Methods for stimulating generic activities in the hospital. How does the process of stimulating childbirth in the hospital and houses on the last weeks of pregnancy, what are its advantages and cons? Medical ways to stimulate birth in the hospital

Stimulation is an artificial calling of childbirth on different timing Pregnancy and activation generic activity Already during childbirth. This procedure may be required if the duration of labor increases, which is occurring in the case of elongation or the first period of generics (cervical disclosure), or the second (expulsion of the fetus). Since not every "delay" in childbirth requires stimulation, doctors should, analyzing the situation, understand its causes and act according to them.

Watching childbirth, the doctor draws attention to the following points:

  1. The presence of contractions, their frequency, duration and force. Objectively, these signs are confirmed during the palpation of the abdomen (uterus), according to the testimony of a toxodinameter device, which makes it possible to accurately register the frequency and duration of the bumps, as well as using a special intrauterine catheter to determine the pressure in the uterus on the background of kits ( last method Used very rarely).
  2. Opening of the cervix - this is the most accurate criterion normal current childbirth. Usually, the disclosure is measured in centimeters. The minimum disclosure is 0 cm when the cervix is \u200b\u200bclosed, the maximum is 10 cm, when complete disclosure. However, this indicator is not completely reliable, since even the same doctor, the obtained disclosure values \u200b\u200bmay be varied, not to mention different doctors inspecting one woman (a guideline in determining the degree of opening in centimeters is the width of the doctor's fingers; 1 finger approximately corresponds 2 cm, 3 fingers - 6 cm, etc.). It is believed that the normal revelation rate of the cervix in active phase Rodov -1-1.5 cm / h. If the disclosure occurs slower, then the feminine may be required any stimulating effects. However, the actions of doctors are determined not only by the degree of disclosure, but also the state of the woman.
  3. Promotion of the preemptive part of the fetus (as a rule, heads). It is determined when palpation of the abdomen and / or vaginal research.

For normal size pelvis proper position The fetus and the absence of factors that prevent the birth of a child through natural generic paths, a protracted form of childbirth contribute:

  • soothing drugs;
  • anesthetics;
  • the position of the feminine on the back;
  • fear of a woman in front of pain;
  • some pregnant diseases.

In addition, there are indications for artificial invoking of labor:

Your actions during pregnancy and childbirth

The desire to give birth safely should not be a dream, not supported by concrete actions. Moderate physical activity during pregnancy, physical exercisesTraining muscles abdominal presscrotch breathing exercises, the ability to relax - all this one way or another will have a beneficial effect on the course of childbirth. Knowledge of childbirth proper behavior They will reduce the fear of childbirth, therefore, you can be easier to influence your child's birth process. Listed useful knowledge and skills are pretty effective methods Stimulation of childbirth.

If you have the ability to choose conditions for childbirth and the possibility of choosing a maternity hospital, one of the selection criteria should be able to walk during childbirth (of course, if you do not have contraindications). It has been proven that a supeaching position increases the duration of delivery, since one of the factors of the cervix of the uterus - the pressure of the fetus on the neck is not realized. In the US, studies were conducted, which showed that freedom of movements (the opportunity to walk, sit in different poses) may be no less effective than drug stimulation in childbirth!

If you have the opportunity to get acquainted with the room where childbirth will pass, use it. No matter how surprisingly, the pre-acquaintance factor with the maternity hospital also has a beneficial effect on the delivery process (it also revealed the Americans meticulous in their research).

During childbirth, you can use the old, but scientifically reasonable way, - stimulation of nipples. At the same time, the organism increases the production of oxytocin - hormone, stimulating generic activities, largely decisive flows and their prosperous outcome. It is this circumstance that can be explained by the fact that the attachment of the child to the chest immediately after his birth accelerates the birth children's place and reduces the likelihood of postpartum bleeding. If, according to doctors, your pregnancy is gradually becoming transferred, but there are no signs of giving birth, you can also resort to this method.

To guarantee the effect, unfortunately, it is impossible, but harm from this method will not be (of course, if you do not overdo it, because during this period the nipples are easy to injure).

Increased physical activity can also provoke the beginning of labor. But this "method of stimulation" is fraught with an obvious danger to the life of the mother and the child.

Actions of doctors during childbirth

It should be said that the frequency of use medical stimulation grows from year to year. There are several reasons for this. Basic - the state of the health of women and the desire of doctors minimize the risk to the fetus. If you would like, during your childbirth, drugs are used only at extreme need, discuss it with your doctor. In addition, in different hospitals there are "favorite" methods of stimulation. Perhaps for you will be useful information What kind of stimulation is preferred by the hospital obstets chosen by you.

So, what methods of stimulation of childbirth have doctors in their arsenal? All of them can be formally divided into those that stimulate the contractile ability of the uterus, and those that affect the disclosure of the cervix. Some mansion are soothing means. Fear of pain may slow down the generic activity. Therefore, the victim negative emotionsIn some situations you can restore the normal course of childbirth.

Methods affecting the contractile activity of the uterus

In this group, amniotomy and the analogues of natural hormones obtained by synthetic by the analogues of natural hormones are most popular among obstetricians.

Amniotomy - Opening fruit bubble. It is carried out during a vaginal examination of sterile plastic toolreminiscent of the hook. This procedure is painless, since the fruit bubble is deprived of pain receptors. The mechanism of action of amniotomy is not fully found out. It is assumed that the opening of the fruit bubble, firstly, contributes to mechanical irritation of the generic pathway head of the fetus, and secondly, indirectly stimulates the production of prostaglandins, reinforcing generic activities. Information about the effectiveness of amniotomy contradictory. In general, the opinion is prevailing that amniotomy and without a combination with other methods of stimulation reduces the duration of labor. But this method is not always effective. And if the doctors come to the conclusion that stimulation is required by this woman in labor, and the fetal bubble is still intact, first will be carried out amniotomy, and after it, if necessary, resort to the help of relay drugs.

If amniotomy proceeds without complications, it does not affect the child's condition. Amniotomy is considered safe method, any complications are rare enough. Nevertheless, they exist.

Amniotomy can be represented as cutting well inflated aerial ball. It becomes clear why in some cases both amniotomy and spontaneous bursting of the bubble takes place of cord. This complication threatens the development of acute oxygen deficiency of the fetus due to squeezing the umbilical cord between the fetus head and the generic paths. This situation requires emergency intervention of doctors.

Blood vessels pass through the fruit bubble surface, including quite large. Therefore, if a bubble incision, conducted blindly, will damage such a vessel, it is possible to bleeding, in some cases the child's threatening life.

In order to avoid complications, amniotomy, if possible, try to conduct after the fetus head enters into a small pelvis, squeezing the fetal bubble and vessels passing along its surface. This prevents bleeding and biposts.

If, despite the amniotomy, the generic activity is not activated, the likelihood of the infection of the uterus and the fetus increases, which is no longer protected fruit bubble and amniotic fluid.

Oxytocin - The synthesized analogue of the hormone produced by the pituitary. The action of oxytocin is based on its ability to stimulate the reductions of muscle fibers of the uterus. It is used for the artificial causing of childbirth, with the weakness of generic activity throughout the birth, with postpartum bleeding, for lactation stimulation. To avoid heavy complications, oxytocin does not apply with the abnormal position of the fetus and clinically narrow pelvisWhen the sizes of the pelvic ring are insufficient for independent labor.

Applied oxytocin in the form of tablets, but more often - as a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections and especially intravenous administration. Last option The use of the drug is most common. True, he has a significant drawback: a woman with a drip system connected ("dropper") is very limited in movements.

Different women Differently react to the same doses of oxytocin, so there are no standard schemes for the use of this drug. Doses are selected individually, therefore, when using oxitocin, there is always a risk of overdose with the appearance side Effects.

Oxytocin does not affect the readiness of the cervix to disclosure. In addition, most of the women after oxytocin begins to act, generic pain is intensified, therefore, as a rule, it is used in combination with spasmolitics (drugs relaxing by the muscles of the uterus).

Oxytocin does not apply in the undesirability or impossibility of the birth of a child through natural generic paths, wrong position fetus increased sensitivity to the preparation, the prelation of the placenta, the presence of scars on the uterus, etc.

The most common oxytocin side effects are an excessive contractile activity of the uterus, which can lead to a circulatory impaired in this organ, and, as a result, to the lack of oxygen in the fetus.

Methods affecting the cervix

For a part of the Women, the reason for the slow motion of childbirth is the negotiation of the cervix to disclosure - speaking by the language of doctors, its resistance, or immaturity. The most common method that helps the uterus "Corporate" is the use of prostaglandins.

Prostaglandins - Hormones possessing pronounced influence on the reproductive feature. IN small quantities They are contained in almost all the tissues of the body, but most of them in seed fluid and spindle water. Prostaglandins are able to stimulate a smooth muscles, including Fallopiev pipes, the uterus and her neck. Preparations of this group, like oxytocin, are entered differently. However, the routes of administration, leading to the systemic influence of these drugs (in the form of tablets, solutions for intravenous administration), are not very common. This is due to the fact that, stimulating the uterus about the same effect as oxytocin, they lead to more side phenomena (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, excessive stimulation of uterus cuts, etc.) and, moreover, it is more expensive. Therefore, prostaglandins are often used not to stimulate in the process of childbirth, but for artificial interruption Pregnancy in early timing, artificial causing of childbirth with almost docking or docking pregnancy.

Currently, the method of introducing a viscous gel or candles containing prostaglandins in the vagina or cervical channel is quite widely used. In this case, the method of introducing side effects is minimal, and the effect on the disclosure of the cervix is \u200b\u200bsignificantly. It is also important that with the local introduction of this stimulator of labor, the movements of the woman are not limited.

Of course, there are a lot of funds that enhances generic activities. Many of them are very rarely used during childbirth, but used as a means of dealing with postpartum bleedingwhich occur due to insufficient cutting of the uterus (its hypotension). Among them vegetable preparations (Tea, Barbarisa ordinary, nettle, herbs shepherd bags, spherophysin, etc.). Some funds B. last years Delivered their positions. This applies, for example, to artificially synthesized hormones estrogen, the effectiveness of which is inferior to oxytocin. There are methods that influence the flow of labor, but require additional research, for example, acupuncture.

Unfortunately, the method that would arrange both obsteckers and their patients in all its parameters, until there are no two similar feminine. Therefore, the choice of the method of rhodalesmulation remains behind a doctor who decides, given the conditions for the course of pregnancy, childbirth and individual characteristics women.

Tatyana Zamaynyna
Obstetrician gynecologist
doctor higher category,
medical Center "MEDSWIS"


no, well, it is necessary - I got it then the colole oxytocin, if I had a squat, and the neck did not donate how it is necessary ?? Irry article, thanks!

Thanks for the wonderful article. Everything is written and now it has become clear what and for what.

Here I almost read the intelligible article about stimulation listed various methods Stimulation, their pros and cons. And then most of the articles on this occasion rather "educational" character - that if the doctor appoints stimulation, then it is necessary so necessary, and information is essentially zero. Thanks for the clarification, I think it is interesting to many!

Tell me during which the woman should give birth. After she was put a dropper causing childbirth.

04/15/2007 11:56:57, Victoria

Comment Article "Birth with stimulation"

We need a stimulation council. The second and subsequent childbirth. Stimulation of childbirth without indications .... Medical issues. Pregnancy and childbirth. Yes, it's like everything about her ...


I was given a tablet in the hospital for softening the neck. I do not remember the name. Now I am very sorry, because One intervention is drawn by another. The softness of the neck directly depends on the readiness of the baby to be born. The neck is not ready, it means that he is not ready.
I gave birth to 43 weeks and 4 days. After that, I read on the site of the Nikitin family that they read a lot of literature this issue And it turned out that my term is not the limit. I feel that I would have posed the other day. But because The term was unreal in the opinion of the doctors, I succumbed to their persuasion, which I regret now. In my case, everything was done, but the bubbles are punctured to me, and then they strongly stated that the water was made, there is a threat to infection for a child and at the same time not forgot to climb into me to check every half hour, everything, in the other hand it is easy to keep the non-sterile mobile phone. What only me was not offered to chop, without believing that I myself face than just not intimidated. At the end there were time - half an hour, if the opening is not complete, will be lucky to Cesarevo. And I just needed that I was left alone. Doctors will come to half an hour, the fights are, come - the contractions become less likely. In the end, I expelled them, and everything went to myself. In half an hour I was met. But how many nerves, the excitement it was worth it. Those. Instead of focusing on childbirth, I defended my position with the fight myself for several hours. And it happened all in one of best hospitals In the city ofvid, where people from Moscow come to give birth, under the leadership of the "wonderful" doctor Mämishyeva, who I so wanted to give birth to it.
Now I completely dismissed the desire to give birth in the presence of doctors.
All doctors on paper were calculated by my cycle and could not accept how this happens, and 2 ultrasound in the first and in the second trimester confirmed my terms. They did not believe that it happens, and 2 papers were given to my hands, in which it was written that I had urgent to 41 weeks.
They scared me and the fact that the child inside allegedly suffocates that the doctor will be in the female consultation, the doctor generally stated that after 38 weeks a child down his head was dangerous, in the maternity hospital there was a CTG sensor in such a way that the child began to shudder and from this result ktg It turned out to be terrible, she scrupted and ran with this tablet. I did not want to redo the CTG, I agreed only after I took a pill. It turned out that KTG is normal, just a child before that did not like the position of the sensor on his body.
I do not call for anything, you just described my experience. By the way, my child was born with a weight of distant to the sentence (3600 did not even score).
I wish you relaxed, lungs, independent childbirth !!! The main thing is to configure correctly.

Candles "Buckopan". Very good helped me. 2 candles per day sufficient (in the morning and at night).

Stimulation of childbirth. I do not understand why a woman is allowed to reach 42 weeks, and then they still stimulate childbirth.


under stimulation, what do you mean - oxytocin? It gives continuous contractions that are not only heavy for the mother, but also for a child, the TC is experiencing a permanent and excessive compression to which it may not be ready. Natural contractions are always softer and with breaks.
opening a bubble? Not always the neck opens after it, everything is often ends. Or opens, but the fabric is not enough elastic, hence the gaps and / or episode. By the way, in cases premature birth Almost always make the epise, although the kids are tiny, but the fabric is not yet ready.
it is better to prepare for childbirth and give birth when the term will come. You can always monitor the condition of the baby, umbilical cord and placenta on additional ultrasound.
i gave birth at almost 41 weeks, large kid 4250g, without breaks and cuts. I was preparing for childbirth, I breathed correctly, it was right, helped my baby, and he. And I wish you lungs natural childbirth:)

Now half of the children if no more with hypoxia without all overlapping and stimulation. Plus, not every woman agrees to stimulate and for this you need to lie in advance in the hospital and there is not always there is a place. All individually

What is stimulation? Stimulation is the acceleration of the bouts by introducing an intravenous additional dose of hormone oxytocin, which in childbirth should be produced ...

Stimulation of childbirth without indications .... Medical issues. Pregnancy and childbirth. Stimulation of childbirth without indications ... Almost a horror, but know better than not to know !!!

Most of the birth begins natural way On the time after 37 weeks and progresses the child's birth. In some cases, this is not observed. Birth may not start when they are expected, or there may be medical testimony to earlier child extraction. On the other hand, the births started spontaneously can progress slowly and even stop. Fights may stop or be insufficient to open the cervix and the release of the child (the so-called weakness of generic activity).

Sometimes you can freeze slowly flowing childbirth or change in position. Be patient, do not lose control of yourself. If you are tired or suffering a child, you will be helped to speed up childbirth. If childbirth does not start at 12 o'clock after breaking the fruit bubble, the doctor can offer an artificial calling of generic activity - stimulation.

Stimulation is carried out very carefully. Doctors try to achieve results 1 Fight of 3-5 minutes, no more. During this procedure, doctors monitor mom and child. If after stimulation passes 3-4 hours, and there is no result or there are contraindications to stimulation, then cesarean section is carried out. Problems with the fights and opening of the cervix most often found in women with violations menstrual cycle, from endocrine problems, with inflammation. Before making the stimulation of childbirth, doctors must weigh all the "for" and "against".
Ways to stimulate birth
All methods of stimulation can be formally divided into those that stimulate the contractile ability of the uterus, and those that affect the disclosure of the cervix.

Methods affecting the cervix

For a part of the women, the reason for the slow motion of childbirth is the unaware of the cervix to the disclosure - speaking by the language of doctors, its resistance or immaturity. The most common method that helps the uterus "Corporate" is the use of prostaglandins.

Prostaglandins are hormones that have a pronounced effect on the reproductive function. In small quantities, they are contained in almost all the tissues of the body, but most of them in seed fluid and spindlewater waters. Currently, the method of introducing a viscous gel or candles containing prostaglandins in the vagina or cervical channel is quite widely used.

In this case, the method of administration, unlike the others, the side effects are minimal, and the effect on the opening of the cervix is \u200b\u200bsignificantly. Prostaglandin does not penetrate rolling bubblein which the child is located. They are introduced deep into the vagina in order to speed up, and then reveal the cervix, which, in fact, is starting Childbies themselves. Prostaglandin candles also stimulate the development in your body of prostaglandin, forcing the uterus to shrink. The gels and candles are completely safe, do not roll away your movements until their action has begun (after 30 minutes). In the meantime you can freely move around the room, waiting for the medicine when you begin.

Methods affecting the contractile activity of the uterus

In this group, amniotomy and the analogues of natural hormones obtained by synthetic by the analogues of natural hormones are most popular among obstetricians.

Opening of a fruit bubble
This method has a different name of amniotomy. He lies in the fact that the doctor introduces you a small plastic tool in the vagina resembling long hook. The tool is carried out through the cervix, the fetal bubble is captured and then reveal it, which causes the outpouring of the oily water. This procedure is painless, since the bubble does not have nerve endingsBut may not be quite pleasant. After the water goes out, the pressure inside the uterus drops sharply. The child's head begins to put the pelvis on the dice and open the cervix, which provokes childbirth.

Amniotomy is considered a safe method, it does not affect the state of the child, any complications are rare enough. To avoid complications, amniotomy, if possible, try to carry out after the fetus head enters a small pelvis, squeezing the fetal bubble and vessels passing along its surface. This prevents bleeding and biposts. If nevertheless, the fights do not begin, you may need one or another drug to stimulate the fights, because after wastewater is a large risk that any infection penetrates into the child through the cervix.

This is a synthesized analogue of the hormone produced by the pituitary. The action of oxytocin is based on its ability to stimulate the reductions of muscle fibers of the uterus. Applied oxytocin in the form of tablets, but more often - as a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections and especially intravenous administration. The last use of the drug is most common. True, he has a significant drawback: a woman with a drip system connected ("dropper") is very limited in movements.

Oxytocin does not affect the readiness of the cervix to disclosure. In addition, most of the women after oxytocin begins to act, generic pain is intensified, therefore, as a rule, it is used in combination with spasmolitics (drugs relaxing by the muscles of the uterus). Different women react differently to the same doses of oxytocin, so there are no standard schemes for the use of this drug. Doses are selected individually.

Oxytocin is not used at: the impossibility of the birth of a child through natural labor pathways, the improper position of the fetus, increased sensitivity to the drug, the preservation of the placenta, the presence of scars on the uterus, etc.

The most common oxytocin side effects are an excessive contractile activity of the uterus, which can lead to a circulatory impaired in this organ, and, as a result, to the lack of oxygen in the fetus.
When the stimulation of labor is justified


The most common cause to stimulate birth is the duration of pregnancy more than 40 weeks. This can lead to settings of the munition when the placenta has a less effectively child. Some doctors prefer artificially cause childbirth, when the migration lasts 10 days, others are waiting for two weeks. During the waiting period, the child will be observed to check whether he does not have any complications (lack of oxygen), whether its development has slowdown. Also taken samples of the oily fluid.
Multiple pregnancy after 38 weeks

If you have multiple pregnancyBirths are stimulated after 38 weeks, because the children have already matured, and if they allow them to continue to grow in the uterus, it can cause problems. Also, if the ultrasound, made in 37 or 38 weeks shows that the child is very large, you can be offered to stimulate childbirth in order to avoid the need for cesarean sections. This is a difficult decision, because the weight of the child is difficult to establish with accuracy.
Medical indicators Condition of pregnant or fetus

Some medical records of your condition or kid can also speak in favor of stimulation. Rhow-conflict and some complications with the heart that require operations can oblige a doctor to stimulate childbirth. Stimulation is recommended and if you suffer from gestosis, increased blood pressure or diabetes that worsen your condition or baby condition.
Failure in the process of childbirth
Premature detection of accumulating waters (since the likelihood of infection through the cervix increases);
The cervix does not open;
Weak, rare, short, unstable, irregular contractions for a long time;
Fights suddenly stop;
The uterus is too stretched due to a multi-way, a large child or twins;
If the woman is tired and fully exhausted from bouts.
Is there a risk?

Stimulation of labor should take only medical indications For the well-being of a child or mother. Some rhodium stimulation carries some risk: the childbirth caused artificially, may be more painful than natural; Stimulation may not work, childbirth will not progress, and this will lead to a cesarean section, which in another case would not need.

The stimulation decision is carried out after it is solved that it is more dangerous: to stimulate childbirth or continue waiting. Your doctor must be sure that the child will be better outside the uterus, or if the stimulation is carried out due to the state of your health, which is really necessary.

Even if everything goes smoothly, stimulation still carries discomfort. The fights caused artificially, almost always stronger spontaneous, breaks between them shorter, and the woman in labor has no time to get used to their gradual increasing. In childbirth, which began spontaneously, and then were accelerated, the bouts are also stronger. Their strength can shock. If you are under the drip, then you can not move. You may need more painkillers.

There is a risk I. negative consequences for a child. The child and the introduction of hormones should be under careful observation. If the bouts caused by the administration of oxytocin is stronger than it is necessary for the progression of labor, they can reduce the supply of oxygen to the child. All the fights reduce the supply of oxygen, but the contractions caused artificially, more frequent, and the child has almost no time to recover from them. Completions in the child usually arise precisely with the method of stimulating childbirth.
Stimulation do not conduct if:
The size of the baby's head does not correspond to the size of the pelvis mother;
The child feels bad according to the testimony of the cardiomonitor;
Misconception of a child;
Mother's health problems (for example, seam on the uterus or hypertension)

Good day to everyone who looked to me!

I guess that it was not long before the cherished period. You are thinking where to put a cot, distribute the responsibilities for the care of the future child ...

Well, it's time to discuss some questions about which you have not thought before.

Today we will focus on how childbirth in the hospital stimulate. Sometimes the baby needs an additional impulse to appear on the light. If you are all like this, then understanding the situation will save you from panic.

A few minutes for reading the article - and you will know!

I will list, in what cases obsteckers stimulate childbirth:

  1. Pregnancy transferred.
  2. The accumulate waters were flowing ahead of time
  3. Primary weakness bumps.
  4. Secondary weakness bumps.
  5. The states in which the woman cannot continue to enter the child, and therefore it is necessary to urgently cause childbirth.

For clarity, let's run on this list.

Transferred pregnancy

A deadline when the kid should be born - 41 weeks.

Birth in 42 weeks is already a risk for mom and fetus. The child can grow too big, and his mother will be difficult to give him. On the other hand, the placenta is already aging, and the baby lacks oxygen and nutrients.

Therefore, after 40 weeks, a future mother usually suggest to go to the hospital to watch it and if you need to speed up childbirth.

Premature oral influence

The fetal bubble ripped out, and the water was moved away, but the contractions do not begin. Mom and the baby were in danger: through a defect in the fruit bubble can penetrate infection.

Doctors will do everything to remove the karapuse into the next 12 hours.

Primary generic weakness

This is the case when childbirth began, but for some reason they are bad for some reason. They are rare, weak and short. Their forces are not enough to uncover the cervix.

In such a situation, childbirth can be delayed, and the baby will suffer from lack of oxygen. Therefore, doctors use special preparations for stimulation of bouts.

Secondary generic weakness

It is practically the same. With that difference that the contractions began normally, and then at some point stopped or weakened. Perhaps the birth was delayed, or the child somehow did not eat it.

States in which you can not enter the child

There may be different variants. For example, fetoplacentage failure is a state when the placenta does not cope with its function, and the fruit suffers from a lack of nutrition.

Or severe gestosis in pregnant woman. Or some disease future momin which further pregnancy tool is dangerous for her ...

Fortunately, all this happens rarely. And I will not continue to not scare you.

Not easy solution

Before deciding to stimulate childbirth, obstetres rate several factors at once:

  • How ready to go to the birth of a cervix?
  • What condition is a child?
  • How does mom feel?
  • Is there any contraindications for relatives?

It is impossible to stimulate childbirth if:

  • The uterus has a scar.
  • During past birth, women had heavy gaps.
  • The placenta overlaps the inner zev of the uterus.
  • The cord loop fell and going to be born before the child.
  • The fruit is wrong, space or across the uterus.
  • The woman has some diseases at which it is impossible to give birth naturally.

As you can see, everything is not so simple. Doctors need to weigh all risks and choose a faithful tool.

How do the doctors cause childbirth? What such magic pills and droppers they have?

Now learn.

Assistants doctors

Amniotomy - Opening of the Fed Bubble

Normally, the fruit shells must break when the cervix will completely open.

But sometimes doctors themselves open the fret bubble to speed up the flow of labor. This simple action helps to strengthen (or even cause) contractions.

The mechanism is approximately as follows: after the expulsion of the front oily water, the fetus head is lowered and presses on the inner zev of the uterus. This causes a reflex strengthening of generic activities.

Obstetrices rarely enjoy only amniotomy. But in combination with other methods, it gives an excellent effect.


Prostaglandins are substances that are produced in our organism and manage many processes. There are many prostaglandins, but two: Prostaglandin E2 and Prostaglandin F2α are valid for the generation process.

These strange names gave them scientists, although our assistants deserve more! Judge for yourself.

Prostaglandin E2 is formed in the "kid" part of the placenta and in the cervix. He makes the neck mature and - Attention! - Runs the process of childbirth.

Prostaglandin F2α is produced in the "mother's" part of the placenta and in the muscles of the uterus. It supports the power of bumps when they have already begun.

Pharmacologists synthesized both of these substances, and now they are in the arsenal of obstetricians in the form of tablets, gel, candles or solutions.

When a pregnancy is tooling or in cases where it is urgent to cause childbirth, Prostaglandin E2 comes to the rescue.

It is introduced into the cervical channel or in the vagina in the form of a gel or candles. As a result, the cervix ripens and reveals literally for counting hours, and then childbirth.

With primary generic weakness Helps prostaglandin F2α. With him usually make a dropper.


This is a hormone that increases the tone of the uterus. Oxytocin is the oldest tool for relaxation. BUT B. lately Obsters use them carefully.

It turned out that the introduction of oxytocin badly affects the child, he decreases adaptive opportunities.

Therefore, doctors resort to oxytocin only in extreme cases and try to combine it with prostaglandins to reduce the dose.

Here, in fact, all. In each particular case, obstetrician doctors act on the situation, guided by special protocols.

These are documents described by medical tactics, indications and contraindications for all manipulations and medicinal preparations. Protocols exist in order to protect the doctors from errors. And obstetres clearly adhere to them.

I wish you and baby happy, urgent natural childbirth! Let today's information serve only for your calm.

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Anastasia Smolinets

Wise nature gives a woman whole nine months to prepare to become a mother. And finally, the long-awaited moment came. In obstetrics it is believed that the process of bruises and childbirth from primary women should last eighteen hours, at the secondary giving birth - twelve. But sometimes the strong attacks pose, and the doctors state a weak generic activity in the woman in labor. It is in this case that gynecologists resort to stimulation. The statistics of binding in Russia shows that only seven women from a hundred is required to stimulation. Artificial stimulation of childbirth must be held in the hospital (maternity hospital) with the direct participation of the gynecologist's doctor.

When do the doctors prescribe a childbirth stimulation?

  • Weak generic activity that does not allow fully opening the neck of the uterus, forcing obstetricians to resort to artificial stimulation childbirth. For stimulation, primary women begin after six hours from the beginning of the battle, in repeatedly - after three hours.
  • For urgent stimulation, obstetrics resorted when full-fledged contractions weaken with time, become short, and the cervix does not open.
  • The stimulation is prescribed if the water moved away, and the bouts did not come.
  • It is resorted to stimulation during multi-way. Most often, a large number of Waters says O. large child or twins.
  • In case the manufacture has exhausted due to lengthy bouts.
  • The feminine often needs stimulation, if she has a history of diabetes, or it suffers from chronic heart disease, liver, kidney, which aggravated during pregnancy.
  • The manufacturer has a heavy late toxicosis or its placenta works unsatisfactory, with the result that the fruit is starving.
  • Stimulation is prescribed with the early breakdown of the fruit bubble.

At what week of pregnancy doctors are forced to resort to stimulation?

Births stimulate artificially, if the fruit is ripe, and the fights do not occur. Obstechers resort to artificial stimulation if more than two weeks have passed after the estimated period of childbirth - at 42 weeks of pregnancy. However, as shown by the latest statistics, about 4% give birth to children independently (without stimulation) and after 42 weeks of pregnancy. The decision on the need for artificial stimulation takes the doctor!


  • The fetus head is too big. Anatomical structure Pregnant woman does not allow her to give birth independently without additional stimulation.
  • The fetus is determined by signs of hypoxia.
  • Pathology in the position of the fetus in the uterus.
  • Mother had previously been operating - Caesarean section.

Methods of stimulation of childbirth in the hospital: amniotomy, oxytocin, prostaglandins

Translated from the English "LABOUR" ( birth pains) Mean "Work". And no one will challenge such a definition. After all, childbirth, indeed, painful and pretty tedious work, to cope with which is not every woman. In order not to cause harm to the child, doctors are quite often resorted to stimulation. We will tell about three methods of stimulation to which obstetrics are most willingly resorting.


Amniotomy - operational opening of the fetal bubble. This simple operation is carried out with the help of a branch - a medical instrument resembling a hook.

When aminotomy is assigned:

  • With transferred pregnancy.
  • For serious problems With the heart of the woman in labor.
  • In gestosis (complications in the form of edema, convulsion, sharp increase in pressure, etc.).
  • With exacerbation of XP. diseases in the prenatal period.
  • When protruding the fruit bubble in the neck.

After this procedure, the contractions begin within 12 hours. In the absence of generic activities, doctors prescribe medical preparations Or resort to surgery - Caesarean section. Quite often, this manipulation is carried out directly during childbirth.

Amniotomy is customary to:

  • Dorodovo - Challenge premature birth. For example, when the fruit bubble is prolapping.
  • Early - The contractions began, and the neck is revealed in less than six cm.
  • Timely - The neck is fully open, and the fights are weak.
  • Related - There are swells, and the fruit bubble did not break.

Contraindication of this manipulation:

  • Pathological prelationship of the fetus.
  • The fruit has big weight (more than three kg).
  • Pregnancy term less than 38 weeks
  • The presence of vaginal herpes in the female in labor.
  • Intrauterine hypoxia.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Violation of the integrity of the uterine wall - scars.

This operation is carried out in the maternity hospital. Doctor with a brunch makes a small hole in fruit sheath. By controlling the number of accumulating waters, the obster with hands gradually expands the hole. After this procedure, the pregnant women should lie at least half an hour. The doctor tracks the state of the woman in labor, the fetus and fixes the beginning of the bouts.

This procedure, as medical statistics, secure. However, the obstetrics emphasize that childbirth is quite rapid.


GHG is active biological substances that effectively used to stimulate childbirth. These substances activate the production of hormone oxytocin.

Today, drugs that include PG are manufactured and applied in various dosage forms. It can be vaginal tablets, solutions, vaginal gels. In obstetricians, a vaginal gel with prostaglandin E2 is becoming greater popularity. This gel is produced in the syringe (one-time). The drug is introduced into the cervix or in the vaginal arch. Generic processAs a rule, it starts 30-60 minutes after the administration of the drug.

Prostaglandin can be introduced by the Genuineer intravenously - drip.

Vaginal gel can be used even with available chronic diseases In the guinea, it does not affect the health of the fetus.


This hormone is produced in the hypothalamus, then it enters the rear share of the pituitary gland, and already from there in the blood. The level of this hormone is significantly increasing in the ninth month of pregnancy. The maximum amount is released at night. It is not surprising that most newborn appear at night. Oxytocin tones the uterus and makes the neck reveal. He is also responsible for strengthening lactation.

With weak generic activity, oxycin is prescribed for stimulation and accelerating the delivery.


  • Gives the tone of smooth muscles of the uterus.
  • Increases and strengthens the frequency of its abbreviations.
  • Reveals the entrance to the uterus.
  • Applies additional forces to a woman.

The introduction of hormone after childbirth contributes:

  • Reduction of the mammary glands.
  • Active isolating milk from the chest.
  • The correct development of the CNS in the child.
  • Sometimes this hormone is used to stop uterine bleeding.

Oxytocin has a psychotropic effect, he soothes the fever, causing her feeling of pleasure. Thanks to this hormone, a woman stops afraid of childbirth.

Contraindications for use of oxytocin:

  • Pathological position of the fetus.
  • Big fetal head.
  • Tumor cervix or her immaturity.
  • Minema scars.
  • Undesirable application this drug Under the uterus, the fetus hypoxia.

The course of this procedure

  • Oxytocin is introduced drip strictly according to a specific scheme. For royal bleeding It is introduced intramuscularly to three times a day.
  • For cesarean section Hormone is introduced directly to the muscle muscle itself.
  • The effect of the drug occurs within three to five minutes.

In recent years, the oxytocin in recently is administered intravenously with an electronic device of infusomat. This device is as accurate as possible. required amount The drug entering the blood of the feminine. Due to this apparatus, an intravenous administration of a hormone microindose was possible, which allowed the doctors to control the strength and intensity of bruses.

Possible consequences of childbirth and mom's stimulation

All of the above stimulation contribute to returning to the natural processing process, they only adjust small deviations. Some mammies mistakenly consider the stimulation of generic activity not only harmful, but also dangerous.

Undoubtedly, the need to stimulate childbirth accept obstetrician doctors. First spend careful examinationThe results are analyzed, all "for" and "counter" are weighed. And only after that the obstetrics decide which technique is best suited to a particular guinea. Many women believe that inexperienced doctors begin to stimulate in advance so that the woman would give birth to the end of their shift. Sometimes it happens. But, as a rule, stimulation is applied solely in cases where it is vital.

Attitude towards stimulation is different even from doctors. Some two hands "For". Others, referring to possible complicationsIt is believed that these techniques should be applied only in critical cases. They confirm their opinion the fact that the kids that have emerged by stimulation, more often suffer from various neurological problems.

TO negative moments You can attribute:

  • Painful contractions.
  • Restriction in the movements of the feminine. A woman put a dropper, and it is forced to lie in the same position.
  • It is quite rare, but still it happens that stimulation leads to the hypoxia of the fetus.

I would like to note that the correctly chosen technique and drugs, in a timely manner decision The beginning of stimulation - saved lives to very many kids and their mothers.

In most cases, stimulation helps speed up the course of childbirth without provoking any complications.

Is it possible to apply folk methods to stimulate birth at home?

Many women ask if there is safe methods Stimulation at home? Of course have. You can provoke the beginning of labor with physical activity. For example, to like the stairs up-down. Or - start rubbing nipples. But how appropriate to stimulate childbirth? Maybe you should wait when it starts natural process. After all, the estimated initial date of birth is far from exact date. Before starting any actions aimed at stimulating childbirth, it is necessary to consult with the doctor, pass KTG and make an ultrasound.

Promotions of artificial stimulation at home

  • Massage nipples. When stimulating nipples, the body begins to more intensively produce oxytocin hormone. On the action of this hormone, we wrote above. Massage consists of rotational movements under which the entire palm is involved. Massaging you need every chest to fifteen minutes. The entire session should last one hour. You need it three times a day.
  • Intimate intimate proximity is a safe way for stimulation.
  • Some women helps reception acute foodHowever, most such food causes heartburn. Therefore, apply this method It is necessary with great care.
  • Our grandmothers to speed up the delivery process, drank a decoction from raspberry leaves. In some countries, women for the same purpose use pineapple pulp and sea cabbage.

What is categorically impossible to be done to stimulate the generic activity?

  • Do not take any tablets, do not put injections and do not do at home dropper.
  • Independent application medical methods Stimulation can lead to irreparable consequences.

A pregnant woman lives in anticipation of the day when her long-awaited kid will appear. Before childbirth, the lady should familiarize themselves with the information: how the childbirth proceeds how to facilitate this process, how to stimulate childbirth in the hospital. These knowledge may be needed at any time.

Stimulating childbirth in the hospital is a serious moment that provokes the beginning of a generic activity for a very a short time. This process is required carefully. Doctors try to bring the woman to such a state so that the frequency of the battle was about one at 3-4 minutes. If after 4 hours the stimulation does not give results, then the woman produces a cesarean section.

Doctors cause contractions in the maternity hospital in two ways: mechanical or biological.

How to stimulate childbirth in the maternity hospital:

  1. disconnection of the membrane;
  2. foley catheter;
  3. amniotomy;
  4. laminaria;
  5. oral;
  6. hormone.

Disconnecting the membrane. Gynecologist, separates the membrane with a finger inserting it into the vagina. This action provokes an organism on the production of prostaglandin hormone, which runs the process.

Foley catheter. Splashing cervical Canalfilled with water. As a result, the fetal bubble is peeling from the bottom of the uterus. The mother's body begins to produce prostaglandin and starts the stimulation of generic activities.

Amniotomy is a puncture of a fetal bubble. Cause childbirth in the maternity hospital in this way. A plastic crochet is puzzled by an intertwine bubble and slowly descends amniotic fluid.

Laminaria. Small sticks made of sea algae. They are able to carefully affect the cervix. Preparing her and launching the production of prostaglandin.

Oral. Now they often begin to stimulate childbirth in the maternity hospital. Taking a tablet containing a synthetic anti-subsugen. This substance causes the muscles of the uterus, thereby causing contractions. If within 24 hours the process does not begin, then the woman is offered to take another tablet.

Hormone. Doctors, stimulate childbirth introducing gumsons oxytocin or prostaglandin into the body. The first hormone provokes a reduction in the uterus and is introduced intravenously, dropper. The second is responsible for the disclosure of the uterus, it is introduced vaginally, that is, in the form of a candle or gel. The hormonal method is considered the safest. The reasons when caused childbirth in the maternity hospital can be found at the attending physician.

Health workers are used various methods Stimulation of childbirth in the maternity hospital. What exactly will be used for the patient is solved by doctors individually.

How is the birth in the hospital stimulate? The safest and frequently used gynecologist method is to stimulate the process using hormonal means.


What time does the birth stimulate? The stimulation process is started when the cervix matte matters. This moment comes to 37-38 weeks, and also if the patient overesses the period for more than 10 days.

Women can stimulate childbirth. In the case when the term approached, and the body is ready for their actions and deeds provoke delivery.

All women want to spend their baby on their own, without any interference. But this may not always. There are options in which independent birth The child is impossible or not recommended.

In what cases cause childbirth:

  • for intrauterine development The child does not receive the desired amount of nutrients;
  • infection occurred or the amount of amniotic fluid decreased;
  • the poor functioning of the placenta, as a result, stimulation is required during childbirth;
  • gap of the octoplate shell;
  • the term of pregnancy exceeded 42 weeks;
  • availability sugar diabetes W. future mommyIn this case, the placenta begins to age earlier or, it is possible that the kid will be large;
  • the presence of eats high pressure and protein in the patient's urine, while medical treatment Do not give in, it means that you need to cause childbirth;
  • chronic diseases that threaten the life and health of mom and baby;
  • the presence of rhesv conflict;
  • fights irregular and sluggish.

These are basic indications when they stimulate childbirth in the hospital. They are aimed at preserving the life and health of the child and mom.

How to help yourself give birth faster in the maternity hospital? Physical exercise, Morning gymnastics or just walking contributes to the start of the process. This is added to the massage of the nipples. You need to do it carefully. During massage in the body, the patient produces oxytocin, which stimulates the process.

Taking before childbirth 50 gr. castor Oil, diluted in juice, a woman cleans his intestines. As a result, the uterus is reduced. But these abbreviations rarely lead to childbirth, long-term contractions occur. As a result, the kid at that time comes oxygen starvation. Before using any option call, it is required to consult with a gynecologist.

Pros and cons

Stimulate childbirth or not? On this issue, few women think in advance. And in vain, because any interference in the natural process of the root evidence is affected negatively primarily on the baby. Childbirth after stimulation often proceeds rapidly, the child does not have time to even prepare for this procedure. Therefore, often kids have hypoxia, blood circulation is disturbed, injuries at birth. This leads to damage to the central nervous system.

It takes several months and the consequences of such a procedure will be visible to a neurologist. It will reveal neurosy-reflex excitability, muscular dystonia, closure, sleep disorder. When the child is a year, then the delay of speech, hyperactivity, walking on your fingers, attention deficit. Therefore, before you agree to stimulation, a woman must think well.

Why cause childbirth in the hospital? Starting with 39 weeks, doctors in some cases provoke contractions. This is done in cases where a woman is not able to delete themselves or she has contraindications to natural birth. Come on the reception in female consultation You can consult why cause childbirth in the hospital. The gynecologist will tell in detail about this procedure so that the feminine is not worried.

What kind of childbirth is better? This question is impossible to give an unequivocal response. Entering the hospital and deciding to the challenge the fights, the patient does not choose which method she likes more. This is the priority of the attending physician. He meets all the medical data, conducts the necessary types of surveys and only after that it decides what method of stimulation is better suited in this case.

Future mom must understand that no one will interfere without significant testimony natural move process. But if deviations were found, then the main thing is, at this point, think about good and tune in to positive.