What is determined by the analysis of urine in pregnant women. If the urine test is bad. Basic indicators of urine examination

It is a well-known fact that during pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes strong changes. At this time, the uterus of the expectant mother is growing rapidly, thereby causing inconvenience to the rest internal organs... For example, until the birth of a child, the kidneys are subjected to double stress.

The urogenital system of a woman during pregnancy works at once for two organisms, as it removes the excess not only from the mother's body, but also from the future baby. That is why urine analysis in pregnant women is considered one of the most frequent procedures... It must be taken throughout the entire waiting period for the child so that the gynecologist can observe an objective picture of the condition of the mother and fetus.

How to take a general urine test during pregnancy

In fact, there is nothing difficult in correctly passing a urine test. However, even in this seemingly simple process there is important rules, observance of which will not allow an incorrect result:

  • Before the very delivery of urine analysis in pregnant women, doctors strongly recommend refraining from unnecessary stress. Failure to comply with this rule can lead to increased levels of protein in the blood;
  • The day before testing, it is necessary to limit the use of excessively spicy and fatty foods... Alcohol is prohibited even in absolutely insignificant quantities;
  • It is recommended to collect urine only in sterile containers. It is better not to use home jars, but to purchase a special container at the pharmacy;
  • It is necessary to collect urine for tests early in the morning, during the first visit to the toilet. At night, the kidneys work very actively, so at this time the urine is most concentrated;
  • Before taking the analysis, you must take a shower;
  • When transporting the analysis from home, you need to be extremely careful. Shaking should be avoided whenever possible, as this may interfere with research results. Collected urine must be delivered to the clinic within two hours.

These rules are very simple, but following them will help to avoid false results analyzes and related troubles.

Urine analysis during pregnancy: the rate of indicators

A correctly performed urinalysis not only provides information about general condition the body of the expectant mother, but is also able to identify and prevent serious illness if there is one. There are certain standards for test results, a deviation from which can be a sign of serious problems:

  • Healthy urine can range in color from straw to deep yellow. Color fluctuations due to use are acceptable certain products food;
  • Healthy urine should be completely clear and clean. A dirty, cloudy liquid is a clear sign of elevated phosphate levels;
  • When conducting a urine analysis in pregnant women, the density of indicators should range from 1010 to 1030 g / l. These results indicate that the genitourinary system copes well with the cleansing function of the body. Elevated level density can indicate kidney problems, so a doctor should prescribe appropriate treatment.
  • The presence of protein in a woman's urine is a serious abnormality. If the test shows it, it could be a sign of kidney disease. It is worth noting that during pregnancy, the norm of the protein indicator is considered to be its amount up to 0.075 g / l;
  • Leukocytes are normal if their number does not exceed 5 units. Increased performance may be a sign of inflammation genitourinary system;
  • There should be no harmful bacteria in the urine of a pregnant woman;
  • Ketone bodies, glucose, and casts are also a sign of poor urine analysis during pregnancy. In such cases, it is extremely important to comply with all doctor's prescriptions and conduct healthy image life.

Is it true that urinalysis shows pregnancy?

The emergence of a new life in female body cannot be asymptomatic. Almost all the leading organs of the expectant mother change their mode of operation in order to get used to the new position.

However, at first, the symptoms of pregnancy are rather mild, so many women are wondering if a urine test really shows pregnancy? In fact, it is almost impossible to diagnose pregnancy by a general urine test. Such a procedure can only show the changes taking place in the body, therefore, for more precise definition its position, it is necessary to conduct a urine analysis for the presence chorionic gonadotropin person.

Decoding urine analysis during pregnancy

Careful deciphering can reveal symptoms various diseases and pathologies. If the doctor receives bad tests urine in pregnant women, then in such cases he appoints the woman a number of different studies that can determine the cause of the negative indicators. Urine analysis is a basic study, therefore, no specialist will be able to draw conclusions about the patient's condition only by being guided by it.

Hello dear readers and casual guests!
With the advent of two cherished strips on the test, a woman's life changes dramatically! Worries and resentments remain behind, looming ahead cherished dreams and new impressions, but in the near future ... a series of endless analyzes and research awaits. What is the most common? That's right, urine analysis during pregnancy. What does he show, when he gives up and why - sooner or later every woman asks herself all these questions.

And some even try to avoid it. But this should not be done for at least two reasons. First, you can launch a developing inflammatory process, and, secondly, you never know how to get rid of the unpleasant and debilitating symptoms of pregnancy.

Visiting a gynecologist in again, the expectant mother receives a referral to general analysis urine. Subsequently, its decoding will allow the doctor to track the slightest changes in her body and respond to them in time. How? There are several options.

First of all, urine signals the development of serious ailments by changes in its composition. For example, the presence of sugar gives rise to suspicion of an early stage of diabetes, the presence of protein - the development of gestosis, especially if there are pressure surges and edema. And an increase in the level of acetone in the urine makes the doctor look for incipient liver disease. It is they, by the way, that plague women with constant toxicosis.

In addition to the above substances, a general urine test can reveal bacteria. They usually come from the genitourinary system or from the kidneys. How? Everything is simple here. During pregnancy, the kidneys are exposed to maximum stress, both literally and figuratively. First, they work for two, removing the metabolic products of the mother and fetus. And, secondly, they constantly feel the pressure of the growing uterus. At some point, it can end with clamping, urinary stagnation and an increase in size. A couple of weeks in this state - and serious inflammation can no longer be avoided.

2. Types of urine tests during pregnancy

In addition to the general analysis of urine, there are other studies:

  • Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko... He is appointed in cases where the results of the general analysis are unsatisfactory. For example, leukocytes or casts are found in urine. These substances most often indicate the development of serious diseases such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis disease, kidney infarction, etc. All of them can be dangerous for both the mother and the fetus, therefore, require confirmation of the diagnosis and mandatory treatment.
  • Urine analysis according to Zimnitsky... Its results allow us to draw conclusions about the work of the kidneys. It differs from others in its special technique. Urine is collected in certain hours during the day. In parallel, the woman writes down how much daily fluid she drank. And then he hands over both his notes and the collected material, and these are 8 containers of urine, to the laboratory, where all the research is carried out.
  • LHC seeding... One of the mandatory tests, which is carried out at least twice - when registering and immediately before childbirth. If leukocytes or protein are found in the urine, it can be re-prescribed. And all because this study allows you to diagnose even a latent, or asymptomatic form of acute or chronic illness genitourinary system.
  • Urine analysis for acetone... He gives up when complaints of severe toxicosis appear. Moreover, if it is still possible to detect overestimated indicators, they will have to be monitored throughout pregnancy. Acetone can appear in the urine with diabetes mellitus, anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and even malnutrition.
  • Urinalysis for protein... It is prescribed when an increased level of protein is detected in the general analysis in order to confirm or refute the suspicion of proteinuria. The latter, by the way, may be false. It occurs if a woman does not follow the basic rules for collecting urine. And it does not always indicate the presence of serious diseases. Often, the cause of its appearance can be an increase in body temperature, heavy sweating, physical activity, stress and overuse protein food - meat, fish, dairy products.
  • Sterility analysis... It is given for the detection of bacteria in the urine. It is prescribed for frequent urination, back pain, the presence or suspicion of an infection in the genitourinary system. An incredibly accurate study that allows you to objectively assess the state of the microflora of the vagina and intestines.

Meanwhile, this is far from full list... In the presence of poor urine tests, the doctor may prescribe other tests to confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis.

3. How to donate urine correctly during pregnancy

In order for the obtained research results to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to adhere to simple rules collection of urine, namely:

  1. Refrain from physical activity just before taking the test.
  2. Refuse the use of spicy and fatty foods, as well as alcohol a couple of days before.
  3. Comply with technology, in other words, collect urine correctly... How to do it? First of all, it is necessary to prepare a dry sterile container in advance. It is necessary to collect material for analysis early in the morning when you first visit the bathroom, since at this time the urine is most concentrated. It is better to take a shower beforehand and close the entrance to the vagina with a cotton swab. For analysis, you need to give an average portion of urine (about 150-200 ml), lowering the first and last into the toilet. It is important to take the obtained material to the laboratory within 2 hours. What is the threat of delay? At least destruction important components, and as a maximum - the ingress of bacteria and distortion of the analysis results. By the way, during transportation it is not recommended to shake the urine too much, since such actions can also leave their mark on the final result.

4. Norms of indicators of urine analysis

  • Colour- it can be straw or bright yellow, depending on the products that the pregnant woman ate the day before.
  • Transparency degree... Normally, urine should be clear, without turbidity.
  • Density- it is determined in laboratory conditions and can fluctuate between 1010 - 1030 g / l.
  • Leukocyte count- it should not exceed 5 units, otherwise the doctor will look for inflammation of the genitourinary system.
  • Acidity- it can fluctuate within 5-7 units.
  • Erythrocytes- no more than 3 units.
  • Bacteria, ketone bodies, cylinders and glucose in normal urine should not be.

Urine analysis during pregnancy is one of the main research methods. Do not neglect it, follow the advice of your doctor and be healthy!

Look detailed video about urine tests during pregnancy can be found here:

And don't forget to share information with your friends and subscribe to our blog. To all pregnant women easy pregnancy and childbirth! See you!

Every woman during pregnancy is faced with the need to undergo numerous studies, among which the leading positions are taken by blood and urine tests. Urine analysis during pregnancy is important to monitor the functioning of the genitourinary system, since it is subjected to severe stress during this period.

For timely detection possible diseases and adequate treatment urinalysis is recommended to be taken regularly. This approach will help protect the unborn baby from possible problems, and a woman - from the development of complications and chronic conditions.

When decoding the analysis of urine of a pregnant woman, the following normal indicators are assessed:

  • The color depends on the allocated volume of biological fluid and the presence of dyes-pigments in it. Normally, urine should be colored straw yellow due to the content of urochrome.
  • The transparency of the liquid characterizes all the properties of the biological components present in it. Normal urine should be clear.
  • The specific gravity indicates the content of dissolved components in urine, such as salts, sugar, urea, etc.
  • pH, or acidity, is determined by the concentrated content of hydrogen ions formed in a liquid as a result of the dissociation of organic and inorganic acids.
  • Normally, it should not be detected in the urine of a pregnant woman, and if the analysis of urine showed its presence, we are talking about proteinuria, which can be physiological (against the background of a strong mental shock, physical activity, eating a large amount of protein) and pathological (diseases of the genitourinary system or allergies).
  • Sugar is not normally detected, but if glucose is detected in the urine test of a pregnant woman, there are suspicions of diabetes mellitus, the woman is recommended to additionally take a blood test for sugar.
  • Bilirubin in urine should not be detected. If it is found, we can talk about jaundice, hepatitis and other pathologies that interfere with the outflow of bile. The urine will then have the color of dark beer.
  • Ketone bodies are not normally detected, urine analysis with the presence of acetone during pregnancy can show, and.
  • Nitrite is normally absent, their detection in the urine of pregnant women indicates the presence of inflammation in the organs of the urinary tract.
  • Hemoglobin detected in urine is a clear indicator of pathology, which indicates anemia.
  • are normally detected singly (1-2 in the field of view). If there are more of them, we are talking about hematuria associated with infections of the renal system and urinary tract.
  • Leukocytes in the analysis of urine in a pregnant woman should not exceed 0-5 in the field of view, otherwise we are talking about an inflammatory process in the kidneys - glomerulonephritis and, as well as diseases urinary system - .
  • Epithelial cells in urine should not exceed 0-3 in the field of view. If their number exceeds this value, most likely, we are talking about kidney diseases - pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.
  • The cylinders are absent in the urine of a healthy person, their presence in the analysis of urine during pregnancy indicates various renal diseases.
  • and fungi diagnosed in urine speak of infectious diseases genitourinary system, for example, vaginal, etc.
  • Salts indicate a change in urine pH response. Normally, in single amounts, urine contains oxalates and urates. An excess of salts indicates the development of urolithiasis.
  • Mucus in the norm in the indicators of the analysis of a pregnant woman can be detected in an insignificant amount. Its presence in a large number talking about inflammatory diseases genitourinary system.

Normal indicators of general clinical analysis

Below are the characteristics and figures that are typical for analyzes of healthy women.

Indicators Meaning
Amount of urine 150-250 ml
Colour Straw yellow, amber yellow
Transparency Full
Density 1,010-1,030
NS 5,0-7,0
Protein Up to 0.033 g / l
Glucose Absent
Bilirubin Absent
Urobilinogen Traces
Ketone bodies Absent
Erythrocytes 1-2 in sp.
Leukocytes Up to 5 in p. Sp.
Epithelium Single cells of squamous and transitional epithelium
Cylinders Single hyaline cylinders
Salt Single urates and oxalates

Urine analysis according to Nicheporenko

If the expectant mother is observed, and, it is necessary to exclude infectious and inflammatory processes. For this purpose, during pregnancy, a urine test according to Nechiporenko is prescribed, which will show the presence or absence of pathologies.

When carrying out this urine analysis in pregnant women, two indicators are taken into account - the norm of leukocytes and erythrocytes in 1 ml of biological fluid. For leukocytes it is 2000 in 1 ml, for erythrocytes - 1000. If the result is higher than normal, most likely, we are talking about an infection of the bladder, urethra and kidneys.

If the number of leukocytes is exceeded, then this may indicate pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys. If the indicators are slightly increased, we can talk about the errors that the woman made during the collection of urine. To once again do not worry what the urine test shows with the existing pregnancy and how correct these results will be, the biological fluid for the study should be collected correctly. This will be discussed below.

Is it possible to independently determine that urine does not signal a problem?

You can determine the signs of "good" urine using your own observations if you pay attention to the following factors:

  • Collected urine ... Normally, its shade should range from straw yellow to amber yellow. Color saturation can be given by the reception assigned to expectant mothers. However, the shade should never be dark.
  • Smell ... It may not be at all, or it will not be pronounced. No harsh scents. If you feel some acidity and the smell is intrusive, you should inform your doctor about it.
  • Transparency ... The urine should be transparent, there can be no talk of any cloudy impurities. If the collected liquid is cloudy, that is, it is impossible to see anything else through the container, most likely there are bacteria and epithelium in the urine in large quantities, which is not a good sign.

Urine culture analysis

What kind of urine tests are not taken by pregnant women, and the analysis for bacterial culture is also included in this number. What is it for? With this analysis, you can determine the bacteria that are in the body of a woman. That is, the biological fluid of a pregnant woman is used as a nutrient medium for growing pathogenic microflora in it.

If a woman is sick, urine analysis will show not only the presence of bacteria, but also their sensitivity to certain medications, which is important during pregnancy. As a result, the doctor will be able to prescribe the most gentle treatment that is safe for the mother and the unborn child.

During pregnancy, for bacterial culture, urine analysis is usually collected with a catheter, then the resulting fluid is taken to the laboratory and placed in a nutrient medium. After that, the urine, saturated with pathogenic microorganisms, is placed in different test tubes and removed to an oven, where favorable conditions are created for the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

At the end of the study, about 5-10 days, the doctor finds out which microflora was in the woman's urine. If necessary, she is prescribed treatment.

If the urine test is bad

Poor urinalysis in pregnant women may indicate asymptomatic bacteriuria, early and late toxicosis, pyelonephritis, cystitis and others pathological conditions threatening normal flow pregnancy. Depending on what the study shows - proteinuria, hematuria, etc., a woman is recommended to undergo additional examination(analysis of Nechiporenko, ultrasound procedure and etc.).

If a poor urine test is found for late date pregnancy, and this is accompanied by increasing edema and arterial, we can talk about preeclampsia. This condition is dangerous to the mother and fetus. The woman is urgently admitted to the hospital.

If a urine test in the presence of pregnancy shows bad results, while the woman complains of fever, back pain and weakness, most likely, we are talking about an infectious kidney disease. This condition is also treated in an inpatient setting.

What if the urine test turns out to be a bad pregnancy pi? There is no need to worry, it is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations and not give up additional diagnostic methods and inpatient treatment.

Physiological changes in the urinary system during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the kidneys of the expectant mother work more intensively, since they are faced with the task of evacuating from the body not only the products of their metabolic processes, but also the metabolic products of the fetus. Many women ask if a urine test shows pregnancy. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the presence of pregnancy by a general urine test, for this there are other methods, such as a test for.

In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, blood flow increases, and therefore all organs begin to receive a larger volume of circulating blood. Filtration of the glomeruli increases, and the reabsorption of the tubules does not change throughout pregnancy, which causes the development of edema and fluid retention in the body.

As the uterus grows, the position of the internal organs changes. In the third trimester bladder moves upward beyond the pelvic floor, its walls thicken to withstand the increased pressure of the uterus. In rare cases, a hydroureter occurs - a violation of the patency of the ureter, usually the right one. This is due to its compression at the level of the pelvic bone.

Under the influence, the tone of the urinary tract decreases, they expand, as a result of which the infection easily penetrates into the bladder with the subsequent development of pyelonephritis.

How to properly collect urine for analysis during pregnancy

A gynecologist or midwife should tell about how to correctly take a urine test for pregnant women when registering, and only a few women know about this before getting pregnant.

Preparation for collection of biological fluid is based not only on the observance of careful hygiene measures, but also on individual recommendations for women:

  • Approximately a day before taking a urine test, it is undesirable for the expectant mother to expose her body to physical and psycho-emotional stress, since they are fraught with the appearance of protein in the urine. Also during this time it is important to stop eating spicy, salty and meat dishes... Compliance with these recommendations will allow you to obtain correct information when decoding a general urine test in pregnant women.
  • Often, a poor urine test obtained by a pregnant woman is the result of a carelessly selected container for collecting body fluid. Currently, a sterile and compact collection jar can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • It is necessary to collect urine for analysis during pregnancy in the morning, immediately after waking up. In this case, the density of the collected body fluid will be more concentrated, so any deviations from the norm will be obvious.
  • Many pregnant women who have to study a general urine test are interested in: how much of it should be put in a jar so that the result is normal? Experts advise to fill the container up to half.

How else to take a urine test during pregnancy: it is not recommended to shake and shake the sample, filter urine through gauze (this is what some pregnant women do in the hope of getting good result research), the collected sample must be delivered to the laboratory within the next hour - only if all these conditions are met, the decoding of the result will be as correct and correct as possible.

During pregnancy, every woman should know how to take a general and daily urine test. This is important to protect yourself and your unborn baby from health problems. Compliance with dietary rules on the eve of collection of biomaterial, the use of a sterile container - one of the conditions for the correct assessment of the result. With a responsible approach, a woman's pregnancy will end happily, and the birth itself will take place without complications. Urinalysis indicators during pregnancy are important aspect to ensure its normal flow.

Useful video about general urine analysis


How to get tested correctly during pregnancy and learn to understand their results? So that the expectant mother is not afraid of examinations and understands why they are, obstetrician-gynecologist Galina Klimenko gives a transcript of the basic analyzes.

Clinical blood test

A blood test is quite simple and at the same time effective method learn about the state of the body of a pregnant woman.

How to take?

Blood is taken from a finger in the morning on an empty stomach. The night before, you should not eat fatty foods, it is also advisable to refrain from stress.

Clinical blood test

Reading the analysis

During pregnancy, the permissible lower limit of the norm is 110. If the hemoglobin level is lower, the woman has anemia, the child does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen and may begin to lag behind. Therefore, with a low hemoglobin level of a pregnant woman, treatment is required.
A decrease in platelet count (below 180.0) requires additional research the blood coagulation system, since it is platelets that help prevent massive bleeding during childbirth
If their level is increased (more than 9.0), this may be a sign of infection in a pregnant woman.

If you are not feeling well, this is not a reason to refuse testing. Contact a paid medical center or laboratory that takes tests at home, and you will receive the results by e-mail.

General urine analysis

Allows you to evaluate excretory function kidneys and the general condition of the body.

How to take?

Morning urine is given. First, you need to conduct a toilet of the external genital organs (it is better to close the entrance to the vagina with a sterile gauze swab). The test jar must be clean (special sterile containers are sold).

Analysis of urine

Reading the analysis

Protein in urine
The presence of protein in the urine can be a symptom of a pregnancy complication - preeclampsia (toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy).
The presence of glucose may indicate diabetes pregnant women. If you suspect this condition, your doctor will order stress tests to measure your blood sugar.
An increase in the number of leukocytes (the norm is no more than 4) and the presence of bacteria can be a sign of cystitis or pyelonephritis - inflammation of the bladder and kidneys during pregnancy.
Ketone bodies
Their presence may indicate that, due to severe toxicosis, the body lacks nutrients.

Gynecological smear

Analysis of the discharge of the urogenital organs of a woman.

How to take?

The day before taking a smear, you cannot put vaginal suppositories, do douching, otherwise the test results will be incorrect.

Reading the analysis

An increase in the level of leukocytes (more than 15) may indicate an inflammatory process in the vagina (colpitis) or cervical canal(cervicitis). Additional bacteriological examination is required.
Gonococcus and Trichomonas
Normally they should be absent. If they are found, the expectant mother will need to undergo treatment.