How to find common topics for conversation. How to find a topic for conversation? Neutral topics for conversation

Meeting with a girl who wakes up the imagination and makes the heart knock more often - it is always a very responsible step. Few of the guys, even the most confident, does not think about how to communicate with the girl at the first meeting, what themes it is better to discuss and how to be, if the most happened between you an awkward silence. There are many theories, male and female on this.

So, how to communicate with the girl to make it good impression And do not get a refusal in the next date?

  1. It is always necessary to remember that the thoughts and reasoning men are subordinate to the logic, and the thoughts of a woman - emotions. Whatever themes for the conversation with the girl you did not choose, the main thing is emotional details. Speak more about your feelings and impressions. This way to reveal yourself will allow her to see in you a person sensual and attentive.
  2. If you have not yet decided what to talk to a girl, then start with the contact installation. Ie talk about yourself and try to learn more about her.
  3. Try to avoid banalities and scoring questions - talk about the weather is boring even with the most skillful interlocutor. And therefore ...
  4. ... Think out in advance a few topics you would like to talk to her. Among the common contact topping, for a conversation with a girl, talk about travel about travels (ask about where it happened, and share our experience), about the first love, rest (where it loves to be like looking / listening), hobbies, etc.
  5. Do not forget that monologues are unacceptable in communication. Your monologue indicates that either the topic is not interesting to her, or you too tightened with the story. If you are talking about yourself, try to ask her opinion along the story. For example, "Yesterday I finished reading Tolstoy. And how do you feel about Tolstoy? " If the Tolstoy's companion did not read or does not like, do not be afraid of her reaction - wrap it on the question: "What then do you like to read?". Engage it in the conversation.
  6. Try to avoid simple questionsrequiring a unambiguous answer "yes" or "no". What to talk to a girl is not so important how to give her the opportunity to tell about himself. Deployed questions requiring a full response will help you learn more about it.
  7. Not bad to have a few funny stories from life. If your conversation stumbled on an awkward silence, you can easily save the situation with the help of "by the way ...".
  8. How to communicate with a girl and can we talk about sex on the first date? The answer is simple: you can, but for this you need to establish a certain level of confidence in each other. Then your question will not seem to her too daring. If you already feel certain intimacy, ask her about how it was for the first time. If she wants to learn about you too, be prepared to put everything for clean.
  9. By the way, you can play questions. The essence of the game is simple - it is allowed to ask any questions on any topic. The main thing is not to repeat what they have already been asked. You can answer each other's questions, and you can answer your own. There are already topics for conversation with a girl can be different, and sex including.
  10. You can also dream together. Ask her, what would she do if one child became a star? Or how would you spend randomly found Million. Or that she would take with him uninhabited island. Etc. If we think about such game moments In advance, the question is, what to talk to the girl, you just do not arise.

How to communicate with a girl? - Answer options set, among which you will have to find your exclusively experimental way! So that you are not bored so you always know what to talk about with a girl - just lead active image Life. A person who has many hobbies and interests will always find what to tell. Do not be afraid that you may not know and do not understand what is interesting to your companion. Such a topic for a conversation with a girl only to your hand - you can ask to tell her about it more. She is fun and helpful to you. Communicate, interest and successful for you!

It happens that we have to communicate with people unfamiliar to us. We begin to fuss, because they are accustomed to their friends and loved ones, and here is a stranger. Quietly, there is nothing terrible. The conversation should be done, but before this should be left behind the excitement, and only then go to enjoy communication. Here are some instructive instructions:

1. Ask to imagine you

There is nothing reprehensible if you ask you to be presented at a party or some holiday by adding a comment to this, such as my girlfriend Nina and she is an architect for construction).

Such a presentation gives one hundred percent guarantee that the conversation will begin, as they will certainly find common topics And questions, and you are not an unfamiliar person.

2. How to find a topic for conversation

You can always find a topic for conversation. Just you take a look at a person. Maybe he is tall, slim or his mole on his cheek, like yours. Try to notice the highlight, i.e. What is not in others. After you notice this, your face will change and will not look so cautiously, and the interlocutor will notice this and will already be more predisposed to communicate with you. Tuping the question of interest to you.

If your interlocutor is a girl, then make it a compliment, for example: what is your beautiful hairstyle.

3. Topics for conversation around

Pay attention to the place where you are, notify anything from what surrounds you and your interlocutor. Even if you pronounce any completely neutral thing regarding the place of your mutual stay, for example, "and here is cute!", This will already be enough to establish a psychological connection and the beginning of communication.

If it happened that your opposite interlocutor, then ask questions on the merits. For example, how do you like the interior of this room or what you know about cars. Feel free to say that you do not know asked question - It can generalize your interests and thus the conversation will be delayed. Be sure to offer a lady to drink anything.

4. Search for common interests

It reads that the more the person is comprehensively developed, the more he is interested in others. Walking to the company, look at the news that you can tell your companion, friends. You can affect the topic about politics, about your city. There will always be people who, with a great desire, discuss these topics, and so you will be an interesting interlocutor.

5. Specify the right questions.

Before you ask a question to the interlocutor, first formulate it, think over it. The question should not contain a brief response, like "yes - no". It is quite suitable for you the type of "what you do in free time? Love whether to relax on the sea. " People like to talk about themselves - this proves statistics, so take advantage of this, as many questions can be asked for such issues, who will be happy to tell about himself.

6. Non-verbal communication

If the interlocutor is still silent, try to add gestures to your stories, change the fairs, smile when talking - it has a positive effect on the person and then he feels confident.

7. Celling

This non-verbal way is invented so that a person with the interlocutor felt confident. Demonstrate this way is easy, just repeat the gestures of the interlocutor, only on the turn, for example, the interlocutor lies right leg On the left, you do on the contrary, put the left on the right. Such calmness will not attract attention, but will perform its functions. After some such gestures, the interlocutor on subconscious level will take you for your. By the way, you can read more about this here.

Learning new people is one of the usual details of our life. Even if you live well with people, sometimes moments may occur when you do not know what to say and surprise why your interlocutors switched to another topic. If you have in your head sample list To the conversation, you will not panic. You will be ready to always support the conversation. All you need is to pull one of the topics from my head and continue the conversation.


Part 1

Start the conversation

    Speak about another person. Chief Secret have a good interlocutor - give another person to talk about yourself. Why? Perhaps because this topic is most comfortable for him. Try the following techniques:

    • Ask about the opinion of a person. You can connect it with what is happening now around you, with current events or simply talk about what you want to discuss.
    • Integet to life of man. Ask, where he comes from, what kind of childhood he had and the like.
  1. Start a conversation with friends and strangers in different ways. Previous advice treated the situation when you still do not know your interlocutor well enough. There are other options to start a conversation:

    • With those you know well: ask how they are doing what new happened for last weekHow their project or study is promoted, how are their children, or have they seen an interesting new television show or film.
    • With those you know, but have not seen for a long time: Ask what happened in their lives since you've ever seen if they live still in the same house, whether they work in the former work, ask about their children and whether new (if it is important), or Have they seen your shared friends recently.
  2. Know what to avoid. Observe the main rule: Never talk about religion, politics, money, relationships, family problems, health problems or sex with people you do not know. You can accidentally offend them, so stay away from similar topics.

  3. Find out what their hobbies and interests they have. At this point, communication becomes more personal. It depends on you, whether this conversation will be successful. Ask relevant questions.

    • Do you play or enjoy some sport?
    • Do you like to spend time online?
    • What do you like to read?
    • What do you do in your free time?
    • What kind of music do you like?
    • What films do you like?
    • What are your favorite TV show?
    • What is your favorite board game?
    • Do you like animals? What is your favorite animal?
  4. Connect questions about the family. Safe option - Talk about the brothers and sisters or find out the basic information (for example, where the person has grown). Parents can be tie the topicIf a person had some problems with them if he was brought up with other people or if parents recently died. A conversation about children can be an unpleasant topic for couples who have problems with childbearing or have disagreements on this. Do not also talk about children with a person who really wants to have them, but cannot find a suitable partner.

    • Do you have brothers and sisters? How many?
    • If there are no brothers and sisters, what is it like to grow the only child?
    • What are their names?
    • How old are they?
    • What do they do? (Depends on how old they are). Do they go to school or university? Do they have a job?
    • Are you like?
    • Do you have a lot?
    • Where did you grow up?
  5. Ask about their travels. Ask a man where he visited. If he never left native city, ask where he wanted to go.

    • If you had the opportunity to move to another country, what would it be for the country and why?
    • Of all cities in the world in which you visited, what do you like most?
    • Where did you spend your last vacation? Did you like it?
    • What is the best / worst trip in your life?
  6. Ask about food and drinks. It is a bit easier to talk about food, since there is a chance that you will be taking a conversation about alcoholic beverages with a person who does not drink alcohol, or has certain problems with alcohol. Be careful that your conversation does not move to what a diet keeps the interlocutor or how he tries to lose weight. This can lead the conversation in a negative channel. Instead, ask:

    • If you could choose one dish for life, what would it be?
    • In what institutions do you like to dinner or dinner?
    • Do you like to cook?
    • What are your favorite sweets?
    • What very negative experience Do you remember from visiting a restaurant?
  7. Ask about work. This topic is a bit delicate, since there is a chance that the interlocutor will have a feeling that he is at the interview. But if you can conduct a pleasant and outdoor conversation On this topic, the conversation may be quite interesting. Do not forget that a person can still learn, dismiss or be in finding work. Here sample Beginning Talk:

    • What do you do? Do you work somewhere or learn?
    • What was your first job?
    • Who was your favorite boss?
    • Who did you want to be when they were a child?
    • What do you like most in your work?
    • If the money was not important, and you would have the opportunity to work by whom would you like, who would you become?
    • If you learned that man in this moment Unemployed, but you have something to offer, feel free to. Usually, people are interested.
  8. Make a sincere compliment. Make a compliment about the fact that the person did, and not what he looks like. This will continue the conversation about his skills. If you say that a person has beautiful eyes, then you thank you, and on this conversation will end. Unless you ask how your interlocutor increases them. Here are some good examples:

    • I really liked your speech on the piano. How long have you been playing?
    • You looked very confident during speech. How did you manage to create such an excellent presentation?
    • Your race was just wonderful. How many times a week do you train?

    Part 2

    We develop conversation
    1. Support a light conversation. You should not expect that since the first moments there will be a miracle in your relationship with a stranger. You can hope for an initial understanding, so you better adhere to the topic that is interesting and entertaining for the interlocutor.

      • Avoid conversations about your problems and negative situations. If you notice that people are strangely watching during such conversations, it is because they do not expect to hear so serious topics During the usual informal conversation.
      • Most people are looking for polite, interesting and simple topics For conversation, and negative moments can destroy the conversation and create a pause in a relaxed conversation.
    2. Allow silence. Silence does not have to be awkward - it will allow you to collect your thoughts and think about the topics for the conversation that will like the interlocutor. It will give you both permanently and a small pause.

      • Such silence can become awkward if you start nervous or worry, because you are silent.
    3. Share your interests. If you find out that both love to run, talk about your overall interest. But remember that you will have to talk about other things. An 45-minute conversation about running will seem strange for most people.

      Part 3.

      Slide the borders
      1. Think before talking. Get your words back will not succeed. People remember those conversations that you were led to them. So try to be friendly, unless you want you to remember otherwise.
      2. Most the best way Watch a conversation is to ask each other questions. It should not be like a competition, you should easily support a conversation without dominance.
      3. If you are talking to a person for the first time, try to avoid sarcasm. However, if a person exhibits sarcasm, do not hit the dirt face, be witty. But know the measure.
      4. Do not ask in a row all the questions above. This will put a person in uncomfortable positionHe will seem to be interrogated.
      5. If you see a person for the first time, it is best to start a conversation about the place where you both turned out to be starting with a random theme.
      6. Be friendly and do not insult anyone.
      7. Listen carefully. After a person responds to your question, remember something that belongs to the topic of conversation and tell about it. As an option, you can answer the question yourself, even if you were not asked about it.
      8. Check out the news. Read the newspaper or look for interesting actual stories on the Internet.
      9. Avoid single responses, like "yes", "no" or "good." There are one way to such conversations - nowhere.
      10. If you write a girl, make sure you do not offend it. It can turn off and finish your conversation.
      11. The first thing you have to remember in a conversation with a person is his name! It seems that it is very simple, but sometimes the memory can bring.

    Quite often there is such an awkward situation when when communicating (especially with unconscious man) A pause arises and it seems to be more like more, but how to find a topic for conversation?

    I am a sociable person and can support the conversation almost on any topic, but sometimes it is sometimes difficult to continue the conversation, especially if the interlocutor answers short phrases And does not support the dialogue, silence comes at such moments, and on the outside it looks pretty stupid.

    It's simple

    In fact, it is not so difficult to find a common topic for a conversation, you need to proceed from the situation in which you were. Start a conversation best with the statement of his opinion, a statement of a fact or question.

    Phrases should not be complete deep meaning Or too smart, first will be quite simple comment. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the conversation will be boring and tedious.

    The most important thing in this business is to use all the opportunities to maintain the conversation and establish contact.

    Based on the situation

    Most. simple way Start trouble is a conversation about the situation in which I am with the interlocutor I am. Communication on this topic It will not provoke anxiety in opponent, in contrast to the questions about his personal life, and increases stronger in a conversation than if I start talking about myself.

    It is worth noting that the statement of one's own opinion stimulates the conversation better than the banal state statement. Saying that today is beautiful weather, I do not make a person in dialogue, and exists great chance that he just nodes his head or silent.

    Question answer \u003d dialogue

    The main goal of any conversation is to awaken interest from the interlocutor, so it's better to start with the question.

    I believe that the topic of cinema is wineware option. You can ask what movie he / she watched / a, in lately. If I also saw this film, I express my opinion, I am impressions.

    You can talk about pets, if the source has four-legged friend, he will gladly support the conversation.

    If my comrade is interested in conversation, he will know it, but I will receive auxiliary information, thanks to which there will be common interests To continue the conversation at a more personal level.

    Talk about personal

    By installing contact with the interlocutor, you can go to personal topics. Psychologists recommend friendly, friendly phrases that definitely demonstrate your location to the interlocutor. For example, make a compliment (if you really liked something) and the conversation is tied by itself.

    People love to talk about themselves more than talking about you. Therefore, you should not say anything about yourself until the interlocutor itself asks. If it is not interested in your hobbies, family and other things important for you, this means that it is simply not interesting for him. And the conversation should be continued on more banal themes.

    And what topics do you prefer to communicate? :)

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    Our life is unthinkable without communication. But if at home or in a circle of friends you can relax and randomly express your thoughts, counting on the understanding of loved ones, then unfamiliar people It is necessary to behave collected. It is important to know which questions should be affected, and which is not. We will tell where to look for topics for conversation and give a universal formula to support a relaxed conversation.

    How to find interesting topics for conversation


    It is easy to find interesting topics to communicate those who do not stand still, but constantly engaged in self-development. Reading classic I. modern literature, watching movies with meaning, travel, visiting exhibitions or master classes - these are classes doing us interesting people. By conducting an active lifestyle, we will not note how deftly can switch from the topic on the topic, masterfully parving knowledge in each affected area.

    Talk about the interlocutor

    It is good when there is still one govorun - the scratch of his phrases does not allow the slightest pauses and discharges the situation. But how to find a topic for a conversation with a silent man? How to arrange it? Psychologists unanimously offer to talk about their interlocutor. Of course, to start an appeal from words: "Well, a buddy, tell me about yourself!", - Do not.

    You can ask his opinion about what is happening around or high-profile events. Sharing his thoughts, people, without noticing, begin to talk about themselves. Here are approximate questions that you can start a dialogue: "Where do you come from?", "Do you like this city?", "How do you like this medical reform?".

    Find overall

    The situation uniting interlocutors is a significant reason for the conversation. For example, a shared road in the train always has it to such. Unfamiliar peoplegathered in one coupe, traditionally tell each other, where, from where and for what purpose are going. Why sometimes the complete opposites are divided into this information with each other?

    Everything is simple - they are united by something in common. IN this case - the road from point A to point B. Paradoxically, but often it happens that the accidentally encountered people finds fascinating themes For conversation and common acquaintances, and sometimes even decide to jointly continue the way to a certain place, having excavating addresses.

    Make a compliment

    It is not about praiseing external features or characteristics of character. But if we celebrate some kind of action or act, expressing your admiration or respect, but the mood to a friendly conversation is provided. It may look like this: "How do you manage so masterfully to keep yourself during the performance?" Or "How long have you been trained in order to achieve such results?".

    Tell about yourself

    Our hobbies or achievements can also be interesting to someone. Talking about yourself, there is probability to find a point of contact with your interlocutor, because he can also be delighted with the creativity of surrealists or to be avid fishing.

    Remember eternal

    If everything is already told about himself, and it is advisable to continue the dialogue, what topics can you talk about? In this case, it is worth trying to push the boundaries of rational. There are a lot of so-called eternal questions who discussed people at all times. At first, such questions may seem strange or awkward, but they are able to develop an employed conversation:

    • If you were allowed to take a desert island only three things so that you take?
    • What era would you like to live in? Why?
    • What is the happiness of man?

    Follow the news

    Current events are a full list of topics for conversation. Rarely, who is not interested in hearing the last gossip about the famous star of show business or find out the details of some shocking event. No wonder to know the last century began the day with reading newspapers - news you can pass the interlocutor, inquiring his opinion about what is happening.

    Universal topics for conversation

    There are 6 main topics that can be raised regardless of the age of the interlocutor, its location or culture. In America, these topics are concluded in the abbreviation F.O.r.m. If you translate into Russian, this formula will be called - S.P.O.D. Some capital letters It is responsible for two categories. What is this combination?

    C - family. Most gladly talk about their roots, origin, parents, place of birth. Rarely, who does not want to boast the achievements of his family members. If you do not put direct or tactless questions, you can learn a lot about the interlocutor, it is interesting to spend time with him.

    P - Profession. If serious topics are needed for conversation, you can talk about the education obtained, its quality, as well as about the kind of activities of the interlocutors and their professional experience. In the category "P", social, public or economic problems can be climbed.

    Oh - Holidays. This block contains the most common topics for a conversation with friends, with whom we most often spend your leisure. Sea memories and more more plans Related to rest. Even unfamiliar man It is interesting to listen to unforgettable adventures or unusual hobby. This also includes a discussion of books, films, attractions and the like.

    Oh Education. Each has something to tell about the student years of life. Studied sciences, features of the behavior of teachers, the principle of choosing a profession, funny stories - Some of the most neutral and safe those to communicate with unfamiliar people.

    D - Money. Prices for medicines, pension size, raising tariffs are topics for conversations that are not only able to combine the first oncoming, but also to complete them against the third party. This also includes a discussion about discounts, promotions, quality of goods, etc.

    D - Others. In fact, these are cultural gossip, which we learn from the media, the Internet, social networks and other things. Discussion of memes, jokes or scandals are interested in more young people who lead an active virtual life.

    Topics for conversation that are better not to raise

    The relaxed conversation can be lit up at the beginning, if you ask a tactless question or affect the slippery topic. What things are better not to talk about?

    Politics. Disagreements in politics are capable not only to spoil the friendly conversation, but also to put the beginning of war, which proves the story. To impose their views, express the opinion about politicians, to call the names of the leaders who are trusted and on the contrary, is not worthwhile - the likelihood of finding support is small.

    Religion. Everyone has the right to believe in what he wants. Many denominations, churches and religious organizations coexist among us. Prove the truth of one or another faith is the right way to conflict. It is interreligious disagreements that become the cause of the bloodshed of believers.

    Personal life . Related questions A personal character is still explosive. A person who is asking questions on the type "When are you going to marry?", "Don't you plan children?", Obviously plays with fire. Personal life is the holy of holy of each and any invasion is considered as a potential threat.

    Diseases. There are people who do not notice how much time they can talk about their condition. A detailed listing of symptoms, an intriguing announcement of a diagnosis, a long story about treatment methods is not very interesting topics for discussion. As if the interlocutor herself did not listen to our speech, it should be remembered that he was annoyed by talking about diseases.

    Topics for conversation are a powerful foundation of an interesting and successful communication. Catching the desired wave in conversation, we can start interesting dating, Find friends, build a successful career. Everything you need is to remember which questions can be raised, and which are under the unbelled ban.