Beautiful congratulations on the baptism of a child: in verse and prose. Congratulations on the great baptism to the closest in bright pictures

On January 19, the most revered feast of the year, the Baptism of the Lord, is celebrated. The second name of this holiday is Epiphany. On this day, it is customary to swim in the hole, washing away all sins from oneself, drink blessed water, and of course congratulate all Orthodox friends, relatives and relatives on the holiday. Postcards with the baptism of the Lord on January 19 will help to congratulate the holiday in an original way and give a piece of your soul to the addressee.

The feast of the Baptism of the Lord fills the souls of people with good thoughts, love and peace. Beautiful baptismal cards will make the holiday brighter and more fun. The image of Jesus Christ will help convey the whole atmosphere of the holiday and will the best option when choosing a postcard. To baptize Jesus, John the Baptist was destined. Since that time, all the main traditions on this holiday are connected with water.

The Feast of the Epiphany begins with Hungry Kutia or Epiphany Christmas Eve. This Christmas Eve is very similar to Christmas Eve. Before the appearance of the first star, they did not eat, and the evening meal began with Kutya.

On January 19, it is customary to set the table on a grand scale. It is better to cook as many dishes from meat, poultry, cereals as possible. Traditionally, the liver is baked the day before in the shape of a Cross. If the cookies succeed well, then the hostess of the house will have success and grace in the coming year.

In addition to visiting the church on the feast of Epiphany, it is customary to swim in the hole. Water on this day healing power and can heal not only bodily diseases, but also spiritual ones. If you wash children with consecrated water, then they will grow up healthy and strong, and if girls wash their faces with such water, they will be beautiful. It is customary to sprinkle all the corners and dark places in the house with holy water. This procedure will cleanse the room and get rid of evil spirits.

To stock up on Epiphany water for the whole year, you can leave the collected water in containers open at night, and such water will be considered healing, or you can go with your water to the church, where the priest will bless it. On the day of Epiphany, as well as the day before, large queues line up in churches from those who want to bless the water and pray.

You can also bless the water on the evening of January 18th. Such water will be called Jordanian, and will also have healing power.

Epiphany and Jordanian water has healing power all year round. It helps with illnesses, with the evil eye, damage and desecration, and calms children.

AT recent times It is customary to send congratulations on the holidays with the help of social networks and emails. Pictures with the baptism of the Lord on January 19 will help fill the words of congratulations with colors and transfer the recipient of the congratulations to a special atmosphere. When choosing congratulations, it is advisable to select soulful words, good wishes and colorful images of Jesus Christ, angels, ice-hole and beautiful winter nature.

Whatever postcard is chosen, and what image will be applied to it, does not have such of great importance, the main thing is that the congratulations be sincere, sincere and from a heart filled with love.

Baptism is an important and significant day for the child and his parents. The day when one is cleansed of original sin and acquires a Guardian Angel. This is what our article will be about.

To conduct a baptism, first of all, you need to choose godparents child and temple. After that, you need to acquire the following attributes:

  • Clothes for a child (baptismal set): bonnet, shirt, diaper or "kryzhma" (godmother buys)
  • white towel
  • Cross (buy Godfather)
  • Chain or rope ("gaytanchik")
  • personalized icon
  • Candles

IMPORTANT: the rite of baptism is performed on the 8th day of the child's life or after the 40th day

Who buys a cross for a boy's christening?

IMPORTANT: the cross for the christening of the boy is bought by the godfather

Accompaniments when choosing a cross:

  • any metal, but mostly preference is given to silver, gold and wood
  • small size
  • no sharp corners (rounded ones are best)

What to engrave on a silver personalized spoon for christening?

Giving a silver spoon to a baby, as a tradition, originated in Ancient Russia and was symbolized with a prosperous life in the future. For a child, it will be the first table item. The first use of a spoon begins in the temple itself, with which they give a taste of soaked bread, in pomegranate or in any other red juice.
The engraving on a silver spoon may be different, but having presented it for christening, it should preserve the memory of this ceremony. What kind of engraving can be done?

  • orthodox baby name
  • date of baptism
  • name day
  • Orthodox cross
  • image of a guardian angel
  • prayer

Interview before christening for godparents

An interview before christening is a mandatory requirement for godparents. The interview is conducted by the priest himself. He talks about what prayers you need to know, what to buy and bring, and how, in general, you should prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism.
Before baptism, godparents fast for 3-4 days, refusing meat and dairy food, as well as sexual relations.
After the interview, a certificate is issued about its passage (if the godparents are from another city, they can go to their church and come to the ceremony with this certificate).

How to dress for christening godparents and parents?

Baptism is a festive rite, but since it takes place in the temple of God, certain measures must be observed:

  • the woman must be dressed in a long, knee-length dress with covered shoulders. A headscarf must be worn on the head. Please do not wear high heels as the service may take more than 2 hours. Natural makeup.
  • a man should look appropriate, trousers and a shirt (no shorts and T-shirts).

IMPORTANT: both a woman and a man must wear a pectoral cross

Boy christening rules and signs

The rite of baptism for girls and boys is slightly different. The main difference is who takes the child from the font. In the case of a girl, this is the godmother; in the case of a boy, this is the godfather. Also, the main requirement is the age of the recipients: for a man, the difference with a godson is 15 years old, for a woman, 13 years old. godparents child must be Orthodox. Godparents should not be spouses or couples who plan to bond with each other in the future to prevent "spiritual incest"

Signs :

  • after the sacrament, the roof or towel is not washed, so that there is a belief that she removes the illness from the child during illness
  • from the evil eye, before baptism, the mother chews a clove of garlic and blows on the child
  • a noisy holiday after the ceremony is not arranged, only a close family circle
  • the baby should be dressed in everything new, because it symbolizes the beginning of his spiritual life

What kind of cake is needed for the christening of a boy: photo

The christening cake should be church-themed and decorated Orthodox symbols- crucifixion easter symbols, the name of the child and his godparents, etc. In addition to these symbols, the cake can be decorated with an angel figurine and appropriate inscriptions. For boys, it is made in blue.

What do godparents give for a boy's christening?

The main gifts from the godparents are kryzhma, a cross and a silver spoon. If, in addition to them, the godparents want to give something else, this choice is great. By virtue of these gifts should be large and valuable.

What do guests give at christening?

A gift from guests can be different, the main thing is functional and practical. The rite of baptism is a significant day in the life of a child and it is better to give a thing or a souvenir of the corresponding theme. For example:

  • Bible (there are special children's Bibles with many illustrations that explain spiritual life in an accessible language)
  • Ladanka
  • Blanket with an embroidered prayer
  • Silver gifts (wares and cutlery)
  • Educational and educational toys
  • Bed linen, bath accessories
  • High chair, walker, playpen, swing
  • Money and more

Video: boy's christening script, contests for guests and godparents

Parents toast at boy's christening

Today our little angel has a guardian angel. And we wish so that he, along with us, parents, accompanied our child all his life, covering and substituting his wing in difficult times! Health to you, baby, happiness and kindness! With the holy sacrament of baptism!

Our dear boy was baptized,
And as if renewed
Let him grow joyfully
Strength, courage is reputed,
And grows spiritually
Let him save his soul
Helps mom and dad
Never get discouraged
Praying to God with the soul

Even sad times
Let him not be discouraged
Do not lower your hands.
Happiness, peace and love
In the world you live with people.
Angels keep you
They beckon to the Kingdom of God.
Answer their call
Call all the people there!

Godfather toast and godmother at the boy's christening

    Angels flew in the sky and one chose you! Now he's always together with the Lord God will keep you from troubles and misfortunes. Raise a glass to this wonderful holiday baby christening! May he now never lose heart in difficult moment, and always remembers that he has godparents!

  • I want to wish our godson this Holy holiday baptism so that, in addition to higher education, he would have at least an average consideration and be sure primary education. And then in his life everything will turn out according to the highest level!

Congratulations on the christening of a boy from godparents in verse and prose, in your own words

I dreamed of being a godfather for a long time,
And took the child in his arms
I gave him my heart
And began to pray hard.

Let it grow now for joy
And in the soul let there be sweetness
From spiritual grace
And love, what does life mean

A lot of everything
Grace keeps him
God's angel covers
And the saints help!

Today we baptized the boy,
A promise was made forever
That he is like his own son
We will grow so that the light does not fade.

Light Divine that which is today
Illuminated your infant face.
May the power of the holy Lord
Protects you every moment!

“I wish you to please your son”
May the guardian angels always
Above your son, silent, fly.
Luck and luck never
Let them not leave him in life.

Congratulations on the christening of the boy from the guests in verse and prose, in your own words

  • God bless this little miracle keep all the light in yourself and the uncorrupted that is in it now. May our sometimes cruel, sometimes unfair world protect the child from evil, envy, resentment, temptations. Let's drink to all the bright, clean and peaceful sky above our heads!

Congratulations my family
With the bright sacrament of christening.
With all our hearts, we wish you
So that there is only one way ahead -
Filled with love and light
Good luck with the world of warmth,

So that joy fills your house,
Flowed to you as a pure river.
For the star of love to shine
Over all of you forever
To love success and happiness
Never passed.

  • They say that when a person is born, an asterisk lights up in the sky, that doesn't shine bright enough to see. After all, it is not in vain that they say how many people on earth, so many stars. After the rite of baptism, his dim star flares up brighter and brighter! And on this day, parents can see the star of their child. After all, the Lord sends his assistant, the Guardian Angel, to him, so that he protects and preserves the soul of the newborn forever. May the star of your baby shine so brightly on the day of christening, so that not only you, but the whole world can see the star of your child! With baptism.

SMS congratulations on the boy's christening

Accept my sincere congratulations ,
In honor of the son of your baptism.
He got a Guardian Angel
And there will be light in his abode.

Let only kind people meet,
All dreams and desires come true.
And so that each of his birthdays,
The Lord blessed him.

Put a treat on the table
Pour into glasses of wine:
Let's celebrate baptism today
wonderful boy -

No more reason for you
So much joy will not bring!
Congratulations on your son's christening!
Let him grow smart and strong!

The nose breathes peacefully, sniffing a little in a dream,
And the baby's relatives gathered around.
Everyone wants happiness years and the world
A holiday in your house - the son was baptized!

A big and important step has been taken today!
May the grace of the Lord be near!
Let your glorious boy grow for joy,
He is now, like all of us, also Orthodox!

Prayer "Symbol of Faith" for the christening of a child

  • I believe in one God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.
    And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages;
    Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, Whom all was.
    For us for the sake of man and for our sake of salvation, he descended from heaven and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin and became human.
    Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried.
    And resurrected on the third day according to the Scriptures.
    And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father.
    And the packs of the future with glory to judge the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end.
    And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, who proceeds from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets.
    Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
    I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come.

Video: The Sacrament of Baptism

Baptism is a celebration of light and purification. About the ancient sacred day, which every believing Christian today honors, they will be able to tell and reveal a lot interesting secrets unusual pictures baptism. They reflect the history of the holiday, its customs, traditions, introduce the history of its origin, transfer to distant times.

In the old days, people called this day Epiphany or Epiphany. Since the holiday is celebrated by Christian believers on January 18-19, we always associate it with winter. Falling snowflakes, frost, bright January sun - a great occasion for a wonderful holiday mood.

On such a delightful day, no one wants to sit at home. Look at the great Baptism of the Lord in pictures - swimming in the hole, this is the place where the road beckons all children and adults.

On this day, despite the weather, people rush to plunge into the water three times, thereby purifying themselves of everything negative. Such a custom perfectly helps to feel cheerful, as if reborn.

Water heals, washes away all sins, causes a feeling of harmony inside. Therefore, throughout the year to be always in good mood and excellent condition, you must not only swim, but also pour yourself a couple of bottles of magic liquid home.

How rich and sublime the pictures depicting churches look on the feast of baptism. Temples are our pride, the place where we meet God. They are so majestic and wonderful - that it is impossible not to bow before them.

Bright, with rich decoration, large bells - they seem so impregnable from the outside, but you find yourself inside - and peace and tranquility arise in your heart.

Each photo that gives us a festive image with Jesus, bathing, church, is also fraught with the magic of winter. After all, it is not for nothing that baptism is winter holiday. This is the time when miracles come true, dreams come true.

When you slowly go to the night service on the creaking snow, sparkling under your feet from the light of evening lanterns, you look at the iridescent fur coats of trees, snow-white snowdrifts - you feel peace, silence and overflowing joy in your heart.

What holiday will do without congratulations? As in all others solemn days on Baptism, I really want to congratulate relatives, neighbors, friends. You can get together and pay a visit to them, sit in a warm company at the table.

And for those who cannot be visited, it is worth picking up congratulations in pictures about baptism. This option is convenient, practical, it allows people who are far away to prove their warmth and care.

Baptism is a feast of a magnificent feast, noisy company. No wonder, because it was today that the Advent fast ended and now you can eat anything. It's fun time kind words and joy. People cooked a lot of delicious, collected at the table cheerful company and celebrate the big day together.

Those who are especially attentive will notice that pigeons are always present in many Epiphany pictures. They are a symbol of the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove when Jesus was baptized in the Jordan. A symbol of a great day, the completion of a series of holidays. They are released into the sky, thus as if expressing agreement with the end of the festive series.

Baptism is adored by all girls - after all, this is an opportunity. Beauties spend hours looking out the window, in search of the betrothed, expecting miracles and fairy tales. They pray before candles for health, ask for handsome groom want a happy marriage.

Rich in Christian customs and traditions, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord is a wonderful day for great deeds and great undertakings. After all, there is a belief that having plunged into holy water three times, you can ask heaven for anything and it will definitely happen.

Baptism of a child is one of the most important sacraments of Orthodoxy. This rite has great power, and its main result is known: the baby finds his guardian angel. If you are witnessing this great miracle, then be sure to prepare words of congratulations for your parents: it doesn’t matter whether it’s poetry or prose, the main thing is from the heart.

Congratulation on baptism in prose

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on the baptism of the baby. May this child be destined to experience a million bright events and happy moments. May he never know what sadness and adversity are. May the guardian angel, whom he found today, protect and keep him. And you, parents, stay as young and strong to show this baby the world in all its glory! Congratulations!
This wonderful event has happened! From this day on, your baby is under the very reliable protection- protection of God! May there be no disappointments, hardships and falls on his way. May God and guardian angels hear your prayers and give the baby health and cheerfulness. Please accept our sincere congratulations!
This little angel's christening wonderful holiday! We want to wish him a happy and long life, may he always be blessed by God, and may his faith be sincere. He has a whole life ahead of him, full of both joys and sorrows. So let him learn to appreciate joy, and perceive sorrow with fortitude and dignity. With christening!
Wonderful baby, today you have found your angel, who will never get tired of working to ensure that you are healthy, happy and successful. He will cover you with wings in right moment and illuminate the right way. In your life there will be only joy, beauty and carelessness, and also endless Love godparents. Congratulations!

Congratulations on the christening of a girl

Today to your sweet girl
An angel descended from heaven.
And a small cross on a chain
Held in good world her wonders!

I congratulate you on her christening,
May her life be filled with good!
May Jesus Himself lead the way
Your baby at night, even during the day.


Daughter, they say, then a family is born,
When God wants to give a compliment to mom!
Your daughter is just a miracle that comes true!
Congratulations on your christening at this moment.

After all, now she is under the protection of God,
So let your baby be lucky in life!
Doors will be open for her,
And luck, of course, will present a gift!


Today you baptized the sun-daughter,
You gave her life, love and kindness!
Let troubles never await in life,
But only warmth, inspiration, comfort!

God bless her innocent soul
In the heat of summer, in the cold winter cold!
May her spirit always be calm,
And let life be full of love and hope!


Dear goddaughter!
Let life be fun
And the sun is shining
You are my good!

The eyes will be bright
Smiles are only welcome,
Thoughts are all boring,
Life is prosperous!

Grow up for joy
Mom and dad! goodness,
Happiness and luck
Good luck, have fun!

On this solemn day
Receive greetings:
From the heart - with christening,
Kind and sweet!


Bright eyes and berry lips,
Soon she will dress in dresses, in skirts,
And today, your little daughter
For the first time, she will wear a chain with a cross.
Holy water will sprinkle her face,
And all the hardships, and sorrows will melt away.
She will find a guardian and holiness,
Congratulations on this joy!


With christenings happy parents!
We wish you happiness, your daughter.
The baby is growing strong and healthy,
Day by day it becomes more and more beautiful!
Let the baby have deep sleep,
From now on, an angel guards her.
Let your hearts beat in unison
Love and happiness in the house save!

Congratulations on the boy's christening

The miraculous feast of the sacrament of baptism
And now an angel is attached to the baby.
Let him fill his life with inspiration,
May his fate be beautiful.

Let all good baptism give,
And let his godparents teach him kindness.
And most best boy this one will become
Let no clouds float over it.


Your wonderful baby appeared in the world,
And finally, it's time to baptize him!
We wish him to achieve everything in life,
In the meantime - slept from night to morning,

So that neither childhood illnesses disturb him,
Never a bad mood in life.
Let the excellent boy live interestingly
He is a parent's dream come true!


On this holiday, bright and beautiful,
On the first holiday after the birthday,
On Christening Day, I wish you light, happiness
Good luck, love, luck to the boy!

May the heavenly angel keep him
So that the soul is always calm!
May luck be constant
Life was his to worthy!


You became stronger in spirit
More beautiful body!
Let it breathe easier
Dream bolder!

Neither trouble nor sorrow
Let them not hurt!
Happiness to you sea
Joy without end!

May your christening
Be a good start
To beauty and peace:
Enjoy fart!

Let everything be interesting
Success in life
And, as in good song,
Life is good!


There is a hero in your house - no matter where!
His years have just begun.
He is now protected from all troubles,
An angel of God dedicated a vow to him.
Congratulations, therefore,
He will be happy and blessed.
not found in the world happier baby,
Than a child whose soul is baptized!

Short congratulations on baptism

The sacrament of baptism is one of the most important days, both in the life of the baby and in the life of his parents. Yours is just getting to know the world, and one of his first acquaintances is an acquaintance with God. May your home be filled with care, tenderness and love, and the Lord always remembers you!


With all my heart I want to congratulate you on your christening and sincerely wish good luck and strong faith, great hopes and bright path, happiness and grace of life, generous gifts of fate and protection of heaven.

Cool congratulations on baptism

Snoring, sleeping in the cradle
Charming baby.
Funny, serene.
It's amazing how you lie.
Our unearthly joy
Angel keep you
All life from troubles and evil.
Drives away all misfortunes
A wing from you.
Joy, happiness, luck,
Good luck! With the sacrament of baptism!

Congratulations on the baptism of a child in your own words

So this bright and joyful day has come. The kid became an Orthodox believer and found his angel! I want to wish that the road of life is kind and happy, that on the way we meet only faithful friends and good people so that fate bestows great love and good health.


In your life, Dear Parents, a big and significant event happened! You didn't just give life little man you opened pure faith for him. Let the guardian angel help the baby correctly, in a timely manner and reliably. Let there be no difficulties and hardships, but only light and happiness. With christening!

Today your baby's soul is on the right track. I want to wish that your bright angel is always there, and averts all troubles and tears. And let the heart always know the right direction and never make a mistake in its choice. Congratulations!

With christening! We wish the baby to grow up smart and strong to the delight of parents. May he live the happiest in the world, may the angels follow him everywhere, always protecting him from sorrow and misfortune. We wish the world to always be kind to the baby and to those around him.

Congratulations from the godmother to the christening

I became a godmother today
Little adorable daughters!
I seem to be getting more serious
Right from this minute...
I promise by all means
Help her through life.
And your status is inspired
Always confirm!


Before God in a quiet church
Became godmother I...
So that for the little princess
Don't feel sorry for yourself...
Your goddaughter baby
I promise to keep.
From everything in life too
Might do some damage...


My beloved goddaughter
Today is a happy day for us!
I became a happy mother
Not native, but named by God.
I want to promise my parents
Help raise beauty.
Let obedient and sweet
She is trying to grow up!

So flattering to be called a godmother,
And I got the chance to be...
I promise to be serious
Help the baby in everything!
So that she might one day
Ask for advice or help.
And she knew that they would not refuse her here ...
I swear to love her forever!


Christening happened to the named daughter,
Handles an event native family.
From now on, I became a godmother to the child,
Under the vaults of the church, I made a vow ...
I promise my baby from the bottom of my heart
Always be a friend
What deed will help and not scold,
Support with a reliable hand!

Congratulations to the godson at the christening

The sun is clear, bright flower,
Our sweet baby, godson, son!
With honor passed the test of baptism!
Your ringing laughter gives us inspiration.

We wish you health, smiles, warmth,
So that mom is always with you,
To grow up to the joy of everyone healthy and strong,
So that you comprehend the world by leaps and bounds.

So that what you conceived, always achieved,
He remained himself, did not break himself!
And never forget Father's house
And a place at the family table.


The boy did not see more seriously
You are so wise, beyond your years.
I will gladly fulfill my godmother's duty -
And I will give you the warmth of my soul!

Growing up in a good environment
Get ready for surprises, miracles!
Be talented to the fullest
Wherever you decide for yourself!

Congratulations on christening to parents in verse

Congratulations on the baptism of your Son!
Let the Guardian Angel walk by!
From this day on, let it fly by
That brings us grief and tears!
Let only joy and happiness surround you!
Peace in the soul, and smiles in the eyes!
May your son not know bad weather,
An angel is now in heaven!


You passed Communion three times,
(You passed Communion three times)
You have known the Sacrament of Baptism,
(Knew the Sacrament of Baptism)
And in the ritual of washing
The soul was cleansed.
God help you in everything
He will live in your heart
Being with each new day
In your blessing!


No baby your year
But in holy water
The daughter was immersed.
Baptized in the Temple of God!
From sins and all misfortunes
Save only in God's power!
God saves my daughter now
She is blessed from heaven!


Congratulations on your Baptism
Your own son!
For Holy Communion
The important reason was:
Born from love in the family,
Will be your baby now
God's word protected
From sins from the cradle!


Congratulations on the Baptism!
It is carried out once in a lifetime.
Washed with holy water
live with pure soul!
Sins before God are forgiven
So be faithful to your duty
Embark on a bright path in life,
Where to turn no more!


At the zenith the sun shines brightly
Everyone gathered, family, friends.
Everyone is talking, loud, hot,
"You'll be dad, I'll be mom"

The second, they call it, his birth.
On a young body a small cross
Will reveal the secret on the day of Epiphany,
Our beloved child is a godson.

With baptism! We wish you well!
Let the heart warm with warmth,
May God help you take a step
And never backs down.


Did the press get a notice
What is the reason for the news arose -
That your family was baptized,
That is, communion with God's hand?
Oh, you decided to call only your own?
Correctly! To spite the grumbling of the greater
This is an intimate moment, not for everyone;
You are now a family for real!
Congratulations! And your child
May success be with you in everything!


Today is the sacrament of baptism
You finally did it!
I wish you congratulations
May the Lord keep you!
Now you are under His protection!
Day and night, and always!
May your faith be pure!
And never run out!


This sacrament is great - baptism,
Angels are singing in heaven today!
Let the blessing fall
On this day, on your head!
And from now on, the cross is consecrated,
Like a symbol of faith on the chest!
Congratulations! You are now baptized
The Lord keeps you safe from troubles!

Do you know beautiful congratulations on baptism? If yes, then share with our readers in the comments below the article!

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