Is it possible to drink calcium during pregnancy. Side effects and contraindications. What is calcium

What do we know about calcium for pregnant women? Is it really necessary to take it in the form of drugs, as advertising on radio and television convinces us? Is there a need for this during pregnancy? what is calcium for? After all, you are probably haunted by the phrase dropped by one of your friends: “How my teeth have deteriorated after childbirth! So, there was not enough calcium during pregnancy, but no one suggested it!” I would like to answer this and other questions.

Calcium accounts for 2% of a person's weight. It forms the basis of bone tissue, is part of enzymes, is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction. Calcium - important component blood coagulation system. This element is present in human body in the greatest quantity. Of the total "reserve" of calcium (1-1.5 kg in an adult - about 20 g per kilogram of body weight), approximately 98-99% falls on bone and cartilage tissue. As old bone cells decay, new ones are formed, so a constant replenishment of this element is necessary.

Calcium for pregnant women: what is calcium for?

The calcium requirement is 1000 mg per day for non-pregnant women aged 19 to 50 years and 1300 mg for those under 18 years of age. During pregnancy and lactation, this number increases to 1500 mg. A growing fetus needs calcium in excess, both for the growth of bones and teeth, and for the formation nervous system, heart and muscles. It is difficult to overestimate the role of calcium in the regulation of heart rate and blood coagulation. Calcium is essential for the development of all baby tissues, including nerve cells, internal organs, skeleton, tissues of the eyes, ears, skin, hair and nails. Studies show that approximately 250-300 mg of calcium per day enters the fetus through the placenta.

An increase in the volume of circulating calcium in the mother and an increase in the excretion of calcium in the urine, which are also noted during pregnancy, are normal for pregnancy. good nutrition further increase a woman's need for calcium. These needs are usually offset by increased absorption of calcium from food, which is due to the action of pregnancy hormones.

What to eat during pregnancy

A lot of calcium in milk and dairy products (especially low-fat ones). Also in some vegetables - cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, celery, parsley, fruits and berry crops. For example, in gooseberries, currants, strawberries, cherries. A lot of calcium is found in the cartilage of animals (how can you not remember the jelly here!) And fish.

Some foods, such as cereals, sorrel, currants, gooseberries, spinach, slow down the absorption of dietary calcium. These products contain phytic or oxalic acids, which, as a result of interaction with calcium, form insoluble salts - phytates and oxalates, and calcium absorption is difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility food products. Excess consumption of products containing caffeine: cola, coffee, tea - can also disrupt calcium metabolism, so it is not recommended to abuse them, especially during pregnancy.

Among the diseases of a pregnant woman, in which the absorption or absorption of calcium is impaired, one should name diseases gastrointestinal tract: peptic ulcer and cholelithiasis, chronic colitis- inflammation of the large intestine, accompanied by diarrhea (diarrhea), chronic hepatitis (inflammation of the liver). Of the endocrine diseases worth mentioning diabetes, hyperparathyroidism (a disease of the parathyroid glands), thyrotoxicosis (a disease thyroid gland), and bronchial asthma and other diseases requiring the use of glucocorticoids - hormonal drugs normally produced by the adrenal glands.

Calcium deficiency: what to eat during pregnancy

Studies show that in 17% of cases with uncomplicated pregnancy, 2-3 months before delivery, symptoms of calcium deficiency appear in the form of paresthesia (a feeling of "crawling"), convulsive twitching, muscle contraction, bone pain, etc. In pregnant women with preeclampsia (complications of pregnancy, manifested by an increase blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine, edema) these symptoms are more common - in about half of the cases. The situation worsens with irrational nutrition, unfavorable climatic conditions(in the spring-winter period, lower concentrations of vitamin D and calcium in the blood are observed than in the summer-autumn).

Consequences calcium deficiency in the body are caries, osteoporosis (increased fragility of the bones), osteomalacia (softening of the bones and their deformation). The lack of calcium in the body also contributes to the development of toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy, preeclampsia. Calcium eliminates the discomfort of a pregnant woman: muscle pain, cramps in lower limbs, sensation of heartbeat.

calcium deficiency may result in fetal growth retardation; it is also one of the causes of rickets in children, tk. in prenatal period conditions are formed for normal growth bones. An obvious marker of trouble in this area is the number of teeth that a woman has lost during pregnancy and lactation. As mentioned above, a change in mineral metabolism during pregnancy with calcium deficiency affects the bone tissue and dental tissue of a woman. The situation is aggravated if the mother breastfeeds the child. It is known that in nursing mothers during the first 6 months after childbirth, the content of mineral components in the spine decreases compared with 2 days after childbirth.

It has also been proven that calcium deficiency during pregnancy and lactation increases the incidence of osteoporosis during menopause, which increases the likelihood of fractures.

IN Lately Researchers have found a link between hypertension (increased blood pressure) in pregnancy and calcium deficiency. Arterial hypertension caused by pregnancy (AGOB) complicates the course of about one in ten pregnancies and is a major risk factor for childhood and maternal mortality, and severe complications. There are facts that make it possible to speak about positive action adding calcium to the diet for the prevention and treatment of AHOB. The mechanisms through which calcium is able to lower blood pressure are not yet known, but there is evidence of the effectiveness of calcium supplements in the treatment of these conditions.

What to eat during pregnancy: diet

If you are healthy, do not chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract or any of the other problems mentioned above, you can limit yourself to using increased amount foods rich in calcium.

Based on the norm of 1300-1500 mg per day, it can be:

  • 200 g of medium fat cottage cheese (4%) - 300 mg of calcium,
  • 200 ml of low-fat kefir (1-1.5%) - 240 mg of calcium,
  • 200 ml of milk (the milk on which the porridge was cooked is also taken into account) - 240 mg of calcium,
  • 50 g of cheese, such as cheddar - 500 mg of calcium.

Total: 1280 mg of calcium.

In addition to these products, include walnuts, cabbage, fish, berries, such as cherries, raisins, in the menu. You can bring the amount of calcium to 1500 mg only if you consume 3-4 dairy products per day, which will “cover” the minimum daily allowance.

In addition, the expectant mother needs walks, always in daytime(only in the sun do we get vitamin D). Their duration should be at least 45 minutes a day. If you do not like or tolerate dairy products, do not spend the required time on the street, drink a lot of coffee, tea or smoke, and if the last 2-3 months of your pregnancy fall in the winter-spring period, then without additional non-food sources of calcium you not enough.


processed cheese

hard cheese

Goat cheese


Rye bread

wheat bread

Fruits and nuts:


dried apples

Pumpkin seeds

Sunflower seeds

Fish and meat:

Dried fish with bones

Canned sardines with bones

boiled fish


It should be noted that calcium gluconate, which is widespread in Russia, contains the least amount of calcium, and the largest number- in carbonate. All preparations containing calcium salts can be divided into three groups:

  • monopreparations containing only calcium salt;
  • combined preparations, which include calcium salts, vitamin D
  • or vitamin C, and in some - such mineral elements as magnesium, zinc, boron;
  • multivitamin preparations, which include calcium salts. Among the first group, CALCIUM D3 NIKOMED has proven itself well, containing 1250 mg of calcium carbonate (500 mg of calcium element) and 200 IU of cholecalciferol (vitamin D) in one tablet. It belongs to the group of combined preparations of calcium and vitamin D. Recent studies have shown the effectiveness of a combination of calcium salts and vitamin D in the prevention and treatment of disorders of calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Application this drug provides sufficient intake of calcium and vitamin D in the body, helps prevent bone loss. Against the background of its use in pregnant women, the symptoms of calcium deficiency decrease or disappear. The therapeutic dose of the drug for pregnant women with manifestations of calcium deficiency is 2 tablets per day, the prophylactic dose is 1 tablet per day. The drug does not cause side effects, safe for pregnant women. Taking calcium supplements in combination with vitamin D in the last 2 months of pregnancy is justified, it has a beneficial effect on the indicators of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the mother, fetus and newborn, and helps prevent rickets in children of the first year of life. Multivitamins or vitamin complexes for pregnant women contain at least 150-200 mg of calcium (VITRUM PRENATAL WITH CALCIUM, MATERNA, etc.), which can be recommended with preventive purpose almost all healthy pregnant women additional source calcium.

In conclusion, I would like to add: learn to listen to your body! He will always tell you what he is missing and. So, with calcium deficiency, there is a desire to eat chalk or plaster, an addiction to cheese and milk appears.

Dear future mothers! You will need a lot of strength to carry your long-awaited babies in your arms, which means you need strong bones and muscles. It is good if your teeth remain snow-white and strong so that you can smile at your kids without hesitation. So be healthy and happy and do not forget about such a useful substance as calcium!

Lack of calcium during pregnancy occurs in almost every second woman. Starting from 12-13 weeks, the fetus develops rapidly and needs more calcium every day, which naturally affects the mineral metabolism of a pregnant woman.

With a lack of calcium during pregnancy general state future mother worsens, and insufficient intake of the mineral in the body of the fetus can cause intrauterine growth retardation.

Lack of calcium during pregnancy. How does it manifest itself?

Calcium is a substance that a pregnant woman needs daily. Despite the fact that bone tissue acts as a calcium depot, an adult this mineral it is impossible to accumulate "in reserve", so its excess is excreted in the urine. This applies only to the intake of calcium from food, since additional intake of mineral complexes can still provoke hypercalcemia - an excess of calcium in the body.

Whether calcium-rich foods are included in the pregnant diet or not, it doesn’t matter, the fetus needs a new portion of this mineral every day. With a lack of calcium during pregnancy, all the strategic reserves of the mineral that are stored in the bones are used. This "washout" of calcium from the bones negatively affects the health of a woman.

IMPORTANT! For the absorption of calcium, vitamin D (calciferol) is needed, which comes from food, or is formed in the body under the influence of sunlight (ultraviolet) rays. That is why pregnant women are advised to walk as much as possible on fresh air.

The main manifestations of calcium deficiency (hypocalcemia) during the gestational period:

  • Deterioration of skin, nails and hair
  • Excessive irritability, insomnia
  • The appearance of foci of caries, tooth decay
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, increased bone fragility
  • Vomiting, nausea in the early stages
  • Complicated course of childbirth (weak labor, premature birth)
  • The development of severe and dangerous state- preeclampsia (increased blood pressure, edema, protein in the urine)
  • Convulsions in calf muscles

A lack of calcium during pregnancy can manifest itself as a desire to eat a piece of chalk, and an increase in cases colds- everything is individual.

Lack of calcium during pregnancy. What to do?

The norm of calcium in women.

Before talking about the presence of hypocalcemia in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to know how much calcium should be supplied to the body daily. So, for an adult, the daily norm of this mineral is 1000 mg, increasing during pregnancy to 1500 mg. Considering the loss of calcium with milk during lactation, the body of a nursing mother needs 2000 mg of a trace element every day.

Pay attention to the diet.

Due to the fact that mineral complexes are far from 100% effective, it is recommended that a pregnant woman improve her diet if there is a lack of calcium. It means that daily diet the expectant mother should include foods rich in this mineral.

To cover daily allowance calcium, enough to include in your daily diet 1 glass of milk, 50 grams of hard cheese and 200 grams of cottage cheese.

IMPORTANT! Some foods interfere with calcium absorption. With a lack of this mineral during pregnancy, you should limit the consumption of vegetables rich in oxalic acid (spinach, sorrel), flour and confectionery high in fat, and sweet soda, tea, coffee and chocolate.

Start prem calcium tablets.

The calcium that enters the body of a pregnant woman with food is best absorbed. If it is not possible to correct hypocalcemia with nutrition, the doctor prescribes the intake of mineral complexes or calcium preparations. Typically, these medicines includes magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin "D", which contribute to the normalization of mineral metabolism.

The body cannot absorb more than 500 mg of calcium at one time, so the daily dose of the mineral is divided into several doses.

IMPORTANT! With a lack of calcium during pregnancy, taking large doses of the mineral can lead to unpleasant consequences. Hypercalcemia - an excess of calcium in the blood, not only negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, but also causes the formation of calcifications in the placenta, which disrupt the utero-fetal-placental blood flow.

Calcium preparations are not biologically active additives! The appointment of a particular mineral complex is carried out by a doctor. Uncontrolled intake of calcium during pregnancy is very dangerous and can affect the course of labor and further development child.

What foods are good for calcium deficiency during pregnancy?

A lack of calcium during pregnancy does not threaten those expectant mothers whose diet contains the following products:

  • low-fat dairy products (milk, hard cheese, yogurt, kefir);
  • vegetables (broccoli, white cabbage, greens, beans, etc.);
  • nuts (the leader in calcium content is almonds);
  • chicken eggs;
  • sea ​​fish (salmon, salmon, cod - sources of vitamin D).

At the first sign of calcium deficiency during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. If you notice that your hair and nails have become brittle, your skin is dry, and cramps in the calf muscles - business as usual you need to urgently consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist about this. Timely correction of mineral metabolism will help maintain the health of mother and child.

Pregnancy is not only the birth and development of a new life, but also its construction, which means - without " building materials» future mother can't get by. Only calcium will help to make the bones and cartilage of the baby strong: the main “building material” for the child’s musculoskeletal system. Calcium is the fifth most abundant element in the earth's crust. The element does two useful things at once: it protects the unborn baby from rickets, and the mother from allergies, and at the same time neutralizes the consequences of bad ecology. Moreover, calcium helps the expectant mother to keep her teeth, avoid, and also reduces the risk of miscarriage and reduces blood loss during childbirth.

It is the calcium essential element for the work of muscles and muscular organs - the heart or uterus. If the body lacks calcium, childbirth will not be able to proceed normally. After all, it is Ca that contributes to the normal functioning of the blood coagulation system and the full functioning of the kidneys. It aids in digestion and kidney function. Affects cell division, fertilization process, has great importance V embryonic development and in blood clotting.

How to know that the body lacks calcium?

Ugly brittle nails, barely living hair, peeling of the skin, its dryness - the first symptoms of calcium deficiency. But all this does not at all indicate that the future mother is inattentive to her health. In fact, one in five pregnant women recent months pregnancy experiences deficiency symptoms. In children born to mothers with calcium deficiency, rickets is much more common - a disease that disrupts the growth and development of bones and leads to skeletal deformities.

Such a valuable element is lacking, as a rule, for those who sin with food that prevents the absorption of calcium and contributes to its loss. These are sweets, white bread, semolina, pasta. We will add to this list everyone’s favorite, cocoa, bran, spinach, fatty and salty foods, carbonated drinks.

Calcium hunger is more often found in blondes, in smokers and in those who either move little (in order for calcium to be absorbed by the bone system, you need to work your muscles!), Or, on the contrary, overdo it with physical exertion.

How much calcium do you need for pregnant women?

The daily requirement for calcium during pregnancy is 1500 mg. But the fetus "takes" its own depending on the degree of maturation: in the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus receives 2-3 mg per day, in the third - during the formation of the skeleton - 100-150 times more: up to 250-300 mg per day. Calcium helps not only bones and teeth, but also forms all the tissues of the body, including nerve cells, internal organs, connective tissue, eyes, skin, hair and nails.

How to increase calcium levels during pregnancy?

Yes, yes, and again... yes! But not all in a row. Certainly without medical advice and the advice of the attending physicians is indispensable here. How to take it so that it remains in the body and brings benefits - only a doctor will tell you. Indeed, in order for calcium to be reliably retained in the bones, additional minerals are needed - magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, boron.

The main sources of calcium are the food on your table. The main "suppliers" - and dairy products, cheese, nuts, green vegetables. The main ones in the "milk" are yogurt, yogurt, low-fat cheeses. By the way, fat is not better in terms of calcium content. skimmed milk. Cabbage, broccoli and nut brothers do not suffer from a lack of calcium: almonds, legumes, and greens (tops) of root crops. Almost all vegetables do an excellent job and supply the body with the missing calcium, except for those that contain oxalic acid (sorrel, spinach, beets). Some cereals also fail: the worst is oatmeal.

In pursuit of calcium, do not forget about cheese, cheese, green onions, spinach, you can enjoy ice cream, snap walnuts and hazelnuts, drink milk, kefir, acidophilus.

It is best to accustom yourself from the first days of pregnancy to the fact that you should drink 1-2 glasses of milk, kefir or yogurt every day, eat a few pieces of cheese and 100-150 grams of cottage cheese. Also, eat Rye bread, fruits, beans. This creates a supply of calcium, which, oh, how it will help in last trimester. Doctors also recommend taking half the recommended dose for one month during the entire pregnancy. natural preparation calcium.

Don't overdo it!

But still, do not forget: excessive calcium reserves in the body will not bring good. Often mothers from the first days of pregnancy drink liters of milk, eating it with kilograms of cottage cheese and cheese. And if you think about it, then in fact, none of our smaller brothers - mammals - in natural natural conditions does not add calcium to food (does not drink milk and does not consume calcium-rich dairy products) during gestation. Therefore, if you overdo it, you can invite trouble. One of the first dangers is the enormous burden on urinary system. Excess calcium is a direct path to the formation of stones in the kidneys, in the gallbladder and bladder. May shrug and the cardiovascular system. Too much calcium interferes with magnesium absorption. And it is very important for healthy work muscular, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

By the way…

The old grandmother's method - it's also - the first medicine that supposedly made up for the lack of calcium during pregnancy - eggshell. We all remember the old Soviet mortars, in which the shells were finely ground, added to food, or simply washed down with water. Until now, experts argue: how effective this method is. Some say - calcium's structure eggshell does not allow it to be assimilated in the way we need. Others - they are transcribed. Still others - that is, we - often add grated shells to children's plates.

Especially for- Alexandra Zolotareva

From Guest

Taking any pills during pregnancy is best agreed with your doctor. My doctor told me to drink calcium d3 nycomed - and I drank it for several months - so that the bones are strong, and the mineral exchange is normal. I drank it a little after giving birth - and nothing bothered me

From Guest

The doctor prescribed me to take Calcium d3 nycomed, it is best absorbed from it. I liked that the tastes are different, it is very important for pregnant women))

From Guest

Pregnant women are often advised to supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals, they are needed not only by the child, but also by the expectant mother. One of the most important minerals, which is often recommended to be taken additionally, is calcium, because during the period of bearing a child, the need for it increases significantly.

Calcium intake per day for pregnant women

This is one of the most important "building" materials for the future baby. But in the body of his mother, he is also irreplaceable. With its help, bone and cartilage tissues are formed and regenerated. In addition, it is needed for the proper and smooth functioning of muscles and muscular organs, such as the heart. Calcium is essential for proper metabolism, normal hormonal background, the transmission of nerve impulses, the correct functioning of the kidneys and blood clotting. The organs responsible for calcium excretion are digestive system and kidneys.

We get the lion's share of this macronutrient from foods containing it.

According to statistics, the daily need of an adult female body for given element is one gram (1000 mg). In pregnant women, this figure ranges from 1.3 to 1.5 grams. The need increases towards the end of pregnancy. If at the beginning of its development the fetus receives 2-3 milligrams of calcium per day, then already at the final stage (in the third trimester), the daily need for it increases to 250-300 mg.

It is a mistake to think that calcium is necessary only for the formation of bones and teeth of an unborn child. With its participation, almost all tissues and organs of the fetus are generated: skin, hair, eyes, internal organs, nerve tissues, etc.

It is known that 20 percent of pregnant women, especially in the second half of the term, directly face the problem of calcium deficiency. Exist special analyzes to diagnose such a deficiency. Besides, clear signs calcium deficiency can be seen with the naked eye. This is the fragility of the nails, and bad condition hair (dullness, brittleness, loss), and dry skin, and deterioration in dental health, and possible muscle cramps in the legs. If the expectant mother had a serious calcium deficiency during the gestation period, then her baby increases the risk of developing rickets (an illness in which the growth and formation of bones is disrupted, there is a risk of skeletal deformation).

To warn similar situations, expectant mothers at the beginning of pregnancy are recommended to change their diet in order to meet the body's increased needs for calcium through nutrition. If it is difficult to solve the problem in this way, they prescribe medications containing this trace element.

How long should you take calcium during pregnancy?

A woman expecting a baby should remember her special needs for vitamins and trace elements. After all future child He will definitely receive from his mother what he needs for growth and development. How to make up for this loss female body so that he does not get hurt, the question is serious.

The expectant mother should discuss this topic with her doctor. And if it is impossible to make up for the lack of calcium, only by adjusting the diet, then the doctor will prescribe the appropriate drugs to the pregnant woman, and will specify from what period it is necessary to take calcium during pregnancy additionally. As a rule, such drugs are recommended to be taken already in the second trimester. Usually, this is a continuous course that lasts no more than a month. Calcium-containing pharmaceutical preparations available in the form of tablets, powders or solutions.

Accept pharmaceutical products at your own discretion, without consulting a specialist, it is very undesirable. Especially in the third trimester of pregnancy, because this can have an extremely negative impact on the course of childbirth.

Calcium for pregnant women in tablets: which is better

As a rule, pharmacies offer calcium carbonate, citrate or calcium bicarbonate. They differ from each other not only in the content of the main element, but also in the degree of assimilation by the body. Schemes and recommendations for admission different drugs also differ. Some are recommended to be taken with meals, others on an empty stomach. In addition, if a pregnant woman also takes iron supplements, then their intake should be separated in time by several hours: in this case, all useful material will be properly absorbed by the body.

There are also combined preparations, which, in addition to calcium, contain vitamin D (helps to absorb calcium), magnesium and zinc. In addition, calcium is included in most multivitamin complexes for pregnant and lactating women.

It is important to remember that at one time the body can absorb only 500 mg of this element, so there should be several doses of special preparations during the day.

Calcium for pregnant women in food: what foods contain

As mentioned, the most desirable way to get the extra calcium a pregnant woman needs is from food.

And the first advice for improving nutrition for pregnant women is to increase the amount of dairy products on the menu. Our grandmothers used this rule, but it is really effective. Milk will be useful natural yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, goat cheese, kefir, hard cheese, curdled milk. It is better to choose foods with less fat content - they are rich in calcium, but contain fewer calories, and the expectant mother does not need overweight. Important Rule: Dairy products will bring more benefits if you eat them with vegetables, and not with fatty dishes. If you decide to boil vegetables, then remember that almost a quarter of the calcium from them will remain in the water, so it is better to cook vegetable soup.

In addition, the diet should contain fish, eggs, cabbage (broccoli), walnuts, almonds (do not overdo it, because nuts are quite an allergenic product), celery, raisins, dried apricots, sunflower seeds. Pay attention to sesame seeds: 100 grams of these seeds contain daily requirement body of an adult in calcium. Sesame can be added to salads, good to use Sesame oil. Eat dried apricots and bananas - they contain potassium, which is not only good for the heart, but also prevents calcium loss.

Also note that there are products that slow down the absorption of this substance by the body. For example, spinach, sorrel, beets, cereals. In addition, foods containing caffeine accelerate the excretion of calcium from the body. Therefore, a pregnant woman should not abuse caffeinated drinks and foods.

It is also important to remember that for more efficient absorption of calcium, the body must also receive other vitamins and minerals: vitamin D, vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorus. Be sure to eat foods rich in these substances. For example, there is a lot of vitamin D in the liver, eggs, seafood. In addition, it is produced in the body under the action of sun rays(15-20 minutes a day is enough). Therefore, try to walk outside more often if the weather and health conditions allow.

And most importantly, remember: pregnant women need to follow the recommendations, but without excessive fanaticism. Listen to yourself, do not worry and be healthy!

Especially for - Ksenia Boyko

A woman during pregnancy should not only eat well, but eat foods that contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. This is necessary not only for the growth of the fetus, but also for the preservation female beauty and health.

Calcium is a very important trace element that is directly involved in many metabolic and building processes that occur daily in the body. The condition of bones, teeth, nails and hair depends on the amount of calcium. Sometimes the mineral that comes only from food is not enough to provide for the mother and fetus, so the doctor prescribes additional calcium intake during pregnancy.

When and in what cases should calcium supplements be taken during pregnancy? Why is it important to get calcium during pregnancy? How does the deficiency of this microelement manifest itself in the body? Our recommendations will help maintain health and beauty not only during the nine-month period, but also after it ends.

Calcium intake during pregnancy. How necessary is it?

Few people know that about 2% of a person's body weight is calcium - the main trace element for building bone and cartilage tissue. Without this mineral, the exchange of fatty acids and cholesterol, from which steroid hormones are synthesized, is impossible. Calcium is responsible for the functioning of muscles and muscular organs, including the uterus, therefore, a lack of a trace element can adversely affect tribal activity. Calcium regulates the work of the blood coagulation system and kidney function, so additional calcium intake during pregnancy, in some cases, is quite justified.

During pregnancy, the need for calcium doubles and is at least 1000 mg per day. Studies have shown that the diet of a nursing mother should include at least 2000 mg of calcium daily. This is due to the fact that the microelement is quickly consumed and the bone mass of a woman decreases, recovering only when the menstrual cycle normalizes.

For the fetus, insufficient intake of calcium from the bloodstream can cause a lag in physical and mental development. In addition, the likelihood of a child developing a disease such as rickets increases several times with a lack of calcium during intrauterine life.

IMPORTANT! It should be understood that an excess of calcium in the body will not make your unborn child a genius or an athlete, but on the contrary, it can worsen its development. Everything should be in moderation, so taking calcium during pregnancy is possible only after consulting a doctor.

When is it necessary to take calcium during pregnancy?

As mentioned earlier, the bulk of calcium is concentrated in the teeth and skeletal system women. With a low concentration of the mineral in the blood, it is “washed out”, as a result of which the bones become brittle and the teeth are more vulnerable to caries. The craving for eating chalk, which is most often associated with pregnancy, does not always occur with a lack of calcium.

The most common clinical signs, indicating the need for additional calcium intake during the development of pregnancy by weeks, are:

  • tooth decay, brittle hair and nails;
  • bone deformity, tendency to fractures;
  • early severe toxicosis;
  • development of late preeclampsia; (preeclampsia of pregnant women);
  • premature birth;
  • abortion;
  • primary weakness of labor activity;
  • anxiety, nervousness;
  • increased muscle tone, the appearance of cramps in the legs.

You can do without additional intake of calcium during pregnancy if you eat foods rich in this mineral.

Milk and dairy products. It is known that it is in milk and dairy products that contains the largest amount of calcium. Pregnant women are advised to eat yogurt, yogurt, acidophilus, low-fat cheese, milk with a small percentage of fat. But homemade fatty cottage cheese - a favorite "delicacy" of pregnant women, it is better to replace it with a low-fat product, since there are fewer calories, and the mineral content is approximately at the same level.

IMPORTANT! To increase the absorption of calcium, dairy products should be combined with fruits and vegetables, but not with fats, which interfere with the absorption of the trace element.

The leader in the content of calcium among products plant origin is broccoli and other types of cabbage. A large amount of calcium is also found in legumes (white beans), nuts (almonds), greens, etc.

Eating red varieties of fish (salmon, salmon), chicken eggs, vegetable broth helps to increase the level of calcium in the body.

IMPORTANT! Vitamin D (calciferol), which is synthesized in the body under the influence of UV rays, helps to absorb calcium (when tanning, frequent walks in the fresh air during the daytime, etc.). You can replenish calciferol reserves by eating fatty fish, butter, egg yolk, hard cheese, etc.

Foods that interfere with the absorption of calcium.

The use of certain foods in large numbers impairs the absorption of calcium from food. These include:

  • vegetables high in oxalic acid(beets, spinach, sorrel);
  • cereals containing phytin (oatmeal);
  • fatty, smoked, salty foods (sausages, snacks, etc.);
  • natural xanthines that remove calcium from the body (chocolate, coffee, tea).

Taking calcium supplements during pregnancy. Basic recommendations.

Before you begin to saturate the body with calcium, you should consult with your doctor to determine the required dosage of the substance. Importance has a gestational age at which there is a need for an additional intake of a microelement.

IMPORTANT! Calcium intake during pregnancy can be started from the second trimester, that is, after 12 weeks of gestation. It is necessary to take calcium supplements for a long time (more than a month without a break). After 35 weeks of pregnancy, it is not recommended to take additional calcium, as this can lead to premature ossification of the fetal head and, as a result, difficulty in its passage through the birth canal.

Restore normal level calcium in the body can be the following drugs, produced in the form of tablets, powder or solution:

  • Calcium gluconate: contains 500 mg of calcium per tablet
  • Calcium carbonate ("Calcium D3 Nycomed"): in addition to 500 mg of calcium, the tablet contains vitamin "D", which improves the absorption of the mineral
  • Calcium citrate ("Calcemin"): absorbed by the body better than other forms and contains 250 mg of calcium per tablet
  • Multivitamin complexes for pregnant and lactating women (Elevit, Vitrum, Pregnavit, etc.)

Contraindications to taking calcium supplements:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • kidney failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • hyperparathyroidism.

IMPORTANT! The choice of a particular drug is the responsibility of the doctor, who must evaluate not only the effectiveness, but also the possible side effects of the drug.

Tips for taking calcium supplements during pregnancy:

The body is not able to absorb more than 500 mg of calcium at a time, therefore, it is necessary to divide the daily dose of the drug into several doses.

If possible, take calcium at lunch and in the evening, with meals.

When breastfeeding, there is also a high need for calcium, so after the birth of a child, it is advisable to resume taking the mineral.

Caution should be taken when taking calcium in combination with vitamin D, which can accumulate and pass into breast milk.

An excess of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman can cause:

  • loss of elasticity of the bones of the fetus;
  • increased load on the kidneys;
  • the appearance of calcium deposits in the placenta and impaired fetal-placental blood flow.

Regarding calcium, best option its entry into the body of the expectant mother is the consumption of foods rich in this mineral. So it will be possible to avoid not only an overabundance of the trace element, but also side effects that may occur while taking calcium supplements (vomiting, thirst).

Balanced diet, daily hiking outdoors, stay in good mood help to cope with the lack of calcium during pregnancy.