Is it possible to feel the movement of the child on. Fetal movements during pregnancy: the norm, for how long, frequent, strong. Symptoms and methods for determining hypoxia in crumbs

While waiting for the baby, a woman experiences a whole range of new sensations. One of the most magical are the first fetal movements during pregnancy... The day when the baby first makes itself felt, for many expectant mothers, becomes a "red day of the calendar", the beginning of the next stage of pregnancy. When do the first movements of the child begin and is it worth worrying if the child often moves?

The first fetal movements during pregnancy: timing and sensations

When do they start?

The very first fetal movements during pregnancy can be seen at a period when physical activity appears. Unfortunately, women don't feel it. The fetus is so small compared to the uterus that it practically does not come into contact with its walls, and the amniotic fluid surrounding it drowns out the baby's movements.

The period when movements begin during pregnancy is also important for the doctor. On it, he can determine the duration of pregnancy and the expected date of birth.

By the part of the abdomen in which the woman most often feels the movement, you can find out the position of the baby. If shocks are felt in the upper sections, closer to the diaphragm, liver - it lies with its head down. If in the lower abdomen, groin - most likely the baby has taken a breech presentation. It should be noted that the position of the fetus is unstable and can change up to 36 weeks of gestation.

What sensations are there when moving?

Fetal movement during the first pregnancy of a woman, in most cases, begins to be noticed at 20 weeks. Feelings are different. For some women it looks like a pleasant "bubbling" in the lower abdomen, for others - a slight tickling, others compare it with "fluttering butterflies."

At the very beginning, it may seem to expectant mothers that the movements of their beloved child are very chaotic and do not obey any laws. But over time, carefully "looking and listening" to their baby, they begin to notice a certain pattern.

What factors affect the timing of the appearance of perturbations?

The first movements may appear earlier or later (+/- 1-2 weeks), depending on a number of factors:

1. Place of attachment of the placenta

The baby's movements may be somewhat muffled when the placenta is located along the front wall of the uterus, and the woman may simply not pay attention to the movements.

3. Time of day

Like any person, the baby has its own biorhythm and it may not coincide with the mother's. The peak of fetal motor activity often occurs in the evening and at night. During this period, the pregnant woman is at rest, relaxed (required!). Due to this, blood circulation in the "mother-placenta-fetus" system improves and the woman notices that the child often moves. During the day, he calms down and "sleeps off."

4. Stress, nervous and physical tension

The psychological state of a pregnant woman is reflected in the baby. He can hide or, conversely, develop vigorous activity. Physical exercise the expectant mother, as a rule, lead to a decrease in the baby's motor activity.

5. Eating

The nutrients that the fetus receives from the mother through the blood are the basis for its correct growth and development. When a pregnant woman is hungry, the baby can report this by starting to move actively. The same thing happens when a woman eats something, especially sweet.

6. Music and ambient sounds

It is not for nothing that they say that a baby, being in the womb, can hear the sounds of the world around him. In this regard, pregnant women are recommended to put classical music... For example, kids usually love Mozart. Loud and harsh sounds can cause an increase in fetal motor activity, or, conversely, it can subside.

7. Physical activity

The reason for the active movements of the baby can also be the long-term stay of the expectant mother in uncomfortable posture... The blood supply to the fetus changes. Oxygen deficiency may occur and nutrients, about which the baby immediately reports with intense shocks.

Fetal movement: normal

Starting from 28 weeks, by the nature of fetal movements, one can judge its general condition.
The rate of fetal movements is about 10 shocks per hour during the waking period of the child. If the child often moves, the number of tremors has doubled or more, and the baby is literally dancing in your belly, you need to inform your doctor about this. This condition may indicate fetal oxygen deficiency (hypoxia).

If physical activity is reduced or the pregnant woman does not feel any movements at all, this is not yet a reason for alarm. Perhaps the baby is just asleep. Watch him during the day, indulge in a treat. If your baby does not begin to move within 6 hours, see your doctor. Lack of physical activity may also indicate fetal hypoxia.

In both cases, the doctor will prescribe additional methods research. First of all, this is cardiotocography (CTG).

CTG and doppleometry during pregnancy

The use of CTG is possible from 32 weeks of pregnancy. With the help of special sensors, the heart rate (HR) and the number of fetal movements are recorded for 30 minutes. The research results are displayed on paper in the form of a graph.

Normally, the baby's heart rate is 140-160 beats / min, and for each movement there is an increase in heart rate. If this is not visible on the graph, then this may be a sign of fetal oxygen deprivation. V in this case as well as more early dates(up to 32 weeks) dopplerometry is additionally performed - measuring the blood flow velocity in the vessels of the umbilical cord and uterus in order to exclude hypoxia.

For more later dates During pregnancy, baby's movements become more and more tangible, and sometimes painful, due to the fact that he grows in the "womb-house" more and more closely. Stroke your tummy, talk to your child, because even while in the womb, he needs to feel your care and love.

In order to properly prepare for childbirth, to work out breathing techniques, the choice of poses, to master the techniques of self-anesthesia, we recommend that you visit our three-hour course. We also invite you to a two-day course, where a pediatrician will tell you about all the secrets of caring for a baby.

We are waiting for you and see you!

What does a woman feel at the first stirring of the child and how to recognize this moment? Such questions, no doubt, are asked by all expectant mothers. Therefore, we will consider the main signs that indicate the movement of the child.

In most cases, when the fetus moves, the woman feels small tremors. However, in the early stages of pregnancy, they are not very pronounced. In this case future mom feels only some movements of the fetus. Typically, women begin to feel the movement of their baby between 19 and 21 weeks of gestation.

It is rather difficult to describe unequivocally the feeling experienced by a woman at the first stirring of a child. Some expectant mothers note that this feeling has many similarities with increased intestinal motility. Other women say that the movement of a child is like a butterfly fluttering, rolling objects, or a swimming fish. In any case, such sensations are completely painless for the mother herself and do not cause discomfort to her for a longer period of pregnancy.

Only to the extent increased growth a child, a woman can feel the movements of the baby, more pronounced, compared to the first months of pregnancy. The activity of fetal movement is associated with the time of day, the movements of the mother and her physiological rhythms. Having learned to recognize the movements of the baby, the mother can even control their activity, regulating the modes of food intake, as well as sleep and wakefulness.

For a woman, especially a primiparous woman, the first movement of the baby is an extremely touching moment in her life. At this moment, for the first time, she can feel a living person inside herself, which for many expectant mothers is an incentive to a more responsible attitude towards their pregnancy.

Due to the individuality of the body of each woman, expectant mothers feel the first movement of their child in completely different ways. The timing during which the first movement of the fetus occurred may also differ. It depends on the woman's physique, as well as on whether the woman is primiparous or multiparous.

It is noteworthy that women who are carrying their first pregnancy begin to feel the movement of the fetus much later compared to women who have already given birth. This is due to the fact that in primiparous women, the walls of the uterus are much less sensitive.

The first fetal movement is an exciting event for every mother.

The nature of the movements of the child

How can the nature of the child's movement help the expectant mother diagnose the condition of her child, and what signs should cause special alertness? It is necessary for every woman to know this in order to take the necessary measures in time, as well as to better understand her child.

It is noteworthy that the embryo first begins to move in the seventh week of pregnancy. However, these movements are so small that the expectant mother cannot recognize and feel them. Most often, the fetus begins to move from the 14th to the 26th week of pregnancy. In the event that a woman does not feel any fetal movements at twenty weeks of pregnancy, the doctor may advise her to undergo ultrasound examination to make sure your child is developing normally.

Women describe the first movement of the fetus as pushing, kicking, trembling, bumping, or thrilling. However, in some cases, primiparous women may mistake the movement of the baby for movement in gastrointestinal tract... The intensity of the expectant mother's perception of the child's movements in to a large extent depends on its weight and constitutional characteristics.

Experts have noticed that women with overweight bodies can very poorly feel their child, and, conversely, thin women notice pronounced signs of fetal movement. Also, it depends on the activity of the pregnant woman. During the period of movement, the expectant mother may not recognize the subtle signals given by her baby. In turn, in a state of complete rest, a woman has an ideal opportunity to listen to the child's movements.

Around the 28th week of pregnancy, the fetal movement frequency increases. At this time, expectant mothers may notice an almost constant movement of the child. A woman needs to learn how to control fetal activity in order to The biological clock the woman and the child matched.

In the event that a pregnant woman accidentally takes an incorrect posture from an anatomical point of view, the child can suddenly and abruptly begin to move. This usually happens when a woman lies on her back or crosses one leg over the other while sitting. As a rule, when the posture is changed, the expectant mother stops feeling the rapid movement of the child. However, if the frequency of movements has not decreased within a few hours, a woman needs to urgently consult a doctor in order to diagnose and prevent a fetal condition such as oxygen starvation.

By the nature of the movements, you can determine the condition of the fetus

Frequency of movement of the child

Many modern pregnant women wonder what frequency of fetal movement is read as normal. Such experiences are entirely justified, since too rare or too frequent stirring may indicate a problem.

Upon reaching the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby can move up to 15 times per hour. However, sometimes the movement stops for several hours, which should not bother the expectant mother, since at this time the child is simply sleeping. The reason for immediate appeal can only serve as a doctor complete absence any fetal movement within twelve hours.

If a woman notes that the nature and frequency of movements of the child has somehow changed over the past few days, this is also serious reason in order to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. Any change in fetal activity that was not previously observed should alert the expectant mother.

In order to reliably assess the frequency of movement of the child, there is a special Pearson test. After the gestation period has exceeded 32 weeks, the expectant mother should regularly record the time of every tenth fetal movement. It is recommended to select a time interval for such observation from 9 am to 9 pm.

In the event that the number of marks is less than ten, this may indicate the development of oxygen deficiency in the child, which, of course, should not be ignored, since such a condition can lead to fetal death. A pregnant woman should see a doctor as soon as possible with this problem.

Many expectant mothers also note that the number of movements of their baby increases noticeably towards evening, which is quite normal occurrence... Also, a woman should be aware that the child is most active between the 24th and 32nd weeks of pregnancy. However, as the third trimester approaches the end, the baby's movements may decrease. This is especially evident immediately before the birth itself. However, it should be remembered that the intensity of the child's movements must be the same as before, so that it can be argued that everything is in order with the child.

Thus, a simple procedure for calculating the number of fetal movements can tell the expectant mother a lot of important things about the condition of her baby.

It is necessary to control the frequency of fetal movements

Stirring a baby in the third trimester of pregnancy

What a woman should turn to Special attention in the third trimester of pregnancy? Consider the most important points for a woman during this period of time.

The third trimester begins around the seventh month of the pregnancy. At this time, the child was already practically formed. On this stage its organs and systems are completing their development, and there is also a rapid, compared with the first months of pregnancy, an increase in the growth and weight of the fetus. Due to the fact that the child at this stage is becoming stronger and stronger, the expectant mother may notice an increase in the intensity of shocks and movements.

It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus can still rotate quite freely in the uterine cavity, taking on a variety of positions. However, upon reaching 30 or 32 weeks, the fetus is already large enough and by this time takes on its permanent position.

In most pregnancies, the baby sits with its head down in the uterine cavity. This position, called the cephalic presentation of the fetus, is the most anatomical and allows the baby to easily pass through the birth canal. However, in some cases, conditions such as breech presentation of the fetus occur. In this case, the baby is positioned with the legs down, which makes it difficult or impossible for a natural delivery.

In order to give the fetus the position necessary for the natural course of childbirth, obstetrics are used special techniques, with the help of which the doctor gently changes the position of the fetus by pressing in certain places in the abdomen.

Already at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother can, according to her feelings, determine which position the child is in. As a rule, in the case of head presentation, the woman feels the active movements of the child in the upper part of the uterus. If the fetus is located in the uterus with its legs down, the woman during pregnancy feels active movements in the lower abdomen.

With the onset of the third trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother can already recognize the sleep and wakefulness patterns of her baby. Moreover, she already knows what positions she needs to take during sleep so that the child does not experience oxygen starvation. It is known that when a woman is lying down, the blood vessels in the uterus are slightly compressed, to which the child, as a rule, responds with intense movements.

In the third trimester, the mother already knows the child's regimen

Diagnosis of a woman's condition by the nature of the child's movement

How, by the nature of the child's movement, can a woman diagnose her condition and the condition of the child, as well as notice in time the presence of any abnormalities during pregnancy? This question is asked by many women who are aware of the harmful consequences of inattentive attitude to the signs that the human body gives.

For any deviations in the behavior of the child, a woman should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist for a additional examination... If the expectant mother cannot quickly get to the doctor, it is necessary to call an ambulance specialist who will listen to the fetal heartbeat. Normally, it should be between 120 and 160 beats per minute. After that, the doctors will send the woman to medical institution for further diagnostic procedures.

Even if there are no abnormalities in the fetal heart rate, the doctor prescribes the woman to undergo a cardiotocographic study (CTG), which will determine if the child is experiencing oxygen deprivation. During the examination, the doctor attaches a special sensor at the level of the anterior abdominal wall woman's belly. The expectant mother holds a button in her hand, which she presses every time she feels the movement of the child. This information is displayed graphically and the doctor can determine the condition heart rate baby. It should be noted that CTG method the most effective during gestation from 30 to 32 weeks.

The constant movement of the baby and an increase in the woman's abdomen in size indicates normal course pregnancy. The expectant mother should remember that the only way to tell about your condition in a child is exactly the movement. Therefore, a woman should approach the assessment and diagnosis of the child's movements with the utmost responsibility.

First of all, by the nature of the fetal movement, a woman can independently suspect that she has an incorrect presentation of the fetus, which often entails the need for surgical delivery. This will allow her to seek qualified assistance as soon as possible. medical help... With timely treatment, the position of the fetus can be changed using special obstetric appointments, after which the woman will be able to give birth to a child in a natural way.

Why expectant mothers need to listen to the movements of their child

What are the benefits modern woman basic medical knowledge? How an expectant mother can prevent mass using them undesirable consequences for yourself and your child? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to consider the main problems that may arise with the health of a woman and a baby during pregnancy.

One of the most dangerous conditions for a child is hypoxia, which occurs due to a violation normal inflow blood to the placenta, as a result of which the fetus begins to experience oxygen starvation. First of all, this threatens the appearance of various disorders in the nervous and cardiovascular system of the child. If the child does not receive oxygen for a long time, this can in a certain way affect both the mental and physical level fetal development. In this case, women should remember that similar state occurs with equal probability both in early and later stages of pregnancy.

To protect her child from prolonged oxygen starvation, a woman should regularly monitor the frequency and nature of the baby's movements. To prevent the occurrence of such a complication, from the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman should move enough, eat rationally, and also devote enough time to sleep and rest. Also, the expectant mother should constantly monitor her weight. Excess body weight provokes shortness of breath in a woman, which is extremely harmful for both the baby and the mother herself. To avoid overeating, calories daily ration a pregnant woman should not exceed 1600 kcal / day.

Another complication of pregnancy, which a woman can identify on her own, is an abnormal presentation of the fetus. By carefully listening to changes in the nature of the child's movement, a woman with an incorrect presentation will immediately notice changes in her body. Most often occurs cephalic presentation a fetus in which labor is most natural. At breech presentation of the fetus, the child is located in the uterine cavity with the legs down, as a result of which the expectant mother constantly feels strong activity in the lower abdomen. This should alert the woman and force her to see a doctor for a medical examination.

Most dangerous in obstetric practice is an oblique presentation fetus when the baby's body is at right angles to the body of the uterus. With this presentation, as the child grows, his movements cause discomfort to the woman, and even pain. In this case, self-delivery is not possible.

In order to prevent the appearance of a pelvic or oblique presentation of the fetus, during pregnancy, a woman must perform a complex special exercises that will allow the fetus to take in the uterus correct position... It is important to note that these exercises should only be prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist. Unauthorized and even more overly intense exercises for a pregnant woman are extremely contraindicated.

By the nature of the movements, the mother can determine the position of the fetus

In order to stay healthy and safely endure pregnancy, a woman must follow all the doctor's recommendations, be supervised by a local obstetrician-gynecologist, and eat properly and variedly, just walk in the fresh air and observe a sleep and wake regime. She should also monitor the nature of her child's movements, which can tell a lot about his well-being.

One of the most anticipated moments of expectant mothers is the beginning of the movement of the fetus. Pregnant women feel the first activity of the baby in the second trimester. It is important to fix the first shock so that the gynecologist can determine the maximum the exact date the birth of a child.

How long can you feel the movement of the child

The fetal movement begins earlier than the expectant mother can recognize it. At what stage of pregnancy does the baby begin to move? In the mother's womb, the baby shows its first activity on average at 8 weeks - at this time, the muscle tissue of the crumbs is formed, which are responsible for motor functions... Since at 2 months the baby is still too small, and his movements are chaotic and convulsive, the woman has no associated sensations. This is also due to the fact that the amniotic fluid serves as a buffer for tremors.

Over time, the crumb grows, reaching a size at which the tremors begin to be felt by the woman. First aftershocks future mom will be able to recognize at 18-22 weeks. Nevertheless, this indicator is individual for each and depends on many aspects:

  • how many births she experienced (primiparous longer do not feel that the baby has begun to kick);
  • is there a significant fatty layer on the peritoneum ( skinny girls early begin to feel how the baby is pushing);
  • how the pregnancy proceeds;
  • what position is the baby in;
  • features of the location of the placenta (lower or upper abdomen);
  • which psycho emotional condition at the future mother, etc.

When the fetus begins to move during the first pregnancy

This is individual for each woman, however, there is a certain framework for how long the movement of the child is felt. As a rule, with the first pregnancy, this becomes noticeable closer to 20 weeks. At this time, the baby makes about two hundred movements per day, and up to 32 weeks this number increases to 600. Experts attribute this to the growth of the baby. The expectant mother does not even feel most of the pushing.

If the child pushes, this is considered normal, but too active behavior, which causes pain, or, conversely, excessive passivity may indicate fetal hypoxia (acute or chronic). In addition, changes in the way your baby moves can sometimes indicate volume impairment. amniotic fluid:

  • with low water, there is an exacerbation of pain when the baby moves;
  • with polyhydramnios, the expectant mother ceases to feel how the child is pushing.

When do the movements begin in subsequent pregnancies

The question of at what stage of pregnancy the fetus begins to move does not imply the presence of an unambiguous answer: girls feel it in different time... As a rule, the first sensations during the second and further pregnancies occur at 18-20 weeks. For a period of 24 weeks, the baby can kick so strongly and actively that even close people feel the shocks, putting their hand to the belly of the expectant mother. Other babies behave very quietly in the womb, so they may not bother the woman at all.

It is believed that multiparous girls begin to feel internal movements earlier than those who first become pregnant. This is due to the fact that during the second or third pregnancy, a woman already has some experience and can recognize even slight tremors. Unlike multiparous, first-time pregnant women often do not give weak movements in the abdomen of great importance, interpreting them as normal intestinal peristalsis.

But, if you do not hear them, this does not mean that they are not there. The first locomotor activity the fetus can be seen on ultrasound as early as 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, and by the 10th week in little man there is already a swallowing reflex. About 17-18 weeks, the baby already reacts to loud sounds and a bright light, by the end of the 18th week - begins to consciously move the arms and fingers. But you will not feel this yet. The baby is still very small and almost never touches the walls of the uterus. When normally pregnant women begin to feel the baby's movements, how to count them correctly and why it is needed - in an interview with the candidate medical sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist, specialist in fetal medicine "Uniklinika" Viktor Ivanovich Oshovsky. In obstetric textbooks published 10-15 years ago, it is indicated that a woman feels the baby's movements from 20 weeks and not earlier. Re-pregnant women usually feel the baby's movements several weeks earlier than pregnant women for the first time. Today, many say that they feel fetal movements from 16-18 weeks. It's connected with different factors and it is not because the children or their mothers have changed. Today women pay more attention to their pregnancy, consult more often, they really want to hear movements, they are looking forward to them. Therefore, sometimes they perceive intestinal motility or other changes in abdominal cavity, like the first movements of the baby.

In fact, to understand that this is a child moving, you can only with a certain period... If a woman at 20 weeks of pregnancy still does not hear movement, it would be nice to monitor the presence of a fetal heartbeat. But do not be alarmed if the deadline has passed 20 weeks, and you still do not feel any movements. In this, as a rule, there is nothing to worry about. The doctor may recommend that ultrasound procedure, because the 21st week of pregnancy is the time of the second ultrasound screening, at which you can assess the condition of the child, the amount of amniotic fluid around him and other factors that can affect movements. If, for example, there is little amniotic fluid, then the child has little room for movement. Perhaps for some reason, baby is coming growth retardation, it lags behind in size, which means it saves its energy. In this case, it will be less mobile. It happens that the child is initially ill, his muscular system is affected. Such conditions are called myasthenia gravis, this is the inability to control your muscles. In this case, the child is inactive or does not please the mother at all with his jerks. But this is extremely rare. Periods of intrauterine activity of the baby If a woman already feels the movements of the baby, this does not mean that they need to be immediately counted or somehow controlled. Control of fetal movements begins no earlier than 25-26 weeks. In this period, the movements become more or less ordered, the child acquires a certain tendency to wiggle at different times of the day. The fact is that the fetus has periods of activity and rest. There are usually 3 periods during the day emotional activity... The first is at night and earlier in the morning (somewhere from 2 am to 4 am), the second is from 7 to 11 am. And the third one falls in the evening - somewhere from 19 to 23 o'clock. This is the time when the child is mostly awake. And when the fetus is awake, he emotionally reacts to what is happening around him, actively moves, his facial expressions work. Movement for a child is not just twitching. This is a cognitive function, that is, a function aimed at exploring the world around him. Moving, he correctly builds his internal metabolic processes. As for an adult, walking is a cognitive function, and we understand this today, a child who simply lies motionless will have a lower "IQ" - intelligence quotient. After all, cognition of the world, including in utero, occurs through movement. If the child is motionless, his brain tissue also does not mature well. Movement leads to vibrations amniotic fluid, to its correct distribution. It contains primary urine baby, dissolved in it a large number of special substances aimed at accelerating the ripening of lung tissue. That is, nature has invented so that when this liquid is swallowed, the baby's lungs ripen.

During those intervals when the child mostly sleeps (for example, this time is from 11 pm to 6 pm), movements can also be heard, because the transition from one phase of sleep to another is accompanied by a push. During this period, the child sleeps for 20-25 minutes and wakes up on a short time: from one to several minutes. Therefore, it is incorrect to count movements during the period when the baby is inactive, because he is just sleeping. It will be correct to calculate the movements in the activity phase: evening or morning. Why are fetal movements considered? If the baby is uncomfortable in utero, that is, he will receive less oxygen and nutrients, the first thing he will do is start to save his energy, turn off all those expenses that are not directly aimed at ensuring his life. And the beating of the heart, the work of the adrenal glands of the kidneys provide vital activity. Muscles, on the other hand, are a big consumer of oxygen and glucose. Therefore, the baby limits movement. It must be said that the child's overly active behavior is the norm. This indicates that the baby has enough oxygen and nutrients. But sometimes, if the child moves too violently and after that a period of calm ensues, this is a reason to consult a doctor. At some points, violent movements may be associated with obstetric problems, obstetric disasters, for example, with the umbilical cord knot, but this is extremely rare. Therefore, if the child moves frequently and violently, then this is, as a rule, good. But even when a child moves badly, this still does not mean trouble at all. Nevertheless, this is a reason to go to the doctor for the next day and clarify all the points. Obstetricians like it more when the baby moves well. But if the movement is violent, painful, unusual, more than usual, and what is very important, after the movement there are periods of calm, then this is also a reason to consult your doctor. Movement Counting Methods From 26 weeks until delivery, every pregnant woman should count movements. During the counting, the woman should be calm, rested, not hungry. Doing so better evening, for example, from 19 to 21. These two hours are the evening peak of the child's emotional activity. Lying on your back, you need to concentrate on the movements. During this time, you need to count at least 6 movements. If you counted 6 movements in 5 minutes, we no longer count. If in 2 hours at least 6 movements did not work, the next morning at the second peak of the child's emotional activity, that is, for example, from 8 to 11 in the morning you need to go to the doctor to record a cardiotocogram (this is the registration of fetal heartbeats). If every evening during this period you count at least 6 movements in 2 hours, then with a high degree of probability, the child feels adequate. Some women say that their doctor taught them to count movements from 9 am to 9 pm at least 10 movements. it old method... It is better than no counting, but a more effective counting of fetal movements is precisely at the peak of its emotional activity. What determines the amount and strength of the baby's movements Mom affects the child's condition 24 hours a day. The child feels both the mother's emotional state, and the nutrition, and the mother's way of life. Therefore, if the mother smokes, the child will move worse. When smoking, the vessels spasm, and the baby experiences oxygen starvation, and the baby needs oxygen to utilize glucose and grow. Therefore, the fetus includes an economy mode, that is, it moves a little. Coffee, tea, and stimulants should be monitored by a pregnant woman. They are acceptable, but there shouldn't be many of them.

The fruit begins to actively move already at 7-8 weeks of gestation... But the expectant mother does not yet feel this, since the fetus is still too small and moves freely inside the uterus.

However, by the middle of pregnancy, its mass has already reached a significant size and the tremors against the walls of the uterus become palpable for the mother. This usually happens at 18-23 weeks.

Often the first movement of the fetus during pregnancy, women feel in calm state in the evenings, before bed.

Some have compared this exciting moment to the fluttering of a butterfly or a swimming fish. Well, others describe their feelings in a more prosaic way: it looks like the passage of gases through the intestines.

V further baby grows up more and more, and his movements become more regular and noticeable to the mother. At 27-30 weeks they will already be able to listen and feel by putting a hand or ear to the tummy, future dad and other close relatives.

It is often from this moment that many parents begin to solemnly call their belly a child and actively communicate with it. After all, now the baby with his movements can react to the sounds of voices and music.

May respond with a light kick at the point of contact mother's hand to the stomach, or maybe shrink in fear if the hand is someone else's and unfamiliar. Almost all paunchies express their dissatisfaction with active kicks if their mother takes an uncomfortable position for them.

This usually happens when a woman is sitting cross-legged, or lying on her back or stomach. In such positions, oxygen access to the fetus is limited and, naturally, he does not like it.

Often active movements the fetus during pregnancy falls on periods of mother's calm.

When a pregnant woman is sitting, lying or trying to sleep, the child often begins to "stretch". And vice versa, when mommy moves and is busy with something, the baby, lulled by her movements, sleeps peacefully.

One to two weeks before delivery fetal movements are noticeably reduced and this is normal. The baby, having taken the right position, begins to prepare for his first test of life - childbirth.

During the first pregnancy

Women expecting their first child, as a rule, are more sensitive to any changes in their bodies associated with pregnancy. And they carefully "listen" to their tummy in anticipation of the first movements.

And they often begin to worry about their absence by the 20th week. Especially if others are actively interested in: how is the baby pushing?

However, if the observing gynecologist claims that everything is in order: the baby is growing, the heartbeat is good, then you should not worry. For primiparous women the first may be the norm tangible movement fetus only by 23 weeks.

The reason may be:

  • woman's physique: thin mothers usually feel fetal movement earlier than plump ones;
  • woman's activity: if the expectant mother is always on the move and active, then she may simply not notice the movements (or take them for the prostate) as long as they are weak.

Can help your baby feel next way... Drink a glass of milk or eat something tasty and lie quietly on your back, carefully "listening" to your tummy. After a hearty portion of food and in such a mother's position, the baby usually announces itself by stirring.

The fetus grows very quickly and its movements will soon become distinct and understandable for the mother and she will not confuse them with anything.

During the second pregnancy

Usually, a woman who has already given birth knows how fetal movements should feel, and her uterus is more elastic and sensitive. Therefore, during the second pregnancy, the first "move" can be seen at an earlier date. In some cases, as early as 14-15 weeks.

It is believed that a woman expecting a second child begins to feel his first movements on average two weeks earlier than she had with her first child.

In the third pregnancy

Many mothers with many children note that with each pregnancy they begin to feel the first "move" everything earlier... For example, I felt the first child at 20 weeks, the second at 18, and the third already at 15-16 weeks.