Odor from the mouth white plaque. Causes and treatment of white plaque on the tongue and bad breath in a child

One of the most important human organs is the tongue, it can be used to determine the state of human health and the presence of certain diseases. Normally, its color is pink, a slight whitish coating is allowed in the morning, which disappears after brushing your teeth. In some cases, adults or children develop a white or yellow coating on the tongue, this may be the result of poor oral hygiene, an indication of the presence of certain diseases that need urgent treatment.

What is plaque on the tongue

Human language is a muscular organ that is covered by a mucous membrane. Its surface is heterogeneous, covered with hundreds of small papillae, on which are located taste buds. Pieces of food remain on the surface, which contributes to the multiplication of a huge number of bacteria in oral cavity. When the body is functioning normally, the balance of bacteria is not disturbed.

It is worth alerting when a thick layer of white, yellow, in rare cases green plaque appears on the tongue. Doctors distinguish it by the following signs:

  • thickness - if the color of the tongue is not visible under it, it is noticeably thicker than usual;
  • color - varies from white to gray, yellow, green, brown and even black;
  • the surface may be wet, cheesy, dry or greasy;
  • location - over the entire surface or locally (spots);
  • separation from the surface - the denser, the stronger disease, after cleaning quickly formed again.

Causes of the raid

A small raid is not a reason to sound the alarm. Its color may vary depending on the season: in summer - milky, in winter - yellow shade, in autumn - less pronounced. It is quickly peeled off, does not appear again, through it you can see natural color. Layering occurs with a cold or intoxication, which irritates the gastric mucosa in a child and an adult. V adolescence may appear due to constant hormonal surges during puberty. Brown plaque appears in alcoholics, it also looks like a smoker's tongue.

Dense loose plaque, which is difficult to clean the oral cavity and quickly forms again, should alert. There can be many reasons for this:

  • acute infections(scarlet fever, diphtheria, dysentery, cholera whooping cough, pink lichen, stomatitis);
  • fungal infections(cavity candidiasis, thrush)
  • chronic pathologies gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, gastric ulcer, enterocolitis, pancreatitis, intestinal dysbacteriosis, Crohn's disease, small intestine cancer)
  • other diseases (psoriatic plaques, kidney disease, radiation sickness, dehydration, chronic alcoholism, smoking).

Plaque at serious illnesses can cause discomfort- burning, bad taste, dryness, the appearance of sores and foci of infection. This is characteristic of chronic inflammation of the oral cavity, chronic diseases liver, stomach diseases, endocrine system. Do not ignore these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Normally, a white coating is observed on the tongue, especially after sleep. If it is covered with a dense layer, this may indicate a digestive disorder, for example, prolonged constipation in adults. In some diseases of the kidneys, the tongue becomes covered with a dense layer on the sides and front of the tongue. The location on the root indicates diseases of the stomach (ulcer, gastritis, accumulation of toxins in the large intestine, enterocolitis). Intoxication of the body infectious diseases accompanied not only by high temperature, but also by the formation of a thick plaque white color.


Normally, when examining the cavity, a person can observe yellow tongue- with strong thirst, eating foods containing dyes (carrots, citrus fruits, strong tea etc.). Some drugs (furazolidone) stain the mucous membrane and urine in a dark color. yellow. Yellow plaque should alert when it is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, fur, does not peel off, does not disappear on its own and gradually acquires more bright shade.

Typically, the language yellow coating may indicate the following problems:

  • hepatitis - a yellow coating on the root of the tongue indicates jaundice on early stages;
  • pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas;
  • gastritis, accompanied by the release of bile into the stomach;
  • bad job gallbladder - violation of the outflow of bile;
  • enterovirus infections;
  • giardiasis;
  • glossitis infectious or bacterial;


The appearance of a gray or dark layering is formed when darkening white plaque. This is associated with an exacerbation of the disease and signals serious problems:

  • severe damage to the stomach or intestines;
  • chronic gastroenteritis;
  • severe dehydration at high temperature, acidosis;
  • excess mucus in the body;
  • liver pathology;
  • dark plaque is manifested in cholera and Crohn's disease.


Plaque of the membrane of the cavity of the tongue orange color may result from overuse products with natural or artificial colors. Otherwise, this is an accurate description of an exacerbation of gastritis, ingestion of gastric acid into the oral cavity. In this case, you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist and start symptomatic treatment.


normal color tongue - pale pink, but sometimes it turns red, this means signs of the following diseases:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • vitamin B12 deficiency and folic acid;
  • diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, glossitis, erythrema);
  • sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea);
  • scarlet fever, measles;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Kawasaki disease;
  • worms.

Coated tongue and bad breath

Very often, a furred tongue with a white coating is accompanied by bad breath, halitosis, as the doctors call this symptom. There may be several reasons for this:

  • poor oral hygiene, use of old toothbrushes;
  • caries, inflammation of the gums contribute to the growth of pathogenic bacteria that settle between the papillae;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and kidneys, as well as disruption of the stomach;
  • improper diet, lack of proteins and fats in the body, especially in women.

Plaque on the tongue with gastritis

acute form gastritis can be diagnosed, including by examining the color and consistency of plaque on the upper part of the tongue (except for the tip):

  • gray shade, viscous consistency signals a chronic stage, the appearance reddish hue speaks of the pre-ulcerative stage;
  • orange tint- a sign of ingestion of gastric acid into the oral cavity;
  • plaque from white becomes yellowish - a sign of a worsening course of the disease;
  • with reduced acidity, the tongue becomes dry, with increased acidity, it can increase in size.


If you find uncharacteristic symptoms: abundant plaque, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue, you should consult a doctor for a personal examination and conduct a series of tests:


If the layering is not completely removed with a special brush when morning hygiene or appears again, you need to see a doctor. Very often dense white coating and pain appear with diseases of the oral cavity - gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) or stomatitis. It is better to go to the dentist, who will prescribe a course of treatment with antiviral or antifungal drugs and ointments for external use. It is useful to rinse the mouth with baking soda. Be sure to follow a diet, exclusion from the diet of spicy, sour, too hot or cold food.

Glossitis - manifested in inflammation of the tongue of a bacterial or viral nature. It can manifest itself as a consequence of burns and injuries, especially with a parallel decrease in immunity. In the treatment of glossitis, it is important to eliminate the initial source of infection (herpes, dermatosis, inflammatory processes). In severe cases, prescribed hormonal preparations(hydrocortisone, prednisolone), antibiotic treatment. Help remove unpleasant symptoms rinsing with a solution of potassium permanganate, vitamin preparations, treatment of the tongue with an antiseptic.

unusual color and the thickness of the plaque (yellow, red, orange, gray or black) indicates serious diseases of the body, so when they appear, you should immediately contact a therapist who will prescribe necessary tests and, according to their results, will refer to a specialized specialist (gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, etc.). You should not look at photos on the Internet and diagnose yourself. Brown plaque appears in heavy smokers and those who suffer from alcoholism. In this case, it is better to try to get rid of bad habits.


To prevent the appearance of plaque, more attention should be paid to oral hygiene. It is recommended to use a special brush that cleans the root of the tongue, where most pathogenic bacteria accumulate. Decoctions help medicinal herbs as a rinse: oregano, plantain leaves, linden blossom. It is useful to drink flax seed tincture on an empty stomach, collection (mint, chamomile, sage, strawberries). Oak bark has a beneficial effect on the condition of the oral cavity: a tablespoon is poured with boiling water, infused for 3-5 hours and used as a rinse.


Each of us, in the process of communicating with each other, notices that some people have bad breath, while others do not, some have bad breath and furrowed white-yellow a touch of tongue that others don't have. And, interestingly, if there is a yellow coating on the tongue, there will definitely be bad smell from mouth!

Why does the lining of the tongue appear with a yellow coating and putrid smell from mouth?

The cause of bad breath can be carious teeth, as well as a disease of the digestive system. These diseases of the digestive system include, first of all, functional states valve apparatus of the stomach, when the contents of the stomach and intestines periodically reflux into the esophagus more than 2-3 times a day, especially at night, when you are in horizontal position. This condition is observed with insufficiency of the sphincter apparatus of the stomach and esophagus. The cause of episodes of reflux (or gastroesophageal reflux) of the contents of the stomach and (duodenogastric reflux) of the intestine can be observed when malnutrition(abuse of products that cause a decrease in the tone of the sphincter apparatus of the stomach), taking drugs of similar action (hypnotics, sedatives, antispasmodics, laxatives, etc.) frequent stress, prolonged physical activity, the presence of constipation, metiorism associated with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. The occurrence of reflux can also be with alcohol abuse and smoking.

The presence of gastroesophageal functional reflux is a transient phenomenon, but when reflux is a consequence organic disorders sphincter apparatus of the stomach and esophagus (esophagitis, gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer etc.), or damage to the head or spinal cord congenital or acquired, then in these cases they speak of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
The main signs of functional insufficiency of the lower esophageal sphincter are heartburn, belching food, pain in the stomach or retrosternal region, yellow coating of the tongue, spots on the pillow after sleep, rotten breath. The color of the tongue in yellow is associated with the reflux of bile into the oral cavity (duodenooral reflux). The frequency of reflux increases in the evening and at night. It has been established that healthy people duodenogastric reflux is practically absent.

The presence of reflux leads to the development of diseases of the digestive system and not only, the reflux of contents from the stomach into the oral cavity, leads to microaspiration of it into the tracheal cavity, which is fraught with the health of the respiratory system. Prolonged microaspiration of the contents often leads to the appearance of an obsessive cough, and further to the development of lung diseases (ch. bronchitis, bronchial asthma...).
Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that it is necessary to prevent functional diseases of the stomach and esophagus, and even more so to prevent the development of GERD, and when the first signs of gastroesophageal and duodenogastric reflux appear, it is necessary to take the most active measures to eliminate them.

At present, everyone knows how to maintain health. Combat risk factors, overvoltage prevention nervous system not burdensome, really accessible to everyone and highly effective. In them important role play physical education, proper nutrition, rationally and reasonably constructed mode of life, mode of work and rest. Moreover, the ultimate goal can be achieved only with the comprehensive observance of all recommendations throughout life. First of all, they include a complete rejection of bad habits.

After eating at lunchtime, a walk is necessary and daytime sleep allowed only after 1.5-2 hours. Sleeping is recommended with the head of the bed raised by at least 15-20 cm. Should be avoided tight clothes, tight belts, and pressing elastic bands of clothing. What happens if, after a heavy meal, a person lies on his back? By the way, no animal sleeps on its back! With this position of the body, the gas bubble of the stomach moves to the anterior wall and not air is discharged into the esophagus, but acidic gastric contents. It is in this that the trigger mechanism for the development of gastroesophageal reflux is laid.

Physical exercises should be with the exception of muscle strain abdominals, deep inclinations, prolonged stay in a bent position, lifting weights of more than 6-7 kg on both hands. It is not recommended to inflate balloons or chambers by mouth, playing professional sports.

In nutrition, you need to follow a diet. Limit or reduce the content of animal fats, (cream, butter, fatty fish, pork, duck, lamb, cakes), increase protein content, avoid irritating foods (strong broths, marinades, smoked meats, acidic and irritating (pineapple) juices, tomatoes, citrus fruits, coffee, strong tea, chocolate, onions, garlic, alcohol, tobacco, spices), carbonated drinks.
It is necessary to reduce the single amount of food, and the number of meals can be increased. While eating, it is advisable not to be distracted and not to talk, food must be chewed thoroughly and not in a hurry. Also, don't eat before bed. Sleep is allowed 2-3 hours after the last meal. Overweight patients are advised to reduce it.

The presence of reflux does not depend on age, it can also be in children up to a year. In the nutrition of children in the first months of life who are on artificial feeding, special antireflux mixtures should be used, a feature of which is a change in the ratio of casein and whey proteins towards casein, as well as the inclusion of thickeners in their composition (most often, locust bean gum.

How to start drug therapy?

In children and adults in initial stages The development of reflux must begin with the intake of a decoction of medicinal plants:

Oregano herb - 50.0
Plantain leaf - 40.0
Yarrow herb - 30.0
Linden blossom - 20.00

Brew 1 tbsp. for 250 water, insist for 2.5 hours, drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day 25 minutes before meals (dose for the age of 24 years). It is necessary to take a collection of herbs for 1 month. Children are recommended to appoint a collection from 2.5-3 months.
From medicines the appointment of the drug motilium is recommended. For adults (1 tab. X 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals for 10 days) and for children early age in syrup, according to weight.
This is the so-called symptomatic therapy, the main direction in treatment should be given to the disease that led to the appearance of pathological refluxes.
The presence of such complaints always requires contacting a specialist gastroenterologist, who will prescribe the complex necessary treatment.
Functional disorders of the digestive system are a large group of diseases that are widespread in childhood and adulthood and have an ambiguous prognosis. V last years significant progress has been made in the treatment functional disorders associated with the emergence of new effective drugs that regulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.
However, these funds cannot final decision Problems: due to the significant role of the nervous system in the development of these diseases, their treatment should be comprehensive and carried out in collaboration with neuropathologists, psychologists, psychoneurologists.
Implementation of our recommendations on this issue with mandatory consultation a gastroenterologist will help you get rid of bad breath and furred tongue, which means it will improve your health.


Hello. I am 20 years old, height 187, weight 81 kg (I weighed 73-75 kg in the army now). Disturbed by mucus in the throat (lump), plaque on the tongue (dense - when I clean it off a little), smell from the mouth (occurs 30 minutes after eating). The mucus is expectorated with viscous saliva but does not become easier (and after a while the mucus disappears or remains in the throat in small quantities). Still rumbling and aching pain (sucking) in the epigastrium about 2-3 hours after eating. The face (cheeks near the nose) is constantly pink and on the left cheek there is a seal like swollen (hard inside) and sometimes there are purulent formations on the surface in the pores. A year ago (before the army) I went to a GASTROENTEROLOGIST and was diagnosed with chronic gastroduodenitis (the stomach and intestines were slightly hyperemic on FGDS) and cholecystitis (bilirubin in the blood was slightly elevated). I drank Hofitol and Ultop, there was no improvement or deterioration. Then I went to the army and nothing has changed there. After the army, he immediately got on the Internet and stumbled upon Helicobacter (although he was not found in the examination of the stomach). I bought and drank: Clarithromycin: 0.5 mg every 12 hours for 10 days, Metronidazole: 0.5 mg every 12 hours for 10 days, Omeprazole: 1 tb every 24 hours for 10 days. On day 1, I felt relief, the mucus was gone, the pain in my stomach was gone, the smell from my mouth was gone. But then everything slowly began to return except for the smell from the mouth (plaque, mucus, and slight discomfort in the abdomen). 10 days after taking these drugs, my cheek swelling decreased (almost completely disappeared, but remained pink). 3 days after that, I went to the ENT and he did a throat culture for antibiotics and mycloflora (they found a moderate amount of e.coli-E. coli) and some kind of scraping from the tongue, which I don’t know what it showed (didn’t say). Diagnosis: chronic pharyngitis. Bifidumbacterin was prescribed (30 minutes before meals 1 fl per ½ glass of water, rinse 3r / d-7d), Lyzobakt (after 15 minutes 2tb under the tongue 3r / d-7d), Miramistin (after another 15 minutes 2 injections 3r / d-7d) , Normobact (during meals 1 sosh 2r / d-10dn), Tonsilgon (after eating 2tb 3r / d-4 weeks). After 7 days, re-admission. Today is the 5th day of doing all this, it becomes as it was (there was a smell from the mouth, the same state of the stomach as originally). What's wrong with me (what does it look like)? Which doctor will contact? What tests should be done? And I've been suffering for 2 years now. How much I have read, I think it looks like either an infection or mushrooms. HELP!

The color of the plaque can provide valuable information: white usually indicates a fungal infection in the mouth area - or, if the plaque is localized at the root of the tongue, about disorders in the large intestine (for example, colitis). yellowish color may accompany diseases of the gallbladder, black - diseases of the pancreas. When evaluating plaque on the tongue, attention should be paid to its location: - White plaque in the middle of the tongue (usually with cracks) indicates gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. - White plaque at the root of the tongue, most likely, corresponds to enterocolitis. - White coating on the edges of the front indicates lung disease, and brown indicates pneumonia. - White coating on the back along the edges - the kidneys suffer. - Plaque covers the tongue with dysbacteriosis, stomatitis, fungal infection. - Taking on a yellow color, plaque indicates problems with the pancreas, cholecystitis. - At brown shade plaque - there are problems of the gastrointestinal tract. - Blue plaque signals typhus or dysentery. To eliminate bacterial plaque (which in turn can cause diseases of the mucous membrane) and prevent bad breath from appearing, the tongue needs to be cleaned .. it is recommended to resort to this procedure in the morning, before meals. You can clean your tongue with a special brush, or you can use a special plastic scraper. Halitosis is the medical term for bad breath. Halitosis can be a symptom of dental diseases, and various disorders. internal organs. With poor oral hygiene, bacteria accumulate in in large numbers on the tongue, in plaque and in subgingival pockets. The reproduction of the bacterial flora is also facilitated by various diseases mucous membrane and dentition, such as caries, periodontitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis (including herpetic). Another reason bad smell from the mouth is dryness of the oral mucosa. It may be due to a decrease in salivation, the habit of sleeping with an open mouth, breathing through the mouth, smoking, drinking alcohol. Redness in the cheek area may be initial manifestation a disease such as demodicosis, caused by the demodex mite or, as it is also called, iron. Demodicosis progresses in owners of fatty, porous skin suffering from diseases of the liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines, with neuroendocrine pathology. Consultation with a dentist, dermatologist, gastroenterologist.