time. In too advanced cases, facial cleansing is done in several procedures, which stretch out over much longer periods. However, it's worth it. In the meantime, follow the instructions, alternate masks, eat right - and the result will not keep you waiting. Good luck to you, dear girls and women, in achieving the goal!

How to get rid of pimples and blackheads at home

The agent is applied to face light massaging movements of the fingertips massage lines for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. An aspirin scrub is recommended once a week for oily skin, and once every two weeks for dry skin. Acetylsalicylic acid also goes well with aloe juice and essential oils.

Facial cleansing with acids

Fruit peeling or acid cleansing, carried out at home, allows you to get rid of the keratinized layer of the dermis and prevent its premature aging. Fruit peeling allows the skin to:

  • better assimilate useful elements fruits;

  • update the upper layer of the epidermis;

  • age spots become less noticeable.

For the procedure, 20% percent apple, milk, lemon, wine or glycolic acid. They can be mixed with vitamins in ampoules and hyaluronic acid to enhance the effect on the skin.

Folk recipes for home cleaning

At frequent use chemical peels facial skin is prone to premature aging and gradually loses its protective functions. Therefore, in between courses, you can clean with soft homemade scrubs from natural ingredients with exfoliating and antibacterial effects:

  1. Oatmeal scrub. Two tablespoons oatmeal mix with the same amount of honey, 1 tsp. almonds. Add a couple drops of oil tea tree. Massage into face for 15 minutes.

  2. Charcoal Purifying Mask. Is effective tool against blackheads and prevents their appearance. Take 4-5 tablets activated carbon, grind them into powder and combine with 1 tsp. gelatin and 2 tbsp. milk. The mixture should be heated in the microwave for 15 seconds. The mask is applied with a brush in several layers. When the composition is completely dry, it turns into a film. Carefully remove the film, moisten with water if necessary.

  3. Peeling with salt and soda. Due to their cleansing action of these ingredients, salt and baking soda can effectively unclog pores and stimulate the protective functions of the skin. Products must be mixed in equal proportions and add 1 tbsp to them. olive oils. You can replace the butter with sour cream or baby soap, which is rubbed on a grater, mixed with soda and salt and poured with boiling water (2 tablespoons). The paste-like mass is applied with massaging movements for 5 minutes, then washed off. Apply a nourishing toner to your face.

Which facial cleansing from acne and blackheads will be effective for you, you decide for yourself. The reaction and effect of each procedure depends on the skin of the woman and her individual characteristics. Carefully use prepared cleaning agents so that they do not accidentally get into the eyes.

6 steps to deep facial cleansing at home

Deep facial cleansing is usually performed professional beautician but can also be done at home. Facial cleansing can be done with pharmaceutical products, special soap, scrub, or couple.

  1. "Goodbye, black dots!" If you are not worried about acne, rashes and inflammation, but black dots torment you, giving your face a sloppy look, this means that your pores are not well cleansed. In addition, much depends on the ability of the pores to contract. The use of a film mask came to us from Asia. Especially love these things. korean girls, whose skin is far from perfect, if we talk about natural data. The film mask will not leave a chance for your black dots and pore pollution. And you can cook it at home! Grind half a tablet of activated charcoal (regular, not white), mix with 0.5 tsp. gelatin and 1 tsp. water. Whisk the resulting mixture thoroughly. Send it to the microwave for 15 seconds. If this is not available, you can use steam bath, but it will take more time before the mixture becomes hot. Apply finished mask on problem areas where the black dots are located. Do this with a hard brush to "drive" the mask into all the pores. Wait until the film is completely dry. Remove the mask, preferably whole. The tool is similar in action to ready-made strips against black dots, but it not only actively cleans dust and dirt from them, but also helps to narrow the pores.

  2. Hardware cosmetology at your home. Electric and magnetic devices that can be found in any beauty parlor have a wide range of effects on your skin. Some of them can be purchased for home use. The device d'Arsonval is one such tool. It accelerates blood microcirculation, eliminates rashes and inflammations, prevents acne and rashes, improves complexion and evens out its tone. And most importantly, this device noticeably tightens pores and regulates the work sebaceous glands, which ensures long-term cleanliness of the skin.

  3. Aspirin scrub. Scrubs are needed in order to deeply cleanse the pores and skin of impurities. However, you should not get carried away with them - the scrub should be used only once a week. The following recipe can be prepared at home, from existing products. Spoon 3 tablets acetylsalicylic acid add a few drops of water. Try to crush the tablets as much as possible so that there are no large pieces left. Add 0.5-1 tsp to the mixture. honey, depending on its consistency. Mix ingredients vigorously using a small stick. Apply the finished mask on the face, soak for 10 minutes, then use it as a scrub - in circular massage movements, treat the face for 1-2 minutes. Rinse off the mask and apply a moisturizer or toner. Consider individual intolerance to any of the components - if you are allergic to honey or aspirin, you should not make such a mask.

  4. It's no secret that our skin tends to renew itself regularly. Dead skin particles that have not been removed from the face in time can harm the skin, make it dirty and inflamed, due to the obstruction of oxygen access. To eliminate dead skin cells of the epidermis, you can do a roll, or a chemical peel. And it is also quite affordable at home. To perform the procedure, you will need baby soap, calcium chloride in ampoules, distilled water. Open the ampoule and pour its contents into a saucer. Wet your face with water using a sponge so that it is moist but not wet. Apply baby (!) soap on your face. Try to do it in such a way that the soap lays like a mask, and does not foam. Soak your fingertips in the liquid from the ampoules, and in small circular motions, begin to treat the skin. Tip: it is better to start rolling from the chin, smoothly moving to the cheeks, temples and forehead. If the skin is not cleansed enough, and there is no soap on the face, repeat the entire procedure without washing off the original substance. Wash your skin with warm water, followed by a moisturizer or soothing milk. This procedure is especially suitable for owners oily skin. Women with sensitive skin you have to be careful with chemical peeling and do it no more than once a month. For everyone else, it is recommended to perform the procedure 2-3 times a month.

  5. Clay and oil. This mask is especially suitable for those who suffer from acne. Everyone knows the powerful absorbent property of clay, which removes not only surface contamination skin, but also actively removes decay products and toxins from it. Dilute 1-2 tbsp. blue or green clay with a small amount of water, until a creamy consistency is obtained. Add a few drops of tea tree essential oil to the mixture. Apply to face and leave on for 20-25 minutes. Rinse the mask thoroughly with warm water, do not use soap or facial cleansers. The mask is best used on a warm, steamed face, after cleansing the pores.

  6. Oatmeal mask. Oat flakes not only gently care for the skin of the face, but also have a cleansing effect. A mask with their addition can be prepared at home. It will make your skin incredibly velvety and soft, and will effectively eliminate impurities and excess sebum. Grind oatmeal (1-2 tablespoons) with a coffee grinder. Enter them in egg white, add 1 tbsp. warm milk and 1 tbsp. oils (apricot, coconut or grape). Mix thoroughly and apply on face for 20 minutes. Such a mask freezes on the face like a film, and it is quite difficult to wash it off. However, the result is worth it!

Rational application of recipes will make your skin clean and beautiful.

The skin on the face is more exposed to adverse factors than in other parts of the body. Frost, wind, dry air, dust - all this weakens the activity of the glands and worsens the quality of the epithelial layer. There are many skin pores on the face through which fat is secreted. protective layer and sweat. Under adverse conditions, the pores become clogged with sebum, the normal metabolism in the epithelium is disrupted, and toxins and toxins accumulate in the skin. To restore a radiant look to the face and make the glands function well, a deep cleansing of the face is carried out, which can be done at home.

Basic procedures for cleansing the skin on the face

Procedures should be carried out regularly. Their multiplicity depends on the type of skin:

  • Normal skin needs to be cleansed once every two weeks;

  • cleansing oily skin on the face at home is done once a week;

  • dry skin is treated once every four weeks.

Full recovery of the skin on the face with deep cleaning is done in the following sequence.

  1. Steam your face over the bath.

  2. Make exfoliation of the upper, dead layer of the epithelium.

  3. Apply moisturizing, nourishing, drying or cleansing masks to your face.

  4. After cleansing the pores on the face at home, if necessary, develop a daily comprehensive care to narrow large pores.

After the bath, you can lie down for a while, covering your face with a warm towel. Then rinse your skin with cool water. At the end of the procedure, do not go outside for two hours.

During the procedure, you will have to breathe the prepared broth, so choose pleasant and unobtrusive aromas for you.

Purifying masks

After steaming, exfoliating procedures are carried out - peeling. The easiest way is to mix fine salt with shaving cream. Cotton swab with this mixture gently using circular motions massage the skin for several minutes, then rinse with warm water. This method is suitable for normal and oily skin. For sensitive and dry skin, use other recipes.

Face masks for cleansing at home are made on the basis of clay.

Before use, the clay is diluted with warm water to a paste-like consistency and added necessary ingredients. Recipes for cleansing can be invented independently. During preparation, they are guided by the recommendations of cosmetologists.

Face masks, for cleansing pores at home, are kept on the face for twenty minutes. Do not allow the clay to dry out, otherwise the skin will receive microtrauma. If necessary, you can slightly moisten the mask with water.

Nourishing masks

Masks for cleansing the face at home alternate with moisturizing and nourishing masks.

As a basis for nourishing masks, oatmeal, kefir or yogurt, sour cream, olive oil, cottage cheese, egg yolk. When choosing products, take into account the final consistency of the mask - it should be easy to use, not drain from the face when applied. Nourishing masks keep on the face a little longer than cleansing - for 30-40 minutes.

  • mix the juice of one grapefruit with 2 teaspoons of honey;

  • mash the banana into a pulp, add one egg yolk and a little olive oil;

  • Dilute 50 grams of fresh yeast in sour cream, let it brew for 30 minutes.

When the mask dries a little, you can apply another layer.

Nourishing masks for oily skin:

  • cottage cheese and honey are mixed in equal amounts, a few drops of lemon or juice from grated carrots are added;

  • grate raw potatoes on a fine grater, add a teaspoon of oatmeal and protein from one egg (beat beforehand).

For normal skin, you can prepare masks according to the following recipes:

  • boil one small young potato, crush, add a spoonful of mashed strawberries and a spoonful of milk;

  • Mash strawberries with one tablespoon of milk or cottage cheese.

Masks that remove blackheads:

  • mix fresh yeast with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, apply a mask on the forehead and nose for 10 minutes;

  • mask-film: add gelatin in equal amounts to warmed milk (2-3 tablespoons), you should get a viscous mass, which is applied to the area of ​​black dots, allowed to dry and removed like a film.

Let's summarize the above. To cleanse the skin of the face, it is necessary to carry out a number of procedures.

  1. First, the face is steamed over an herbal bath.

  2. Then, with the help of home remedies, exfoliation of the upper layer of the epithelium is done.

  3. After that, the skin must be saturated nutrients and replenish lost moisture. To do this, masks are applied to the face, compiled according to various recipes.

Such procedures can be done once a week or every 30 days, depending on the condition of the skin. In addition, at home it is necessary to carry out daily cleansing face, using cosmetics - cleansing gels and foams.

Every girl dreams of perfect skin, but everything is overshadowed by blockage of pores. With the naked eye, you can see that appear again and again. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of them, but you can reduce their frequency of occurrence by deep cleaning skin. In the article we will tell you how to clean the pores at home and take care of your skin.

Pore ​​cleansing rules

With blockage of pores, owners of oily or combination skin are most often found. active work sebaceous glands leads to the problem of acne and oily sheen. To get rid of unpleasant rashes, it is necessary to cleanse the skin.

  • Before the main procedures, it is necessary to remove makeup. If you do not wash off decorative cosmetics, then you can aggravate the situation by rubbing it. This way you will get the opposite effect.
  • Dead skin needs to be removed. Use a scrub. But don't overdo it with cleansing.
  • must be disclosed. This effect can be achieved. Sit over a pot of boiling water for about 5 minutes. Nothing needs to be added to the water.
  • Before applying facial cleanser, test it on the crook of your elbow or behind your ear. See if there is an allergic reaction.
  • All instruments used must be sterilized. Agree, you don't want to infect yourself.

By following these simple rules, you can always shine, and your skin will say “Thank you!”.

Deep pore cleansing at home

Every housewife has a product that is suitable for deep cleansing.

It could be:

  • cereals;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • ground coffee;
  • eggs.

The set of products may be different, as there are a myriad of

The most popular means is to use baking soda. First, mix water with soda until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Apply the prepared mixture on your face with massaging movements. Do not overdo it with cleaning, the skin should not suffer.

After you have prepared the skin and removed the fatty film, you can proceed to more serious activities. good remedy is a scrub made from coffee and honey.

If you prefer bean coffee, then this is great. Once you've brewed this drink, don't throw away the consistency. Leave it and mix with honey. Apply to the face and clean the problem areas well. Believe me, the skin will become perfectly smooth and silky.

You can also use a sea salt, oatmeal or millet scrub. All products must be crushed.

Remember one thing important rule: Only one type of scrub can be applied per procedure.

After deep cleaning Otherwise after open channels dirt or germs can get in.

To do this, use eggs with honey. Just whisk these two ingredients and apply to the skin. Leave until completely dry. Remove the mask correctly - from the bottom to the top.

How often can you deep clean your pores?

The frequency of the pore cleansing procedure depends on the type of skin. If you are the owner of dry epidermis, then you can use the scrub no more than once every 2 weeks.

Ladies with oily or combination skin can use the remedy once a week. Since during this period of time the pores are clogged with various dust, decorative cosmetics etc.

But if you notice that your skin begins to peel off, then for a while it is worth postponing all procedures. This means that the epidermis in deep and upper layers feels thirsty and needs extra hydration.

Another important rule: all actions should take place in the evening or before bedtime. The skin needs to recover and take a break from cosmetics.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Most importantly, without harm to health.

In order for the face to look good, it must be looked after daily. However, in this case, the pores on the face can become dirty. Clogged pores look unaesthetic. In addition, this problem precedes an even more significant one - the appearance of acne and blackheads. Not all services are available beauty salons so let's find out how to clean the pores on the face at home.

Why do pores get clogged

The answer to this question interests many people. This problem most often worries teenagers, because in transitional age go in the body hormonal changes that affect the formation of unwanted comedones. In people with problematic skin Pimples and blackheads often appear, as dirt easily enters the enlarged pores and remains there, because the exit is clogged by the secretions of the sebaceous glands. As a result, comedones and subcutaneous tubercles are formed.

In adults who are faced with the problem of clogged pores and the formation of black dots, this is due to hormonal disorders. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a specialist and find out the exact cause, after which the doctor's instructions should be followed. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe a hormone test for you and only after that will determine the direction of treatment to restore the skin.

Owners of dry and oily skin should also carefully monitor their face, because this skin is prone to clogged pores.

Pore ​​contamination can cause improper care for the skin and inappropriate cosmetics. Particles of cosmetics getting into enlarged pores are closed with stoppers. Because sebum still continues to be produced, it accumulates on the surface, provoking the onset of inflammation.

Girls who like to put a lot of makeup on their faces also run the risk of getting a lot of blackheads and blackheads, since the skin of the face does not breathe at all under its thick layer.

The cause of the appearance of black dots, pimples, blackheads can be malnutrition. Fatty food, chips, mayonnaise, crackers and various sauces cause the release of a large amount of subcutaneous fat, which accumulates in the pores along with pollution.

Instructions for cleaning the pores of the face

In order to achieve perfect effect you need to clean your face in a certain sequence:

  1. We steam the face. First, soften the skin of the face to open the pores. For this you can do steam baths in herbal tea. The duration of the procedure normal skin should be 5 minutes, if the skin is prone to dryness - 3 minutes. You can add to the decoction essential oils. It is not recommended to do this procedure if you have skin diseases.
  2. We remove pollution. A mask or scrub is ideal for removing dirt from the pores. If you are oily or combination skin then you should repeat this procedure twice a week, if dry or normal - once. Rinse your face with cool water and gently pat it dry with a towel. If you choose a facial scrub in the store, then carefully select it for your skin type.
  3. We narrow the pores with diluted hydrogen peroxide, aloe leaf juice or lemon juice. Also suitable for this purpose green tea or masks to narrow the pores.
  4. We moisturize. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to moisturize the skin of the face. Should not be used fatty creams to avoid clogging of enlarged pores.

Pore ​​Cleansing Recipes

There are many recipes that are used to remove dirt from the pores.

IN cosmetic milk add edible salt and stir. After smearing your face with this mixture and leave it for 1 minute, then remove it from your face with warm water. To avoid injury to the skin, do not use this mask in the presence of acne and other inflammatory processes.

Mix 2 tsp. gelatin and 3 tbsp. milk. Place in microwave for 10 seconds. After the mixture has cooled down, apply it on your face with a brush. Leave it on your face for about 15 minutes, during which time it will harden and become hard. Start taking it off your nose. All your unwanted blackheads will remain on this hard film.

Take oatmeal flakes and fill them with hot water, wait until they swell, and then spread them over your face with light movements. Keep it for five minutes and wash off with warm water. This mask will cleanse and soften your face.

Squeeze the cucumber juice, mix cucumber juice, olive oil and milk in equal proportions. Leave it on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water.

Take the protein, beat it until foamy, add 1 tsp. lemon juice and a few drops of tea tree essential oil. The mixture must be stirred and applied gently on the face. It should be held for 15 minutes and washed off with cool water, then wipe your face with an anti-inflammatory lotion.

Video: egg white pore cleanser

How not to cleanse pores

Follow a few rules when cleansing the pores, as there is a high risk of worsening the situation:

  1. You should not start cleaning the pores when cosmetics are still present on the face. Before cleaning the pores, it is necessary to wash off all the cosmetics, otherwise it will get deep into the pores.
  2. Hands should not be dirty and tools too. Everything must be thoroughly washed and disinfected.
  3. You can not steam the skin for a long time, everything should be in moderation.
  4. Carefully select cosmetic products for cleaning pores and use them only according to the instructions.
  5. Do not start cleaning pores at home if you are not sure that you can handle this task. This can lead to serious skin problems. In such a situation, it is better to contact a professional cosmetologist.

Cosmetics for cleaning pores

In stores, the choice of different cosmetics for facial skin care is rich enough to be confused. On the other hand, you have the opportunity to choose a product that will ideally fit your skin type and clean it well. Below is a rating of facial cosmetics.

Face mousse La Roche Posay Effaclar H. This cosmetics is gaining a lot of popularity now. Mousse can be chosen exactly for your skin type, even if it is problematic. This mousse perfectly cleanses oily skin and softens it without causing dryness. And of course, clogged pores, pimples and blackheads disappear. Many girls have already confirmed positive feedback action of this mousse.

Cream for Vichy faces Normaderm Anti Blemish Care 24H Hydration. The cream is able to deal with all the flaws on the face. Acne, pimples, clogged pores - it perfectly copes with these problems, as fans of this cosmetic product noted.

Uriage Hyseac Gentle Exfoliating Gommage Mask. Not all exfoliators can fight oily skin, leaving it soft and flawless, as does the Uriage Hyseac gommage mask. It contains clay and active substances. The owners of this remedy notice changes - the skin becomes soft, matte, smooth and without clogged pores.

Micellar solution Bioderma Sebium H2O. This solution copes well with problematic skin on the face. It softens the skin, eliminates imperfections, it can be used for washing. It is easy to use and prevents acne and blackheads.

Here are four of the most popular beauty products that are leading among the rest. All you have to do is choose the right product for your skin type and use it.

Video: three-step cleaning with Chinese products

There are some tips for proper care behind the skin on the face.

  1. To pick up cosmetic product for the face correctly, it is necessary to determine the type of skin on the face. After all, your further care. There are 4 skin types: oily, dry, combination and normal. What type is your skin?
  2. So that the skin is always in perfect condition, you need to take care of it in the morning and in the evening: first we clean it, then we tone it up, and then we moisturize and nourish it. Such care is convenient at home. Morning and evening procedures will not allow inflammation to develop on your skin.
  3. It is important not to use toners with alcohol if you have oily skin. For dry skin, choose tonics and nourish the skin with creams before going out. If the skin type is combination, then choose your own care for each zone.
  4. In no case do not wash your face with tap water, it is too hard and breaks the structure of the skin of the face. Boil water and add a little baking soda.

Follow these facial skin care tips and your skin will be perfectly smooth and beautiful.

The most convenient facial cleanser is various masks.

Exists a large number of various cleansing masks that are prepared at home.

They effectively remove dirt, grease from the surface of the face, while providing the skin with the substances it needs.

How to clear pores at home? A few tips for cleansing and narrowing pores:

Mask Recipes

egg mask: Powder the shell of one egg.

Add a tablespoon of fatty cottage cheese. Dilute with milk so that the mask can be conveniently applied to the face.

Herbal mask: 2 tbsp dried chopped herbs pour 250 ml of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes. Put the gruel on the face like a mask, then wash with a decoction.

This universal recipe For different types skin. For oily, prepare masks from yarrow, horsetail, St. John's wort, sage, chamomile, calendula. For dry skin, rose hips, mint, Linden blossom, rose petals.

Flour mask: 1 tbsp dilute flour mineral water. Apply the resulting slurry to the face.

For normal and oily skin, you can use wheat, rice flour, starch. For dry skin suit oat flour.

Other ingredients can also be used instead of water. For dry skin it is cream, milk, sour cream. For oily - herbal decoction, yogurt, spoiled milk. For dry - cucumber juice, herbal decoctions, egg white.

Flour mask for dry skin: 2 tbsp mix flour with egg yolk, 1 tsp. olive oil.

Oatmeal mask for oily and: 1 tbsp. flakes pour a small amount of boiling water. Let the cereal swell. When the mixture becomes warm, apply it on your face. In a mask for oily skin, you can also add egg white, 0.5 tsp. lemon juice.

Oatmeal mask for dry skin: 1 tbsp flakes pour a small amount of milk. When the mass has cooled down a bit, add an egg yolk or 1 tsp. banana puree, melon.

Bread mask: Pour boiling water over a piece of black bread with a crust.

When the bread softens, squeeze it out and mash it into a pulp. Add 1 tbsp. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Gelatin mask-film: can be used for different skin types.

Especially useful for aging skin, as gelatin saturates it. Drying, gelatin creates a film on the face, which, when removed, takes dirt and fat with it.

1 tbsp gelatin pour 100 ml of water. After swelling, melt in a water bath. Apply to face with a soft brush or fingers.

Various essential oils, herbal decoctions can be added to gelatin.

Mask with orange and semolina: Remove the zest from one small orange. Add 1.5 tbsp. semolina. Add some warm water to make a porridge. Leave for 10 minutes so that the cereal swells a little.

Potato mask: peel and finely grate one small potato or half a large one. Mix with 1 tsp. lemon.

Almond mask: 1 tbsp almond oil mixed equally with crushed into flour walnuts.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the creams that you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of creams famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin, and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts analyzed natural creams, where the first place was taken by funds from Mulsan Сosmetic, the leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


The benefits of cleansing masks for the skin of the face is expressed as follows:

Frequency of use and contraindications

To avoid irritation and allergic reactions , it is enough to do cleansing procedures 1-2 times a week. Steam your face first. This allows you to expand the pores and better eliminate dirt particles.

Do not go outside for 1-2 hours after the procedure. Need that pores narrowed then they won't get clogged with dirt.

It is best to do masks before going to bed. Then during the night the skin will have time to rest and stop.

Put on a mask for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water. After the procedure, apply nutritious cream according to skin type.


  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Diet. During this period, it is not recommended to use masks with acidic ingredients: lemon, apple, vinegar, etc.
  3. Open skin lesions.
  4. Dermatitis, seborrhea, large pimples, acne.

Masks should be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding carefully.

At correct use cleansing masks home cooking will be just as effective as salon procedures.

But at the same time, you save money, you don’t even have to leave the house and you are always sure that the mask is made with the highest quality ingredients.

Recipe home mask to cleanse the pores of the face in this video:

On the skin of the face, various inflammatory processes. It can be black dots, pimples, allergic rashes, irritations. In this case, you need a deep cleansing of the pores of the face. You can clean the epidermis in a salon, or on your own. Let us consider in more detail the methods offered by salons, and effective home procedures.

Basic cleansing techniques to do at home

If skin problems require cleansing the pores on the face, then you need to tune in to regular procedures. One-time sessions will not bring the expected result.

The number of cleansing measures depends on the type of skin. Before you clean the pores on the face at home, it is recommended to adhere to the following points:

The main cosmetic measures for cleansing pores on the face at home include the following procedures:

  • steaming the face over herbal decoctions;
  • procedures that help remove dead cells of the surface layer of the epidermis;
  • application of nourishing and moisturizing agents;
  • cleansing procedures with homemade masks.

The deep cleansing of the face at home is completed with a cosmetic measure that helps to narrow the enlarged pores.

Before starting home procedures, it is necessary to develop comprehensive program how to clean the pores on the face, and follow each step step by step.
Next, we will discuss how to clean the pores of the face at home, according to the main methods carried out independently.


Steam baths for cleansing the pores on the face are best done after removing makeup, in the evening.

You can do steam baths using a regular hot water. It is enough to sit for 10 minutes over a container of hot, boiled water, covered with a towel.

But, a greater result can be achieved by using for steaming herbal infusions. For the preparation of decoctions, you can use such pharmaceutical, dry plants as chamomile, calendula, mint, linden, nettle, parsley, string. Choose a plant that solves problems with certain type skin.

Try a chamomile steam facial cleansing with these tips:

  1. you will need dry chamomile (10 g), water (700 ml), sea salt (20 g);
  2. boil water, add flowers. Close the container with a lid and leave for a couple of minutes;
  3. strain the finished broth;
  4. add salt and mix well.

Cover your head with a towel and lean over the container of herbal tea. You need to sit for 7 minutes, and then proceed to the next procedure.

Home remedies for cleansing

After steaming, it is necessary to apply means for deep cleansing of the pores of the face. These include self-made scrubs, or ready-made formulations helping to get rid of dead skin particles.

A means for cleansing the pores on the face in the form of a scrub, selected according to the type of skin. For a susceptible, dry epidermis, sparing, gentle formulations are needed. For oily skin with enlarged pores, coarser scrubs (based on coffee grounds, sugar or pomegranate seeds).

For oily skin, you can use a scrub of soda with salt. Soaked in foam cleanser cotton pad dipped in mixed salt and soda. Massaging movements are scrubbing the face.

Gentle scrubs can be prepared on the basis of oatmeal with the addition of honey and vegetable oil. When cleansing the pores with a cleanser for the face with dry skin, you need to perform very careful, unhurried massage movements so as not to injure the face. For dry skin, it is better to apply the product with your fingers, so the pressing force will be felt.

Consult a beautician before cleaning deep pores on the face with scrubs, so as not to harm the skin.

homemade masks

Any home masks that help cleanse the epidermis are aged for 20 minutes. The main component for the preparation of homemade composition is cosmetic clay. But, the composition of the mask for cleansing the pores of the face should be selected according to the type of epidermis.

When applying a pore-cleansing face mask, do not overdo it. If you withstand the composition for more than 20 minutes, then the skin will receive small but noticeable injuries.

Homemade masks based on oatmeal are considered a wonderful tool for deep cleaning of the epidermis. Use the following recipe for a pore-clearing hercules face mask:

  1. need ground herculean flakes(1 tbsp), protein chicken egg, lemon juice (6 drops);
  2. the protein is pre-whipped into foam;
  3. the components are mixed and aged for 20 minutes.

The remains of the composition are washed off with warm water. You can rinse your face with herbal decoction.

Another recipe for an oatmeal cleansing mask that is suitable for any type of skin:

  1. to prepare the composition, you can grind the hercules into flour, or take whole flakes;
  2. if the skin is oily, then the flakes are filled with water, with dry epidermis - with milk. If the skin is too sensitive, then linden infusion is used for brewing;
  3. brewed hercules should be infused for 10 minutes.

The mask is applied to the face in two stages. First superimposed a small amount of means, with gentle massaging movements and immediately washed off. Apply the mask a second time and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Treatments to help shrink pores

If the pores on the face are constantly enlarged, this can cause various inflammations. In addition, the surface of the skin looks uneven and untidy. Cleansing and narrowing the pores on the face is mandatory procedures included in the complex of measures for the care of the skin. There are several ways to help narrow enlarged pores:

  • decoctions of herbs;
  • clay masks;
  • vegetable and fruit masks;
  • oil masks;
  • use of ice.

Let us consider in more detail each option, how to clean and narrow the pores on the face.

Herbal decoctions

To narrow the pores, you need to wash your face with herbal decoctions, or wipe your face with infusions after each wash. For this purpose, such pharmaceutical herbs as chamomile, calendula, parsley, mint, linden, nettle, plantain are used.

A decoction of any plant is prepared very simply. It is necessary to brew a teaspoon of a dry plant in a glass of boiling water, and let it brew for 20 minutes. The broth must be filtered.

clay masks

Remarkably narrow the enlarged pores of the mask with blue clay. Preparing the composition is simple:

  1. blue clay is diluted with water and mixed to a homogeneous consistency;
  2. instead of water, you can use cooled boiled milk.

The mask is kept for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

If the skin is different high fat content, then a couple of drops of lemon juice or calendula tincture in alcohol are added to the composition.

Masks with vegetables and fruits

Try making a pore-shrinking mask with parsley. To prepare the composition, finely chop the parsley and mix with yogurt, kefir or lemon juice. The ratio of components for the mask is 1:1.

The next mask is made from cream and lemon juice. The components are mixed in equal proportions and kept on the face for 20 minutes.

Oil formulations

To prepare for problem skin, oil is used grape seeds or almond oil (you need to mix 1 tbsp each). Add a drop of mint or tea tree oil to the composition. Hold the mass for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. To achieve narrowing of the pores, you need to do a course for a week.


To narrow the pores, you can wipe problem areas with ice cubes. For cooking cosmetic ice use herbal decoctions (parsley, calendula) or juice of cucumber, lemon, grapefruit.

Wipe your face with ice morning wash. When the skin dries naturally, apply moisturizer.

Fast cleansing of clogged pores

You can clear the skin of clogged pores with a charcoal mask:

  1. take 2 crushed charcoal tablets;
  2. add a spoonful of gelatin and coal to milk heated to 40 degrees;
  3. mix thoroughly and apply with a brush on the face.

Hold the mask until it hardens. The mask is not washed off, but removed with gentle movements. After the procedure, wipe your face with ice and wash your face cold water. Then apply a nourishing cream.

Another way to clear clogged pores on the face, is to prepare a composition of clay and honey. A spoonful of clay is diluted in mineral water or infused tea, then honey is added. With the help of such a mask, you can solve the problem of how to quickly clean the pores on the face.

As a quick pore cleansing treatment facial fit soda scrub. soda mixed with sea ​​salt in equal proportions, and the foam for washing is added. This scrub is used no more than once a week.