How to prepare an annual report: tips from practitioners. The history of commemoration days. How to determine the financial result

For me, New Year is the time to take stock, think and ask myself ... Ask what worked and what didn't, think about what could have been done better or faster. Unfortunately, time does not increase, every year you get older and understand that it is time to think more intensively with your head, otherwise there is no way ...

For a long time, there was an opinion that from the new year each of us has the opportunity to start life with blank slate... Well, there is something in it. Holidays with us last for a long time, someone goes to celebrate far away, but I have never seen much sense in this. Simply, sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity, what is so interesting about celebrating the New Year under water? Well, nothing, as for me. Although to take a family and go on vacation to the mountains, why not ...

And here's another, the fulfillment of desires ... Under the chimes, everyone says goodbye to the old new year, and they expect from the new year what it will give them magic wand who will do everything for them. But that's all, a fairy tale, gentlemen, common Christmas story... You really have to work hard, and there is no longer a smell of magic here.

Of course, no one will forbid making a wish, but you should not hope for a miracle. In general, it is better to make a goal out of a dream, make a specific plan and, while the idea is still clean, and doubts have not overwhelmed your head, GET TO WORK.

In general, a month before the new year, and here we are already thinking what and how to do ...

It turned out to be a small list, only 100 points =) There are serious things, there are funny things, there are simply sincere ones. In general, I hope that for those who read it, it will bring inspiration and new ideas for their future plans for the new year.

To-do list for the year! 100 Things to Do in the New Year

  1. . Unsurprisingly, this item ranked first on my list. After all, the development process implies constant improvement in itself. Each of us knows what he needs to change in himself in order to become better. So we remember all such moments and make a list from 5-12 bad habits... And then, we go to point 2, and work on them. whole year.
  2. . The process is similar to the formation of a list of bad habits, only now we are thinking specifically about what needs to be done to become more disciplined or healthy, or to become an expert in some area. This is your fantasy stream. Because it takes about a month to form a new habit. Then for next year 12 new habits will appear in your arsenal that will make your life easier. Think about these habits in advance or you can take from our list, because items from the list below can become your new habit.
  3. Come up with ways to implement them... Turn dreams into goals, because that's what our business plan for next year is for.
  4. Write your plan for the year and follow it. If you have a plan, then you know where to go.
  5. Sometimes go to a quiet coffee shop in order to be alone and make a plan for the next month. Better to choose your favorite cafe.
  6. Once a month, take some time to prepare a new meal. In this case, you can kill two birds with one stone: the first to diversify your menu or find your signature dish, which you will treat your guests every time.
  7. Learn a new / or perfect an old foreign language (English / German / Italian). What are the advantages of introducing this habit: firstly, you train your memory, and secondly, you train your brain. The main thing is to understand that the language requires constant daily practice.
  8. Learn poems. This point, like the previous one, trains our memory, and sometimes at a party you can show off your intellect. Who does not like to learn poems can learn your favorite song. And remember, consistency is key.
  9. Read the minimum. And maybe more, it all depends on your appetite. By the way, if you decide to read specialized literature, then in a year you can become an expert in your chosen field.
  10. Watch only. How do you know if a movie is good? Easy, ask your friends what their favorite movie is, or read reviews on the Internet before watching a movie. After doing this research, you can be 90% sure that the movie is worth watching. Don't waste your time with goofy movies and TV shows. By the way, you can arrange a joint movie viewing with friends on Fridays. 😉
  11. Start cooking sweets at home and completely eliminate purchased baked goods.
  12. Pass a medical examination or simply make an appointment with the necessary doctors. Watch your health, and it will thank you years later.
  13. . The ability to complain and feel like a victim is the first thing to get rid of. Of course, there is nothing wrong with telling someone about your problems once. But when it is repeated all the time, it can ruin your positive aura and your friends will start to avoid you, so start getting rid of this addiction needed right now.
  14. (with vitamins and minerals) and stick to it. I think it's not worth talking a lot about the benefits here. proper nutrition... The only thing I want to emphasize is that a planned menu will help you save time and money.
  15. Accustom yourself to a special regime (rise 5-6 in the morning, hang up until 23:00) Thanks to this mode, you will have a lot of extra time. After all, when the city wakes up, you have already done a lot of things.
  16. Say "I love you" every day. To yourself, others, close people!
  17. Every month, plan who you need to meet this month... Do not forget old friends, even if you rarely see each other, call them, or better yet, meet.
  18. Schedule a time when you can visit distant relatives ... In case you rarely see them.
  19. Find out your hometown as best you can. Cafes, exhibitions, buildings, nooks and crannies. Decide for yourself. Set aside a day once a month when you can explore your city.
  20. . When people complain about something, they don't appreciate what they have now. And God, sooner or later, takes it away from them. So, start appreciating everything around you right now, without waiting for the new year.
  21. At least once a month, turn off your mobile for the whole day and devote the day to reflections.
  22. Learn to think about ways to generate income (passive and active) at least once a week. To count on retirement in our time is a very optimistic forecast. So, insure yourself and create passive income and save for the future yourself.
  23. Write your life story. Start writing a diary. If you read this article after the beginning of next year, then don't wait until next year to get started. Start writing right now, everything that worries you motivates. And don't forget to analyze every day.
  24. Take one characteristic photo a day. Memories are quickly erased, and if you can capture what was important to you that day. You will have something to remember later. Make a separate folder on your computer. And label each photo in a special way. In addition, this task will teach you discipline.
  25. Learn all the capitals of the world. And make a plan of those places that you want to see sometime. Be sure to explain why these particular locations. Make up detailed description each of the places. What places do you want to visit there. This will bring you closer to your goal.
  26. List 12 achievements over the year. It often happens that you come to an interview and they ask you about your achievements. And you have nothing to answer. It seems like I ran all year like a squirrel in a wheel, but you can't remember anything. Therefore, it is necessary to write everything down. Plan ahead for your accomplishments. Think about the area in which you want to achieve something. And forward for achievements.
  27. Plan your budget(20% defer, 10% charity, 50% recurring spending, 10% fun)
  28. Create a personal budget. I think you have found more than once that the money has run out, and you still have to wait and wait until the paycheck, as if you didn’t buy anything, and the money disappeared. Yes, they have such a property - to disappear. But you can take control of them. For this you need a personal budget. If someone needs it, then you can download the template .
  29. Buy things on sale. Save your budget Usually in January and July you can buy things with the maximum discount.
  30. Get started. If you are not you, then who is it? We asked ourselves a question. Now start loving and pampering yourself.
  31. Stop postponing things for the future. This is probably one of the most difficult tasks for the next year. But still doable. Try to do small things right away. You need to wash the pan, do it now, you need to finish the report, quickly grab the robot. Of course, if this is not a five-minute business, treat it as a game, make yourself a project for cleaning an apartment or a conservation project. And when the job is done, you will be proud of yourself, because you have completed the whole project.
  32. Spend less than you earn... Life on credit is not life. Live within your means. Of course, there are force majeure events, but this is a couple of times in my life. If you want to spend more, find an opportunity to earn more.
  33. . In the literal sense of the word, mentally get rid of unnecessary thoughts. If you find it difficult to do this in your mind, write these thoughts down on paper and burn them. This ritual will help erase from memory unnecessary thoughts... Do not rush to clog your brain with everything you see. Concentrate only on the necessary things.
  34. Learn to meditate. With our frantic pace of life, it is imperative to relax. The buzzword came from yoga. If you don't have time to go to class. Sit in silence or play instrumental music and try to get all thoughts out of your head. Enjoy the silence. Learn to relax and be distracted from the outside world.
  35. Limit social networks up to an hour a day. Better yet, discard them. I just can't do it sometimes it's very important to keep in touch with old friends who are abroad. But you need to limit the time, an hour is enough to reply to messages and view the feed.
  36. Forgive yourself for mistakes. Anyone can be wrong. We learn from mistakes. Stop thinking about them. Otherwise, you will live in the past.
  37. Learning to remain silent... I am a very sociable person by nature. It's hard for me to understand how people can be silent when they are walking together. But we must learn to do this. Because silence also brings people closer together and you will not have time to say something superfluous.
  38. ... There are many methods of concentration. I advise you to read the book by L.J. Palladino - Maximum concentration... It is freely available on the Internet. Perhaps in this book you will find your own way of concentrating. So far I have found one way for myself - this is the Pomodoro principle (25 minutes of work, 5 minutes of rest)
  39. Stop going out in the sun without sunscreen. The sun is very dangerous for our skin. Take care of her.
  40. Feed your brain... In fact, now there are a bunch of ways to develop our brain: games, crosswords, solving puzzles or logic problems.
  41. Surround yourself successful people. The saying "Tell who is your friend and I will tell who you are" was not invented for nothing. You want to be successful people. Chat with the same people. And you will not notice how you start to change.
  42. Watch the speeches of famous speakers, study their habits and intonation. I really like the internet channel Famous speakers share their discoveries. It is very informative and English language... Although there are also Russian subtitles.
  43. Stop communicating with people who treat you badly. In fact, why interact with people who do not value you. Relatives are the exception. But you can safely say goodbye to the rest.
  44. . This is probably one of my bad habits with which I fight carefully. Try to finish every task to the end. Don't start new book if you haven't finished reading the old one.
  45. Play boardgames. Winter is approaching and this is the best time to spend with friends.
  46. Call your parents more often. Better daily.
  47. Learn to see the good in people. This is the quality that is more valuable than money. Despite the fact that you are afraid of many people, this should not stop you from seeing something good in them. You can learn something from each person, and what exactly the choice is yours.
  48. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are you. And you will never become a different person. You don't have to compete with someone. Compare the results only with the past You. With what you were and what results you achieved.
  49. . This quality will be useful to you in many areas of life. While sitting in the subway, pay attention to the details, or memorize something on the way.
  50. Stop pouring out the ones you love. Let's admit to ourselves, everyone does this at every opportunity. What for? Unclear. Try to distract yourself from problems when you are around loved ones.
  51. Find a job you like. This is what everyone should do. Everyone has a right to Good work and well-being and job satisfaction.
  52. Clean the apartment daily. It's actually difficult if you only spend 20 minutes a day cleaning. Divide the apartment into zones. And clean one area every day.
  53. Take time to dream up. We are all children at heart, and it is very important for us to dream. Don't limit yourself to this. Imagine.
  54. Focus on what you do really well. This can be a new source of income.
  55. Get rid of the trash at home. If it's hard to throw everything away, give it to someone. The main thing is not to take it to the garage. It is designed for your Mercedes, not for storing trash.
  56. Get rid of the habit of running negative scenarios in your head. Do not attract negativity, of course, you should be reinsured, but you should not constantly think about it.
  57. Find general interest with his. Common things bring you closer, make a common list with your soul mate and gradually follow through.
  58. Learn to keep your word. If you want to gain respect from friends and colleagues, keep your word. If you can’t do it, you’d better refuse.
  59. Introduce the 10 minute rule into your life. If you need to do something, but you have absolutely no desire, implement the 10-minute rule into your life. Give any activity at least 10 minutes a day. After some time, you will complete the task. Without attaching to this huge efforts... After all, 10 minutes fly by very quickly.
  60. Spend a weekend in another city or country.
  61. Do professional photo session outdoors or in a beautiful studio.
  62. Greening the apartment / house... After all, plants make the house more attractive and comfortable.
  63. Plan your vacation v in electronic format, make a list of things and required documents... We will save time on planning next year.
  64. Pamper your body(massage, spa salon, manicure, pedicure, etc.)
  65. Expand your social circle.
  66. Experiment with sex... Of course, if you are over 18 =)
  67. Try new fun(quest room or fear room, jump on a trampoline or something else.
  68. Help people in need... And it doesn't matter what kind of help it is, charity, or simply to transfer grandmother across the road. The main responsible attitude to business.
  69. Do what you never dared to do
  70. Learn to create something with your own hands.
  71. Surprise your loved one.
  72. Go camping with tents
  73. To spend a birthday in another country (or in the company of loved ones)
  74. Collect a large puzzle (1000-3000 pieces)... Lesson for six months is provided for you. 🙂
  75. Buy a diary for the next year... I advise you to buy more than just a diary. And your diary. Exactly the one that you will fill out. To do this, experiment throughout the year. If you abandon the diary in a week. This is not yours. Don't worry, keep looking further.
  76. Prank friends on April 1
  77. Refresh your wardrobe and change your style.
  78. Go to football and cheer for your favorite team or just watch. This is an incredible burst of emotion.
  79. Sign up for any training course from or similar sites.
  80. Learn a new technology.
  81. Start creating passive income.
  82. Attend a conference by specialty.
  83. Eat 5 kg of strawberries... 🙂 But seriously, take care of your diet and learn the principles of proper nutrition.
  84. Visit new town at home or abroad.
  85. Become an expert in one area
  86. Go out with friends to the camp site for the weekend
  87. Go skiing in winter and upgrade your new ski suit.
  88. Ride a bike not less than 100 kilometers. If there is no bike, then run. It's not that hard.
  89. Instill a habit of walking more often... Anywhere, anywhere you like. Try to go out into nature every weekend.
  90. Go mushroom picking.
  91. In June, go to the forest for strawberries.
  92. Make dandelion jam... Useful and reminiscent of childhood.
  93. Go to the cinema for a good large-scale film.
  94. Create your website or blog.
  95. Invest 10% of income in training... A person needs to develop. Buy books, take courses, attend thematic conferences.
  96. Do something disinterested... We saw a girl crying on the street, give her flowers. Someone cannot enter the subway, pay for it.
  97. Go to a trial yoga lesson.
  98. Go to KVN
  99. Stand in the "plank" for 5 minutes

In general, there is a lot to do 🙂. But everything is surmountable, the main thing is that there is a desire.

As you try to make sense of your life, you are faced with a problem. Or maybe you just want to organize your day. And these are just a couple of examples of when you need a plan. In fact, there can be an infinite number of reasons. At first glance, making a plan can seem very challenging task... But a little hard work a small amount of creativity, and you can make a good plan to achieve your goals.

Method one. Create a plan for the day

1. Sit down with a piece of paper

It can be a notebook, notebook or. Choose what is convenient for you. Make a list of what you need to accomplish in a day. List every meeting and arrangement you have. What are your goals for the day? Do you want to go in for sports, or, on the contrary, is it a day of relaxation? What tasks do you absolutely need to complete?

2. Make yourself a schedule

What time should you finish your first assignment or project? Write down every little thing, starting with the one that needs to be done first, then the next, and so on for the whole day. Make sure you haven't forgotten anything. Of course, every day is different and therefore every day the plan will be different. The basic plan might look like this:

  • 09:00 - 10:00 - get to the office, check your mail, answer letters.
  • 10:00 am - 11:30 am - meeting with Max and Katya.
  • 11: 30–12:30 - project number 1.
  • 12: 30–13: 15 pm - lunch (healthy food!).
  • 13: 15–14:30 - analysis of project # 1, meet with Sergei and discuss project # 1.
  • 14: 30–16:00 - project number 2.
  • 16:00 - 17:00 - start project number 3, prepare things for tomorrow.
  • 17:00 - 18:30 - leave the office, go to the gym.
  • 18: 30–19: 00 - go for groceries.
  • 19: 00–20:30 - cook dinner, rest.
  • 20: 30–… - to the cinema with Masha.

3. Reorient yourself every hour

It is very important to take advantage of the opportunity after a certain amount of time to analyze how productive you have been during that time. Have you done everything you needed to do? Then give yourself a moment to reboot, close your eyes and relax. This will effectively move you to the next task you need to complete.

4. Analyze your day

When you're done with most of your day, take a moment to see if you're sticking to your plan. Have you finished everything that was planned? Where did you go wrong? What worked and what didn't? What distracts you, and how can you deal with the distraction in the future?

Method two. Create a plan for life

1. Create general goals that you want to achieve in your life.

How do you want to develop? What do you want to achieve in your life? Think of it as a “life list”. Remember the movie Knockin 'on Heaven? This is exactly what the list of life is. These should be exactly the goals that you really want to achieve, and not the ones that you think are necessary. It is sometimes useful to categorize goals for better visualization. Categories can be, for example, like this:

  • career;
  • trips;
  • family / friends;
  • health;
  • finance;
  • knowledge;
  • spirituality.

The goals can be, for example:

  • Write and publish a book.
  • Visit every continent.
  • Create a family.
  • Lose weight by 10 kilograms.
  • Save money for my children's education.
  • Finish the institute.
  • Learn more about Buddhism.

2. Create some specific goals with a specific due date

Now that you have common goals that you want to achieve in your life, it's time to create some specific goals. And be sure to set a date for the goal. A couple of examples:

  • Submit the book to 30 editions by June 2016.
  • Take a trip to South America in 2015, and to Asia in 2016.
  • Have a weight of 70 kilograms in January 2015.

3. Assess your reality and where you are right now

Be honest with yourself and really appreciate your present life... Using the goals you have listed, evaluate where you are right now. For example, your goal is to publish a book, specifically, send it to publishers in June 2016. Right now, you only have half of the manuscript, and you're not sure if you like the first half.

4. Decide how you will achieve your goals

What steps will you take to be able to achieve your goals? Identify the steps you need to take and write them down. For example, for our book from today until November 2014, we need:

  • re-read the first half of the book;
  • finish writing your book;
  • rework aspects of the book that I don't like;
  • editing grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc .;
  • give it to picky friends to read;
  • find publishers who will review my book;
  • send the manuscript to publishers.

5. Write down the steps to achieve your goals

You can do this in whatever format you like best - handwritten, on a computer, or draw. Congratulations! You have just created your life plan.

6. Review and adjust your plan

Like everything in this world, your life will change, and your goals may also change. What was important to you at 12 may not be that important when you are 22 or 42. And it's okay to change your life plan, because it shows that you are aware of the changes that are taking place in your life.

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Method three. Solve problems with a plan

Part one: defining the problem

1. Understand the problem you are facing

Sometimes the hardest part of making a plan is that you don't know what the problem is. Often the problem we are faced with creates a few more problems. Trouble, as they say, does not come alone. What you need to do is find the source of the problem. And that's exactly what you need to deal with.

Your mom won't let you spend four weeks with a friend in a mountain hut. This is a problem, but where is the source of this problem? You got a B in algebra. And this is exactly the reason why your mom does not let you go to a friend for the holidays. And this deuce is exactly the problem that you need to solve.

2. Determine what result you hope to achieve by solving your problem

What goal do you hope to achieve by solving the problem? Focus on achieving your goal. The rest will come by itself.

Your goal is to improve your math grade to at least a four. In parallel with this, as you improve your knowledge of mathematics, you hope that your mom will send you to a friend for the holidays.

3. Find out why this problem occurs

Which of your habits contributed to the problem? Take some time to analyze the root cause of the problem.

Your problem is that you got a C in math. Consider what could have led to this: maybe you talked a lot with a friend in class. Or did not homework in the evenings due to soccer practice, for example.

4. Consider external factors contributing to the problem

Many problems arise from any of your actions. But do not forget about external factors working against you. Let's look at an example. You got a bad grade in math that needs to be corrected. The reason for this may be a lack of understanding of the teacher's explanations on the topic, rather than what you said with a friend.

Part two: find a solution and create a plan

1. Find several possible solutions to your problem

You can just write down everything possible options on a piece of paper or use one of the brainstorming methods. Such, for example, as a mental map. Whichever method you choose, you must consider both possibilities for the problem: your fault and factors beyond your control.

Solving the problem of communicating with a friend in the lesson:

  • Sit as far away from your friends as possible in class.
  • Explain to your friends that you are not assimilating information in the lesson and that you get bad marks... So you need to focus on the lesson.
  • If you are sitting in your assigned seat, ask the teacher to transplant you so you can focus better.

Solving the homework problem due to soccer practice:

  • Do some of your homework at lunchtime or during your break. So you will remain less work for evening.
  • Stick to a routine. After training, you should have dinner and do your homework. Encourage yourself to watch TV after you finish your homework.

Solving the problem of not understanding algebra:

  • Let a classmate help you, who can clarify all the points you do not understand.
  • Ask your teacher for help. Explain that you do not understand the material and need further explanation.
  • Practice math with a tutor.

2. Create a plan

So you spent brainstorm and understand what your problem is. Now choose the most effective solutions to the problem, in your opinion, and write down a plan for yourself. Hang the plan somewhere where you'll see it most often. Your plan to improve your math level should look like this:

Improvement plan within four weeks

  1. Tell Katya that I can't talk to her in class. If this does not help, then change seats from her.
  2. Every Tuesday and Thursday, do homework at lunchtime. This leaves me with fewer tasks to do after training.
  3. Take a math elective every Monday and Wednesday. Goal: After four weeks, improve your level from C to at least 4.

3. Analyze the first week

Have you done everything that you planned? Have you been successful? What mistakes have you made? By doing good analysis, you can avoid mistakes later on.

4. Don't lose motivation

Stick to your plan until you reach your goal. Don't stop halfway. If one day you don't stick to the plan, make sure that it doesn't happen again. If you see that this plan is not working, think about what is wrong with it and write a new plan.

A practical seminar was held at the Moscow Exchange, where practical experts spoke about the latest trends in the writing of annual reports. We offer you the most interesting excerpts from what was told at the event.

Only half a month is left until the end of the submission of works for the annual reports competition, which this year is being held for the 16th time by the Moscow Exchange. Then from mid-October to solemn ceremony scheduled for November 12, experts will evaluate the work of the contestants. Recently, practicing specialists, many of whom are on the jury of the competition, held a practical seminar at the exchange.

All speeches and presentations in one way or another explained how to make the annual report not look like an unsubscribe, but represent a live dialogue with the reader. So, Dmitry Manakov from the PR agency Citigate Dewe Rogerson Moscow offered to pay Special attention preparatory phase... Before proceeding directly to writing the text, you need to watch management interviews, news, analytics. This will make it possible to clearly understand what major achievements and failures the company has experienced over the past year.

“Think: what, besides being obligatory annual report, moves you, what would you like to say? ”, Dmitry Manakov recommends. Other tips:

1. Come up with an intriguing slogan or title for your report ahead of time. Put the key messages of your report on the cover. Both should "sell the company" or answer market questions.

2. It is extremely important what exactly the readers will see on the first pages: work out the first - fifth spreads especially carefully.

3. Remember, content is always design first. In practice, it happens the other way around: a design agency comes to the issuer with ready-made design ideas, and then everyone starts to figure out how to combine content and design concept.

4. If you want to sell sugar, sell sugar in an annual report. Boil metal - sell metal, not some associations. The report should look like a document that gives a complete picture: the pipes are smoking, the board is working, the conveyor is making products.

Then, in a presentation with the jocular title Early birds content, Manakov listed the sections of the annual report, the writing of which can be started in advance, so that later it would be easier to meet the deadline.

Description of the company. This section should contain its clear, understandable positioning. You need to talk about the structure of the business.

Strategy. In this section, only infographics are often enough.

Market analysis.

Risks. You can draw a risk map, but try to be concise.

At the stage of preparing the report, a high-quality corporate photo bank will be very useful. If you don't have one, ask yourself why? It is better to conduct photo sessions in advance, in the summer, so that everything in the pictures looks beautiful: people are smart, the production is clean.

Corporate Governance Director Deloite CIS Oleg Shvyrkov touched upon the delicate issue of disclosure of corporate governance information, recalling that the composition of the board of companies sometimes changes several times a year. “Whatever changes occur, you will have to explain them in the report, otherwise the investor will explain them to himself, using his imagination,” Shvyrkov warns. And journalists and analysts will help him in this.

How should the section on corporate governance be drafted: in the logic comply or apply? Should we talk about risks openly? Should we fill the section with formulaic formulations or use a living language? All these questions need to be asked to yourself first.

Mikhail Kuznetsov from the Center for Corporate Development continued the topic and went through the content of the section on corporate governance. What you need to focus on when preparing it.

The end of the year traditionally brings to mind the annual results and planning of the next year. Many constructively thinking people they are probably already making the first sketches in order to draw up a life plan for the year. Less pragmatic people consider this a waste of time and prefer to swim “surrendering to the waves” and not worry about anything. But each of us has only one life and only we have to decide - whether to be an observer in it from the outside, or to the extent of our strength and opportunities to influence it and change its course.

It often happens that thinking about the next year, we set ourselves important goals, which we forget with the onset next day in the routine of the daily hustle and bustle. On the one hand, in drawing up a plan for the year there is an element of a serious approach to business, as a result of which a set of goals and wishes for the next year is developed. On the other hand, such is human nature, comprehending the fate of many such plans. As a result, many "huge plans" and a heap of desires remain declared only on paper, passing unreached from year to year.

But we are aware that time is running and at the same time many of our plans do not leave the category of our dreams. We are somewhat excused that the modern rhythm of life does not provide an opportunity to stop, calm down and look around. Events are happening too fast. Maybe that's why New Year is perceived by us as a kind of milestone where you can take a breath and think a little. Indeed, just by the end of December, many people clearly realize that the next 12 months have flown by. A mood appears in order to finally change something tangibly in your life and draw up a work plan for the next year.

One way to make this change is to turn dreams into practical tasks. And tasks for their implementation, as you know, require a deadline for their solution. And then it turns out that a year is a very convenient period of time. It is both large enough to do something significant, and at the same time represents a fairly foreseeable period.

For people who have never been engaged annual planning and think that planning is a simple matter, it is a fun exercise. On a piece of paper, write 100 wishes that come to mind. As a rule, the majority is enough for a couple of dozen points, and everyday fantasy, as a rule, is limited to the traditional “car - housing - make a million dollars". But even people who have real creativity, it is often very difficult to understand what they really want in life.

In practice, drawing up a work plan for the year is practically the same as planning for a quarter or even a month. If you have no idea where you are striving to go, the trivial crossing out of the items made after completing them turns into a routine. And now it seems that many different things have been done - but it remains unclear - why? But fatigue came, which is not accompanied by real results and satisfaction.

If drawing up a plan for the year has become a tradition for several years in a row, then some techniques are gradually being developed that help to more deliberately approach the preparation of this declaration of intent. This really brings you closer to your goals and allows you to live more interestingly. Here are the techniques it generates practical experience annual planning.

The points of the annual plan must necessarily be divided into smaller sub-points.

They can be quarterly or monthly. And then from them, again, you should pave the way to smaller tasks. The latter should make a constantly used to-do list, which is a working tool for its implementation, and not a dusty note for drawing up a plan for the year. It goes without saying that if the goal is, for example, to increase the traffic to your site by 5 thousand visits per day, then this may not happen suddenly by the end of the year. In practice, it is necessary to outline intermediate growth points located on the annual chart. Throughout the year, you need to record current events and adjust the route to achieve the final result considering the influence external factors... This technology allows you to be constantly aware of the state of accomplishment of the assigned tasks, systematically moving towards the achievement of the goals set for the year.

The list of goals is not a dogma - it includes ideas and intentions that can transform during the year

The focus of attention should be focused on awareness and understanding of why everything is being done, and not on the desire to quickly delete all the points that have been outlined for this year. You cannot blindly follow the list of activities and be afraid to deviate from it. It is more important to rely on your perception of the situation, moving, of course, at the same time towards the implementation of the plan. Systematic work with annual plan allows a more deliberate approach to understanding the feasibility of both the goals set in it and the implementation of current tasks. This is technology how to make a plan for the year and make it doable.

Goals must be set at the same time adequate and ambitious

Good planning is characterized by a balance of boldness of thought and reality of feasibility. Something in the beginning may seem unrealizable, but you should think and find a way how to do it. Of course, taking into account their capabilities and abilities. To a man who dreams of living in his home on the coast Mediterranean Sea and in this moment renting a one-room Khrushchev is unlikely to achieve the fulfillment of his dreams tomorrow. But to reach an understanding of what result needs to be achieved by the end of this year, in order, for example, to have such real estate in 10 years, is a very real task.

Pay attention to detail

When are being built big plans, a certain idealized picture is being formed. It is accompanied by the awareness of some "correct, serious and productive ideas." Their typical options- to raise profitability, to do some kind of sports. But the practice is much more meaningful. On vacation I want to see the world. Family and friends also cannot be deprived of their attention. What can we say then about internal state and emotions, which sometimes turn out to be more important than trivial practical matters.

Measurability of the set goals

Part of those contributed to annual plan items looks quite final and realizable - purchase / visit, etc. But there are also points that are oriented towards an extended process. These include, for example, improving the knowledge of the English spoken language. But how can this item be measured? You can use any linguistic test (IETLS, TOEFL), which now gives one result, and should be better by the end of the year. Another way is to condition the completion of the task by the indicator of the process (for example, spend 15 hours a month on it). You can control the number of reliably learned words and expressions. In any case, each goal and each task for its control requires a quantitative indicator that allows us to speak about the quality of its achievement.

Understanding the essence and content of desires

How often do we fail to figure out what we want - our desires? It would seem that everything is so simple - the goal is clear. What else is required? Let's look at some examples. Suppose we have put on the list of tasks to create a new business. In fact, the actual desire was to increase income and diversify business risks. These are close things, but still different. Or, for example, we want to buy private house, I would also like to travel a lot around the world, and then, as an option, buy any real estate located abroad. In practice, in actual desires, we most likely dream not of some kind of “purchase”. Most likely, I would like to spend more time abroad, periodically rest in beautiful house by the sea. Thus, the understanding of the actual essence and content of the goal has become clearer, which contributes to a more realistic achievement of it.

Do not use imposed stereotypes

In his speech to graduates of Stanford University, Steve Jobs once made a simple but quite ingenious idea that their time is limited and should not be spent in order to live someone else's life. We are surrounded by a huge mass of stereotypes socially accepted as the norm of things and other ideas imposed by society. Overcoming them and being free is not an easy task. But there is no doubt that if this is not done, you will have to live deceiving yourself. Among these stereotypes - Rich life, parties in a secular society, etc. We know many similar examples. For some reason, there are especially many of them, accompanied by money. But really really important human life goals there are much more prosaic things that, due to their prosaic nature, do not become less significant. These include health in all its senses, including mental health. It is not for nothing that in the east it is believed that a person is happy who is in harmony with the world.

Thus, identifying truly meaningful goals is not an easy task. , to understand how to make a plan for the year... But, oddly enough, its solution is facilitated by a look in oneself, inward, where one can grope for really important needs and desires. You need to understand that it is not realistic to outline a list of goals for a year once. It needs to be formed gradually, reasoning, doubting and weighing. Moreover, the correctly chosen goals, as you know, are the first important step to achieve them. The main thing is to remember this process. But at the same time, it is equally important to remember that this is our life, which must necessarily bring satisfaction. There is no need to send yourself to hard labor for not achieving the goal. There is a difference between guilt and regret. It is useless to blame yourself and drive you into depression. But it is effective - regretting, realizing a mistake, making correct conclusions and prevent recurrence. After that, there will be nothing left but the achievement of the goal.

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Highlight the purpose of the work plan. The work plan is written according to different reasons... So that you can get to the point right, set goals in advance. Keep in mind that most work plans are designed for certain period time (for example 6 months or 1 year).

  • In the workplace, a work plan helps your boss know what you will be working on over the next few months. Such a plan is always drawn up immediately after the annual report on the results or before the team embarks on a large project. The work plan can also be the result of a strategic planning session that your organization has at the beginning of a calendar or fiscal year.
  • In the academic field, a work plan can help students create a work schedule for a large project. He can also help instructors plan the course materials for the semester.
  • In a personal project, a work plan will help you describe what needs to be done, how you plan to do it, and by what date you plan to finish. A personal work plan, although not required, will help keep track of his / her goals and achievements.

Write the introduction and outline of the outline. In a professional work plan, you will need to write the introduction and foundation. This will give your supervisor or manager the information they need to implement the work plan. Writing a plan and framework is generally optional for an academic work plan.

  • The introduction should be catchy and short. Remind your supervisor why you are writing this work plan. Introduce the specifics of the project (s) you will be working on during this time period.
  • The prerequisites should highlight the reasons why you are creating this work plan. For example, setting out details or statistics of recent reports, highlight the goals that need to be set, or make a list of recommendations or reports you have received from past work projects.
  • Define goals and objectives. Goals and objectives are related, and both of these aspects indicate things that you hope to do in the course of the work plan. However, remember the difference between the two as well; goals are more general, and tasks are more specific.

    • Objectives must give general idea about your project. List the desired end result of your work plan. It should be general; for example, set a goal to finish scientific work or find out more about what has been written.
    • Objectives must be feasible and specific. In other words, you need to make sure you can cross them off the list as you go. For example, finding people to interview for research would be a good challenge.
    • In most work plans, if tasks are very different, they are divided into short term, average and long-term tasks. For example, a company's short-term goal of increasing its audience by 30% in three months may be very different from its long-term goal of building brand awareness on social media over the next year.
    • Problems are usually written in the active voice and using action verbs with specific meanings ("plan," "write," "increase," and "measure") instead of vague verbs ("learn," "understand," "learn," etc).
  • Goal-driven in your work plan "CIDRU". CIDROU is an acronym used by individuals seeking more real, practical work plan outcomes.

    • Specificity. What exactly are we going to do and for whom? Consider for which segment of the population you will provide services or any specific services that you will provide.
    • Measurability. Can this be measured, evaluated? Can you count the results? Have you structured your work plan so that "health in southern Africa rises in 2020?" or have you structured it so that "HIV / AIDS cases among newborns in southern Africa will decrease by 20% by 2020?"
      • Remember that basic data must be quantifiable, written in numbers. If you do not know the rate of HIV / AIDS among newborns in southern Africa, it will be impossible to say with certainty that this rate has decreased by 20%.
    • Reachability. Can we do this in the allotted time, taking into account the resources that are available to us? Given the difficulties, the task must be realistic. A 500% increase in sales is real only if you are a small company. For a company that dominates the market, a 500% increase in sales is almost impossible.
      • In some cases, you need to consult with experts or experts to make sure that the objectives of your work plan are realistic.
    • Relevance. Will this task be effective for the desired goal and strategy? Although it may be important for general health measure the height and weight of high school students, will it lead directly to changes in psychological health? Make sure that the objectives and methods are clearly and clearly related to each other.
    • Deadlines. When will the task be completed and / or when will we know that the job is done? Set a deadline for the project. Set conditions that at a certain income, when all the results are achieved, the project ends prematurely.
  • Create a resource list. Include whatever is necessary to accomplish your goals and objectives. Resources will differ depending on the purpose of the work plan.

    • For example, in the workplace, resources might include a financial budget, staff, consultants, buildings or rooms, and books. A detailed budget can be overkill if your work plan is more formal.
    • In the academic realm, resources may include access to different libraries; research materials such as books, newspapers and magazines; access to a computer and the Internet; professors and individuals who can help you if you have questions.
  • Indicate any restrictions. Limitations are any obstacles that may stand in your way of achieving your goals and objectives. For example, if you are working on research for a school, you may not have enough time in your schedule for research and spellchecking. For this reason, you will have difficulty with your schedule and need to cut something back in the semester in order to successfully complete your work plan.

    Who is in charge. Responsibility is the first necessity for good plan... Who is responsible for completing each assignment? You may have a team of people working on an assignment (see resources), but one person must be responsible for ensuring that the assignment is completed on time.

  • Write your strategy. Review your work plan and decide how you will use your resources to overcome all obstacles and achieve your goals and objectives.

    • List specific actions. Highlight what needs to be done on each day of the week to complete your tasks. Also create a list of steps to take. To keep this information organized, consider using management software or a personal calendar.
    • Make a schedule. While you can create a work schedule for the project, you must understand that unexpected things can happen, and in order to prevent them, you need to leave space in the schedule.