Do-it-yourself artificial stone arch. Step-by-step instructions for pasting the arch with wallpaper. Rules and secrets for laying facing stone from experts

There are many options for how to make the interior original and attractive. One solution is to create from a doorway beautiful arch. But such a design by itself may not be enough. In some cases, you can not do without a spectacular finish. And for this, artificial stone is very often used.

About arches

The arch is an architectural element that plays the role of an opening in the interior. It is known that there are references to the first arches from the times of the Ancient East.

Given such a long history, it is not possible to know the reasons for the creation of arched structures. For a very long time, the building was built of stone and brick. It is already in our days that drywall, wood, plywood, as well as OSB, chipboard or fiberboard have been added to this list.

About decorative stone

This material is not only beautiful way interior decoration, it perfectly performs a protective function. Therefore, he was so fond of designers. Of course, if an artificial stone is used indoors, then it protective functions reduced to resisting only random mechanical damage. And this material is used pointwise in the interior, the maximum that can be finished in one room is a wall. But most often the material is used as an addition to existing elements.

Benefits of a stone arch

This design option has almost no drawbacks. After all, the material does not rot, does not corrode and fungus. Decorative artificial stone consists of environmentally friendly components, therefore it is safe for health.

Why not use natural material? The fact is that, firstly, it is very expensive, and secondly, not all structures can withstand the weight natural stone. The same granite is three times heavier than its artificial counterpart.

There are a number of other advantages of this approach:

  • not required special care- any detergent that does not contain abrasives will do;
  • you can use an artificial analogue of any natural stone- manufacturers began to make very high-quality imitation;
  • decorating stone arches with your own hands does not require special skills, so the procedure is easy.

Materials for creating a structure

Creating a stone arch in an apartment requires the use of a specific list of materials that need to be prepared in advance:

  • the decorative stone itself;
  • pencil;
  • sandpaper;
  • primer;
  • mortar or glue;
  • grout for seams.


Finishing the arch with decorative stone starts from the traditional stage of surface preparation. It is necessary to smooth out the bumps using sandpaper, and then putty them using a pre-primer.

Preparation of the adhesive solution

You can lay a decorative stone on a special glue, on a cement-sand mortar or on liquid nails.

The quality of adhesion of the finishing material to the base depends on the roughness of the back side of the tile and the quality of the adhesive mixture. If the solution needs to be prepared on its own, this should be done in small portions, since it sets quickly enough, losing its properties. You need to mix the powder and water in a convenient capacious container using a mixer (it can be a drill with a special nozzle). You need to mix until you get the consistency of thick sour cream.


Laying is done from the bottom up. You need to start from the corner of the opening-wall. The seam should be left approximately 4-5 mm. If corner stones are used, they must be glued from below. If flat ones are used, laying should be done with an overlap.

During the procedure, do not forget to check the horizontal laying. On an arc, elements can be trimmed to meet the required radius. This can be done with wire cutters or a grinder with a special nozzle.

Edges in without fail be sanded using a file. When the finish is finished, you need to wait for the mortar or glue to dry. After that, you need to do the refinement of the seams. For these purposes, we use a grout of the appropriate color. To perform the procedure, it is better to use a construction syringe. Otherwise, you can use a rubber spatula. You can make the tool yourself. To do this, cut off a square piece of polyethylene, fold it in the form of a cone, fix it with tape. The tip of this element must be cut so that the resulting size corresponds to the size of the seams between the stones.

Next, one of these tools needs to press the grout into the seams in order to completely fill them. In this case, everything must be done carefully so that the material does not get on the front of the products. It remains to wait until the grout dries - the decorative stone arch is ready.

Seamless laying

In this case, the tiles are laid tightly to each other, so finishing the arch with artificial stone requires painstaking work. Glue or mortar is applied to the stone. If the laying is done from top to bottom, you can get a smooth border with clear lines.

Since the edges of the finishing material are well prepared, no pick-up time is required when laying, so the procedure is carried out quickly. At the end, the surface can be opened with an impregnation that will repel water and protect against the effects of chemicals.

Stone arch is inexpensive, but looks great

The design of the arch with a stone allows you to give this element of the interior more expressiveness and style. The room takes on a more refined and attractive appearance. This option looks especially good in the corridors and living rooms. In a word, the effect of such a finish is amazing, as you can see by looking at the photos of the options.

Decorative rock great material for finishing, both facades of buildings, and for an internal interior. This material easy to process, cut and drill.
It is easy to work with him. However, in order to obtain an aesthetic good result, it is necessary to strictly follow the cladding technology.


Let's prepare the tool first.
You will need:

  • Construction mixer
  • Building level
  • Cutting machine or cutting machine
  • Putty knife
  • Bucket
  • Metal brush
  • Paint brushes
  • rubber mallet
  • Trowel
  • Construction tape measure
  • Grout syringe
  • Household spray gun
  • Wooden or plastic wedges of the same thickness

Consumables - making the right choice

You will also need consumables:

  • Adhesive for decorative stone

Our advice - when purchasing glue, carefully read what is written on its packaging. The instruction must accurately indicate its properties.
For gluing decorative stone different weight There are different types of glue. Therefore, first select a decorative stone that suits you, then purchase glue, and not vice versa.
Price in this case plays a secondary role, the main quality.

Decorative stone suggests that in addition to laying the stone on a vertical surface, you will also need to enclose the vault. In this case, the peeling force will constantly act on the glued stone.
Therefore, the implementation of all recommendations for choosing the right adhesive is especially important.

Important - when carrying out work on the installation of decorative stone at an ambient temperature below +5 degrees, it is necessary to use glue of a certain brand. Consider all this when choosing.

You will also need:

  • Matching color grout
  • Primer

Our reference is a water repellent, a water-repellent composition for concrete.

Little addition. Many may have a question - what is the difference between hydrophobization and waterproofing?

The fact is that during waterproofing, the walls are protected from moisture, but in turn they do not breathe. Hydrophobization allows not only to protect the walls from moisture, but also allows them to breathe.

Decorative stone trim

Step one - surface preparation

The first and very important stage is a competent and proper preparation surfaces.

Before laying decorative stone on the wall, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation:

  • Remove old whitewash, paint or wallpaper
  • Walls must be leveled with putty
  • Prime the walls and arches. The primer holds together small particles of the wall and on such a surface any finish is held tighter.

Our reference - currently on sale there are primers for any surfaces. Choose what you need based on the material of your walls.

Concrete walls, especially monolithic ones, must be treated with a special adhesive primer "Betonokontakt". At elevated temperatures or high ambient humidity, it is recommended to moisten the back side of the decorative stone with water.

Drywall arch - stone finishing rules

Someone will be interested in how to decorate a plasterboard arch with a decorative stone:

  • When laying decorative stone on drywall, it is recommended to use light grades of stone.
  • In addition, it is possible to lay a decorative stone on the gypsum board only indoors.
  • If yours is under a canopy and in the open air, it is impossible to cover it with a decorative stone.

The surface of the moisture-resistant GKL must be treated with a primer, after which it is necessary to allow the sheet to dry. Only after that you can start laying.
It is convenient to apply the primer with a roller. At the same time, do not forget to prime, at the arch, both external and internal surfaces.

Proper preparation of stone tiles for laying

Do not rush to immediately lay decorative tiles:

  • Mix the stone from different packages.
  • Next, spread the stone on the floor.
  • Choose the position of individual stones in such a way that its texture looks as advantageous as possible.

For example, distribute it according to the shades of the color difference or place short and long elements in the masonry so that masonry looked more natural.

Checking the stone - what is important to know

Before installation, make sure that reverse side the tiles did not have a thin foamy layer, the so-called cement laitance.
If you find it, you need to clean the back with a metal brush. Execute it.

Our reference - the presence of cement milk significantly impairs adhesion. Your tile will just fall.

In a bucket, strictly following the instructions on the package, dilute the glue. Mix thoroughly with a mixer.
The mixture should be homogeneous:

  • Use a spatula to apply a layer of adhesive to the wall where the tiles are to be installed.
  • On the back side of the stone, also apply a layer of adhesive mass with a spatula.
  • Each layer, whether on the wall or on the tile, should be 5 - 10 mm.

Our advice - do not apply too much thick layer glue, this can cause the decorative stone to slide off the wall.

Important - the adhesive must completely cover the back of the tile without voids. This recommendation also applies to the wall, on which glue is also applied. Everything should be covered in an even layer.

Internal voids can lead to condensation inside the masonry.

We lay the stone ourselves - competently and efficiently


  • Attach the tile to the desired location and press lightly.
  • Next, using a building level and a rubber mallet, level the stone.
  • Moving it from side to side, achieve a good fit to the wall.

Our advice - decorating arches with decorative stone involves high-quality masonry. Therefore, during installation, tap on the surface of the stone with a screwdriver handle.
So you can determine if there is a void inside. If they are found, the stone must be dismantled, peeled off the glue and laid again.

  • Additionally, tap on the surface of the stone with a mallet. If glue sticks out around the edges, remove it with a spatula.

At the same time, if glue remains on the ends of the stone, you should not remove it, so you will achieve better adhesion of the stone not only to the wall, but also to each other. Finishing arches with decorative stone in the apartment (see), just implies a high-quality adhesion of tiles to each other.

Masonry with stitching

There are two types of installation artificial stone:

  • with stitching
  • No seams

Arch decoration with decorative stone with embroidery one of interesting options design. If you need just such a masonry, you need to use wooden or plastic wedges in the process of laying.
Select wedges of the thickness you require. After the glue has dried, the wedges can be removed and the seams can be started.
Jointing of decorative stone is not less than milestone work when finishing with a decorative stone of an arch or just a wall. The whole end result of such painstaking work depends on its competent and accurate implementation.


Fill the gaps between decorative stones with a special grout using a syringe.


  • Fill the syringe with grout
  • Slowly squeezing it out, carefully fill in all the seams
  • It is recommended to fill the joints with grout in such a way that it goes deep into the outer edge of the stone by 3-4 mm. Thus, you will achieve a pronounced masonry relief.
  • If you need to get a smooth texture of the masonry, you can fill the seam with grout on the same level with front side stone.

  • After the mortar begins to set, after about 30 minutes, it must be smoothed out with a spatula or a special figured spatula for jointing.

Our reference is that the time range of 30 minutes indicated by us is conditional.
It all depends on the specific grout you purchased. Read the instructions carefully and perform all work according to the manufacturer's instructions.

On sale there is a large selection of grouts that mimic the color and texture of a real solution. You can choose grout different color and shade, according to your taste and according to the requirements of the intended design.

Covering the arch - "correct" chips

In an apartment with a decorative stone, it suggests that the stone will need to be cut to the required size. Many may have a question: how to finish the arch with a decorative stone and at the same time the walls are not finished with stone?
It must be understood that circumcised smooth edge stone at the junction of masonry and a flat, unlined wall will not look quite natural and beautiful.

A more acceptable result will be when the stone, laid along the edges, will have various chips. This will create the impression of naturalness and the effect will turn out to be more natural.

Decorative chips are fairly easy to make with sawing and cutting tools.
To perform the correct chipping, you must do the following:

  • With a knife, outline the main outlines of the future chip
  • All excess bite off with pliers

Our advice - do not try to bite right off the mark. You need to start from the edge, biting off a small piece.
Thus, all unnecessary is removed according to the mark made. Otherwise, the stone may break in a completely inappropriate place.

  • Chip areas are repaired with a knife or file
  • Subsequently, to give the chips smoother shapes, they are processed with sandpaper.
  • If desired or required by the design, chips can not be smoothed out. Everything is up to you

Decor - the finish line

At the end of the masonry, small defects may remain, chips in unnecessary places, scuffs, end cuts and not quite correct color matches.
All this is easy to fix with an airbrush. At the same time, it will take you less than an hour for your masonry to take on a finished shape.

The airbrush mixture is:

  • Tinting paste
  • water
  • Acrylic lacquer

To give the stone the greatest relief and expressiveness, a finishing spray is applied to its surface with an airbrush. In this case, it is necessary to apply the spray in such a way that the airbrush is at an oblique angle relative to the surface being trimmed.

The color of the spray should be slightly darker than the color of the stone itself. If you want to get an unusual effect, you can add special metallic pigments, gold or bronze, to the mixture.
But you need to understand that this coating must be used in limited quantities, best from the ends of the stone.
AT normal conditions this luster is practically invisible. But when direct rays of the sun or directional light hit it, your decorative stone will “come to life”, it will begin to glisten different colors just as it happens in nature.

Our advice - after finishing the decorative finish and applying the final spray, we recommend that you coat the masonry acrylic varnish.
This recommendation is relevant in places of active zones. Arches are just one of these areas. This way you will protect the coating from scuffs.

Use clear, matte or semi-gloss varnish on water based. It can be applied with an airbrush or spray gun.

The decoration of the arches with decorative stone will allow you to bring a unique and truly memorable look to your interior.
Our resource is enough various videos and a photo of material on design and how to implement it. Here you can learn a lot of new things and get acquainted with the advice of specialists that will be useful to you when performing certain types of finishing work.
Good luck to you!

The decorative finishing stone certainly has its fans. After all, it is practical beautiful material, laying of which even a non-professional can do.

The variety of textures and a wide range of colors of the stone will help you decorate the interior in various styles, create coziness and comfort in your apartment or private house. The most widely used facing material is in the decoration of walls, columns, kitchen "aprons", niches and doorways, including arches.

For internal works most often used artificial stone based on gypsum. It is lightweight (much lighter than concrete analogues), breathable, environmentally friendly material with high performance characteristics.

Today we will dwell in more detail on the decoration of arches and doorways with decorative stone.

Types of decorative stone

  • decorative brick

Brick natural shadepopular stuff in the interior in the style of "loft". Brick-like tile imitates brickwork. A brick arch looks good in combination with dark-colored ceiling beams in a country-style interior.

White brick will make the room more romantic and light. Suitable for interiors in Scandinavian, Mediterranean and vintage style and of course in the style of "Provence".

  • shell rock, sandstone

Facing tiles made of shell rock will fill the interior with light and warmth. The warm colors and porous surface go well with columns in antique-style interiors.

  • limestone

Limestone tile or its imitation is distinguished by texture and a variety of shades: from white to brown.

  • river stone

This cladding looks very brutal, reminiscent of a medieval castle or the entrance to a cave. large stone suitable for the interior in the style of "chalet" and in the Gothic style.

Looking for suitable options, it is useful to study the catalogs of the finishing material. Finished products made of natural stone include dozens of different items, skillfully combining which, you will get a harmonious interior designed in your own style.

Making an opening with a stone has a number of advantages. Firstly, it is the protection of the side surfaces and outer corners from abrasion and dirt. Secondly, this finish is more durable.

Thirdly, the opening or arch acquire interesting view, can become an accent in the interior or emphasize its general style.

Finishing the doorway with artificial stone will help to visually unite the hallway with the living space, it looks great in combination with decorative plaster or smoothly painted walls.

Decorating openings, arches and walls with natural or artificial stone gives wide opportunities for the flight of design ideas in interior design. Light pastel shades stones are in harmony with various frescoes.

A long corridor can be visually “divided” into sectors with the help of arches lined with stone, and “expanded” by decorating the walls with mirrors.

Performing decorative stone work

Artificial analogues of decorative stone attract the buyer with their affordable price, and in appearance they almost do not differ from natural material. You can also save money if you perform cladding work without involving specialists.

For it is necessary to select light material, and narrow tiles are easier to lay on the arched (vaulted) surface of the opening.

The composition of the adhesive solution directly depends on the material chosen for the finish. It is necessary to knead the glue, following the instructions on the package. Use a special mixer for kneading so that the structure of the solution is uniform and plastic.

The surface of the walls must be clean and treated with a primer. For better adhesion with glue, some experts recommend making notches on the wall.

The glue is evenly applied with a spatula both on the wall at the place of gluing and on the back side of the tile. The layer thickness should not exceed 5-10 mm.

After attaching the tile to the wall, press it and seal it with a rubber mallet, tapping on the surface. Carefully remove excess glue around the edges with a spatula. The drying time of the glue is about a day or two.

Decorative facing stone can be laid in two ways: with and without jointing. When laying grouted tiles, use plastic crosses or wooden wedges of the desired thickness.

Grouting is usually done with a solution using a special syringe. After some time (20-30 minutes), after setting the solution, the seams are smoothed with a spatula for jointing.

At the end of the masonry, after the grout has dried, it is recommended to clean the artificial stone from dust and cover it with a transparent water-based acrylic varnish, for less abrasion of the surface during operation.

Subject to the sequence of work, the decoration of arches and openings, however, as well as the decoration of walls, is within the power of any person who has the desire and at least some skills in repair. Without hiring builders, you can transform your home into short time, decorating it with a stone.

The design of arched structures with stone is becoming increasingly popular. Such design decision allows you to give the room special style, as well as greatly facilitate the cleaning procedure for doorways, which are most exposed to rapid pollution. Decorative stone does not require special care, is distinguished by reliability and durability in operation, is not affected by various fungi, corrosion and is absolutely harmless to the health of residents. Almost everyone can carry out all the work on decorating the arch with a stone. To do this, you need to know the rules for selecting material and styling features.

The arch can change the room beyond recognition, add grace and attractiveness to it.

How to choose a decorative stone for arch decoration

Manufacturers of decorative stone took care of large selection its products. Finishing material has a wide variety of textures and colors. The most popular material is considered to be: imitation of shell rock, granite, slate, marble and travertine, but the texture can be chosen to be smooth or reminiscent of a rough and untreated stone.

With the help of the arch, you can visually increase the space of your room.

If the arch will be finished on the facade of the building, it is preferable to stop the choice on natural material, which better preserves its protective properties. For decorating the arch indoors, the protective properties of the material are not so significant. The main selection criteria are appearance and the basis of the facing material.

Regardless of the type and shape of the arch, it will be able to decorate any interior.

The base of the facing stone can be made of quartzite or acrylic, which are lightweight materials and are better suited for decorating the arch. Such materials have less weight and will be more reliable to keep on plumb lines. But if the warping of the arch is strong, you can opt for a finishing tile with a gypsum, alabaster or sand-cement base. For example:

1. For drywall construction, flexible and light material from acrylic. It will not damage, does not deform the structure and is easily fixed on its surface. An acceptable option may also be with tiles made of gypsum.

2. The arch, plastered and made of brick, is decorated with a facing stone, which is made on a cement-sand mortar.

The arch is the architectural element on which the overall design of the room depends.

Advice: In order to achieve better adhesion of the tile to the base, it is advisable to select a finishing material with the same base as the surface on which it will be fixed.

One more secret good choice facing material - give preference to tiles narrow shape, which is easier to put on smooth lines arches. And to facilitate work with the corner parts of the structure, you can use the appropriate corner version of the product, which will allow you to special efforts arrange the corners.

The choice of facing stone by color

Decorative stone has a large palette of colors. It is difficult for an ordinary consumer, without any design skills, to choose and stop at one option. A few tips that will facilitate the choice and help create a unique design of the room:

1. If the idea was in the making maritime theme, you can take a tile that matches the color of natural sand. Such an arch and the whole room will look like sea ​​bottom, and a blue or turquoise ceiling, like a sea surface. Well suited stone and cold blue. It will be possible to supplement the design with a large number of fresh flowers, which will serve as a kind of algae.

Modern design arches allows you to divide the room into zones

2. For rooms where holidays are held, tiles imitating marble are well suited, and preferably in light color scheme. This option will give the room a celebration and sophistication.

Arch with decorative trim looks pretty interesting in any room

3. Arches that are closer to the front door are best decorated with tiles. dark shades. These places are the most exposed different kind pollution. Dark variant tiles will hide them.

This finishing option will allow homeowners to fully express their individuality.

4. Tiles that mimic the color and structure of natural stone are well suited for ideas in creating a kind of entrance to the castle.

elegant and stylish design arched design will always be in fashion

Advice: When choosing a facing tile of dark shades, it is worth considering the future lighting in the room well. Otherwise, the graceful arch will turn into an entrance to a dark cave.

The right choice of glue

Each type of decorative stone has its own weight, and a universal adhesive for any surface has not yet been invented, so the adhesive composition is selected only after the acquisition of the facing material. In this case, the price is a secondary thing that is paid attention to, the main thing here is quality and correct selection materials.

Decorative stone, depending on the color and texture, can be used in different styles interior

Do not forget that the laying of plates is carried out not only on vertical surfaces. The lining of the vault is a factor that needs to be given Special attention, because the force on its separation will continuously act on the facing material. Rules for choosing an adhesive composition that will achieve good adhesion of surfaces:

The alabaster or gypsum version of the tile is well fixed on concrete or plasterboard surfaces, if you pick up an adhesive based on gypsum;
if the surface is plasterboard, and the tiles are made on the basis of quartzite or acrylic, great option there will be a selected glue "liquid nails";
cement-sand products - glue, which is based on cement (or you can use a concrete solution).

Advice: For decorating arches that are located outdoors and where the ambient temperature is lower than +5, you need a special glue of the intended brand. This fact is taken into account when choosing.

On the packaging of any adhesive there should be instructions that accurately indicate the properties of the selected material.

Rules and secrets for laying facing stone from experts

Begins decorating the arch by preparing its surface.

Removed old wallpaper, paint or whitewash;
the walls are well aligned and cleaned;
the surface of the future arch is primed.

The primer is needed to bond small particles of the wall together. This will provide a better hold. Soil material is selected depending on the basis of the walls. For concrete and monolithic bases, it is better to purchase a special adhesive primer, for example, Betonokontakt.

Finishing the arch with decorative stone begins with the stage of surface preparation

To make the arch harmonious, all the elements should be removed from the packages and mixed. Then lay them out on the floor and place them in the version that will look the most advantageous. To do this, the texture of the stone, its shades and dimensions are taken into account. More dark tones mixed with light tones, and short elements are distributed between long parts.

Arch with decorative stone ready-made looks very impressive

The base of the arch is prepared, each individual element has found its place, and the glue is kneaded strictly according to the instructions - you can start laying.

1. All styling decorated stone starts from the bottom rows. Between the elements you will need to leave a gap of about 4 mm, which will serve as a seam. Corners are easier to decorate with a corner stone, but if one has not been purchased, then the plates of each row are overlapped. In the future, following this rule will help to avoid leveling the angle.

Laying decorative stone is quite easy to do with your own hands.

2. When laying each element, its horizontalness is checked. To correct the stone in the desired position, light tapping with the back of the screwdriver on its surface will help. These actions will also help to find places where air has remained under the tile. Its presence prevents good adhesion of surfaces, which means that the element will have to be removed, cleaned and glued again.

3. The arc of the arch is the heaviest section. Here, each stone will have to be initially cut in the desired radius. For these purposes, cutters are used (a circular saw is used for solid tile options). Advice from the experts: Do not immediately try to break off a piece of tile according to the markup. It can break off in a completely different place. Bite off in small pieces, gradually moving up to the desired mark.

Arranging the arch is one way to add expressiveness to the living room.

4. The edges of the cut element are sanded with a stone file.

5. Tiles are ready to be laid, but don't rush. Each element must be inspected for the presence of cement milk on its back side. This thin foamy layer will reduce grip and the rock will fall off quickly. If this layer has been found, it can be removed with a metal brush. Elevated temperature air in the room can become an obstacle to high-quality adhesion of surfaces. This problem can be solved by wetting the back side of the plates with water.

Finishing with decorative stone is painstaking work, but the result is worth it

6. The adhesive mass is evenly applied both to the wall itself and to the back side of each element, but its layer should not exceed 10 mm, otherwise the stone will constantly slide, violating the whole order.

Filling the joints is carried out only after the structure has completely dried (after about two days). For this procedure, a special syringe is used, which is filled with a solution for sutures. With gentle movements, without unnecessary pressure on the stone, the solution is smoothed out. For these purposes, use a rubber spatula or brush. You can clean the surface of the tile with a sponge, as well as soft rag. You can protect the coating from scuffs by applying acrylic varnish to it.

Per last years more and more popular is the decoration of arches with stone. The resulting unusual appearance of the room, for example in the hallway, gives the room individuality, originality and solid appearance, expanding the space and creating a feeling of spaciousness.

Possesses not only beautiful design but also practicality. After all, the stone does not require when using a perfectly smooth base, while there is no need to level the surface. Many apartment owners want, but do not know how to finish the arch with stone. The information below will help you figure this out.

And what advantages will the surface have if the arch is finished with stone?

Scheme of masonry arch arch: B - the height to which you want to raise the top of the arch, C - half the width of the opening, R - radius.

Finishing arches with stone, as mentioned above, creates not only a pleasing external interior. Decorative stone has correct forms and has a light weight which greatly simplifies the work being done. This material is absolutely harmless from the point of view of ecology, it is not subject to corrosion, fungi and other bacteria. The stone does not need special care, you can wash it with any ugly detergent, he has wide selection colors and structures (imitation of brick or in the form of tiles), in addition, the style of execution can be different (antique or modern).

The stone is especially valuable for such advantages as reliability and durability. Typically, arches are included in the design when designing the interior of corridors near entrance doors. This part of the apartment is characterized highly likely dirt and wall damage.

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What tools and materials are required for finishing arches with stone?

When conducting work, the main difficulty is the fact that it is necessary to veneer not only a flat surface, but also the inner rounded part of the arch. If you carefully familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the process, then stone finishing will no longer seem so complicated, it can be done by hand.

To finish the arch, before starting work, you need to prepare the following tool:

  • pliers;
  • pick;
  • roller;
  • saw;
  • primer;
  • building level;
  • putty knife;
  • knife for construction work;
  • sandpaper;
  • pencil.

In addition, you will need:

  • stone;
  • liquid nails or glue;
  • cement mortar;
  • grouting solution.

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Preparatory stage of work

Stone tiles can be attached not only to cement, but also with liquid nails.

Before starting work on facing with stone arches, the following operations are required:

  • stone selection. If the surface of the arch is made of drywall sheets, then too heavy stone tiles can deform or destroy it. As a rule, narrow plates are purchased for finishing arches, since it is easier to fasten them to the arcuate inner part;
  • surface preparation. The surface must be carefully inspected for possible defects.

The stone can only be fixed to a solid, clean surface.

It is strictly forbidden to stick a stone on a dusty or dirty plane. This will lead to poor-quality fasteners, and the stone will soon fall off. The surface must first be treated with a special impregnation. Penetrating into the material, it significantly strengthens it. If the surface is too smooth, then with a pickaxe it will be necessary to make notches. They will help improve the adhesion of the stone plate to the arch. At the end, the arch is treated with a primer.

Preparation of cement mortar. The composition depends on the type of stone used. The classic mortar includes sand, cement, lime and glue. The exact proportions of all components depend directly on the stone. Therefore, this issue is best resolved with experts. If a decorative stone is used, having light weight, then it will be easy to stick to a pre-treated surface using special glue or liquid nails.

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How to finish the arch from the outside?

Stone laying is carried out according to the following sequence:

After facing the arch, at least 24 hours must pass, after which all seams must be rubbed with a special solution.

  1. Laying the 1st row. The walls bordering the arch also need to be finished. The first tile is attached at the junction of the arch with the wall. Start work from the bottom. To get a neat, even row, you need to use a building level and plastic crosses.
  2. The 2nd row is also placed at the intersection of the arch with the wall. However, the 1st stone of this row should protrude beyond the joint at a distance equal to the thickness of the tile. The tile is attached to outside corners overlap. This will allow not to close them in the future, and the masonry will become more durable. It turns out that the tiles should be stacked in a checkerboard pattern. The number of tiles depends on the length of the rows.
  3. Approaching the rounding, the finishing tile is first applied to the wall on which it will be mounted, and then, being careful, cut in an arc (keeping the radius of the rounding). Using a pencil, the stone is marked according to the rounding.
  4. You can carefully cut the stone by first passing several times with a construction knife along the drawn markings. After that, all excess is removed with ordinary pliers. In addition, you can cut the tiles using special tile cutters or a grinder. The cut surface is processed sandpaper. All other elements bordering the arch, if necessary, are adjusted in the same way.