Natalia Vodianova's interview for PRO Life magazine. Interviewer: What do you think is the key to your fame? Reporter: What do you think about fashion in general

Natalia Vodianova in an exclusive interview for the client magazine of the Financial Group Life spoke about her charitable work, children and life.

Natalia, the theme of the game runs through your charity work "Naked Heart". It is clear from your interviews that you are giving the game healing power, from which children forget about difficult moments. Is this your main focus of charity?

Yes, the game is very important to me. The tragedy in Beslan in 2004, which we experienced together, turned for me an opportunity to look into my childhood, which was also not easy. My sister is disabled, and for me it was the burden that I carried. And those children will have the burden of this event, which they will carry for their whole life. This event allowed me to return to my childhood and ask myself what I really lacked then. This is where the idea of \u200b\u200bplay parks was born.

It turns out that the beginning of your charitable activities falls on 2004?

As the face of Jacob & Co, you said that Jacob himself took part in charity events in Beslan, then you were not an icon of the world fashion business ...

Yes, I was at the beginning of my career, although I was already quite successful, I was the face of Calvin Klein.

It's just an important point, because now, in terms of attitudes towards charity, people may think that you are doing it based on your status.

But you do it based on your inner aspiration, as I understand?

Of course! it the only reason... Few people in their 30s think about charity! People who think they do charity work for other reasons are wrong. It's always something personal. There are times when people don't give their time but give their name to support charitiesand this is a big contribution - sometimes it is enough. For me, this is a real call of the heart, to which I cannot but listen. As they say, I always feel in my gut that I must do this, and therefore I do not betray myself. You can deceive everyone, but you cannot deceive yourself. I wake up every morning and understand that this is my path and my life, but I cannot judge others if they live differently. I give the most precious thing - my time; Despite my extremely busy schedule, I always find strength for the fund.

I I know that now your charitable activity has new face - you are running a marathon in Paris. Can you tell us more about this?

You know, I don't like running at all! But it seems to me that doing something together, with a large team, with the people with whom we work together, is an extraordinary solidarity! This is an opportunity for people to support us in a different way, not only financially. This is very symbolic for me!

Are these marathons only held in Paris?

So far, yes! But it would be great to arrange them in Moscow and other cities of Russia.

And the project "Every Child Deserves a Family" - can you tell us more about it? Is this really something new?

Yes, the first time I announced it was in February 2011, this is our new direction, which is becoming a priority. This is a support program for families raising children with disabilities... We think that today, in order to change the situation in the country in which there are such children and their families, it is necessary to support the family. Big problems in the educational sphere, in the laws concerning these families. Such children are left at birth, the doctors themselves suggest not to take them into education. This contradicts the concept of "childhood" and what the child needs: love, which he needs more than even material well-being. In our country, leaving such a child in a family is a real feat, since our social system does not provide that children with disabilities can be raised at home. However, if the child remains in the care of the state, he receives only one guarantee - that he will never receive anything, and this is actually a death sentence. This is an extremely emotionally difficult topic, but we try to look at it positively, so our main idea - creation of family support centers so that the family does not feel that they are alone with such a problem. We have discovered many people who work individually in this area, we want to bring them together and unite their efforts.

Since we have touched on the topic of the family, please tell us: if you compare the childhood that you had with the way your children's childhood goes, do you realize the importance of strictness in upbringing, the desire not to spoil them, explain to them the value of money? How are you raising your three children?

It seems to me that it is good to pamper children, but they need boundaries, some commandments. They need to believe in something, in some symbol. And parents for children are like God who gives commandments, and at the same time is all-forgiving. The main thing that a child needs in childhood is the love of his parents, and I was spoiled by her. Therefore, I give the children this main thing - my love and that series of restrictions that will enable them to understand what is good and what is bad. But in those seconds when I feel some negative about their spoiledness, I try not to show it. It's just that I always protected my mom from own desiresthat I do not want to shift any responsibility to them for the fact that I am tired, or something else. It is important for me that my children do not have this.

You are like a mother, very patient, caring, that's what I see now!

Well, so they say ... I am always critical of myself. Of course, I try to spend a lot of time with my children, but still I devote a lot of energy to other people's children. At the same time, I spend at home much more time than other mothers - I can sit with them for 2 weeks, take them to school, play with them.

Accept the compliment, your children are absolutely adorable, you can already see what they like, what they love, what talents they have, what makes you happy, what surprises?

Of course, you can already recognize in them the desire for art, they are sincerely creative: they love to draw, learn new things, interested children.

Do your kids enjoy your publicity? Drive around Paris, see you on the streets? Or are they used to it?

They got used to it since childhood. But my eldest son is very proud of what we are doing, we are the ones, because he was at the opening of the first parks, and he recently spoke to the whole school, representing the Naked Heart Foundation, in a competition of charitable foundations that the school will support. And he won!

I congratulate you on such a pleasant achievement! He feels his involvement and contribution ...

Yes, this is very nice, he is 10 years old, and he is already going to become my successor as President of the Foundation!

If you think about who Natalya Vodianova is now - a top model, actress, public figure, how do you yourself determine what is more, and in what role are you more comfortable? Where will we see you from now on?

Probably, for myself, I am first of all a mother, and then a philanthropist. it inner feeling, for me this is the most important thing in my working life.

Are there world examples for you, whose charitable work is a model for you?

There are foundations that I admire, such as “Women for Women”, It was created by an Iranian woman who created correspondence between women victims of violence, poverty, and women from Europe and the USA. They give them support both morally and materially, allowing them to get a job, an education and continue to lead some kind of normal life.

We found some of your life principles, have you remained faithful to them, or has something changed?

I do not know, let's see, very interesting!

"Often people from whom you do not expect anything can lead you to some goal."

Yes, it happens, I just feel free to ask. I don't expect anything from anyone at all, and therefore people often surprised me.

"Beauty is a gift from fate, and fate should be thanked for this good."

I cannot underestimate the importance of my appearance in this situation, since my profession is directly related to this. This means that if I did not have these tools, I would not achieve anything and would not be able to help others. I have a metaphor that many people like, that when you get on a plane and they give you instructions - you always need to put on a mask on yourself, and then on another. So here - you need to take care of yourself first, and then you will be able to help others.

Short questions from the Marcel Proust questionnaire.

The qualities that you value most in a man?


In a woman?

What are your ideas about happiness?

If not yourself, who would you like to be?

What are your favorite heroes in real life?

Diana von Furstenberg, Mario Testino, Lucy Yeomens, Matthew Freud, Anri Loshak, Anastasia Zalogina.

Is there a person among the living people who is not yet familiar to you, but with whom you would like to meet?

You know, probably, he is, but I just somehow believe in my path, so I do not calculate my fate, and I believe that if there are such people, then I either already know them, or I will get to know them in the future.

What is your favorite female fictional character?

It's a difficult question…

Yes, very much! ... This is probably a girl with matches from Andersen's fairy tale.

Your favourite dish and a drink?

I love sea buckthorn tea, red wine, dumplings, pancakes and fruits. My favorite dish is spaghetti with broccoli and cheese!

What is your main flaw?

I cannot rest, it seems to me that this is a disadvantage, I am a workaholic.

What's your favorite motto?

Seven times measure cut once. Look at life as in a mirror - if you smile at her, she smiles back at you.

And finally, do you have any wishes for the readers?

I wish people to remain indifferent and not indifferent. In our country, the feelings of shock from some events are easily dulled - we have the phrase “You won't surprise us with anything”. And this rock, the cross that we bear on ourselves, but everyone makes the choice himself - and the burden is easier to bear if we do everything together. I wish everyone a positive, look for it every day, and if there is none, it seems, then forgive yourself and life and continue looking further!

PRO Life talks about people, events, trends that correspond to the values \u200b\u200bthat define our corporate culture. In addition to financial topics, we will show the most relevant, non-standard and innovative from the world of public interest, technology and entrepreneurship, focusing on special attention social responsibility and unique stories success.

Home: Natalya, tell me, where do you feel at home today?

Natalya Vodyanova:I moved to Paris when I was 7 years old. I have learned a lot here, and this city will always be home to me. I have lived in London for many years and I love him very much too. I am a model and travel a lot, often visit Russia. I was born and raised there, and, of course, Russia occupies a special place in my heart. I would say that home is where the family is.

BEFORE: Can you describe the sweetest delights of having many children and the craziest follies?

HB:Most important points for me, this is the morning gathering of children, as well as dinner time, when we get together, tell a friend to a friend about how the day went, and share our impressions. I try to spend time alone with each of the children every day. These are the most precious moments for me. I try to teach them good manners and respect for adults. I teach them to be curious and open minded. My son Lucas gave a speech at a Naked Heart Foundation event that I could not attend. He spoke in front of a huge hall, which was filled with thousands of people. And the fact that he had the courage to speak in front of all these adults made me really proud of my son.

BEFORE: What do you remember from your childhood?

HB:My memories of my youth give me the strength to move forward, to carry out my plans. The main source of energy is the realization that I am doing something important. And I do it in the name of the little girl I once was, who saw my mother suffer.

BEFORE: The happiest childhood moments?

HB: The moments when my grandmother taught me good manners, taught me to take care of myself, to see the beauty of nature, not to forget about the soul. She taught me to be brave and work hard.

BEFORE: In your experience, how much does success depend on looks?

NV: The attractiveness that you can boast of in your youth is not forever. Beauty alone is not enough. I think the most important traits are kindness, generosity, intelligence. I really like my mom, my sister. Women who are confident are truly amazing.

BEFORE: When do you like yourself?

HB: When I am happy when I am with my loved ones.

BEFORE: How do you dress in everyday life?

HB:I have been working in the fashion industry for many years, and the main thing that I have learned is that less is always better. In everyday life, my style is simple but feminine. I love dresses, but I like when they are comfortable and free of movement.

BEFORE: What do you think distinguishes a well-dressed russian women from well-dressed European or American women?

HB:In general, Russian women are very well-groomed, they have a great sense of style. But sometimes they forget about the sense of proportion. It's sad to see how pretty girls flaunt themselves. But in last years we all travel a lot, so I think the style of Russian women will change.

BEFORE: The work of the model is not the most favorable for the skin and hair - thick makeup, hairdryer, curling. How are you recovering?

HB: Skin hydration is very important. I use moisturizers and drink a lot of water. I love going to the Guerlain Spa on the Champs Elysees. It is enough to spend an hour there to completely transform.

BEFORE: Have you ever been betrayed? What advice would you give to the person who is experiencing this?

HB:Once I had to fly out to shoot - this was one of my main contracts. And that day she fell off her bike, the shooting did not take place. The company I was supposed to be shooting for didn't even send me flowers to the hospital. And I'm glad that the work with them did not work out. Three months later, I signed an even more successful contract. I am always optimistic, even if things are not easy.

BEFORE: If you could describe yourself in a few words, what would they be?

HB:Resolute, hardworking, kind.

BEFORE: You created your first makeup collection with Guerlain. What inspired you? How did you work with the creative director of the brand?

BEFORE: Your favorite remedy from the Christmas collection?

HB: Sparkling gold eyeliner! It is waterproof and perfect for the emotional moments that abound during family celebrations.

I have practically no time to live as such. Rather, a series of meetings, interviews and events - but rarely life.

My house where my children are. Now this is Paris.

When I was seventeen I left Nizhny Novgorod for Paris. I lived there for a year and it was special year in my life - the year of my formation as a model. I lived on $ 100 a week, which is, of course, not enough for a city like Paris. A weekly subway pass cost about $ 50, I spent 25 on food - pasta and chicken - and saved another 25. When I later came to Nizhny and brought my mother $ 200, she cried bitterly.

Chicken cooks great in the microwave. I sprinkled it with pepper and salt and put it completely in the microwave. My flatmate was a Brazilian model. She ate only yoghurts. We did not communicate at all, because we were with different planets... When she saw this chicken, she began to hate me.

When I lived in Nizhny Novgorod and I was selling fruit, then I was working for real. Now these are just flowers.

Don't be jealous of me. What is happiness for me will be an absolute nightmare for someone. It seems that if someone entered my body for one day, he would immediately say: well, fig.

I don't think that in Russia something has changed enormously in the 15 years that I have not lived here. Something is changing, but there are very few global changes. For the category of families I came from, not much has changed.

Life in Russia would interfere with my work now. Here I would be more distracted by individual stories, for me it is rather a manifestation of weakness. Help becomes more effective when it becomes a system. The children we help - children with special needs - need to be “led” constantly.

Why did we name our daughter Neva? We decided to name it after the river. Well, what other river? Oka, or what?

If I hit myself on the finger with a hammer I will swear in English. With a hammer on the finger - it will still be a "fak". The Russian language is for something good.

I would really want have lunch with Hillary Clinton. She reminds me of my grandmother.

I received an award Glamor magazine "Woman of the Year" last year at Carnegie Hall. This is such a very prestigious award, which is awarded for community service... I dedicated this award and my speech to my mother, who flew to New York for the first time. And so, imagine, Hillary Clinton comes in and sits in the chair in front of my mother, and Anna Wintour is sitting right behind her. At this moment, perhaps for the first time in my life, an absolute displacement of worlds occurs. And then, when everything was over and we began to leave, Hillary came up, shook my hand, hugged my mother and told her: “You are so strong woman, I admire you. "

I dont know, when old age comes. It is difficult for me to answer this question, since I see women who are very close to me, who are over seventy and who live full life... Sometimes I even think that I want to be one of them for at least one day. Just try what it feels like. But only one day, because I like being myself.

Probably my very first memory - What is it like cousin holds me in front of the mirror, and I look in the mirror, and suddenly the understanding comes that it’s me there.

I am at school I haven't even been a pioneer, and the fact that the uniform was canceled then was a real tragedy for me. I still think that form is very important. It was a tragedy for me because only at that moment I realized that my family was poor. And before that, I was absolutely like everyone else.

I don't follow political life Russia and I have no right to say anything on this score. To reason, you need to delve into it. But I'm sure that if I start going deeper, I will know even less.

I've always been ironic to your appearance. It's not that I don't consider myself beautiful. From the age of fifteen I began to understand that there is something in me - just by the reaction of people around. I was walking down the street and literally felt such tremors - poof! These were the views of people. Not only men, but also women.

Yes, I have kissed women. I generally admire female beauty and I think that female body much more handsome than a man's. It's my personal opinion. For example, I may find myself in a complete stupor from beautiful breasts.

There are things that scare me in men. Especially on the face - when you see flabbiness and feel behind it disrespectful attitude to yourself and your body. It's disgusting and it says a lot about the person. This tells me that, most likely, this attitude extends further - to what is to this person as dear as his body, for example his wife and home.

Did I have a man for one night? Yes, there were two such nights in my life, and the first one ended very funny, because it ended before it had really begun. We had dinner with a young man. It was immediately clear how everything would be, but, in principle, it was interesting. We went to him. He turned out to be a hot man, and suddenly I found myself on all fours, and he passionately hits me on the butt. I screamed out of surprise, and he said: "That's what you need!" I look at him, and suddenly I feel terribly funny. And then I get up and say: "No, this is definitely not what I need." I had a dress that was very easy to take off and very easy to put back on. I put it on and left.

Yesterday under my post on Instagram some woman wrote that I was scary up close. I promised her that I would not approach her.

Last time I cried from happiness. I just walked with Maxim ( younger son Vodianova. - Esquire) in the park. Was good weather, the birds sang, he laughed, and I sang to him Little Red Riding Hood's song. If for a long, long, long time, if for a long time along the path ... stomp, go and run.

It's hard to surprise me with something. I feel like I'm the same person I was 20 years ago. Largely due to the fact that it is difficult to surprise me.

I think envy always brings one loss. Generosity is the best investment.

I think with humor about that if death happens now, I will be the same as with Marilyn Monroe. She did not have time to grow old and bore everyone, having stayed with us forever. I think the same would happen with my charitable work: it would have continued on its own, and this is the main thing.

Once I was told: you won't succeed, because your eyebrows are like a house.

All is well: the children are adorable and, fortunately, healthy, and the relationship with the prince, alas, has come to a civilized end. But the main thing is that Vodianova is not bored. A person who has earned money since childhood and looked after a disabled sister can hardly be bored at all. There is no time for this, you have to work. Both the dizzying career of a model and the covers of the most famous magazines are just work. By the way, it is insanely difficult, but can Natalia get used to difficulties? And since 2004, her work is also charitable foundation "Naked Hearts".

For almost 10 years, Natalia Vodianova has been collecting money for the construction of playgrounds in Russia. Not because the rich and famous are supposed to do charity work. And because for sure - by himself - he knows how often children in Russia lack the opportunity to be happy. Yes, there may not be enough money, and medicines, and much more. But an excellent playground with slides and swings, which previously had to be seen only in the movies, is almost more important. After all, here for half an hour you can forget about money and about medicines - just play and be happy. Isn't this the main thing that any child needs? Except, of course, parental love... Therefore, in addition to playgrounds, Natalia is now also engaged in the program "Every Child Deserves a Family", the purpose of which is to change the attitude towards children with special needs. Make sure they are not left in orphanages as hopeless.

Natalia Vodianova organizes charity evenings and balls again and again. And again and again he explains to their guests that this should not be so - so that the children have nowhere to play. And then he goes to Russia and opens a new playground. Or the Family Support Center, like in your native Nizhny Novgorod. Now it is her job to help children be happy. And Natalya, as always, works without feeling sorry for herself. In another way, she does not know how, but in another way nothing at all would have come of it. Because in order to become a princess, you first need to become a good Cinderella, and this is also not so easy.

We talk in the empty morning bar of a large metropolitan hotel. I have 40 minutes at my disposal: the press agent has already explained that Natalya has only one day between two flights, a lot of meetings, a press conference ... But the girl sitting in front of me is absolutely in no hurry. She speaks through pauses, as if thinking aloud and helping herself in this. thin hands, meticulously chooses words to answer as accurately and sincerely as possible. A cup of tea, a spoonful of cherry jam, not a drop of makeup, not a hint of glamor. Actually, and in Moscow, she this time on business, far from secular and fashionable life.

Forum about autism

In 2011, the Natalia Vodianova Naked Heart Foundation, which had already built dozens of children's playgrounds throughout Russia, began work in a new direction: helping families raising children with special needs.

On October 14-17, Moscow will host the second international forum dedicated to autism, “Every Child Deserves a Family”. See the Foundation's website for details


Why did you decide to talk about your sister's illness today?

Natalya Vodyanova:

I never hid her. But Oksana just a year ago was diagnosed with a different diagnosis than at birth - autism. This was a great discovery for my family, because autism and cerebral palsy are different states... Both are not completely cured, but there is a different approach in working with autism, and this gives us different hopes. Now Oksana works at the Support Center, which our Naked Heart Foundation opened in Nizhny Novgorod. And we are already seeing progress: intellectually, she definitely can do more than we could have hoped.

My sister

You are 6 years older than Oksana. When did you realize she was different?

N.V .:

It's hard for me to remember a certain moment ... Oksana was born when I just went to school. And my mother, whom the doctors persuaded to leave her sister in the hospital, immediately told me that Oksana would never be the same girl as me. But I felt all this more strongly when she was already grown up. Mom worked all the time, and I followed Oksana. We always walked with a stroller, and people said: “Well, what is such a big girl, and still does not walk ...” Children teased, laughed at us. Of course, it was a shame. In addition, the yard was small, and Oksana did not behave very adequately: she cried for no reason, worried her neighbors. Or she could scream, just because she liked it so much ...

If you met one of those neighbors today, what would you tell them?

"It is important for us to be able not to miss the beauty that fate gives a person through trials"

N.V .:

Nothing, well, or - how are you? (She laughs.) I don’t have any particular anger - children were teasing after all, and children in their spontaneity can be very cruel. Perhaps they themselves now understand that it was not easy for me. But today people still need to explain what it means similar diagnosishow to treat it. If a child is born with autism, cerebral palsy or Down syndrome, this does not mean that his parents are any alcoholics or drug addicts. This can happen in any family. And you need to know this. And think about how to give your child a chance to live an interesting life.

What then helped you to cope?

N.V .:

I loved Oksana very much, for me it was the most close person... Yes, it was difficult for us. But I think - strange to say - some of my girlfriends were in a sense less fortunate than me. For example, for someone the main problem was: "Buy me this or that ..." I did not understand! Oksana taught me ... the lifestyle. This is the utmost honesty in a relationship, it is pure lovethat will be through. This is wealth. It is important for us to be able not to miss the beauty that fate gives through trials.

If you had the opportunity, what would you say to yourself, a little girl, from today?

N. V.

Everything will be fine! (She smiles.) So simple.

My decision

How did you decide to create a fund to help children?

N.V .:

In 2004, when the school in Beslan was seized, I was in Moscow. And all these days I spent in front of the TV. The cruelty shocked me. I just couldn't understand! And when I cannot understand, I need to do something. So, apparently, my thinking works in order to cope with what amazes me, with which I cannot live. I felt like I felt a huge push. I thought: what can I and what do I want to give to children who survived this tragedy? What can I do for them? The first time after I left Russia, it made me return to my childhood, to the little girl I was. And try to understand how I would help her. I, of course, do not compare my childhood experiences with what happened in Beslan, but it gave me direction. The pain and helplessness I felt then became a stimulus. Then I did not yet understand that we would create a fund, I did not know what it would be doing. I just knew that children should play: the world for a child begins to build from play. And the opposite of play is war.

Today Russia is not at war, but do you still think that the state needs to help take care of children with special needs?

N.V .:

I do not presume to talk about politics. I just think that only interested people - those who have been affected by this problem and who understand how hard it is to live with it have enough motivation to deal with this part of society - people with disabilities. Although such a child can be born in any family. Friends. With loved ones. Our task is to convey this idea. Today, 70% of such children in our country are sent by their parents to orphanages. And this is unhealthy neither for the whole society, nor for any of us individually. Orphanages should not exist at all - in principle! But then these children need support - from parents, the state, and charitable organizations.

My character

A girl from a Russian province, then a world-famous supermodel - did the changes make you look at yourself differently?

N.V .:

In principle, I have always respected myself. (She smiles.)

Have you ever regretted something?

N.V .:You know, sometimes you light up, spend a lot of time on some not very interesting things... And then you think: well, why did you need this? (Laughs.)

Like what?

What is the best thing to know about you in order to communicate with you?

N.V .:

It is imperative to speak to me directly and frankly. I, like all of us, cannot read other people's thoughts! If, for example, a person is offended by something, but does not speak, - I cannot stand it, neither at work, nor in relationships. Yes, I am Natalia Vodianova, and it probably means something - but not for those who are next to me.

“Children have to play, from this their world begins to be built. And the opposite of the game is war. "

What surprises you about people?

N.V .:

Ability to be generous. Willingness to invest in changing the world. Help someone, support someone. Personally, this is the most important thing. No, money is also very important, but if a person gives his time too ... This is very encouraging and inspiring for me. I meet many of these people.

Like most young, beautiful and energetic women adheres to a healthy lifestyle. It was very interesting for me to talk with Natalia and find out her opinion on the issues that recent times really excite me. And, of course, I was hoping to hear from her some secrets to help her stay energetic and beautiful.

"A fresh cucumber is such happiness!"

Our conversation begins with memories of childhood. Natalia is convinced that it is in childhood that the habit and "taste" for healthy way life. An excellent example in the life of Natalia herself is her grandmother:

- My grandmother got up at five o'clock in the morning, ran in the park, swam in the icy lake. She is now 84 years old. She is very fond of sweets, she cannot live without ice cream. But this is balanced by her lifestyle.

When Natasha was a child, her diet, like most soviet families at that time, fresh and varied vegetables and fruits were quite rare. But she is grateful and glad that the love of vegetables was instilled in her from childhood and that she did not have to rape herself and break her taste preferences in adulthood solely for reasons of benefit.

- My boyfriend says that his mother did not force him to eat vegetables and fruits as a child. He, of course, eats them, but he does not give him any pleasure, because this taste has not been developed since childhood. But for me, on the contrary, it was a holiday: my mother bought a fresh cucumber, alone, but it was such happiness. For me, salad is so important, so great.

She is confident that every mother should form the right eating habits in her children. Natalia herself has three children:

- And my kids eat vegetables. I think if they get used to this taste now, or to the taste of brown rice or noodles, they will not have a dislike for it, and then they will do conscious choice in favor of health.

- It took two hours to walk to our garden, and I remember that on the way there was a sign “In a healthy body healthy mind". I agree with that.

Obviously, Natasha signed up for this phrase))) And a very important component “ healthy body”She considers it to be food.

Now Natasha tries to eat in a variety of ways, limiting herself in salt, sugar, categorically excluding fast food and carbonated drinks from her diet. At some point, she realized that certain foods cause her discomfort, excluded them from the diet and now “ almost religious»Observes its personal rules nutrition. Natasha also has certain weaknesses:

- I really like ice cream and dark chocolate. But I will never eat candy, some incomprehensible. I'd rather eat the fruit. But for the children from sweets I still allow a lot, but not everything: of course, no artificial colors, thickeners and other things.

"Dear, if you do not stop drinking Coca-Cola, I will have to leave you!"

- My boyfriend, his food is terrible, - says Natalia. - When I met him, he drank eight Coca-Cola a day. After two months of getting to know each other, when I realized that he was constantly drinking this Coca-Cola, and "dietary", which is even worse, we had serious talk... I told him: we are at such a stage when I start to take you seriously and want to continue our relationship. I want to tell you: if you do not stop drinking Coca-Cola in such an amount, I will have to leave you..

- It worked, - says Natalia, - he now not only does not drink Coca-Cola, but generally monitors his health. But not only I influenced: he is happy, and therefore wants to live long.

“Don't do like Mark Zuckerberg! Cook cabbage soup at home! "

Of course, Natasha is an active opponent of fast food. She told a funny episode that I did not know about. Recently, Natalia was in one of Ivan Urgant's programs, a few broadcasts after Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg visited the host. " He came to Moscow - and went first to McDonald's”, Natalya says, not without indignation. So here:

- During the broadcast, Ivan mentioned Mark, and I could not resist, said that I was very good about Mark, but let him not promote his big name "McDonald's" in Russia. Do not do like Mark Zuckerberg, but eat soup, cook cabbage soup at home!

"I almost fainted from the salt"

I was very interested in how Natalia manages to adhere to her regime and diet while traveling. I heard some advice: try not to eat on airplanes, drink more water, and in restaurants and cafes sometimes it is better to order dishes from children's menu... Although the latter does not always help ...

- I was recently in Orlando (Live up !: at Disneyland), - says Natalia, - i got so sick there. I almost fainted from the amount of salt in my food and just couldn't eat anything. I ordered from the children's menu, hoping that there would be less salt. Nothing of the kind: the same! It was scary. We spent four days there, and I thought I was going to cry at the end. I was hungry, but I couldn't eat anything. Terrible fast food.

"On the day you seem to sleep 10 hours more than usual":

The main source of stress management for Natalia is her children. And when asked how to deal with stress, Natasha talked about transcendental meditation. I have never heard of this before, but now I will carefully study the issue and share all the details with you in the near future.

- Transcendental meditation, TM helped me a lot, - says Natalia. - It must be done every morning and evening. An individual mantra is used, for this you need to find a teacher who will give it, they are everywhere. I have been studying for only two months and I want to return. It helps a lot.

- You read a mantra - and you descend into your very core, where you exist in communication with the Universe. You completely relax and allow yourself to just exist. We accumulate stress, which we cannot get rid of even during sleep. And 20 minutes of TM is like 5 hours of sleep. That is, you seem to sleep 10 hours more a day than usual. At first, there is lethargy, because a lot of stress comes out, which were so deep that you did not get to the bottom of them. But in general it gives a lot of energy.

In addition, TM makes a person calmer and more resistant to stress and even helps to fight jet-leg. I found all this very interesting, so I will start researching this topic in the coming days!

Juicy detox

It’s hard to believe, but Natasha cannot afford to go to detox to some fashionable spa resort: “ I still have three children and I work hard", - explains my interlocutor. As a variant of detox without interrupting her life, Natasha uses juicing detox programs, or detox with juices: during a certain period you need to eat only a variety of vegetable and fruit juices.

My last question:

How long would you like to live?

- The bigger, the better. I really love life. It's strange to think about it, but I would really like to become a grandmother ... I dream of becoming a grandmother!

"Healthy does not mean tasteless!"

And as a bonus - a recipe for pancakes from Natalia Vodianova, which she cooked in London for Maslenitsa. Spelled - instead of ordinary wheat flour, an egg, any milk and olive oil.

- It turns out wonderful delicious thin pancakes, - Natalya says with gusto. - By the way, then during Maslenitsa in London my motto was: “Useful does not mean tasteless!»