Tips for women on how to manage the biological clock of skin beauty. The biological clock of the human body. Jumping girl in the disco

Over time, the situation has changed, one might say, for the better. The latest research data showed that the number of women who conceived a child for the first time at the age of 30-39 increased by 2.5 times, and at the age of 40 - by 50%.

Experts still believe that the most favorable age for the birth of a child is the age of 20-24 years. But in these years, a small number of young women are able to take responsibility for raising a baby. The emotional maturity of a woman lags behind sexual maturity by 10 years. Therefore, today it can be argued that the most optimal age for the birth of a baby (for both mother and child) is 35 years of age. And a woman who became pregnant for the first time at 35 is no longer at risk.

According to scientists, a woman leading a normal life and maintaining good health by the age of 40, if she is not infertile or has not previously had miscarriages, is quite capable of giving birth healthy child like a 20 year old.

Of course, being 40 carries some risk, but it's not as big as many women think. The main thing is to plan this and keep a good physical form. It is necessary to be observed by a gynecologist when planning a pregnancy after 35 years, since by the age of 40 the risk of endometriosis and fibroids increases.

As you know, in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the child's internal organs are formed. It is during this period that it is important for a woman to eat right, avoid alcohol, do not smoke, take and exercise therapeutic gymnastics(a set of exercises should a doctor antenatal clinic). Then the odds normal course pregnancies even at 40 years old will be the highest.

Highly important aspect during pregnancy at age 40 is emotional mood women. She should not think that pregnancy is something dangerous for her and can provoke illnesses. Otherwise, these diseases may actually arise, since powerful emotions and experiences cause in certain biochemical reactions. At the first sign of a health problem, a woman should consult a doctor.

Pregnancy in late age has a number of advantages. Thus, women are most prepared for pregnancy, childbirth and child rearing. In addition, during pregnancy they are not subject to mental ambivalence and less often feel internal conflicts. By this age, they are already fully disciplined, experienced, and their life is ordered and adjusted, which is very important. positive moment in preparation for offspring.

The concepts of biological and fertile age are different. healthy image life, physical education, including amateur sport competitions, significantly prolong the youth of a person. His internal organs continue to function flawlessly despite old age. But biological aging is only indirectly related to reproductive aging.

A woman's fertile age ends when she stops menstruating. It is impossible to say that she has aged at the same time, especially if the menopause was artificial (due to the removal of the uterus). Internal organs are not worn out, cognitive functions do not suffer (the ability to remember and reproduce information), working capacity has increased due to complete hormonal “equality” with a man.

In terms of support reproductive technologies biological age a person is determined by the ability to reproduce: conception, bearing and birth of offspring.

In a man, the work of the biological clock continues until death. An exception is cases of absolute infertility: in the absence or inferiority of spermatozoa. The impossibility of ejaculation without an erection is not the cause of infertility, because in most cases of impotence in the narrow sense of the word (when physiological sexual intercourse is impossible), the process of spermatogenesis continues.

The situation is completely different in women, in whose body there is a limit for the production of eggs. This is the ovarian reserve, which is laid down in the seventh week. prenatal development and is about 7 million follicles. By different reasons by the time of birth, the girl has only 1 million potential get pregnant. The beginning of menstruation is “greeted” by only 250-300 thousand cells. Further reduction in ovarian reserve depends on factors such as:

  • the beginning of sexual activity without the final result (pregnancy and childbirth) - the sooner, the sooner the ovarian reserve fades away;
  • influence harmful factors- nicotine literally cuts off oxygen to potential eggs, which leads to massive death of follicles;
  • artificial termination of pregnancy - there is a massive atresia of the follicles due to a failure of the genetic program after fertilization (instead of nine months - one or two);
  • infections reproductive organs, including sexually transmitted ones, destroy ovarian tissue;
  • frequent colds(including streptococcal tonsillitis);
  • heavy chronic diseases accompanied by damage to the uterine appendages.

The presence of menstruation even by the age of 55-60 does not guarantee fertility, since menstrual bleeding at this age most often occurs without ovulation.

In this world, everything is subject to rhythms. Ebb and flow, sunsets and sunrises, seasons change each other. This is how the pulse of nature beats, and the course of the biological clock of our body is consistent with it.

According to biorhythms, we sleep and wake up at the same time of day. Certain organs and systems have their periods of activity and passivity. Knowing the time of these periods, you can most effectively adjust your plans. Of course, all people are different, so someone's biological clock is in a hurry, and someone's behind. But for most people, average values ​​are still valid.

Biorhythms of life human body programmed from birth. Certain rhythms are subject to: well-being, mood, appetite, hormone production, immunity, the frequency of sleep and wakefulness.

Time of activity and rest of body systems.

Hour of blindness around 02:00

- visual acuity decreases most of all, which is especially important for motorists to know

Sluggish hour 04:00-05:00

- time of lowest blood pressure

Hour of conception 08:00-09:00

- the time of the greatest secretion of sex hormones

Creativity Hour 10:00-12:00

- the time of activity, responsible for creativity and abstract images, the hemispheres of the brain,

Physical education hour 12:00-13:30

- the time when the muscles show the greatest return

Digestion hour 12.30-13:30

- the time of the greatest formation of gastric juice

Needlework hour 15:00-16:00

- at this time, the fingers work best, which is important when working related to tactile sensations and fine motor skills

Growth hour 16:30-17:30

- during this period of time, nails and hair grow fastest

Sense organs hour 17:00-19:00

- exacerbation time taste sensations, smell and hearing

Sobriety hour 18:00-20:00

- the period of the most effective splitting of alcohol

Beauty Hour 18:00-20:00

- the time of greatest permeability of the skin for cosmetics

Communication hour 20:00-22:00

- the time when loneliness is most difficult to endure

Immunity Hour 21:30-22:30

- during this period of time the immune system protects the body from infections most effectively

If we, for example, change the time zone or work the night shift, then by doing so, we change the rhythm of the internal biological clock. This leads to dissonance with natural biorhythms and violates the consistency of the processes occurring in the body.

“What is assigned to us by nature” fails, and we begin to experience insomnia, we experience a breakdown, overwork, and physical discomfort.

If such a change in the biorhythm occurs every now and then, then this leads to a violation of the functions of some organs and systems, to diseases and even to premature aging.

Biorhythms have a very different duration - from a few seconds to several decades.

Biorhythms of a woman

Chronobiology claims that the level vitality and the state of health depend on the biorhythms of a woman, changing every 2 years, and for men - every 3 years. It is noteworthy that odd years of a woman's age are less favorable than even ones.

The protective forces of a woman's body in an odd year fall noticeably. During this period, a woman can easily dial overweight. Therefore, in odd years, it is important to strengthen the immune system and establish proper nutrition.

According to experts, a woman's body is much more than a man's, subject to the influence of cycles. The monthly cycle of the “weaker sex” affects well-being, mood, and metabolism. In the first 2 weeks from the beginning of the cycle, the level of estrogen rises sharply, and this determines the peak of intellectual and sexual abilities. This time is considered the most favorable for sports, work and romantic dates.

The next period is the period of ovulation, the body produces the male hormone testosterone. At this time, women are more self-confident, determined and even aggressive, so you can take up solving cases that require perseverance.

In the second half of the cycle, progesterone is produced, which causes women to be in a state of introspection and melancholy.

Because at this time, immunity is weakened and reactions slow down, it is better to give yourself a rest. And you also need to stock up on low-calorie foods, because the appetite increases during this period.

3-5 days before the onset of menstruation, progesterone dominates, which increases emotionality and irritability. At this time, it is better not to make important decisions, because. in the heat of the moment you can break a lot of firewood.

The hormonal background during menstruation is at zero. The body undergoes renewal and purification. This determines the desire for order and cleanliness - which means it's time to start both in the body and in the house general cleaning. The best time to start a diet or unloading days lasts for two weeks, starting from the 3rd - 4th day of menstruation.


Girls useful information
Daily biorhythms, to which all living things obey, affect many processes in our body. Knowing the timing of these ups and downs will help enhance the effect of cosmetic procedures. The most best mask applied to the face at the wrong time will not lead to desired result On the contrary, it can cause swelling and irritation.

From 11 p.m. to 4 a.m., the process of cell renewal goes on rather quickly.

Exactly at dark time days, when all organs and systems are resting, the skin is able to actively absorb night creams applied in the evening. Of course, it is best to use this watch for sleep - then you will wake up rested, with fresh skin. People who are forced to work at night have skin problems that go away when day and night fall into place.

At 4-5 o'clock the body begins to prepare for awakening.

Activation of the defense forces responsible for the fight against free radicals- enemies of youth and beauty. The adrenal glands secrete the hormone cortisol intensely, so the process of cell division slows down.

At 6 am you are still sleeping, and your body is already waking up. Blood pressure and body temperature rise, the content of adrenaline in the blood increases. A person who wakes up at 6 o'clock remains energetic during the day: after all, he woke up in accordance with biorhythms. At this time, it is good to take a contrast shower.

When the hands approach 7 o'clock, a difficult period begins.

On the one hand, the body is already awake, stress hormones are being produced with might and main, carbohydrates that supply energy begin to break down in the blood. However, the exchange of fluid in the tissues is still sluggish, so those who have just woken up have swollen eyelids, and often a swollen face. You can quickly fix the matter with a contrast compress, a steam bath, or by applying ice to the skin. It is useful to do facial gymnastics, massage, apply eye cream with a decongestant effect. But it is better to wake up an hour earlier or later, if possible.

One of the most favorable periods lasts from 8 to 12 hours.

Metabolism - in fact high level improves blood circulation in the skin. In the first half of the day, she is most susceptible to cosmetic procedures and preparations. It is for these hours that you need to plan a trip to the salon or intensive home care for the skin of the face and body.

But from 12 to 15 hours cosmetic procedures undesirable.

In the afternoon, metabolic processes slow down, decrease arterial pressure and the level of hormones in the blood, the body's defenses are significantly weakened. The skin at this time looks the most tired and indifferent to any procedures.

Between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. there is little static electricity in the body, so the hair is easy to style. This is a good time to visit the hairdresser.

After 15 hours, the heart rate increases again, blood circulation and the work of all organs are activated.

15-16 hours is the ideal time for sports, going to the sauna or swimming pool. Muscle strength and coordination of movements are now at their maximum.

At 17 o'clock it's nice to visit a massage therapist or undergo wrapping procedures, hydromassage.

At 18-20 hours, you can plan painful cosmetic procedures, for example, hair removal: the sensitivity to pain is now minimal. Generally this good period to take care of the body and face - it will be accepted with gratitude.

From 20:00 to 23:00, all organs, including the skin, gradually calm down, tuning in to a sleepy wave.

From 21:00 the brain begins to produce serotonin - the hormone of sleep, body temperature decreases. Try to withdraw as soon as possible day makeup so that the skin has time to rest from cosmetics.

Most best time for a nourishing, moisturizing or soothing mask - from 20 to 22 hours, otherwise you risk waking up with a swollen face. Night cream, which you use later than 11 p.m., will lie on your face until the morning as a useless ballast - it simply will not have time to be absorbed by the time you fall asleep.

A woman's desire for perfection is quite understandable and understandable, only a woman knows a thousand ways to be beautiful, and only a woman knows how much effort and expense it requires.

Knowing how biorhythms affect appearance, you can use periods of strength and attractiveness for responsible life situations. A date scheduled for 13.00 will surely find you not at at its best. perfect time for a meeting from which you expect a lot - 10-11 or 16-18 hours.

5.00-7.00 - the body prepares for active life. Exactly this right time in order to moisturize the skin.

8.00 - blood circulation begins to gain strength, and the skin is ready to accept any impact external factors as negative ( solar radiation, dust, dirt, etc.), and positive (day protective cream, makeup).

11.00-12.00 – work intensifies sebaceous glands, so it's a good time to powder your nose.

After 13.00 - the blood supply to the skin begins to decrease, it gets tired, and fine wrinkles. You can still touch up your makeup, because after 15.00 (see below)…

15.00 - the skin becomes immune to cosmetics.

17.00 - skin cells begin to gain strength. At this time, it is good to carry out cosmetic procedures - massage, masks, cleaning, etc.

23.00-5.00 - the skin rests, absorbing active substances. Therefore, before 23.00, the face must be thoroughly cleansed and applied
nutritious cream.

It's no secret that a woman's body has its own "biological clock". Even physical activity during menstrual cycle should be distributed in such a way as not to burden the body in one period and increase the intensity on other days.

By making a schedule depending on the menstrual cycle, it will be possible to achieve more effective results In sports.
Menstruation is a process in which almost all organs and systems of the body take part. Skillful use of these cyclic fluctuations can improve performance. How to do this in practice?

Divide the cycle by 4:

Phase 1- menstrual (1-5 days)

In the first phase, muscle strength decreases, reaction time lengthens, speed deteriorates significantly, but the ability to short-term load increases. Strength exercises in this phase are contraindicated, and complexes focused on the development of flexibility.

  • limit the amount of liquid.
  • perform exercises on the abdominal muscles;
  • visit the bath and sauna;

Phase 2– postmenstrual (follicular) (6-13 days)

Most women feel energetic!

Hormones rise, and this ensures good performance. This is the most balanced hormonal stage.

Phase 3– Ovulation (14-17 days)

Can continue moderate power load to build muscle mass. Estrogen levels are high, which makes you feel feminine and confident. And best of all there will be exercises aimed at flexibility, good posture - yoga, Pilates.

Phase 4– Luteal phase and PMS (17-28 days)

Estrogen starts to decline and serotonin levels are very low, which makes the mood unstable.

Showing moderate physical exercise. Your body cannot efficiently break down fat for energy. Progesterone does not allow you to lose weight. It is especially important now to limit sweets.

PMS ( premenstrual syndrome)

Some women start feeling PMS 2 weeks before critical days, but most experience premenstrual syndrome in the last 3-5 days of the cycle.

Jumping should be avoided, the power load should be moderate. Compared to all phases of the cycle, in this one, the intensity should be the smallest.

Usage game methods during training in the menstrual, ovulatory and premenstrual phases allows them to perform significant physical activity, which has a positive effect on improving performance. Make your hormones work for you!

- massotherapist / kinesitherapist, personal trainer, Montreal