What are daily affirmations. An affirmation should not consist of a long sentence. What does repetition of affirmations do?


Affirmations are positive statements to help change the way we think and shape the future we want. Saying affirmations is effective way achieve your goal, happiness, love, inner harmony, health and well-being. Our thoughts and emotions shape our lives and our environment. It is important to remember the expression "like attracts like". And it is true: negative thoughts attract negative events into our lives, and the fears that we fear will certainly come true, because. we projected them ourselves. positive thoughts and emotions of love, happiness and pleasure, will be attracted into our lives happy events and the people we need. Affirmations are aimed at working with the subconscious. Logically, everyone understands that you want to be loved and love, you want to have a lot of money and success in life, good health And free time. In practice, not everyone has it. Because, most of all, the subconscious invests in our life. And, if it decided that “there is not enough money”, then they are actually not enough. Responsible for the subconscious left side brain (in right-handers) and right in left-handers. It is this half that should be persuaded to achieve results in life.

Features of using affirmations

The mechanical pronunciation of affirmations is a waste of time. It only affects the memorization of faceless information. The most important thing lies in using affirmations to evoke positive feelings and experiences, instead of negative ones. If you say: “I have a lot of money” and something shrinks inside, then this will not have an effect and a feeling of self-deception will arise.

The real result is when, with the phrase “I have a lot of money,” a feeling of flight, lightness and soaring arises. For the sake of this, it is worth pronouncing an affirmation, and our method of compiling audio affirmations is aimed at this result. It is very important to connect logically correct information and feelings associated with it. Or in other words, so that the information in one hemisphere of the brain matches the information in the other.

Affirmations for men

I forgive all men of my kind and accept them male energy as a creative driving force.
I am a strong, brave and independent person.
I am full of energy and able to do whatever I need.
I courageously move forward, believing in success.
I am able to infect others with my optimism.
I am masculine and sexy.
I am stable and confident.
I am a strong, smart and brave person!
I am a man! I am the Force! I am my word! I take responsibility for my life.
I believe in myself and in my success!
I consciously accept myself as I am - Here and Now!
I have divine will power!
My willpower is developing and getting stronger every day!
I effectively use my willpower, my faith, my talents and opportunities!
I think fast, decisively and effectively!
I am tuned only to the goals that are important to me, and they encourage me to act!
I am full of strength and energy - Here and Now!
I am absolutely calm in difficult situations!
I can easily and quickly find a solution in any difficult situation!
I allow myself to take reasonable risks and experiment!
I am a gifted and talented person!
I am happy here and now!
I enjoy my existence.
I love and I love - Here and Now!
I know my truth.
I am through everything that life gives me!
I love and respect myself!
I forgive myself for past mistakes, but I always use my experience wisely.
Loving others, I love myself! Loving myself, I love others!
I let people think whatever they want about me.
I am grateful to fate and people for every lesson.
I am a successful and rich person here and now.
I go to material security confidently and calmly.
I rejoice in my small and big successes.
I calmly accept mistakes, they make me stronger and more experienced.
I believe in myself and my abilities! I'm doomed to success!
I am the master of my life! I create my own reality!
I playfully create wealth for myself! I am successful and achieve everything I want.
I have what it takes to be successful.
I am a successful and rich person here and now.

affirmations for women

From now on I want to see mine own beauty and magnificence. I have a great balance female energy. I am a young, slim, beautiful and sexy woman!
I am a wise and beautiful woman.
I was determined to love myself and please myself.
I am the one and only for myself.
I - Strong woman.
I don't belong to anyone; I am free.
I recognize my strength and use it.
It's good for me to be alone. I like other women, I love and support them.
I like being a woman. I feel my own integrity and perfection.
I am a very strong woman worthy of love and respect. I can take care of myself.
I like how I look. I accept myself for who I am.
I love me! I - a beautiful woman! I am delighted with myself! I am satisfied with myself!
I appreciate myself! I take care of myself! I deserve care and attention!
I am self-sufficient! I'm already an adult! I make all the decisions myself!
I enjoy self-realization and reaching new heights!
I easily take the first steps to my happiness!
I deserve a lot!
I allow men to show their intelligence, gallantry and generosity in dealing with me!
I am the owner of my life!
I am a divine creature and have limitless possibilities!
I am worthy of love and easily meet a man worthy of me!
I thank the Creator for creating such a beautiful and perfect being like me!
I allow myself to build any relationship with men! Every man brings me joy and pleasure! My relationships with all men give me joy and pleasure! Men love me! Men see me as a charming woman!
I am delighted with my body! I am in awe of my femininity!
I'm in awe of my sexuality!
I am delighted with my sensuality! I admire my appearance and my actions! I easily find agreement with my body!
I am the perfect woman! I love myself and love myself!
I am delighted with myself!
I am happy, self-confident, successful - Here and Now!
I love and I am loved - Here and Now!
I am whole, wise, effective and successful - Here and Now!

About health

I bathe in the waters of health.
My body is a temple of strength and love. I enjoy being aware of my health.
I feel great. Strength overwhelms me.
I am perfectly healthy/healthy.
Every day I get better and better.
I love food that is good for health.
I love every cell in my body.
I am constantly looking for new ways to improve my body.
I return my body to its optimal state of health by providing it with everything it needs.
I am free/free from pain.
I am completely in sync with the rhythm of life. Healing is happening!
I release my thoughts from problems and let the mind of my body take over the natural healing process.
My body does its best to maintain excellent health.
My life is balanced: work, leisure and entertainment - everything has its time.
I am not afraid to ask for help when needed.
I always choose qualified medicine that suits my needs.
I sleep well sound sleep. My body appreciates my taking care of it.
I love everything that helps to maintain excellent health.
I have a Guardian Angel. The Lord protects and protects me.
Health is mine divine right I can claim it. Part of the time I help others. This is good for health.
I am thankful/grateful for a healthy body.
I love life.
Water is my favorite drink. I drink a lot of water to cleanse my soul and body.
The most short cut to health - to be filled with joyful thoughts. Good thoughts are the key to good health.
I am in harmony with the part of me that knows the secrets of healing.
I am breathing full chest. I breathe life itself. I am full/full of energy.
My body knows the way to health and wholeness.
I allow myself to be healthy/healthy. Health lives in my mind.
My true nature is whole, full of vitality, beautiful and harmonious. I accept my power and my healing. I invite healing into my life.
My healthy mind builds a healthy body.
Unlimited resources of health and wholeness rest in the depths of my being.
I am growing in awareness of the healing power of Life.
I surround all the cells of my body with healing love.
I respect the needs of my body.
I sleep well. I wake up feeling fresh and energized.
I lead active image life and keep myself in great shape.
There is room in my diet for useful products needed for my body.
Taking care of your body is a natural part of loving yourself.
All my organs work perfectly!
I love my body and take care of it! I have excellent health and excellent metabolism!
Everything I eat is only good for me!
I express the joy of life and enjoy every moment of every day to the end. And I'm getting younger again.
I breathe deeply.
I'm safe. I trust life process. I trust the process of life.
I'm safe. I breathe life evenly and freely. I easily "assimilate" life. Life is eternal and full of joy.


By using affirmations, you can speed up the appearance of love in your life. You can use affirmations to attract love so that it lives in your heart, so that you enjoy its touch, so that you meet the person you need. The main thing is to regularly return to positive statements and believe in them. Trust that your thoughts will soon become your sweet reality.

Choose those affirmations that are close to you, or make up your own. And know that you deserve the very best.

I radiate light, joy and love.
I love me.
I accept myself for who I am.
I send love to all my friends.
I let love into my life.
I am the radiating center of universal love.
I open myself to love. She is in and around me.
I bathe in unconditional divine love.
I radiate love every moment.
I love every part of my body.
I fully accept myself.
Love comes into my life easily and effortlessly.
Love is with me, in every moment of life.
I breathe in love and joy.
I'm made / made for love.
I give and receive unconditional love easy and free.
The people around me love me unconditionally.
I feel loved / loved and needed / needed.
My parents and friends absolutely love me.
I express unconditional love freely.
I share my unconditional love with ease. And she comes back to me.
I give unconditional love to all people.
I allow myself to love and be loved/loved.
I enjoy love.
I attract loving people into your life.
I am always worthy / worthy of love.
I attract love and happiness into my life.
I love and approve of myself.
I let loving relationships in.
My partner loves and respects me.
I swim in the ocean of love.

Super Affirmations for More Love in Your Life

My heart beats in the rhythm of love.
I forget everything in my head that does not look like love and joy.
I'm moving on to something new, fresh, vital.
I love and appreciate myself. I love and approve of myself.
I am a wonderful person.
I part with everything except love.
I look at everything with love and joy. I can perceive the fullness of life.
I take life with love. I am free to take care of myself. Now I can freely express whatever I want.
I communicate only with the feeling of love. I talk about everything with love.
I only breathe good.
I love and enjoy myself. I treat myself kindly, gently.
Everything goes well. I don't have conflicting feelings.
Where I am, be safe. I create my own security.
I love and approve of myself.
I was born / was born then to know that there is only love in the world.
I'm starting to realize what a wonderful person I am.
I love myself and enjoy myself.
I - beautiful creation Lord God. He loves me infinitely and I accept this love.
I am open/open and ready/ready for a wonderful relationship based on unconditional love.
My positive thoughts help me create relationships full of love and support.
My heart is open to love.
It's safe to express your love.
I bring laughter and joy with me everywhere.
People love me and I love people.
I am in harmony with life.
I feel safe because self-love protects me.
I have a harmonious relationship with life.
I love and love / love.
I live with the man of my dreams. I love you.
My relationship is getting better and better every day.
I am happy / happy.
I am filled/filled with love.
My life is full of love.
I sincerely love myself.
I am grateful / thankful to God for meeting my beloved / beloved.
I create my own happy relationships.
I am the creator of my destiny.

affirmations for wealth

affirmations on every day

A good selection of affirmations for every day. And at the very end - a universal affirmation and some recommendations.

I forgive myself and let go of the guilt.
Forgiveness brings me freedom and joy.
I treat myself with love and kindness.
I treat myself with understanding.
I move forward and leave the past behind.
Quote for today: The measure of mental health is the willingness to find the good in everything.
John M. Templeton

I speak confidently and with conviction.
My words are strong and energetic.
I express my thoughts clearly.
I freely express my feelings.
I find the right words for every situation.
Quote for today: You can learn anything, master any skill that you need to achieve your goal. Brian Tracy

affirmations on every day
A healthy lifestyle increases my energy level.
positive thinking raises my energy level.
Love raises my energy level.
I joyfully accept the new, renewed power.
I am an energetic person.
Quote for today: The best concentration practice in the world is to focus your whole soul on the work that you are doing. Elizabeth Town

I live for today and trust the course of events.
I radiate peace and kindness.
I know and manifest all the best that is in me.
Success is born in me and depends on me.
My present and future are beautiful.
Quote for today: If you look from a certain point of view, your life is completely meaningful. Brad Jensen
I release thoughts and things that cause discomfort.

affirmations on every day
I forgive everyone, including myself.
I understand and forgive my neighbors well.
I let go of the thought patterns that prevent me from loving myself deeper and more fully.
I bring healing to my emotions.
Quote for today: Where there is condemnation and concern, there is no room for understanding. Brad Jensen

Deep gratitude brings me joy and happiness.
I am learning to think positive and expect good.
I am willing to change and develop.
Life readily responds to my desires and expectations.
I am at odds with myself, with my environment and with time.
Quote for today: The higher my awareness, the more choice I have in how to create the circumstances of my life or how to respond to them. Shakti Gawain

affirmations on every day
I live for today.
I successfully plan my affairs.
I live consciously and responsibly.
I choose the best that life has to offer.
My thoughts create a bright and joyful future.
Quote for today: Work serves to express the creativity that is in every person. Louise Hay

My heart beats in the rhythm of love.
The storehouse of love in my heart is inexhaustible.
The love of life fills me with strength.
I give love and I attract love.
My words, thoughts and deeds are a manifestation of love.
Quote for today: If love reigns in your heart, you can work miracles. Randy Noyes

affirmations on every day
I affirm harmony in myself and in the world around me.
My mind paints pictures of health, happiness and well-being.
I think independently, independently and constructively.
My kind and bright become a reality.
I lovingly bless everything in my world.
Quote for today: An attitude of calm, confident expectation activates your creative powers and opens your mental capacity. Brian Tracy

All the events of my life contribute to my personal growth.
All the events of my life are steps to greater success and happiness.
I easily adapt to changing circumstances.
I use my power wisely.
I create a secure future by working on myself.
Quote for today: When life is full of self-justification, there is no room for success.
Brad Jensen

affirmations on every day
I - open channel for universal strength.
I like to organize my inner world and your surroundings.
I live in harmony with myself.
My life goals help me to open up in all its fullness.
I live joyfully and with inspiration.
Quote for today: You must accept everything that already exists in your life, and at the same time consider every moment as new opportunity to create something that can make you happier. Shakti Gawain

My body is a reflection of my thoughts and inner beliefs.
My body is constantly talking to me, and I listen carefully to its voice.
I love and accept myself, inside and out.
I send love and healing to all parts of my body.
I thank the universe for health and integrity.
Quote for today: Focus on the love of life that is beating in your body right now.
Wayne Dyer

affirmations on every day
Peace fills my mind and my soul.
Harmony is manifested in my relationships and affairs.
At rest, I make the right decisions.
Peace leads me to awareness and power.
I joyfully bring peace to my surroundings.
Quote for today: Living in moderation means knowing when to stop, when to start again and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Wayne Dyer

I focus on finding opportunities.
I am willing to learn new things and develop myself.
I make bold and confident decisions.
I maintain high motivation in all circumstances.
I am moving forward every day.
Quote for today: The winner is not afraid of risk, because he knows that the one who does nothing is the most at risk, and only their constant testing gives real confidence in their abilities. Denis Whateley

affirmations on every day
I demonstrate prosperity in all my affairs.
Every day I tune in to abundance and prosperity.
I spend money easily and receive money easily.
Prosperity flows freely through my life.
I accept abundance from all sources.
Quote for today: Prosperity begins in the mind. You must lay its foundation in your thoughts, surrounding yourself with an atmosphere of prosperity. Orison Marden

I can give and receive love.
Love is my conscious and responsible choice.
My decisions reflect my love for myself.
Self-love helps me love others.
I am generous in love.
Quote for today: As long as you are alive, strive for love and get as close to it as you can. Wayne Dyer

affirmations on every day
I forget about the past and boldly cross the threshold of a new day.
I release the past and the past releases me.
I willingly learn to love, forgive and live in the present.
I enjoy life in all circumstances.
I approach life with gratitude and reverence.
Quote for today: Be creative in your thoughts, in your feelings, and in all your actions. Use your own uniqueness in everything you do. Wayne Dyer

I send love to my home and it reciprocates.
My home is a place of warmth and comfort.
My home is a safe haven.
My house is under the protection of higher powers.
I feel good at home.
Quote for today: Happiness will remain unattainable until you choose to be happy now. Brad Jensen

affirmations on every day
My mind is cleansed and healed.
I lovingly bless my past, present and future.
I use the power of thought at my own discretion.
I approach life with confidence.
Life says yes to me.
Quote for today: Our inner growth is the greatest contribution to humanity. Shakti Gawain

I take responsibility for my feelings.

I can manage my emotions.
I show calmness.
I respect my emotions and bring healing to them.
I freely express my inner beauty and goodness.
Quote for today: You have everything you need for peace and happiness - right here and now.
Wayne Dyer

Universal affirmation on every day:

I accept everything with love and gratitude,

what was, is and will be.

This affirmation increases the ability to accept everything as it is, that is, it develops humility, getting rid of selfishness with all its negative consequences, introduces into a state of goodness and gives liberation from psychological suffering. Long-term and purposeful work with this affirmation helps to accept the Will of God and receive spiritual liberation - in the broadest sense of the word. This affirmation works like a thanksgiving technique.

Happiness to you, love, success and health!

“It's time to create your own reality. It's time to determine what kind of energy you want to attract into your life. You have every right to consciously determine the nature of your thoughts. Remember: no matter what you have said in the past, no matter what you have been told about yourself or about the world around you, you have the power and the ability to change it. — Sandra Taylor

Here are some positive affirmations for you personal growth and love. Affirmations help people change habitual image thinking, break the established system of behavior and change the focus to the desired picture.

Affirmations work if you work with them constantly, because creating new thinking is like building new house in order for affirmations to settle and gain a foothold in your mind, you need to add to your consciousness, brick by brick, necessary material. And the glue for the new "bricks" will be your conviction, the confidence that this is real, that you will succeed, that affirmations will do their job.

Treat new thoughts like your favorite flowers. They need to be constantly watered and taken care of. Choose affirmations that suit your spirit and align with your intentions and values. Good luck!

"The words you say after 'I am...' determine who you become."
Joe Vitale

Affirmations to attract love

From Marie Diamond:

  • I open myself to experiencing the power that I have.
  • I create an environment for myself that will help me experience this power that lives in me.
  • I allow myself to be the king or queen of my life, make powerful decisions and reach my full potential.
  • I am in love with a wonderful person.
  • I'm creating great relationship with your family and friends.
  • I allow myself to open up to receive love.

Affirmations for working on yourself

From Louise Hay:

  • I am constantly under the protection of heaven, and nothing bad can happen to me.
  • I get everything I need in a timely manner.
  • My life is full of joy and love.
  • I love and I am loved.
  • I am healthy, energetic and full of energy.
  • Everything that happens to me is for the best.
  • I enjoy change and newness.
  • Everything is perfect in my world.

Affirmations to create a sense of self-worth

From Sandra Taylor

  • I deserve to love and respect myself.
  • I deserve to be loved and respected by other people.
  • Whatever I believed in the past, I now consider myself a worthy and significant person.
  • The universe is full of love and abundance, and I deserve to get everything I want. I am attracting love and abundance right now.
  • Every day I affirm and acknowledge my worth.
  • I am strong. I am determined. I am able to create my own destiny right now.
  • I believe in myself, I accept myself. I attract people who believe in me and accept me.
  • I have everything I need to create an energy that will attract miracles. I know it already now.
  • I choose to think well of myself. This is my truth.
  • I deserve happiness. I choose to be happy. Happiness is becoming a way of life for me now.
  • By increasing self-esteem, I bring happiness into my life.
  • I accept myself with love.
  • I choose to be optimistic about myself and my life.
  • Henceforth, all my words, thoughts, deeds will be devoted to attracting the energy of love into my life. This is my energy choice.

Course - "On the positive and Harmony" ...!

Do you always live positively? In vain if the answer is negative! Train yourself to live joyfully and optimistically, positively. Many people sincerely try to live every day according to this scheme, but nothing comes of it. And we can explain why! - They don't know what it is.

"Positive Affirmations"- these are phrases and sentences that are saturated with magic. Why do they exist? In order to convince people of the existence of a "cloudless" side of life.

Affirmations should:

  1. Be clear about what you specifically want to achieve. Do not use unnecessary words when you write affirmations.
  2. Consist of a maximum of twelve words. Try to use short words so that everything is concise and understandable.
  3. Keep alive and bright emotions. Designate exactly the state in which you will be during happy moments.
  4. To be "saturated" with a real positive charge coming from your body, from your heart and from your soul.
  5. The affirmation should be addressed to you, and not to someone else. If you want to help a person using affirmations, tell him about their existence.
  6. They must be written correctly, without errors. The fact is that complete “purity” is important in them, and not just content.

Adhere to these rules, despite the fact that you are not used to "submit" to them! Believe that everything is thought out and calculated.

Positive Affirmations!


positive affirmations poster

Are you good at writing?

Then make a colorful poster on which you will then write various affirmations. You can paint this poster, stick it with beautiful stickers .... All these artistic and design "charms" will only remind you of the positive.

Photo - example

How do affirmations differ from banal self-hypnosis?

High degree of efficiency!

Self-hypnosis requires faith from people, and it is absolutely not necessary to believe in affirmations. If a person has them, he rereads them, rewrites them from time to time, pays attention to them (as in the example with the poster described above), then this positive “whether you like it or not” is already present in a person’s life, accompanies him and gives confidence and positive thinking.

Do you want to create your own affirmations?

Compose them from everything that you feel (following the rules, of course!).


Take a clean notebook. Start writing affirmations in it. It's great if you guess to arrange them in subparagraphs, separately. See what's down below for you!

Positive money affirmations

  1. My world takes care of me.
  2. I am always lucky in those places where there is finance.
  3. I am in control of my own well-being (financial).
  4. My business is growing daily.
  5. Money gives me inexpressible pleasure.
  6. I attract everything that can bring monetary success.

Happiness Affirmations

  1. Happiness is a well-deserved result of achieving my goal.
  2. Happiness heals my body and heals my soul.
  3. I was born only for happiness ....
  4. Happiness is me!
  5. I will always feel like a happy person.
  6. I will always live near happiness and next to happiness.

Positive Affirmations for Gratitude

  1. I thank the planet for what it gives me now!
  2. I breathe gratitude!
  3. I go to sleep with gratitude and wake up with it.
  4. I thank all the people who appreciate me.
  5. Every action I take is filled with gratitude.

Affirmative continuation. . .

In this article, we have prepared for you a lot of affirmations for every day (here you will find Luisa Hay affirmations, affirmations for attracting money, love, health and wealth).

Affirmations for the development of spirituality

I have a strong spiritual connection. I believe God is merciful.
I am protected by Divine power.
I am a beautiful creation of the Lord God.
I am loved and protected by my personal Angels. I am developing physically and spiritually.
I accept life as a unique gift. I am constantly improving.
I am one with the power that created me.
I am the Divine and beautiful embodiment of life. I am in harmony with life. I send goodness into the world and I receive goodness in return.
I fully approve and recognize my spirituality. I am open to the voice of my inner guide.
I fully trust and present myself to Divine Providence. I am open to contact with higher powers.

Affirmations for travel, travel

I visit the places that I have planned.
I have enough money to travel abroad.
I organize a wonderful vacation for myself and my family. I get many new wonderful experiences.
I travel with those people with whom I have fun and feel good. I can make time for outdoor activities.
I move easily and freely in time and space. I am satisfied with my fellow travelers.
I travel to the very best time of the year. I enjoy new meetings and acquaintances.
I am open and receptive to everything new in life. I plan a wonderful vacation, and I succeed. I am easy going.
I enjoy visiting new interesting places.

Affirmations for acquiring Knowledge, wisdom

I study in time and find out what I need. I study easily and with pleasure.
I have a connection with cosmic wisdom. I am smart, smart, resourceful. I do everything in the best way.
I am constantly discovering wonderful qualities in myself. I see my magnificent inner being.
I feel my wholeness and perfection.
I exist with wisdom, love, creativity.
I am in tune with the ever-changing nature of life. I can apply my knowledge.
I know everything I need to know. I create everything that I think about.
I program myself only for a happy, stable life. I accept the most right decisions.
I trust inner wisdom.

affirmations for beauty

I am beautiful on the outside and inside. I am satisfied with my appearance.
I take good care of myself.
I am always fashionably, beautifully, elegantly dressed and shod. I wear what I like and what suits me. I know my appearance is admirable.
I visit the most the best salons beauty.
I'm quite good, I feel great.
I know my appearance reflects mine positive attitude to life. I am always positive about myself.
I look attractive and sexy. I can charm people.
I am satisfied with my reflection in the mirror. I'm good enough the way I am. I feel my perfection.
I am wise, beautiful, independent. I am in perfect control of myself.

affirmations for health

I feel good, confident, comfortable. I allow myself to have fun and relax.
I am always and everywhere protected.
I am calm and balanced. I am in perfect control of myself.
I surround myself with comfort.
I love life in all its manifestations.
I am completely satisfied with my life. I can control my mood.
I feel better and better.
I can take care of myself.
I take good care of myself.
I am satisfied with my good health. I take good care of my body.
I see beautiful colored dreams. I am conscious in my dreams.
I am complete vitality and energy. I feel great.
I love and positively perceive my body. I know my organs are functioning normally.
I am connected to the healing energy of the universe. I lead healthy lifestyle life.
I eat healthy, wholesome food.
I enjoy doing physical exercise. I sleep well, I wake up happy.
I provide my body with everything it needs for its health. I am healthy, energetic, full of energy.
I am happy with my health, I love myself, I love my body. I heal and calm my emotions.
I am satisfied with my physiology
I am always perfectly healthy.

Affirmations for relationships with children
I am an authority for my children.
My child and I understand each other very well.
I help my children become adults and independent. I know all the friends and girlfriends of my son (daughter) well.
I communicate well with my son's (daughter's) peers.
I establish an equal, mutually understanding relationship with my son (daughter).
I rejoice in the success (study) of my child. I am proud of my children.
I am sure that my child is under the protection of the Universe, and his personal Angel loves and protects him. I feel the mood of my child, I give him the right advice.
I take great care of my child. I plan with the children both business and leisure.
I trust my children to make the right decisions for themselves. I am friends with my children and their friends.
I am a good advisor to my children.
I respect and love my children. I can have fun with kids. I celebrate with the children their successes.