How to remove false eyelashes at home. How to glue false eyelashes at home: photo. Recipe for very damaged eyelashes

Beautiful, thick eyelashesfemale weapon exceptional strength, literally knocking down the stronger sex. Those who have not been awarded such decoration by nature can take advantage of the achievements modern science and do .
Cilia are sold in stores different types and different colors from cheap Chinese "disposable" eyelashes to expensive products famous brands... The latter, by the way, can be used several times, they are perfectly preserved with proper care.

Gluing false eyelashes is not so difficult, it is quite possible to do it yourself, using the instructions on the packaging and accessories: a brush and glue. Another question: how to remove false eyelashes, if no manufacturer has taken care that information about this reaches consumers. Apparently, foreign experts believe that all our women regularly visit beauty salons and do cosmetic procedures exactly there. However, most of our compatriots are used to doing everything with their own hands. For this majority, we post detailed instructions on how to remove false eyelashes at home.

You will need:

  1. Several cotton pads... Two of them will be used for pre-compress, the rest - for applying cream and then removing its remnants. If desired, you can also use a cotton swab.
  2. Extra virgin olive oil hypoallergenic cream or a makeup remover containing vegetable or mineral oils. You can use special products for removing false eyelashes - they are sold in professional cosmetics stores. It makes sense to purchase these funds if you use false jewelry regularly.
  3. Tweezers. Of course, you can do the procedure with your own fingers, but tweezers will be safer, faster and more convenient.


Step 1. Preliminary

Before peeling off your false eyelashes, make sure that the process is painless for your eyes and eyelids. A pre-compress will not only help remove false jewelry, but also prevent possible irritation. Soften the glue well first. Do it like this: Dampen cotton pads with warm boiled water room temperature or tea (no sugar!) and put them over your eyes. Wait a few minutes, remove the discs. Now your eyelids are ready for the procedure, you can start.

Step 2. Softening

Take another dry cotton pad and dab some greasy cream, olive oil, or makeup remover on it.

A special product is ideal for professional removal false eyelashes. You can use a cotton swab for this, it's as convenient for you.

Apply emollients in a thin strip. Avoid contact with eyes. Then you should wait a few minutes. During this time, the glue will soften, and you can proceed to the next stage of the procedure.

Step 3. The most responsible

Using tweezers, gently lift the edge of your false eyelashes, being careful not to touch your own eyelashes. Remove any overhead jewelry carefully. Do not do it sharp movements, act slowly and carefully and do not forget that it is better to tear the false eyelashes (even the most expensive ones) than ruin your own.

Step 4. Final

Here are the cilia and removed. Now all that remains is to remove the remnants of the glue. To do this, you need to walk along the eyelashes with a special soft brush or just wash yourself thoroughly. Take this step responsibly: any glue remaining on your eyelashes can cause inflammation or allergies.

At the end of the procedure, lubricate your eyelashes with a small amount burdock oil- it will protect the eyelids from inflammation and give natural shine your eyes. By the way, regular use burdock or castor oil will strengthen your lashes, make them thicker and, who knows, maybe lead to something that appears naturally.

A few words about storage rules

Now you know how to properly remove false eyelashes. What to do with unsticked jewelry? Really throw it away? In no case. If you have found "your shape", then save your favorite jewelry to make it again. Eyelashes can be used several more times, provided they are stored properly, of course.

You need to store false eyelashes in a special container, in the same one in which they were sold. Remove residual glue and cream from false eyelashes, dry them and store them in their “native” container until next use.

And finally, a few more tips. Take your time and do not worry before removing false eyelashes - videos and photo instructions will help you do the right thing. See how they do it professional cosmetologists, and do exactly the same, and if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to visit a beauty salon. Your biggest enemy is your fear. If your hands are shaking before the procedure, then you can cause irreparable damage to your own eyelashes, so be extremely careful and attentive.

Below is a great video tutorial that will undoubtedly reinforce what you have read above. The video contains both tips for putting on and tips for removing eyelashes.

I would like to say right away that removing glued eyelashes at home is an emergency option. The most optimal way out of the situation is to go to the master who glued these hairs. You can easily and painlessly remove them with a special solution, and, most importantly, it is safe for your own eyes and eyelids.

But if you are thinking how to remove eyelashes with my own hands, then the most important thing is not to pull or try to tear off artificial hairs. Most often, the need to remove eyelashes itself occurs on vacation, when after several weeks of wearing most of the hairs are lost.

It happens as if natural reasons- eyelashes are renewed and the glued ones fall out together with them, and as a result of active rest.

How to remove eyelashes with your own hands at home?

You will need: tweezers, cotton pad, stick, old mascara brush, eyelash dissolver, micellar water and cosmetic oil. What can be used as a remedy for getting rid?

  • Find in specialized store remover is a tool designed just to dissolve the glue or resin with which materials are glued. Remover is a mild solvent. Usually, different solvents are used to remove artificial and natural hair extensions. They are sold in the form of gels, creams or liquid solutions.
  • For removal, a cotton pad is cut in the shape of a semicircle. It is slightly moistened in a remover and placed on the lower eyelid, and a solvent is also applied to the hairs. Care must be taken to ensure that the product does not get into the eyes. You need to lie down for a few minutes, then take an old mascara brush and begin to gently comb the hairs from side to side in order to loosen the capsule. It is not recommended to use tweezers as you can easily damage your eyelashes.

    If the remover gets in your eyes, rinse with plenty of water. After completing the procedure, compresses from a decoction of chamomile are applied to the eyes to soothe the skin. To restore eyelashes, use different kinds oils: castor, burdock, almond, etc.

    To the most popular brands removers include Debonder, Vivienne, SKY, Lovely, etc.

  • You can remove eyelash extensions using a mixture of different cosmetic oils... A preheated mixture of castor and any other cosmetic mala, as well as coconut or almond oil, easily dissolve glue or resin. But you need to leave them for at least 12 hours for centuries. Place a cotton pad slightly dipped in warm oil on the lower eyelid in the evening. Apply the oil using a cotton swab to the hairs themselves. If in the morning the hair extensions do not come off well, do not try to peel them off! Better to reapply the oil.
  • A greasy cream will help remove eyelash extensions. worse than butter- it will dissolve the glue overnight, and the artificial hairs will come off without difficulty. The main thing is not to pull on them, but to try to comb them out with a brush. The cream should be greasy, like night cream from Loreal or winter skin care cream from Nivey. Also place a disc filled with warm oil on your eyelid.

How to remove eyelashes at home?

To dissolve false eyelashes, you will need: a cotton pad, an old mascara brush, tweezers, and olive oil... As with extensions, false patches can be removed with an oily cream or even using an oiled make-up remover solution.

The remnants of the glue after the eyelashes are washed off with micellar water. Native hairs are restored with oils and other caring agents.

Of course, it is most convenient to remove both false and extended eyelashes not on your own, but in the salon, with the help of a wizard. First, he has necessary materials and tools for removing false eyelashes and eyelash extensions, and secondly, he has experience and dexterity. Among other things, from the outside it is more visible - where are their own, relatives, and where are grown-ups.

Every woman dreams of beautiful long eyelashes, giving the look expressiveness and unique charm. However, nature has not endowed all the fair sex with such a wonderful decoration. But don't despair. False eyelashes can be glued on their own. This will allow any woman to add soulfulness and charm to her look. How to glue false eyelashes will be discussed in the article.


How to glue false eyelashes (see photo below)? This question is being asked more and more often today. The advantage of this makeup element is that you do not need to build eyelashes in the salon, but you can stick it on yourself at home. This will save you a ton of time. Such decor does not need to be worn all the time, but can be removed at any time.

Modern false eyelashes are available in different types, colors and configurations, which allows them to be used for different occasions. They allow you to achieve the maximum aesthetic effect.

Professional makeup artists do not recommend using such a decor every day. It should be used only "on the occasion", for example, getting ready for a date or a celebration. For those who do not want to waste time on everyday makeup, while remaining the owner of an enchanting look and weekdays, experts recommend resorting to the extension procedure in a beauty salon.

Types of false eyelashes

There is a simple technique on how to glue false eyelashes step by step (the photo can be viewed below).

In this case, a variety of decor is taken into account. Eyelashes can be of the following varieties:

  1. Individual, or bundled. They look the most natural. They consist of several hairs glued together at the base. Bundle eyelashes designed to create volume. Therefore, their length most often does not exceed 11 mm. Unlike other species that stick above the growth line natural eyelashes The tuft varieties are attached directly to their roots.
  2. Tape, or imitation. The hairs in them are attached to thin tape, which is glued over your own eyelashes. This variety is the easiest to use, so it is the best fit for those who are using a similar decor for the first time.
  3. For half a century. Attached to the outer corner of the eyelid. They create as close to natural look the effect. Lengthening outer corner, achieve the so-called "fox" look.

The presented type of decor can create different effect... There are three main categories of eyelashes:

  • "Mink". This type of decor has the maximum resemblance to natural hairs, giving the look natural beauty.
  • "Sable". Provide consistency. Look spectacular in combination with brown eyes and bushy eyebrows.
  • "Silk". They have the thickest hairs with gloss. They are mainly used for evening make-up.

False eyelashes vary in length and can be straight or curved, classic or decorative. The last of the named varieties can be decorated with rhinestones, feathers. These hairs are sometimes painted in different colors.

Required tools and materials

By choosing suitable option decor, you need to consider the technology of how to properly glue false eyelashes step by step (photo is presented below).

First of all, you need to prepare everything you need for this procedure:

  • Actually the ribbons themselves or bundles of hairs.
  • Adhesive composition.
  • Toothpicks or other thin sticks.
  • Ordinary decorative ink.
  • Solid eyeliner.
  • Tweezers.
  • Cotton disks.
  • Medium-sized tweezers.
  • Dark shadows (better than gray).

After that, you can start gluing the decor. There are a number of nuances to consider before starting work. This will greatly simplify the task.

Adhesive selection

Very important in the question of how to glue false eyelashes at home is the choice of improvised means. You shouldn't skimp on their quality. It is especially important to pay attention to the choice of adhesive.

Usually sold with makeup decor included special solution... With its help, according to the assurances of manufacturers, you can stick the hairs easily and safely. However, it happens that such glue dries up long before use. In addition, some products can cause itching, redness, irritation, and even toxicity.

Professional makeup artists recommend using special means e.g. Mod adhesive Lash adhesive... It is simple and safe to use. The composition should be applied to the tape. It will take a few seconds to wait. Then you need to apply the decor to the eyelid, lightly pressing the hairs. You need to avoid getting the product on your own eyelashes so that they do not stick together.

The glue is transparent or black. The first option becomes invisible when it dries, which allows you to hide some flaws. Therefore, it is ideal for beginners. The use of a black composition makes the makeup more expressive. This eliminates the need for additional eyeliner.

Preparation for gluing

Considering the technique (how to properly glue false eyelashes), you need to pay attention to a number of preparatory steps. First, you need to cleanse the skin of the eyelids (degrease). Next, you need to line the eyelid with eyeliner. This will allow you to more accurately apply the product to the eyelid. Do not use oily eyeliner, as it will spread on contact with the adhesive.

Remove the tape from the package by picking it up with tweezers. You need to hold it in your hand for a while. Next, the product is applied to the eyelid. The excess length is carefully cut off. If necessary, correct the length of the hairs. After performing this procedure, the cilia are wound with the help of special tweezers, warming them up with a hairdryer.

Stages of gluing tape varieties

How to properly glue false eyelashes at home? Exists simple technique.

You need to follow these steps:

  1. Before starting work, you should hold the prepared ribbons in your hand to increase their elasticity.
  2. Apply the adhesive along the edge of the ribbon with a toothpick. It is better to do it pointwise along the entire length.
  3. Remove excess adhesive.
  4. Allow the composition to thicken slightly for about 12-15 seconds.
  5. Attach the strip to the line drawn on the eyelid, starting from the center to the edges.
  6. Press down on the product with tweezers.
  7. After complete adhesion, you need to blink, checking if discomfort is felt. If you have such sensations, you should check with a cotton swab whether the strip is well adhered to the skin.

If there are defects, they can be masked. To do this, you need to use a pencil, eyeliner and ink.

Glueing hairs in bundles

You should also consider in detail how to glue false eyelashes in bunches. This process is more laborious and requires certain skills. But this decor looks more spectacular. are pointwise glued to the eyelid. This will require dexterity and patience.

First, you need to determine which area needs to be given additional volume. Next, the bundles of the required length are selected. If necessary, shorten them with nail scissors.

Before the procedure, you need to wipe the eyelid with a tonic. This is necessary for good adhesion of the product to the skin. Next, you need to squeeze out a little of the fixing compound onto a clean surface and wait until it thickens slightly.

A bunch is taken with tweezers. It should be dipped in the prepared composition. The excess is removed with a toothpick. You should stretch the eyelid and press the artificial hairs against the growth line of your own eyelashes. They are held for about 10 seconds for high-quality fixation.

Some experts recommend using cosmetic tongs instead of tweezers. They hold the artificial hairs for 30 seconds. After that, you need to slightly pull on the glued bundles to check the quality of their fixation. If the hairs are fixed well, you can continue the procedure.

It should be remembered that the beams are placed between their eyelashes denser to outer edge... It is not recommended to apply more than 10 bunches per eyelid.

After 5 minutes after completing the procedure, you need to check the result. Only after that you can start the main makeup.


Knowing how to glue false eyelashes, there are a number of nuances to consider. For some, this procedure is still not available. First of all, it should not be performed for people suffering from allergies. Irritation and itching can be the result of both the use of adhesive and the decor material.

Also do not use by similar means in the process of creating makeup for conjunctivitis. For girls whose own eyelashes are very weak, you should first strengthen them. To do this, you can lubricate the hairs with burdock or camphor oil and only after that use artificial decor.

So that they don't come off ...

After familiarizing yourself with the technique of how to glue false eyelashes, you need to learn a few secrets. To keep them securely, a number of recommendations should be followed. Do not wet your eyes on the first day after the procedure. It is also forbidden to use waterproof mascara for make-up.

You will need to give up oil masks for the face, since such compounds destroy the structure of the glue. In this case, the tape or bundles will quickly fall off. For the same reason, you should not use fat cream for face.

Don't touch your eyelids. You cannot rub them with your hands, put on a sweater with a narrow neckline, or wash yourself. It is also forbidden to cry. Tears also have a destructive effect on the adhesive composition. Also worth avoiding sharp changes temperature.

Care rules

At correct use artificial decor for makeup, it can be applied several times. For this, it is important to know not only how to glue false eyelashes, but also how to properly care for them.

After each removal, the product should be cleaned from the remnants of the fixing compound and cosmetics... This procedure is carried out using a cotton pad. If the remainder of the makeup is not removed, it can be wiped off with a toothbrush with soapy water... You can also use tweezers to remove any leftover fixing compound from the tape.

After cleaning the product, you need to let it dry completely. Do not use a hairdryer. Dried items should be stored in the case until next use.

If you follow these rules, you will be able to create stunning makeup repeatedly. The look will be charming and charming.

False eyelashes are very successfully presented to their owners with a mysterious and deep look, since now their choice is wide - both in types, colors, and in price range.

The packaging with the product contains instructions on how to glue any of the types yourself. Those who have already mastered this wisdom can do it in a matter of minutes. Another thing is that you also need to be able to remove false eyelashes.

After all, not every girl manages to do such manipulations in beauty salons so it doesn't hurt to know how to remove false eyelashes at home.

In this article:

What do you need?

This cosmetic product comes with a glue, which is characterized as superglue, rather a glue-resin. It is quite difficult to remove it. This manipulation, although it does not require titanic efforts and is carried out with a minimum of available tools, is a delicate process - after all, it is about the eyes.

  • Arm yourself with a few cotton pads. A couple of them will be useful for compressing, and the rest will be needed to apply the chosen cilia remover, and at the end of the procedure, remove its remnants.
  • Not prevent cotton swab, or even better - a special microbrush (these are bought at the pharmacy).
  • It is recommended to have tweezers on hand: it can be used to detach the "pads" more conveniently and quickly than with your fingers, but you must use them very carefully so as not to damage your eyes.
  • Now the most important thing is the actual "removing" means. It could be vegetable oil; rather fatty cream with minimal risk cause allergies; a habitual makeup remover containing vegetable or mineral oils. If this cosmetic trick is used often, it would be wise to buy in a store with professional cosmetics means for removing false eyelashes.

We remove eyelashes with


Debonder is a professional tool for the upcoming operation. He is able to defeat the "eyelash" superglue.

When choosing a similar solvent, it is worth looking for a product made by the same company that released the adhesive. Now let's try to figure out how to remove false eyelashes using a debonder.

  • This should be done by first removing the makeup from the eyes.
  • Are the cotton pads ready? Place them on both lower eyelids.
  • It is necessary to treat the eyes with the solution one by one: first, complete with one, then take on the other.
  • Debonder is applied to the eyelash-eyelid border with a cotton swab or microbrush so that the hairs are thoroughly saturated with the solution. Moreover, the movements should be wet - in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one.
  • After a minute, you can start removing the glued hairs with the same microbrush. This should be done from the edge of the cilia to their tips.
  • The resin cream will gradually dissolve under the influence of the solution, and the eyelashes will be removed without difficulty.

Debonder has a rather aggressive character, so you need to carefully monitor so that he does not accidentally get into the eyes - this is fraught with irritation.

  • Check to see if all of the hairs “onlays” have come off.
  • The remnants of the product are removed with a tonic.
  • It remains to soak the cosmetic discs in cool water, placing them like a compress on the eyelids.
  • As final stage it is recommended to apply an eye cream on them.

This method is suitable if the hostess does not plan to reuse the false eyelashes.

  • Heat the oil slightly.
  • Putting a little oil on your fingertips and rubbing them over your eyelids makes it easy to remove makeup. So that additional action you will not need to remove it.
  • You need heated water to wash your face.
  • The next step is to gently rub the oil over the eyelids, as well as the lines from which the eyelashes grow. We leave it for a couple of minutes.
  • The dissolution of the glue has begun - we proceed to the actual removal process artificial eyelashes... They grab the tips as close to the root as possible. Inner corner the eye is the starting point from which the cilia are removed. Neatly and gradually they peel off to the end - the outer corner.
  • A mild cleanser and warm water the remnants of oil and glue are washed off from the eyelids.

There is such a method for removing false hairs: olive oil is applied to the entire length of the eyelashes and left overnight. In the morning it will not be difficult to separate them from the real ones.


If for some reason neither the debonder nor the oil is suitable or you do not like, you can still learn how to remove false eyelashes at home using a cream. But there are a couple of conditions regarding it: it must be fat enough and not cause allergies.

You can even test it on this score, as usual, by applying a small amount of cream on delicate skin wrists.

  • The selected cream is applied cotton ball at the place of attachment of false eyelashes to your own.
  • The cream is kept on the eyelids for several minutes.
  • Remove eyelashes gently.
  • No less gently wash off, possibly, the remaining cream.

How are different types of eyelashes removed?

As you know, there are three types of false eyelashes: individual hairs, tufts, and an eyelash band. General recommendations for their removal and the means used for this are the same. And on some of the nuances of how to remove false eyelashes at home, it is worth stopping.

  • Before removing the "tape cilia", it is recommended to hold cotton swabs moistened with lukewarm water on the eyelids for several minutes. This will help soften the glue.
  • A cotton swab is moistened with any of the already indicated means and a neat strip is drawn with it at the joints of the "ribbon" with one's own eyelashes.
  • This should be done slowly: let the debonder / oil / cream dissolve the adhesive better.
  • After waiting a few minutes, you can start removing the "overlays". Pull the tape with tweezers slowly, carefully and carefully, to avoid injury to the "native" cilia.
  • Eyelashes, glued individually or in bunches, are held on an adhesive that water can dissolve. But to facilitate the process and in order not to harm the eyes, and eyelashes, a peculiar steam bath- in the form of warm damp cotton swabs.
  • After softening, any remover is applied to the eyelids.
  • V in this case artificial eyelashes are removed in the same way as they were glued: if glued one by one - one at a time and removed; if in bunches, they are removed in bunch.
  • The bundles can be removed and washing: several movements with the palms in a circle - and they will come off.

When removing false eyelashes with anything - with your fingers or tweezers, you should never pluck them abruptly. This can result in the loss of a significant portion of the natural hairs.

To remove the remnants of the glue, the eyelids are wiped with a make-up remover, and then a special “age-old” cream is applied to them.

We will provide eyelash care

Having familiarized yourself with the technology of how to remove false eyelashes on your own, it does not hurt to learn how to then care for a decent eye frame - both natural and artificial.


  • Hair pads are by no means an everyday cosmetic attribute. Their purpose is special cases.
  • For natural eyelashes, using false eyelashes is akin to stress. Therefore, immediately after the celebration or fateful meeting artificial ones should be removed, not left overnight (besides, they can be lost during sleep).
  • If you do not adhere to this rule, you can not only intensively lose your own eye decoration, but also become allergic to glue, inflammation of the eyelid skin.
  • After removing the bundles or ribbons, remember that "Native" eyelashes are able to self-renew every two to three weeks. Let them rest during this time. You can nourish and strengthen the "charm of the eyes" by smearing them with burdock or castor oil every night.


His artificial beauty can be used more than once. But this does not mean that having removed it, you can simply put it on and forget it until next time.

  • From the removed cosmetic product, you must carefully remove the remaining glue and, possibly, mascara. To do this, use a cotton swab dipped in a make-up remover.
  • Then, having moistened a cotton pad in heated water, the hairs should be gently wiped off.
  • If the glue adheres firmly, it is washed off with soap and cleaned with a toothbrush or toothpick, carefully removing the dirt between the hairs.
  • Dry the false eyelashes on a paper towel.
  • They should only be stored in the packaging in which they were placed at the time of purchase.

If a girl has learned to glue false eyelashes on her own, then she will learn to shoot even more so. The main thing in this procedure is a certain amount of patience, accuracy and caution, and be sure: you will succeed!

Useful video

We remove eyelashes - master class.

In contact with

1962 03/16/2019 5 minutes.

What girl doesn't dream of having long and thick eyelashes? Sometimes mascara fails to create the desired effect, so they resort to using false eyelashes. To fix them, a special one is used, on the quality of which the duration of wearing the products depends. The glue contains cyanoacrylate, and also superglue, which is not so easy to remove.

But there comes a time when you have to remove false eyelashes. This is a very delicate process, because everything needs to be done so as not to harm your own eyelashes. For these purposes, you can use a makeup remover, oil, and even regular glue. There are actually not so many ways, but they are very effective. If you do not want to use false eyelashes, then try Loreal Superstar mascara with a false eyelash effect. reviews.

Using a debonder

Oil use

In order to remove false eyelashes, you can use absolutely any oil. vegetable origin... He will be an excellent assistant in this simple matter. It is best to choose castor oil or burdock oil for this. They will allow you to safely remove false hairs, as well as heal your natural eyelashes.

The process of carrying out the procedure is no different from what was presented above. It is boring to take some cotton wool and tape, which should be placed under the lower eyelid. Apply the oil to a cotton swab, and then treat with the selected oil. The duration of the procedure will be 15 minutes, but you will not cause any harm to the eyes and skin of the eyelids.

Before proceeding with the removal of eyelashes, you need to wait until half an hour has passed since the oil treatment was performed. You can additionally help with your fingers, performing light massage movements. But with the help of tweezers, you can quickly remove the peeled product. But this can only be done when the glue has completely dissolved.

If you pull off the hairs with force, it will be very painful, and there is still a risk that you will damage your own eyelashes. The advantage of this home fashion false eyelash removal is that oil solution you can keep it longer than the specified time, because it has a completely safe effect.

On the video - how to remove false eyelashes using oil:

Using the cream

This method is considered the most affordable in every sense. A regular cream can be found in every girl's arsenal. And if it so happened that he was not there, then you can buy it at a pharmacy or store. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive product.

You can buy the most regular cream and get the maximum result. Of course one can use cosmetic product derived from herbs such as chamomile, calendula. They will have a calming effect and allow the skin of the eyelids to recover as quickly as possible, as well as native cilia.

The process of removing false eyelashes is carried out in the same way as in the previously described methods. And although each of the presented methods differs in the effect and safety provided, it is absolutely not difficult to carry out the procedure for removing artificial eyelashes at home today. If you perform incorrect actions when using special formulations, such as a debonder, as well as make sharp and sloppy movements, you can harm your eyelashes, eyelid skin and eye health.