When to take a child's temperature. Normal body temperature in a child. In the armpit

You probably know what it's like to wake up in the middle of the night to find your baby flushed, hot and sweaty. Your baby's forehead is abnormally warm. You immediately suspect a high temperature, but have no idea how to proceed. But what if there is no thermometer at home? Should I call an ambulance right away?

In healthy children, fever (temperature) usually does not indicate serious condition. While it can be scary when your child's temperature rises, the fever itself doesn't cause any harm and can actually be a good thing - it's often the body's way of fighting off infections. And not all fevers need to be treated. A child's high temperature, however, can put children awkward position and worsen some problems such as dehydration.

Here's more about temperature, how to measure and when to call a doctor

Temperature (Fever) - Facts

  • Fever occurs when the body's internal "thermostat" raises body temperature above normal level. This thermostat is located in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus knows that your body temperature should be (usually around 37°C) and will send messages to your body to keep it there.
  • For most people, body temperature even fluctuates slightly during the day: a child's body temperature tends to be slightly lower in the morning and slightly higher in the evening, and can fluctuate when children run, play and exercise.
  • Sometimes, however, the hypothalamus will "switch" the body to a higher temperature in response to infection, disease, or other causes. Why? Researchers believe that raising body temperature is the body's way of fighting infection-causing microbes and making our bodies less comfortable for them.

Causes of high fever in children

It is important to remember that fever in itself is not a disease - it is usually a symptom of an underlying health problem. Fever (high temperature) has several potential causes:

  • Infection: Most cases of high fever are caused by infection or other diseases. High temperatures help the body fight infections by stimulating natural defense mechanisms.
  • Overheating: Young children do not regulate their body temperature, so infants, especially newborns, tend to have high temperatures if they are too wrapped up or in a hot environment - for example, the temperature in the newborn room is too warm. However, since fever in newborns may indicate a serious infection, the health of children should be evaluated by a doctor even when the newborn has a temperature of 37.2.
  • Vaccinations: Babies and children sometimes develop subfebrile temperature after getting vaccinated.
  • Although teething may cause a slight increase in body temperature, it is probably not the cause if the child's temperature is higher than 37.8° and you need to look for other health problems in the child.

When a child's fever is a sign of a serious illness

If the child has a temperature below 38.5 ° C, then this state of affairs often does not require medication. But there is one important exception to this rule: if you have an infant younger than 3 months old with a rectal temperature of 38°C or higher, contact your doctor immediately. Even a slight rise in temperature can be a sign of a serious potential infection in very young children.

If your child is aged 3 months to 3 years and has a temperature of 39°C or higher, see a doctor to make sure high temperature the child is not the cause of a serious illness.

The illness is probably not serious if your child:

  • still interested in the game
  • eat and drink well
  • is contact and smiles at you
  • It has normal color skin
  • looks good even when the child has a fever

And don't worry too much about kids with fever not wanting to eat. This is a very common situation in the case of infections that cause a fever in a child. For children who are drinking and urinating as usual, refusing to eat is normal.

Is it high temperature?

A gentle kiss on the forehead or hand is simplest way determine that the baby's skin is unusually hot and will be an easy clue that your baby has a high temperature. However, this method of measuring temperature in children (so-called tactile temperature) depends on individual characteristics the person who checks the condition of the child

Use a reliable thermometer to check the baby's temperature when it is at or above one of these values:

  • measured orally (in the mouth): 37.5 ° C
  • measured rectally (at the bottom): 38 ° C
  • measured in the armpit (under the arm): 37.2 ° C

But, and the higher temperature of children does not tell you about the degree of their illness. Common cold or other viral infection can sometimes cause a very high temperature of 38.9°-40°C, but this is not obligatory sign serious health problem. However, more complex infections may not cause any fever at all, or even cause an abnormally low body temperature, especially in children.

Since the body temperature can rise and fall, the child experiences chills as his body tries to create additional heat, which causes the temperature to rise. The baby may sweat because how the body generates extra heat when the temperature starts to drop.

Sometimes children with fever have more rapid breathing or more high rhythm heart than usual. You should see a doctor if your child has trouble breathing after fever remedies for children have brought it back to normal.

Temperature measuring instruments - types of thermometers

Whatever thermometer you choose, make sure you know how to use it correctly to get accurate readings. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for any thermometer.

Digital thermometers usually provide the fastest, most accurate readings. They are different sizes and forms and are available in most supermarkets and pharmacies in a wide range of prices. You should read the manufacturer's instructions to determine if the thermometer is for a baby and how it signals that readings are complete.

In general, digital thermometers can usually be used

  • orally (by mouth)
  • rectally (at the bottom)
  • axillary (under the arm)

Electronic ear thermometers measure the temperature inside the ear canal. Although they are quick and easy to use in children and infants, they are not as accurate as digital thermometers for babies under 3 months or younger and are more expensive.

Plastic temperature strips (small plastic strips that need to be pressed against the forehead) are able to tell you if your child has a fever, but are not a reliable tool for accurate measurement especially in infants and young children. If you need to know exact temperature your child, plastic thermometers will not work for you.

Mercury glass thermometers are old kind way temperature measurements, but some health experts now say that mercury thermometers should not be used due to possible exposure to mercury, a highly environmental toxin.

Every parent knows that taking the temperature of a writhing baby can be challenging task. But measuring body temperature is one of the most important tools, with which the doctor must determine if the child has a disease or infection. best method Measurements will depend on the child's age and temperament.

  • For babies under 3 months old, you will get the most reliable reading with a digital thermometer when measuring rectal temperature. Electronic ear thermometers are not recommended for children under 3 months of age because their ear canals tend to be too small.
  • For children aged 3 months to 4 years, you can use a digital thermometer to measure rectal temperature or an electronic ear thermometer to read the temperature inside the ear canal. You can also use a digital thermometer to read axillary temperature, although this is a less accurate method.
  • For children 4 years of age and older, you can usually use a digital thermometer by mouth if your child is cooperative. However, children who have frequent coughs or stuffy noses may not be able to keep their mouths closed long enough to take temperature accurately this way. In these cases, you can use the ear method (with an electronic ear thermometer) or the axillary method (with a digital or mercury thermometer).

How to take a child's rectal temperature

To take a temperature measurement rectally:

Most people cringe at the thought of taking a rectal temperature. But don't worry - it's a simple process:

  • Lubricate the tip of a digital (not glass!) thermometer with a lubricant such as petroleum jelly.
  • Hold your baby: - ​​belly-down on your lap or on a flat horizontal surface and place your hand along your lower back - or face up with your legs bent towards your chest on your side against the back of your thighs
  • With your other hand, insert a lubricated thermometer into the child's anus to a depth of about 1.25 to 2.5 cm or until the tip of the thermometer is completely in the rectum. Stop if you feel resistance.
  • Hold the thermometer steady while being quiet at the same time, you can even playfully talk to the child, reassuring him with your behavior.
  • Wait until you hear the appropriate number of beeps or other thermometer signal that the temperature is ready to be read. Write down the numbers from the screen, noting the time of day when the child's temperature was taken.

Rectal temperature illustration

How to measure the temperature in the mouth:

This process is easy and even liked by many children.

  • Wait 20 to 30 minutes after your child has eaten or drunk and make sure there is no chewing gum or candy in your child's mouth.
  • Place the tip of the thermometer under the tongue and ask the child to close their lips around it. Remind your child not to bite the thermometer and ask them to relax and breathe normally through their nose.
  • Wait until you hear the appropriate number of beeps or other signal that the baby's temperature has been taken. Record the data on the screen, noting the time of day you took the reading.

To measure your armpit temperature:

This is convenient way find out the child's temperature. Although the data is not as accurate as with a rectal or oral temperature measurement method, some parents prefer to "take" the temperature in the armpit, especially if their children cannot hold a thermometer in their mouth.

  • Remove the child's shirt and T-shirt, place the thermometer in the armpit (it should be in normal contact with the skin, not with clothing).
  • Place your child's arm across your chest to hold the thermometer in place.
  • Wait until you hear the appropriate number of beeps or other signal that the temperature has been taken. Record the readings and time of the test. If you are using glass mercury thermometer for temperature measurement, correct result can be obtained within at least five minutes.

Whichever method you choose, here are some additional tips on how to take your child's temperature correctly:

  • Do not take the temperature of the child immediately after the bath or if he was dressed warmly - this may affect the temperature reading.
  • Never leave a child unattended while taking a temperature. Even the safest thermometer can cause injury.

Manipulation - Technique for measuring the body temperature of children different ages, graphic registration.
Purpose: diagnostic.
Indications: doctor's prescription.
Contraindications: the presence of hyperemia and local inflammatory processes in the armpit.
Equipment: medical thermometer in a container "clean thermometers", temperature log, watch, pen, temperature sheet, tray with disinfectant solution.
Technique for measuring the body temperature of children, the algorithm of action.
Preparation for the procedure:
1. Wash and dry your hands, put on gloves, a mask;
2. Take a dry, clean thermometer from the container and shake it, make sure the mercury drops below 1 degree;
3. Explain to the patient the purpose of the outcome of the procedure;
4. Examine the axilla of the patient;
ATTENTION! In the presence of hyperemia, local inflammatory processes the temperature cannot be measured in this area.
5. Wipe the patient's axilla dry;
6. Place the thermometer reservoir in the armpit so that it is in contact with the skin, press the patient's shoulder against chest, check the position of the thermometer by running your hand along the back edge of the armpit;
7. Hold the hand of children and debilitated patients;
8. Remove the thermometer after 10 minutes and read its reading;
End of procedure:
9. Record thermometer readings in a temperature log.
Infection control:
1. Shake the thermometer and immerse it in disinfectant. solution (3% chloramine solution for 5 minutes, 1% chloramine solution for | minutes, 0.5% chloramine solution for 30 minutes)
- Rinse the thermometer under running water;
- wipe dry, put in a marked container, at the bottom;
- which is a napkin;
2. Place gloves in 3% chloramine solution for 60 minutes;
3. Treat hands at a hygienic level.
Note: body temperature in the hospital is measured 2 times a day (from 7 to 9 am and from 17 to 10 pm). Temperature can be measured in oral cavity, rectum, and children in any skin fold.
Graphic entry.
The results of temperature measurement are transferred to the temperature sheet, where, in addition to graphical recording of temperature measurement data (T scale), there are pulse rate curves (P scale) and blood pressure(scale "BP"). To correctly write the temperature measurement data, it should be remembered that the "price" of one division on the "T" scale of the temperature sheet is 0.2 degrees. The column "Day of stay in the hospital" is divided into 2 halves: "U" (morning) and "B" - (evening). Morning temperature is recorded (with black or blue paste) in column "U", evening - "B". When connected points, a temperature curve is obtained - a graph of temperature changes, reflecting certain type temperature curve, which has diagnostic value in some diseases.

The body of an adult is very different from the body of a child. Babies are just beginning to master the processes of thermoregulation. And they still can not monitor the change in their body temperature. The child will quickly overheat if the mother has put on too many clothes for her son, and just as easily become hypothermic. It must be remembered that the body temperature of the baby during the period of active wakefulness is higher than during sleep.

Normal for newborns can be considered an indicator from 36.3 degrees Celsius to 37.7. What fever? This is an indicator that the body produces antibodies that can destroy viruses and pathogenic bacteria. The body temperature of the child must be measured every day in order to fix the slightest deviation from the norm in time. A slight increase in the calm behavior of the baby and excellent appetite should not cause concern to parents.


How to measure the temperature of infants? To deal with the issue, you need to know what such devices are. There are four The first thing to consider is the mercury most accurate measuring device. Its main drawback is that it requires a large number time for exact definition body temperature and contains mercury. It is very fragile, you need to constantly monitor the receipt of indicators during the procedure.


It is most convenient to use an electronic thermometer. It is absolutely safe for the baby, the duration of taking readings is only 3 minutes, and at the end of the procedure, the device beeps. We should not forget that we have to deal with breast restless child. Therefore, it is worth thinking about an unusual thermometer in the form of a dummy, but this type of meter gives a large error. Runs on batteries if not replaced in time right moment he may not be of any help to a loving mother at all.


The infrared thermometer is a completely new invention. It is non-contact or in-ear. It is not recognized as a high-precision device, but it is useful when measuring the temperature of milk or baby porridge. When using an ear thermometer, the required indicator will be known within five seconds. But such devices are expensive.


The following view does not have high accuracy, but is indispensable on the road. This is a disposable thermometer. It is a strip that is applied to the baby's skin or placed under the tongue. Readings can be taken after 60 seconds.

How to measure the temperature of the baby, not all mothers know. This is especially difficult for novice parents, so the following lines are dedicated to such people.

First way

Where to measure the temperature in the baby? In the mouth, armpit, ear and rectally. Thermometer in the armpit of the baby - classic way First you need to seat the child on your lap. Then you should place the thermometer under your armpit, and while the right amount of time passes, you can tell him a fairy tale, sing a song, just chat. After 7 minutes or after a beep, the procedure can be completed. If the child is not yet able to sit, before starting to measure the temperature, he must be laid on his back.

other methods

The following method is effective, but less pleasant for the child. This is a temperature measurement in the rectum. Put the baby on the back, gently bend the legs at the knees. Carefully insert the thermometer into the rectum for two centimeters, having previously applied any emollient cream. After such a procedure, disinfection of the measuring device is required. You can measure the temperature in the baby's ear canal. All measurements should be made only when the small child is calm. Note that during feeding, the baby's temperature will be higher than usual.

Normal performance

If mothers have figured out how to measure the temperature of babies, it's time to tell what temperature is considered normal for a newborn. In the armpit it will be from 36.3 to 37.3 degrees Celsius, in the mouth - 37.1, and in the rectum it will be from 37.6 to 38 degrees.

We measure the temperature

And how to measure the temperature of the baby with a mercury thermometer? This matter must be handled carefully. The danger is that mercury is a metal whose fumes adversely affect the human body, especially the child. The thermometer has a glass body, which requires very careful handling. Use it when measuring in the rectum and armpit.

How to measure the temperature of the baby with an electronic thermometer? All young mothers should know the answer to this question. This type of thermometer is safe and convenient. When the measurement is completed, the thermometer will emit a sound alert. But the downside is that it can give erroneous information with an error of one degree. Within three minutes, information about the temperature of the baby's body will be with his parents.

Pacifier thermometer - the most original of all types measuring instruments. It is fun for kids and easy to use. Looks like a regular pacifier, made of materials that are safe for the child, measures the temperature within 4 minutes. If parents do not want to accustom their baby to the nipple, such a thermometer will not work.

How to take the temperature of babies infrared thermometer? This is one of the most modern thermometers. It is enough just to attach it to the temples or forehead of the baby, as almost instantly it can be considered needed by mom indications. But there is one caveat: not all parents can afford to buy it.

Moms opinion

We figured out how to measure the temperature of infants. Now let's summarize and highlight the opinion of mothers.

Many have tried different thermometers, and each of them has long given its preference. Young people do not refuse pacifiers and can even afford to purchase such an unusual thermometer. Such parents say that this is the most convenient and stylish look thermometer, in addition, during the usual sucking movements of the baby, an indicator is displayed on the electronic display. Moms, accustomed to saving and distributing every penny, vote with both hands for an ordinary mercury thermometer, calling it the most accurate and classic: “Our grandmothers also used such thermometers.” Many parents use an electronic thermometer. However, how many people, so many opinions.

If a mother suddenly suspects a cold or other illness in her baby, the first thing she does is measure his temperature. First, he simply puts his palm on the forehead or on the chest of the child, and then takes the thermometer. And if the child is sleeping, what to do? Is it possible to measure the temperature of a sleeping child, and what is the best way to do this?

Not everyone knows how to measure the temperature of a baby, especially young parents. What can thermometer readings tell mom? We will talk about this and much more regarding the temperature of the newborn below.

Thermoregulation and body temperature of the baby

The temperature of the human body is one of the main indices of the state of the body. It shows how well the thermoregulation system is functioning. Thermoregulation is the body's ability to maintain body temperature within certain limits, regardless of temperature. environment. The process of thermoregulation provides a balance between the amount of heat that the body produces and the amount of heat released into the external environment.

The normal mechanism of thermoregulation in a child does not begin to function immediately after birth. For about three months, the baby's body learns to keep constant temperature, so the baby is quite sensitive to all changes in his environment. In this regard, it is very easy to supercool or overheat the little man.

The instability of thermoregulation also explains the rather frequent causeless increase in temperature in an infant in the first week after birth. In most cases this is not warning sign. Just so the baby adapts to extrauterine life.

Where to measure the temperature in a child: TOP-5 ways

  • armpit or groin area;
  • oral cavity;
  • ear canals;
  • rectum;
  • elbow bend.

The readings of instruments for determining the temperature in these zones can vary by 0.5-1.0 degrees. The highest temperature will be in the rectum, the lowest - in the ear or under the arm.

How to correctly determine the temperature of a sleeping child?

Temperature at baby can change from any tension or active action. For example, after a massage or a bowel movement, even after feeding, the baby's body temperature increases slightly. In this regard, it is best to measure it in a state of complete rest of the baby (first of all, when he is sleeping).

To begin with, you just need to touch your lips or palm (wrist) to the forehead of the crumbs. In this way, you can understand whether it is necessary to get a thermometer in order to more accurately determine the temperature of the baby.

If the mother is sure that her baby's forehead is hot, then using any thermometer, you need to measure the temperature more accurately.

Methods for measuring temperature in different parts of the child's body:

  1. Determination of temperature under the arm. This is the most traditional and familiar method of determining, but it also requires accuracy and attention. If the mother uses an ordinary mercury thermometer, it is necessary to ensure that the tip of the thermometer is in close contact with the baby's body and handle, without going beyond the armpit. Approximate time determination of body temperature - about 5 minutes. Since it is quite difficult to measure the temperature little child when he is awake, children's doctors recommend this procedure during baby sleep. First, you should check if there are sweat secretions under the child's armpit. If there is sweat, you need to gently blot it. You need to gently shake the mercury glass thermometer and warm it a little in your hand before using it. Slowly take the sleeping child in your arms or lay him on the side. The thermometer should be placed between the handle and the body so that the tip of the device is in the cavity under the arm. For infants under the age of six months, the normal temperature is from 36.2 to 37.3 degrees.
  2. oral definition. Orally (in the mouth) to determine the temperature of children is recommended only after 4-5 years. For newborns, you can only use special thermometers in the form of a pacifier. This device can also measure the temperature if the child is sleeping. But it should be remembered that this procedure can be carried out after 20 minutes from the moment when the baby drank something warm enough before going to bed. The temperature measurement time is about 3 minutes. The optimum temperature is considered to be from 37.0 to 37.6 degrees.
  3. rectal method. Pediatricians call this method the most accurate. If the baby is fast asleep, it should be laid on the side or back, pulling its legs to the tummy. You can lay the baby on his tummy on his mother's knees. If a conventional thermometer is used, its tip must be lubricated with baby cream or petroleum jelly. Having parted the child's buttocks, the device is gently inserted into anus 1-2 cm, but not deeper. Next, squeeze the halves of the baby's ass. Measurement time - 5-7 minutes. Normal in the rectum are numbers in the region of 37.6-38.0 degrees. It is convenient to use an electronic thermometer or a button device for this type of temperature determination. You should not try to carry out this procedure if the baby shrinks and twists, since the walls of the rectum are very thin, and they can be injured with a thermometer.
  4. Method for determining the temperature in the ear canal. It is performed using infrared electronic devices. Perfect for a sleeping baby. These devices are equipped with special protective caps. With their help, you should carefully insert the probe of the device into the baby's ear canal. The measurement takes 1-2 seconds, readings from 36.9 to 37.6 degrees are considered normal.
  5. AT inguinal zone or elbow bend. Pediatric doctors call this method not the most convenient and accurate, but the situations with newborn children are different, so you should remember about this possibility of measurement. The tip of the device fits into the fold of the groin or into the elbow bend. In this way, you can measure the temperature of the child when he sleeps or is completely at rest. The determination time is up to 5 minutes, the normal temperature is from 36.5 to 37.3 degrees.

All of the above places for measurement are convenient because there is an extensive network of blood vessels under the skin in these places. The temperature in these zones is as close as possible to the internal temperature of the body.

Models of modern instruments for measuring temperature

To date, many convenient thermometers have been developed and presented for determining body temperature in young children.

Among them:

  • classic mercury glass thermometers;
  • various models of digital (electronic) thermometers;
  • infrared models;
  • thermosensitive indicators.

About which thermometer to choose, listen to the opinion of the famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky:

At high temperature the baby can sleep all day, and the mother will only have to measure the temperature of the sleeping child.

Any type of thermometer can be used to measure the temperature of a sleeping child. But, no matter how convenient and modern the instruments are, pediatricians consider mercury thermometers to be the most accurate. Despite certain shortcomings ( possible danger, relatively long time measurements), such a thermometer will almost never fail or fail.

The main conditions for using a mercury thermometer:

  • you can not measure the temperature in the mouth and in the rectum of the baby;
  • can only be used in the armpit;
  • store in a special tight case;
  • after use, shake, knock down the mercury column and wipe dry.

How to correctly assess the temperature of the baby?

Because thermoregulation small child still imperfect, need to find out individual rate its daily temperature. To do this, you need to fix the temperature for several days in the morning and in the evening. healthy child. Average and will be considered normal. It is advisable to do this when the baby is sleeping, because frequent measurements make the awake baby nervous, cause crying and negative reactions. Accordingly, the temperature will be elevated, and it will not be possible to determine the norm.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Pediatrician the highest category
She graduated from the Gorky Medical Institute in 1977 with a degree in pediatrics.
I have extensive experience in medical practice. For 25 years she worked as a district pediatrician in Nebit-Dag, Turkmenistan; in Ternovka, Ukraine; in the city Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
5 years worked as a pediatrician in the Center social assistance family and children in Nizhny Novgorod, from 2003 to 2008.
Currently I help mothers with children, I write articles on topics that I understand as a professional - childhood diseases and child development. I am a site consultant and lead headings and

Temperature measurement rules

If the baby has a personal thermometer, it's just wonderful. Wipe it down before every use warm water with soap or alcohol. To know what indicators are normal for your baby, you should measure his temperature when he is calm and healthy. It is desirable to measure it in the rectum and armpit, in the morning, afternoon and evening.

If a child is ill, the temperature should be measured 3 times a day: morning, afternoon and evening, daily at the same time throughout the illness, this is especially important for risk group aunts. Write down all the results, as the doctor can judge the course of the disease from the temperature diary.

First you need to vigorously shake the thermometer to 36 degrees. Do this over the bed to avoid the possibility of the thermometer flying out of your hands and breaking on the floor, for example. Do not measure the temperature under the covers, if the baby is crying, scared, very excited, let him calm down.

How to put a thermometer?

The thermometer is most often placed in the armpit, this option is more suitable for older children and in character calm kids. Excessively mobile and capricious crumbs will create a lot of problems for moms. How to measure temperature with a mercury thermometer? It must be kept for more than 5 minutes. in the armpit, it is important that it does not touch clothing and fits snugly against the skin. Correct data will not be obtained if the child is only after a bath, he has too many clothes on, or he cried. Comfortable when wearing a sleeveless T-shirt. Digital must be kept until it gives a signal, this is 3-5 minutes.

The most reliable temperature measurement is the rectal method. It is well suited for babies up to a year. The child must be laid on the left side, the tip of the thermometer should be lubricated fat cream and insert it into the rectum by 3-5 mm. Make sure that the child does not move abruptly, especially if it is a mercury thermometer. This method contraindicated in children with indigestion.

In children older than a year temperature is measured under the tongue or under the arm. Before placing the thermometer under the tongue, make sure that the child has not drunk hot food or eaten. A mercury thermometer cannot be used in this case, as it can be crushed with teeth. Moreover, children who are teething or have any oral problems (stomatitis) may not accept this method.

Temperature or fever?

The normal temperature for a child is 36-37˚С - it depends on when and how it was measured. The temperature in the morning is the lowest, from 4 to 6 pm the highest.

In infants, body temperature rises quite easily when they cry for a long time, with a fun and long fuss, in a hot room, if they were too active sun or because of very warm clothing.