Mezim for heartburn during pregnancy. Contraindications and side effects. Is it possible to take Mezim for pregnant women

Quite often, pregnant patients, due to their condition, are faced with various intestinal disorders and disorders, problems in the liver and pancreas. V similar cases pregnant women are often prescribed Mezim.

If a woman is preparing for motherhood not for the first time, then she, remembering past pregnancies, when similar problems already independently begins to take Mezim. But is it so safe and can you take enzyme preparations during pregnancy?

Indications for the use of the drug

Refers to enzymatic preparations containing pancreatic enzymes. Therefore, pills are prescribed if there are problems with the production of their own pancreatic iron enzymes.

The main substance of the drug is pancreatin, which consists of digestive enzymes synthesized by the pancreas. These enzymes are present in the pancreatic secretion, which is supplied to the duodenum to improve digestion and breakdown of food.

Usually Mezim is prescribed for digestive disorders, provoked by a deficiency or insufficiency of pancreatic-glandular enzymatic substances. Have similar state there are many reasons.

  1. Chronic pancreatitis and other disorders of the gland;
  2. Stones or tumor-like formations in;
  3. Excessive passage of food through the intestinal tract after surgical interventions on the digestive tract;
  4. Diabetes;
  5. Cystic fibrosis;
  6. Dysfunctional hepatic or biliary disorders;
  7. Problems with the digestion of certain foods, which causes nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, etc.;
  8. Intestinal pathologies of inflammatory origin, including;
  9. AIDS, etc.

Usually, these pathologies are accompanied by heartburn and bloating, heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea, fatigue and appetite disorders, irreparable pain syndrome difficult to determine localization. Similar symptoms usually appear after unhealthy foods such as fried, fatty, spicy foods.

Can I drink Mezim during pregnancy?

It does not apply to prophylactic drugs - this is a full-fledged medication that requires certain indications for prescription, which boil down to the impossibility of full digestion of food due to enzyme deficiency.

In the case of pregnancy, no contraindications are indicated in the instructions.

The manufacturers claim that the drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream, and the active components in the drug correspond to natural pancreatic ferments.

But it cannot be said that the drug is absolutely harmless. When carrying a child, the use of any medications not welcome. Final decision the doctor always takes the drug, because in each case the doses are prescribed individually.


The drug Mezim can be taken by almost all patients, but it is contraindicated in case of allergy to pancreatin or other components of the drug.

In addition, in case of acute inflammation or exacerbation of chronic pancreatic glandular inflammation, it is also contraindicated to take Mezim. Although no contraindications indicating a risk to the fetus have been identified.


The drug is taken whole, the tablets do not need to be chewed, because their shell protects the active substance from stomach acid and allows it to reach the intestines.

  • You can take Mezim tablets only during the meal, and it is better to drink the tablet with water or jelly.
  • The dosage of the drug is determined in accordance with the instructions. Usually, patients are prescribed 1 or 2 pills four times a day, if necessary, the dosage is increased to 4 pills.
  • The daily dosage is 15-20 thousand units of lipase, calculated per kilogram of weight.
  • Mezim 10,000 or 20,000 is prescribed in similar doses, but only according to a doctor's prescription. It is impossible to say a specific dosage, because only a specialist prescribes it.

Mezim is not always prescribed to pregnant women, only if there are appropriate problems. But compliance with the dosage is considered the main condition.

Only the doctor will be able to determine the final and safe dose of the drug, he also determines the duration of treatment. Of course, the dosage is determined by the patient's condition and the severity of the pathology, but the daily maximum cannot be exceeded.

It is very important for a pregnant woman to pay attention to her feelings after taking the drug, which is better to drink in an upright position and for some time after taking it you cannot go to bed, because the pill can dissolve ahead of time, without reaching the stomach. Then desired effect from the drug will not.

Side effects

Taking Mezim can provoke mass negative reactions e.g. diarrhea, allergies, nausea, narrowing of the intestines, increased secretion uric acid, etc.


Sometimes there are situations that you need to replace Mezim Forte with some kind of analogue. The drug has worthy analogues.

  1. Pancreatin contains less active ingredients, therefore, its enzymatic enzymatic activity is much lower than that of Mezim Forte.
  2. Creon is a German drug produced in the form of gelatin capsules, inside which are placed spheres with pancreatin, which dissolve under the influence of gastric juice.
  3. Hermital is also a German preparation in the form of capsules, it has a high content of enzymes.
  4. Festal is an Indian drug containing pancreatin enzymes and bovine bile.
  5. Micrasim is a Russian drug, the composition and enzymatic activity are completely similar to Mezim.
  6. Panzinorm. Also a German drug, contains pancreatin and extracts of the mucous membranes of the stomach and bile of cattle.

During pregnancy, women have special eating habits, which often leads to overeating or the use of hard-to-digest and unusual dishes. As a result, the pancreas does not cope a little and in conditions of enzyme deficiency, bloating, a feeling of heaviness and other disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract occur. As a rule, when contacting a doctor, women are prescribed various enzyme preparations, for example, Mezim. How effective is this remedy? And is Mezim possible during pregnancy? Let's discuss all the nuances of treatment with this drug in the gestational period.

Mezim belongs to the poly group enzyme agents, made on the basis of dry powder with a dosed content of pig pancreatic enzymes. The drug acts directly in the small intestine and is not absorbed into the general bloodstream. Under the influence of herbal juices and microflora, denaturation (splitting) of the enzyme powder occurs, which is completely removed from the body.

The active ingredient is pancreatin, which contains three active ingredients that make it effective:

  • Lipase, which affects the rate of absorption of fats.
  • Protease, by which proteins are broken down into amino acids.
  • Amylase, which is responsible for the breakdown of carbohydrates.

Normally, these substances are synthesized in the pancreas, then "transported" to the intestine and help the food to be converted into a set nutrients, and unnecessary residues are digested and leave the intestines.

Hormonal changes, an additional load on internal organs and an improper diet during the period of bearing a baby provoke digestive disorders. Women complain of flatulence, severe discomfort in the epigastric zone and a more pronounced manifestation of toxicosis. Taking the drug Mezim during pregnancy helps to replenish the enzyme deficiency and improve work gastrointestinal tract.

Depending on the quantitative ratio of enzymes, Mezim is available in three pharmaceutical forms. The dosage depends on the concentration of lipase, since a lack of this particular substance causes problems with the pancreas. The amount of protease and amylase is calculated to create the maximum comfortable conditions for digestion.

Advice! You can drink Mezim on your own during pregnancy only in isolated cases and only in a dosage of no more than 3,500 units. Other forms of the drug can only be prescribed by a doctor.

  1. Mezim Forte. One tablet contains 3,500 units of active lipase. This dosage is effective for one-time errors in nutrition, when there is no chronic insufficiency pancreas. Mezim Forte during pregnancy is the most safe form drug.
  2. Mezim Forte 10,000 units... The drug has a more active effect on the digestion process. The therapeutic effect occurs much faster, therefore the remedy is often indicated before scheduled inspection using an ultrasound scan if a woman has bloating or a strong filling of the intestines.
  3. Mezim 20,000 units... At this dosage, the drug helps with intestinal infections, pancreatitis, colitis and others pathological conditions that are undesirable during pregnancy.

Mezim during pregnancy: is it possible or not?

Mezim belongs to a group of conditionally safe drugs that are prescribed for both adults and infants. The enzymes in the composition of the drug are of animal origin and have a similar effect on the body as their natural counterparts. As pharmacists assure, the active substances are not absorbed into the blood, and the membrane is insoluble, and in original form excreted from the body.

According to the instructions, in addition to enzymes, Mezim contains a number of chemical, such as titanium dioxide, azorubin varnish, macrogol, cellulose, etc. There is no reliable data on their effect on the development of the fetus, since in-depth research on this has not been carried out. Therefore, the annotation to the drug indicates that taking the drug Mezim during pregnancy is permissible only if the benefits of treatment are higher than the risk for the baby.

At the same time, Mezim has a number of advantages over other enzyme preparations:

  • is an safe drug which is manufactured according to international requirements;
  • does not contain prohibited dyes, flavors and plasticizers;
  • the composition of the shell does not interfere with the normal functioning of the intestines;
  • the composition does not contain bile or allergic components that can provoke irritation of the intestinal mucosa;
  • the drug has been successfully used to treat disorders of the gastrointestinal tract for more than 20 years.

In the field of obstetrics and gynecology, the question of the appointment of enzyme agents is controversial. Most doctors prescribe Mezim during pregnancy for early dates, assuring that it does not have a teratogenic effect and the treatment will not affect the development of the fetus. But there are also opponents of such appointments, since there is no information about the effect of animal enzymes on the laying of organs and development digestive system at the baby. Therefore, the risk after taking the drug always remains. As a result, the decision on whether to take Mezim or look for other ways to eliminate the problem remains with the pregnant woman.

When is the use of Mezim forte shown during pregnancy

Often, taking Mezim is reduced to a one-time pill after consuming oily or spicy food... But sometimes there is a question of full treatment with this remedy.

Who needs to take Mezim:

  • Women with cystic fibrosis.
  • Patients with inflammatory-dystrophic pathologies of a chronic nature (diseases of the gallbladder, intestines or liver).
  • Patients with severe enzyme deficiency (non-exacerbated pancreatitis).
  • In the case of a planned ultrasound scan.
  • People with diseases internal organs(gastritis, enteritis, flatulence, dyspepsia, diarrhea).
  • With irregular eating, overeating, abuse of fried foods.
  • In case of functional disorders (irritable bowel syndrome, intoxication, diarrhea).

Mezim: instructions for pregnancy

Mezim, along with its therapeutic properties, has a number of disadvantages in the form of side effects and contraindications. In addition, despite its carelessness, this drug requires strict adherence to the dosage and duration of treatment. Therefore, before starting therapy, it is worth studying the contents of the instructions.

Dosage and duration of treatment

  • The average dosage of the drug is 1-2 tablets before meals. If there is no improvement, two additional tablets can be taken. Maximum amount pills taken at one meal should not exceed 4 pieces.
  • The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor on an individual basis, based on the attenuation of the symptoms and the results of the caprogram (study of feces for activity enzyme system).
  • The tablets should be taken only intact due to the risk of ulcers in the mouth. If it is impossible to take a whole pill, you should gently grind it to the consistency of a powder and mix with honey. In this form, the risk of damaging the mucous membrane is minimal.
  • Drinking Mezim is recommended only with plenty of water. Juices, tea, or coffee can reduce therapeutic effect medicines.
  • After taking the pills, you need to be in an upright position for 2-5 minutes. This ensures that they enter the stomach. Otherwise, enzymes can be released from the lining in the esophagus and damage its mucous walls.

Important! Enzyme substances in contact with the mucous membranes of the oral cavity can cause ulcers, so the tablets should be swallowed whole without chewing.

Reception of antacids (Renia, Maalox) helps to reduce the acidity of gastric juice, which significantly impairs the activity of the enzyme composition of the Mezim preparation. Therefore, the dosage of the enzyme preparation should be increased.

In turn, Mezim complicates the assimilation of other medicines, so they need to be taken no earlier than after 30-45 minutes.

Contraindications and negative effects on the female body

The list of contraindications for this drug is rather modest. It cannot be used for allergic reactions to pork, individual intolerance to one of the components, reactive or exacerbated chronic pancreatitis, as well as with intestinal obstruction.

Important! Long-term use of enzyme preparations reduces the concentration of iron in the blood and can cause the development of anemia.

Among adverse reactions the most common:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Nausea and gag reflex.
  • Weakness.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Feeling hot.
  • Bloating or constipation.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Allergic reaction to azorubin varnish.
  • Hypersensitivity (bronchospasm, rash, sneezing, urticaria, skin hyperemia).
  • Anaphylactic shock.
  • Signs of intestinal obstruction.

To avoid possible negative consequences after taking the drug, you must strictly adhere to the doses and rules of its administration.

On a note! Although the instructions do not indicate that Mezim is contraindicated during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, it is better to limit its intake during this period.

What are the analogues of this drug and is it possible to do without Mezim during pregnancy?

On pharmaceutical market There are many alternative enzyme preparations that show the same therapeutic effect and differ only in the price and form of packaging.

The following drugs are among the official analogues of Mezim:

  • Festal.
  • Pancreatin.
  • Digital.
  • Enzistal.
  • Creazim.
  • Creon.
  • Pangrol, etc.

If intestinal discomfort and digestive problems are caused by improper diet without any pathologies on the side of the internal organs, it is quite possible to do without taking medication. After all, pregnancy is not the most the best time for treatment with pharmaceuticals.

To eliminate bloating, heartburn and abdominal pain, you should adjust your diet and food intake culture:

  • Sharply limit your intake of heavy and junk food... Introduce a taboo on fried, spicy, smoked.
  • Eat regularly and at least 4 times a day, or more often.
  • Eat a small meal at a time.
  • Drink a glass of warm, still water half an hour before a meal.
  • Include vegetables and fruits on the menu, dairy products and porridge.
  • Do not eat before bed or while lying down.
  • Move more outdoors.

Following these simple tips will have a beneficial effect on your digestion and taking pills will become unnecessary.

No matter how harmless Mezim may seem, it is highly undesirable to take it on your own during pregnancy. In case of persistent signs of a violation of the enzyme system, be sure to consult a doctor. Only he will be able to establish the cause of abdominal discomfort and prescribe treatment.

Video "Mezim - instructions for use"

Sometimes the expectant mother cannot deny herself some delicacy, so Mezim should always be in your medicine cabinet. Overeating often results in a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, bloating and abdominal discomfort. If a woman feels something like this, you need to take immediate action.

For digestion Observe the dosage for pancreatitis
the severity of the pain is severe
Diet Waiting It is important to be attentive to your symptoms

Mezim is necessary during pregnancy, because heavy and hard-to-digest food is not easy to digest. The pancreas may simply not be able to cope with the load, because its enzymes are not always enough to completely break down all the food that has entered the stomach. This is what causes unpleasant sensations in the abdomen.

The main component of the drug is pancreatin. It is obtained from the pancreas of a pig. For many years, the drug has been used to improve the functioning of the pancreas in children and adults. In addition to pancreatin, one tablet of the drug contains:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • carboxymethyl starch sodium salt (type A);
  • microcrystalline cellulose.

Although the instructions for use state that it is allowed to take mezim during pregnancy, since the drug is not absorbed into the blood, it is better to consult a doctor. The fact is that the effect of enzyme preparations on the body of expectant mothers is not fully understood. That is why the drug is not completely safe.

To improve digestion

You should not constantly use it, it is better to carefully monitor your diet. In any case, before going to the pharmacy for mezim, check if you can take it during pregnancy. The drug is indicated in the following cases:

  • with cystic fibrosis, which causes pancreatic dysfunction;
  • impaired digestive function due to liver disease;
  • insufficient fermentation of the pancreas (for example, chronic pancreatitis);
  • various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, non-infectious diarrhea, bloating - flatulence, dyspepsia, hypoacid and anacid gastritis);
  • before the procedure for examining the digestive tract;
  • when consumed a large number fried or fatty foods, irregular eating, severe overeating.

It is worth knowing that a significant part of patients suffering from these diseases are characterized by impaired enzyme production. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor for high-quality qualified help. The body needs to be helped to assimilate all the nutrients in food in a quality manner.

Contraindications and side effects

So, during pregnancy, you can drink the popular mezim if you have no contraindications to taking the drug. You should not take the medicine with galactose intolerance, allergy to the active substances of the drug and lactose deficiency.

During pregnancy, mezima tablets are categorically contraindicated if a woman suffers acute pancreatitis or her chronic pancreatitis has worsened.

If you use the remedy for a long time, the absorption of iron and iron-containing preparations may decrease. If during pregnancy you are sick with iron deficiency anemia, you can take mezim only from the 2nd trimester. More early admission funds are not recommended.

The drug has many side effects. These include.

  1. Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea.
  2. Discomfort in the stomach.
  3. At long-term use drugs in the blood plasma, the level of lactic acid changes.
  4. The emergence allergic reactions on the skin ( atopic dermatitis, urticaria).
  5. The appearance of intestinal obstruction in patients with cystic fibrosis.
  6. Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock (very rare).

Usually, it is the work of the gastrointestinal tract that suffers from adverse reactions. Therefore, judging by the reviews, during pregnancy, taking mezym can most often cause stool upset, vomiting, and nausea.

With pancreatitis, the agent is contraindicated.

To avoid side effects or reduce their severity, you must strictly observe the dosage of the drug and not abuse it.

Dosage and method of administration of the drug

When you are prescribed mezim during pregnancy, you should definitely read the instructions for the pills. Usually it is enough to take 1 or 2 tablets before meals. The maximum amount allowed at a time is 4 tablets, however, you must consult your doctor.

So many medications are harmful for expectant mothers. It is worth knowing that various antacids(Rennie, Gaviscon and other drugs for heartburn with calcium or magnesium) can reduce the effectiveness of Mezim. If you have to take these medicines at the same time, you need to calculate the dose on an individual basis.

When during pregnancy you ask your doctor if you can drink mezim, ask what you need to drink with the remedy. Usually the tablet is washed down with water or jelly, and not with tea or juice. Do not chew the drug, since its composition includes active enzymes, and they can cause strong irritation oral mucosa and the appearance of small ulcers.

If you find it difficult to swallow a tablet, you can make a powder out of it. To do this, try to crush it with a spoon or wrap it in a napkin and crush it with a hammer. The powder should be mixed with jam or honey and eaten. This will help protect the esophagus and oral cavity from negative impact pancreatin.

During pregnancy, it is very important to read the instructions for using mezym in order to know some of the nuances of using the medicine. For example, after taking the medicine, you need to be in an upright position for about 5 minutes, otherwise the tablet shell will begin to dissolve in the esophagus.

If you take the drug together with folic acid, its absorption is reduced. That is why you need to maintain a half-hour interval before taking several medications. During pregnancy, only the doctor must calculate the dose of mezim and decide whether to drink it or not.

Prevention of stomach problems

During pregnancy, you need to eat right so as not to think whether it is possible to be treated with mezim. Avoid spicy, smoked and fried foods. If you really want to, eat, but in small portions and not regularly. Try to eat regularly, at least 3 times a day.

There is a rule that the portion should be the same as your own fist. This is the only way to get enough, but not overeat. Try drinking half a glass before meals. warm water... This will allow the stomach to work.

Strictly adhere to the dosage

Pay attention to the selection of the diet. You need to regularly consume dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables. You should not eat at night, because in this case, there is usually a strong heaviness in the stomach.

If you adhere to these recommendations during pregnancy, you do not have to ask your doctor if you can take mezim tablets. The digestive system will work well and unpleasant sensations in the stomach can be avoided.

Daria Kasatkina:

During pregnancy I took the drug mezim forte when my stomach was swollen. The doctor prescribed this very remedy. It helped right away.

Olga Voronina:

I took mezim because during pregnancy in the 1st trimester I ate fried potatoes. It was her own fault, but she could not resist. The doctor then said not to self-medicate and this drug should not be in the 1st trimester. Everything worked out for me, fortunately.

During pregnancy, a woman's body occurs physiological processes, affecting, among other things, the digestive system: the acidity and position of the stomach changes due to squeezing of it by the uterus, intestinal motility slows down, the liver increases and the gallbladder is disrupted. In addition, toxicosis, changes taste preferences and increased appetite... As a result, digestion can fail, causing not only discomfort and pain, but also impaired assimilation. nutrients.

In order to normalize the condition of the gastrointestinal tract of pregnant women, domestic gastroenterologists often prescribe Mezim Forte, an over-the-counter drug produced by the German pharmaceutical company Berlin-Chemie. When using drugs by an expectant mother, the safety criterion is of decisive importance. So is it possible to take Mezim during pregnancy and will it not harm the mother and the fetus?

The drug contains the active substance pancreatin, which consists of proteases, lipase and amylase - the same digestive enzymes that the pancreas synthesizes. Proteases are responsible for the breakdown of proteins, lipase - for the breakdown of fats, amylase - for carbohydrates.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of digestive disorders caused by insufficient or low activity of digestive enzymes in the pancreas or intestines (maldigestion syndrome).

The reasons for this phenomenon:

  • chronic inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) and other disruptions in its work;
  • characteristic functional disorders pancreas (cystic fibrosis);
  • problems caused by swelling or gallstones;
  • dysfunction of the gallbladder and liver;
  • accelerated flow of food through the intestines after surgery on the stomach or intestines;
  • Difficulty digesting certain foods, which leads to problems with nutrient absorption and dysfunction of the digestive system, causing loss of appetite, belching, nausea and diarrhea;
  • intolerance to gluten - the protein contained in the grains of rye, wheat, barley;
  • inflammatory bowel disease (particularly Crohn's disease);
  • diabetes;
  • acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Symptoms of enzymatic insufficiency of the digestive system are:

  • a feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • heartburn;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea, regular or recurrent;
  • violation of appetite;
  • fatigue;
  • pain in the abdomen that is difficult to localize.

As a rule, discomfort appears after eating fried, fatty, spicy foods. To establish the need for the use of Mezim, it is not enough just to complain about digestive problems, it is necessary laboratory analysis for enzymes.

Can Mezim be taken during pregnancy?

Mezim is not prophylactic agent, a medical drug, taken strictly according to indications - when it is impossible to process food normally due to enzyme deficiency.

According to the instructions for use, there are no contraindications to the use of Mezim Forte during pregnancy. According to the manufacturers, the drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream, the active substances correspond to the natural enzymes of the pancreas, and the auxiliary ingredients (microcrystalline cellulose, sodium salt, magnesium stearate, lactose, silicon dioxide) are harmless.

However, no medicine can be said with complete certainty that it is safe during pregnancy. Even with the most safe, at first glance, composition, there is a risk of short-term or long-term consequences for the fetus or mother.

The manufacturer leaves the question of whether it is possible to drink Mezim during pregnancy at the discretion of doctors and patients, warning in the instructions about the need to assess possible risks and the woman's condition. Simply put, no one can say with certainty whether this medicine is harmless, but with serious problems with digestion and the ineffectiveness of non-drug means, a woman can use it at her own peril and risk.

For this reason, some doctors are wary of Mezim, preferring to first normalize the diet (excluding spicy, fatty, fried), daily regimen (walks and lungs physical exercise) and try safe alternative methods improving digestion and enzymatic function.


Mezim is not suitable for everyone. It cannot be taken in the following cases:

  • allergy (hypersensitivity) to pancreatin or any of the ingredients of the medicine;
  • during acute inflammation or exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the pancreas in advanced stage diseases.

Pancreatin interacts with other medications, this should also be taken into account when prescribing it. It reduces absorption folic acid, iron, antihyperglycemic drugs. Calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide (antacids) reduce the effectiveness of the drug.


It is available as a gastro-resistant tablet composed of proteases, amylase and lipase. They are obtained from the pancreas of pigs, combined with excipients and covered with a special protective membrane that allows the enzymes to be carried directly to the stomach.

The tablet must dissolve in the stomach, so you cannot chew it, and also take the medicine while lying down, since the disintegration of the membrane can already begin in the esophagus and the enzymes simply will not reach the destination. Some gastroenterologists recommend that when taking Mezim, wash it down with jelly to prevent premature dissolution.

There are 3 forms of drug release, depending on the enzyme activity of enzymes: Mezim Forte, Mezim Forte 10,000 and 20,000.

Mezim Forte:

  • lipase activity 3500 units;
  • amylase - 4200 U;
  • protease - 250 units

Mezim Forte 10000:

  • lipase 10,000 U;
  • proteases - 375 units;
  • amylase - 7500 U

Mezim Forte 20,000:

  • lipase 20,000 IU;
  • amylase 12000 IU;
  • protease 900 U

The first drug compensates for the lack of enzyme activity, the second and third are prescribed with a strong deficiency of lipase, amylase and protease.

Mezim must be taken exactly according to the instructions of the gastroenterologist, who will prescribe the dose in accordance with the needs. The usual single dose for an adult is 1-2 tablets 4 times a day before meals, if necessary, the dose is increased to 4 tablets. The maximum daily dose is assigned at the rate of 15,000-20,000 IU of lipase per kilogram of weight in case of absolute deficiency of its own enzymes.

Mezim works best when stored in the body at a constant volume. For these purposes, it is recommended to be careful about the doses and time of administration.

Side effects

Like all medicines, Mezim can cause side effects, including:

  • narrowing of the lower intestine in patients with mucosidosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach discomfort and nausea;
  • increased excretion of uric acid in urine (hyperuricosuria) and blood (hyperuricemia);
  • an allergic reaction: skin rash, lacrimation and shortness of breath.

No contraindications indicating risks to the fetus have been identified.


There are analogues of the drug:

  1. Pancreatin. There are slightly fewer active substances in it; it is produced by pharmaceutical companies in the CIS countries. Enzyme activity of enzymes in preparations under the brand name Pancreatin varies: lipase from 3000 to 4300 IU, amylase from 1700 to 3500 IU, protease from 130 to 200 IU.
  2. Creon 10000 is produced by the German company Abbott. These are gelatin capsules containing spheres soluble in gastric juice with natural pork pancreatin (lipase 10,000 U, amylase 8,000 U, protease 600 U).
  3. Hermital from the German company Nordmark Artsneimittel, capsules with pancreatin containing 10,000, 25,000 or 36,000 U of lipase.
  4. Festal is a well-known Indian drug. In addition to pancreatin (lipase activity 6000 U, amylase 4500 U, protease 300 U), bovine bile extract is included - it stimulates its own production of lipase and bile.
  5. Enzistal is very similar to Festal, it is also developed by Indian pharmacists and contains bovine bile. Enzyme activity of protease - 300 units, lipase - 6000 units, amylase - 4500 units.
  6. Micrasim is similar to Mezim and is manufactured by the Russian company Pharmstandard. The activity and composition are similar to the German drug.
  7. Panzinorm is produced by the German company KRKA. In addition to pancreatin, they contain extracts of the mucous membrane of the stomach and bile of cows. The enzyme activity of drugs depends on the form of release: lipase 10,000–20,000 U, amylase 7,200–12,000 U, and protease 400–900 U.

Mezim Forte - medicinal product, prescribed for deficiency or decreased activity of pancreatic enzymes. During pregnancy, this can occur both as a result of diseases, including congenital ones, and physiological changes or dieting disorders.

Many people think that enzyme medicines are harmless. In fact, Mezim has some contraindications and side effects, and during pregnancy, the long-term consequences of taking it are unpredictable, since adequate studies of the effect of the drug on the body of expectant mothers and their children have not been conducted. It is not taken for prophylaxis - this is a full-fledged medicine that, before prescribing, requires a diagnosis by a gastroenterologist and strict adherence to the rules of admission and dosage.

Olga Rogozhkina


Mezim is an enzymatic compensator that improves performance digestive tract... Its main task is to help the body digest food. Mezim is considered a conditionally safe drug, its appointment is 100% justified in the absence or lack of a woman's own food enzymes, which can be dangerous for an unborn child. In other cases, it is better not to expose the body of the expectant mother to additional stress, replacing Mezim with non-drug methods of dealing with digestive problems. This is a rejection of "heavy" and "harmful" food (fried, salty, smoked, fatty, spicy), sufficient consumption of fermented milk products and vegetables, the exclusion of late dinners. If a woman is healthy, then these recommendations will help to establish the work of the digestive system without taking Mezim.

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It's no secret that pregnancy is not only pleasant emotions but also certain difficulties. These difficulties are not only psychological, but also physical. Women often experience unpleasant pains, including in the stomach. In order for the gastrointestinal tract to function better (and the diet of pregnant women is greatly modified), it is necessary to use medications that help relieve discomfort. Some of the most successful and widespread remedies are Mezim and Festal.

Festal during pregnancy

At the very beginning of pregnancy female body behaves differently: it produces many hormones. Certain hormones are produced in order to smooth the uterine muscles, achieving motor activity... All this is provided by nature in order not to have a miscarriage, the likelihood of which, unfortunately, is high by initial stage pregnancy.

Since everything in the body is interconnected, then similar changes strongly affect the digestive system. In addition, the hormones produced also act on the muscles of the stomach, which affects its work.

A decrease in stomach acidity is possible, which ultimately can lead to a deterioration in digestion and, as a result, to:

  • Constipation;
  • Bloating
  • Gas formation;
  • Heartburn;
  • Nausea;
  • Heaviness in the stomach;
  • Vomiting.

This is only part of what can happen to the body due to a weakened stomach under the influence of hormones. It is worth considering that emotionally girls in such a period are too exhausted and unstable, and such troubles only enhance the effect.

Doctors often prescribe enzyme preparations in such situations. They help to quickly break down and absorb proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

But not all doctors can prescribe such medications, since there is great amount contraindications, however, there are no contraindications for Festal. Festal can be taken throughout pregnancy. It contains lipase, protease and amylase - these are enzymes. The enzymes contained in Festal are involved in digestion, forcing the organs of the digestive system to produce the necessary enzymes.

While Festal is safe, there are a number of requirements for when to drink it.:

  • When it is already difficult for a pregnant woman without a drug and a change in diet or proper nutrition do not help;
  • Take medication only with the permission of your doctor;
  • The presence of diseases such as cystic fibrosis, impaired functioning of the digestive system due to radiation, chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract or chronic pancreatitis in the stage of persistent remission.

Festal is also convenient for taking in the early stages of pregnancy, but still it has contraindications. Cannot be taken with acute pancreatitis and at the stage chronic exacerbation, with diseases of the liver and biliary tract, with intestinal obstruction, acute diseases gastrointestinal tract. Do not mix Festal with iron-containing preparations (in case of anemia in a pregnant woman) and with drugs that reduce acidity.

It is important that the instructions for use are read before use. Festal is taken with food or immediately after a meal if the pregnant woman forgot to take pills while eating. If suddenly the medicine led to discomfort, for example, constipation, diarrhea, caused heartburn or feelings of nausea, as well as vomiting, then it is better to refuse to take it right away. If there are no unpleasant sensations, then pregnant women can safely take the medicine, but not for too long.

Mezim during pregnancy: is it possible or not

Currently, with a delicate situation, girls have huge selection drugs to normalize the condition of the stomach and intestines: Mezim forte, Espumisan, Tsizin, Enzistal. These substances should be used only after the advice of a doctor, and it should also be borne in mind that they are based on enzymes and excipients. Of course, they can be used during pregnancy, but they must not be abused, and the intake must be monitored, otherwise even a harmless drug will be harmful.

Mezim helps if:

  • The body does not have enough enzymes for normal digestion, this is especially true if the first trimester of pregnancy is in progress (Mezim contains the necessary enzymes);
  • The digestive system experiences discomfort, such as a heaviness in the stomach.

But any drug has contraindications that prohibit its use, Mezim is also no exception to this rule.

Contraindications Mezim

Annotation to the medicine contains both positive and negative reviews, therefore expectant mother you need to be careful.

Contraindications when using Mezim:

  • In no case should Mezim be consumed by nursing mothers;
  • Taking the pills can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • If you take pills for a long time, then the level of lactic acid in the blood may change;
  • Possible allergy to pills, especially if you also drink them often (for example, urticaria);
  • Very rare, but anaphylactic shock and edema occur.

Care should be taken, especially when it comes to the first child in the early stages, even though Mezim is not absorbed into the bloodstream, but it is worth remembering that any drugs are prescribed by doctors and they know better what is needed and in what cases, and whether a drug is needed at all, and how much to take and in what periods.

How to take Mezim

On any package of the medicine there is an instruction for use, there is it on the Mezim tablets.

The instruction is as follows:

  1. The medicine is taken orally with food, it is not chewed and washed down. enough water (for example, a glass).
  2. The dosage is set individually, depending on the characteristics of the disease.
  3. Adults take one or two tablets, the attending physician, if necessary, may increase the dosage, but on condition that the symptoms of the disease decrease.
  4. It is not recommended to exceed daily rate enzymes contained in the medicine.
  5. The duration of treatment can vary from several days to several months, depending on the condition of the person who is sick.

Of course, if there is an opportunity not to take, then it is better not to take medications, for example, the heaviness in the stomach can relieve chamomile tea... A pregnant woman should adhere to a certain diet, without overeating and overuse food at night.

The use of Mezim during early pregnancy

In the early stages, mezim is also prescribed.

The drug promotes:

  • Elimination of discomfort in the stomach;
  • Helps the body with overeating;
  • At correct dosage harmless and not absorbed into the blood.

Such advantages of the drug have made it one of the most popular remedies. To avoid an overdose, you should not take more than four tablets a day. But this dosage is also prescribed by the attending physician. You should be more careful if you have to take several medications.

If it is difficult for the expectant mother to eat the pills, they can be crumbled or broken for more convenient ingestion. To protect the body from influence active substance, and so that pancreatin does not harm, tablets should be taken with honey or jam. Also, after taking the drug, it is recommended to be in an upright position for about five minutes, that is, to stand or walk.

The health of the baby depends on the health of the mother. Two people are connected, so the mother has to endure a lot for the sake of the baby, so taking medications is necessary in extreme cases, even when it comes to safe Mezima.

Why take Festal during pregnancy (video)

Unfortunately, no one can guarantee that the treatment will go well. It is important to always consult a doctor and avoid medications if there is an alternative to their use. If any pain in the stomach has arisen, you should not immediately take pills for abdominal pains, since such symptoms can be harbingers of another disease, and taking medications for the wrong disease may well harm the fetus.