Is it possible to constantly take papaverine. Papaverine suppositories. Interaction with other medicinal products

During pregnancy, a woman tries to protect herself from different kinds negative influences and factors that can lead to complications. And this includes not only all kinds of diseases, but also disorders, experiences, as well as stressful situations that pose a threat to normal development baby and preservation of pregnancy. Unfortunately, it is far from always possible to isolate oneself from stress and, at times, situations arise that require medical care. Nervous tension and stress causes anxiety in the baby, because of which he becomes mobile. Its movements make the uterus tense, increasing its tone, which can cause it to contract and threaten to maintain pregnancy. In this case, in order to prevent negative consequences the doctor may prescribe special drugs, one of which is papaverine suppositories during pregnancy.

Suppositories Papaverine or Papaverine hydrochloride, refers to the drugs of the antispasmodic group, the purpose of which is to relax smooth muscle cells. Its effect is on all systems and organs. human body, in which there are smooth muscles, including the vessels. It is this drug that is one of the few remedies that are so often used during the period of bearing a baby.

Suppositories Papaverine or Papaverine hydrochloride during pregnancy are administered rectally, while the drug does not have any negative impact on the fetus, but, on the contrary, helps to maintain a pregnancy with the threat of termination, since it perfectly reduces increased tone uterus and blood flow in the placental-uterine circle.

The main action of the drug is aimed at:

  • decline muscle tension and muscle relaxation internal organs;
  • improving blood circulation in the soft muscles, especially in the muscles of the uterus;
  • decline blood pressure with a sharp increase;
  • stabilization of the heart rate.

The drug is produced in three types:

  • pills;
  • solutions for injection (intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous);
  • rectal suppositories.

During pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe not only papaverine suppositories, but also an injection solution. And here it is important to take into account one point: if intravenous injections are prescribed, then they should be carried out only in a hospital under the constant supervision of a doctor.

The introduction of this form of the drug should be carried out very slowly. When prescribing subcutaneous or intramuscular injections can be treated at home.

Most often, during pregnancy, doctors prescribe exactly candles with papaverine. This form of release is versatile and quite convenient, which allows you to quickly reduce to normal state if necessary.

Overstrain of the uterus during the development of a baby in it can lead to a miscarriage by early dates and - at the later ones. The uterine muscles cannot relax on their own. A child growing in it constantly stretches its walls, which leads to strong tension.

Indications for use

Among the direct indications for the use of Papaverine in different forms you can note:

  1. Threatened miscarriage due to hypertonicity of the uterus. It is this reason that is most often the basis for the appointment of Papaverine during pregnancy.
  2. Arterial hypertension... Thanks to the drug, high blood pressure occurs gently, without posing a threat to the fetus.
  3. Colic of various kinds. For example, intestinal, renal, hepatic. In this case, the substance relaxes the excretory ducts that have undergone spasms, restoring the natural functions of the organ and removing pain.
  4. Bronchial spasm... Thanks to the action of the drug, the lungs are relaxed and quick recovery normal respiratory function; and general improvement.
  5. Availability high temperature body. In this case, papaverine can be used as part of a lytic mixture.

Can papaverine hydrochloride suppositories be used during pregnancy?

For a period of nine months of bearing a baby, few women will not resort to the help of this drug at least once. Someone reduces their increase in the tone of the uterus regularly, while someone uses the remedy only occasionally, for example, after a hard day's work or a long stay on their feet, as well as during the period severe stress to rid yourself of possible problems and eliminate risks to the fetus.

The instructions for papaverine suppositories during pregnancy say that there is no data indicating the effect of the drug on the body. Moreover, in the course of clinical observations over the course of many years of the use of the drug by pregnant women, no negative impact the fetus and the course of pregnancy have not been established. Of course, it is not worth prescribing such a drug on your own, since only a specialist can correctly assess the condition female body and establish the need for the drug.

Papaverine hydrochloride has a pronounced antispasmodic effect of myotropic nature, affecting not only the muscles of the uterus, but also the smooth muscles of many other organs, for example, the respiratory, urinary, reproductive systems. The action of the tool extends to gastrointestinal tract... Influencing the smooth muscles of the vessels, the drug promotes their expansion, which significantly improves blood flow and reduces pressure. During pregnancy, Papaverine is most often used to eliminate spasms of many internal organs, peripheral vessels and cerebral vessels, bronchi, uterine hypertonicity and improvement of placental blood flow.

The dosage of suppositories with papaverine during pregnancy is determined by the doctor, but in most cases, suppositories should be administered 2 to 4 times a day, while observing equal time intervals. The duration of treatment in each case will be individual, it depends on the symptoms and condition of the patient. On average, treatment can last from several days to a month, but sometimes longer.

Once in the rectum, the candle begins to dissolve under the influence of body temperature, gradually releasing medicinal substance which is absorbed into the bloodstream and supplied circulatory system to all organs, affecting the vessels along the way. Under the action of the drug, the level of excitability of the uterine muscles is significantly reduced, painful sensations and stress, at the same time, blood pressure also decreases, which is necessary for many pregnant women to later dates.
So, to the question of where to put suppositories with papaverine during pregnancy, each doctor will answer - into the rectum exclusively by the rectal method. In no case should they be used vaginally.

Contraindications and side effects

Each drug has side effects, as well as prohibitions and restrictions on its use. Given the hypotensive effect, the drug should not be used by women with hypotension (low blood pressure).

The use of papaverine suppositories during pregnancy is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • the presence of ocular glaucoma;
  • heart rhythm disorder;
  • tachycardia;
  • the presence of atrioventricular block;
  • severe hepatic or renal failure;
  • allergic reaction on any component of the drug.

In some cases, suppositories can only be used with caution, and this category includes not only pregnancy, but also disruption of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland functions, and also with hypothyroidism.

Special attention should be paid to the use of papaverine suppositories during the period breastfeeding... To date, there is no reliable data on the effect of the substance on the baby during this period. However, doctors in many clinics and scientific centers do not recommend using suppositories during lactation. If there is an urgent need for their use, it is better to temporarily (for the period of therapy) wean the baby from the breast, and after treatment, resume feeding.

Despite the good healing effect and safety for the baby, it is not worth abusing the use of papaverine suppositories.

Among side effects most often observed:

  • hyperemia skin caused by excessive dilation of blood vessels;
  • itching;
  • a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness due to the sedative effect of the agent;
  • dizziness, darkening in the eyes when changing body position;
  • heart rhythm disorder;
  • lowering the level of blood pressure (sometimes below the permissible minimum values);
  • unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations in the abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • increased sweating.

Despite the safety of Papaverine for fetal development and effective assistance the drug in terms of maintaining pregnancy, self-medication is not worth it.

Only a doctor should prescribe the use of papaverine suppositories during pregnancy if there are indications for this drug and the need for its use. Therefore, if any symptoms of malaise, colic, tension of the uterus appear, if severe stressful situations, you must immediately consult a doctor. Suppositories with papaverine can significantly alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman if all the doctor's recommendations on the method of using the drug are followed. And when a woman knows where to insert suppositories with papaverine during pregnancy, this will help her quickly relieve tension in the uterus, which is a very important point.

Useful video about uterine hypertonicity


During the carrying of the baby, the expectant mother with special care tries to protect herself from all kinds of things that can cause a complication of pregnancy. These are any diseases, and painful conditions, and that pose a certain threat to bearing a baby. And yet sometimes, despite all the efforts of the pregnant woman, it also happens that such conditions still overtake her. Some of them require the use of medications for adjustment, which makes the expectant mother even more worried.

It is known that the period of pregnancy, if possible, should exclude the use of any medications- in order to avoid negative consequences for the pregnancy itself and the rapidly developing baby. However, there are medicines that have been tested by time and experience, which, if necessary, can only go to the mother's benefit and alleviate certain conditions, while not harming the baby in any way. One such remedy is papaverine: an antispasmodic drug that relaxes and eliminates painful conditions.

Papaverine today can be found in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories, and injection solution. However, during the gestation of a baby, in most cases, just candles with papaverine are prescribed. This versatile and easy-to-use tool can save the expectant mother from many misfortunes, threatening pregnancy... So, for example, the most common prescription of the form of a candle with papaverine during pregnancy, if a woman has a condition such as.

With hypertonicity, the muscles of the uterus, which is the "house" of the baby, is in constant tension, which is fraught with premature termination of pregnancy. In order to avoid miscarriage, it is necessary to relax the muscles of the uterus and give the baby the opportunity to develop without risks. Suppositories with papaverine during pregnancy can cope with hypertonicity of the uterus, since this medicine has a pronounced antispasmodic effect: suppositories lower and relieve the tension of the smooth muscles of the internal organs. In addition, with the regular use of candles, a slight sedative effect is felt: a woman becomes calmer, and even a slowdown in heart rhythms occurs: the heart stops pounding and brings anxiety.

Despite the fact that many sources indicate that it is allegedly undesirable to use papaverine when carrying a child, however, the long-term use of this medicine testifies to the opposite. Almost all mothers who used candles with papaverine during pregnancy carried and gave birth to strong babies without any negative consequences. Many years of experience in using papaverine proves that suppositories with papaverine have absolutely no effect on the baby, and at the same time they neutralize the threat of involuntary abortion associated with uterine hypertonicity. The only thing is that candles with papaverine during pregnancy in some individual cases can cause certain side effects in the mother. Among them are nausea, drowsiness, increased sweating,. The use of suppositories can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions or a drop in blood pressure - but all this is only in isolated cases. Basically, suppositories with papaverine during pregnancy are relatively easy to carry, and can even be used for quite a long time.

Despite the fact that candles do not pose a threat to the fetus, it is not permissible to self-medicate: candles with papaverine should be used during pregnancy only after consulting a doctor, who determines the dosage. As a rule, suppositories are prescribed at the rate of 2-3 suppositories per day at regular intervals. The form of the drug is convenient to use: women can inject candles with papaverine during pregnancy on their own, and they begin to act almost immediately after dissolution. Contraindications to the appointment of suppositories with papaverine during pregnancy are problems in the expectant mother with the liver, tachycardia, increased intraocular pressure, thyroid disorders.

Specially for - Tatiana Argamakova

From the guest

Now I accept it, it became calmer, pregnancy is the first 4 weeks. The strong spasms are gone, I am saved by them. There is no constipation, on the contrary, the stool has become better. I did not cause allergies either. Everything will work out!

From the guest

Wonderful candles! They got rid of tonicity in the early stages of pregnancy.

From the guest

Highly good drug... I read about the "side effects" and I can say that I did not notice anything like that ... On the contrary, after the candles the chair got better (before that there were constipation periodically). Hypertonicity is almost the entire pregnancy and only candles are saved.

Pregnancy for any woman is a pretty serious challenge in life. This period is both difficult and wonderful. The expectant mother is often worried about her condition. In addition, various ailments are added to these experiences. It is worth noting that most often a woman should not use practically any medicines, since they have a lot of contraindications. To alleviate the general condition of expectant mothers, experts use Papaverine.

Papaverine is a This drug reduces pressure and relieves muscle tension in human organs. If you take a very high dose of this drug, you may experience a sedative effect. In addition, in such a situation, it even slows down a little. Papaverine is currently available in several forms. These are ampoules for injections, tablets and Papaverine during pregnancy are most often prescribed in the form of rectal vents. However, injections of this drug are sometimes required. If expectant mother prescribed just this type of injections, they should be done only under the supervision of a specialist. The reason for this is that papaverine is given intravenously during pregnancy. The injection is done very slowly, and the patient's condition is constantly monitored. Papaverine for pregnant women is used to reduce This state not uncommon these days. Hypertonicity of the uterus can provoke premature birth or a common miscarriage.

Papaverine significantly improves uterine blood flow. It renders positive impact on general state fetus. The doctor who prescribes this drug tells the expectant mother why it is done and what properties Papaverine has. The daily dose of the product in the form of suppositories is two to three pieces per day. They must be inserted at regular intervals. In the form of injections, Papaverine during pregnancy is prescribed in an amount of no more than twenty to twenty-five milligrams per day. This amount is diluted in physical solution and injected intravenously. Separately, papaverine during pregnancy is administered in the form of subcutaneous or intramuscular injection... The dosage is reduced to two milliliters. Injections qualified specialist does two to four times a day. It should be noted that given view the injections are very painful, and bruises and bruises remain in their place.

Papaverine has contraindications. In addition, it can cause an allergic reaction or some side effects. After an injection of Papaverine, a pregnant woman may have a drop in blood pressure or have slight difficulties with bowel movements. Women often feel tired and sleepy after taking the drug. In most cases, Papaverine during pregnancy is safe for both the expectant mother and her unborn child. The fairer sex need not worry about this occasion, because Papaverine has long been tested by time.

Papaverine during pregnancy is very often taken with longer courses. This does not affect the children in any way. The doctor will never prescribe this drug a woman who has problems with some organs, for example, with the liver. In addition, Papaverine is contraindicated for those who suffer from tachycardia, thyroid diseases.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that you should not, in any case, self-medicate with Papaverine. If a pregnant woman has uterine hypertonicity, which was already mentioned above, she may be prescribed other medications, for example, containing magnesium and vitamin B6. These elements relax the muscles. this body... A qualified gynecologist will help you choose exactly those drugs that are recommended for women in an interesting position.

Suppositories with papaverine have antispasmodic and hypotensive properties. Simply put, they have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of a woman's body during pregnancy.

The antispasmodic properties of the suppository will help the doctor
Papaverine pregnant care
the doctor has exercises clothes

One of positive sides is a decrease in the tension of the internal organs, but at the same time such an effect on the skeletal muscles does not appear. They do not cause weakness in the body.

Indications for prescribing the drug

Among the main indications for use are seen:

  • decreased uterine tone;
  • improvement of blood flow in the uteroplacental system;
  • vasodilation;
  • elimination of spasms of smooth muscles of the abdominal cavity;
  • improving the functioning of the kidneys, bronchi, as well as peripheral vessels.

One of the main advantages of a drug on this basis is its cost. So, the price of candles during pregnancy is very affordable, and the release of the drug with papaverine is possible without a doctor's prescription. However, this drug should not be used unauthorizedly, as it can cause irreparable harm to the baby's health.

These suppositories have antispasmodic properties.

Consider the reasons for prescribing the drug by trimester.

As you can see, papaverine hydrochloride suppositories during pregnancy have some contraindications. However, in the early stages of waiting for the baby, they are used as a means that is safest due to the peculiarities of absorption.

In the later stages, the effect of such suppositories lasts longer than that of other medicines due to slower absorption.

Instructions for using the product

If you have been prescribed this drug, and you do not know where to insert suppositories containing papaverine during pregnancy, carefully read the instructions.

It says:

  • the maximum daily dosage should not exceed 2-3 candles;
  • they need to be used at equal time intervals;
  • candles are inserted directly into the vagina;
  • the action of the drug begins immediately after the dissolution of the candle.

According to the instructions for use for candles, this drug during pregnancy has the following properties.

  1. Reduces muscle tension in internal organs.
  2. Reduces blood pressure.
  3. Promotes blood supply to the soft muscles of the uterus.
  4. Has a sedative effect.
  5. Stabilizes the heart rate.

This tool is available in the following forms:

  • injection;
  • pills;
  • rectal suppositories.

The doctor will help you determine which form of the drug you need.

The doctor will help you choose the form of the drug

In the early stages of waiting for the baby, the priority will be given to rectal drugs. Here, the doctor is obliged to take into account all the individual characteristics of the patient and indicate how to take papaverine suppositories during pregnancy.

The duration of therapy depends on the situation. As a rule, it is 2-3 weeks, but there are cases of longer use. That is why self-medication is not worth it, it is better to consult a doctor.

Very often, during pregnancy, it is necessary to relieve tension from the internal organs, while leaving the rest of the muscles in good shape, for which they prescribe candles containing papaverine. All analgesics have a similar effect, so their combined use is allowed. For example, a couple of this drug is often no-shpa, but such a decision must be made by the attending physician, so as not to make it worse.

In the later stages, papaverine suppositories can also be used in combination with other drugs, the range of which is already much wider. For example, therapy with barbiturates enhances the effect of papaverine.

Before using papaverine suppositories during pregnancy, read possible contraindications and side effects:

  • itching sensations may appear, this is due to a vasodilating effect, which is useful for relieving muscle tension, but can harm the skin;
  • excess papaverine can cause a decrease blood pressure to values ​​below normal;
  • in exceptional cases, this drug can cause heart rhythm disturbances;
  • some patients also experience nausea.

Contraindications for use are:

  • low blood pressure;
  • bronchospasm;
  • colic of various nature in case of a threat of miscarriage due to overactive uterus.

Despite the fact that the remedy is designed to relieve the tension of the uterus, in exceptional cases its use is still not allowed, so you should definitely consult with specialists.

Papaverine has a sedative effect

Opinion and feedback of patients

To get the opinion of women who have tried the action this tool, we will give a few reviews about candles with papaverine during pregnancy.

Ekaterina Avdeeva:

She got pregnant pretty quickly. I got registered, passed all the tests and enjoyed my "position". At the next visit to the gynecologist at 20 weeks, the doctor diagnosed the threat of termination of pregnancy. I was prescribed a variety of drugs, among which was this drug. They told in detail how to take all the funds and where to introduce candles with papaverine during pregnancy. As prescribed, she inserted candles at night, in the morning and in the afternoon. The effect was immediate, I was even surprised, because the drug is quite affordable. The tension in the abdominal area subsided very quickly, and at the next appointment I was told that everything had returned to normal. I am grateful to my doctor and such an excellent drug.

All expectant mothers are convinced that during pregnancy it is better to refrain from taking drugs... Many of them are afraid of negative consequences for themselves and for the baby.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to avoid drug treatment... However, there are many drugs that will only benefit the pregnant woman and will not harm the unborn baby. In the list of such drugs, there will definitely be a place for candles with papaverine. They are used frequently during pregnancy and give excellent results.

Indications for the use of suppositories with papaverine

First of all, suppositories with papaverine during pregnancy are designed to reduce the tone of the uterus. This complaint is the most common one among pregnant women. In addition, tone is serious threat for the health and life of the baby.

The antispasmodic properties of the drug also affect the blood vessels: papaverine gently reduces high blood pressure.

Suppositories perfectly eliminate pain sensations arising from spasms of internal organs. Papaverine can help out in many situations when antispasmodics or vasodilators are needed.

“How does papaverine affect the development of the baby? Are candles with papaverine harmful during pregnancy? " - Doctors who monitor pregnancy often hear similar questions in their offices. Expectant mothers can be calm. You don't have to worry about the effect of papaverine on the health of the unborn child. The drug was taken by more than one generation of pregnant women, and more than one million babies have been born since then. Side effects affecting the child have not been identified during this time. We can safely say that the safety of papaverine has been verified not only by the necessary clinical trials, but also over the years.

Suppository names different manufacturers slightly different:

  • Papaverine;
  • Papaverine hydrochloride;
  • Suppositories with papaverine hydrochloride.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug is absorbed in the stomach and small intestine. After entering the bloodstream, it binds to plasma proteins. Papaverine is accumulated by the body, being retained mainly in adipose tissues and in the liver. The kidneys and liver break down papaverine almost completely, and the remaining insignificant amount is excreted naturally unchanged. Papaverine is not addictive.

Papaverine interferes with the action of the enzyme phosphodiesterase. As a result, cyclic adenosine monophosphate loses its ability to decompose, lingering in smooth muscle tissues, as well as in striated muscles, preventing them from contracting. Large doses of papaverine can reduce the heart rate.

Method of using suppositories with papaverine during pregnancy

The manufacturer's instructions indicate that the daily dosage of papaverine is 2-3 suppositories. They are injected rectally at regular intervals.

First trimester

In the first weeks of pregnancy, when placental barrier has not yet been formed, the list of safe medicines is very small. Therefore, as antispasmodics, candles with papaverine in early pregnancy are in great demand.

At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman may suffer from toxicosis, so it is better to refuse pills to relieve spasms. In addition, the action of the candles is much longer: active substance absorbed more slowly and the result from the action of papaverine in suppositories can be felt throughout the whole day.

Until the 16th week, excessive tension of the uterus is most often caused by a low concentration of the hormone progesterone in the body of the pregnant woman. For this reason, papaverine suppositories are combined with hormone therapy.

Second trimester

At this time, the list of approved medicines is much wider, therefore, to preserve the health of a woman and her baby, drugs of a more radical action, for example, ginipral or magnesia, can be used.

Suppositories with papaverine are already used as a remedy for painful sensations or to lower pressure to maintain the condition of a pregnant woman until the moment when she can consult a doctor.

Third trimester

Suppositories with papaverine in late pregnancy are prescribed if the due date has not yet arrived, and the tension of the uterus is too strong. V the last days before childbirth, candles will perfectly fulfill the role of a kind of indicator of "training" contractions. If papaverine was able to remove them, this means that labor has not yet begun. After the 38th week of pregnancy, suppositories are prescribed to prepare the cervix for childbirth. In addition, they are able to reduce pain during the first contractions.

At overdose papaverine may impair vision, lethargy and severe drowsiness appear. It is also fraught with too sharp a drop in pressure.

Side effects of papaverine suppositories appear in isolated cases and entirely depend on individual characteristics organism. It can be nausea, drowsiness, excessive sweating, allergic reaction, problems with natural bowel movement.

Contraindications to the use of suppositories exist only if the pregnant woman has impaired liver function, there are problems with thyroid gland, found tachycardia and increased intraocular pressure.

Papaverine interacts with other drugs such as barbiturates and some antidepressants. In these cases, the effect of the candles is enhanced. But expectant mothers have nothing to do with these subtleties, because drugs with such an effect during pregnancy are not prescribed because of their negative effect on the unborn child.

Shelf life of candles with papaverine- 2 years, subject to storage conditions at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees in a dark place.

The popular nowadays ideas are that pregnancy and childbirth are natural for a woman, and any interference with them in the course can harm. However, modern expectant mothers, for many reasons, cannot always ensure that they maintain their sleep and rest routine and avoid daily stress. All this is fraught with certain problems. Suppositories with papaverine during pregnancy - easy way solve a significant part of them. Before using suppositories, be sure to consult with your doctor.